Season Episode 2 freezes

I have the disc version of season 2 for Xbox 360 just got it for Christmas and whenever I start episode 2 it's freezes in the flashback scenes at the exact same point! Is there a patch or any support for this??


  • This is better off in the support section, no one here is really going be of any help, sorry. I'm sure a mod will move it soon.

  • Shoot thanks I jst posted there. Cool screen name by the way \m/

    This is better off in the support section, no one here is really going be of any help, sorry. I'm sure a mod will move it soon.

  • No problem, and thanks.

    Shoot thanks I jst posted there. Cool screen name by the way \m/

  • Normally I would move this, but since you've already posted a new thread in Support, I think I can safely lock this thread instead.

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