Forum of Thrones: An Interactive Story



  • edited July 2016

    (I initially chose to help roman at first but changed my mind) Vaasrand is definitely in the most danger but I think the beast has to be the main focus. There's no chance Roman can take it on his own. I'm hoping that if they kill it the rest will run or if they seriously hurt it, hopefully the beast has a sense of self preservation.

    [Help Axel] Axell's been solid and backed up Richard every chance, it's only right that Richard backs him up now. Plus in helping Axell we save two lives.

    My thoughts while reading: "The fuck is going on?".

    I think the beast might have been toying with them. There's no strategy in seperating the group then bringing them back together unharmed.
    I also noticed that Vaasrand is in the most danger which makes me think that beast is so intelligent that it recognises that he's the biggest threat.

    Another thought I had is, why the fuck did we bring Ed?

    I'm preparing for tears because I'm convinced that more than one character will die in the next Richard part. :'(

    Richard With a glance to Vaasrand, who had already half-vanished in the underbrush, Richard shook his head. Without Hal's sister Nora, he

  • [Help Axell]

    Richard With a glance to Vaasrand, who had already half-vanished in the underbrush, Richard shook his head. Without Hal's sister Nora, he

  • Also, Liquid, a question. How far away are Roman, Axell and Vaasrand from each other?

    Roman and Vaasrand stand relatively close to each other, perhaps three or four metres apart. Both stand to Richard's left, though Axell and Hal stand to his right, probably six or seven metres away from them.

    captainivy1 posted: »

    Fuck! Axell's in danger! Immediately, Fuck Roman, he can fight the beast... not. The choice for me is basically, my own character or Vaasran

  • Alright, awesome! Thank you.

    Also, Liquid, a question. How far away are Roman, Axell and Vaasrand from each other? Roman and Vaasrand stand relatively close to e

  • My thoughts while reading: "The fuck is going on?".

    I hope that is good XD Though it was Richard's thought exactly, the beast and this oddly coordinated attack have greatly confused him. Even Vaasrand was a bit confused, as the beast acts absolutely not like he expected.

    I think the beast might have been toying with them. There's no strategy in seperating the group then bringing them back together unharmed.

    I also noticed that Vaasrand is in the most danger which makes me think that beast is so intelligent that it recognises that he's the biggest threat.

    You are right with this, it is very likely that the beast is toying with them quite heavily, which is not something a predator on a hunt usually does, especially in case of wolves. I think cats and other feline animals are the occasional exception, but the beast is definitely not a cat :D And Vaasrand got attacked by the most wolves, even though he is the most dangerous, which is another strategy that should go against their natural survival instinct. Something odd is going on.

    Another thought I had is, why the fuck did we bring Ed?

    Actually, back in Richard's first part in this chapter he noted that Ed looks the most ready for a fight. Previously, he was also the most calm and level-headed of the group and seemed eager to help. However, he still is only a farmer. This is the first life-or-death situation he's in and while most of the other farmers fight for their lives, he simply panicked. In contrast, Richard previously thought that Hal was the most out-of-place in their mission, but he proved himself to be braver than expected and it is only his wound that prevents him from fully fighting alongside Axell.

    I'm preparing for tears because I'm convinced that more than one character will die in the next Richard part. :'(

    It definitely cannot hurt to be prepared. Richard's next part will be his final part in this chapter, so everything is possible.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    (I initially chose to help roman at first but changed my mind) Vaasrand is definitely in the most danger but I think the beast has to be the

  • (help vaasrand)

    Richard With a glance to Vaasrand, who had already half-vanished in the underbrush, Richard shook his head. Without Hal's sister Nora, he

  • So a werewolf... Eh nothing a witcher can't handle [Help Vaasrand]

    Richard With a glance to Vaasrand, who had already half-vanished in the underbrush, Richard shook his head. Without Hal's sister Nora, he

  • [Help Axell] Holy shitballs. It's Alexander all over again, and now Than is as dead as a turkey on Thanksgiving morning. I don't know why I just said that, I'm in to much shock. Ohmygoodness Than is dead. Could we just leave his dead body as bait? No, because these wolves are too smart dangit. We should probably help Axell because by doing that we are saving two lives and one corpse. Roman is a good distraction for the alpha, and the witcher dude is distracting the other beta wolves. Richard should use this oppurtinity to run with Hal and Axell, and have Ed go tarzan through the trees and catch up while Roman and witcher die for the cause. And if they survive, all we need to do is keep an eye out for a warg and kill him. Easy as pie, right?

    Richard With a glance to Vaasrand, who had already half-vanished in the underbrush, Richard shook his head. Without Hal's sister Nora, he

  • [Valar Morghulis]


    Richard With a glance to Vaasrand, who had already half-vanished in the underbrush, Richard shook his head. Without Hal's sister Nora, he

  • edited July 2016

    Well that was brutal!

    [Help Axell] I trust that Vaasrand has got a couple tricks up his sleeve to survive such a situation, and I don't really like Roman. So Axell it is.

    Sooo, this is Wolfius warging into the giant direwolf, right? ;)

    Richard With a glance to Vaasrand, who had already half-vanished in the underbrush, Richard shook his head. Without Hal's sister Nora, he

  • Guys I think we can see our replies now. Still randomly unfollow discussions though.

  • Sooo, this is Wolfius warging into the giant direwolf, right? ;)

    I have the same thought as you regarding Wolfius warging into that wolf.

    [Help Roman] Simply because he took attention of direwolf away from Richard on himself. Maybe he is an asshole, but he decided to help Richard.... he should repay with the same.

    Oh damn, Mathea will be soo busy soon.

    Well that was brutal! [Help Axell] I trust that Vaasrand has got a couple tricks up his sleeve to survive such a situation, and I don't really like Roman. So Axell it is. Sooo, this is Wolfius warging into the giant direwolf, right?

  • I just can't decide between them, so I give all of them equal chance of death

    Mathea posted: »

    Sooo, this is Wolfius warging into the giant direwolf, right? I have the same thought as you regarding Wolfius warging into that wo

  • That's an option too.
    I was not sure myself whom to support, but I decided for Roman.

    joriandrake posted: »

    I just can't decide between them, so I give all of them equal chance of death

  • Your reply here just confirmed that notifications work again for me, at least for the moment

    Mathea posted: »

    That's an option too. I was not sure myself whom to support, but I decided for Roman.

  • Glad I could be helpful.

    joriandrake posted: »

    Your reply here just confirmed that notifications work again for me, at least for the moment

  • Sooo, this is Wolfius warging into the giant direwolf, right? ;)

    Wolfius? I know you already speculated into that direction a few months ago and it was a pretty interesting idea back then. It would certainly answer a lot of questions, though it would bring up plenty of new ones. For example, why would a guy who has access to such a beast actually allow himself to get captured? That said, it doesn't even have to be a warg in this case. Could be something even weirder. Of course, I can't outright confirm or deny anything, though I can give you a firm maybe :)

    Well that was brutal! [Help Axell] I trust that Vaasrand has got a couple tricks up his sleeve to survive such a situation, and I don't really like Roman. So Axell it is. Sooo, this is Wolfius warging into the giant direwolf, right?

  • Indeed, reply notifications are fixed since yesterday evening. They have been back the day before, but only for an hour. Hopefully they will stay for good now. The unfollowing thing is still there though and you have to be careful whenever you make a new comment to make sure you still follow the thread. However, since private messages are fixed again as well, I am at least able to notify active readers whom I don't see here in a while.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Guys I think we can see our replies now. Still randomly unfollow discussions though.

  • edited July 2016

    on another note, this thread and others got unfollowed on their own, and can't follow again it says javascript issue

    Liquid try to reply to my last PM

    edit kaoji neko test (=^^ω^^=)ノ

    Indeed, reply notifications are fixed since yesterday evening. They have been back the day before, but only for an hour. Hopefully they will

  • For example, why would a guy who has access to such a beast actually allow himself to get captured?

    Good question :D Well, I'm a bit less sure about my warg theory now, but I still believe there is some kind of connection to Wolfius here, because it seemed as if the direwolf recognized Richard. And we know there is bad blood between Richard and Wolfius.

    Sooo, this is Wolfius warging into the giant direwolf, right? Wolfius? I know you already speculated into that direction a few mont

  • A werewolf I'd bet.

    Sooo, this is Wolfius warging into the giant direwolf, right? Wolfius? I know you already speculated into that direction a few mont

  • edited July 2016

    WOW!This part it's AWESOME (btw it seems ages from the last Richard PoV)


    • Finally we encounter the Beast (and his friends)!But WHO is the beast? The only thing that now I can say for sure is that he/she hate Richard then,if we exclude Wolfius or someone that live at Raylainsfair,it's obvious that the beast is one of the forum members that hate the Harking family!XD
    • I must admit that I feel sorry for Than even if he was not even a secondary character of the fic,btw I like how you use his backstory (the family part) to remember us the existence of the three Richard's sons and,since Than was a friend with Arvin,we can maybe read more about the new deceased from some sort of flashbacks (if Arvin will be a PoV of course).
    • I'm glad that Vaasrand mention Christian because I forgot until now his existence!XD Where is now that good for nothing ranger?XD
    • If there is something that I'm sure is that in the next Richard part someone is going to die and EVERYONE is in danger...except Ed.
    • Btw the new style of the forum still suck (too..much..white..)

    PS:If someone is interested I decide to write the possible outcome of this choice:

    1. Help Roman:Axell and/or Hal die and probably Vaasrand will remain in bad shape (or die ;D)
    2. Help Axell: Roman,aka THE ABSOLUTE MADMAN,sacrifice himself against the Beast (Vaasrand will still remain in bad shape or die)
    3. Help Vaasrand: Almost everyone die but hey,at least we save Geralt of Lys!XD

    And in the end I choose... [Help Axell]

    Richard With a glance to Vaasrand, who had already half-vanished in the underbrush, Richard shook his head. Without Hal's sister Nora, he

  • edited July 2016

    For example, why would a guy who has access to such a beast actually allow himself to get captured?

    I guess to appear less dangerous that he actually can be and not to get even more attention on himself from the very beginning. So called ace card in the sleeve for a time when the ace will be needed.

    I would not be surprised if I may be right, that herd of wolves will attack the execution area, allowing Wolfius to escape his fate this way. Now, Wolfius sitting deep in the dungeons have plenty of time to plan his escape and warg meanwhile, if theory is correct. Reminding me of a part below...

    You think I am scared of you, Ellyrio Terys. You are a coward, you have always been a coward and you will die as a coward. Get in my way and I will show you what I'm truly capable off”

    “And what could this be?”, Clayton chuckled with a mocking smile. “Your most remarkable skill is that you can stab someone with a knife. Do you think I am scared of you?”

    “You should”, Wolfius answered in a low tone that caused Kersea to shiver. These two words, they were the worst thing she had heard all day, worse than Jenna Harking's bloodcurdling screams, worse than the physical pain Clayton gave her once again. It was a statement, a promise, something that was inherently true. Only a fool would doubt it. And Clayton was no fool.


    “Do you want to stop me?”, Wolfius answered, revealing his unsettling grin. The two men stared each other in the eyes and Kersea saw Clayton flinching. Of course, he looked away first. “As expected”, Wolfius commented, as if he just read her thoughts. “You have no idea what I am capable of, what I am”.

    Sooo, this is Wolfius warging into the giant direwolf, right? Wolfius? I know you already speculated into that direction a few mont

  • Eh a witcher could stop a warg too.

    Mathea posted: »

    For example, why would a guy who has access to such a beast actually allow himself to get captured? I guess to appear less dangerous

  • Some very interesting quotes you have there. I can confirm that they have been written for a reason. Few things I write serve absolutely no purpose, considering that I have a limit in how long these parts can be. These quotes in particular, they may have been more than the ramblings of a madman or they may have been exactly that. Though, at least about your idea with the wolves allowing Wolfius to escape: He will be hanged in the city, surrounded by guards and high walls. There's only so much a wolf can do.

    Mathea posted: »

    For example, why would a guy who has access to such a beast actually allow himself to get captured? I guess to appear less dangerous

  • Finally we encounter the Beast (and his friends)!But WHO is the beast? The only thing that now I can say for sure is that he/she hate Richard then,if we exclude Wolfius or someone that live at Raylainsfair,it's obvious that the beast is one of the forum members that hate the Harking family!XD

    Indeed, thinking about it, it seems pretty likely that the beast of Raylansfair is one of the resident readers who hate the Harking family. Actually, folowing this line of thought, it can be no other than InGen. I mean, we all know that the position of a mod grants mystical powers. They can ban and unban users, they can delete or move posts and whole threads. It isn't too far fetched that they can warg into giant direwolves as well. And he's not here this week. In fact, he went camping, which is an activity that is usually done in the forest. Coincidence? I think not.

    I must admit that I feel sorry for Than even if he was not even a secondary character of the fic,btw I like how you use his backstory (the family part) to remember us the existence of the three Richard's sons and,since Than was a friend with Arvin,we can maybe read more about the new deceased from some sort of flashbacks (if Arvin will be a PoV of course).

    Yes... I feel bad for Than. He was simply not a very detailed character, so there wasn't much I was able to do with him. At least Alexander got a lot of spotlight in Ilish's storyline, before dying in the same chapter he was introduced in. Than meanwhile was just one among many. It's tragic and his death could have been prevented, but that's the way things went.

    I'm glad that Vaasrand mention Christian because I forgot until now his existence!XD Where is now that good for nothing ranger?XD

    Yes, Christian. I was afraid people could forget him, which was why I mentioned him here. He still has a role to play, a pretty important one actually and his role will be greatly increased in a future storyline, but for now he has to take a backseat.

    If there is something that I'm sure is that in the next Richard part someone is going to die and EVERYONE is in danger...except Ed.

    Yes, Ed, the rational thinker of the group, the only one who does not fight against a pack of unnaturally clever wolves led by a direwolf the size of a warhorse. Others may call it cowardly, he himself would call it smart. And yes, everyone is in danger and someone might die in the next Richard part.

    Btw the new style of the forum still suck (too..much..white..)

    Yes, the new style of the forum is far too white for me. The staff has said that they eventually aim to update the forum step by step and that the final version is planned to be not entirely white. They had a bit of work to do with the more urgent problems, like the PM's, but now that this is fixed, I hope that there will be a bit more colour soon. But hey, at least the forums work properly again!

    WOW!This part it's AWESOME (btw it seems ages from the last Richard PoV) RT: * Finally we encounter the Beast (and his friends)!But

  • wolves have their packs

    Some very interesting quotes you have there. I can confirm that they have been written for a reason. Few things I write serve absolutely no

  • My, my. What a wonderful story. I'm loving ever minute of it, and I am going for

    [Help Axell] Just as Agent And Ivy said. He backed Richard up.

  • Hey, welcome to the story and to the forum as well! I'm always happy to see a new reader here :)

    My, my. What a wonderful story. I'm loving ever minute of it, and I am going for [Help Axell] Just as Agent And Ivy said. He backed Richard up.

  • Apparently I get notifications now even when you edit your comment. At least I got in this case. Odd, but not unwelcome. At least it explains how I got ten notifications from four new comments. Seems like the notifications want to make up for their week-long absence now XD

    joriandrake posted: »

    on another note, this thread and others got unfollowed on their own, and can't follow again it says javascript issue Liquid try to reply to my last PM edit kaoji neko test (=^^ω^^=)ノ

  • [Help Axell] 0 to 100 really flipping quick.

    Great part!

    Richard With a glance to Vaasrand, who had already half-vanished in the underbrush, Richard shook his head. Without Hal's sister Nora, he

  • I feel so powerful when my reasoning affects someones choice. >:)

  • Ah! Yet another emoji found! I did that one, but it made a quote instead. Also, yepp. You influenced me to a hopefully good choice. : 3

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I feel so powerful when my reasoning affects someones choice.

  • I literally just then tried that emoji. XD

    It's great because for the longest time I've wanted to influence someones choice in this story and this is the first time it's happend.

    captainivy1 posted: »

    Ah! Yet another emoji found! I did that one, but it made a quote instead. Also, yepp. You influenced me to a hopefully good choice. : 3

  • Just y'know, to have it clarified.. Do I have to send the PM again, or wil lyou answer them in time?

  • I'm definitely going to answer :) There's just a number of messages in my feed that I'm currently writing an answer for, considering that I had no time to do so yesterday, and I'm working on it. It's probably going to take me a few hours until I have answered them all though.

    captainivy1 posted: »

    Just y'know, to have it clarified.. Do I have to send the PM again, or wil lyou answer them in time?

  • I still think this could be possible, especially for a wolf pack lead by intelligent beast... we already can see that they are many.

    Some very interesting quotes you have there. I can confirm that they have been written for a reason. Few things I write serve absolutely no

  • emojis, the new age power of politicians

    kaojis, the new age method of world domination (=^^ω^^=)ノ

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I literally just then tried that emoji. XD It's great because for the longest time I've wanted to influence someones choice in this story and this is the first time it's happend.

  • Help Roman

    Roman did just save Richard's life, besides I want to focus on taking down the beast. Even though, it's probably not possible.

  • edited July 2016

    [Help Axell] Whoa, Ed was so useless :/

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