Your thoughts on that bastard Ramsey Fucking Snow?


That ending was fucking brutal it hit me so hard in the feels.
While I did expect Ramsey to do something foolish, I didn't think he'd actually "kill" the fucking lord of that house.
I was wondering if anyone else met Ramsey at the gates?
Like why would you invite a brutal house that was once loyal to you into your Stronghold?
I know they were allies and all but fuck.



  • The word 'fuck' and variations of it were used 5 times in this thread.

  • Im pretty sure there is 1 or more traitors in the house. I found so much about them suspicious....someone had to of let them in because thats way too big of a screw up if they just HAARRR walked right in.

  • Not fucking enough. :)

    The word 'fuck' and variations of it were used 5 times in this thread.

  • YES RIGHT? Like who the fuck let them in through the gates?

    PHub07 posted: »

    Im pretty sure there is 1 or more traitors in the house. I found so much about them suspicious....someone had to of let them in because thats way too big of a screw up if they just HAARRR walked right in.

  • He even taunts you from afar!

    Alt text

  • Yeah, fuck it. Let's fucking discuss this motherfucking topic, shall we?

    The motherfucking ending was fucking brutal and fucking fucked up but I fucking love fucking Ramsay motherfucking Snow/Bolton! So, fucking sorry for you, Ethan, but a certain motherfucker is awesome.

    Fuck yeah.


    Soley posted: »

    Not fucking enough.

  • Ramsay's fucking Snow? Bigby's gonna kill him.

  • I don't actually hate the guy, at first. But after the first episode, I have a burning hatred against him. Fuck the Whitehils, Fuck the Boltons, Fuck Ramsey Snow.

  • The dad told your guy to ONLY tell the Uncle about the Grove...that right there means he probably knows there is traitors amongst them. Then when you came back....the mother seemed suspicious in the way she asked you if he said anything. Then when she came in while Whitehall was throwing a fit....there seemed to be something going on with those they were in on some plot. Even the Maester wanted to know if you were told to say anything.....Its possible at least one of those instances was just the game giving you a chance to screw up your promise (if you promised). But all together it felt off to me.

    Someone in there was traitor that much is obvious.

    Soley posted: »

    YES RIGHT? Like who the fuck let them in through the gates?

  • edited December 2014

    I met Ramsey at the gates and just only let him and that lord in.but just have some dialogues at the gate then Ramsey still will into the hall.(then that crowd of soldiers come in too)
    After the ending, I thought Ramsey is an absolute bastard.(he is a bastard and a "bastard")

  • I'm extremely impressed with what they did with him. I had no idea who he was before playing the episode and in a matter of about 20 minutes of screen time they managed to portray just how much of a brutal monster he is.

  • ... is it bad that I still like him?

  • I know it's unlikely, but I really hope he gets what's coming to him.

  • Trust me he is WAY more brutal in the show.

    Rhagavar posted: »

    I'm extremely impressed with what they did with him. I had no idea who he was before playing the episode and in a matter of about 20 minutes of screen time they managed to portray just how much of a brutal monster he is.

  • I love him ^_^ Now that Joefrey is dead he is my favorite :D

  • Ahhh i loved that scene :D

    Churned posted: »

    He even taunts you from afar!

  • I like him too, he bring joy to the show :D

    That1Guy posted: »

    ... is it bad that I still like him?

  • Greatest character in the GoT-universe. Love him! (And hate him, of course)

  • Well that's Ramsay for ya. He just needs some fatherly love. :)

  • It was brutal but also presented his character in a wonderful way. The entire episode, he was set up as 'the dreaded' by almost all the characters...and then he certainly lived up to it! Too bad he's got plot armor and won't be killable

    But his Winterfell sidekick 'porkchop' or whatever the fat fuck's name is...he's gonna get what's coming to him.

  • So Ethan dies no matter what? Or i just fucked up a whole House? Beutiful episode. I love this kind of torture.

  • edited December 2014

    If you're not familiar with the book or the show, then his line about going hunting with Talia may have gone somewhat unnoticed. While they lighten his 'hobby' a bit in the show, anyone who has read the book probably got a chill when he said that.

    Ramsay likes to hunt, and his favorite quarry is young women. He strips them naked and sets them loose in the forest, with a half days head start, before he and his friends begin the pursuit with hounds and horses and horns. When they find the girl, he and his friends rape her, flay her, feed the corpse to his dogs and take the skin back to the Dreadfort as a trophy. Those who give him good sport before he catches them are killed before he starts flaying. Those who cry and whimper and refuse to give him a good chase are kept alive until after the flaying is done.

    Yeah. Suffice to say, Ramsay is a really, really bad person.

    Rhagavar posted: »

    I'm extremely impressed with what they did with him. I had no idea who he was before playing the episode and in a matter of about 20 minutes of screen time they managed to portray just how much of a brutal monster he is.

  • Ramseys a cool character and villan I like him

  • So far, I don't like the choice of making him a main villain. It might have been interesting if he was a product of the game, but why direct all of our investment and ire against an enemy we can't take any direct action against for fear of upsetting canon?

  • Yes he was the main villain of the episode one but we have no idea how big or small his role will be in the future episodes. I mean what would he have to do with the Forresters anymore? He did his part, now it's for the Whitehills to do their own job.

    Well of course the Forresters could try to avenge Ethan but that would be a suicide and not only because Ramsay is canon.

    Mikejames posted: »

    So far, I don't like the choice of making him a main villain. It might have been interesting if he was a product of the game, but why direct

  • Yeah, about the traitor within Ironrath, it may be possibile that it's just a red herring from telltale, but it looks like Lady Forrester is the traitor. That time when she appears to Lord Whitehill and he goes all nervous was really suspicious to me, she pratically commands him to behave, like somthing was going on between them. It's ok that he respects her more then a teenager, but to the point of being nervous around her... huum I dunno.

  • Why would she betray her own children? If she actually is a traitor, there had better be a very good explanation for it.

    Mephistobr posted: »

    Yeah, about the traitor within Ironrath, it may be possibile that it's just a red herring from telltale, but it looks like Lady Forrester is


    Pipas posted: »

    Ramsay's fucking Snow? Bigby's gonna kill him.

  • So far, I don't like the choice of making him a main villain. It might have been interesting if he was a product of the game, but why direct all of our investment and ire against an enemy we can't take any direct action against

    I agree to a point but for me it made the Forresters much better for me as they were the only real new additions, we know Ramsey so he dosnt hog the attention as much. That and a bit of fanservice, I found it odd Tyrion was in the hall at all given the time period where he isnt master of anything right now.

    I'll assume we will get out own smaller villans later

    Mikejames posted: »

    So far, I don't like the choice of making him a main villain. It might have been interesting if he was a product of the game, but why direct

  • This is before the purple wedding so Tyrion is the master of the coin still.

    So far, I don't like the choice of making him a main villain. It might have been interesting if he was a product of the game, but why direct

  • I really don't know why, but she probably had some kind of agreement with the Whitehill and maybe the Boltons, and they weren't supposed to hurt her children. Also, if you tell her about the North Grove, her reaction is also a lot more suspicious than the maester's. So I don't know but she's definitely one of the candidates.

    MrMiyagi posted: »

    Why would she betray her own children? If she actually is a traitor, there had better be a very good explanation for it.

  • Ramsey fucking Snow, we need to torture him and piss on his wound!

  • Unfortunately, we're not gonna kill him.
    In the books, he survived 'til now, so I highly doubt Martin will made one of the Forrester to be his killer (and our saviour: the lad is batshit crazy).

    But I'm quite certain Whitehill is gonna die, someway. Painfully, if it's possible. :V

  • Wow, I had a feeling that line bore nothing but extremely bad intentions, enough so that I did all I could to keep him away from Talia. And still I had no idea how bad it actually was.

    This only interests me more in at least watching the show, which I am certainly planning on doing now. Hopefully the first episode of the game didn't spoil too much, though I figure I probably wouldn't understand much of it even if it did.

    MrMiyagi posted: »

    If you're not familiar with the book or the show, then his line about going hunting with Talia may have gone somewhat unnoticed. While they

  • His Brutality <3

    Churned posted: »

    He even taunts you from afar!

  • Yeah like at first he seemed like a chill/humble guy, then BAM outta no-where he just kills Ethan!
    And in the TV show he cuts off a Greyjoy's penis (Theon), mentally torments him, and calls him reek.
    Ramsey Snow is pretty unusual..

    I don't actually hate the guy, at first. But after the first episode, I have a burning hatred against him. Fuck the Whitehils, Fuck the Boltons, Fuck Ramsey Snow.

  • Joffrey isn't dead in the game yet, he is still the king.
    Unless you're talking about the show. :)

  • Ramsay is awesome. He's a character I hate, but I love to hate him. I hope Reek shows up with him at some point. :)

  • edited December 2014

    Ohhh.... I like it... Elissa is a traitor, and arranged for the gates to be opened. She probably didn't realize that Ramsay would go so far as to kill her son, but yes... her treacherous plots, and her secret relationship with Ludd Whitehill. How dare she. I am going to keep an eye on mommy dearest.

    Edit: Oh my God, and she is planning a dynastic marriage between Asher and Ludd's daughter! That monster... Okay, I am going to have to kill Elissa just in case. The Maester also. It is going to get messy, before I was just going to kill the Whitehill house in revenge, but now the Forresters have to die too.

    PHub07 posted: »

    The dad told your guy to ONLY tell the Uncle about the Grove...that right there means he probably knows there is traitors amongst them. Then

  • Just fucking slaughter everyone...Just in case. XD

    Duruial posted: »

    Ohhh.... I like it... Elissa is a traitor, and arranged for the gates to be opened. She probably didn't realize that Ramsay would go so far

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