List of characters

Write list of characters who you like and hate. It's my list:




  • Like (not in any order, just the ones that popped into my head)

    1. Clementine
    2. Lee
    3. Kenny
    4. Omid
    5. Pete
    6. Luke
    7. Carley
    8. Chuck
    9. Alvin
    10. Nick

    Hate (not in any order, just the ones that popped into my head)

    1. Bonnie
    2. Arvo
    3. Jane
    4. Mike
    5. Carver
    6. Troy
    7. St. John's
    8. Larry
    9. Becca
    10. Duck
  • Like:

    • Clementine (Obviously)
    • Lee (Obviously)
    • Luke (You know me)
    • Kenny (Yep)
    • Jane (Yes, both of them)
    • Christa (Where is she?!)
    • Omid (Funniest character)
    • Carley ( :( )
    • Nick (Had potential)
    • Carver (He was very interesting)


    • Arvo (He shot Clem)
    • Troy (He hit Clem with a rifle)
    • Mike (Didn't care and he betrayed us)
    • Larry (Eh)
    • Brie (She pissed me off)
    • Vernon (Obvious why)
    • Danny St John (Yep)
    • Andy St John (Yep)
    • Brenda St John (Yep)
    • The Stranger (Ew)

    No order in either.

  • Likes
    1. Clementine 2. Lee 3. Kenny 4. Duck 5. Doug 6. Carley 7. Jane 8. Alvin 9. Chuck 10. Walter (Rest in peace buddies)

    1. Bonnie 2. Carver 3. Ben 4. Vernon 5. Larry (The first weirdo in the game) 6. Carlos (Still. Not. BITTEN.) 7. Nick (Sadist trigger happy lunatic) 8.Rebecca (Stupid beetch) 9. Danny St John (The weirdo who wanted to eat you) 10.Sarah(Arrrgh! You gonna get us all keeled!!!)

  • In no order, except for the number 1's.


    1. Luke
    2. Clementine
    3. Lee
    4. Lilly
    5. Becca
    6. Christa
    7. Molly
    8. Rebecca
    9. Sarah
    10. Nick

    Dislike (or just didn't attach to):

    1. Jane (Except for Jane, I really hate Jane)
    2. Stranger
    3. Kenny (Grew tired of him)
    4. Brie (I really hated Brie for some reason)
    5. Brenda St. SheDemon'John
    6. Tavia
    7. Vernon
    8. Troy (Fucking asshole)
    9. Arvo (I couldn't grow attached to him nor did I want to)
    10. Carley (Don't slay me, hear me out: I just didn't attach to her as much as everyone else did. And I'm sorry if that... somehow, ends up offending you.
  • I like how you call Nick a lunatic, yet Jane is one of your favourites.

    I also like how you call Rebecca, a woman who can't help her pregnancy hormones, a bitch. Even though she ends up being nice to Clementine in the end, and apologizes to her.

    I also like how say Sarah is going to get everyone killed, yet she never does.


    michael911 posted: »

    Likes 1. Clementine 2. Lee 3. Kenny 4. Duck 5. Doug 6. Carley 7. Jane 8. Alvin 9. Chuck 10. Walter (Rest in peace buddies) Hates 1. Bon

  • Like
    1. Lee
    2. Clem
    3. Omid
    4. Luke
    5. Kenny
    6. Carley
    7. Lilly
    8. Nick
    9. Mark
    10. Ben

    1. Arvo
    2. Jane
    3. Danny St. John
    4. Brenda St. John
    5. Vernon
    6. Dee
    7. Michelle
    8. Clive
    9. Alvin
    10. Tavia

  • edited December 2014


    1. Clem
    2. Lee
    3. Kenny
    4. Uncle Pete
    5. Carley
    6. Nick
    7. Mike (before he double crossed the group)
    8. Omid
    9. Alvin
    10. Christa


    11. Troy (Pedo and a asshole)
    12. Michelle (Shot Omid and was just a fucking bitch)
    13. Arvo (Shot Clem, Enough said...)
    14. Jane (Never really liked her.....)
    15. Vernon (Boat Stealer!!)
    16. Brie (Found her annoying...)
    17. Stranger (Just didn't like him but he's understandable despite his actions)
    18. Shel (For some reason I hate her and Becca even though I'm not sure why)
    19. Larry (I handled him....)
    20. Luke (Before you guys try and start an argument with me, He was a good guy but I don't understand all the hype about him and why everyone loved him so much, but his death did upset me a little)
  • Like:

    1. Clem
    2. Lee
    3. Kenny
    4. Omid
    5. Christa
    6. Luke
    7. Nick
    8. Pete
    9. Carley
    10. Chuck


    1. Arvo
    2. Carver
    3. Troy
    4. The Stranger
    5. Michelle
    6. Bonnie
    7. Mike
    8. Lily
    9. Vernon
    10. Larry

    Someone extra hatred since the list can't go over 10:



  • Like

    • Clem
    • Lee
    • Jane
    • Vince
    • Alvin
    • Kenny
    • Molly
    • Sarah
    • Omid
    • Mark


    • Troy
    • Nick
    • Vernon
    • Larry
    • Brie
    • Bonnie
    • Stranger
    • Carver
    • Ben
    • Becca
  • How many of these damn threads are there?!

  • Like:

    • Clem
    • Lee
    • Duck
    • Carley
    • Luke
    • Sarah
    • Omid
    • Christa
    • Jane
    • Nick


    • Larry (didn't help kill him, still didn't like him)
    • The St. Johns, as a whole
    • Carver
    • Troy
    • Arvo
    • The Russians, as a whole
    • Vernon
    • Crawford
    • The Stranger
    • Bonnie
  • Like : All

    Hate: None.. because they are all characters in a game I love.

  • Like

    1. Nick
    2. Molly
    3. Sarah
    4. Christa
    5. Russell
    6. Pete
    7. Lilly
    8. Russell
    9. Rebecca
    10. Jane

    The only character I can say with certainty that I genuinely hate is the doctor from Crawford. Most of the unpleasant characters in the game are at least somewhat fascinating in a weird kind of way, but that doctor is just plain gross.

  • edited December 2014


    • Lee
    • Kenny
    • Nick
    • Sarah
    • Doug
    • Carley
    • Rebecca
    • Bonnie
    • Wyatt
    • Nate


    • Mike
    • Arvo
    • Lilly
    • Larry
    • Jane
    • Luke
    • Becca
    • clem (the most unpopular thing to say on these forums)

    I guess i dont really hate anyone else, the villains and other group members im all pretty neutral about tbh

  • Like:
    1. Clem
    2. Carley
    3. Kenny
    4. Lee
    5. Luke
    6. Nick
    7. Jane
    8. Eddie
    9. Sarah
    10. Omid

    1. Lilly(She can redeem herself though)
    2. Brenda St. John
    3. Danny St. John
    4. Andy St. John
    5. Carver
    6. Arvo
    7. Michelle
    8. Vernon
    9. Save-Lots Bandits
    10. Winston- Jesus, are you fucking kidding me?!

  • edited December 2014

    I have more characters that I like than I do hate. Also, am I the only one who added more than ten people in each of my lists?

    Like (In order of debut seasons):

    • 1: Clementine (Not very new when it comes to likes)
    • 2: Lee (Same goes for above)
    • 3: Kenny (I actually like both him and Jane)
    • 4: Doug (Clearly more useful than Carley)
    • 5: Omid (Just straight up hilarious)
    • 6: Chuck (If it weren't for him, Clem would have died a lot sooner)
    • 7: Vince (Total badass)
    • 8: Wyatt (He reminds me so much of me)
    • 9: Eddie (He reminds me of my best friend)
    • 10: Russell (I find him to be an interesting character)
    • 11: Nate (This guy has an odd sense of humor, and is crazy, but he's still funny)
    • 12: Shel (Like Russell, I find Shel to be interesting)
    • 13: Winston (Jesus, are you fucking kidding me?!)
    • 14: Luke (My brother hates him though)
    • 15: Nick (Nick makes me laugh a lot)
    • 16: Pete (Probably one of the nicest characters in this game)
    • 17: Alvin (This guy for some reason made me laugh)
    • 18: Sarah (A very underrated character who receives more hate than anything)
    • 19: Carver (My favorite villain of the video game series)
    • 20: Jane (Like what I said before, I like both her and Kenny)
    • 21: Mike (I can easily forgive Mike for what he did)

    Hate (In order of debut seasons):

    • 1: Lilly (Annoying bitch who thinks she always has to be right, and justifies her despicable action of killing Doug by saying that she was trying to protect the group. Pathetic)
    • 2: Larry (Intolerant, ungrateful, racist asshole)
    • 3: Vernon (Double crossing piece of shit)
    • 4: Brie (Bland and boring)
    • 5: Crawford Oberson (His rules were fucking sick and twisted)
    • 6: Stranger (Clearly a pedophile who wanted to have his way with Clem)
    • 7: Bonnie (I used to like Bonnie, but she betrayed us twice, the first time, she promised to never do it again, but she does it anyways. Fuck her.)
    • 8: Dee (I may hate Bonnie, but Dee wasn't any better either.)
    • 9: Becca (I could on a rant on how annoying Becca is, but you folks already know why she gets so much hate)
    • 10: Tavia (Clearly somebody you shouldn't trust.)
    • 11: Michelle (She killed Omid. I don't care if it was an accident; She still killed Omid.)
    • 12: Troy (Does he think his despicable actions of beating a little girl is gonna make him tough? Fuck no. That makes you a fucking coward and a piece of shit.)
    • 13: Arvo (I tried to reason with him and be nice to him, and even yelled at Kenny to stop beating on him, yet he still had the nerve to fucking shoot me in the shoulder. Anyone who stoops so low by shooting a little girl is not okay in my book.)
  • Like

    1. Kenny (It's Kenny, 'nuff said/that stache though)
    2. Lee (Only truly decent guy in TWD)
    3. Clementine (Well, how bad can a 11-year old get?)
    4. Omid (Light-hearted jokes is what was needed in those latter episodes of S1)
    5. Luke (Only caring, kind person in S2, who passed Ep1)
    6. Pete (Kind, caring person who didn't pass Ep1)
    7. Chuck (Selfless, happy to help, sacrificed himself)
    8. Carley (Seemed to know the group politics, but could get argumentative at times)
    9. Nick (Wanted to make the right choices, just ending up doing the wrong ones)
    10. Molly or Ben (Molly: Assassin/Ben: Guy who wanted to help out but was just a doofus.)


    1. Jane (Manipulative, lying b****, tore what was left of the group apart)
    2. Arvo (Hate him with a burning passion)
    3. Bonnie (Addict junkie with absolutely no loyalty whatsoever, only ever wanted to do good for herself)
    4. Mike (I really liked Mike, before halfway of Ep5, he could have been in my top 10, betrayed the group, and didn't care when Clem was shot)
    5. The Stranger (Ruined Lee/Clem relationship and got Lee killed)
    6. Vernon (Destroyed any hope left and Kenny's boat fetish. Two-faced backstabber)
    7. Brie (Vernon points the gun at me, but I'm the bad guy!?!)
    8. Michelle (Shot Omid, ruined S2 after 5 minutes)
    9. The St Johns (Killed Mark and got Larry killed (Didn't like him, but didn't want him to die either)).
    10. Walker #2122731086 (Bit Lee)
  • how is doug more useful than carley? i no hes great with the tech but carley can handle a gun better

    I have more characters that I like than I do hate. Also, am I the only one who added more than ten people in each of my lists? Like (In o

  • Also in ep 3 the detection thing he did to warn the group if someone was coming near the Motor Inn didn´t work. Doug is funnier , but not useful :P

    elmox01 posted: »

    how is doug more useful than carley? i no hes great with the tech but carley can handle a gun better

  • thats why i saved carley

    supersagig posted: »

    Also in ep 3 the detection thing he did to warn the group if someone was coming near the Motor Inn didn´t work. Doug is funnier , but not useful :P

  • Love List:

    1. Clem

    2. Lee

    3. Kenny (Survived 2 Seasons)

    4. Nate (Under rated and misunderstood, both are those are extreme)

    5. Lily

    6. Omid and Christa

    7. Molly

    8. Carver

    9. Luke (Prior to episode 3)

    10. Vince

    Loathe List:

    1. Arvo (Bad Character, even worse person)

    2. Jane (Caused a lot of the group's problems)

    3. Bonnie ( A weak fucking junkie. I can't stand junkies. Probably the weakest character, physically and mentally)

    4. Every minor character that's caused a problem (You know Winston, The Bandit Leader, Buricko etc.)

    5. Mike

    Didn't really hate anyone else

  • like:
    4.larry johns
    i dont hate that many people plus i havnt gotton around to playing s2 yet

  • Like

    7: Stranger

  • Like: Carley, Lee, Clementine, Molly, Luke, Jane, Lily, Kenny(season 2), Christa & Omid,

    Dislike: Bonnie, Nate, Arvo, Mike - after his treachery, Sarah - she was so nice, but useless and irresponsible

  • No particular order:

    1. Eddie
    2. Eddie
    3. Eddie
    4. Eddie
    5. Eddie
    6. Lee
    7. Clem
    8. Kenny
    9. Eddie
  • i see u like Eddie :p

    ComingSoon posted: »

    No particular order: * Eddie * Eddie * Eddie * Eddie * Eddie * Lee * Clem * Kenny * Eddie

  • Maybe...

    What gave it away? Lol

    elmox01 posted: »

    i see u like Eddie

  • oh its just a feeling :p

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Maybe... What gave it away? Lol

  • xD well it's a good feeling trust me

    elmox01 posted: »

    oh its just a feeling

  • Like

    •Lee (It's Lee Fuckin' Everett, who wouldn't like him)

    •Clementine ( Duh!)

    •Kenny ( I really like this guy and left Wellington with him but still... Kenny= 100% controversy)

    •Luke ( The only guy from the cabin who is nice to Clementine at first.)

    •Pete ( White Lee FTW)

    • Nick ( Best developed character until episode 3 and 4)

    •Carlee ( 'Nuff said.)

    •Larry ( He was a big douche bag but in contrast he was just like Lee protecting Clementine with his own daughter.)

    •Carlos ( Good character, not enough development)

    •Sarita ( Decent character with the least character development ever)

    Characters who I hate.

    •Arvo ( I was nice to him in episode 4 and 5 but he repays the good deeds done to him by shooting Clementine in the shoulder... #FuckArvo)

    •Jane ( No explanation here.)

    •Bonnie ( She gets Walter and Possibly Alvin killed in episode 2, She causes Carlos, Sarita, Nick and Alvin to be killed in episodes 3 and 4 because she lied to the group and got them captured and some of them died trying to get away from Howe's. Next she lets Sarah die instead of shooting the zombies to protect her, Bonnie had a loaded gun! Low ammo or not at least try to either shoot the zombies to save Sarah or shoot her in the head to prevent Sarah from dying an agonizing death. In episode 5, if you choose to cover Luke and break the ice, she will act like a bitch to you for the rest of her appearance in the episode when Luke said to cover him which technically was Helping Luke. Also she causes Luke's death in the said option and she blames you for it. Not to mention when Clementine gets shot Bonnie leaves her to die from bleeding out. I'm glad I let her drown.)

    •Mike ( This arsehole was on my favorites list in July 2014 but after he robbed all the supplies the group had and left Clementine to die... I can't wait until we get to kill him.

    •Stranger ( He kidnapped Clementine and caused Lee's death who wouldn't hate him)

    •Carver ( He made Kenny into Snake Plissken that's just absolutely terrible.)

    •Reggie ( This guy was annoying as fuck.)

    •Winston (He caused Clementine to be separated from Christa and he repeats the line "Jesus are you fuckin' kidding me?!" over and over again.)

    •Vernon ( I'm gonna tear his god damn throat out if I ever see him again, he stole the boat!)

    •Lilly ( This MOFO killed Carley ;( and the ship too.)

  • Like -
    1. Clementine
    2. Lee
    3. Luke
    4. Kenny
    5. Omid
    6. Pete
    7. Christa
    8. Carley/ Doug
    9. Chuck
    10. Sarita

    1. Carver
    2. Troy
    3. The Stranger
    4. The St Johns
    5. Tavia
    6. Arvo
    7. Jane

  • lol :p

    ComingSoon posted: »

    xD well it's a good feeling trust me

  • Like (from favorite to least favorite):

    1. Lee (No need to explain why)
    2. Clementine (She changed my life)
    3. Kenny (Because as Lee said "we were assholes together")
    4. Nate (I'd have loved to see him more)
    5. Danny St. John (He was cool so I didn't kill him)
    6. Andrew St. John (I felt bad for him when the group left the farm)
    7. Doug (It would have been better if Lee could actually befriend him)
    8. Russell (He had great potential as a character)
    9. Walter (IMO he's the most friendly character in S2)
    10. Becca (She's cute lol)

    Hate (from most hated to least hated):

    1. Larry (He really had a shitty attitude)
    2. Jane (I appreciated her at first, but No Going Back made me hate her for obvious reasons)
    3. Jolene (Shot her myself)
    4. Arvo (I wish Kenny had killed him just after the gunfight)
    5. Ben (Stupidest video game character ever)
    6. Lilly (Shitty attitude just like her dad)
    7. Vernon and Brie (THIEVES!!!)
    8. Rebecca (I hated the way she talked to Clementine)
    9. Mike (Filthy traitor)
    10. Christa (She was mean to Lee)
  • Shoot... forgot to add the Stranger in the Hate list :/

    DeadMoney posted: »

    Like (from favorite to least favorite): * Lee (No need to explain why) * Clementine (She changed my life) * Kenny (Because as Lee sai

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