I'm sorry, please don't die I wasn't aware that she was one of your favourites. Unfortunately, her death was a result of the choices here a… morend it would have felt totally inconsequential to spare her a second time after she already had such a close call in the last chapter. Though I am pretty sure I won't end up killing all of your favourite characters, that much I can promise. That would be really unlikely.
[Leave him for Nymeria]
I feel like Nymeria will be angered with Samantha if we don't let her have her revenge.
RIP Lenrianda and I'Iian. Hopefully after this bloody war is over they'll be given a proper burial.
Also will we see Sadie soon? I can't wait to see the upcoming battle there. Speaking of which, good luck to Dan because he'll need it.
“We need more chairs up there”, Nymeria said, pointing at the pile of furniture they had moved to the upper end of the stairs, e… moreffectively blocking anyone from entering the upper entrance. It almost piled up to the ceiling by now.. Samantha nodded grimly, though with a heavy heart. It had been her decision to fortify the upper floor, but Nymeria had taken it a step further, even more than Samantha was comfortable in doing.
“If any of the folks down there try to get up here...”, she started and Nymeria shrugged. “Well, that's unfortunate for them”, she replied dryly. “They don't matter to me” Samantha sighed. “So I've noticed”, she said. “Is there anybody in this building that matters to you, aside from Len?” Nymeria gave her a curious look. “You stood up for us when that swine wanted to kill us”, she said and the hint of a smile formed on her face. “I'd say you matter as well, you and your friends. We owe you”
“We do”, the v… [view original content]
RIP Lenrianda and I'Iian. Hopefully after this bloody war is over they'll be given a proper burial.
RIP indeed I was surprised how hard it was to actually write their deaths. I suppose writing such a thing is never easy and that's even though they haven't been main characters. Ah, but a proper burial is the least their friends are going to do for them, so I can confirm that this is likely to happen.
Also will we see Sadie soon? I can't wait to see the upcoming battle there. Speaking of which, good luck to Dan because he'll need it.
Yes, we'll get to see her soon. Sadie is one of the few PoV's with two parts left, one of which will be the chapter finale. Her next part will be a long one and I'm going to write it after the next one, which should be out tomorrow. So, I'd say Sunday is a good guess for her return And you are right, Dan will need a lot of luck. He probably won't remain the only one in need of luck though.
[Leave him for Nymeria]
I feel like Nymeria will be angered with Samantha if we don't let her have her revenge.
RIP Lenrianda and I'Iian… more. Hopefully after this bloody war is over they'll be given a proper burial.
Also will we see Sadie soon? I can't wait to see the upcoming battle there. Speaking of which, good luck to Dan because he'll need it.
I'm not entirely sure, but it won't be too long. Probably at some point in the next week. Sadie needs to get a part first and it's been ages since we've last seen Jenna and John. Especially John, whose next part has to take place close to the ending of the chapter. But as I said, next week sounds likely.
I have expected a majority of you to choose this, even if it has only been a small majority. After all, Nymeria did suffer the greatest loss at Rodrik's hand today, not counting Jaro, who is not present. Killing him personally might at least give her some peace of mind. I can confirm though, we won't get to see what she's going to do to him. Chances are it won't be too horrible, since he's already dying, leaving her with little time to torment him. As a matter of fact, she's going to be way too angry for any intricate torture stuff and is probably just going to bash his skull in with her bare hands. Certainly not a pretty death either, but well, Rodrik more or less brought it up to himself. But anyways, this was Samantha's final part in this chapter, so Rodrik has been moved to the deceased section together with I'lian and Lenrianda.
The next part should be out at some point today. I have written quite a bit for it already and hope to finish it relatively soon. It is going to be a part with PoV's from Garthon and the new PoV I kept hinting at for a while now. The last time we saw Garthon, he and Hjalgar made their way through the city, searching for Cleaver Clint and his men, who were supposed to help Torvin. However, Hjalgar had a different objective, as he wanted to stop Clint's raid on the city, which is incomparably more brutal than Torvin's. He, usually with a mild and meek temper, even went as far as to consider outright killing Clint to stop him. Eventually, they parted ways to find him more easily, though Garthon still had the hopes that he could convince Clint to help Torvin. He found the man himself, who was just about to commit yet another atrocity, involving his cleaver and a girl that resisted him. On top of that, being the charming piece of shit he is, Clint made it absolutely clear that he has no intentions of helping Torvin. This, paired with the girl Clint was about to kill in a really grisly way, convinced Garthon to step in and to stab him in the back. We'll see how that turns out in the next part. Meanwhile, the new PoV character is someone whom you know, someone who has been introduced a while ago and who has, so far, played a rather important role in another PoV's storyline. This character has last been seen a relatively long time ago, that's all I can say for now.
The Voting is closed!
Samantha is going to leave Rodrik for Nymeria
I have expected a majority of you to choose this, even if it has o… morenly been a small majority. After all, Nymeria did suffer the greatest loss at Rodrik's hand today, not counting Jaro, who is not present. Killing him personally might at least give her some peace of mind. I can confirm though, we won't get to see what she's going to do to him. Chances are it won't be too horrible, since he's already dying, leaving her with little time to torment him. As a matter of fact, she's going to be way too angry for any intricate torture stuff and is probably just going to bash his skull in with her bare hands. Certainly not a pretty death either, but well, Rodrik more or less brought it up to himself. But anyways, this was Samantha's final part in this chapter, so Rodrik has been moved to the deceased section together with I'lian and Lenrianda.
The next part should be out at so… [view original content]
She would fit to Liquid's hints: "has been introduced a while ago" she has been in the story for several chapters now, "played a rather important role in another PoV's storyline" - Jenna. Ofc, there are other character who could fit, but not really that many in Raylansfair. And Saerya is a woman on a mission, so she'd definitely deserve the PoV status
She would fit to Liquid's hints: "has been introduced a while ago" she has been in the story for several chapters now, "played a rather impo… morertant role in another PoV's storyline" - Jenna. Ofc, there are other character who could fit, but not really that many in Raylansfair. And Saerya is a woman on a mission, so she'd definitely deserve the PoV status
The screams of the young girl echoed through the room, the house and through Garthon's mind. Without mercy, Cleaver Clint brought his weapon down on her hand once more, severing another half inch of her fingers. And that was where Garthon made a decision. This man was not his ally. This man was the enemy.
He raised his sword and glared at the massive back of the Lord of Volmark. Then, he charged at him, pushing the weapon through the side of his back with all his strength. Clint gasped and finally let go of the girl, who staggered away from him and to the ground, clutching her ruined hand, shock and pain on her face.
But Clint did not die. Garthon's sword had pierced his fat body, but he held on to his cleaver. As he glared over his shoulder the look in his eyes was worse than any Garthon had ever received. He said nothing as his hand, despite its size, quickly grabbed the crossguard of the sword in his body.
Garthon jumped back, as he noticed that he couldn't remove his sword, so that he would at least avoid getting cut to pieces by Clint, who took a strike at him. The Lord of Volmark grunted with pain, as he fully turned around, glaring at Garthon with hatred. “I should have expected this”, he uttered. “Once a traitor, always a traitor. I warned Harry, urged him to kill you and your fucking brother. But he didn't do it. He's grown soft on his throne” He eyes narrowed as he fully grabbed the hilt of the sword in his back. “Now I'm going to correct his mistake”
A grunt of agony came out of his throat and for a second, it seemed as if he would fall down, as Cleaver Clint slowly pulled the sword out of his own body. Garthon gulped, as he took a step back, looking for something, anything to use as a weapon. At the very least, he figured he should retreat to the door that led out of the house.
Finally, Clint had succeeded at removing the weapon from his body. Holding Garthon's blood-soaked sword in the left and his cleaver in the right, a pained, but bloodthirsty grin formed on his face. “Finally”, he snarled. “I get to kill you” He raised both of his weapons and attacked.
The speed of his movement surprised Garthon, not only because of his massive body, but also because the wound he had suffered looked gruesome. His fat likely saved his life, by preventing any major damage to the body, but that didn't change the fact that it had to hurt like hell. Yet it barely even slowed him down.
Garthon jumped back, as the cleaver narrowly missed his head, while simultaneously being forced to twist his body to evade the strike of the sword, his own sword. He noticed that Clint was breathing heavily with pain, but adrenaline or the sheer wish to kill someone kept him going. “DIE!”, the Lord of Volmark screamed.
Once more, Garthon was forced to stagger back, having to divert his attention between his rapidly advancing enemy and the need to fight a weapon, any sort of weapon. Though what chance could he hope for against this hulking beast of a man?
The sword struck again and Garthon jumped to the side. It hit a chair, hurling it across half of the room. The cleaver missed him as well, but cleanly cut a wooden table in half, before swiftly striking from the side. This time, Garthon had to let himself fall to the ground to avoid being hit. By now, Volmark had almost positioned himself between him and the door.
“Stop running, you worm!”, he screamed. “Stop running and die!” Garthon hurled himself away from the cleaver as it came down on him, hitting the ground right next to him. He jumped up, taking the opportunity to deliver a fierce punch right into Clint's face. The man barely flinched, as he raised the sword in his other hand.
With a series of rapid attacks, he forced Garthon deeper into the house again, away from the door that might would have meant escape. Clint grinned like a madman, as blood poured out of his side and now own his face as well. “You little shit just don't know when to stop, do you?”, he chuckled. “I'll get my hands on you and I'll hear you scream” Slowly, he advanced, while Garthon backed off deeper into the house. “And your brother? Well, I can't wait to see the look on his face”, he continued. “At least he's a good fighter. Will put up a good fight. I might give him a good death. Not you though. You're a disgrace for our people. There's no iron in your veins, just watered-down piss”
Garthon gasped, as he bumped against the wall. He glanced around in search of a weapon, though he found nothing even resembling one. His eyes met the glance of the older woman that was still crouching on the ground. Clint had hit her in the eye before and Garthon wasn't even sure if she was still able to see through it. But her other one widened, as she looked at someone behind the Lord of Volmark. “No!”, she screamed.
A second later, an angry, high-pitched scream sounded and Clint stopped with a grunt. He grimaced and coughed as he twisted his massive back slightly to the side. Garthon saw the knife sticking out of it and he saw the girl holding it, her expression maddened with fear and pain.
But once again, Cleaver Clint refused to die. Perhaps the knife hadn't struck him deep enough, but he remained standing. With a roar, he turned around, ramming Garthon's sword through the girl's body, hitting her slightly below the chest and embedding the blade almost to the hilt. He let out a hoarsy chuckle as her eyes widened and broke.
Naturally, Garthon used this opportunity to get past his massive opponent, closer to the door again. As he was next to him, Clint let go of the sword, still embedded in the girls chest, before he grabbed his cleaver with both hands. Garthon knew he only had this on chance, so he sped up, charging at the exit. Behind him, the Lord of Volmark did the same, bellowing with rage. Perhaps this rage was the only thing that kept him standing at this point.
Garthon reached the door first. He rushed through it, but before he could even decide on the direction he'd run to next, Clint had reached the door as well. His massive size actually tore through the thin wood of the doorframe, taking a good chunk out of it as he charged. Splinters of broken wood flew past Garthon and a second later, a massive boot kicked him in the back.
The impact was enough to send him flying, until he heavily hit the dusty ground a few feet away. Having hit his head in the process, his vision blurred, as he crawled away from Clint, who was breathing heavily. He managed to roll onto his back, looking right at the raider, who had a wide grin on his face. There was pain as well, signs that he couldn't carry on for much longer. Garthon found a bit of peace in this, hoping that at the very least, Cleaver Clint wouldn't ruin any more lives. Maybe never again.
Clint pointed the cleaver right at him. “Your brother would have fought”, he growled. “All you can do is to stab a man in the back, like that bloody girl. But not anymore” He grabbed the cleaver with both hands and raised it, as Garthon took a deep breath, probably the last he would ever take. He had regrets, oh yes, he had. Words unspoken, actions never taken. The thought of Torvin, it nearly tore him apart. And Kyra...
Before Cleaver Clint was able to bring the weapon down at him, something unexpected happened. His eyes widened, as he went down on one knee and it took Garthon a moment to spot the arrow embedded in his lower leg, right in the tendon. Clint, now gurgling, diverted his attention to the direction he had been shot from and so did Garthon.
Hjalgar calmly walked down the street. Pulling out a second arrow without slowing down, he aimed and fired, hitting the Lord of Volmark in the shoulder, forcing him to the ground and knocking the cleaver out of his hands. Clint gasped, his new wound making it unable for him to reach the weapon again. Perhaps his strength had finally left him.
“Who... the fuck are you?”, he managed to utter, as Hjalgar pulled a third arrow from his quiver. “I didn't want to do this”, he answered. “Back when he first ordered me to. He told me I'd be able to do it, but I didn't believe him. I travelled all this way, doubting if I could truly do it” He sighed. “But you made it easy. What you did today... you brought this up to yourself”
Clint groaned in pain and helpless rage. “Fuck you!”, he barked, as he tried to push himself up. “I'm going to tear you to pieces, you little shit, I will...!” Hjalgar cut him off. “No one will mourn for you”, he said coldly. “No one will miss you. No one will remember you. Your death will be nothing but a footnote, overshadowed by better men living better lives” His eyes narrowed, now with anger. “You do not matter. You never did, you never will be. Your life ends here”, he hissed as he aimed. By now, Clint's expression had changed, from rage, to something that resembled uncertainty. It wasn't fear, not quite, but it cam close. “But find solace in knowing that your king will follow soon”
Now, Clint's eyes widened, as if he had a sudden, terrifying realization. “Damon...”, he gasped, as Hjalgar let go of the arrow. It hit him in the eye and from such a close distance it pierced his entire skull, sending him back to the ground, as his last breath left him.
It was not over. Not for Garthon. Hjalgar turned towards him, reaching down to help him up. He gave the young man a baffled look. “Hjalgar?”, he asked, seeing how the cold confidence in the other man's eyes faded. “It had to be done...”, he mumbled. Garthon gulped as he staggered past Clint's body. The last words of the raider came to mind and Garthon's eyes widened. He gave Hjalgar a shocked look, but the young man only shook his head. “Not now”, he said with a thin voice. “Please, not now”
Garthon gave him a nod, as he staggered to the door of the house he had just left. Through the doorframe, he could see the older woman, cradling the corpse of her daughter. He cleared his throat and she looked up, blood running down her face. “I...”, he started, but she cut him off. “Get out”, she hissed, sheer hatred in her voice. He gulped. “I just wanted...”, he started, though again, she didn't let him speak. “You did enough”, she barked. “Get out! Leave me!”
He sighed, before he turned around, knowing that he couldn't do anything to help this woman. Not her, but maybe others. He and Hjalgar exchanged a look. “What now?”, the young man asked and Garthon clenched his fists, glaring at the dead body of Cleaver Clint Volmark. “Now we find Torvin”, he decided. “Now we end this madness”
No Choices for this part
The man who just died was one of the Second Sons. Even from afar, Janae was able to identify the tabard she had just hit with her arrow. The presence of the sellswords in the city concerned her. There was little more she wanted to do right now than to put an arrow into the head of their leader. This scumbag that had attacked her and John. This utter bastard that had nearly murdered Sammy, Jaro and I'lian.
“Arrow”, she growled and Behara instantly followed the order, handing her another one without her having to look away from the street. The Second Sons were advancing, slowly and steadily. Janae had no doubt that they were approaching the city centre from more than one way. Perhaps they were already there, having bypassed her position entirely. But at least none of them had survived stepping onto this street she was guarding. Half a dozen of them lay on the ground, arrows in their heads or chests.
Deep down, beyond the cold focus she kept up, Janae couldn't deny that she was worried. John, Temari and Jaro wanted to defend the gates. The fact that the sellswords were in the city already proved to her that they had failed. John was the toughest son of a bitch she knew, but that didn't stop her from being worried about him.
Another man bravely ran onto the street and from her position at the third floor of a large house, Janae was able to perfectly overlook the entire scenery. He wasn't one of the Second Sons, but from his wild appearance and the way he had raised his axe, she had no doubt that he was a target regardless. It only took her a second to aim, before she let go of the arrow. It hit him in the throat, causing him to almost tumbling over as he fell to the ground.
“Arrow”, she said again, noticing how pleasant it was to have an assistant. She hadn't been sure about taking Behara with her, not at first, doing it mostly to avoid an argument with Tem at the worst possible moment. But the girl had proven to be useful. Not a fighter, but capable in her own right. For a moment, Janae glanced at her assistant. She was still just a girl though. In the eyes of Janae and the entire rest of her companions, she'd always remain Tem's kid sister.
“Janae!”, Behara hissed and pointed down the street. This time, Janae needed a moment to see what she meant, but as soon as she did, she suppressed a throaty Ghiscari curse. They were sneaking up on her now, hiding in the shadows, one man at a time. They were half a dozen, four of them raiders, two of them Second Sons.
“Quick now”, she said, extending her hand for one of the arrows Behara gave her. She knew, the moment she'd shoot, the men would knot that they had been discovered. She had to be quick. As she took aim, she breathed deeply and steadily, before holding her breath, just as she released the arrow.
The first man died instantly, as it hit the centre of his chest. Even before he sank to the ground, the other men, who had previously been cowering in the shadows, all raised their weapons and with terrifying battlecries, they started to charge. Straight at an archer in a heavily fortified position, without any cover of their own. Fools...
Janae shot the next arrow, impaling one man's eye, as Behara already handed her the next one. She barely had to move her own hand for this and knew, she couldn't have done that without the girl helping her. She only had a second to aim for the third man, though she hit him regardless, even if it wasn't the quick, clean death she was usually aiming for. Instead, it would be a long, messy death, as he crawled away with an arrow in his guts.
The fourth man died because he was faster than the others, would have reached her first. Her arrow opened his throat and sent him to the ground. Before it even reached him, Janae had grabbed the next arrow. She took aim and had to stand up from her kneeling position now, as the remaining two men had gotten dangerously close to the house.
Her fifth arrow hit the target in the shoulder, but with enough force to sent him back and to the ground, where he remained, clutching his wound. The sixth one had finally reached the house and instantly, he began to kick at the closed door, as Janae reached for the sixth arrow.
To take aim, she had to lean out of the window, as she narrowed her eyes. The man looked up, right at her, as his next kick caused the door to give in. Janae shot her arrow, straight at him from the top and with grim satisfaction, she watched it impaling him from the shoulder downwards.
Breathing heavily, she gave Behara a slight smile. “Good work”, she complimented her and the girl responded likewise. “I told you I'd be able to pull my weight”, she said and Janae raised an eyebrow. “Don't get cocky now, girl”, she replied. “I've been like you once. Took me quite a couple of beatings to get over it”
“Get over what?”, Behara asked and Janae chuckled. “Your attitude. You're good at helping me with shooting at people. You're good at handing me arrows. But that doesn't make you a warrior, like your brother is. Doesn't mean you're good enough to get cocky”
“I'm not cocky”, Behara protested and Janae noticed that she had hit a nerve. A thin grin flashed over her face, as she glanced out to the street, now devoid of life. “You're better at assisting me than John ever was”, she said. “He's far too stubborn to play second fiddle when I get to kill someone”
Behara's expression darkened and finally, she spoke the words that had been lingering between them all this time. “You think they are okay?”, she asked. “John and Jaro... and Tem?” Janae sighed, as she still did not look away from the street. “Yes”, she answered. “I think they are okay. John's the toughest whoreson I know. So is Jaro. And your brother...” Now, she glanced at her companion, looked in her pretty face and she noticed the slight hint of fear. “Your brother loves you too much to leave you”, she said. “He's not going to die, not as long as he has you to look after”
Behara's expression changed slightly, as she nodded softly. A thought flashed through Janae's mind. “How many arrows do we have left?”, she asked and Behara took a step to the side. Now, Janae sighed deeply, as she spotted only two lying on the ground. “Then I better get down there and take some back from these bastards”, she decided. “It's empty now. Better I do it before they decide to attack again”
“You're going down there?”, Behara asked, pointing at the street. Janae gave her a nod. “Yeah, I just said that”, she replied and the young girl clenched her fists with determination. “Take me with you”, she urged her and Janae raised an eyebrow. “What now?”, she asked. “Down there?”
Behara nodded quickly. “I can help”, she said. “We won't have much time, gotta be up here again when they attack again. With me, you'll be faster. I can collect a couple of arrows, can't I?” Her tone got a bitter hint as she continued. “Or is that another thing you don't think I'm good enough for”
Janae raised a finger. “Hey, I never said that”, she growled. “And that's out of question. You'll stay up here, where it's safe. It's bad enough when I have to risk my own life, I can't afford having to look out for you down there” She turned to the door. “Cause if you get as much as a scratch, your brother's going to tear my head off”, she muttered. “Or he's going to try it, at the very least”
Before she was able to reach the door, Behara walked up to stand in her way. “You're not going down there without me!”, she barked. “I can help you, you know that. Stop being so stubborn and stop treating me like a child!”
Janae rolled her eyes, though she softly put a hand onto Behara's shoulder. “Hara”, she said gently. “I only treat you like a child because you are” That... sounded better in her head and Behara reacted heavily to this. With an angry glare, she broke free from her grip. “I am nearing my twentieth birthday”, she spat. “I haven't been a child for a long time now. I know you're stubborn, but you're not blind and you're not stupid. You know I can pull my weight, especially in a situation like this”
Janae sighed. “It's not only that, it's...”, she started, though the angry girl cut her off. “It's what?”, she snarled. “I'm sick of being the kid you have to drag with you. It's not that I want to fight all of a sudden. But a little bit of trust, I think I've earned that. That one down there, that's hardly the dangerous stuff. Collecting your arrows... How the hell am I supposed to grow up when you don't stop treating me like a child?”
She had a point. Begrudgingly, Janae had to admit that much. Behara wasn't a little girl anymore, though Temari would never stop treating her as such. And it was his anger Janae feared the most, not because he could harm her, but because he'd try it if anything would happen to his little sister. At the same time, Janae recognized the look in the girl's eyes. She had been the same once. Behara wasn't a little girl and sooner or later, even Temari had to understand that, maybe. As much as she disliked the thought of getting her into danger, perhaps it was time to put some trust in her. With a sigh, she made her decision...
[Allow Behara to go down with you][Order Behara to remain upstairs]
The Voting is closed!
Samantha is going to leave Rodrik for Nymeria
I have expected a majority of you to choose this, even if it has o… morenly been a small majority. After all, Nymeria did suffer the greatest loss at Rodrik's hand today, not counting Jaro, who is not present. Killing him personally might at least give her some peace of mind. I can confirm though, we won't get to see what she's going to do to him. Chances are it won't be too horrible, since he's already dying, leaving her with little time to torment him. As a matter of fact, she's going to be way too angry for any intricate torture stuff and is probably just going to bash his skull in with her bare hands. Certainly not a pretty death either, but well, Rodrik more or less brought it up to himself. But anyways, this was Samantha's final part in this chapter, so Rodrik has been moved to the deceased section together with I'lian and Lenrianda.
The next part should be out at so… [view original content]
The screams of the young girl echoed through the room, the house and through Garthon's mind. Without mercy, Cleaver Clint brought… more his weapon down on her hand once more, severing another half inch of her fingers. And that was where Garthon made a decision. This man was not his ally. This man was the enemy.
He raised his sword and glared at the massive back of the Lord of Volmark. Then, he charged at him, pushing the weapon through the side of his back with all his strength. Clint gasped and finally let go of the girl, who staggered away from him and to the ground, clutching her ruined hand, shock and pain on her face.
But Clint did not die. Garthon's sword had pierced his fat body, but he held on to his cleaver. As he glared over his shoulder the look in his eyes was worse than any Garthon had ever received. He said nothing as his hand, despite its size, quickly grabbed the crossguard of the sword in his body.
Garthon jumpe… [view original content]
Oh my god that was so freaking cool!!! Hjalgar was so badass, I imagined it like in a freaking a action movie when the bad guy gets finally wounded and the hero kills him in an epic scene.
I'am so happy that Hjalgar gets an epic moment.
The screams of the young girl echoed through the room, the house and through Garthon's mind. Without mercy, Cleaver Clint brought… more his weapon down on her hand once more, severing another half inch of her fingers. And that was where Garthon made a decision. This man was not his ally. This man was the enemy.
He raised his sword and glared at the massive back of the Lord of Volmark. Then, he charged at him, pushing the weapon through the side of his back with all his strength. Clint gasped and finally let go of the girl, who staggered away from him and to the ground, clutching her ruined hand, shock and pain on her face.
But Clint did not die. Garthon's sword had pierced his fat body, but he held on to his cleaver. As he glared over his shoulder the look in his eyes was worse than any Garthon had ever received. He said nothing as his hand, despite its size, quickly grabbed the crossguard of the sword in his body.
Garthon jumpe… [view original content]
Dayum! That Garthon part was amazing! I'm glad they managed to kill Cleaver, and Hjalgar is a fucking badass confirmed! I already said the last time we saw him that I'm growing to like him - well, now he is for sure among my favorites. And I guess what Cleaver blurted as his last word implies that Hjalgar works for Damon Greyjoy? There hasn't been much about him lately, but I'm still very interested in his plans as well.
And ah, Janae! I had couple ideas (aside from Saerya) of who the new PoV could be, but I have to admit that Janae didn't come to my mind. It makes sense though, and I thoroughly enjoyed her first part
[Order Behara to remain upstairs] In situation like this, reckless choices could easily lead to deaths, so I'll go with the safe choice, even if it would sour Behara's opinion on Janae.
The screams of the young girl echoed through the room, the house and through Garthon's mind. Without mercy, Cleaver Clint brought… more his weapon down on her hand once more, severing another half inch of her fingers. And that was where Garthon made a decision. This man was not his ally. This man was the enemy.
He raised his sword and glared at the massive back of the Lord of Volmark. Then, he charged at him, pushing the weapon through the side of his back with all his strength. Clint gasped and finally let go of the girl, who staggered away from him and to the ground, clutching her ruined hand, shock and pain on her face.
But Clint did not die. Garthon's sword had pierced his fat body, but he held on to his cleaver. As he glared over his shoulder the look in his eyes was worse than any Garthon had ever received. He said nothing as his hand, despite its size, quickly grabbed the crossguard of the sword in his body.
Garthon jumpe… [view original content]
She'll be fine. Obviously fine. It's not like anyone wants her to be hurt or anything...
Ah damnit Garthon killing a man having the time of his life. Oh Cleaver I shall miss you. A shame, a shame indeed. A mistake I'm sure of it. Something doesn't seem right...
The screams of the young girl echoed through the room, the house and through Garthon's mind. Without mercy, Cleaver Clint brought… more his weapon down on her hand once more, severing another half inch of her fingers. And that was where Garthon made a decision. This man was not his ally. This man was the enemy.
He raised his sword and glared at the massive back of the Lord of Volmark. Then, he charged at him, pushing the weapon through the side of his back with all his strength. Clint gasped and finally let go of the girl, who staggered away from him and to the ground, clutching her ruined hand, shock and pain on her face.
But Clint did not die. Garthon's sword had pierced his fat body, but he held on to his cleaver. As he glared over his shoulder the look in his eyes was worse than any Garthon had ever received. He said nothing as his hand, despite its size, quickly grabbed the crossguard of the sword in his body.
Garthon jumpe… [view original content]
Wow,the last Garthon part was epic!And Hjalgar has become from "little guy that Torvin decide to protect from the Ironborns like Harmund" to "badass guy that save Garthon ass from certain death"!
And another villain of the story aka Cleaver Clint leave us,despite all his titles he don't really go far inside this story! (Even if he leave us with an awesome death scene)
I was thinking how this death could affect Harren,then I remember that all the Ironborns send at Raylainsfair are expendables!XD
I'm surprised that Janae (the most recurring character of all the John PoV's)is the new PoV of this story!Even if I admit that from a writer PoV I can only approve of your choice (John will be the Frontline PoV while Janae the rearline one during the upcoming battles)
Now that I think about it these last parts feature two bow users and the use of their weapons!What was this?The Day of the Arrow?XD
About the choice I don't know if I will make one for now since I can like each of the outcomes
The screams of the young girl echoed through the room, the house and through Garthon's mind. Without mercy, Cleaver Clint brought… more his weapon down on her hand once more, severing another half inch of her fingers. And that was where Garthon made a decision. This man was not his ally. This man was the enemy.
He raised his sword and glared at the massive back of the Lord of Volmark. Then, he charged at him, pushing the weapon through the side of his back with all his strength. Clint gasped and finally let go of the girl, who staggered away from him and to the ground, clutching her ruined hand, shock and pain on her face.
But Clint did not die. Garthon's sword had pierced his fat body, but he held on to his cleaver. As he glared over his shoulder the look in his eyes was worse than any Garthon had ever received. He said nothing as his hand, despite its size, quickly grabbed the crossguard of the sword in his body.
Garthon jumpe… [view original content]
That is a really interesting idea and one I haven't even considered so far. Nora would make for a good PoV. Unlike Saerya, I haven't even considered her so far, but it is an idea that is worth thinking about.
What can I say, I'm really sorry for always crushing your hopes Seems like this chapter makes a terrible running gag out of that sort of stuff. All I can say is, that is a pretty big string of accidents and I'm sorry. Though I must say that I have considered Saerya for a while, though not at this point of the story. Our newest PoV has definitely been planned to become a PoV for a far longer time, long before Saerya has even been submitted.
Behara's a sook, and she could easily die in a situation like this. She needs to stay upstairs.
Wouldn't go that far, but yeah, she's not a fighter. She's got the right spirit at least, but Janae's concerns are far from unfounded. That said, neither are Behara's wishes. Consider that she is genuinely sick of being belittled. With that in mind, both choices do hold potential for positive or negative outcomes here.
Hah, I am glad you enjoyed the scene! It has been planned like that for quite a while now (ever since I introduced Cleaver Clint), so I was really glad that every choice in Garthon's storyline here put him on the path I needed him to be to show this moment. It is very much Hjalgar's most epic moment so far and it's great you and the others liked it!
Oh my god that was so freaking cool!!! Hjalgar was so badass, I imagined it like in a freaking a action movie when the bad guy gets finally wounded and the hero kills him in an epic scene.
I'am so happy that Hjalgar gets an epic moment.
Dayum! That Garthon part was amazing! I'm glad they managed to kill Cleaver, and Hjalgar is a fucking badass confirmed! I already said the last time we saw him that I'm growing to like him - well, now he is for sure among my favorites. And I guess what Cleaver blurted as his last word implies that Hjalgar works for Damon Greyjoy? There hasn't been much about him lately, but I'm still very interested in his plans as well.
I am really glad you liked the scene! I have hoped for such a reaction honestly. Cleaver was only a relatively minor villain in the grand scale of things, but nonetheless meant to be a truly intimidating foe and I guess his death was a fittingly epic scene, especially for Hjalgar. As for Cleaver's final words, well, that seems to be the implication. Damon has plans of his own and as we know, he opposes the king. There will be a lot more about him in Book 2, a serious lot.
And ah, Janae! I had couple ideas (aside from Saerya) of who the new PoV could be, but I have to admit that Janae didn't come to my mind. It makes sense though, and I thoroughly enjoyed her first part
Hehe, I have actually announced her ages ago as a PoV, back when the story has been in a pretty early state though I can't find the comment in question anymore. A lot of things have changed back then, but not the storyline I have in mind for Janae, which remained largely the same. Her next part should give you a pretty good idea of the direction her storyline is going to head. Anyways, glad you enjoyed it!
Dayum! That Garthon part was amazing! I'm glad they managed to kill Cleaver, and Hjalgar is a fucking badass confirmed! I already said the l… moreast time we saw him that I'm growing to like him - well, now he is for sure among my favorites. And I guess what Cleaver blurted as his last word implies that Hjalgar works for Damon Greyjoy? There hasn't been much about him lately, but I'm still very interested in his plans as well.
And ah, Janae! I had couple ideas (aside from Saerya) of who the new PoV could be, but I have to admit that Janae didn't come to my mind. It makes sense though, and I thoroughly enjoyed her first part
[Order Behara to remain upstairs] In situation like this, reckless choices could easily lead to deaths, so I'll go with the safe choice, even if it would sour Behara's opinion on Janae.
Ah damnit Garthon killing a man having the time of his life. Oh Cleaver I shall miss you. A shame, a shame indeed. A mistake I'm sure of it. Something doesn't seem right...
Time of his life might stretch it. Garthon probably needs a fresh set of pants after such a close encounter with death. I must say, I kind of enjoyed writing Cleaver, who has, for all his hammy villainy, been a fun character to write about. As much as the characters won't miss him, I sort of will. But you are right, there's not everything as it seems to be. Hjalgar obviously knows more, something he is going to reveal in due time.
[Allow Behara to go down with you]
She'll be fine. Obviously fine. It's not like anyone wants her to be hurt or anything...
Ah damnit … moreGarthon killing a man having the time of his life. Oh Cleaver I shall miss you. A shame, a shame indeed. A mistake I'm sure of it. Something doesn't seem right...
Wow,the last Garthon part was epic!And Hjalgar has become from "little guy that Torvin decide to protect from the Ironborns like Harmund" to "badass guy that save Garthon ass from certain death"!
Oh yes, quite the development he underwent. A lot of it has been offscreen, but just like how Torvin and Garthon have been affected by their failed attempt on Harren's life, so has Hjalgar. It's just that he has hardened incredibly, to the point where he is not afraid of killing men like Cleaver Clint if necessary. Though what he said played a big part in his actions, Clint made it eay for him and kind of took the decision out of his hands.
And another villain of the story aka Cleaver Clint leave us,despite all his titles he don't really go far inside this story! (Even if he leave us with an awesome death scene)
Yeah, the good Cleaver appeared only in two chapters (with mentions in Chapter 7). I hope he still left some impression in the end, if only for the ungodly amount of damage he took before finally going down. There will be bigger villains and more dangerous ones, but only very few will be able to take as many brutal hits as Cleaver Clint.
I was thinking how this death could affect Harren,then I remember that all the Ironborns send at Raylainsfair are expendables!XD
Not only expendable, but it has been mentioned by both, Harren and Cleaver, that they were far from friends. In fact, Cleaver represented a faction of Ironborn who wished to go back to the old ways of raiding the Riverlands instead of ruling over them and his death will throw this faction into disarray quite severely. So, if anything, Harren probably hoped for Cleaver's death during the raid, just like how he is hoping for the deaths of Torvin and Garthon. It will make things quite easy for him when it comes to the question of how he should deal with them.
I'm surprised that Janae (the most recurring character of all the John PoV's)is the new PoV of this story!Even if I admit that from a writer PoV I can only approve of your choice (John will be the Frontline PoV while Janae the rearline one during the upcoming battles)
Ah, I am glad I managed to surprise you then I have noticed that no one has expected Janae, despite the fact that plenty of names have been mentioned during the discussion who this new PoV could be. And in the end, I have chosen Janae over all the others for reasons that will be more detailed in her next part. Let's just say, she's going to have a storyline of her own. Many other characters are already too tightly connected to a storyline from a different PoV. Leonard for example would definitely be able to carry a storyline of his own, but right now, we wouldn't learn anything new from him which I can't show in Lucas' part already. Saerya would be interesting, but everything about her can be shown through the eyes of Jenna. Janae meanwhile will have the function of showing you some events only she will be able to show you. I am excited for her storyline and I hope you will enjoy it too!
Now that I think about it these last parts feature two bow users and the use of their weapons!What was this?The Day of the Arrow?XD
That is a rather fitting name indeed. After all, this chapter showed two of the most skilled archers in the story. Others of note would be Roger and Edonia from Willfred's and Drent's storyline respectively. And at least Edonia's archery skills will be a plot-important point soon enough. As this part showed, no one beats Janae though when it comes to archery. Hjalgar was pretty badass, but in the end, Janae got half a dozen kills in the time it took him to kill Cleaver and unlike him, they were all moving.
About the choice I don't know if I will make one for now since I can like each of the outcomes
That's totally alright! Always a pleasure to see your thoughts on the part and if you're okay with both possible outcomes here, then so be it
RT time!
* Wow,the last Garthon part was epic!And Hjalgar has become from "little guy that Torvin decide to protect from the Ironborns … morelike Harmund" to "badass guy that save Garthon ass from certain death"!
* And another villain of the story aka Cleaver Clint leave us,despite all his titles he don't really go far inside this story! (Even if he leave us with an awesome death scene)
* I was thinking how this death could affect Harren,then I remember that all the Ironborns send at Raylainsfair are expendables!XD
* I'm surprised that Janae (the most recurring character of all the John PoV's)is the new PoV of this story!Even if I admit that from a writer PoV I can only approve of your choice (John will be the Frontline PoV while Janae the rearline one during the upcoming battles)
* Now that I think about it these last parts feature two bow users and the use of their weapons!What was this?The Day of the Arrow?XD
About the choice I don't know if I will make one for now since I can like each of the outcomes
[Allow Behara to go down with you] We already lost I'lian, might as well go all in. As for the Garthon part, that was really intense and fun to read. I had the idea that Hjalgar would save the day, but I didn't see him turning out to be one of Damon's agents. That's pretty darn cool and give Hjalgar some interesting plot points to flesh out into. I am just glad that Leonard didn't turn out to be the POV. It is always good to have some really amazing characters to stay non POV in order to retain their secrets and allow us to get more interesting surprises out of them.
The screams of the young girl echoed through the room, the house and through Garthon's mind. Without mercy, Cleaver Clint brought… more his weapon down on her hand once more, severing another half inch of her fingers. And that was where Garthon made a decision. This man was not his ally. This man was the enemy.
He raised his sword and glared at the massive back of the Lord of Volmark. Then, he charged at him, pushing the weapon through the side of his back with all his strength. Clint gasped and finally let go of the girl, who staggered away from him and to the ground, clutching her ruined hand, shock and pain on her face.
But Clint did not die. Garthon's sword had pierced his fat body, but he held on to his cleaver. As he glared over his shoulder the look in his eyes was worse than any Garthon had ever received. He said nothing as his hand, despite its size, quickly grabbed the crossguard of the sword in his body.
Garthon jumpe… [view original content]
As for the Garthon part, that was really intense and fun to read. I had the idea that Hjalgar would save the day, but I didn't see him turning out to be one of Damon's agents. That's pretty darn cool and give Hjalgar some interesting plot points to flesh out into.
I agree, that part was a majort one for Hjalgar, not only for his character development, but for his motivation as well. He and the Greyjoys do have a rather interesting relationship and sooner or later, he is definitely going to confide in Garthon about the full nature of his mission and how it benefits his new boss. Though it hasn't been without build-up. You might remember him being a part of the talk in Kyra's room shortly after Garthon was released from the dungeons. He and Kyra left for the Great Hall afterwards, but so far, we haven't learned just what Damon and Hjalgar were talking about afterwards.
I am just glad that Leonard didn't turn out to be the POV. It is always good to have some really amazing characters to stay non POV in order to retain their secrets and allow us to get more interesting surprises out of them.
That is an interesting way of seeing these things and one I am inclined to agree with. A PoV Leonard has a lot to offer, but at the same time, I consider him to be among the most fleshed-out non-PoV's, even more fleshed out than some of the PoV's. No matter how intriguing he would be as a PoV, it can't be denied that he works well the way he is right now. At the same time, my main reason for not having a Leonard PoV is because his storyline remains tightly connected to a PoV character, which means that seeing things through his eyes wouldn't offer a continuing amount of new material to work with which I am unable to show through the eyes of an already existing PoV.
[Allow Behara to go down with you] We already lost I'lian, might as well go all in. As for the Garthon part, that was really intense and fun… more to read. I had the idea that Hjalgar would save the day, but I didn't see him turning out to be one of Damon's agents. That's pretty darn cool and give Hjalgar some interesting plot points to flesh out into. I am just glad that Leonard didn't turn out to be the POV. It is always good to have some really amazing characters to stay non POV in order to retain their secrets and allow us to get more interesting surprises out of them.
I agree, that part was a majort one for Hjalgar, not only for his character development, but for his motivation as well. He and the Greyjoys do have a rather interesting relationship and sooner or later, he is definitely going to confide in Garthon about the full nature of his mission and how it benefits his new boss. Though it hasn't been without build-up. You might remember him being a part of the talk in Kyra's room shortly after Garthon was released from the dungeons. He and Kyra left for the Great Hall afterwards, but so far, we haven't learned just what Damon and Hjalgar were talking about afterwards.
I gotta admit, I've completely forgotten about that stuff. Well, it is good to see that Hjalgar will be on the right side of the Ironborn when the Targaryens come rolling in.
That is an interesting way of seeing these things and one I am inclined to agree with. A PoV Leonard has a lot to offer, but at the same time, I consider him to be among the most fleshed-out non-PoV's, even more fleshed out than some of the PoV's. No matter how intriguing he would be as a PoV, it can't be denied that he works well the way he is right now. At the same time, my main reason for not having a Leonard PoV is because his storyline remains tightly connected to a PoV character, which means that seeing things through his eyes wouldn't offer a continuing amount of new material to work with which I am unable to show through the eyes of an already existing PoV.
Leonard is good at just being Leonard. But speaking of how there would be no use of having two POVs in one storyline, this leads me to believe that either John is going to die, or there is going to be a falling out between Janae and John. Hopefully, both of them survive this, but if they do, it leaves me to wonder what is going to happen to there friendship that would cause them to form separate storylines.
As for the Garthon part, that was really intense and fun to read. I had the idea that Hjalgar would save the day, but I didn't see him turni… moreng out to be one of Damon's agents. That's pretty darn cool and give Hjalgar some interesting plot points to flesh out into.
I agree, that part was a majort one for Hjalgar, not only for his character development, but for his motivation as well. He and the Greyjoys do have a rather interesting relationship and sooner or later, he is definitely going to confide in Garthon about the full nature of his mission and how it benefits his new boss. Though it hasn't been without build-up. You might remember him being a part of the talk in Kyra's room shortly after Garthon was released from the dungeons. He and Kyra left for the Great Hall afterwards, but so far, we haven't learned just what Damon and Hjalgar were talking about afterwards.
I am just glad that Leonard didn't turn out to be the POV. It … [view original content]
I gotta admit, I've completely forgotten about that stuff. Well, it is good to see that Hjalgar will be on the right side of the Ironborn when the Targaryens come rolling in.
Well, whatever qualifies as the right side. Damon got plenty of dark sides that haven't really been explored so far. However, Hjalgar is a pretty good guy, so he's more on the side he sees as morally less reprehensible, which, compared to Harren and Cleaver, could mean almost anyone.
Leonard is good at just being Leonard. But speaking of how there would be no use of having two POVs in one storyline, this leads me to believe that either John is going to die, or there is going to be a falling out between Janae and John. Hopefully, both of them survive this, but if they do, it leaves me to wonder what is going to happen to there friendship that would cause them to form separate storylines.
Hm... well, that is true. Though, and this slightly contradicts my earlier statement, I can tease that there will be one PoV team-up in Book 2, though it will be more like one minor PoV and one major PoV teaming up. Leonard would have to be a major PoV, but many of the coming major events are already planned to be shown through the eyes of someone else, who also should provide a view on Leonard not even Leonard himself could provide. As for John and Janae, well, I obviously can't say anything about this, but I can reveal that by the time of her next part, you should have your answer, or at least a very good idea for both of their futures.
I agree, that part was a majort one for Hjalgar, not only for his character development, but for his motivation as well. He and the Greyjoys… more do have a rather interesting relationship and sooner or later, he is definitely going to confide in Garthon about the full nature of his mission and how it benefits his new boss. Though it hasn't been without build-up. You might remember him being a part of the talk in Kyra's room shortly after Garthon was released from the dungeons. He and Kyra left for the Great Hall afterwards, but so far, we haven't learned just what Damon and Hjalgar were talking about afterwards.
I gotta admit, I've completely forgotten about that stuff. Well, it is good to see that Hjalgar will be on the right side of the Ironborn when the Targaryens come rolling in.
That is an interesting way of seeing these things and one I am inclined to agree with. A PoV Leonard has a lot to offer, but at the same time, I conside… [view original content]
Well, whatever qualifies as the right side. Damon got plenty of dark sides that haven't really been explored so far. However, Hjalgar is a pretty good guy, so he's more on the side he sees as morally less reprehensible, which, compared to Harren and Cleaver, could mean almost anyone.
True, but he bends the knee to the almight Targaryen, so he is a-okay in my book as long he fulfills his destiny of becoming a Targ loyal. And with good people like Hjalgar and Garthon on his side, he doesn't seem as bad as the other forces of Ironborn we've met.
Hm... well, that is true. Though, and this slightly contradicts my earlier statement, I can tease that there will be one PoV team-up in Book 2, though it will be more like one minor PoV and one major PoV teaming up. Leonard would have to be a major PoV, but many of the coming major events are already planned to be shown through the eyes of someone else, who also should provide a view on Leonard not even Leonard himself could provide. As for John and Janae, well, I obviously can't say anything about this, but I can reveal that by the time of her next part, you should have your answer, or at least a very good idea for both of their futures.
Oh I got a theory. Janae and possibly Behara are going to be captured and taken as salt wives or slaves by the Ironborn and have adventures trying to survive in some Ironborn's possession, or be taken as prisoners by the Second Sons and give us a view of what the heck is going on with the other Anturion, showing us how they be planning on taking down Team Targ.
I gotta admit, I've completely forgotten about that stuff. Well, it is good to see that Hjalgar will be on the right side of the Ironborn wh… moreen the Targaryens come rolling in.
Well, whatever qualifies as the right side. Damon got plenty of dark sides that haven't really been explored so far. However, Hjalgar is a pretty good guy, so he's more on the side he sees as morally less reprehensible, which, compared to Harren and Cleaver, could mean almost anyone.
Leonard is good at just being Leonard. But speaking of how there would be no use of having two POVs in one storyline, this leads me to believe that either John is going to die, or there is going to be a falling out between Janae and John. Hopefully, both of them survive this, but if they do, it leaves me to wonder what is going to happen to there friendship that would cause them to form separate storylines.
Hm... well, that is true. Though, and this slightly contradicts… [view original content]
[Allow Behara to go down with you] Shouldn't coddle the girl. Should let her help, if she's not helping then she's just... there. Besides Janae will be finished quicker with Behara's help.
So glad that Janae got a POV. I really like her. (That's not an invitation to kill her off btw.)
I really liked Garthon's part. He did the right thing, too bad he didn't get to save that girl. Hjalgar's beginning to grow on me, despite my earlier distrust of him. I still don't really trust him, but I'm beginning to like him.
The screams of the young girl echoed through the room, the house and through Garthon's mind. Without mercy, Cleaver Clint brought… more his weapon down on her hand once more, severing another half inch of her fingers. And that was where Garthon made a decision. This man was not his ally. This man was the enemy.
He raised his sword and glared at the massive back of the Lord of Volmark. Then, he charged at him, pushing the weapon through the side of his back with all his strength. Clint gasped and finally let go of the girl, who staggered away from him and to the ground, clutching her ruined hand, shock and pain on her face.
But Clint did not die. Garthon's sword had pierced his fat body, but he held on to his cleaver. As he glared over his shoulder the look in his eyes was worse than any Garthon had ever received. He said nothing as his hand, despite its size, quickly grabbed the crossguard of the sword in his body.
Garthon jumpe… [view original content]
The screams of the young girl echoed through the room, the house and through Garthon's mind. Without mercy, Cleaver Clint brought… more his weapon down on her hand once more, severing another half inch of her fingers. And that was where Garthon made a decision. This man was not his ally. This man was the enemy.
He raised his sword and glared at the massive back of the Lord of Volmark. Then, he charged at him, pushing the weapon through the side of his back with all his strength. Clint gasped and finally let go of the girl, who staggered away from him and to the ground, clutching her ruined hand, shock and pain on her face.
But Clint did not die. Garthon's sword had pierced his fat body, but he held on to his cleaver. As he glared over his shoulder the look in his eyes was worse than any Garthon had ever received. He said nothing as his hand, despite its size, quickly grabbed the crossguard of the sword in his body.
Garthon jumpe… [view original content]
So glad that Janae got a POV. I really like her. (That's not an invitation to kill her off btw.)
Ah, it is good to hear that I felt a bit bad when I saw that you got excited for a possible Saerya PoV, so I am glad to hear that Janae's good as well. As for the killing off part... well, she just became a PoV, so that at least means that she has some sort of a storyline coming up for her. I can't promise anything when it comes to her survival, but at the very least, she should survive for a while now. Anything beyond that remains to be seen.
I really liked Garthon's part. He did the right thing, too bad he didn't get to save that girl. Hjalgar's beginning to grow on me, despite my earlier distrust of him. I still don't really trust him, but I'm beginning to like him.
And that is also good to hear! Hjalgar certainly had some good moments this chapter, so it makes me happy that he starts to grow on several people here. Though I can't blame you for not entirely trusting him. After all, there is this implied thing about him working for Damon Greyjoy, who is in a completely different league of shadiness.
[Allow Behara to go down with you] Shouldn't coddle the girl. Should let her help, if she's not helping then she's just... there. Besides Ja… morenae will be finished quicker with Behara's help.
So glad that Janae got a POV. I really like her. (That's not an invitation to kill her off btw.)
I really liked Garthon's part. He did the right thing, too bad he didn't get to save that girl. Hjalgar's beginning to grow on me, despite my earlier distrust of him. I still don't really trust him, but I'm beginning to like him.
True, but he bends the knee to the almight Targaryen, so he is a-okay in my book as long he fulfills his destiny of becoming a Targ loyal. And with good people like Hjalgar and Garthon on his side, he doesn't seem as bad as the other forces of Ironborn we've met.
Hehe, I suppose looking at things from that way, it's true. Keep in mind, we know nothing about Damon's plans yet, safe for the little he revealed to Garthon and Hjalgar. He definitely opposes the Targaryens less than Harren does, but other than that, he's a mystery for the time being.
Oh I got a theory. Janae and possibly Behara are going to be captured and taken as salt wives or slaves by the Ironborn and have adventures trying to survive in some Ironborn's possession, or be taken as prisoners by the Second Sons and give us a view of what the heck is going on with the other Anturion, showing us how they be planning on taking down Team Targ.
A very interesting theory. Indeed, that would be one way to give her a storyline of her own. And her next part will hold some pretty big twist, that much I can promise. Other than that, I can't go into any further detail, I'm sure you understand. Janae's next part won't be too far away though, so the truth will be here in a couple of weeks at most.
Well, whatever qualifies as the right side. Damon got plenty of dark sides that haven't really been explored so far. However, Hjalgar is a p… moreretty good guy, so he's more on the side he sees as morally less reprehensible, which, compared to Harren and Cleaver, could mean almost anyone.
True, but he bends the knee to the almight Targaryen, so he is a-okay in my book as long he fulfills his destiny of becoming a Targ loyal. And with good people like Hjalgar and Garthon on his side, he doesn't seem as bad as the other forces of Ironborn we've met.
Hm... well, that is true. Though, and this slightly contradicts my earlier statement, I can tease that there will be one PoV team-up in Book 2, though it will be more like one minor PoV and one major PoV teaming up. Leonard would have to be a major PoV, but many of the coming major events are already planned to be shown through the eyes of someone else, who also should provide a view on Leo… [view original content]
Great part! I've always been a fan of Hjalgar, but now he is becoming one of my really well liked characters. Glad to see him grow into the type of person be is now from the time we first met him. The scene with Garthon trying to run away and take down Clint was great. I'm glad that asshole is dead.
[Order Behara to remain upstairs] Better safe than sorry here. Don't want any more good guys dying.
The screams of the young girl echoed through the room, the house and through Garthon's mind. Without mercy, Cleaver Clint brought… more his weapon down on her hand once more, severing another half inch of her fingers. And that was where Garthon made a decision. This man was not his ally. This man was the enemy.
He raised his sword and glared at the massive back of the Lord of Volmark. Then, he charged at him, pushing the weapon through the side of his back with all his strength. Clint gasped and finally let go of the girl, who staggered away from him and to the ground, clutching her ruined hand, shock and pain on her face.
But Clint did not die. Garthon's sword had pierced his fat body, but he held on to his cleaver. As he glared over his shoulder the look in his eyes was worse than any Garthon had ever received. He said nothing as his hand, despite its size, quickly grabbed the crossguard of the sword in his body.
Garthon jumpe… [view original content]
[Order Behara to remain upstairs]
Fairly certain she'll die if she goes down. Also, Behara will be in a position to shoot anyone who might attack Janae, seeing as how the bow and two arrows will still be up there(unless Janae takes them with her).
So, let's take a moment to show the spirit animal of Cleaver Clint:
You will be missed.
The screams of the young girl echoed through the room, the house and through Garthon's mind. Without mercy, Cleaver Clint brought… more his weapon down on her hand once more, severing another half inch of her fingers. And that was where Garthon made a decision. This man was not his ally. This man was the enemy.
He raised his sword and glared at the massive back of the Lord of Volmark. Then, he charged at him, pushing the weapon through the side of his back with all his strength. Clint gasped and finally let go of the girl, who staggered away from him and to the ground, clutching her ruined hand, shock and pain on her face.
But Clint did not die. Garthon's sword had pierced his fat body, but he held on to his cleaver. As he glared over his shoulder the look in his eyes was worse than any Garthon had ever received. He said nothing as his hand, despite its size, quickly grabbed the crossguard of the sword in his body.
Garthon jumpe… [view original content]
Fairly certain she'll die if she goes down. Also, Behara will be in a position to shoot anyone who might attack Janae, seeing as how the bow and two arrows will still be up there(unless Janae takes them with her).
That is an interesting thought. Indeed, Behara will be able to do that, since Janae is going to leave the bow and the two arrows up there, I think it's only fair to reveal this detail. However, if she actually hits is a completely different thing entirely, since she got no real experience with shooting something or someone. But in theory, she'd be able to cover Janae, you are absolutely right with this!
So, let's take a moment to show the spirit animal of Cleaver Clint:
Haha, oh man, that is priceless Like, seriously, what is that guy even trying to do there? That said, Clint would probably smash that glass to pieces, kill the lady behind the counter, rape the money (somehow, don't ask me how, but he'd find a way) and then burn the bank to the ground. Ah, he was a one-of-a-kind charmer, that much is for sure.
[Order Behara to remain upstairs]
Fairly certain she'll die if she goes down. Also, Behara will be in a position to shoot anyone who might … moreattack Janae, seeing as how the bow and two arrows will still be up there(unless Janae takes them with her).
So, let's take a moment to show the spirit animal of Cleaver Clint:
You will be missed.
Don't jinx it
[Leave him for Nymeria]
I feel like Nymeria will be angered with Samantha if we don't let her have her revenge.
RIP Lenrianda and I'Iian. Hopefully after this bloody war is over they'll be given a proper burial.
Also will we see Sadie soon? I can't wait to see the upcoming battle there. Speaking of which, good luck to Dan because he'll need it.
[Leave him for Nymeria]
RIP indeed
I was surprised how hard it was to actually write their deaths. I suppose writing such a thing is never easy and that's even though they haven't been main characters. Ah, but a proper burial is the least their friends are going to do for them, so I can confirm that this is likely to happen.
Yes, we'll get to see her soon. Sadie is one of the few PoV's with two parts left, one of which will be the chapter finale. Her next part will be a long one and I'm going to write it after the next one, which should be out tomorrow. So, I'd say Sunday is a good guess for her return
And you are right, Dan will need a lot of luck. He probably won't remain the only one in need of luck though.
When's Illish's next part?
I'm not entirely sure, but it won't be too long. Probably at some point in the next week. Sadie needs to get a part first and it's been ages since we've last seen Jenna and John. Especially John, whose next part has to take place close to the ending of the chapter. But as I said, next week sounds likely.
The Voting is closed!
Samantha is going to leave Rodrik for Nymeria
I have expected a majority of you to choose this, even if it has only been a small majority. After all, Nymeria did suffer the greatest loss at Rodrik's hand today, not counting Jaro, who is not present. Killing him personally might at least give her some peace of mind. I can confirm though, we won't get to see what she's going to do to him. Chances are it won't be too horrible, since he's already dying, leaving her with little time to torment him. As a matter of fact, she's going to be way too angry for any intricate torture stuff and is probably just going to bash his skull in with her bare hands. Certainly not a pretty death either, but well, Rodrik more or less brought it up to himself. But anyways, this was Samantha's final part in this chapter, so Rodrik has been moved to the deceased section together with I'lian and Lenrianda.
The next part should be out at some point today. I have written quite a bit for it already and hope to finish it relatively soon. It is going to be a part with PoV's from Garthon and the new PoV I kept hinting at for a while now. The last time we saw Garthon, he and Hjalgar made their way through the city, searching for Cleaver Clint and his men, who were supposed to help Torvin. However, Hjalgar had a different objective, as he wanted to stop Clint's raid on the city, which is incomparably more brutal than Torvin's. He, usually with a mild and meek temper, even went as far as to consider outright killing Clint to stop him. Eventually, they parted ways to find him more easily, though Garthon still had the hopes that he could convince Clint to help Torvin. He found the man himself, who was just about to commit yet another atrocity, involving his cleaver and a girl that resisted him. On top of that, being the charming piece of shit he is, Clint made it absolutely clear that he has no intentions of helping Torvin. This, paired with the girl Clint was about to kill in a really grisly way, convinced Garthon to step in and to stab him in the back. We'll see how that turns out in the next part. Meanwhile, the new PoV character is someone whom you know, someone who has been introduced a while ago and who has, so far, played a rather important role in another PoV's storyline. This character has last been seen a relatively long time ago, that's all I can say for now.
I have a feeling that this new PoV is Saerya. Just a hunch.
I would love that! But I don't think it's her.
She would fit to Liquid's hints: "has been introduced a while ago" she has been in the story for several chapters now, "played a rather important role in another PoV's storyline" - Jenna. Ofc, there are other character who could fit, but not really that many in Raylansfair. And Saerya is a woman on a mission, so she'd definitely deserve the PoV status
You're beginning to convince me and to get my hopes up.
The screams of the young girl echoed through the room, the house and through Garthon's mind. Without mercy, Cleaver Clint brought his weapon down on her hand once more, severing another half inch of her fingers. And that was where Garthon made a decision. This man was not his ally. This man was the enemy.
He raised his sword and glared at the massive back of the Lord of Volmark. Then, he charged at him, pushing the weapon through the side of his back with all his strength. Clint gasped and finally let go of the girl, who staggered away from him and to the ground, clutching her ruined hand, shock and pain on her face.
But Clint did not die. Garthon's sword had pierced his fat body, but he held on to his cleaver. As he glared over his shoulder the look in his eyes was worse than any Garthon had ever received. He said nothing as his hand, despite its size, quickly grabbed the crossguard of the sword in his body.
Garthon jumped back, as he noticed that he couldn't remove his sword, so that he would at least avoid getting cut to pieces by Clint, who took a strike at him. The Lord of Volmark grunted with pain, as he fully turned around, glaring at Garthon with hatred. “I should have expected this”, he uttered. “Once a traitor, always a traitor. I warned Harry, urged him to kill you and your fucking brother. But he didn't do it. He's grown soft on his throne” He eyes narrowed as he fully grabbed the hilt of the sword in his back. “Now I'm going to correct his mistake”
A grunt of agony came out of his throat and for a second, it seemed as if he would fall down, as Cleaver Clint slowly pulled the sword out of his own body. Garthon gulped, as he took a step back, looking for something, anything to use as a weapon. At the very least, he figured he should retreat to the door that led out of the house.
Finally, Clint had succeeded at removing the weapon from his body. Holding Garthon's blood-soaked sword in the left and his cleaver in the right, a pained, but bloodthirsty grin formed on his face. “Finally”, he snarled. “I get to kill you” He raised both of his weapons and attacked.
The speed of his movement surprised Garthon, not only because of his massive body, but also because the wound he had suffered looked gruesome. His fat likely saved his life, by preventing any major damage to the body, but that didn't change the fact that it had to hurt like hell. Yet it barely even slowed him down.
Garthon jumped back, as the cleaver narrowly missed his head, while simultaneously being forced to twist his body to evade the strike of the sword, his own sword. He noticed that Clint was breathing heavily with pain, but adrenaline or the sheer wish to kill someone kept him going. “DIE!”, the Lord of Volmark screamed.
Once more, Garthon was forced to stagger back, having to divert his attention between his rapidly advancing enemy and the need to fight a weapon, any sort of weapon. Though what chance could he hope for against this hulking beast of a man?
The sword struck again and Garthon jumped to the side. It hit a chair, hurling it across half of the room. The cleaver missed him as well, but cleanly cut a wooden table in half, before swiftly striking from the side. This time, Garthon had to let himself fall to the ground to avoid being hit. By now, Volmark had almost positioned himself between him and the door.
“Stop running, you worm!”, he screamed. “Stop running and die!” Garthon hurled himself away from the cleaver as it came down on him, hitting the ground right next to him. He jumped up, taking the opportunity to deliver a fierce punch right into Clint's face. The man barely flinched, as he raised the sword in his other hand.
With a series of rapid attacks, he forced Garthon deeper into the house again, away from the door that might would have meant escape. Clint grinned like a madman, as blood poured out of his side and now own his face as well. “You little shit just don't know when to stop, do you?”, he chuckled. “I'll get my hands on you and I'll hear you scream” Slowly, he advanced, while Garthon backed off deeper into the house. “And your brother? Well, I can't wait to see the look on his face”, he continued. “At least he's a good fighter. Will put up a good fight. I might give him a good death. Not you though. You're a disgrace for our people. There's no iron in your veins, just watered-down piss”
Garthon gasped, as he bumped against the wall. He glanced around in search of a weapon, though he found nothing even resembling one. His eyes met the glance of the older woman that was still crouching on the ground. Clint had hit her in the eye before and Garthon wasn't even sure if she was still able to see through it. But her other one widened, as she looked at someone behind the Lord of Volmark. “No!”, she screamed.
A second later, an angry, high-pitched scream sounded and Clint stopped with a grunt. He grimaced and coughed as he twisted his massive back slightly to the side. Garthon saw the knife sticking out of it and he saw the girl holding it, her expression maddened with fear and pain.
But once again, Cleaver Clint refused to die. Perhaps the knife hadn't struck him deep enough, but he remained standing. With a roar, he turned around, ramming Garthon's sword through the girl's body, hitting her slightly below the chest and embedding the blade almost to the hilt. He let out a hoarsy chuckle as her eyes widened and broke.
Naturally, Garthon used this opportunity to get past his massive opponent, closer to the door again. As he was next to him, Clint let go of the sword, still embedded in the girls chest, before he grabbed his cleaver with both hands. Garthon knew he only had this on chance, so he sped up, charging at the exit. Behind him, the Lord of Volmark did the same, bellowing with rage. Perhaps this rage was the only thing that kept him standing at this point.
Garthon reached the door first. He rushed through it, but before he could even decide on the direction he'd run to next, Clint had reached the door as well. His massive size actually tore through the thin wood of the doorframe, taking a good chunk out of it as he charged. Splinters of broken wood flew past Garthon and a second later, a massive boot kicked him in the back.
The impact was enough to send him flying, until he heavily hit the dusty ground a few feet away. Having hit his head in the process, his vision blurred, as he crawled away from Clint, who was breathing heavily. He managed to roll onto his back, looking right at the raider, who had a wide grin on his face. There was pain as well, signs that he couldn't carry on for much longer. Garthon found a bit of peace in this, hoping that at the very least, Cleaver Clint wouldn't ruin any more lives. Maybe never again.
Clint pointed the cleaver right at him. “Your brother would have fought”, he growled. “All you can do is to stab a man in the back, like that bloody girl. But not anymore” He grabbed the cleaver with both hands and raised it, as Garthon took a deep breath, probably the last he would ever take. He had regrets, oh yes, he had. Words unspoken, actions never taken. The thought of Torvin, it nearly tore him apart. And Kyra...
Before Cleaver Clint was able to bring the weapon down at him, something unexpected happened. His eyes widened, as he went down on one knee and it took Garthon a moment to spot the arrow embedded in his lower leg, right in the tendon. Clint, now gurgling, diverted his attention to the direction he had been shot from and so did Garthon.
Hjalgar calmly walked down the street. Pulling out a second arrow without slowing down, he aimed and fired, hitting the Lord of Volmark in the shoulder, forcing him to the ground and knocking the cleaver out of his hands. Clint gasped, his new wound making it unable for him to reach the weapon again. Perhaps his strength had finally left him.
“Who... the fuck are you?”, he managed to utter, as Hjalgar pulled a third arrow from his quiver. “I didn't want to do this”, he answered. “Back when he first ordered me to. He told me I'd be able to do it, but I didn't believe him. I travelled all this way, doubting if I could truly do it” He sighed. “But you made it easy. What you did today... you brought this up to yourself”
Clint groaned in pain and helpless rage. “Fuck you!”, he barked, as he tried to push himself up. “I'm going to tear you to pieces, you little shit, I will...!” Hjalgar cut him off. “No one will mourn for you”, he said coldly. “No one will miss you. No one will remember you. Your death will be nothing but a footnote, overshadowed by better men living better lives” His eyes narrowed, now with anger. “You do not matter. You never did, you never will be. Your life ends here”, he hissed as he aimed. By now, Clint's expression had changed, from rage, to something that resembled uncertainty. It wasn't fear, not quite, but it cam close. “But find solace in knowing that your king will follow soon”
Now, Clint's eyes widened, as if he had a sudden, terrifying realization. “Damon...”, he gasped, as Hjalgar let go of the arrow. It hit him in the eye and from such a close distance it pierced his entire skull, sending him back to the ground, as his last breath left him.
It was not over. Not for Garthon. Hjalgar turned towards him, reaching down to help him up. He gave the young man a baffled look. “Hjalgar?”, he asked, seeing how the cold confidence in the other man's eyes faded. “It had to be done...”, he mumbled. Garthon gulped as he staggered past Clint's body. The last words of the raider came to mind and Garthon's eyes widened. He gave Hjalgar a shocked look, but the young man only shook his head. “Not now”, he said with a thin voice. “Please, not now”
Garthon gave him a nod, as he staggered to the door of the house he had just left. Through the doorframe, he could see the older woman, cradling the corpse of her daughter. He cleared his throat and she looked up, blood running down her face. “I...”, he started, but she cut him off. “Get out”, she hissed, sheer hatred in her voice. He gulped. “I just wanted...”, he started, though again, she didn't let him speak. “You did enough”, she barked. “Get out! Leave me!”
He sighed, before he turned around, knowing that he couldn't do anything to help this woman. Not her, but maybe others. He and Hjalgar exchanged a look. “What now?”, the young man asked and Garthon clenched his fists, glaring at the dead body of Cleaver Clint Volmark. “Now we find Torvin”, he decided. “Now we end this madness”
No Choices for this part
The man who just died was one of the Second Sons. Even from afar, Janae was able to identify the tabard she had just hit with her arrow. The presence of the sellswords in the city concerned her. There was little more she wanted to do right now than to put an arrow into the head of their leader. This scumbag that had attacked her and John. This utter bastard that had nearly murdered Sammy, Jaro and I'lian.
“Arrow”, she growled and Behara instantly followed the order, handing her another one without her having to look away from the street. The Second Sons were advancing, slowly and steadily. Janae had no doubt that they were approaching the city centre from more than one way. Perhaps they were already there, having bypassed her position entirely. But at least none of them had survived stepping onto this street she was guarding. Half a dozen of them lay on the ground, arrows in their heads or chests.
Deep down, beyond the cold focus she kept up, Janae couldn't deny that she was worried. John, Temari and Jaro wanted to defend the gates. The fact that the sellswords were in the city already proved to her that they had failed. John was the toughest son of a bitch she knew, but that didn't stop her from being worried about him.
Another man bravely ran onto the street and from her position at the third floor of a large house, Janae was able to perfectly overlook the entire scenery. He wasn't one of the Second Sons, but from his wild appearance and the way he had raised his axe, she had no doubt that he was a target regardless. It only took her a second to aim, before she let go of the arrow. It hit him in the throat, causing him to almost tumbling over as he fell to the ground.
“Arrow”, she said again, noticing how pleasant it was to have an assistant. She hadn't been sure about taking Behara with her, not at first, doing it mostly to avoid an argument with Tem at the worst possible moment. But the girl had proven to be useful. Not a fighter, but capable in her own right. For a moment, Janae glanced at her assistant. She was still just a girl though. In the eyes of Janae and the entire rest of her companions, she'd always remain Tem's kid sister.
“Janae!”, Behara hissed and pointed down the street. This time, Janae needed a moment to see what she meant, but as soon as she did, she suppressed a throaty Ghiscari curse. They were sneaking up on her now, hiding in the shadows, one man at a time. They were half a dozen, four of them raiders, two of them Second Sons.
“Quick now”, she said, extending her hand for one of the arrows Behara gave her. She knew, the moment she'd shoot, the men would knot that they had been discovered. She had to be quick. As she took aim, she breathed deeply and steadily, before holding her breath, just as she released the arrow.
The first man died instantly, as it hit the centre of his chest. Even before he sank to the ground, the other men, who had previously been cowering in the shadows, all raised their weapons and with terrifying battlecries, they started to charge. Straight at an archer in a heavily fortified position, without any cover of their own. Fools...
Janae shot the next arrow, impaling one man's eye, as Behara already handed her the next one. She barely had to move her own hand for this and knew, she couldn't have done that without the girl helping her. She only had a second to aim for the third man, though she hit him regardless, even if it wasn't the quick, clean death she was usually aiming for. Instead, it would be a long, messy death, as he crawled away with an arrow in his guts.
The fourth man died because he was faster than the others, would have reached her first. Her arrow opened his throat and sent him to the ground. Before it even reached him, Janae had grabbed the next arrow. She took aim and had to stand up from her kneeling position now, as the remaining two men had gotten dangerously close to the house.
Her fifth arrow hit the target in the shoulder, but with enough force to sent him back and to the ground, where he remained, clutching his wound. The sixth one had finally reached the house and instantly, he began to kick at the closed door, as Janae reached for the sixth arrow.
To take aim, she had to lean out of the window, as she narrowed her eyes. The man looked up, right at her, as his next kick caused the door to give in. Janae shot her arrow, straight at him from the top and with grim satisfaction, she watched it impaling him from the shoulder downwards.
Breathing heavily, she gave Behara a slight smile. “Good work”, she complimented her and the girl responded likewise. “I told you I'd be able to pull my weight”, she said and Janae raised an eyebrow. “Don't get cocky now, girl”, she replied. “I've been like you once. Took me quite a couple of beatings to get over it”
“Get over what?”, Behara asked and Janae chuckled. “Your attitude. You're good at helping me with shooting at people. You're good at handing me arrows. But that doesn't make you a warrior, like your brother is. Doesn't mean you're good enough to get cocky”
“I'm not cocky”, Behara protested and Janae noticed that she had hit a nerve. A thin grin flashed over her face, as she glanced out to the street, now devoid of life. “You're better at assisting me than John ever was”, she said. “He's far too stubborn to play second fiddle when I get to kill someone”
Behara's expression darkened and finally, she spoke the words that had been lingering between them all this time. “You think they are okay?”, she asked. “John and Jaro... and Tem?” Janae sighed, as she still did not look away from the street. “Yes”, she answered. “I think they are okay. John's the toughest whoreson I know. So is Jaro. And your brother...” Now, she glanced at her companion, looked in her pretty face and she noticed the slight hint of fear. “Your brother loves you too much to leave you”, she said. “He's not going to die, not as long as he has you to look after”
Behara's expression changed slightly, as she nodded softly. A thought flashed through Janae's mind. “How many arrows do we have left?”, she asked and Behara took a step to the side. Now, Janae sighed deeply, as she spotted only two lying on the ground. “Then I better get down there and take some back from these bastards”, she decided. “It's empty now. Better I do it before they decide to attack again”
“You're going down there?”, Behara asked, pointing at the street. Janae gave her a nod. “Yeah, I just said that”, she replied and the young girl clenched her fists with determination. “Take me with you”, she urged her and Janae raised an eyebrow. “What now?”, she asked. “Down there?”
Behara nodded quickly. “I can help”, she said. “We won't have much time, gotta be up here again when they attack again. With me, you'll be faster. I can collect a couple of arrows, can't I?” Her tone got a bitter hint as she continued. “Or is that another thing you don't think I'm good enough for”
Janae raised a finger. “Hey, I never said that”, she growled. “And that's out of question. You'll stay up here, where it's safe. It's bad enough when I have to risk my own life, I can't afford having to look out for you down there” She turned to the door. “Cause if you get as much as a scratch, your brother's going to tear my head off”, she muttered. “Or he's going to try it, at the very least”
Before she was able to reach the door, Behara walked up to stand in her way. “You're not going down there without me!”, she barked. “I can help you, you know that. Stop being so stubborn and stop treating me like a child!”
Janae rolled her eyes, though she softly put a hand onto Behara's shoulder. “Hara”, she said gently. “I only treat you like a child because you are” That... sounded better in her head and Behara reacted heavily to this. With an angry glare, she broke free from her grip. “I am nearing my twentieth birthday”, she spat. “I haven't been a child for a long time now. I know you're stubborn, but you're not blind and you're not stupid. You know I can pull my weight, especially in a situation like this”
Janae sighed. “It's not only that, it's...”, she started, though the angry girl cut her off. “It's what?”, she snarled. “I'm sick of being the kid you have to drag with you. It's not that I want to fight all of a sudden. But a little bit of trust, I think I've earned that. That one down there, that's hardly the dangerous stuff. Collecting your arrows... How the hell am I supposed to grow up when you don't stop treating me like a child?”
She had a point. Begrudgingly, Janae had to admit that much. Behara wasn't a little girl anymore, though Temari would never stop treating her as such. And it was his anger Janae feared the most, not because he could harm her, but because he'd try it if anything would happen to his little sister. At the same time, Janae recognized the look in the girl's eyes. She had been the same once. Behara wasn't a little girl and sooner or later, even Temari had to understand that, maybe. As much as she disliked the thought of getting her into danger, perhaps it was time to put some trust in her. With a sigh, she made her decision...
[Allow Behara to go down with you] [Order Behara to remain upstairs]
I think it's Nora Recton. That's just me though.
[Order Behara to remain upstairs] Behara's a sook, and she could easily die in a situation like this. She needs to stay upstairs.
Oh my god that was so freaking cool!!! Hjalgar was so badass, I imagined it like in a freaking a action movie when the bad guy gets finally wounded and the hero kills him in an epic scene.
I'am so happy that Hjalgar gets an epic moment.
Dayum! That Garthon part was amazing! I'm glad they managed to kill Cleaver, and Hjalgar is a fucking badass confirmed! I already said the last time we saw him that I'm growing to like him - well, now he is for sure among my favorites. And I guess what Cleaver blurted as his last word implies that Hjalgar works for Damon Greyjoy? There hasn't been much about him lately, but I'm still very interested in his plans as well.
And ah, Janae! I had couple ideas (aside from Saerya) of who the new PoV could be, but I have to admit that Janae didn't come to my mind. It makes sense though, and I thoroughly enjoyed her first part
[Order Behara to remain upstairs] In situation like this, reckless choices could easily lead to deaths, so I'll go with the safe choice, even if it would sour Behara's opinion on Janae.
[Allow Behara to go down with you]
She'll be fine. Obviously fine. It's not like anyone wants her to be hurt or anything...
Ah damnit Garthon killing a man having the time of his life. Oh Cleaver I shall miss you. A shame, a shame indeed. A mistake I'm sure of it. Something doesn't seem right...
RT time!
About the choice I don't know if I will make one for now since I can like each of the outcomes
That is a really interesting idea and one I haven't even considered so far. Nora would make for a good PoV. Unlike Saerya, I haven't even considered her so far, but it is an idea that is worth thinking about.
What can I say, I'm really sorry for always crushing your hopes
Seems like this chapter makes a terrible running gag out of that sort of stuff. All I can say is, that is a pretty big string of accidents and I'm sorry. Though I must say that I have considered Saerya for a while, though not at this point of the story. Our newest PoV has definitely been planned to become a PoV for a far longer time, long before Saerya has even been submitted.
Wouldn't go that far, but yeah, she's not a fighter. She's got the right spirit at least, but Janae's concerns are far from unfounded. That said, neither are Behara's wishes. Consider that she is genuinely sick of being belittled. With that in mind, both choices do hold potential for positive or negative outcomes here.
Hah, I am glad you enjoyed the scene! It has been planned like that for quite a while now (ever since I introduced Cleaver Clint), so I was really glad that every choice in Garthon's storyline here put him on the path I needed him to be to show this moment. It is very much Hjalgar's most epic moment so far and it's great you and the others liked it!
I am really glad you liked the scene! I have hoped for such a reaction honestly. Cleaver was only a relatively minor villain in the grand scale of things, but nonetheless meant to be a truly intimidating foe and I guess his death was a fittingly epic scene, especially for Hjalgar. As for Cleaver's final words, well, that seems to be the implication. Damon has plans of his own and as we know, he opposes the king. There will be a lot more about him in Book 2, a serious lot.
Hehe, I have actually announced her ages ago as a PoV, back when the story has been in a pretty early state though I can't find the comment in question anymore. A lot of things have changed back then, but not the storyline I have in mind for Janae, which remained largely the same. Her next part should give you a pretty good idea of the direction her storyline is going to head. Anyways, glad you enjoyed it!
Time of his life might stretch it. Garthon probably needs a fresh set of pants after such a close encounter with death. I must say, I kind of enjoyed writing Cleaver, who has, for all his hammy villainy, been a fun character to write about. As much as the characters won't miss him, I sort of will. But you are right, there's not everything as it seems to be. Hjalgar obviously knows more, something he is going to reveal in due time.
Oh yes, quite the development he underwent. A lot of it has been offscreen, but just like how Torvin and Garthon have been affected by their failed attempt on Harren's life, so has Hjalgar. It's just that he has hardened incredibly, to the point where he is not afraid of killing men like Cleaver Clint if necessary. Though what he said played a big part in his actions, Clint made it eay for him and kind of took the decision out of his hands.
Yeah, the good Cleaver appeared only in two chapters (with mentions in Chapter 7). I hope he still left some impression in the end, if only for the ungodly amount of damage he took before finally going down. There will be bigger villains and more dangerous ones, but only very few will be able to take as many brutal hits as Cleaver Clint.
Not only expendable, but it has been mentioned by both, Harren and Cleaver, that they were far from friends. In fact, Cleaver represented a faction of Ironborn who wished to go back to the old ways of raiding the Riverlands instead of ruling over them and his death will throw this faction into disarray quite severely. So, if anything, Harren probably hoped for Cleaver's death during the raid, just like how he is hoping for the deaths of Torvin and Garthon. It will make things quite easy for him when it comes to the question of how he should deal with them.
Ah, I am glad I managed to surprise you then
I have noticed that no one has expected Janae, despite the fact that plenty of names have been mentioned during the discussion who this new PoV could be. And in the end, I have chosen Janae over all the others for reasons that will be more detailed in her next part. Let's just say, she's going to have a storyline of her own. Many other characters are already too tightly connected to a storyline from a different PoV. Leonard for example would definitely be able to carry a storyline of his own, but right now, we wouldn't learn anything new from him which I can't show in Lucas' part already. Saerya would be interesting, but everything about her can be shown through the eyes of Jenna. Janae meanwhile will have the function of showing you some events only she will be able to show you. I am excited for her storyline and I hope you will enjoy it too!
That is a rather fitting name indeed. After all, this chapter showed two of the most skilled archers in the story. Others of note would be Roger and Edonia from Willfred's and Drent's storyline respectively. And at least Edonia's archery skills will be a plot-important point soon enough. As this part showed, no one beats Janae though when it comes to archery. Hjalgar was pretty badass, but in the end, Janae got half a dozen kills in the time it took him to kill Cleaver and unlike him, they were all moving.
That's totally alright! Always a pleasure to see your thoughts on the part and if you're okay with both possible outcomes here, then so be it
[Allow Behara to go down with you] We already lost I'lian, might as well go all in. As for the Garthon part, that was really intense and fun to read. I had the idea that Hjalgar would save the day, but I didn't see him turning out to be one of Damon's agents. That's pretty darn cool and give Hjalgar some interesting plot points to flesh out into. I am just glad that Leonard didn't turn out to be the POV. It is always good to have some really amazing characters to stay non POV in order to retain their secrets and allow us to get more interesting surprises out of them.
I agree, that part was a majort one for Hjalgar, not only for his character development, but for his motivation as well. He and the Greyjoys do have a rather interesting relationship and sooner or later, he is definitely going to confide in Garthon about the full nature of his mission and how it benefits his new boss. Though it hasn't been without build-up. You might remember him being a part of the talk in Kyra's room shortly after Garthon was released from the dungeons. He and Kyra left for the Great Hall afterwards, but so far, we haven't learned just what Damon and Hjalgar were talking about afterwards.
That is an interesting way of seeing these things and one I am inclined to agree with. A PoV Leonard has a lot to offer, but at the same time, I consider him to be among the most fleshed-out non-PoV's, even more fleshed out than some of the PoV's. No matter how intriguing he would be as a PoV, it can't be denied that he works well the way he is right now. At the same time, my main reason for not having a Leonard PoV is because his storyline remains tightly connected to a PoV character, which means that seeing things through his eyes wouldn't offer a continuing amount of new material to work with which I am unable to show through the eyes of an already existing PoV.
I gotta admit, I've completely forgotten about that stuff. Well, it is good to see that Hjalgar will be on the right side of the Ironborn when the Targaryens come rolling in.
Leonard is good at just being Leonard. But speaking of how there would be no use of having two POVs in one storyline, this leads me to believe that either John is going to die, or there is going to be a falling out between Janae and John. Hopefully, both of them survive this, but if they do, it leaves me to wonder what is going to happen to there friendship that would cause them to form separate storylines.
Well, whatever qualifies as the right side. Damon got plenty of dark sides that haven't really been explored so far. However, Hjalgar is a pretty good guy, so he's more on the side he sees as morally less reprehensible, which, compared to Harren and Cleaver, could mean almost anyone.
Hm... well, that is true. Though, and this slightly contradicts my earlier statement, I can tease that there will be one PoV team-up in Book 2, though it will be more like one minor PoV and one major PoV teaming up. Leonard would have to be a major PoV, but many of the coming major events are already planned to be shown through the eyes of someone else, who also should provide a view on Leonard not even Leonard himself could provide. As for John and Janae, well, I obviously can't say anything about this, but I can reveal that by the time of her next part, you should have your answer, or at least a very good idea for both of their futures.
True, but he bends the knee to the almight Targaryen, so he is a-okay in my book as long he fulfills his destiny of becoming a Targ loyal. And with good people like Hjalgar and Garthon on his side, he doesn't seem as bad as the other forces of Ironborn we've met.
Oh I got a theory. Janae and possibly Behara are going to be captured and taken as salt wives or slaves by the Ironborn and have adventures trying to survive in some Ironborn's possession, or be taken as prisoners by the Second Sons and give us a view of what the heck is going on with the other Anturion, showing us how they be planning on taking down Team Targ.
[Allow Behara to go down with you] Shouldn't coddle the girl. Should let her help, if she's not helping then she's just... there. Besides Janae will be finished quicker with Behara's help.
So glad that Janae got a POV. I really like her. (That's not an invitation to kill her off btw.)
I really liked Garthon's part. He did the right thing, too bad he didn't get to save that girl. Hjalgar's beginning to grow on me, despite my earlier distrust of him. I still don't really trust him, but I'm beginning to like him.
[Allow Behara to go down with you]
[Order Behara to remain upstairs]
Let's try not to get her killed, I want to see her get developed before that happens.
Ah, it is good to hear that
I felt a bit bad when I saw that you got excited for a possible Saerya PoV, so I am glad to hear that Janae's good as well. As for the killing off part... well, she just became a PoV, so that at least means that she has some sort of a storyline coming up for her. I can't promise anything when it comes to her survival, but at the very least, she should survive for a while now. Anything beyond that remains to be seen.
And that is also good to hear! Hjalgar certainly had some good moments this chapter, so it makes me happy that he starts to grow on several people here. Though I can't blame you for not entirely trusting him. After all, there is this implied thing about him working for Damon Greyjoy, who is in a completely different league of shadiness.
Hehe, I suppose looking at things from that way, it's true. Keep in mind, we know nothing about Damon's plans yet, safe for the little he revealed to Garthon and Hjalgar. He definitely opposes the Targaryens less than Harren does, but other than that, he's a mystery for the time being.
A very interesting theory. Indeed, that would be one way to give her a storyline of her own. And her next part will hold some pretty big twist, that much I can promise. Other than that, I can't go into any further detail, I'm sure you understand. Janae's next part won't be too far away though, so the truth will be here in a couple of weeks at most.
Daaayum, Cleaver's death sent shivers down my spine. Very well written!
[Order Behara to remain upstairs]
Fantasy Fights 5(I think)
Ryler vs Samuel Harrington
The Moggy vs Ulaf
The Tom vs Wolfius
Nymeria vs Raenna
Rodrik vs Clayton
Great part! I've always been a fan of Hjalgar, but now he is becoming one of my really well liked characters. Glad to see him grow into the type of person be is now from the time we first met him. The scene with Garthon trying to run away and take down Clint was great. I'm glad that asshole is dead.
[Order Behara to remain upstairs] Better safe than sorry here. Don't want any more good guys dying.
[Order Behara to remain upstairs]
Fairly certain she'll die if she goes down. Also, Behara will be in a position to shoot anyone who might attack Janae, seeing as how the bow and two arrows will still be up there(unless Janae takes them with her).
So, let's take a moment to show the spirit animal of Cleaver Clint:

You will be missed.
That is an interesting thought. Indeed, Behara will be able to do that, since Janae is going to leave the bow and the two arrows up there, I think it's only fair to reveal this detail. However, if she actually hits is a completely different thing entirely, since she got no real experience with shooting something or someone. But in theory, she'd be able to cover Janae, you are absolutely right with this!
Haha, oh man, that is priceless
Like, seriously, what is that guy even trying to do there? That said, Clint would probably smash that glass to pieces, kill the lady behind the counter, rape the money (somehow, don't ask me how, but he'd find a way) and then burn the bank to the ground. Ah, he was a one-of-a-kind charmer, that much is for sure.