What should happen to Clementine? (PREDICTION POLL)
Prediction Poll
So in Season two the big debate was Kenny or Luke, then it became Kenny or Jane..
But now Season 2 has wrapped up and Clementine is alive no matter what play through, so now the big question is.. What happens to Clementine? Ill be discussing both sides of the argument and give my opinion.
No Clementine - Lots of users dont want Clementine to appear for many reasons a big one is lots of players think that Clementine is getting old. We've already seen her for two seasons and she isnt new and 'exicting' which some players want. Others would prefer a clean slate no Kenny, no AJ,no Jane and yes... no Clementine. Another side of this debate are those who dont want Clementine for writting reasons, they dont like how she was written in season 2.
Middle - The middle of this arugment are those who cant make up there mind or would prefer if Clementine was a side character and not playable.
Playable Clementine- Many players think Clementine should be playable because theyve grown to love her and feel attached to Clementine almost as you would to a real person. Why throw her away if you dont have too? why not stay with Clementine until the end? Theres a small section that feel telltale has struggled to write good characters anymore so getting rid of Clementine could put The Walking Dead at risk of being a flop. Many also say that Clementine is the only reason they still play.
So heres my idea
Maybe we could settle this debate once and for all, almost like an election the first thing in an election is the debating... so tell me in the comments where you stand. Yes (playable), No (non playable), undecided.
Dec.5th - 7th - Debating
Dec.8th - Prediction poll
Dec.9th - 11th - end Debating (I will make campaign signs)
Dec. 12th - Election day
Hopefully some of you will be into this the more users, the more fun.
I'd rather have Clementine as the protagonist, it doesn't make sense to me to change characters. Especially after the underwhelming ending we got int Season two.
I kind of disagree hoenstly, i thought the endings were well done especially the kenny endings.
I thought Kenny's endings were much better than the Jane's, they were really disappointing.
It'd be kind of weird to make her a side character again. But it would be cool though for example if you were sassy Clem in season 2, then she'd be sassy to you in season 3.
A slow, agonizing, lonely death.
oh... so a no i guess? XD
I actually don't know. Either option is pretty risky by this point.
Demoting her away back into a deuteragonist role will feel strange, but at the same time it might allow for her characterization to be more consistent. Ideally, I'd like to play as someone like Christa and deal with the fact that the girl you thought you once knew is no longer recognizable.
Yup, honestly i cant make up my mind ethier. Thats why i kind of thought this would be fun.
HAHA, if they make her side character i hope they do that.
I want Clementine as the protagonist for the simple reason for, I love her more than I love anyone else, I treat her like shes my sister and care for her the same way.
no Clementine, no Jane, no Kenny..... shouldn't this be a DLC of season 2 like the 400 days... if that's what they want
I would love for Clementine to come back, the entire game has always been about her journey and her growth as a character in the apocalypse. I feel attached to her character, and if Telltale were to dump her, not only would I be disappointed, but that means they have to start over from scratch. It would be easier to continue Clementine's story than to start fresh.
But if they do decide to dump Clem, I would still probably play the game, Telltale makes great games and they have not disappointed me yet.
Personally, Clementine shouldn't be the protagonist anymore and should stick to being the supporting character instead. From Episode 1 and 2, she worked well as a playable character, but from Episode 3 and beyond the story went too far in portraying her as a 'badass, overly competent, eleven year old' that stretches the suspension of disbelief a little too far for my taste.
Next thing Telltale will do is make her a walking one-liner gal with an 'tude, and start wrestling zombies she comes across before she event hit puberty while all the adults around her suddenly develop brain damage and not know how to feed themselves without Clementine telling them what to do. Of course I jest, but you never know.
I won't lose sleep if Clementine is the protagonist again, but I do expect her to gain actual development and a story arc of her own instead of being overshadowed by someone like Kenny again.
"Getting old?" What, are they having some kind of weird issue with Clem growing up? I'd love to play as a teenage Clementine. It sounds to me like these particular users suffer from Peter Pan syndrome. They have the image of Clem as a little girl firmly rooted inside their brains, and they can't visualize her under any other light.
Theres kind of two different meanings
Getting old as in her character isnt intresting anymore.
and getting old as in they dont want to play as adult Clementine
Either make her a side character again or don't have her return at all.
You missed another choice a large portion want to see: returning her to the position of deuterogamist or VIC (very important character).
"Of course I jest, but you never know."
Considering how dangerously close they brought that to actualization this season I really wouldn't put it past them....
She saw Clementine change over the course of the 16 month time skip (fuckin' shit...). She has already seen her change from the good hearted girl from S1 into whatever you made her into for S2. Chances are Clementine won't do a whole lot of personality changing from the end of S2 onwards, and she didn't change much during S2 (since the basis for her personality was supposed to be her time with Christa, that we never get to see / hear / know about). The girl Christa thought she once knew is the same girl she would see again, unless they skipped years in which she manifested into something even weirder, and potentially more off putting, than she is now. Your idea would only work with someone who has been separated from her for a long time, and that time would have to be set in a timeframe where she actually did meaningfully changed, and that certainly wasn't season two. Lily, for example. (Not saying they should bring her back, just that it would make sense from that perspective.)
I want to play as AJ in S3. Then, in S4 with a zygote.
No kidding now, come back Clem ;-;
Guys, the TV show is centered around Rick (don't watch it, my only knowledge).
The game is centered around Clementine. And always should be. That is what makes this th Telltale walking dead game!
Honestly, if I asked you to name one character that pops into your head first from this game, it would be Clem for the majority of us! She's like my daughter now, I wouldn't be able to enjoy the next season without her!
If i was writing the game write now. I would start Clementine with some real bad emotional problems. I would just deal with that for a while, she starts abusing drugs/alcohol to escape reality. She becomes more like becca, kind of a jerk, she doesn't care about others, but also give her that emotional breakdown so everyone can have their feel moment.
But then you would have a bunch of people saying that they are taking away Clem's innocence and what not, getting people who love her for her Season 1 characteristics pissed off. Frankly, no matter what Telltale does, it's going to get people pissed off, it's a lose-lose situation when you look at it.
IMO the ship has sailed long ago. How many people has she killed, got killed, affected in a negative way.
Look, I agree with you, you can't have someone who has witnessed the death of everyone around her keep that same kind of innocence that she had in Season 1, especially when she feels guilty for many of their deaths (especially for Lee, but I remember discussing her survivor's guilt with you so I won't get into that). But there are some people on here who became so attached to her Season 1 character that they only want that, not this new Clem we have in Season 2 (which I actually prefer).
I'm just saying that if they went in that path, it would tick a lot of people off if they went that far with Clem's character.
Huh, good point
Eh, if Season 3 were to take place a couple of years away from now, that'd leave room for another time-skip/personality reset for Clem.
Which would nullify the entire point of Hashtag-My-Clementine.
I would say: a side character starting in Episode 3 of Season 3 - with "your" personality of Season 2.
I would love as main character someone like Nate from "40 Days" (oh people would hate that)
Sad that Maggie/Glenn and Daryl are in the series - would like to play Maggie of Daryl (or side character)
Or it would be interesting to play someone with the personality of Rhys/Fiona/Sasha (TFTB) in the world of Walking Dead.
I said it once before and I'll say it again, I don't want Season 3 to feature Clementine at all. I am 100% satisfied with my ending and I don't want to see it thrown to the side 15 minutes into the season.
Make sure to vote for prediction poll, it ends Dec. 8th
Easy decision for me. Clementine has to be the main playable character. Nothing else will suffice.
Why, well because as you have rightly stated, she has been there since day one. We have been with her through everything. Lee, Kenny, Duck, Katja and then we had Lilly, Carly, Larry and Ben. We went to hell and back with Clementine. Throughout all the cannibal business, she was a constant figure.
In the latter half of Season One we were introduced to Chuck, Omid and Christa. Then of course tragedy struck with the death of Duck, which obviously scarred Clementine, and we went through that with her.
She was our conscience in Season One. Without her, I bet most of our decisions would have been much different. I could go through each and every one which Clementine influenced. From killing the brothers to dropping Ben.
Then of course we had the end of episode four where Lee was bitten, that led to the dire consequences which Clementine still blames herself for.
Are we just going to leave that, or see how it shapes her life. Some players blame her for Lee being bitten, others don't and it's that conflict that makes this game so unique.
Season Two, even with it's many flaws carries on the argument and debate. In episode one, we had the conversation with Luke at the table where she states she considers herself responsible for Lees death because she ran away. She can also say people die because of me. Which in many ways is absolutely true. I know I would put a child before myself, but would every player? This is why we get the debate.
I know many people didn't agree with Kenny's return. I for one did. Like him or loath him, he is a brilliant character. One that is a perfect foil for Clementine. Tell-tale tried to give us a conflict of interests, tried to put a wedge between Clementine and Kenny. First with Luke, then with Jane.
Which side did you come on?
Me, I sided with Kenny all the way. In my opinion, his was the correct decision. Others will disagree of course, but again that's what makes this game so good and why we need Clementine as protagonist for Season Three.
Some will say, well you can get the same emotion if they introduced another character. Well yes you could, if he/she had the length of background Clementine has. Obviously now that Kenny is on death row, the only one we have is Clementine.
We have invested too much in this game and i'm not just talking about money either. Anyway, there is no need to worry. Tell-tale, despite their mistakes in the past, are not stupid.
They aren't going to give up their biggest cashcow, just to make a few disgruntled people happy. Not a chance.
When The Walking Dead has run it's course. Perhaps over five seasons, then yes maybe kill her off, or break with the trend and give her a happy ending. Either way, I know we have Clementine for a while yet.
It really depends. If Clem being the protagonist and your Season 2 ending having only a different opening then no
yeah i agree
What if they were to make it last like a whole episode or something? Just asking.
So you prefer another long time skip? So that they can reset her character yet again, to bring it back to a linear story which is connected by figurative meager strings like halfhearted dialogue choices or dialogue allusions to things that happened 2+ (depending on your preferred number for couple of years away) years in the past?
I, personally, don't care about #MyClementine. I have no quarrels with them abandoning the idea so that they can get back to what was important the first go around: the fucking character. Clementine's to be specific. I think them abandoning it through a time skip of multiple years is a bad idea, though.
I agree, lots of good points.
No Clementine. New interesting characters please, or alternatively one of the following characters:
Nate? idk man, i dont think he'd be a good protaginist.
She will be smoking some sticky at wellington with eddy.
This is what Clementine will look like after doing drugs with Eddy..