Your thoughts on that bastard Ramsey Fucking Snow?



  • I didn't think he was actually going to do anything important. I thought he was a paper boogeyman, not in setting, but to the story. That they were banking on the fact that the audience would rightly fear him, but weren't intending to hit us over the head with him, not in episode 1. Well they went for broke.

    He acted in a very Ramsay fashion. Sadistic, vulgar, psychotic, impulsive. He's bitter about being a bastard. He's loyal to his father in his own way. He's not nice to anyone, not even his own bannermen. He has a dark sense of humor. And in his most Ramsay like way, his seemingly insanely impulsive, pointless, self defeating actions. Are actually fairly practical. He has taken the lord of the Forrestors hostage their last proper heir, has tossed their whole family into confusion, and put them in a position to comply or die. Did he have to do that? No, but it does actually really help his cause.

  • Great character as always.

  • I went with the meet him inside the hall option, because I kinda expected that this meant meeting the motherfucker alone in the hall, not being stupid enough to let him bring a fucking army past the gates to enforce his craziness. I remember Ramsay in the books had a real issue with being disrespected, would kill people for calling him by his bastard name Snow and such, so I though treating him with respect and like a proper lord would get me on his good side for the moment. Oh boy was I wrong. Can't wait till next "episode"!

  • People who root for the evil guys usually like Ramsay, Cersei, Ilyn Paine, etc.

    Drealgrin posted: »

    People hate Joffrey because he reacts.People hold a negative view towards people who react to things. It's strange. Even if they are good pe

  • The fight against the Greyjoys was the worst fucking thing they decided to adapt to the show, because it was never in the books.

    rediane posted: »

    To be honnest, I love him ! I mean, come on, he tortured that fucking traitor reek ! and didn't u see his fights with the greyjoys ? with all the scars ! he's just one mean bastard, but he's still badass !

  • They actually did an awful job. Show's Ramsay Snow is sarcastic, funny and fluffy.

    The book's Ramsay Snow is serious, evil and usually much more attentive.

    KCohere posted: »

    They did a good job of making him as psycho crazy as he is on the show. I'm glad they ep were able to get the original actor to voice him too. He gives me chills.

  • I agree that it was one of the worst things in season 4, maybe even the whole show, but not because it wasn't in the books but simply because it was a stupid scene. There are non-book moments in the show that really are great, the best of them probably those season 2 Tywin & Arya -scenes in Harrenhal.

    The fight against the Greyjoys was the worst fucking thing they decided to adapt to the show, because it was never in the books.

  • KCohere probably means that TTG did a good job with making the character as he is in the show. Anyway, you're right show!Ramsay is different from book!Ramsay but it doesn't really bother me because he is very enjoyable villain in both and the story works with this kind of Ramsay too.

    They actually did an awful job. Show's Ramsay Snow is sarcastic, funny and fluffy. The book's Ramsay Snow is serious, evil and usually much more attentive.

  • What grinded me is that Ramsay was a lord at that point, he wouldn't just risk his life fighting bare against a bunch of Greyjoys.

    I agree that it was one of the worst things in season 4, maybe even the whole show, but not because it wasn't in the books but simply becaus

  • A handsome young gent

  • Yeah, and without any armor, duh. -.-

    What grinded me is that Ramsay was a lord at that point, he wouldn't just risk his life fighting bare against a bunch of Greyjoys.

  • He's fantastic. You should read the books. He's far more brutal.

  • And far more hot headed and far more stupid.

    retroberrii posted: »

    He's fantastic. You should read the books. He's far more brutal.

  • And also Lord of Winterfell.

    And far more hot headed and far more stupid.

  • True dat.

    retroberrii posted: »

    And also Lord of Winterfell.

  • Am I the only one who expected a homosexual fanfiction?...

  • Yes, lol.

    Am I the only one who expected a homosexual fanfiction?...

  • Just dont call him snow and Everything will be fine.

  • Where is the option to stab Ramsey in the neck? I totally would have chosen that!

  • Soley, I played this episodes a couple of different ways and they that fucker Snow still managed to get in no matter which way I played the episode. If you watch and read Game of Thrones religiously like I do you knew something bad was going to happen, but I agree I didn't think he was going to kill Ethan that came as a "SHOCKER" LOL! Anyhow good luck playing the game I can't wait for the next episode to come out hopefully it will be this week!

  • NIghtShade1313 I agree, I wish there was an option to stab Ramsey in the neck!

    Where is the option to stab Ramsey in the neck? I totally would have chosen that!

  • It won't.

    Next week maybe or the week after that or next month.

  • Well he is a well written character, a villain that gets under people's skin (pun not attended). As brutal as that ending was its not out of place for the character, he dose violent acts that he enjoys, something happens he acts on impulse he doesn't think things through long-term, he kills somebody he doesn't think about what the effects it would have on the allies of the people he kills.

    If Ramsey Snow returns for future episodes, and I don't see why he wouldn't please tell me if I am wrong but he is the main villain of game of thrones: tell-tale game, we the players are going to see a lot more violence from him. He is a psychopath. That is just who he is in the books and the show, through tell-tale are working with the people who create the show, so Ramsey will appear like he is in the show.

  • who the bloody hell roots for ilyn paine or ramsay?

    People who root for the evil guys usually like Ramsay, Cersei, Ilyn Paine, etc.

  • Yeah, I met the bastard at the gates and was pretty sure he was going to kill someone from my family, although I thought it would be the sister or the little brother, certainly not the lord himself, but that's Ramsay for you. Intelligent, manipulative and batshit crazy.

    About inviting him, you have to remember that Ramsay IS the son, even if he is a bastard, of the Warden of the North and not inviting him would probably mean insta death for House Ironwood.

  • people that like interesting and entertaining characters and dislike the stark family like me.

    Drealgrin posted: »

    who the bloody hell roots for ilyn paine or ramsay?

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