Really Telltale? Really? So this isn't a joke?



  • Yay. :/

    People are shitting on a unreleased game.

  • I can't fucking wait for Telltale's iCarly and Telltale's Hannah Montana in 2018

    TJ3046 posted: »

    Telltale's Barney in 2017. You have to make some very tough choices in that.

  • Telltale's Barney in 2017. You have to make some very tough choices in that.

    Telltale's Teletubbies december 2015 then Telltale's Zoboomafoo in 2016

  • because the idea itself is stupid as hell. They are acting as if they ran out of cool game universes to make episodic games for.

    Yay. People are shitting on a unreleased game.

  • I agree.

    They might create a cool game out of Minecraft!

  • What I said was the right way in my area

    I just heard a banjo when i read that

    CodPatrol posted: »

    Having your "Masters" doesn't mean anything, I don't need a pathetic University degree to show of my skills. What I said was the right way in my area, I don't know why you even bothered to argue over this, it's ridiculous.

  • edited December 2014

    Well, I was always defending Telltale, but this time, I can't. It's a horrible idea.

  • Having your "Masters" doesn't mean anything, I don't need a pathetic University degree to show of my skills. What I said was the right way in my area, I don't know why you even bothered to argue over this, it's ridiculous.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Having finished my Masters in Ancient Greek and Latin literature last year, I really don't think I do need to go back to school. Firstly,

  • Something you know nothing about yet is stupid? K :p

  • DuckTales please?

    TJ3046 posted: »

    Telltale's Barney in 2017. You have to make some very tough choices in that.

  • They might create a cool game out of anything. That does not mean we are wrong to express our disappointment that they selected this universe out of the plethora available to them.

  • yep. Sometimes a simple idea as a whole can be stupid.

    Green613 posted: »

    Something you know nothing about yet is stupid? K

  • You're sorta implying that Telltale's gonna disappear or something.

    There are more years to come.

    because the idea itself is stupid as hell. They are acting as if they ran out of cool game universes to make episodic games for.

  • There's no denying Minecraft is a horrible franchise to make a Telltale game out of. They just wanted the easy money, happens all the time with companies that rise to fame very quickly.

  • I had confidence in Telltale making a good Borderlands game, but this is just imposssiblee to imagine being good.

    TJ3046 posted: »

    I was hesitant about Borderlands but I could see it working and it did but Minecraft...there's just no way. There's absolutely no story to tell.

  • I just don't see myself playing a game with weird pixely characters for 2+ hours straight.

    Just because they're doing Minecraft doesn't mean they won't do what you're expecting them to do. I, myself rarely plays Minecraft and found this interesting and exciting. Telltale is exploring different genres which is good for business.

  • Completely agree, this just sounds terrible.

  • edited December 2014

    years are time. time is money. time wasted on a stupid idea is wasted money.

    You're sorta implying that Telltale's gonna disappear or something. There are more years to come.

  • edited December 2014

    Because correcting grammar is useful in the same way that correcting incorrect maths is useful.

    And it's show 'off', not show 'of'. I know people without degrees can be intelligent and eloquent: you are merely not currently one of said people. I was merely responding to your insinuation that I didn't do well in school and thus had to return.

    And no, what you said was not the right way in your area. 'Should of' is factually incorrect. Aorist instead of perfect participle is also factually incorrect.

    CodPatrol posted: »

    Having your "Masters" doesn't mean anything, I don't need a pathetic University degree to show of my skills. What I said was the right way in my area, I don't know why you even bothered to argue over this, it's ridiculous.

  • edited December 2014

    There is no confirmation that Telltale's Minecraft will have a pixel art style.

    Alt text

    I just don't see myself playing a game with weird pixely characters for 2+ hours straight.

  • I have no fucking idea. This honestly seems like a money grab.

    TJ3046 posted: »

    The whole point of Minecraft is just to make creative landscapes and that is it. How the hell do you make a story out of block people?

  • edited December 2014

    Except TWD, TFTB, and TWAU all actually had interesting stories and background to go off of and interesting looking characters while Minecraft has no story what's so ever and the character models look awful.

  • The whole point of Minecraft is just to make creative landscapes and that is it. How the hell do you make a story out of block people?

    I had confidence in Telltale making a good Borderlands game, but this is just imposssiblee to imagine being good.

  • True. Minecraft is horrible. No story and graphics that would insult even the least picky player.

    But you know...Telltale.

    Except TWD, TFTB, and TWAU all actually had interesting stories and background to go off of and interesting looking characters while Minecraft has no story what's so ever and the character models look awful.

  • I never played Minecraft, in fact I had no interest in it. But if it's Telltale I'll take a nibble at it first. It was the same way with TWAU and Borderlands for me. No interest but when Telltale makes it, I love it. Well except for GOT one, not exactly my cup of tea.

    Except TWD, TFTB, and TWAU all actually had interesting stories and background to go off of and interesting looking characters while Minecraft has no story what's so ever and the character models look awful.

  • Jenny_PitcherJenny_Pitcher Banned
    edited December 2014

    I not excited with sequels of TWD or TWAU but there are hundreds titles better for the game. Yeah, Kenny's fans will love minecraft, but focus on mature players, Telltale. Please.

  • No, not really.

    TJ3046 posted: »

    The whole point of Minecraft is just to make creative landscapes and that is it. How the hell do you make a story out of block people?

  • Hm..

    That's actually a very selfish way of looking at it though.

    Because this game could - and probably will - make a large amount of money off of its target audience. It sounds more like you are annoyed that they aren't doing what their current fans want.

    Which is a valid complaint, but you are rather misrepresenting your opinion here.

    years are time. time is money. time wasted on a stupid idea is wasted money.

  • I will just take the opportunity to say that I am a Kenny fan and I, too, dislike the idea of a minecraft game. So there is that.

    I not excited with sequels of TWD or TWAU but there are hundreds titles better for the game. Yeah, Kenny's fans will love minecraft, but focus on mature players, Telltale. Please.

  • I don't know, honestly, this seems like a money grab to me.

    TJ3046 posted: »

    The whole point of Minecraft is just to make creative landscapes and that is it. How the hell do you make a story out of block people?

  • And the time wasted to rant about a "stupid idea".

    years are time. time is money. time wasted on a stupid idea is wasted money.

  • Are you trolling? Just out of curiosity. Your replies aren't making a whole lot of sense.

    No, not really.

  • It's not up to you to say if I'm intelligent or not, so don't even go there. Not taking that from some boy who thinks he's a genius because he has a few degrees.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Because correcting grammar is useful in the same way that correcting incorrect maths is useful. And it's show 'off', not show 'of'. I kno

  • Do I appear that I am trolling?

    Minecraft isn't ENTIRELY about building.

    TJ3046 posted: »

    Are you trolling? Just out of curiosity. Your replies aren't making a whole lot of sense.

  • edited December 2014

    Not all Kenny fans are immature.

    Just the more violent and vitriolic ones. Which, granted, are the most vocal ones on the forum.

    Oh, and the Bible-bashers but, y'know, what can you do.

    I not excited with sequels of TWD or TWAU but there are hundreds titles better for the game. Yeah, Kenny's fans will love minecraft, but focus on mature players, Telltale. Please.

  • Me too. It's not even a subtle cash grab either.

    I don't know, honestly, this seems like a money grab to me.

  • well, true. I am actually just very bitter that they chose to make a minecraft game instead of a game that I and many others could have actually enjoyed. Considering how long it takes for them to actually release stuff, it will mean a lot of time will be spent with developing this, which, in return, means that the same time can't be used to make something interesting.

    From a business standpoint it would probably make sense to go for a different target group to get more fans (=customers).They might even make a lot of money, given Minecraft's success. Still, I wonder if they couldn't have chosen something less...sandboxy? I have no words to describe minecraft...

    Flog61 posted: »

    Hm.. That's actually a very selfish way of looking at it though. Because this game could - and probably will - make a large amount of

  • Actually he is helping you. :)

    CodPatrol posted: »

    It's not up to you to say if I'm intelligent or not, so don't even go there. Not taking that from some boy who thinks he's a genius because he has a few degrees.

  • edited December 2014

    Regardless of your intelligence, it would be really nice of you to at least try to use correct grammar online to ensure everyone understands what you are saying. You will also avoid coming across as a fool. Even though you may not be one, everyone else on the internet can't know that. All they have to judge you on is the way you talk to them (write on the forum). If you use wrong grammar, they will almost always subconsciously believe that you are stupid.

    CodPatrol posted: »

    It's not up to you to say if I'm intelligent or not, so don't even go there. Not taking that from some boy who thinks he's a genius because he has a few degrees.

  • Even though I think I would have also disapproved if they had announced a Sam and Max game, I would still have to admit that after seeing the Minecraft announcement, I would gladly take a Sam and May game over this.

This discussion has been closed.