Characters you wanted to learn more about.

So I'm curious to know which characters you wanted to learn more about. Characters that interested you and you wanted to learn more about them.

For me I wanted to learn more about the Cabin Group, every member, because they were all interesting in their own right but I personally don't think we learned too much about any of them, their pasts, their motivations or their emotions on situations.

So who did you want to learn more about?


  • Sarita- she was just a plot device in a green hoody

  • edited January 2015

    All original season two characters.

  • edited January 2015

    All S2 characters. Special mentions to Matthew, Sarita, Walter, Mike, and Arvo.

  • Everyone in season 2.

  • edited January 2015

    Luke, Sarah, Rebecca, Alvin, Carlos, Pete, Carver, Bonnie, Mike, Troy, Sarita, Walter, Matthew, Arvo, Tavia, Reggie, THE 400 DAYS CHARACTERS, George! Frickin George! Who the frick is George!?

    Hm....there's a distinct pattern emerging here x_x

  • edited January 2015

    Season 1: Chuck. His only purpose was to get Lee to teach Clem how to shoot.

    Season 2: George. We never learn why Alvin killed him in the first place but we are supposed to care for some reason. Maybe if I knew something on him it would help.

  • Everyone in S2 expect Jane , Kenny and Clem

  • The Group that attacked Christa and Clem.

  • All we know about her is that she found Kenny and that she can survive, also that she is a normally kind and non-violent person. Other than that we know nothing of her origin, her groups, her old family etc.

    Sarita- she was just a plot device in a green hoody

  • To be honest I only felt like these characters in Season Two needed more development and if hubs were used we'd get to know more about them: All except Clementine and Kenny.

  • Mike, I think he could have been an interesting character

  • Cabin group, something im sure most would agree with. Sarita too, and maybe walter couldve lasted longer and we couldve seen how his relationship with Nick would play out. Everyone else, bleh

  • From the season two cast no one really. They served their purpose, and helped Clem grow as a character. What I want to see is more of the 400 days cast return for season three.

  • Everyone, including the 400 days characters, except for Kenny because I thought he was dead and gone.

  • Arvo - I wanted to know if he hates getting shot too lol jk.

    Wanted to get to know Luke more. We got some back story on him before his unfortunate death, but I'm sure he's been through some stuff and thangs just as much as anyone before meeting Clementine.

  • Cabin Survivors, they were boring as hell.

  • Fuckin Jamie xD lol

  • cougheveryoneinseason2besideskennyandclementinecough

  • S1-Molly

    S2-An independent Sarah

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