The courtyard was nearly empty as Jenna crossed it. She felt the sun on her skin, it was a rare, beautiful autumn day, warmer than most. Yet at the same time, Jenna felt a chilling sensation after her meeting with Sherryl. Her father used to tell her that some men make fools out of themselves in front of a beautiful woman. Sherryl was undoubtedly beautiful, but so far, Jenna had never seen Harris as a fool. He was a knight, a castellan, a lord. A monster. But no matter what Jenna saw in him, seeing him so oblivious to Sherryl's manipulations was disgraceful.
Even though the courtyard was nearly empty, Jenna saw two figures walking out of the servants quarters. They came closer and first, Jenna heard their friendly chatter, before she recognized one of them. Despite the uneasy feeling Sherryl left on her, a smile formed on her face, as she saw the long, golden-blonde hair of Carma Strad. It had been days since she last saw her. The recent events left little time for her to meet the few people she actually considered friends. And then there was Urid... Jenna had only heard a short version of what happened from her father, but it was nonetheless concerning.
“Carma!”, she yelled to catch her friends attention, as she approached her. The two women stopped and as Carma looked into Jenna's direction, her smile gained a considerably more motherly touch. “Jenna!”, she exclaimed, before she rushed towards her, to pull her into a short, happy hug.
The woman next to her needed a moment longer to smile as she saw Jenna. Her smile was smaller than Carma's and more intelligent, perhaps only a smirk, that fit very well to the shrewd look in her crystal blue eyes. She had a slim body underneath her simple, green dress and her pale skin contrasted well with the long, black hair that fell over her shoulders. Similarly to Carma, she had an admirable beauty, the kind of looks Jenna always had a hint of envy for.
“Jenna, how are you?”, Carma asked, glancing at the scar next to Jenna's eye. Immediately, Jenna's smile faded. Aside from her busy schedule, this had been another reason for her to shun Carma's presence. She reminded her of this evening. Of Wolfius. She heard that they had caught him, but Jenna was still afraid of him and she knew she would always be until she would see his dead body dangling in the wind.
“It could be better”, she admitted. “But how are you? How are Urid and your children?” This time, Carma's smile faded as well and for a moment, both women looked at each other in sadness. “The children are fine. I've asked Melany Stratford to look after them while I have to work. You know, the wife of the brewer?” Jenna gave her a short nod, even though she had no idea about any brewer in Raylansfair. She assumed there was one, but this wasn't exactly the kind of knowledge she cared for.
“Urid on the other hand...”, Carma said and paused for a moment. The dark-haired woman walked up behind her and put a hand onto her shoulder. “It is fine, Carma”, she said in a friendly tone. “We're here for you” With these words, she looked at Jenna and gave her a short nod. “Hello, Jenna”, she greeted her.
The fact that this woman knew her name caught Jenna off guard. She had seen her before in the servants quarters, knew that she was serving in the castle as well, but she had never really talked to her, nor had she ever learned her name. “Uh... hello...”, Jenna stuttered.
“I'm Saerya”, the woman introduced herself. “Saerya Waters. We have met each other a couple of times, don't you remember?” She paused and her smirk returned. It was friendly and pretty, but there was something else about her. Her eyes had a certain sort of cunning, something Jenna had seen before. Sherryl had the same look in her eyes. So had Maester Eaton, at times. It was a form of intelligence that felt unfitting for a servicemaid. “But I don't blame you”, Saerya assured her. “After all, it has been a terrible month for you” She gave Carma a concerned look. “And for you as well, sweet”, she said calmly. “Do you need a moment?”
Carma shook her head. “No...”, she answered. “No, I'm fine. It's just...” This time, Jenna actually saw tears in her eyes. “Urid will live. The healer saved his life, but his condition is bad. He's still at her house. I've visited him in the morning and he was barely awake”, she mumbled. “Mathea said that he won't die, but he might not be able to work, or even to come home for a very long time. And even then, she is not sure if he is ever going to run again”
Hearing this, it gave Jenna an almost guilty feeling. She had pitied her own tragedies for years. The death of her mother, what happened to her father, everything about Wolfius. But right now, it felt insignificant.
Meanwhile, she saw someone entering the courtyard. It was a young man, a member of the city guard, judging by his tabard. The look on his face was bewildered as he rushed past them. Saerya barely managed to grab his arm, forcing him to stop, which caused him to give her a glare, more out of fear than out of anger. “Let go of me!”, he yelled. “I need to get to the captain. She has to know!”
“Easy, guardsman!”, Saerya tried to calm him down. “What happened? Is it something dangerous?” The man looked confused for a moment, before he shrugged. “I... probably, yeah. We... we got company. I was at the gate when they arrived. I... I was too baffled to close it. There were so many of them and they...” He paused to take a deep breath, before he started to walk away again, quickly breaking into a sprint as he ran towards the guards quarters. Before he entered them, he looked over his shoulder at the three women. “The stags are coming!”, he yelled, before he entered the building.
“Stags?”, Carma asked in confusion and Jenna needed a moment to realize what he was talking about as well. Saerya however widely opened her eyes in surprise and put a hand onto her forehead. “Stags!”, she exclaimed. “Oh shit...” She put her hands onto Carma's shoulders. “Sweet, you go home. Now! Get your children, lock the door”
Carma visibly baffled at Saerya's stern, direct words, gave her a meek nod. “But.. but Saerya... what is happening? Is it going to be dangerous?” Saerya pressed her lips together, before she shrugged. “I don't know”, she admitted. “It's happening way too early”
Just as she said this, the door to the guards quarters were opened again and Nora Recton ran out. Even though she was wearing her full uniform, she hadn't attached the scabbard of her sword to her belt. Instead, she was holding the sword in her right hand and the scabbard in her left as she rushed towards the gates. “Alarm!”, she yelled and this command was all that was needed for numerous guards to run out of the buildings that surrounded the courtyard. “To the walls everyone! No fucking Stormlander enters this castle without my permission!”
“Stormlanders!”, Carma finally exclaimed as she realized what Saerya and the guardsman had been talking about. “Seven Hells, why are the Stormlanders here?” This time, Saerya gently pushed her towards the gates. “I don't know, but you shouldn't be here when we find out”, she growled and glanced at Jenna. “Jenna! Do you have something to do at the moment?”
Only now, Jenna noticed that she had clenched her fists so hard that they were hurting. Stormlanders in Raylansfair! By the Seven, what were they doing here? Despite her confusion, she managed to give Saerya a nod. “I was about to go into the ravenry. Someone has been sending messages from there, even after Eaton's death”, she said, realizing too late what she just told this her.
Despite her confusion, she realized something unexpected in Saerya's eyes. They got slightly wider and for a moment, she even gulped. “What? But the ravenry is locked”, she said. Jenna, noticing that it was too late by now, simply gave her a nod. “It is. And still, someone is able to enter. Lady Sherryl saw ravens flying and arriving”
“Sherryl...”, Saerya growled and her voice gained a chilling tone. “She is a serpent. Maybe she was lying, to manipulate the lord even further” She glanced towards the ravenry, and Jenna thought to see a hint of worry in her eyes. “Acting lord”, she corrected her and Saerya glared at her for a short moment.
“Listen, Jenna”, she said. “This task is obviously important. At the same time, there is something else that is also important. Lord Harris must be warned. He is at the audience chamber, together with Lord Tyrell. I need you to warn them. Tell them the Stormlanders are coming”
“Me?”, Jenna asked. “But... what is with you? I already have a task, given to me by the lord himself” Saerya pressed her lips together in displeasure, before she shook her head. “And now you have a new task, given to you by me”, she hissed. “They need to be warned”
“Obviously”, Jenna agreed. “But why aren't you going to warn them?” Again, Saerya gulped and by now, there openly was a deeply worried look in her eyes. “I have something else to do. My own business. Listen Jenna, this is important and I need you to do it!”
Something in her tone shocked Jenna deeply. It reminded her of Lady Halla, even though Saerya's tone was a lot less cruel or hateful. And it was this tone that caused her to move her feet without even wanting it. She gave Saerya a nod and received a thankful smirk in return, before she started to rush across the courtyard, towards the keep.
Only as she had reached the doors of the keep did she actually turn around. Two dozen guards had found their way to the courtyard, rushing towards the walls and to the gate. Nora herself was standing on the walls, looking far too young to actually command all these men. And finally... Jenna froze as she saw Saerya and cautiously took a step into the keep in order to remain unseen. The other woman was approaching the ravenry.
Saerya had her back turned to the keep, likely not even thinking that someone would pay attention to her in the current turmoil. For a moment, she glanced around and Jenna held her breath, being happy that she was standing in the shadows. And then, without having noticed that Jenna was watching her, she reached into her pocket, pulling something out that could only be a key, which she used to unlock the door to the ravenry.
Slightly shivering, Jenna looked around. By now, there were even more guards, perhaps even all of them, standing on or near the walls, awaiting Nora's orders. Somewhere outside of these walls, the Stormlanders were approaching. Someone had to warn Harris about them. But at the same time, Jenna was sure that she would never find out what Saerya was doing inside of the ravenry if she would spend her time running to the audience chamber first.
[Follow Saerya][Warn Harris]
“We're staying out of this”, John decided and saw a relieved smile on Janae's face. “Harris, Daghan, they mean nothing to me. I see no reason to get involved” Just as he said this, he saw that neither Jaro, nor I'Lian or Temari were happy with his decision. “Sure, aside from the Dragonlord's gratitude...”, Temari grumbled. “We have joined wars for less”
“And we have prevented wars for less”, Jaro interjected. “I mean, this is better than directly supporting Targaryen, but still...” Janae slightly rolled her eyes. “John made his decision”, she growled in a low tone. “And it was a good decision. This is none of our concern”
A barely audible knock on the door caused her to look up, while Temari let out a sigh. “Perhaps it is”, he answered as he sluggishly raised from his chair. A pained expression flashed across his face as he put a hand onto his ribs. “Tem, let me...”, Jaro started to say, but Temari just shot him a glare, more out of annoyance than actual anger. “I got it, Jaro”, he growled, before he limped towards the door. “Who's there?”
A second of silence followed, before a soft, female voice answered. “My name is Daisy. I'm the barmaid here”, the woman behind the door explained. Temari exchanged a look with John, who gave him a nod, before he opened the door.
In the doorway stood the barmaid, a pretty girl with slightly tanned skin and red hair, a shade darker than Cass'. John closed his eyes, turning his head away from the girl. “I... I have a message for John Gutten”, she said softly and finally, Gutten forced himself to look back at her. She had a gentle smile on her lips and gave him a nod, which forced him to smile back at her. “That would be me”, he spoke “Say your message”
“It is... I... I don't want to interrupt anything, but the man downstairs demanded to talk to you”, Daisy explained and John narrowed his eyes. “He is tall, like, really tall. And completely bald. He looks like the strongest man I've ever seen. And he has two scars on his head!”
This time, John and Janae simultaneously let out a sigh. “That would be Daghan”, John muttered and I'lian widely opened his eyes. “The Ox of the Dragon, right here”, he mumbled. “Well, fuck me. I'm telling you, we should support him”
“And I'm telling you, John made up his mind”, Janae hissed and glared at the barmaid. “Anything else? If not, then you can leave” Daisy shook her head. “This is all. But... the man, he really wants to talk to you. He is nice and everything, but my aunt, the innkeeper, she is afraid that he could start trouble. He looks like trouble, you know”
“He does”, John agreed and beckoned her over as he reached into his pocket. “Give him something to drink, something strong. I pay. The rest is for you” With these words, he put a golden coin into her hand. “But that is far more...”, Daisy protested, before she gave him a thankful smile. “Thank you, Ser. I don't think I can keep him busy forever, but I'll give you some time”
With these words, the young woman left the room, which gave Temari an opportunity to shamelessly look at her backside. With a grin, he closed the door. “A nice girl”, he chuckled, as he limped back to his chair. While I'lian gave him a nod, Janae only let out a sigh and shook her head. “What are we going to do now?”, she asked.
“Running away?”, I'lian offered and glanced at the window. “We could climb. By the time Oxus is here, we'll be gone” Temari shook his head. “Not an option. I can't climb. Besides, my sister in the other room”, he said. “We could fight him if he is here to start trouble”
“Or perhaps we could, you know, talk about him?”, Jaro advised. “We don't know why he is here. I guess he noticed that his letter is gone. But in his case, I would first try to talk to my suspects” He leant back in his chair and crossed his arms. “If you want to talk to him, I'm going to come with you”
“Yeah, and if he doesn't like what you say, there will be a fight regardless”, Temari interjected. “I say we take him by surprise. John already made it clear that we won't support him, so we can just as well go against him”
“No one is going to fight anyone today”, Janae hissed. “We stay calm. We follow John. And we are not going to do things we're going to regret later, you hear me?” Just as she said these words, a bit louder than necessary, a heavy knock on the door caused John and his group to turn their heads. Before anyone could react, the door got opened and Daghan Oxus walked inside.
He wasn't wearing his armour and he was unarmed, but he was still an impressive sight. Gutten had met men who were wearing bulky armour for show, to appear more muscular than they truly were. In Daghan's case, he looked even more intimidating without it, as his current, plain clothing proved that he certainly was one of the most bulky men John had ever encountered.
“Good afternoon John, Janae”, he greeted them, in a calm, polite, but almost toneless voice as he closed the door behind him. “The barmaid offered me a beer. Sadly, I am not here to drink the stinking piss these people call a beer. I am here because we need to talk”
“Good afternoon Daghan”, John greeted him in return. “Please, grab a seat. I was actually just about to go downstairs” The knight gave him a nod as he sat down on the last, empty chair, that originally was intended to be for Behara, who was still next door, tending to the woman Daghan nearly killed with a single blow of his shield. A table stood between him and Gutten, but Jaro and I'lian were sitting right next to him and slowly started to move their chairs away from him, hopefully out of his reach. “Were you?”, the knight asked in a low, growling tone.
“Indeed. Is there a problem?”, John asked. Daghan gave him a nod. “The problem is that ever since you found that Wildfire below my tower, Harris' men have occupied it, to safely remove it from there. I don't like the company, so I moved out, to camp in the forrest”, he answered. “Because of this, it took me a while to realize that something is missing from my belongings”
“Things tend to go missing”, John answered. “Why do you want to talk to me about it?” This time, Daghan leant forwards and narrowed his eyes. “Because it was there before you came and I'm sure it was gone when you left. Even before Harris' men came and I had to left my tower”
“Is that an accusation?”, Janae asked and Daghan shook his head. “An assumption”, he growled. “Frankly, one I have no evidence for aside from how I feel. Which is why I'm giving you a chance to explain yourself. But you should better hope your explanation is good enough
“You are unarmed”, Janae stated and Daghan gave her a nod. “Is there a reason to be armed? I am here to talk and where I come from, people don't talk with their swords. Trust me, if I'd be here to fight, you'd know it”, he growled, before he reached into his pocket. Janae immediately reached for her knife, but stopped once she saw what Daghan was pulling out of his pocket. “But if the lady wants me to be armed, so be it. Now I have a spoon”, he explained and held the small, metal spoon between his fingers, while he was staring daggers at John.
“So, you believe we took this thing... what is it even about?”, John said, while he tried to remain calm. He glanced at the spoon in Daghan's hand. He couldn't... he wouldn't, would he? “A letter”, the knight explained. “From your friend?”, Janae interjected and Daghan gave her a nod. “She might be in danger”, he said and for the first time, his calm façade cracked. John realized that Daghan wasn't angry, he was worried. Worried for his friend? Or was he just worried that his secret could be uncovered? The skirmish at the tower came to mind. Fire and blood... No, Daghan never really tried to keep his identity a secret.
“We haven't seen your letter and your accusations are ridiculous”, Janae hissed again, even though John knew that her rudeness was a direct consequence of her slowly tensing up. Daghan barely glanced at her, but the look he gave her was enough to shut her up. Janae was the calmest person John knew, but as she looked back at him, he saw that she was close to loose her nerves. The presence of this huge, probably angry man in their room, it was a threat. John knew how much Janae hated threats.
“I'm talking to John”, Daghan simply stated and for a moment, he and John just looked at each other. “If you have my property, now will be the last time to give it back without consequences. Nothing bad happened. A mistake. Some mistakes can be forgiven” He glanced at the spoon he was holding between his index fingers. “If you look me in the eyes and swear to me right now that you haven't stolen my letter and if you manage to convince me, I will leave you alone”, he growled and looked up again. “But if you fail to convince me, if you lie to me, then bad things may happen, to my friend first and foremost, because by now I believe that she is in danger. This would be something I couldn't forgive”
[Tell him the truth and apologize][Lie to him and try to convince him]
[Warn Harris] It be very bad if they came in, be a sign of Harris's weakness. At the same time, it would be bad to warn him cause if they just showed up he would have to worry.
The courtyard was nearly empty as Jenna crossed it. She felt the sun on her skin, it was a rare, beautiful autumn day, warmer than … moremost. Yet at the same time, Jenna felt a chilling sensation after her meeting with Sherryl. Her father used to tell her that some men make fools out of themselves in front of a beautiful woman. Sherryl was undoubtedly beautiful, but so far, Jenna had never seen Harris as a fool. He was a knight, a castellan, a lord. A monster. But no matter what Jenna saw in him, seeing him so oblivious to Sherryl's manipulations was disgraceful.
Even though the courtyard was nearly empty, Jenna saw two figures walking out of the servants quarters. They came closer and first, Jenna heard their friendly chatter, before she recognized one of them. Despite the uneasy feeling Sherryl left on her, a smile formed on her face, as she saw the long, golden-blonde hair of Carma Strad. It had been days since she last saw her. The… [view original content]
[Warn Harris]We already know who the spy is now, and the Stormlanders are known to take no shit. Jenna better be there to guide Harris on what to do instead of Sherrly. I kinda enjoy the dynamic between Jenna and Sherrly upon Harris, like an angel and devil on his shoulders.
[Tell him the truth and apologize]John doesn't seem that great of a liar, and it would be worse if we are caught in a lie.
The courtyard was nearly empty as Jenna crossed it. She felt the sun on her skin, it was a rare, beautiful autumn day, warmer than … moremost. Yet at the same time, Jenna felt a chilling sensation after her meeting with Sherryl. Her father used to tell her that some men make fools out of themselves in front of a beautiful woman. Sherryl was undoubtedly beautiful, but so far, Jenna had never seen Harris as a fool. He was a knight, a castellan, a lord. A monster. But no matter what Jenna saw in him, seeing him so oblivious to Sherryl's manipulations was disgraceful.
Even though the courtyard was nearly empty, Jenna saw two figures walking out of the servants quarters. They came closer and first, Jenna heard their friendly chatter, before she recognized one of them. Despite the uneasy feeling Sherryl left on her, a smile formed on her face, as she saw the long, golden-blonde hair of Carma Strad. It had been days since she last saw her. The… [view original content]
[Warn Harris] Saerya seems to know what she's talking about, best to warn Harris.
[Tell him the truth] They can't do anything with the letter, and he clearly knows we took it. Might as well be straight up. I'd rather not apologize though.
There were a couple moments where I thought Saerya was someone else. She seems interesting, can't wait to see more of her.
The courtyard was nearly empty as Jenna crossed it. She felt the sun on her skin, it was a rare, beautiful autumn day, warmer than … moremost. Yet at the same time, Jenna felt a chilling sensation after her meeting with Sherryl. Her father used to tell her that some men make fools out of themselves in front of a beautiful woman. Sherryl was undoubtedly beautiful, but so far, Jenna had never seen Harris as a fool. He was a knight, a castellan, a lord. A monster. But no matter what Jenna saw in him, seeing him so oblivious to Sherryl's manipulations was disgraceful.
Even though the courtyard was nearly empty, Jenna saw two figures walking out of the servants quarters. They came closer and first, Jenna heard their friendly chatter, before she recognized one of them. Despite the uneasy feeling Sherryl left on her, a smile formed on her face, as she saw the long, golden-blonde hair of Carma Strad. It had been days since she last saw her. The… [view original content]
The courtyard was nearly empty as Jenna crossed it. She felt the sun on her skin, it was a rare, beautiful autumn day, warmer than … moremost. Yet at the same time, Jenna felt a chilling sensation after her meeting with Sherryl. Her father used to tell her that some men make fools out of themselves in front of a beautiful woman. Sherryl was undoubtedly beautiful, but so far, Jenna had never seen Harris as a fool. He was a knight, a castellan, a lord. A monster. But no matter what Jenna saw in him, seeing him so oblivious to Sherryl's manipulations was disgraceful.
Even though the courtyard was nearly empty, Jenna saw two figures walking out of the servants quarters. They came closer and first, Jenna heard their friendly chatter, before she recognized one of them. Despite the uneasy feeling Sherryl left on her, a smile formed on her face, as she saw the long, golden-blonde hair of Carma Strad. It had been days since she last saw her. The… [view original content]
[Tell him the truth] We already decide that John and co. are not interested at the political intrigue so we will be nice and become BFF with Daghan
[follow sareya] Come on guys,we all know that Sareya is a spy but we must discover for who! (And I'm the only one that want Argella arrive at the meeting room and say:
The courtyard was nearly empty as Jenna crossed it. She felt the sun on her skin, it was a rare, beautiful autumn day, warmer than … moremost. Yet at the same time, Jenna felt a chilling sensation after her meeting with Sherryl. Her father used to tell her that some men make fools out of themselves in front of a beautiful woman. Sherryl was undoubtedly beautiful, but so far, Jenna had never seen Harris as a fool. He was a knight, a castellan, a lord. A monster. But no matter what Jenna saw in him, seeing him so oblivious to Sherryl's manipulations was disgraceful.
Even though the courtyard was nearly empty, Jenna saw two figures walking out of the servants quarters. They came closer and first, Jenna heard their friendly chatter, before she recognized one of them. Despite the uneasy feeling Sherryl left on her, a smile formed on her face, as she saw the long, golden-blonde hair of Carma Strad. It had been days since she last saw her. The… [view original content]
The courtyard was nearly empty as Jenna crossed it. She felt the sun on her skin, it was a rare, beautiful autumn day, warmer than … moremost. Yet at the same time, Jenna felt a chilling sensation after her meeting with Sherryl. Her father used to tell her that some men make fools out of themselves in front of a beautiful woman. Sherryl was undoubtedly beautiful, but so far, Jenna had never seen Harris as a fool. He was a knight, a castellan, a lord. A monster. But no matter what Jenna saw in him, seeing him so oblivious to Sherryl's manipulations was disgraceful.
Even though the courtyard was nearly empty, Jenna saw two figures walking out of the servants quarters. They came closer and first, Jenna heard their friendly chatter, before she recognized one of them. Despite the uneasy feeling Sherryl left on her, a smile formed on her face, as she saw the long, golden-blonde hair of Carma Strad. It had been days since she last saw her. The… [view original content]
The courtyard was nearly empty as Jenna crossed it. She felt the sun on her skin, it was a rare, beautiful autumn day, warmer than … moremost. Yet at the same time, Jenna felt a chilling sensation after her meeting with Sherryl. Her father used to tell her that some men make fools out of themselves in front of a beautiful woman. Sherryl was undoubtedly beautiful, but so far, Jenna had never seen Harris as a fool. He was a knight, a castellan, a lord. A monster. But no matter what Jenna saw in him, seeing him so oblivious to Sherryl's manipulations was disgraceful.
Even though the courtyard was nearly empty, Jenna saw two figures walking out of the servants quarters. They came closer and first, Jenna heard their friendly chatter, before she recognized one of them. Despite the uneasy feeling Sherryl left on her, a smile formed on her face, as she saw the long, golden-blonde hair of Carma Strad. It had been days since she last saw her. The… [view original content]
The courtyard was nearly empty as Jenna crossed it. She felt the sun on her skin, it was a rare, beautiful autumn day, warmer than … moremost. Yet at the same time, Jenna felt a chilling sensation after her meeting with Sherryl. Her father used to tell her that some men make fools out of themselves in front of a beautiful woman. Sherryl was undoubtedly beautiful, but so far, Jenna had never seen Harris as a fool. He was a knight, a castellan, a lord. A monster. But no matter what Jenna saw in him, seeing him so oblivious to Sherryl's manipulations was disgraceful.
Even though the courtyard was nearly empty, Jenna saw two figures walking out of the servants quarters. They came closer and first, Jenna heard their friendly chatter, before she recognized one of them. Despite the uneasy feeling Sherryl left on her, a smile formed on her face, as she saw the long, golden-blonde hair of Carma Strad. It had been days since she last saw her. The… [view original content]
Hearing this pleases me greatly. I've always planned that some serious character development would kick in for her around Chapter 6 and it is good that I seem to succeed in turning her into a more likeable character. While I gave her the honest chance of dying in Chapter 3, I personally have rooted for her survival specifically because I have hoped that her current storyline is going to be exciting. I'm glad to see that it is kinda well-received now.
I'd rather not apologize though.
Perhaps I should explain, the apology would be more of a safety measure, to not piss off the huge, angry guy even more. It wouldn't exactly be a genuine apology, just something that comes naturally for John when admitting to a mistake. After all, he indeed took something that did not belong to him and in his mind, an apology could help in calming Daghan down. However, he is definitely not genuinely sorry and there is the big chance that, given the opportunity, he would do it again.
There were a couple moments where I thought Saerya was someone else.
Hm, this is a very interesting idea. Have you thought about someone else in particular, or have you just thought that she is more than she seems to be?
[Warn Harris] Saerya seems to know what she's talking about, best to warn Harris.
[Tell him the truth] They can't do anything with the le… moretter, and he clearly knows we took it. Might as well be straight up. I'd rather not apologize though.
There were a couple moments where I thought Saerya was someone else. She seems interesting, can't wait to see more of her.
I must say I'm really liking Jenna's parts now.
Jenna better be there to guide Harris on what to do instead of Sherrly.
Keep in mind, Sherryl is currently not there either, so she wouldn't be around to manipulate Harris in this situation. She left the meeting in the last Willfred part after a guard told her that someone arrived in Raylansfair. InGen brought up the theory that it could have been the same guard that saw Lucas and Leonard arriving, but I guess the current part opened up an alternative possibility.
I kinda enjoy the dynamic between Jenna and Sherrly upon Harris, like an angel and devil on his shoulders.
That is indeed the dynamic I was aiming at. But wait... have you just said something positive about Jenna? Fascinating
[Warn Harris]We already know who the spy is now, and the Stormlanders are known to take no shit. Jenna better be there to guide Harris on wh… moreat to do instead of Sherrly. I kinda enjoy the dynamic between Jenna and Sherrly upon Harris, like an angel and devil on his shoulders.
[Tell him the truth and apologize]John doesn't seem that great of a liar, and it would be worse if we are caught in a lie.
The courtyard was nearly empty as Jenna crossed it. She felt the sun on her skin, it was a rare, beautiful autumn day, warmer than … moremost. Yet at the same time, Jenna felt a chilling sensation after her meeting with Sherryl. Her father used to tell her that some men make fools out of themselves in front of a beautiful woman. Sherryl was undoubtedly beautiful, but so far, Jenna had never seen Harris as a fool. He was a knight, a castellan, a lord. A monster. But no matter what Jenna saw in him, seeing him so oblivious to Sherryl's manipulations was disgraceful.
Even though the courtyard was nearly empty, Jenna saw two figures walking out of the servants quarters. They came closer and first, Jenna heard their friendly chatter, before she recognized one of them. Despite the uneasy feeling Sherryl left on her, a smile formed on her face, as she saw the long, golden-blonde hair of Carma Strad. It had been days since she last saw her. The… [view original content]
The courtyard was nearly empty as Jenna crossed it. She felt the sun on her skin, it was a rare, beautiful autumn day, warmer than … moremost. Yet at the same time, Jenna felt a chilling sensation after her meeting with Sherryl. Her father used to tell her that some men make fools out of themselves in front of a beautiful woman. Sherryl was undoubtedly beautiful, but so far, Jenna had never seen Harris as a fool. He was a knight, a castellan, a lord. A monster. But no matter what Jenna saw in him, seeing him so oblivious to Sherryl's manipulations was disgraceful.
Even though the courtyard was nearly empty, Jenna saw two figures walking out of the servants quarters. They came closer and first, Jenna heard their friendly chatter, before she recognized one of them. Despite the uneasy feeling Sherryl left on her, a smile formed on her face, as she saw the long, golden-blonde hair of Carma Strad. It had been days since she last saw her. The… [view original content]
Saerya's description just seems really familiar to me, I might just be imagining it. And I think she's definitely more than she seems. Definitely more than a simple servicemaid, Jenna hinted at this herself.
I must say I'm really liking Jenna's parts now.
Hearing this pleases me greatly. I've always planned that some serious character dev… moreelopment would kick in for her around Chapter 6 and it is good that I seem to succeed in turning her into a more likeable character. While I gave her the honest chance of dying in Chapter 3, I personally have rooted for her survival specifically because I have hoped that her current storyline is going to be exciting. I'm glad to see that it is kinda well-received now.
I'd rather not apologize though.
Perhaps I should explain, the apology would be more of a safety measure, to not piss off the huge, angry guy even more. It wouldn't exactly be a genuine apology, just something that comes naturally for John when admitting to a mistake. After all, he indeed took something that did not belong to him and in his mind, an apology could help in calming Daghan down. However, he is definitely not genuin… [view original content]
Keep in mind, Sherryl is currently not there either, so she wouldn't be around to manipulate Harris in this situation. She left the meeting in the last Willfred part after a guard told her that someone arrived in Raylansfair. InGen brought up the theory that it could have been the same guard that saw Lucas and Leonard arriving, but I guess the current part opened up an alternative possibility.
Well then Jenna will have an even easier time manipulating Harris.
But wait... have you just said something positive about Jenna? Fascinating
I'm still not a fan of Jenna, but I do enjoy the role she is filling in this situation
Jenna better be there to guide Harris on what to do instead of Sherrly.
Keep in mind, Sherryl is currently not there either, so she … morewouldn't be around to manipulate Harris in this situation. She left the meeting in the last Willfred part after a guard told her that someone arrived in Raylansfair. InGen brought up the theory that it could have been the same guard that saw Lucas and Leonard arriving, but I guess the current part opened up an alternative possibility.
I kinda enjoy the dynamic between Jenna and Sherrly upon Harris, like an angel and devil on his shoulders.
That is indeed the dynamic I was aiming at. But wait... have you just said something positive about Jenna? Fascinating
The courtyard was nearly empty as Jenna crossed it. She felt the sun on her skin, it was a rare, beautiful autumn day, warmer than … moremost. Yet at the same time, Jenna felt a chilling sensation after her meeting with Sherryl. Her father used to tell her that some men make fools out of themselves in front of a beautiful woman. Sherryl was undoubtedly beautiful, but so far, Jenna had never seen Harris as a fool. He was a knight, a castellan, a lord. A monster. But no matter what Jenna saw in him, seeing him so oblivious to Sherryl's manipulations was disgraceful.
Even though the courtyard was nearly empty, Jenna saw two figures walking out of the servants quarters. They came closer and first, Jenna heard their friendly chatter, before she recognized one of them. Despite the uneasy feeling Sherryl left on her, a smile formed on her face, as she saw the long, golden-blonde hair of Carma Strad. It had been days since she last saw her. The… [view original content]
[Follow Saerya] Well, Jenna doesn't have enough evidence to put Saerya on the spot, if she just goes to Harris with the little information she has, Harris will likely doubt her.
[Tell him the truth and apologize] Lets not piss off the Targaryen Knight. Bad idea to do so. Very bad.
The courtyard was nearly empty as Jenna crossed it. She felt the sun on her skin, it was a rare, beautiful autumn day, warmer than … moremost. Yet at the same time, Jenna felt a chilling sensation after her meeting with Sherryl. Her father used to tell her that some men make fools out of themselves in front of a beautiful woman. Sherryl was undoubtedly beautiful, but so far, Jenna had never seen Harris as a fool. He was a knight, a castellan, a lord. A monster. But no matter what Jenna saw in him, seeing him so oblivious to Sherryl's manipulations was disgraceful.
Even though the courtyard was nearly empty, Jenna saw two figures walking out of the servants quarters. They came closer and first, Jenna heard their friendly chatter, before she recognized one of them. Despite the uneasy feeling Sherryl left on her, a smile formed on her face, as she saw the long, golden-blonde hair of Carma Strad. It had been days since she last saw her. The… [view original content]
I wouldn't be so sure. Harris has shown a lot of trust in Jenna so far, and I doubt it would be hard to believe that a servant that neither know on a first name basis could be a spy.
I'm back! Sorry it took me this long to vote.
[Follow Saerya] Well, Jenna doesn't have enough evidence to put Saerya on the spot, if she … morejust goes to Harris with the little information she has, Harris will likely doubt her.
[Tell him the truth and apologize] Lets not piss off the Targaryen Knight. Bad idea to do so. Very bad.
That may be true, however imagine if Sheryl is working with Saerya (doubtful though), the moment Jenna tells Harris about what she saw, Sheryl will just completley deny it and convince Harris not to trust Jenna. As far as I can see it, both spies are lying snakes, uncovering their plans and finding out the truth is top priority.
I wouldn't be so sure. Harris has shown a lot of trust in Jenna so far, and I doubt it would be hard to believe that a servant that neither know on a first name basis could be a spy.
Dagsy, huh? We'll see... Despite the fact that they never shared a scene together and that Daghan is old enough to be Daisy's father, it is certainly not the weirdest or most unlikely crack ship I could think of XD
So, I feel like it is time for a short announcement. Usually, this would be around the time the new part should be up already. This time however, I have to admit that I haven't even started to write it down yet and I think you deserve some sort of explanation. The reason for this is a university project of some sorts I've been preparing for over the past weeks and which demands my ever increasing attention. This project is due tomorrow, on Monday, and it is going to be of great, potentially life-changing importance, because it might allow me to change my course of studies to something I enjoy a lot more than my current one. Because of this, I have taken the weekend off and decided not to write anything until Tuesday in order to prepare for tomorrow. I tried to avoid the short break, but I think it is necessary in this case. Expect the new part on Tuesday or Wednesday. In the unlikely case that there will be more votes until then, I'm going to leave the voting open, since I see no reason in closing it this early. I can already reveal that it is going to be a Lucas part.
So, I feel like it is time for a short announcement. Usually, this would be around the time the new part should be up already. This time how… moreever, I have to admit that I haven't even started to write it down yet and I think you deserve some sort of explanation. The reason for this is a university project of some sorts I've been preparing for over the past weeks and which demands my ever increasing attention. This project is due tomorrow, on Monday, and it is going to be of great, potentially life-changing importance, because it might allow me to change my course of studies to something I enjoy a lot more than my current one. Because of this, I have taken the weekend off and decided not to write anything until Tuesday in order to prepare for tomorrow. I tried to avoid the short break, but I think it is necessary in this case. Expect the new part on Tuesday or Wednesday. In the unlikely case that there will be more votes until then, I'm going to… [view original content]
So, I feel like it is time for a short announcement. Usually, this would be around the time the new part should be up already. This time how… moreever, I have to admit that I haven't even started to write it down yet and I think you deserve some sort of explanation. The reason for this is a university project of some sorts I've been preparing for over the past weeks and which demands my ever increasing attention. This project is due tomorrow, on Monday, and it is going to be of great, potentially life-changing importance, because it might allow me to change my course of studies to something I enjoy a lot more than my current one. Because of this, I have taken the weekend off and decided not to write anything until Tuesday in order to prepare for tomorrow. I tried to avoid the short break, but I think it is necessary in this case. Expect the new part on Tuesday or Wednesday. In the unlikely case that there will be more votes until then, I'm going to… [view original content]
So, I feel like it is time for a short announcement. Usually, this would be around the time the new part should be up already. This time how… moreever, I have to admit that I haven't even started to write it down yet and I think you deserve some sort of explanation. The reason for this is a university project of some sorts I've been preparing for over the past weeks and which demands my ever increasing attention. This project is due tomorrow, on Monday, and it is going to be of great, potentially life-changing importance, because it might allow me to change my course of studies to something I enjoy a lot more than my current one. Because of this, I have taken the weekend off and decided not to write anything until Tuesday in order to prepare for tomorrow. I tried to avoid the short break, but I think it is necessary in this case. Expect the new part on Tuesday or Wednesday. In the unlikely case that there will be more votes until then, I'm going to… [view original content]
I wouldn't go as far to call Saerya a lying snake, seeing we just met her and so far she's been really kind: helping Carma out and trying to warn Harris. I do see that she could just be playing a part, but she could also not be. So far we don't even know her employer so there's no reason to jump to conclusions.
That may be true, however imagine if Sheryl is working with Saerya (doubtful though), the moment Jenna tells Harris about what she saw, Sher… moreyl will just completley deny it and convince Harris not to trust Jenna. As far as I can see it, both spies are lying snakes, uncovering their plans and finding out the truth is top priority.
So, I feel like it is time for a short announcement. Usually, this would be around the time the new part should be up already. This time how… moreever, I have to admit that I haven't even started to write it down yet and I think you deserve some sort of explanation. The reason for this is a university project of some sorts I've been preparing for over the past weeks and which demands my ever increasing attention. This project is due tomorrow, on Monday, and it is going to be of great, potentially life-changing importance, because it might allow me to change my course of studies to something I enjoy a lot more than my current one. Because of this, I have taken the weekend off and decided not to write anything until Tuesday in order to prepare for tomorrow. I tried to avoid the short break, but I think it is necessary in this case. Expect the new part on Tuesday or Wednesday. In the unlikely case that there will be more votes until then, I'm going to… [view original content]
Very true. That's why to find out her true allegiance Jenna must follow her. The big question is: Is she a friend or foe? I really don't know who she might be working for, there's way too many options
I wouldn't go as far to call Saerya a lying snake, seeing we just met her and so far she's been really kind: helping Carma out and trying to… more warn Harris. I do see that she could just be playing a part, but she could also not be. So far we don't even know her employer so there's no reason to jump to conclusions.
While it would be useful information to know her allegiance, there's a more present problem of the Stormlanders are literally at our front gates. Jenna did her job as Harris' minion on finding out who the spy is, now she needs to do her duty as a citizen of Raylainsfair to warn Harris about the threat that is about to walk into his home.
Very true. That's why to find out her true allegiance Jenna must follow her. The big question is: Is she a friend or foe? I really don't know who she might be working for, there's way too many options
I think is more important for the city know for who Saerya is working because if she is working for someone that is dangerous for Raylainsfair we will regret not have discover it sooner (while the only bad thing that will happened if we not warn Harris is the Storm Princess storming in the meeting hall like a badass)
PS:However if I must be honest I think that if Jenna don't advise Harris someone else will do it. For example i doubt that the captain of the guard forget to order a random soldier (hopefully #167) to advise the "Lord"
While it would be useful information to know her allegiance, there's a more present problem of the Stormlanders are literally at our front g… moreates. Jenna did her job as Harris' minion on finding out who the spy is, now she needs to do her duty as a citizen of Raylainsfair to warn Harris about the threat that is about to walk into his home.
Completley understandable, but in my opinion, it's best to collect as much information as possible about Saerya, assuming Jenna doesn't get caught. If this information is supported with evidence, I truly believe Jenna will not only win Harris' favor, but she will have people like Sheryl on edge. I see Jenna having plenty of opportunities if she uncovers the truth about the Saerya, Jenna must take this risk.
While it would be useful information to know her allegiance, there's a more present problem of the Stormlanders are literally at our front g… moreates. Jenna did her job as Harris' minion on finding out who the spy is, now she needs to do her duty as a citizen of Raylainsfair to warn Harris about the threat that is about to walk into his home.
Captain Hollard amused chuckle isn't inrelevant and is more like disregarding of treating her lightly which doesn't seems appealing but as long her naivety show up it may be amusing for some reason and people actually...
Thanks for the answers, sorry to bring it up... actually neverm...
or maybe actually...
“Patience is a virtue, Virtue is a grace; Both put together Make a very pretty face”
Seems that I'm starting to show lacking of patience which is bad
"I plan to avoid making a character a mere plot tool, or to kill them off for simple shock effect without giving them any characterisation at all." I didn't want to say it like that... is just... I am, is that feeling that I'll be "miss out" not completely but as long you're saying that "I can promise you, your characters will appear in the story, they will get development and they will be more than mere plot tools", I trust you like always with all my hearth... I really like your stories so far and I will never want you to rush thinks, is just that Arialex puns back in my head saying she will never be as good or bad to the story that where she's needed...
scratch all you read before
I'll WAIT, Sebastian here are my sincerity apologize to bring this up, you're awesome as ever don't forget that :P
First of all, thank you for your comment. Criticism is always appreciated and the things you mentioned are very understandable problems, so … moreI'll do my best to answer them. I'm sure you are not the only reader who feels that way.
that's completely irrelevant!
Could you please explain what you mean with that? Personally, I don't see this particular line as irrelevant. In fact, there are a couple of reasons why I wrote it. The first part, Alys' sentence, showed that Alys is both, a brave young woman, as well as a slightly naive girl who maybe doesn't have the best grasp on how dangerous some situations truly are. It also showed that she is concerned for her friends, in this case, for Edward's safety and that she is willing to put her friends safety above her own. The second part of this line, Alynne's reaction, was meant to show a bit of Alynne's character, who only had a small role in the last Chapter. In contrast to Alys' hint of… [view original content]
The courtyard was nearly empty as Jenna crossed it. She felt the sun on her skin, it was a rare, beautiful autumn day, warmer than most. Yet at the same time, Jenna felt a chilling sensation after her meeting with Sherryl. Her father used to tell her that some men make fools out of themselves in front of a beautiful woman. Sherryl was undoubtedly beautiful, but so far, Jenna had never seen Harris as a fool. He was a knight, a castellan, a lord. A monster. But no matter what Jenna saw in him, seeing him so oblivious to Sherryl's manipulations was disgraceful.
Even though the courtyard was nearly empty, Jenna saw two figures walking out of the servants quarters. They came closer and first, Jenna heard their friendly chatter, before she recognized one of them. Despite the uneasy feeling Sherryl left on her, a smile formed on her face, as she saw the long, golden-blonde hair of Carma Strad. It had been days since she last saw her. The recent events left little time for her to meet the few people she actually considered friends. And then there was Urid... Jenna had only heard a short version of what happened from her father, but it was nonetheless concerning.
“Carma!”, she yelled to catch her friends attention, as she approached her. The two women stopped and as Carma looked into Jenna's direction, her smile gained a considerably more motherly touch. “Jenna!”, she exclaimed, before she rushed towards her, to pull her into a short, happy hug.
The woman next to her needed a moment longer to smile as she saw Jenna. Her smile was smaller than Carma's and more intelligent, perhaps only a smirk, that fit very well to the shrewd look in her crystal blue eyes. She had a slim body underneath her simple, green dress and her pale skin contrasted well with the long, black hair that fell over her shoulders. Similarly to Carma, she had an admirable beauty, the kind of looks Jenna always had a hint of envy for.
“Jenna, how are you?”, Carma asked, glancing at the scar next to Jenna's eye. Immediately, Jenna's smile faded. Aside from her busy schedule, this had been another reason for her to shun Carma's presence. She reminded her of this evening. Of Wolfius. She heard that they had caught him, but Jenna was still afraid of him and she knew she would always be until she would see his dead body dangling in the wind.
“It could be better”, she admitted. “But how are you? How are Urid and your children?” This time, Carma's smile faded as well and for a moment, both women looked at each other in sadness. “The children are fine. I've asked Melany Stratford to look after them while I have to work. You know, the wife of the brewer?” Jenna gave her a short nod, even though she had no idea about any brewer in Raylansfair. She assumed there was one, but this wasn't exactly the kind of knowledge she cared for.
“Urid on the other hand...”, Carma said and paused for a moment. The dark-haired woman walked up behind her and put a hand onto her shoulder. “It is fine, Carma”, she said in a friendly tone. “We're here for you” With these words, she looked at Jenna and gave her a short nod. “Hello, Jenna”, she greeted her.
The fact that this woman knew her name caught Jenna off guard. She had seen her before in the servants quarters, knew that she was serving in the castle as well, but she had never really talked to her, nor had she ever learned her name. “Uh... hello...”, Jenna stuttered.
“I'm Saerya”, the woman introduced herself. “Saerya Waters. We have met each other a couple of times, don't you remember?” She paused and her smirk returned. It was friendly and pretty, but there was something else about her. Her eyes had a certain sort of cunning, something Jenna had seen before. Sherryl had the same look in her eyes. So had Maester Eaton, at times. It was a form of intelligence that felt unfitting for a servicemaid. “But I don't blame you”, Saerya assured her. “After all, it has been a terrible month for you” She gave Carma a concerned look. “And for you as well, sweet”, she said calmly. “Do you need a moment?”
Carma shook her head. “No...”, she answered. “No, I'm fine. It's just...” This time, Jenna actually saw tears in her eyes. “Urid will live. The healer saved his life, but his condition is bad. He's still at her house. I've visited him in the morning and he was barely awake”, she mumbled. “Mathea said that he won't die, but he might not be able to work, or even to come home for a very long time. And even then, she is not sure if he is ever going to run again”
Hearing this, it gave Jenna an almost guilty feeling. She had pitied her own tragedies for years. The death of her mother, what happened to her father, everything about Wolfius. But right now, it felt insignificant.
Meanwhile, she saw someone entering the courtyard. It was a young man, a member of the city guard, judging by his tabard. The look on his face was bewildered as he rushed past them. Saerya barely managed to grab his arm, forcing him to stop, which caused him to give her a glare, more out of fear than out of anger. “Let go of me!”, he yelled. “I need to get to the captain. She has to know!”
“Easy, guardsman!”, Saerya tried to calm him down. “What happened? Is it something dangerous?” The man looked confused for a moment, before he shrugged. “I... probably, yeah. We... we got company. I was at the gate when they arrived. I... I was too baffled to close it. There were so many of them and they...” He paused to take a deep breath, before he started to walk away again, quickly breaking into a sprint as he ran towards the guards quarters. Before he entered them, he looked over his shoulder at the three women. “The stags are coming!”, he yelled, before he entered the building.
“Stags?”, Carma asked in confusion and Jenna needed a moment to realize what he was talking about as well. Saerya however widely opened her eyes in surprise and put a hand onto her forehead. “Stags!”, she exclaimed. “Oh shit...” She put her hands onto Carma's shoulders. “Sweet, you go home. Now! Get your children, lock the door”
Carma visibly baffled at Saerya's stern, direct words, gave her a meek nod. “But.. but Saerya... what is happening? Is it going to be dangerous?” Saerya pressed her lips together, before she shrugged. “I don't know”, she admitted. “It's happening way too early”
Just as she said this, the door to the guards quarters were opened again and Nora Recton ran out. Even though she was wearing her full uniform, she hadn't attached the scabbard of her sword to her belt. Instead, she was holding the sword in her right hand and the scabbard in her left as she rushed towards the gates. “Alarm!”, she yelled and this command was all that was needed for numerous guards to run out of the buildings that surrounded the courtyard. “To the walls everyone! No fucking Stormlander enters this castle without my permission!”
“Stormlanders!”, Carma finally exclaimed as she realized what Saerya and the guardsman had been talking about. “Seven Hells, why are the Stormlanders here?” This time, Saerya gently pushed her towards the gates. “I don't know, but you shouldn't be here when we find out”, she growled and glanced at Jenna. “Jenna! Do you have something to do at the moment?”
Only now, Jenna noticed that she had clenched her fists so hard that they were hurting. Stormlanders in Raylansfair! By the Seven, what were they doing here? Despite her confusion, she managed to give Saerya a nod. “I was about to go into the ravenry. Someone has been sending messages from there, even after Eaton's death”, she said, realizing too late what she just told this her.
Despite her confusion, she realized something unexpected in Saerya's eyes. They got slightly wider and for a moment, she even gulped. “What? But the ravenry is locked”, she said. Jenna, noticing that it was too late by now, simply gave her a nod. “It is. And still, someone is able to enter. Lady Sherryl saw ravens flying and arriving”
“Sherryl...”, Saerya growled and her voice gained a chilling tone. “She is a serpent. Maybe she was lying, to manipulate the lord even further” She glanced towards the ravenry, and Jenna thought to see a hint of worry in her eyes. “Acting lord”, she corrected her and Saerya glared at her for a short moment.
“Listen, Jenna”, she said. “This task is obviously important. At the same time, there is something else that is also important. Lord Harris must be warned. He is at the audience chamber, together with Lord Tyrell. I need you to warn them. Tell them the Stormlanders are coming”
“Me?”, Jenna asked. “But... what is with you? I already have a task, given to me by the lord himself” Saerya pressed her lips together in displeasure, before she shook her head. “And now you have a new task, given to you by me”, she hissed. “They need to be warned”
“Obviously”, Jenna agreed. “But why aren't you going to warn them?” Again, Saerya gulped and by now, there openly was a deeply worried look in her eyes. “I have something else to do. My own business. Listen Jenna, this is important and I need you to do it!”
Something in her tone shocked Jenna deeply. It reminded her of Lady Halla, even though Saerya's tone was a lot less cruel or hateful. And it was this tone that caused her to move her feet without even wanting it. She gave Saerya a nod and received a thankful smirk in return, before she started to rush across the courtyard, towards the keep.
Only as she had reached the doors of the keep did she actually turn around. Two dozen guards had found their way to the courtyard, rushing towards the walls and to the gate. Nora herself was standing on the walls, looking far too young to actually command all these men. And finally... Jenna froze as she saw Saerya and cautiously took a step into the keep in order to remain unseen. The other woman was approaching the ravenry.
Saerya had her back turned to the keep, likely not even thinking that someone would pay attention to her in the current turmoil. For a moment, she glanced around and Jenna held her breath, being happy that she was standing in the shadows. And then, without having noticed that Jenna was watching her, she reached into her pocket, pulling something out that could only be a key, which she used to unlock the door to the ravenry.
Slightly shivering, Jenna looked around. By now, there were even more guards, perhaps even all of them, standing on or near the walls, awaiting Nora's orders. Somewhere outside of these walls, the Stormlanders were approaching. Someone had to warn Harris about them. But at the same time, Jenna was sure that she would never find out what Saerya was doing inside of the ravenry if she would spend her time running to the audience chamber first.
[Follow Saerya] [Warn Harris]
“We're staying out of this”, John decided and saw a relieved smile on Janae's face. “Harris, Daghan, they mean nothing to me. I see no reason to get involved” Just as he said this, he saw that neither Jaro, nor I'Lian or Temari were happy with his decision. “Sure, aside from the Dragonlord's gratitude...”, Temari grumbled. “We have joined wars for less”
“And we have prevented wars for less”, Jaro interjected. “I mean, this is better than directly supporting Targaryen, but still...” Janae slightly rolled her eyes. “John made his decision”, she growled in a low tone. “And it was a good decision. This is none of our concern”
A barely audible knock on the door caused her to look up, while Temari let out a sigh. “Perhaps it is”, he answered as he sluggishly raised from his chair. A pained expression flashed across his face as he put a hand onto his ribs. “Tem, let me...”, Jaro started to say, but Temari just shot him a glare, more out of annoyance than actual anger. “I got it, Jaro”, he growled, before he limped towards the door. “Who's there?”
A second of silence followed, before a soft, female voice answered. “My name is Daisy. I'm the barmaid here”, the woman behind the door explained. Temari exchanged a look with John, who gave him a nod, before he opened the door.
In the doorway stood the barmaid, a pretty girl with slightly tanned skin and red hair, a shade darker than Cass'. John closed his eyes, turning his head away from the girl. “I... I have a message for John Gutten”, she said softly and finally, Gutten forced himself to look back at her. She had a gentle smile on her lips and gave him a nod, which forced him to smile back at her. “That would be me”, he spoke “Say your message”
“It is... I... I don't want to interrupt anything, but the man downstairs demanded to talk to you”, Daisy explained and John narrowed his eyes. “He is tall, like, really tall. And completely bald. He looks like the strongest man I've ever seen. And he has two scars on his head!”
This time, John and Janae simultaneously let out a sigh. “That would be Daghan”, John muttered and I'lian widely opened his eyes. “The Ox of the Dragon, right here”, he mumbled. “Well, fuck me. I'm telling you, we should support him”
“And I'm telling you, John made up his mind”, Janae hissed and glared at the barmaid. “Anything else? If not, then you can leave” Daisy shook her head. “This is all. But... the man, he really wants to talk to you. He is nice and everything, but my aunt, the innkeeper, she is afraid that he could start trouble. He looks like trouble, you know”
“He does”, John agreed and beckoned her over as he reached into his pocket. “Give him something to drink, something strong. I pay. The rest is for you” With these words, he put a golden coin into her hand. “But that is far more...”, Daisy protested, before she gave him a thankful smile. “Thank you, Ser. I don't think I can keep him busy forever, but I'll give you some time”
With these words, the young woman left the room, which gave Temari an opportunity to shamelessly look at her backside. With a grin, he closed the door. “A nice girl”, he chuckled, as he limped back to his chair. While I'lian gave him a nod, Janae only let out a sigh and shook her head. “What are we going to do now?”, she asked.
“Running away?”, I'lian offered and glanced at the window. “We could climb. By the time Oxus is here, we'll be gone” Temari shook his head. “Not an option. I can't climb. Besides, my sister in the other room”, he said. “We could fight him if he is here to start trouble”
“Or perhaps we could, you know, talk about him?”, Jaro advised. “We don't know why he is here. I guess he noticed that his letter is gone. But in his case, I would first try to talk to my suspects” He leant back in his chair and crossed his arms. “If you want to talk to him, I'm going to come with you”
“Yeah, and if he doesn't like what you say, there will be a fight regardless”, Temari interjected. “I say we take him by surprise. John already made it clear that we won't support him, so we can just as well go against him”
“No one is going to fight anyone today”, Janae hissed. “We stay calm. We follow John. And we are not going to do things we're going to regret later, you hear me?” Just as she said these words, a bit louder than necessary, a heavy knock on the door caused John and his group to turn their heads. Before anyone could react, the door got opened and Daghan Oxus walked inside.
He wasn't wearing his armour and he was unarmed, but he was still an impressive sight. Gutten had met men who were wearing bulky armour for show, to appear more muscular than they truly were. In Daghan's case, he looked even more intimidating without it, as his current, plain clothing proved that he certainly was one of the most bulky men John had ever encountered.
“Good afternoon John, Janae”, he greeted them, in a calm, polite, but almost toneless voice as he closed the door behind him. “The barmaid offered me a beer. Sadly, I am not here to drink the stinking piss these people call a beer. I am here because we need to talk”
“Good afternoon Daghan”, John greeted him in return. “Please, grab a seat. I was actually just about to go downstairs” The knight gave him a nod as he sat down on the last, empty chair, that originally was intended to be for Behara, who was still next door, tending to the woman Daghan nearly killed with a single blow of his shield. A table stood between him and Gutten, but Jaro and I'lian were sitting right next to him and slowly started to move their chairs away from him, hopefully out of his reach. “Were you?”, the knight asked in a low, growling tone.
“Indeed. Is there a problem?”, John asked. Daghan gave him a nod. “The problem is that ever since you found that Wildfire below my tower, Harris' men have occupied it, to safely remove it from there. I don't like the company, so I moved out, to camp in the forrest”, he answered. “Because of this, it took me a while to realize that something is missing from my belongings”
“Things tend to go missing”, John answered. “Why do you want to talk to me about it?” This time, Daghan leant forwards and narrowed his eyes. “Because it was there before you came and I'm sure it was gone when you left. Even before Harris' men came and I had to left my tower”
“Is that an accusation?”, Janae asked and Daghan shook his head. “An assumption”, he growled. “Frankly, one I have no evidence for aside from how I feel. Which is why I'm giving you a chance to explain yourself. But you should better hope your explanation is good enough
“You are unarmed”, Janae stated and Daghan gave her a nod. “Is there a reason to be armed? I am here to talk and where I come from, people don't talk with their swords. Trust me, if I'd be here to fight, you'd know it”, he growled, before he reached into his pocket. Janae immediately reached for her knife, but stopped once she saw what Daghan was pulling out of his pocket. “But if the lady wants me to be armed, so be it. Now I have a spoon”, he explained and held the small, metal spoon between his fingers, while he was staring daggers at John.
“So, you believe we took this thing... what is it even about?”, John said, while he tried to remain calm. He glanced at the spoon in Daghan's hand. He couldn't... he wouldn't, would he? “A letter”, the knight explained. “From your friend?”, Janae interjected and Daghan gave her a nod. “She might be in danger”, he said and for the first time, his calm façade cracked. John realized that Daghan wasn't angry, he was worried. Worried for his friend? Or was he just worried that his secret could be uncovered? The skirmish at the tower came to mind. Fire and blood... No, Daghan never really tried to keep his identity a secret.
“We haven't seen your letter and your accusations are ridiculous”, Janae hissed again, even though John knew that her rudeness was a direct consequence of her slowly tensing up. Daghan barely glanced at her, but the look he gave her was enough to shut her up. Janae was the calmest person John knew, but as she looked back at him, he saw that she was close to loose her nerves. The presence of this huge, probably angry man in their room, it was a threat. John knew how much Janae hated threats.
“I'm talking to John”, Daghan simply stated and for a moment, he and John just looked at each other. “If you have my property, now will be the last time to give it back without consequences. Nothing bad happened. A mistake. Some mistakes can be forgiven” He glanced at the spoon he was holding between his index fingers. “If you look me in the eyes and swear to me right now that you haven't stolen my letter and if you manage to convince me, I will leave you alone”, he growled and looked up again. “But if you fail to convince me, if you lie to me, then bad things may happen, to my friend first and foremost, because by now I believe that she is in danger. This would be something I couldn't forgive”
[Tell him the truth and apologize] [Lie to him and try to convince him]
[Warn Harris] It be very bad if they came in, be a sign of Harris's weakness. At the same time, it would be bad to warn him cause if they just showed up he would have to worry.
[Lie to him and try to convince him] Hehehehe.
[Warn Harris]We already know who the spy is now, and the Stormlanders are known to take no shit. Jenna better be there to guide Harris on what to do instead of Sherrly. I kinda enjoy the dynamic between Jenna and Sherrly upon Harris, like an angel and devil on his shoulders.
[Tell him the truth and apologize]John doesn't seem that great of a liar, and it would be worse if we are caught in a lie.
[Warn Harris] Saerya seems to know what she's talking about, best to warn Harris.
[Tell him the truth] They can't do anything with the letter, and he clearly knows we took it. Might as well be straight up. I'd rather not apologize though.
There were a couple moments where I thought Saerya was someone else. She seems interesting, can't wait to see more of her.
I must say I'm really liking Jenna's parts now.
[follow sareya]
[tell him the truth and apologize]
[Tell him the truth] We already decide that John and co. are not interested at the political intrigue so we will be nice and become BFF with Daghan
[follow sareya] Come on guys,we all know that Sareya is a spy but we must discover for who! (And I'm the only one that want Argella arrive at the meeting room and say:
[Follow Saerya]
[Tell him the truth and apologize]
It's awesome to see my character introduced, I can't wait for the next part!
[Warn Harris]
[Tell him the truth and apologize]
[Tell him the truth]
[Follow Saerya]
[Tell him the truth and apologise]
[Follow Sareya]
Hearing this pleases me greatly. I've always planned that some serious character development would kick in for her around Chapter 6 and it is good that I seem to succeed in turning her into a more likeable character. While I gave her the honest chance of dying in Chapter 3, I personally have rooted for her survival specifically because I have hoped that her current storyline is going to be exciting. I'm glad to see that it is kinda well-received now.
Perhaps I should explain, the apology would be more of a safety measure, to not piss off the huge, angry guy even more. It wouldn't exactly be a genuine apology, just something that comes naturally for John when admitting to a mistake. After all, he indeed took something that did not belong to him and in his mind, an apology could help in calming Daghan down. However, he is definitely not genuinely sorry and there is the big chance that, given the opportunity, he would do it again.
Hm, this is a very interesting idea. Have you thought about someone else in particular, or have you just thought that she is more than she seems to be?
Keep in mind, Sherryl is currently not there either, so she wouldn't be around to manipulate Harris in this situation. She left the meeting in the last Willfred part after a guard told her that someone arrived in Raylansfair. InGen brought up the theory that it could have been the same guard that saw Lucas and Leonard arriving, but I guess the current part opened up an alternative possibility.
That is indeed the dynamic I was aiming at. But wait... have you just said something positive about Jenna? Fascinating
Daisy is ur character? ^^
Yea the next John Chapter!
[Warn Harris] not a hard choice
[Tell him the truth and apologize] Noooo Daghan is a nice guy. I have the feeling this will be the start of a beaaaautiful friendship!
[Follow Saerya] Now who the hell is this one? Another spy? "Enough is enough! I have had it with these mothafuckin spies in this mothafuckin castle!"
[Tell him the truth and apologize] No reason to be a dick towards Daghan.
Nope, Saerya.
Saerya's description just seems really familiar to me, I might just be imagining it. And I think she's definitely more than she seems. Definitely more than a simple servicemaid, Jenna hinted at this herself.
Well then Jenna will have an even easier time manipulating Harris.
I'm still not a fan of Jenna, but I do enjoy the role she is filling in this situation
Daisy is mine
Awww my sweet sumer child
shipping Dagsy now, even if it doesnt make any sense
I'd ship it.
[Follow Saerya]
[Lie to him and try to convince him]
[Warn Harris]
[Tell him the truth and apologize]
I'm back! Sorry it took me this long to vote.
[Follow Saerya] Well, Jenna doesn't have enough evidence to put Saerya on the spot, if she just goes to Harris with the little information she has, Harris will likely doubt her.
[Tell him the truth and apologize] Lets not piss off the Targaryen Knight. Bad idea to do so. Very bad.
I wouldn't be so sure. Harris has shown a lot of trust in Jenna so far, and I doubt it would be hard to believe that a servant that neither know on a first name basis could be a spy.
That may be true, however imagine if Sheryl is working with Saerya (doubtful though), the moment Jenna tells Harris about what she saw, Sheryl will just completley deny it and convince Harris not to trust Jenna. As far as I can see it, both spies are lying snakes, uncovering their plans and finding out the truth is top priority.
Ohhh yiss! Pls let it happen Liquid...JUST DO IT! XD
Dagsy, huh? We'll see... Despite the fact that they never shared a scene together and that Daghan is old enough to be Daisy's father, it is certainly not the weirdest or most unlikely crack ship I could think of XD
So, I feel like it is time for a short announcement. Usually, this would be around the time the new part should be up already. This time however, I have to admit that I haven't even started to write it down yet and I think you deserve some sort of explanation. The reason for this is a university project of some sorts I've been preparing for over the past weeks and which demands my ever increasing attention. This project is due tomorrow, on Monday, and it is going to be of great, potentially life-changing importance, because it might allow me to change my course of studies to something I enjoy a lot more than my current one. Because of this, I have taken the weekend off and decided not to write anything until Tuesday in order to prepare for tomorrow. I tried to avoid the short break, but I think it is necessary in this case. Expect the new part on Tuesday or Wednesday. In the unlikely case that there will be more votes until then, I'm going to leave the voting open, since I see no reason in closing it this early. I can already reveal that it is going to be a Lucas part.
Don't worry Liquid take all the time that you need for do for your project and good luck for it!
That's alright Liquid take the time you need. Best of luck with the project!
You go ace that project Liquid! Don't worry about us, we can mull over a couple of days if it means you can do something you really want.
I wouldn't go as far to call Saerya a lying snake, seeing we just met her and so far she's been really kind: helping Carma out and trying to warn Harris. I do see that she could just be playing a part, but she could also not be. So far we don't even know her employer so there's no reason to jump to conclusions.
Good luck on that project of yours Liquid. I hope you do better than good.
Very true. That's why to find out her true allegiance Jenna must follow her. The big question is: Is she a friend or foe? I really don't know who she might be working for, there's way too many options
While it would be useful information to know her allegiance, there's a more present problem of the Stormlanders are literally at our front gates. Jenna did her job as Harris' minion on finding out who the spy is, now she needs to do her duty as a citizen of Raylainsfair to warn Harris about the threat that is about to walk into his home.
I think is more important for the city know for who Saerya is working because if she is working for someone that is dangerous for Raylainsfair we will regret not have discover it sooner (while the only bad thing that will happened if we not warn Harris is the Storm Princess storming in the meeting hall like a badass)
PS:However if I must be honest I think that if Jenna don't advise Harris someone else will do it. For example i doubt that the captain of the guard forget to order a random soldier (hopefully #167) to advise the "Lord"
Completley understandable, but in my opinion, it's best to collect as much information as possible about Saerya, assuming Jenna doesn't get caught. If this information is supported with evidence, I truly believe Jenna will not only win Harris' favor, but she will have people like Sheryl on edge. I see Jenna having plenty of opportunities if she uncovers the truth about the Saerya, Jenna must take this risk.
Captain Hollard amused chuckle isn't inrelevant and is more like disregarding of treating her lightly which doesn't seems appealing but as long her naivety show up it may be amusing for some reason and people actually...
Thanks for the answers, sorry to bring it up... actually neverm...
or maybe actually...
“Patience is a virtue, Virtue is a grace; Both put together Make a very pretty face”
Seems that I'm starting to show lacking of patience which is bad
"I plan to avoid making a character a mere plot tool, or to kill them off for simple shock effect without giving them any characterisation at all." I didn't want to say it like that... is just... I am, is that feeling that I'll be "miss out" not completely but as long you're saying that "I can promise you, your characters will appear in the story, they will get development and they will be more than mere plot tools", I trust you like always with all my hearth... I really like your stories so far and I will never want you to rush thinks, is just that Arialex puns back in my head saying she will never be as good or bad to the story that where she's needed...
scratch all you read before
I'll WAIT, Sebastian here are my sincerity apologize to bring this up, you're awesome as ever don't forget that :P