That is an interesting way of looking at the situation, one I haven't even considered. It's probably no secret that I occasionally hesitate to butcher characters en masse. I feel if I do this too often, the death itself will lose its meaning. At the same time, I can't go too soft on the characters or else there will be no sense of danger, so I have enough moments planned where a dangerous situation will end up with lots of deaths. The next chapter is probably going to be one huge situation like this
I somehow kinda like when no one dies, with GRRM at start you never expected that certain people die, then readers began to expect everyone to die
now, in your story that no one dies in such scenes is actually the least expected
Told you he'd be in the story very soon I have some nice plans for him, I hope you're going to enjoy what I have in mind! It should probably be mentioned again that the ambassador who was mutilated by the Storm King has been established as his first cousin, which should give him quite an interesting view on Argella and her people.
I was sure Sasha would die, but I'm so glad that she didn't
I'm very glad about this as well. If she would have duelled Rodrik, she would have died, which I would have hated, since I love writing her. In this situation, she is pretty badly wounded though, so that will have consequences. But she is still alive for now
Considering how dedicated she is to her work, I would see it as highly unlikely. But she's still going to be very happy to get some help, because the amount of people she has to care for start to push her to her limits. Once Samantha and her group arrive at the city again, things are going to get even more stressful for her. Raylansfair has enough wounded to keep more than one healer busy.
OH thank god Jaro/I'lian survived. Though I don't know who is the one I like, I think it is I'lian, is the one who is mortally injured so curse their resemblance.
I think the one you like is I'lian. He was the one who interrogated Lenrianda in the last chapter and ultimately, he got the more severe wounds. Sasha is probably in even more of a severe condition, since a neck wound is bleeding like hell, but he's close behind in terms of wounds.
I also kinda guessed the Targaryens were coming once I saw Nymeria fight against those four Sons because I had the idea that Nymeria was actually a Targaryen agent, but kinda realized afterward that she wasn't because there wasn't much reaction to her injuries.
She's probably not a Targaryen agent, though there's always the possibility that the others simply did not blew her cover. While she's a sellsword, she is also dornish, so it is less likely. Still an interesting theory though.
Also I kinda noticed how you described every Son Sam fought. I kinda found it unnecessary to describe each character who Sam fought but that is my own opinion though.
I wanted to give them at least a rudimentary description instead of just saying "Samantha killed that guy". Especially when fighting against more than one enemy, I think I needed to give them some physical traits to make it more clear whom she's fighting against. It was my hope that it would help with visualizing the part in your mind.
Loved the fighting scene though and really excited for the Targaryen reinforcements because I am definitely team Targaryen. Hopefully Arthur gets back to the guardsmen HQ to meet Orys so there is a chance to join Team Targaryen.
I am very happy to hear this! I try to be as neutral as possible, but at the same time, a few of my favourite characters are sworn to the Targaryens, so I am glad you like the Targaryen side as a whole. While I can't spoil anything, I can confirm that there will be encounters between the city guard and the Targaryen newcomers in the late parts of Book 1.
OH thank god Jaro/I'lian survived. Though I don't know who is the one I like, I think it is I'lian, is the one who is mortally injured so c… moreurse their resemblance. I also kinda guessed the Targaryens were coming once I saw Nymeria fight against those four Sons because I had the idea that Nymeria was actually a Targaryen agent, but kinda realized afterward that she wasn't because there wasn't much reaction to her injuries. But I was still right! Also I kinda noticed how you described every Son Sam fought. I kinda found it unnecessary to describe each character who Sam fought but that is my own opinion though. Loved the fighting scene though and really excited for the Targaryen reinforcements because I am definitely team Targaryen. Hopefully Arthur gets back to the guardsmen HQ to meet Orys so there is a chance to join Team Targaryen.
That is an interesting way of looking at the situation, one I haven't even considered. It's probably no secret that I occasionally hesitate … moreto butcher characters en masse. I feel if I do this too often, the death itself will lose its meaning. At the same time, I can't go too soft on the characters or else there will be no sense of danger, so I have enough moments planned where a dangerous situation will end up with lots of deaths. The next chapter is probably going to be one huge situation like this
Told you he'd be in the story very soon I have some nice plans for him, I hope you're going to enjoy what I have in mind! It should probably be mentioned again that the ambassador who was mutilated by the Storm King has been established as his first cousin, which should give him quite an interesting view on Argella and her people.
You did, but I certainly didn't expect it would happen in this part He had like one line and I already love how you write him, so I'm definitely looking forward to whatever is planned for him. And I did remember that the ambassador was Celtigar and mentioned Gordar back then, but I had forgot that he was a first cousin. Now I'm feeling conflicted, because I've started to like Argella lately, but on this I'm definitely on Gordar's side XD
I'm very glad about this as well. If she would have duelled Rodrik, she would have died, which I would have hated, since I love writing her. In this situation, she is pretty badly wounded though, so that will have consequences. But she is still alive for now
Whoa, bullet dodged. Ser Rodrik was a grade a asshole in this part, makes me wonder what kind of relationship Alisa has with him exactly.
:O GORDAR! Also nice introduction for Orys XD
Told you he'd be in the story very soon I have some nice plans for him, I hope you'r… moree going to enjoy what I have in mind! It should probably be mentioned again that the ambassador who was mutilated by the Storm King has been established as his first cousin, which should give him quite an interesting view on Argella and her people.
I was sure Sasha would die, but I'm so glad that she didn't
I'm very glad about this as well. If she would have duelled Rodrik, she would have died, which I would have hated, since I love writing her. In this situation, she is pretty badly wounded though, so that will have consequences. But she is still alive for now
OH thank god Jaro/I'lian survived. Though I don't know who is the one I like, I think it is I'lian, is the one who is mortally injured so cu… morerse their resemblance.
I think the one you like is I'lian. He was the one who interrogated Lenrianda in the last chapter and ultimately, he got the more severe wounds. Sasha is probably in even more of a severe condition, since a neck wound is bleeding like hell, but he's close behind in terms of wounds.
I also kinda guessed the Targaryens were coming once I saw Nymeria fight against those four Sons because I had the idea that Nymeria was actually a Targaryen agent, but kinda realized afterward that she wasn't because there wasn't much reaction to her injuries.
She's probably not a Targaryen agent, though there's always the possibility that the others simply did not blew her cover. While she's a sellsword, she is also dornish, so it is less likely. Still an interesting theory though.… [view original content]
You did, but I certainly didn't expect it would happen in this part He had like one line and I already love how you write him, so I'm definitely looking forward to whatever is planned for him. And I did remember that the ambassador was Celtigar and mentioned Gordar back then, but I had forgot that he was a first cousin. Now I'm feeling conflicted, because I've started to like Argella lately, but on this I'm definitely on Gordar's side XD
I hope I will continue to write him in this way. He will definitely get more lines in the future, though his role in this chapter will be relatively small. It's likely it wasn't the last we've seen of him in Chapter 7, but his real role in the story will only start with Chapter 8. As for that situation between him and Argella, well... Technically, the one who is to blame here is Argilac. Argella never harmed the ambassador and pointed out in Chapter 5 that, while not terribly heartbroken over his fate, she still thought mutilating him went way too far, so blaming her for the actions of her father might be a bit unfair. Since he is emotionally involved in this situation, Gordar sees things in a different light though and he has some strong arguments in his favour as well. You can likely expect him to confront her now that they are in the same location, anything else would be wasted potential.
Whoa, bullet dodged. Ser Rodrik was a grade a asshole in this part, makes me wonder what kind of relationship Alisa has with him exactly.
Indeed, Rodrik has been a total asshole in this part. He has actually been bad enough to make me consider changing my plans and killing him on the spot, but that would have ultimately clashed with Orys' personality. Unfortunately, he's too honourable to execute a defeated enemy who yielded. As for Rodrik and Alisa, they actually have a better relationship than you might assume. While they are hardly friends, they get along just fine. Rodrik's positive traits are few, but he is respectful of those who impressed him. This respect is enough for Alisa to work for him. Since she and Carvin are very much the most positive of the Second Sons, he also deliberately chose them as Edward Anturion's bodyguards, to spare them the kind of work he and the rest of his men are planning to do in Raylansfair. It's not quite a redeeming trait, but he's not as bad as, for example, Bear or Harmund.
Told you he'd be in the story very soon I have some nice plans for him, I hope you're going to enjoy what I have in mind! It should probabl… morey be mentioned again that the ambassador who was mutilated by the Storm King has been established as his first cousin, which should give him quite an interesting view on Argella and her people.
You did, but I certainly didn't expect it would happen in this part He had like one line and I already love how you write him, so I'm definitely looking forward to whatever is planned for him. And I did remember that the ambassador was Celtigar and mentioned Gordar back then, but I had forgot that he was a first cousin. Now I'm feeling conflicted, because I've started to like Argella lately, but on this I'm definitely on Gordar's side XD
I'm very glad about this as well. If she would have duelled Rodrik, she would have died, which I would have hated, since I love writing her. In this situation, she i… [view original content]
If it's a scene that takes place during the War of Conquest, then I can confirm it will happen. There are two I could think of that involve Orys in the canon and both will certainly be written. As a matter of fact, they are both among my favourite scenes for future books, even if it is definitely going to take a long while until we get there. Probably Book 3 material.
Yep, it was. Sweet. I can picture it in my head.
Well, I have put them into the same location, so it is very likely. After Argella rejected him simply because he's a bastard and after her father mutilated the Targaryen ambassador simply for delivering the offer, things are going to be really awkward if they meet up. It's unlikely I let that opportunity go to waste.
Awkwardness is the best.
I know, I know. This can be a genuine problem for me at times, to just screw over so many characters. In this case, I have played with the thought to kill just about everyone aside from Samantha and maybe Nymeria because she's new, and Sasha because I adore her. Ultimately, my desire to stick to plans I have already made was stronger than my willingness to massacre the cast of an entire storyline. But it will happen in the future, I promise. I'm glad you still enjoyed this one It was actually more justified this time, since Rodrik first sent recruits against them, who stood no chance against experienced sellswords like Samantha or Sasha, in order to tire them. Later on, his order to leave one of them alive probably saved more than one live, ironically.
I would like something where it's just a bunch of archers slaughtering others. Rodrik even mentioned for the archers to not fire, so you know. Cavalry charges too. Just it be a reverse and something that would be more unexpected. I understand the reasoning.
As you may remember, I said that there were two positive and two negative outcomes to this situation. You actually managed to pick one of the positive outcomes. The other positive outcome would have been the duel between Samantha and Rodrik, while the other two options would have basically forced me to kill off quite a few of the cast. Sasha would have died if she would have duelled Rodrik, while leaving in peace would have caused the death of Lenrianda and I'lian. Nymeria would have been unknown as well, but ultimately, she's too new to kill her off right now.
Yay us.
I get the feeling that maybe for the sake of the story sometimes we have to make bad choices though, which we have made, but maybe not enough of? Regardless, I guess that's fine. Are there any choices we have or could have made that would be the absolute worse with no good consequences?
(one scene I can think of, not sure if it'll be in this story)
If it's a scene that takes place during the War of Conquest, then I c… morean confirm it will happen. There are two I could think of that involve Orys in the canon and both will certainly be written. As a matter of fact, they are both among my favourite scenes for future books, even if it is definitely going to take a long while until we get there. Probably Book 3 material.
I do wonder if a certain Durrandon will run into good ol' Orys.
Well, I have put them into the same location, so it is very likely. After Argella rejected him simply because he's a bastard and after her father mutilated the Targaryen ambassador simply for delivering the offer, things are going to be really awkward if they meet up. It's unlikely I let that opportunity go to waste.
As much as I sometimes have to think on how many of these parts have massive sword fights where a handful of ch… [view original content]
I think the one you like is I'lian. He was the one who interrogated Lenrianda in the last chapter and ultimately, he got the more severe wounds. Sasha is probably in even more of a severe condition, since a neck wound is bleeding like hell, but he's close behind in terms of wounds.
Oh noooooo, hopefully he can keep his charm with missing his two fingers.
She's probably not a Targaryen agent, though there's always the possibility that the others simply did not blew her cover. While she's a sellsword, she is also dornish, so it is less likely. Still an interesting theory though.
Here's to hoping that everyone who is cool joins Team Targaryen.
I wanted to give them at least a rudimentary description instead of just saying "Samantha killed that guy". Especially when fighting against more than one enemy, I think I needed to give them some physical traits to make it more clear whom she's fighting against. It was my hope that it would help with visualizing the part in your mind.
That's a fair point and I may just be unreasonable but kinda got tired of reading about the random soldiers that were going to die, but it is much better than the alternative of just saying solider number 63 and soldier number 12.
I am very happy to hear this! I try to be as neutral as possible, but at the same time, a few of my favourite characters are sworn to the Targaryens, so I am glad you like the Targaryen side as a whole. While I can't spoil anything, I can confirm that there will be encounters between the city guard and the Targaryen newcomers in the late parts of Book 1.
Super excited to see this and can't wait to have the chance to convert Arthur to team Targaryen and lose by like two votes. I just hope every character eventually chooses a side and we have like an epic showoff between POVs and characters.
OH thank god Jaro/I'lian survived. Though I don't know who is the one I like, I think it is I'lian, is the one who is mortally injured so cu… morerse their resemblance.
I think the one you like is I'lian. He was the one who interrogated Lenrianda in the last chapter and ultimately, he got the more severe wounds. Sasha is probably in even more of a severe condition, since a neck wound is bleeding like hell, but he's close behind in terms of wounds.
I also kinda guessed the Targaryens were coming once I saw Nymeria fight against those four Sons because I had the idea that Nymeria was actually a Targaryen agent, but kinda realized afterward that she wasn't because there wasn't much reaction to her injuries.
She's probably not a Targaryen agent, though there's always the possibility that the others simply did not blew her cover. While she's a sellsword, she is also dornish, so it is less likely. Still an interesting theory though.… [view original content]
Am I the only one disappointed by the outcome? I mean I love the characters but I was expecting something horrible. I was ready for my heart to be broken, instead we got several near fatal injuries and everyone important survived. Oh well, the part was amazing still. And though I felt betrayed by Nymeria surviving getting hit by a mace without any crippling effects, that was a good expectation twister.
Still, Jaro held his own for a good time, using both of his swords to attack and to parry. Ultimately, he was too slow to fully parry one pa… morerticular strike though. The sword of one of the Second Sons hit him at close range and he only managed to deflect it, to prevent it from piercing his skull. Instead, the sharp side of the weapon hit the side of his head, cleanly cutting his left ear and the entire cheek in half, as well as knocking out more than one of his back teeth. In horror, Samantha could only watch as he went to the ground next to his brother. She didn't even know if he was alive or dead, but it filled her with primal rage.
Samantha charged towards the man that had just struck down Jaro. For this, she had to get past Nymeria and her opponents. Just as she had made her first step, the albino woman fell. It was not a blade that defeated Nymeria Aspys, but a mace, a sturdy, iron weapon that hit her in the back. She staggered forward… [view original content]
I would like something where it's just a bunch of archers slaughtering others. Rodrik even mentioned for the archers to not fire, so you know. Cavalry charges too. Just it be a reverse and something that would be more unexpected. I understand the reasoning.
For a brief second while writing, I have thought about such a possibility, with the archers just firing into the group, killing or incapacitating all of them. However, I feel it would have wasted too much of these characters and the reason I came up with made sense for me, so I had Rodrik order the archers to stand down. That said, the war of conquest will give me many opportunities to solve things in a different way, to feature big cavalry charges, or archers mowing down entire banners. At a later point, when far more characters are developed and established, I can even kill them off without feeling bad. So, I think such scenes you hope for can safely be seen as confirmed.
I get the feeling that maybe for the sake of the story sometimes we have to make bad choices though, which we have made, but maybe not enough of? Regardless, I guess that's fine. Are there any choices we have or could have made that would be the absolute worse with no good consequences?
There are several choices that have been entirely bad without any genuinely good consequence coming out of it. The first that came to mind was the choice involving Samantha in Chapter 3. Not sending her to Oldtown the first time basically sealed Lunett's fate, though it was not entirely bad, since it saved Aylard's life. However, you had the same choice again and a very small majority decided to agree to her wish this time. If you would have still kept her around, Lucas, Leonard and Lunett would have all died and the benefits for John would have been minimally. Another choice with entirely bad consequences would have been to trust Wolfius and to free him at the end of Arthur's Chapter 5 storyline. Both of these choices have lost only by a very narrow margin, the latter even by just a single vote.
When it comes to choices you have made that had entirely bad consequences, the one that comes to mind was the choice to kill the fake Butterfly in Chapter 4. While understandable in the heat of the moment, it lead to the disastrous consequences of the Chapter 6 finale. Sparing him would have ultimately given you a chance to uncover vital information that could have prevented it. Another choice that ultimately only had bad consequences was the choice to shoot Harren Hoare at the end of Chapter 5. While it saved the relationship between Torvin and Garthon, that doesn't really matter now, considering Torvin's current state of mind. In return, it caused Garthon to be targeted by Harren Hoare and by his sons as well, which has all kinds of negative consequences.
If it's a scene that takes place during the War of Conquest, then I can confirm it will happen. There are two I could think of that involve … moreOrys in the canon and both will certainly be written. As a matter of fact, they are both among my favourite scenes for future books, even if it is definitely going to take a long while until we get there. Probably Book 3 material.
Yep, it was. Sweet. I can picture it in my head.
Well, I have put them into the same location, so it is very likely. After Argella rejected him simply because he's a bastard and after her father mutilated the Targaryen ambassador simply for delivering the offer, things are going to be really awkward if they meet up. It's unlikely I let that opportunity go to waste.
Awkwardness is the best.
I know, I know. This can be a genuine problem for me at times, to just screw over so many characters. In this case, I have played with the thought to kill just abou… [view original content]
Oh noooooo, hopefully he can keep his charm with missing his two fingers.
Ah, I'm sure he'll be fine. It does not give him the same amount of style as an eyepatch, but I'm sure he can somehow find a way to make his missing fingers look like manly battle scars. Jaro had it worse for sure in that regard.
Here's to hoping that everyone who is cool joins Team Targaryen.
I'm curious, is there anyone specific you'd like to see as a member of Team Targaryen?
That's a fair point and I may just be unreasonable but kinda got tired of reading about the random soldiers that were going to die, but it is much better than the alternative of just saying solider number 63 and soldier number 12.
Yes, that was my thought as well. This solution is certainly better than just glossing over them. Especially since I tried to put a lot of detail into this fight scene, I felt like it had to describe the fighters as well. That said, I can understand your point and maybe next time I'll try to find a middle way. I just feel a bit lazy just calling them "the man" or "the sellsword" over and over and think that some sort of detail to distinguish them has to be there.
Super excited to see this and can't wait to have the chance to convert Arthur to team Targaryen and lose by like two votes. I just hope every character eventually chooses a side and we have like an epic showoff between POVs and characters.
Hm, many characters already have a side. Lucas and Drent are firmly siding with House Durrandon, Leonard and Arthur are siding with Raylansfair, Willfred is on the Rock's side and Maya is on the Vale's side. The only ones who are more or less siding with Team Targaryen at the moment are John and Jenna, though it is of course entirely possible that there will be more in the future. There will definitely be more than two sides in the events to come.
I think the one you like is I'lian. He was the one who interrogated Lenrianda in the last chapter and ultimately, he got the more severe wou… morends. Sasha is probably in even more of a severe condition, since a neck wound is bleeding like hell, but he's close behind in terms of wounds.
Oh noooooo, hopefully he can keep his charm with missing his two fingers.
She's probably not a Targaryen agent, though there's always the possibility that the others simply did not blew her cover. While she's a sellsword, she is also dornish, so it is less likely. Still an interesting theory though.
Here's to hoping that everyone who is cool joins Team Targaryen.
I wanted to give them at least a rudimentary description instead of just saying "Samantha killed that guy". Especially when fighting against more than one enemy, I think I needed to give them some physical traits to make it more clear whom she's fighting against. It was my hope … [view original content]
Hm, I can understand where you're coming from. I have a problem killing off underdeveloped characters, I admit to it. It is easier with characters that simply lack detail, but in the past, I have already killed off more than one character without giving them the screentime they would deserve from the level of detail in their submission and I felt genuinely bad for it. In this part, we had Jaro and I'lian, who have been background extras for three chapters, we have Lenrianda who is only in her second chapter and hasn't done anything of importance yet and we have Nymeria who only just got introduced. Then there is Samantha and Sasha and while I gave you an option that would have led to Sasha dying, I would have hated writing it, since there is more I can do with her character.
As for Nymeria, she got hit with a mace and it was enough to send her to the ground. It's not as if getting hit with a mace alone is enough to shatter her chest, although it probably did gave her a lot of pain. If one of the riders would have gotten her with a mace, she would have certainly been dead, but this is something that can be survived with relative ease, especially since Nymeria had armour that was specifically designed to prevent crippling injuries from such a strike.
Am I the only one disappointed by the outcome? I mean I love the characters but I was expecting something horrible. I was ready for my heart… more to be broken, instead we got several near fatal injuries and everyone important survived. Oh well, the part was amazing still. And though I felt betrayed by Nymeria surviving getting hit by a mace without any crippling effects, that was a good expectation twister.
Hm, I can understand where you're coming from. I have a problem killing off underdeveloped characters, I admit to it. It is easier with char… moreacters that simply lack detail, but in the past, I have already killed off more than one character without giving them the screentime they would deserve from the level of detail in their submission and I felt genuinely bad for it. In this part, we had Jaro and I'lian, who have been background extras for three chapters, we have Lenrianda who is only in her second chapter and hasn't done anything of importance yet and we have Nymeria who only just got introduced. Then there is Samantha and Sasha and while I gave you an option that would have led to Sasha dying, I would have hated writing it, since there is more I can do with her character.
As for Nymeria, she got hit with a mace and it was enough to send her to the ground. It's not as if getting hit with a mace alone is enough to shatter her chest, althoug… [view original content]
I have already killed off more than one character without giving them the screentime they would deserve from the level of detail in their submission and I felt genuinely bad for it.
Hm, I can understand where you're coming from. I have a problem killing off underdeveloped characters, I admit to it. It is easier with char… moreacters that simply lack detail, but in the past, I have already killed off more than one character without giving them the screentime they would deserve from the level of detail in their submission and I felt genuinely bad for it. In this part, we had Jaro and I'lian, who have been background extras for three chapters, we have Lenrianda who is only in her second chapter and hasn't done anything of importance yet and we have Nymeria who only just got introduced. Then there is Samantha and Sasha and while I gave you an option that would have led to Sasha dying, I would have hated writing it, since there is more I can do with her character.
As for Nymeria, she got hit with a mace and it was enough to send her to the ground. It's not as if getting hit with a mace alone is enough to shatter her chest, althoug… [view original content]
I have already killed off more than one character without giving them the screentime they would deserve from the level of detail in their submission and I felt genuinely bad for it.
Ah, I'm sure he'll be fine. It does not give him the same amount of style as an eyepatch, but I'm sure he can somehow find a way to make his missing fingers look like manly battle scars. Jaro had it worse for sure in that regard.
If worse comes to worse he can always just Jon Snow it and wear some cool looking gloves and just constantly flex his hands.
I'm curious, is there anyone specific you'd like to see as a member of Team Targaryen?
Basically all my characters, except for Hackor because I want the moment where Arthur has to finally stand up to his dad and accidentally ends up doing something he wasn't supposed to do and forever just lives with that shame. Don't know why but I enjoy seeing Arthur kinda failing his father, cause daddy problems are so entertaining. Also I want Leonard to join The Team cause I want there to be an epic showoff between Lucas and Leonard on the top of the Raylainsfair castle where they fight and both fall to the ground, but Leonard who has becomed bff with Aegon get's catched on his way down by a dragon and Lucas who befriended the Durrandons gets impaled by a random stag because the Durrandons suck and died off for a good reason. Can't wait for Orys to take over. Also it would be cool to see Marak somehow melted alive by a dragon on his adventures with Rollmop and his flames. Then there is Montclair who I want to lose his faith in the stormlands and deserts after a confrontation with Drent, but Drent lets him go because he couldn't bring himself to fight his old friend but they fight later on in some battle where he kills Montclair and Drent has to deal with all sorts of remorse which makes he himself doubt his loyalty to the crown. And the Breaker Bros. have to come in and save the day when Orys is losing a battle and has no dragons to save the day, a flock of longships show up and start to save the day with Garthon and Torvin. Ok finally finished my prophecy.
Hm, many characters already have a side. Lucas and Drent are firmly siding with House Durrandon, Leonard and Arthur are siding with Raylansfair, Willfred is on the Rock's side and Maya is on the Vale's side. The only ones who are more or less siding with Team Targaryen at the moment are John and Jenna, though it is of course entirely possible that there will be more in the future. There will definitely be more than two sides in the events to come.
We just need to merge Team Targaryen and Team Raylansfair and everything will become perfect.
Oh noooooo, hopefully he can keep his charm with missing his two fingers.
Ah, I'm sure he'll be fine. It does not give him the same … moreamount of style as an eyepatch, but I'm sure he can somehow find a way to make his missing fingers look like manly battle scars. Jaro had it worse for sure in that regard.
Here's to hoping that everyone who is cool joins Team Targaryen.
I'm curious, is there anyone specific you'd like to see as a member of Team Targaryen?
That's a fair point and I may just be unreasonable but kinda got tired of reading about the random soldiers that were going to die, but it is much better than the alternative of just saying solider number 63 and soldier number 12.
Yes, that was my thought as well. This solution is certainly better than just glossing over them. Especially since I tried to put a lot of detail into this fight scene, I felt like it had to describe the fighters as well. That said, … [view original content]
Indeed, Alexander is one of them. I have given him some spotlight in Ilish's storyline in Chapter 5, including taking centre stage in an extra-long part, but I still feel like there could have been more for his character. Another character I would have loved to do more with is Ser Ilhan. And finally, Jarek, who died in the Chapter 6 finale. He's in fact the one where I feel I wasted the most potential, since he has a nicely written backstory I barely touched upon. At least Alexander got to reveal his backstory and Ilhan got to be a major character for two chapters, but Jarek had no such thing. Actually, for the longest time he was even meant to survive the Chapter 6 finale instead of Ayden. There is a very good reason why I decided against this, though this reason might be considered a spoiler, since I made my decision by taking future developments in Jaron's storyline into consideration. By the end of Book 1, I will be able to properly explain my reason for it. Still, that does not change the fact that I feel like I should have done more with him.
I have already killed off more than one character without giving them the screentime they would deserve from the level of detail in their submission and I felt genuinely bad for it.
Ah, I'm sure he'll be fine. It does not give him the same amount of style as an eyepatch, but I'm sure he can somehow find a way to make his… more missing fingers look like manly battle scars. Jaro had it worse for sure in that regard.
If worse comes to worse he can always just Jon Snow it and wear some cool looking gloves and just constantly flex his hands.
I'm curious, is there anyone specific you'd like to see as a member of Team Targaryen?
Basically all my characters, except for Hackor because I want the moment where Arthur has to finally stand up to his dad and accidentally ends up doing something he wasn't supposed to do and forever just lives with that shame. Don't know why but I enjoy seeing Arthur kinda failing his father, cause daddy problems are so entertaining. Also I want Leonard to join The Team cause I want there to be an epic showoff between Lucas and Leonard on the top of the Raylainsfair castle where they fig… [view original content]
Indeed, Alexander is one of them. I have given him some spotlight in Ilish's storyline in Chapter 5, including taking centre stage in an ext… morera-long part, but I still feel like there could have been more for his character. Another character I would have loved to do more with is Ser Ilhan. And finally, Jarek, who died in the Chapter 6 finale. He's in fact the one where I feel I wasted the most potential, since he has a nicely written backstory I barely touched upon. At least Alexander got to reveal his backstory and Ilhan got to be a major character for two chapters, but Jarek had no such thing. Actually, for the longest time he was even meant to survive the Chapter 6 finale instead of Ayden. There is a very good reason why I decided against this, though this reason might be considered a spoiler, since I made my decision by taking future developments in Jaron's storyline into consideration. By the end of Book 1, I will be able to properly expla… [view original content]
Am I the only one disappointed by the outcome? I mean I love the characters but I was expecting something horrible. I was ready for my heart… more to be broken, instead we got several near fatal injuries and everyone important survived. Oh well, the part was amazing still. And though I felt betrayed by Nymeria surviving getting hit by a mace without any crippling effects, that was a good expectation twister.
Two likes seem to show im not. But i get your point. This Part was awesome in its own right. I just hope there are some long term Injuries left from this.
Hm, I can understand where you're coming from. I have a problem killing off underdeveloped characters, I admit to it. It is easier with char… moreacters that simply lack detail, but in the past, I have already killed off more than one character without giving them the screentime they would deserve from the level of detail in their submission and I felt genuinely bad for it. In this part, we had Jaro and I'lian, who have been background extras for three chapters, we have Lenrianda who is only in her second chapter and hasn't done anything of importance yet and we have Nymeria who only just got introduced. Then there is Samantha and Sasha and while I gave you an option that would have led to Sasha dying, I would have hated writing it, since there is more I can do with her character.
As for Nymeria, she got hit with a mace and it was enough to send her to the ground. It's not as if getting hit with a mace alone is enough to shatter her chest, althoug… [view original content]
Two likes seem to show im not. But i get your point. This Part was awesome in its own right. I just hope there are some long term Injuries left from this.
Well, there is no voting to close this time, but I still think it is necessary to give you a recap for the two PoV's that will be featured in the next part, especially since one of them hasn't been seen in a long time. As for the Samantha part, I'm happy you all seemed to enjoy it. I was looking forward to write it, because I like writing fighting scenes and because I was excited to introduce Orys Baratheon and his companions to the story. Glad to see it so well-received I have started writing the next part yesterday and I hope to finish it today.
Anyways, here is the recap: The next part will feature PoV's from Arthur and Jenna. The last time we saw Arthur, he bonded with Aren Charlton, servant to Lady Helenys Bellward, a merchant who came to Raylansfair on Harris' wish. Their talk got cut short by a commotion in the courtyard, which turned out to be Arthur's sister Aditha in an argument with their father. Apparently, Hackor had once again spoken badly about Arthur and Aditha was unwilling to accept that. At the same time, they learned about Septon Corbin's death and Hackor, Arthur and Aditha went to the dungeons. Their argument escalated to the point where Hackor hurt her feelings, though it is unclear if he meant to hurt her or if he just meant to drive her away from the dungeons, to spare her the sight of the mutilated body of Septon Corbin. Arthur was left with the choice to assist his father in the dungeons or to go after Aditha. You chose the former option, which will be important in later parts of the story.
Meanwhile, Jenna hasn't been seen in a long time. The last time we did see her, she infiltrated Sherryl's room, with the help of Saerya. She searched through Sherryl's belongings and found some seriously expensive stuff, which she thought to be too expensive for a lowborn woman like Sherryl. She also found a strange bow of foreign origin, obviously made by an extraordinary craftsman. Finally, she found a document that, under closer inspection, turned out to be a death warrant for Leonard, signed by Maron Mullendore. After careful consideration, Jenna decided not to destroy the death warrant on spot and instead she kept it in the hopes that it would serve as evidence that Sherryl has connections to Oldtown.
There certainly are long-term injuries, that much I can promise! I mean, I'lian lost two fingers, it's not like he's going to regrow them anytime soon. Meanwhile, Jaro is badly wounded, we don't know the extent of Lenrianda's injuries and Sasha is bleeding out from a slashed neck. While no one has died for now, there will be consequences for this, not only physical, but also mental.
Two likes seem to show im not. But i get your point. This Part was awesome in its own right. I just hope there are some long term Injuries left from this.
Meanwhile, Jenna hasn't been seen in a long time. The last time we did see her, she infiltrated Sherryl's room, with the help of Saerya. She searched through Sherryl's belongings and found some seriously expensive stuff, which she thought to be too expensive for a lowborn woman like Sherryl. She also found a strange bow of foreign origin, obviously made by an extraordinary craftsman. Finally, she found a document that, under closer inspection, turned out to be a death warrant for Leonard, signed by Maron Mullendore. After careful consideration, Jenna decided not to destroy the death warrant on spot and instead she kept it in the hopes that it would serve as evidence that Sherryl has connections to Oldtown.
The next part is going to be out today!
Well, there is no voting to close this time, but I still think it is necessary to give you a reca… morep for the two PoV's that will be featured in the next part, especially since one of them hasn't been seen in a long time. As for the Samantha part, I'm happy you all seemed to enjoy it. I was looking forward to write it, because I like writing fighting scenes and because I was excited to introduce Orys Baratheon and his companions to the story. Glad to see it so well-received I have started writing the next part yesterday and I hope to finish it today.
Anyways, here is the recap: The next part will feature PoV's from Arthur and Jenna. The last time we saw Arthur, he bonded with Aren Charlton, servant to Lady Helenys Bellward, a merchant who came to Raylansfair on Harris' wish. Their talk got cut short by a commotion in the courtyard, which turned out to be Arthur's sister Aditha in an argument with th… [view original content]
Jenna yay! She's actually one of my favourite POV's now. Saerya may have something to do with that but Jenna as a character has also gotten really interesting.
The next part is going to be out today!
Well, there is no voting to close this time, but I still think it is necessary to give you a reca… morep for the two PoV's that will be featured in the next part, especially since one of them hasn't been seen in a long time. As for the Samantha part, I'm happy you all seemed to enjoy it. I was looking forward to write it, because I like writing fighting scenes and because I was excited to introduce Orys Baratheon and his companions to the story. Glad to see it so well-received I have started writing the next part yesterday and I hope to finish it today.
Anyways, here is the recap: The next part will feature PoV's from Arthur and Jenna. The last time we saw Arthur, he bonded with Aren Charlton, servant to Lady Helenys Bellward, a merchant who came to Raylansfair on Harris' wish. Their talk got cut short by a commotion in the courtyard, which turned out to be Arthur's sister Aditha in an argument with th… [view original content]
To be fair, you've been among the ones who chose to keep the death warrant, if I'm not mistaken. Though you're going to be very interested in the choice at the end of her next part, I'm convinced of it. Let's just say, there is still a twist to this matter
Meanwhile, Jenna hasn't been seen in a long time. The last time we did see her, she infiltrated Sherryl's room, with the help of Saerya. She… more searched through Sherryl's belongings and found some seriously expensive stuff, which she thought to be too expensive for a lowborn woman like Sherryl. She also found a strange bow of foreign origin, obviously made by an extraordinary craftsman. Finally, she found a document that, under closer inspection, turned out to be a death warrant for Leonard, signed by Maron Mullendore. After careful consideration, Jenna decided not to destroy the death warrant on spot and instead she kept it in the hopes that it would serve as evidence that Sherryl has connections to Oldtown.
Evil Jenna going to harm Leonard.
I feel the same about this. Jenna started off as a weak character, but in recent parts, she has grown stronger and as a result, she became more interesting to me. It's nice to see that I'm not alone with that opinion And I think Saerya has probably something to do with that, as she helped Jenna to take initiative and to develop her strengths. Aside from that, Saerya is a character I'm overall enjoying to write, so that's certainly helping ^^
Jenna yay! She's actually one of my favourite POV's now. Saerya may have something to do with that but Jenna as a character has also gotten really interesting.
I feel the same about this. Jenna started off as a weak character, but in recent parts, she has grown stronger and as a result, she became m… moreore interesting to me. It's nice to see that I'm not alone with that opinion And I think Saerya has probably something to do with that, as she helped Jenna to take initiative and to develop her strengths. Aside from that, Saerya is a character I'm overall enjoying to write, so that's certainly helping ^^
To be fair, you've been among the ones who chose to keep the death warrant, if I'm not mistaken. Though you're going to be very interested i… moren the choice at the end of her next part, I'm convinced of it. Let's just say, there is still a twist to this matter
There certainly are long-term injuries, that much I can promise! I mean, I'lian lost two fingers, it's not like he's going to regrow them anytime soon.
true not even my healer can regrow stuff without equipment, and he doesn't have the item needed for that
There certainly are long-term injuries, that much I can promise! I mean, I'lian lost two fingers, it's not like he's going to regrow them an… moreytime soon. Meanwhile, Jaro is badly wounded, we don't know the extent of Lenrianda's injuries and Sasha is bleeding out from a slashed neck. While no one has died for now, there will be consequences for this, not only physical, but also mental.
I do remember having a hard time with that choice.
Though you're going to be very interested in the choice at the end of her next part… more, I'm convinced of it
[Jump off the walls] [Exchange your soul for Lunett] [Just disappear forever]
You have me intrigued...
I do remember having a hard time with that choice.
Though you're going to be very interested in the choice at the end of her next part… more, I'm convinced of it
[Jump off the walls] [Exchange your soul for Lunett] [Just disappear forever]
You have me intrigued...
Arthur still felt a sting of guilt over leaving Aditha alone, but he knew, his father might need his help. He was even sure that Hackor, in his own way, appreciated the gesture. Right now however, he wasn't too sure how he even could help. Standing next to the commander, he watched Mathea walking down the stairs. She looked tensed up and nervous, unhappy to be at such a gloomy place.
Behind her walked Daemion Stratford, one of the higher-ranking captains of the city guard. The surprised look on Hackor's face made Arthur realize that his presence was not expected. “Commander”, Mathea greeted him with a brief nod, before she gave Arthur the same gesture. “Arthur” As she spoke, Arthur could see the dark lines underneath her eyes.
“Lady Mathea, thank you for coming here so quickly”, Hackor said politely. He pointed at the last cell, where Captain Nora was still standing. Even from afar, Arthur could see the anxious look on Nora's face, as she was just able to stare at the dead Septon Corbin.
“I'm always happy to help”, Mathea answered and she sounded as honest as she sounded tired. Hackor gave her a nod and looked at Arthur. “Please, Arthur, lead Lady Mathea to the Septon's cell”, he said and looked at Daemion, who was leaning against a wall. “I believe me and Captain Stratford have some matter to discuss”
Mathea smiled thinly as Arthur offered his arm to her and she shook her head. “I believe I can walk just fine on my own”, she declined politely, but distantly, as she started to walk down the dimly lit hallway. “Mylady Mathea”, Arthur said, trying to initiate a conversation. “I... I wish to apologize. For Wolfius. What I suggested was not right”
“Don't mention it”, Mathea said in a reserved tone. “You're going to hang him today, if I'm not mistaken” Arthur gave her a nod. “If everything goes according to plan”, he whispered in return, knowing fully well that it rarely did.
Once they had walked up to her, Arthur saw that the first reaction of Captain Nora was to salute, like a guard far below her rank would do. She stopped midway through it and instead only gave them a slow, awkward nod. “You're the healer?”, she asked and pointed at the cell next to her. Until now, Arthur had avoided to look into it and to his relief, he saw that they had put a blanket onto the Septon.
“Captain, how is it even possible that a man dies in your cells?”, Arthur asked, his voice sounding angrier than he was. A look of guilt flashed across Nora's face. “We believe he used the commotion in the morning”, she explained. “When the Storm Princess arrived, hundreds of civilians sought protection behind our walls. An armed man could have easily entered the courtyard unnoticed”
“And the cells itself? Where were the guards?”, Arthur growled. Nora sighed. “Ser, with all due respect, we are not the city guard”, she answered with a frustrated, slightly angered tone. “We are undermanned and I was not expecting danger for our prisoner, so I ordered all of my men to keep the peace, to prevent a panic. It seemed to be the only possible option I had”
Wordlessly, Arthur gave her a nod. “So, what exactly am I supposed to do?”, Mathea asked into the silence that followed Nora's statement and even though she remained calm, Arthur saw that she had her fists clenched. “I can't help this man anymore” Arthur glanced over his shoulder, to the spot where his father and Captain Stratford were still speaking. “But maybe you can help us in finding the person who killed him”, he answered. “Maybe you can prevent that others share his fate”
Mathea sighed, then she nodded, to no one in particular, before she stepped into the cell. Nora and Arthur followed her and the captain of the castle guard knelt down next to Septon Corbin's covered head. “Ready?”, she asked. “I have to warn you, it's not a pleasant sight”
“Just get it done with”, Arthur said and gulped, as Nora reached down to the blanket. “How bad can it – Oh, Seven Hells!” Septon Corbin's corpse was horribly mutilated. Only identifiable by the noticeable size of his belly, his face was cut up beyond recognition. Long cuts went down his entire body, a part of his guts had been removed from the abdominal region, not even his manhood had been spared.
Even Mathea sighed sharply and audibly, her eyes widened. “Gods...”, she whispered. “I have seen many horrible wounds, but this man...” She looked up, as if she forced herself to look away from him. “Arthur, this man's face...”
“I know”, Arthur said and felt a sickening feeling in his stomach slowly creeping upwards. Even in his line of work, he wasn't used to this kind of brutality. Hell, not even the Ironborn treated their victims like this. “I... I think whoever did this tortured him”
Now, Mathea narrowed her eyes. She clenched her teeth, as her hand moved towards the Septon's carved up face. Carefully, she removed a loosely dangling piece of skin that had once been his upper cheek. Then, she shook her head. “No”, she mumbled, her voice barely audible. “These wounds have been inflicted to him after his death”
Arthur raised an eyebrow. “How can you be so sure?”, he asked. Mathea quickly removed her hand from the corpse and shivered. “If you'd be tortured in such a way, what would you do?”, she asked and Arthur gave her a confused look. “I... I think I would... scream?”, he stuttered.
“Precisely”, Mathea said. “Look at his mouth... I mean, what's left of it. At the time of his death, he was not screaming” She gulped again. “I have seen many dead people. I know how it looks like when someone dies in pain and I can assure you, this man died peacefully” She bit her lower lip. “Relatively speaking”
Her hand wandered down the Septon's body, her fingers moving across his slashed throat, before hovering above his chest. “Someone stabbed him in the heart”, she explained. “But someone also cut his throat, pierced his upper skull and disembowelled him”
“Someone really wanted to make sure he's dead, huh?”, Nora asked and took a step away once Arthur threw a stern glare at her. “Sorry”, she mumbled. Arthur shook his head. “It makes no sense”, he spoke. “Why would someone inflict so many lethal wounds to a person?”
Mathea once again inspected the wound at Corbin's heart. “I believe this stab in the heart is different”, she revealed. “All of these wounds are meant to look particularly gruesome. Someone went out of their way to disfigure his body in the sickest way I've ever seen”
“Someone made an example out of him”, Arthur deduced and Nora gave him a nod. “That's what I thought as well”, she answered. “But the stab in the heart does not fit. There are far more gruesome ways to destroy someone's heart. Whoever inflicted these wounds certainly knew this” She shook her head. “No, the stab in the heart, from this particular angle, that is actually he quickest, cleanest and most painless way to kill someone” She looked up, her eyes widening as she realized something. “It was a mercy kill. He was killed before being carved up in such a way, probably to spare him the torture”
“So, we got a murderer with a heart of gold running around?”, Nora asked and glanced at Arthur. “You captured this Woodbark, didn't you?” Arthur shook his head. “Not his handiwork”, he answered. “Something is not right. Why would someone make an example out of him, but give him mercy at the same time?”
Heavy footsteps caused him to look up. His father and Captain Stratford had just reached the cell. “Do you have anything?”, Hackor asked and Arthur gave him a nod. “You can say so”, he confirmed and he noticed how calm his father remained in the presence of the gruesomely mutilated Septon. He also noticed how nervous Captain Stratford seemed to be. “And you? Is there a problem?”
“It's all under control”, Hackor said quickly and coldly, though Daemion Stratford put a hand onto his shoulder. “Ser, I believe your son needs to know”, he said sternly. Hackor harshly shook the hand off. “This is none of his business”, he growled. “The city guard will deal with it”
“And your son is a member of the city guard”, Stratford urged him. “I know you want to protect him, but if my suspicions are true, we might need every possible man” Hackor clenched his teeth and gave Arthur a look that almost seemed guilty. “A few fishing boats have not returned yesterday”, he revealed. “All of those that went out to the west”
“A storm?”, Arthur asked and Hackor shook his head. “There's none approaching”, he answered. “But maybe there's something else coming. I've seen it before” Arthur tensed up and instantly forgot about the corpse of the Septon. “You mean...”, he started to say, though Hackor cut him off. “I mean nothing”, he growled sternly. “I do not know what is happening at the moment, but this could be bad. Really bad”
“There's something else”, Stratford said. “We found the corpse of a little girl, just this morning. Her right hand was cut off at the wrist and is still missing” A disgusted look flashed across Arthur's face. “One of the missing twins? Elisa and...”
“Rachel”, Hackor completed the sentence, before he shook his head. “And no, she was neither. A street girl, an orphan. We have no name, but...” He paused, before he gave Arthur a concerned look. “Someone goes around killing and mutilating little girls, abducting them, murdering our Septon in his cell. And the missing fishermen...” He sighed. “Something is happening with my city and I don't know if I'm strong enough to protect it”
“We”, Arthur corrected him, but Hackor shook his head. “Not you”, he answered calmly. “You're not a fighter, Arthur. You're not a killer. In times of peace, you serve this city well. But after Captain Stratford's report, I believe peace might end soon” He clenched his fists. “And whatever is going to happen, I will fight... and you won't”
“Father”, Arthur growled sharply, though Hackor's glare was far more understanding than usual. “After Captain Stratford's report, I have decided to prepone the execution”, he revealed and Arthur realized that he would not discuss this matter any further. “When?”, he asked in frustration and Hackor exchanged a glance with Daemion. “As soon as we have arrived at the town square”
We?”, Arthur asked bitterly and Hackor nodded. “I need all of my men to keep the peace”, he answered. “That's what you're good at, Arthur. Keeping the peace” He looked past him and towards Mathea. “Mylady, apologies, but it appears we have to leave you alone”
Mathea smiled mildly. “I've always been better working alone”, she answered. “I will finish my investigation of his corpse. Do you expect a written report?” Hackor gave her a nod and she sighed. “Well, I'll find time to do that as well”, she muttered.
“Good”, Hackor said, as he looked back at Arthur. “Come then. Let's rid the world of a beast” He started to walk down the hallway, leaving it to Arthur and Captain Stratford to follow. “And then...”, he mumbled. “And then we will prepare for whatever is coming on the horizon”
No Choices for this part
She had to risk it. This was evidence, important evidence! It proved a connection between Sherryl and Lord Hightower. At the same time, she had the horrible thought that this could endanger Ser Leonard. No... she would make sure that she would only give it to someone she could trust. Someone like Saerya... right?
Quickly, she put the folded paper into the pouch she was wearing at her belt, followed by the encrypted papers. Hopefully Saerya would be able to translate them, or to make at least a tiny bit of sense out of them.
Now, Jenna glanced back at the door, almost expecting Sherryl to burst into the room. As much as she'd like to search it more thoroughly, she had already spent too much time in here. Reluctantly, she took a step back from the desk and whatever secret it might still hide, her pouch heavy with the weight of Sherryl's schemes.
While she crossed the room, approaching the door, she listened carefully for any activity outside, in the hallway. There was none, at least none she was able to hear. Naturally, Jenna did not trust her own senses enough, so she stopped in front of the closed door and went down to the keyhole. First, she spied through it, then she pressed her ear towards it. Only then was she brave enough to open the door.
Jenna walked out into the empty hallway. Her hand still on the doorknob, she looked left and right, seeing no one. Finally, she closed the door and breathed out in relief. That was the very same moment she heard the footsteps. Though she tried her best to turn away from Sherryl's room as quick as possible, she did not manage to do it fast enough.
“Hold it there!”, a young, male voice shouted. Jenna closed her eyes for a moment, cursing herself. She should have waited a little longer! Though she tensed up, she noticed that she was less afraid than usual. While her heart was beating wildly, she felt almost no fear. It was a strange feeling, invigorating.
As she turned around, she saw a young guardsman. He was taller than her, a lanky man with dark, curly hair and a face that was unremarkable, yet seemed faintly familiar. “You've just left Lady Sherryl's room, is that correct?”, he asked with narrowed eyes. “What have you been doing in there”
Jenna's first impulse was to turn around and run. But she knew, that would only make it worse. Instead, she remained standing, in a firm posture, a slight smile forming on her face. She knew it looked forced and probably it would have looked better on Saerya, but she felt braver in an instant. “You're Federico Snow, aren't you?”, she asked as she recognized the young man.
“And you're Jenna Harking”, he stated firmly. “You haven't answered my question. Lady Sherryl's room, what have you been doing in there?” He narrowed his eyes as he took a step closer towards her. Jenna's smile faded as quick as it came.
“I... you must be mistaken. I was walking down the hallway when you stopped me”, she lied and hoped that she would sound convincing. Federico sighed, before he shook his head. “You had your back turned to me when I stopped you. Means you must've come from my direction”, he deduced. “You clearly didn't, or else I would have seen you before”
“Uh... but I...”, Jenna started and now she felt the familiar nervousness. Federico narrowed his eyes. “Jenna, do not lie to me”, he growled. “I don't know you well, but I know you don't have a bad bone in your body. Everyone says that”
“Do they?”, Jenna asked surprised, before she regained her composure. “I mean, you're mistaken. I haven't been to Lady Sherryl's room” She gulped when it became clear that Federico was still unconvinced. The young guard shook his head.
“Come on now”, he said and gave her a stern glare. With one hand, he leant against the wall, which blocked the way past him. Suddenly, he glanced past her, before shifting his attention back to her immediately. Quickly, he slid closer towards her, his mouth close to her ear. “Laugh as if I have made a joke”, he whispered. “Now”
An awkward chuckle came out of Jenna's throat, though it quickly evolved into a laughter that sounded acceptable in her eyes. By now, she heard the footsteps behind her. “What's the matter of this?”, a familiar, female voice asked. As Jenna turned around, she saw Sherryl, a look of displeasure on her beautiful face, her green eyes narrowing when she recognized Jenna.
“Jenna”, she hissed. “Weren't you supposed to investigate the ravenry?” Jenna gave her a polite nod. “Yes, m'lady”, she said. “I'm doing it right now. I've been talking to Federico, wondering if he knows anything, considering that he's the guard assigned to the ravenry” Thankfully, she still remembered this detail from the earlier talk with Harris.
“And do you?”, Sherryl asked sharply, as she shifted her attention back to Federico. The young guardsman shook his head. “No, m'lady”, he said firmly. Sherryl glared at him. “And why have you been talking in front of my room?”, she growled.
Federico's eyes widened, as he looked at the door next to him and Jenna. “You mean... this is your room?”, he asked. “Forgive me, m'lady. We meant nothing bad. I've been patrolling down the hallway when Jenna caught up to me and I've stopped to talk” This time, he even made a polite bow in front of her. “Apologies. We did not mean to block the way to your room and we will leave now”
“Do it then”, Sherryl said coldly, as she walked up to the door to her room. Federico sighed, as he gave Jenna a nod and together, they walked down the hallway, into the direction Sherryl just came from. Once the door to the room got closed again, Jenna gave him a thankful look. “You... you have my gratitude”, she said, baffled by his kindness.
“It's been my pleasure”, Federico answered. “As I've said, you're not a bad person. The same can't be said about Sherryl” Jenna raised an eyebrow. “You don't like her?”, she asked and he shook his head. “No one likes her”, he clarified. “Well, Lord Harris maybe, but he's a fool” He looked around nervously. “Respectfully” Together, they reached the end of the hallway and started to climb down the stairs.
Jenna smirked at him. “So, that's why you've helped me?”, she asked and he gave her a nod. “No one should face Lady Sherryl's wrath. Although she will soon realize that you've stolen from her, so I suggest getting rid of whatever you took very soon” He glanced down at her pouch. “You have stolen from her, haven't you?”
Jenna gulped, before she gave him a nod. “As expected”, he said. “But I still wish to know, for whom have you done it?” Jenna stopped for a moment, clenching her fists, though she quickly relaxed. Federico helped her. She trusted him, as odd as it might be. “Saerya”, she answered and now, his eyes widened, while the hint of a dreamy smile appeared on his face. “Saerya Waters?”, he asked.
“You know her?”, Jenna asked in return and he gave her a nod. “I know her quite well”, he answered slyly and with a wink. Jenna curiously raised her eyebrow. “What do you mean?”, she asked and Federico smirked. “Really?”, he asked in return and when Jenna still did not realize what he was speaking about, he sighed. “We're sleeping together”, he answered. “Oh...”, Jenna mumbled, before her eyes widened. “Oh!” She quickly looked down to the floor and blushed vividly.
Federico chuckled, before he stopped in front of the small door that led out into the courtyard. “Anyways, Saerya can be trusted”, he said. “She has good intentions” He opened the door for her and pointed towards the stables of Raylansfair, a large, broad building, currently mostly housing Lord Hobert's horses. “She's in there, if I'm not mistaken”, he revealed. “Whatever it is you found, you can trust her with it” He glanced down the corridor behind him, before he gave Jenna a pat on the shoulder. “Anyways, gotta keep going. See you around, Jenna”
Jenna gave him a thankful smile, before he turned around and left. She stepped through the door and into the courtyard, looking towards the stables. Suddenly, her eyes fell upon two men, standing at the other end of the courtyard. Even from afar, she recognized Leonard Constantine. The man he was speaking to... Jenna froze when she recognized Lucas Flowers, wearing the yellow tabard of House Durrandon!
She looked down at her pouch. It was a death warrant for Leonard. If it would fall into the wrong hands, it could very well doom him. But Saerya wasn't the wrong hands, was she? She could use it, could prove Sherryl's connections to Oldtown and to House Hightower. Jenna tensed up as she realized that she had to make a tough call. Giving it to Leonard might be the best choice to keep it safe and to keep him safe, but Saerya might be able to use it against Sherryl...
[Hand the death warrant over to Saerya][Hand the death warrant over to Leonard]
[Hand the death warrant over to Saerya] I want Saerya to use this as incentive to force Leonard to join Team Targaryen. May seem like blackmail but it is all for his own good because this way Leonard would be more inclined to join. Really hope this doesn't turn out badly, because I don't think Leonard could do much with that note and would only burn it.
Arthur still felt a sting of guilt over leaving Aditha alone, but he knew, his father might need his help. He was even sure that H… moreackor, in his own way, appreciated the gesture. Right now however, he wasn't too sure how he even could help. Standing next to the commander, he watched Mathea walking down the stairs. She looked tensed up and nervous, unhappy to be at such a gloomy place.
Behind her walked Daemion Stratford, one of the higher-ranking captains of the city guard. The surprised look on Hackor's face made Arthur realize that his presence was not expected. “Commander”, Mathea greeted him with a brief nod, before she gave Arthur the same gesture. “Arthur” As she spoke, Arthur could see the dark lines underneath her eyes.
“Lady Mathea, thank you for coming here so quickly”, Hackor said politely. He pointed at the last cell, where Captain Nora was still standing. Even from afar, Arthur could see the anxious look on Nora's … [view original content]
That is an interesting way of looking at the situation, one I haven't even considered. It's probably no secret that I occasionally hesitate to butcher characters en masse. I feel if I do this too often, the death itself will lose its meaning. At the same time, I can't go too soft on the characters or else there will be no sense of danger, so I have enough moments planned where a dangerous situation will end up with lots of deaths. The next chapter is probably going to be one huge situation like this
Told you he'd be in the story very soon
I have some nice plans for him, I hope you're going to enjoy what I have in mind! It should probably be mentioned again that the ambassador who was mutilated by the Storm King has been established as his first cousin, which should give him quite an interesting view on Argella and her people.
I'm very glad about this as well. If she would have duelled Rodrik, she would have died, which I would have hated, since I love writing her. In this situation, she is pretty badly wounded though, so that will have consequences. But she is still alive for now
Considering how dedicated she is to her work, I would see it as highly unlikely. But she's still going to be very happy to get some help, because the amount of people she has to care for start to push her to her limits. Once Samantha and her group arrive at the city again, things are going to get even more stressful for her. Raylansfair has enough wounded to keep more than one healer busy.
I think the one you like is I'lian. He was the one who interrogated Lenrianda in the last chapter and ultimately, he got the more severe wounds. Sasha is probably in even more of a severe condition, since a neck wound is bleeding like hell, but he's close behind in terms of wounds.
She's probably not a Targaryen agent, though there's always the possibility that the others simply did not blew her cover. While she's a sellsword, she is also dornish, so it is less likely. Still an interesting theory though.
I wanted to give them at least a rudimentary description instead of just saying "Samantha killed that guy". Especially when fighting against more than one enemy, I think I needed to give them some physical traits to make it more clear whom she's fighting against. It was my hope that it would help with visualizing the part in your mind.
I am very happy to hear this! I try to be as neutral as possible, but at the same time, a few of my favourite characters are sworn to the Targaryens, so I am glad you like the Targaryen side as a whole. While I can't spoil anything, I can confirm that there will be encounters between the city guard and the Targaryen newcomers in the late parts of Book 1.
Just sent you one of the Skull Twins for consideration
You did, but I certainly didn't expect it would happen in this part
He had like one line and I already love how you write him, so I'm definitely looking forward to whatever is planned for him. And I did remember that the ambassador was Celtigar and mentioned Gordar back then, but I had forgot that he was a first cousin. Now I'm feeling conflicted, because I've started to like Argella lately, but on this I'm definitely on Gordar's side XD
Whoa, bullet dodged. Ser Rodrik was a grade a asshole in this part, makes me wonder what kind of relationship Alisa has with him exactly.
happy you don't just write battles like 'random NPC 02 died from critical hit'
I hope I will continue to write him in this way. He will definitely get more lines in the future, though his role in this chapter will be relatively small. It's likely it wasn't the last we've seen of him in Chapter 7, but his real role in the story will only start with Chapter 8. As for that situation between him and Argella, well... Technically, the one who is to blame here is Argilac. Argella never harmed the ambassador and pointed out in Chapter 5 that, while not terribly heartbroken over his fate, she still thought mutilating him went way too far, so blaming her for the actions of her father might be a bit unfair. Since he is emotionally involved in this situation, Gordar sees things in a different light though and he has some strong arguments in his favour as well. You can likely expect him to confront her now that they are in the same location, anything else would be wasted potential.
Indeed, Rodrik has been a total asshole in this part. He has actually been bad enough to make me consider changing my plans and killing him on the spot, but that would have ultimately clashed with Orys' personality. Unfortunately, he's too honourable to execute a defeated enemy who yielded. As for Rodrik and Alisa, they actually have a better relationship than you might assume. While they are hardly friends, they get along just fine. Rodrik's positive traits are few, but he is respectful of those who impressed him. This respect is enough for Alisa to work for him. Since she and Carvin are very much the most positive of the Second Sons, he also deliberately chose them as Edward Anturion's bodyguards, to spare them the kind of work he and the rest of his men are planning to do in Raylansfair. It's not quite a redeeming trait, but he's not as bad as, for example, Bear or Harmund.
Yep, it was. Sweet. I can picture it in my head.
Awkwardness is the best.
I would like something where it's just a bunch of archers slaughtering others. Rodrik even mentioned for the archers to not fire, so you know. Cavalry charges too. Just it be a reverse and something that would be more unexpected. I understand the reasoning.
Yay us.
I get the feeling that maybe for the sake of the story sometimes we have to make bad choices though, which we have made, but maybe not enough of? Regardless, I guess that's fine. Are there any choices we have or could have made that would be the absolute worse with no good consequences?
Oh noooooo, hopefully he can keep his charm with missing his two fingers.
Here's to hoping that everyone who is cool joins Team Targaryen.
That's a fair point and I may just be unreasonable but kinda got tired of reading about the random soldiers that were going to die, but it is much better than the alternative of just saying solider number 63 and soldier number 12.
Super excited to see this and can't wait to have the chance to convert Arthur to team Targaryen and lose by like two votes. I just hope every character eventually chooses a side and we have like an epic showoff between POVs and characters.
Am I the only one disappointed by the outcome? I mean I love the characters but I was expecting something horrible. I was ready for my heart to be broken, instead we got several near fatal injuries and everyone important survived. Oh well, the part was amazing still. And though I felt betrayed by Nymeria surviving getting hit by a mace without any crippling effects, that was a good expectation twister.
For a brief second while writing, I have thought about such a possibility, with the archers just firing into the group, killing or incapacitating all of them. However, I feel it would have wasted too much of these characters and the reason I came up with made sense for me, so I had Rodrik order the archers to stand down. That said, the war of conquest will give me many opportunities to solve things in a different way, to feature big cavalry charges, or archers mowing down entire banners. At a later point, when far more characters are developed and established, I can even kill them off without feeling bad. So, I think such scenes you hope for can safely be seen as confirmed.
There are several choices that have been entirely bad without any genuinely good consequence coming out of it. The first that came to mind was the choice involving Samantha in Chapter 3. Not sending her to Oldtown the first time basically sealed Lunett's fate, though it was not entirely bad, since it saved Aylard's life. However, you had the same choice again and a very small majority decided to agree to her wish this time. If you would have still kept her around, Lucas, Leonard and Lunett would have all died and the benefits for John would have been minimally. Another choice with entirely bad consequences would have been to trust Wolfius and to free him at the end of Arthur's Chapter 5 storyline. Both of these choices have lost only by a very narrow margin, the latter even by just a single vote.
When it comes to choices you have made that had entirely bad consequences, the one that comes to mind was the choice to kill the fake Butterfly in Chapter 4. While understandable in the heat of the moment, it lead to the disastrous consequences of the Chapter 6 finale. Sparing him would have ultimately given you a chance to uncover vital information that could have prevented it. Another choice that ultimately only had bad consequences was the choice to shoot Harren Hoare at the end of Chapter 5. While it saved the relationship between Torvin and Garthon, that doesn't really matter now, considering Torvin's current state of mind. In return, it caused Garthon to be targeted by Harren Hoare and by his sons as well, which has all kinds of negative consequences.
Ah, I'm sure he'll be fine. It does not give him the same amount of style as an eyepatch, but I'm sure he can somehow find a way to make his missing fingers look like manly battle scars. Jaro had it worse for sure in that regard.
I'm curious, is there anyone specific you'd like to see as a member of Team Targaryen?
Yes, that was my thought as well. This solution is certainly better than just glossing over them. Especially since I tried to put a lot of detail into this fight scene, I felt like it had to describe the fighters as well. That said, I can understand your point and maybe next time I'll try to find a middle way. I just feel a bit lazy just calling them "the man" or "the sellsword" over and over and think that some sort of detail to distinguish them has to be there.
Hm, many characters already have a side. Lucas and Drent are firmly siding with House Durrandon, Leonard and Arthur are siding with Raylansfair, Willfred is on the Rock's side and Maya is on the Vale's side. The only ones who are more or less siding with Team Targaryen at the moment are John and Jenna, though it is of course entirely possible that there will be more in the future. There will definitely be more than two sides in the events to come.
Hm, I can understand where you're coming from. I have a problem killing off underdeveloped characters, I admit to it. It is easier with characters that simply lack detail, but in the past, I have already killed off more than one character without giving them the screentime they would deserve from the level of detail in their submission and I felt genuinely bad for it. In this part, we had Jaro and I'lian, who have been background extras for three chapters, we have Lenrianda who is only in her second chapter and hasn't done anything of importance yet and we have Nymeria who only just got introduced. Then there is Samantha and Sasha and while I gave you an option that would have led to Sasha dying, I would have hated writing it, since there is more I can do with her character.
As for Nymeria, she got hit with a mace and it was enough to send her to the ground. It's not as if getting hit with a mace alone is enough to shatter her chest, although it probably did gave her a lot of pain. If one of the riders would have gotten her with a mace, she would have certainly been dead, but this is something that can be survived with relative ease, especially since Nymeria had armour that was specifically designed to prevent crippling injuries from such a strike.
Yeah I fully understand. No need to explain, I loved the part.
But did you forgive?
If worse comes to worse he can always just Jon Snow it and wear some cool looking gloves and just constantly flex his hands.
Basically all my characters, except for Hackor because I want the moment where Arthur has to finally stand up to his dad and accidentally ends up doing something he wasn't supposed to do and forever just lives with that shame. Don't know why but I enjoy seeing Arthur kinda failing his father, cause daddy problems are so entertaining. Also I want Leonard to join The Team cause I want there to be an epic showoff between Lucas and Leonard on the top of the Raylainsfair castle where they fight and both fall to the ground, but Leonard who has becomed bff with Aegon get's catched on his way down by a dragon and Lucas who befriended the Durrandons gets impaled by a random stag because the Durrandons suck and died off for a good reason. Can't wait for Orys to take over. Also it would be cool to see Marak somehow melted alive by a dragon on his adventures with Rollmop and his flames. Then there is Montclair who I want to lose his faith in the stormlands and deserts after a confrontation with Drent, but Drent lets him go because he couldn't bring himself to fight his old friend but they fight later on in some battle where he kills Montclair and Drent has to deal with all sorts of remorse which makes he himself doubt his loyalty to the crown. And the Breaker Bros. have to come in and save the day when Orys is losing a battle and has no dragons to save the day, a flock of longships show up and start to save the day with Garthon and Torvin. Ok finally finished my prophecy.
We just need to merge Team Targaryen and Team Raylansfair and everything will become perfect.
Indeed, Alexander is one of them. I have given him some spotlight in Ilish's storyline in Chapter 5, including taking centre stage in an extra-long part, but I still feel like there could have been more for his character. Another character I would have loved to do more with is Ser Ilhan. And finally, Jarek, who died in the Chapter 6 finale. He's in fact the one where I feel I wasted the most potential, since he has a nicely written backstory I barely touched upon. At least Alexander got to reveal his backstory and Ilhan got to be a major character for two chapters, but Jarek had no such thing. Actually, for the longest time he was even meant to survive the Chapter 6 finale instead of Ayden. There is a very good reason why I decided against this, though this reason might be considered a spoiler, since I made my decision by taking future developments in Jaron's storyline into consideration. By the end of Book 1, I will be able to properly explain my reason for it. Still, that does not change the fact that I feel like I should have done more with him.
Warning, Liquid GRRM just asked who your favorite characters are
make him a ghost
Two likes seem to show im not. But i get your point. This Part was awesome in its own right. I just hope there are some long term Injuries left from this.
Don't worry Liquid,if I must be honest I'm happy that you are not the kind of writer that want to kill off characters just for shock value.
one is Liquid, he always likes everything posted here
Yeah i know. Liquid is Awesome. But there are 3 likes. So 2 people did agree.
Don't take this to mean i dislike the Part. He did an amazing job as always. I'm just afraid the event will be ignored now.
The next part is going to be out today!
Well, there is no voting to close this time, but I still think it is necessary to give you a recap for the two PoV's that will be featured in the next part, especially since one of them hasn't been seen in a long time. As for the Samantha part, I'm happy you all seemed to enjoy it. I was looking forward to write it, because I like writing fighting scenes and because I was excited to introduce Orys Baratheon and his companions to the story. Glad to see it so well-received
I have started writing the next part yesterday and I hope to finish it today.
Anyways, here is the recap: The next part will feature PoV's from Arthur and Jenna. The last time we saw Arthur, he bonded with Aren Charlton, servant to Lady Helenys Bellward, a merchant who came to Raylansfair on Harris' wish. Their talk got cut short by a commotion in the courtyard, which turned out to be Arthur's sister Aditha in an argument with their father. Apparently, Hackor had once again spoken badly about Arthur and Aditha was unwilling to accept that. At the same time, they learned about Septon Corbin's death and Hackor, Arthur and Aditha went to the dungeons. Their argument escalated to the point where Hackor hurt her feelings, though it is unclear if he meant to hurt her or if he just meant to drive her away from the dungeons, to spare her the sight of the mutilated body of Septon Corbin. Arthur was left with the choice to assist his father in the dungeons or to go after Aditha. You chose the former option, which will be important in later parts of the story.
Meanwhile, Jenna hasn't been seen in a long time. The last time we did see her, she infiltrated Sherryl's room, with the help of Saerya. She searched through Sherryl's belongings and found some seriously expensive stuff, which she thought to be too expensive for a lowborn woman like Sherryl. She also found a strange bow of foreign origin, obviously made by an extraordinary craftsman. Finally, she found a document that, under closer inspection, turned out to be a death warrant for Leonard, signed by Maron Mullendore. After careful consideration, Jenna decided not to destroy the death warrant on spot and instead she kept it in the hopes that it would serve as evidence that Sherryl has connections to Oldtown.
There certainly are long-term injuries, that much I can promise! I mean, I'lian lost two fingers, it's not like he's going to regrow them anytime soon. Meanwhile, Jaro is badly wounded, we don't know the extent of Lenrianda's injuries and Sasha is bleeding out from a slashed neck. While no one has died for now, there will be consequences for this, not only physical, but also mental.
Evil Jenna going to harm Leonard.
Jenna yay! She's actually one of my favourite POV's now. Saerya may have something to do with that but Jenna as a character has also gotten really interesting.
To be fair, you've been among the ones who chose to keep the death warrant, if I'm not mistaken. Though you're going to be very interested in the choice at the end of her next part, I'm convinced of it. Let's just say, there is still a twist to this matter
I feel the same about this. Jenna started off as a weak character, but in recent parts, she has grown stronger and as a result, she became more interesting to me. It's nice to see that I'm not alone with that opinion
And I think Saerya has probably something to do with that, as she helped Jenna to take initiative and to develop her strengths. Aside from that, Saerya is a character I'm overall enjoying to write, so that's certainly helping ^^
I took like five minutes for me to fall in love with Saerya. I love her so much!
I do remember having a hard time with that choice.
[Jump off the walls] [Exchange your soul for Lunett] [Just disappear forever]
You have me intrigued...
true not even my healer can regrow stuff without equipment, and he doesn't have the item needed for that
[Exchange your soul for Lunett] ?
Can we choose all of the above having Jenna jump off a wall and her soul disappears forever and has Lunett take over from beyond the grave.
Arthur still felt a sting of guilt over leaving Aditha alone, but he knew, his father might need his help. He was even sure that Hackor, in his own way, appreciated the gesture. Right now however, he wasn't too sure how he even could help. Standing next to the commander, he watched Mathea walking down the stairs. She looked tensed up and nervous, unhappy to be at such a gloomy place.
Behind her walked Daemion Stratford, one of the higher-ranking captains of the city guard. The surprised look on Hackor's face made Arthur realize that his presence was not expected. “Commander”, Mathea greeted him with a brief nod, before she gave Arthur the same gesture. “Arthur” As she spoke, Arthur could see the dark lines underneath her eyes.
“Lady Mathea, thank you for coming here so quickly”, Hackor said politely. He pointed at the last cell, where Captain Nora was still standing. Even from afar, Arthur could see the anxious look on Nora's face, as she was just able to stare at the dead Septon Corbin.
“I'm always happy to help”, Mathea answered and she sounded as honest as she sounded tired. Hackor gave her a nod and looked at Arthur. “Please, Arthur, lead Lady Mathea to the Septon's cell”, he said and looked at Daemion, who was leaning against a wall. “I believe me and Captain Stratford have some matter to discuss”
Mathea smiled thinly as Arthur offered his arm to her and she shook her head. “I believe I can walk just fine on my own”, she declined politely, but distantly, as she started to walk down the dimly lit hallway. “Mylady Mathea”, Arthur said, trying to initiate a conversation. “I... I wish to apologize. For Wolfius. What I suggested was not right”
“Don't mention it”, Mathea said in a reserved tone. “You're going to hang him today, if I'm not mistaken” Arthur gave her a nod. “If everything goes according to plan”, he whispered in return, knowing fully well that it rarely did.
Once they had walked up to her, Arthur saw that the first reaction of Captain Nora was to salute, like a guard far below her rank would do. She stopped midway through it and instead only gave them a slow, awkward nod. “You're the healer?”, she asked and pointed at the cell next to her. Until now, Arthur had avoided to look into it and to his relief, he saw that they had put a blanket onto the Septon.
“Captain, how is it even possible that a man dies in your cells?”, Arthur asked, his voice sounding angrier than he was. A look of guilt flashed across Nora's face. “We believe he used the commotion in the morning”, she explained. “When the Storm Princess arrived, hundreds of civilians sought protection behind our walls. An armed man could have easily entered the courtyard unnoticed”
“And the cells itself? Where were the guards?”, Arthur growled. Nora sighed. “Ser, with all due respect, we are not the city guard”, she answered with a frustrated, slightly angered tone. “We are undermanned and I was not expecting danger for our prisoner, so I ordered all of my men to keep the peace, to prevent a panic. It seemed to be the only possible option I had”
Wordlessly, Arthur gave her a nod. “So, what exactly am I supposed to do?”, Mathea asked into the silence that followed Nora's statement and even though she remained calm, Arthur saw that she had her fists clenched. “I can't help this man anymore” Arthur glanced over his shoulder, to the spot where his father and Captain Stratford were still speaking. “But maybe you can help us in finding the person who killed him”, he answered. “Maybe you can prevent that others share his fate”
Mathea sighed, then she nodded, to no one in particular, before she stepped into the cell. Nora and Arthur followed her and the captain of the castle guard knelt down next to Septon Corbin's covered head. “Ready?”, she asked. “I have to warn you, it's not a pleasant sight”
“Just get it done with”, Arthur said and gulped, as Nora reached down to the blanket. “How bad can it – Oh, Seven Hells!” Septon Corbin's corpse was horribly mutilated. Only identifiable by the noticeable size of his belly, his face was cut up beyond recognition. Long cuts went down his entire body, a part of his guts had been removed from the abdominal region, not even his manhood had been spared.
Even Mathea sighed sharply and audibly, her eyes widened. “Gods...”, she whispered. “I have seen many horrible wounds, but this man...” She looked up, as if she forced herself to look away from him. “Arthur, this man's face...”
“I know”, Arthur said and felt a sickening feeling in his stomach slowly creeping upwards. Even in his line of work, he wasn't used to this kind of brutality. Hell, not even the Ironborn treated their victims like this. “I... I think whoever did this tortured him”
Now, Mathea narrowed her eyes. She clenched her teeth, as her hand moved towards the Septon's carved up face. Carefully, she removed a loosely dangling piece of skin that had once been his upper cheek. Then, she shook her head. “No”, she mumbled, her voice barely audible. “These wounds have been inflicted to him after his death”
Arthur raised an eyebrow. “How can you be so sure?”, he asked. Mathea quickly removed her hand from the corpse and shivered. “If you'd be tortured in such a way, what would you do?”, she asked and Arthur gave her a confused look. “I... I think I would... scream?”, he stuttered.
“Precisely”, Mathea said. “Look at his mouth... I mean, what's left of it. At the time of his death, he was not screaming” She gulped again. “I have seen many dead people. I know how it looks like when someone dies in pain and I can assure you, this man died peacefully” She bit her lower lip. “Relatively speaking”
Her hand wandered down the Septon's body, her fingers moving across his slashed throat, before hovering above his chest. “Someone stabbed him in the heart”, she explained. “But someone also cut his throat, pierced his upper skull and disembowelled him”
“Someone really wanted to make sure he's dead, huh?”, Nora asked and took a step away once Arthur threw a stern glare at her. “Sorry”, she mumbled. Arthur shook his head. “It makes no sense”, he spoke. “Why would someone inflict so many lethal wounds to a person?”
Mathea once again inspected the wound at Corbin's heart. “I believe this stab in the heart is different”, she revealed. “All of these wounds are meant to look particularly gruesome. Someone went out of their way to disfigure his body in the sickest way I've ever seen”
“Someone made an example out of him”, Arthur deduced and Nora gave him a nod. “That's what I thought as well”, she answered. “But the stab in the heart does not fit. There are far more gruesome ways to destroy someone's heart. Whoever inflicted these wounds certainly knew this” She shook her head. “No, the stab in the heart, from this particular angle, that is actually he quickest, cleanest and most painless way to kill someone” She looked up, her eyes widening as she realized something. “It was a mercy kill. He was killed before being carved up in such a way, probably to spare him the torture”
“So, we got a murderer with a heart of gold running around?”, Nora asked and glanced at Arthur. “You captured this Woodbark, didn't you?” Arthur shook his head. “Not his handiwork”, he answered. “Something is not right. Why would someone make an example out of him, but give him mercy at the same time?”
Heavy footsteps caused him to look up. His father and Captain Stratford had just reached the cell. “Do you have anything?”, Hackor asked and Arthur gave him a nod. “You can say so”, he confirmed and he noticed how calm his father remained in the presence of the gruesomely mutilated Septon. He also noticed how nervous Captain Stratford seemed to be. “And you? Is there a problem?”
“It's all under control”, Hackor said quickly and coldly, though Daemion Stratford put a hand onto his shoulder. “Ser, I believe your son needs to know”, he said sternly. Hackor harshly shook the hand off. “This is none of his business”, he growled. “The city guard will deal with it”
“And your son is a member of the city guard”, Stratford urged him. “I know you want to protect him, but if my suspicions are true, we might need every possible man” Hackor clenched his teeth and gave Arthur a look that almost seemed guilty. “A few fishing boats have not returned yesterday”, he revealed. “All of those that went out to the west”
“A storm?”, Arthur asked and Hackor shook his head. “There's none approaching”, he answered. “But maybe there's something else coming. I've seen it before” Arthur tensed up and instantly forgot about the corpse of the Septon. “You mean...”, he started to say, though Hackor cut him off. “I mean nothing”, he growled sternly. “I do not know what is happening at the moment, but this could be bad. Really bad”
“There's something else”, Stratford said. “We found the corpse of a little girl, just this morning. Her right hand was cut off at the wrist and is still missing” A disgusted look flashed across Arthur's face. “One of the missing twins? Elisa and...”
“Rachel”, Hackor completed the sentence, before he shook his head. “And no, she was neither. A street girl, an orphan. We have no name, but...” He paused, before he gave Arthur a concerned look. “Someone goes around killing and mutilating little girls, abducting them, murdering our Septon in his cell. And the missing fishermen...” He sighed. “Something is happening with my city and I don't know if I'm strong enough to protect it”
“We”, Arthur corrected him, but Hackor shook his head. “Not you”, he answered calmly. “You're not a fighter, Arthur. You're not a killer. In times of peace, you serve this city well. But after Captain Stratford's report, I believe peace might end soon” He clenched his fists. “And whatever is going to happen, I will fight... and you won't”
“Father”, Arthur growled sharply, though Hackor's glare was far more understanding than usual. “After Captain Stratford's report, I have decided to prepone the execution”, he revealed and Arthur realized that he would not discuss this matter any further. “When?”, he asked in frustration and Hackor exchanged a glance with Daemion. “As soon as we have arrived at the town square”
We?”, Arthur asked bitterly and Hackor nodded. “I need all of my men to keep the peace”, he answered. “That's what you're good at, Arthur. Keeping the peace” He looked past him and towards Mathea. “Mylady, apologies, but it appears we have to leave you alone”
Mathea smiled mildly. “I've always been better working alone”, she answered. “I will finish my investigation of his corpse. Do you expect a written report?” Hackor gave her a nod and she sighed. “Well, I'll find time to do that as well”, she muttered.
“Good”, Hackor said, as he looked back at Arthur. “Come then. Let's rid the world of a beast” He started to walk down the hallway, leaving it to Arthur and Captain Stratford to follow. “And then...”, he mumbled. “And then we will prepare for whatever is coming on the horizon”
No Choices for this part
She had to risk it. This was evidence, important evidence! It proved a connection between Sherryl and Lord Hightower. At the same time, she had the horrible thought that this could endanger Ser Leonard. No... she would make sure that she would only give it to someone she could trust. Someone like Saerya... right?
Quickly, she put the folded paper into the pouch she was wearing at her belt, followed by the encrypted papers. Hopefully Saerya would be able to translate them, or to make at least a tiny bit of sense out of them.
Now, Jenna glanced back at the door, almost expecting Sherryl to burst into the room. As much as she'd like to search it more thoroughly, she had already spent too much time in here. Reluctantly, she took a step back from the desk and whatever secret it might still hide, her pouch heavy with the weight of Sherryl's schemes.
While she crossed the room, approaching the door, she listened carefully for any activity outside, in the hallway. There was none, at least none she was able to hear. Naturally, Jenna did not trust her own senses enough, so she stopped in front of the closed door and went down to the keyhole. First, she spied through it, then she pressed her ear towards it. Only then was she brave enough to open the door.
Jenna walked out into the empty hallway. Her hand still on the doorknob, she looked left and right, seeing no one. Finally, she closed the door and breathed out in relief. That was the very same moment she heard the footsteps. Though she tried her best to turn away from Sherryl's room as quick as possible, she did not manage to do it fast enough.
“Hold it there!”, a young, male voice shouted. Jenna closed her eyes for a moment, cursing herself. She should have waited a little longer! Though she tensed up, she noticed that she was less afraid than usual. While her heart was beating wildly, she felt almost no fear. It was a strange feeling, invigorating.
As she turned around, she saw a young guardsman. He was taller than her, a lanky man with dark, curly hair and a face that was unremarkable, yet seemed faintly familiar. “You've just left Lady Sherryl's room, is that correct?”, he asked with narrowed eyes. “What have you been doing in there”
Jenna's first impulse was to turn around and run. But she knew, that would only make it worse. Instead, she remained standing, in a firm posture, a slight smile forming on her face. She knew it looked forced and probably it would have looked better on Saerya, but she felt braver in an instant. “You're Federico Snow, aren't you?”, she asked as she recognized the young man.
“And you're Jenna Harking”, he stated firmly. “You haven't answered my question. Lady Sherryl's room, what have you been doing in there?” He narrowed his eyes as he took a step closer towards her. Jenna's smile faded as quick as it came.
“I... you must be mistaken. I was walking down the hallway when you stopped me”, she lied and hoped that she would sound convincing. Federico sighed, before he shook his head. “You had your back turned to me when I stopped you. Means you must've come from my direction”, he deduced. “You clearly didn't, or else I would have seen you before”
“Uh... but I...”, Jenna started and now she felt the familiar nervousness. Federico narrowed his eyes. “Jenna, do not lie to me”, he growled. “I don't know you well, but I know you don't have a bad bone in your body. Everyone says that”
“Do they?”, Jenna asked surprised, before she regained her composure. “I mean, you're mistaken. I haven't been to Lady Sherryl's room” She gulped when it became clear that Federico was still unconvinced. The young guard shook his head.
“Come on now”, he said and gave her a stern glare. With one hand, he leant against the wall, which blocked the way past him. Suddenly, he glanced past her, before shifting his attention back to her immediately. Quickly, he slid closer towards her, his mouth close to her ear. “Laugh as if I have made a joke”, he whispered. “Now”
An awkward chuckle came out of Jenna's throat, though it quickly evolved into a laughter that sounded acceptable in her eyes. By now, she heard the footsteps behind her. “What's the matter of this?”, a familiar, female voice asked. As Jenna turned around, she saw Sherryl, a look of displeasure on her beautiful face, her green eyes narrowing when she recognized Jenna.
“Jenna”, she hissed. “Weren't you supposed to investigate the ravenry?” Jenna gave her a polite nod. “Yes, m'lady”, she said. “I'm doing it right now. I've been talking to Federico, wondering if he knows anything, considering that he's the guard assigned to the ravenry” Thankfully, she still remembered this detail from the earlier talk with Harris.
“And do you?”, Sherryl asked sharply, as she shifted her attention back to Federico. The young guardsman shook his head. “No, m'lady”, he said firmly. Sherryl glared at him. “And why have you been talking in front of my room?”, she growled.
Federico's eyes widened, as he looked at the door next to him and Jenna. “You mean... this is your room?”, he asked. “Forgive me, m'lady. We meant nothing bad. I've been patrolling down the hallway when Jenna caught up to me and I've stopped to talk” This time, he even made a polite bow in front of her. “Apologies. We did not mean to block the way to your room and we will leave now”
“Do it then”, Sherryl said coldly, as she walked up to the door to her room. Federico sighed, as he gave Jenna a nod and together, they walked down the hallway, into the direction Sherryl just came from. Once the door to the room got closed again, Jenna gave him a thankful look. “You... you have my gratitude”, she said, baffled by his kindness.
“It's been my pleasure”, Federico answered. “As I've said, you're not a bad person. The same can't be said about Sherryl” Jenna raised an eyebrow. “You don't like her?”, she asked and he shook his head. “No one likes her”, he clarified. “Well, Lord Harris maybe, but he's a fool” He looked around nervously. “Respectfully” Together, they reached the end of the hallway and started to climb down the stairs.
Jenna smirked at him. “So, that's why you've helped me?”, she asked and he gave her a nod. “No one should face Lady Sherryl's wrath. Although she will soon realize that you've stolen from her, so I suggest getting rid of whatever you took very soon” He glanced down at her pouch. “You have stolen from her, haven't you?”
Jenna gulped, before she gave him a nod. “As expected”, he said. “But I still wish to know, for whom have you done it?” Jenna stopped for a moment, clenching her fists, though she quickly relaxed. Federico helped her. She trusted him, as odd as it might be. “Saerya”, she answered and now, his eyes widened, while the hint of a dreamy smile appeared on his face. “Saerya Waters?”, he asked.
“You know her?”, Jenna asked in return and he gave her a nod. “I know her quite well”, he answered slyly and with a wink. Jenna curiously raised her eyebrow. “What do you mean?”, she asked and Federico smirked. “Really?”, he asked in return and when Jenna still did not realize what he was speaking about, he sighed. “We're sleeping together”, he answered. “Oh...”, Jenna mumbled, before her eyes widened. “Oh!” She quickly looked down to the floor and blushed vividly.
Federico chuckled, before he stopped in front of the small door that led out into the courtyard. “Anyways, Saerya can be trusted”, he said. “She has good intentions” He opened the door for her and pointed towards the stables of Raylansfair, a large, broad building, currently mostly housing Lord Hobert's horses. “She's in there, if I'm not mistaken”, he revealed. “Whatever it is you found, you can trust her with it” He glanced down the corridor behind him, before he gave Jenna a pat on the shoulder. “Anyways, gotta keep going. See you around, Jenna”
Jenna gave him a thankful smile, before he turned around and left. She stepped through the door and into the courtyard, looking towards the stables. Suddenly, her eyes fell upon two men, standing at the other end of the courtyard. Even from afar, she recognized Leonard Constantine. The man he was speaking to... Jenna froze when she recognized Lucas Flowers, wearing the yellow tabard of House Durrandon!
She looked down at her pouch. It was a death warrant for Leonard. If it would fall into the wrong hands, it could very well doom him. But Saerya wasn't the wrong hands, was she? She could use it, could prove Sherryl's connections to Oldtown and to House Hightower. Jenna tensed up as she realized that she had to make a tough call. Giving it to Leonard might be the best choice to keep it safe and to keep him safe, but Saerya might be able to use it against Sherryl...
[Hand the death warrant over to Saerya] [Hand the death warrant over to Leonard]
[Hand the death warrant over to Saerya] I want Saerya to use this as incentive to force Leonard to join Team Targaryen. May seem like blackmail but it is all for his own good because this way Leonard would be more inclined to join. Really hope this doesn't turn out badly, because I don't think Leonard could do much with that note and would only burn it.