Create your own Walking Dead Game Character
When commenting your character be sure to include. Name,Bio,Gender,Personality traits,Backstory,How your character meets Clementine,What they look like and then you can put some other facts about them
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His name is Crash Clark he is a man he is ready for anything (fearless) and doesn't show he is scared (he is scared on the inside) he met clementine in a abandon grocery store. and they decide that they should build up a group. Crash has a beanie with a long sleeve folded a little over his elbow with Dc for shoes and regular blue pants he was into video games and to dubstep and he knows his survival skill off of video games and he thinks that clem would be a good friend to have on his journey.
Name: Genevive Bell
Gender: Female
Bio: Currently has been travelling from community to community, hoping to be able to find some way of getting home to France.
Personality: Friendly, Loyal, Soft-spoken.
Backstory: Born in Lyon, France, Genevieve was studying to become an English Teacher, and took a trip to America to improve her English, which was at a pass-able level. At one point, she was hit by a car (the driver was taking their bitten friend to the hospital, they turned and attacked the driver, who accidently hit Genevieve) and she was knocked out, waking up to find an empty city, with walkers starting to populate the streets, she managed to escape by hitching a ride from a passing truck.
Clementine: Although she hasn't met Clementine, she met Christa and Omid, and they formed a group with a few other people, but everyone else was either killed or seperated by a bandit attack on their camp, this being the reason why Christa is so distrusting of other people.
Appearance: Sandy blonde hair (In a bun), brown eyes, slim figure (mostly from lack of food), Brown jacket, pale yellow waistcoat, jeans and boots.
Misc: Picked up basic medical knowledge from a thriving community where former doctors turned survivors taught everyone should something happen to them. (She left the community after a while). She is slightly embarrased by her French accent. Always has a trusty baseball bat on hand.
Wow really detailed
I like it
My character would be called Will. He has green eyes and dark hair, early to mid 20's and has some wicked ass sniper skills.
His personality is similar to that of Joel from The Last Of Us. He just needs warming up to and then he is super loyal and protective. He's also rather sarcastic but in more of a charming way rather than just being a bland asshole.
Before the apocalypse he was in the military and was at his base when the outbreak happened, he was on the front lines and was in a sniper nest picking off the dead, but unfortunately they got overwhelmed and he watched through his scope as hundreds of his friends and fellow soldiers got eaten alive.
He "died" the day his unit did.
He just seems to survive because it's instinctual for him.
EDIT: I forgot to add how he meets Clem.
He is passing through a country town and decides to take watch on the water tower.
he soon sees a horde of walkers coming his way persuing Clem. He whistles to her to make his way to him as he picks them off with his sniper.
it's very cliché. But badass
Did a proper visual bio for Will:
Can I use this as my character submission for my fan fiction? Some of the characters here work pretty well.
I give you permission to use my character, Will.
I literally just based him off a fanart I did of Nick.
feel free to use that as design reference
Sweet thanks. Here's the fan fiction if you'd like to read it.
Name: Domenick Salvatoriello
Age: 38
Appearance: 6'2, dark brown hair and eyes, stubble turning into a beard, wears a brown flannel shirt with faded blue jeans and brown work boots.
Personality: Stubborn, violent, unpredictable, caring when needed to be, sarcastic, takes no shit from anyone, quiet, get things done, rebellious, brave
Weapon: Whatever he can get his hands on
Skills: Hotwiring cars, picking locks, shooting guns, military tactics, planning, driving ships or boats, stealth, leadership
Occupation: Convicted Criminal(Pre ZA)
Backstory: Domenick used to live in Europe, his father was very abusive, was very abusive, while his mother was very caring and protective of him. His father beat him and his mother, after a night his father came home drunk and started beating Domenick's mother, he was sent into a fit of rage and brutally killed his father. Realizing what he had just done. His mother told Domenick to leave, so he won't be sent to prison. Dom begged not to leave, but the police showed up and his mother told to Dom to run. so he did. Eventually, he fought in a war he didn't believe in. He saw terrible things. One in particular, he saw a line of children with their necks slit and all their fingers and toes cut off. Another time, where his squad was betrayed. Almost all of his childhood friends died, he and another where the only 2 to survive. Then he vowed to find the man who did this. So he started working for a man called Ray Anceloti, a very powerful criminal, in Italy, so he did work for him, smuggling people, killing people, kidnapping people. Once, when he smuggling some people into England, his ship crashed and sunk. Dom had to swim for his life. Ray was pissed and blamed it all on Dom. Domenick wanted to kill him. But Ray was too powerful and had too many connections. So he left for New York City. His brother, Tommy had been living there for a while and encouraged him to come and live the American dream. But Dom found out that Tommy had a gambling problem and was in debt to a lot of people. So Dom helped Tom out by dealing with them. But the loan sharks had connections to bigger and bigger gangsters. So Dom found himself in the criminal life again. Eventually a Russian mobster he was working for knew Ray and contacted him about Domenick.. And they ambushed him. There was one big gunfight between Domenick and Ray's goons. He killed them all and ended the Russian mobster and Ray's life. But he was arrested after. Domenick was still looking for the man that betrayed him. He regretted the things he done. But felt it was the only way. A couple years later, the outbreak started.
Other info: he is very protective of those he cares about, in particular, Tommy.
I'll be sure to read it
Be really cool if you end up using my character. I plan to do a proper concept for him on my DA.
He'll most definitely be used. I'm looking for military characters.
Niko Bellic the zombie survivalist?
I'm really excited to see how you portray/ incorporate him into your story
Can't wait!
First off, let me just say that I love these type of threads, as they give me a chance to show off some of my creativity.
Name: Bret.
Age: 50.
Eye color: Brown.
Hair color: shoulder length brown hair, pulled back in a ponytail.
Beard: full brown beard.
Height: 6'4ft.
Weight: 200 lbs.
Build: Slender/Muscular.
Personality: Intelligent, Quick-witted, Loyal, Compassionate, Level-headed, Protective.
Clothing: Denim Coat, Black Sweat-Shirt, Blue Jeans, Black Hiking Boots.
Weapons: Hunting Rifle, Beretta M9 Pistol, Hatchet.
Bio: Born in 1965. Grew up on a farm in Texas. Was the oldest of 4 boys.
Was an excellent student in school, and was captain of the basket ball team.
After high-school, Bret enlisted in the Army as a sniper, and served on the frontline in Desert Storm as an infantryman, where he won two medals, one for courage under fire, and another for honor.
After he got back from the war, he began working in construction.
He later married and had two sons.
When the outbreak began, Bret got his family together and left Texas.
During their time on the road, Bret taught his boys how to shoot, and how to survive.
Eventually, the family found their way to Michigan.
They tried repeatedly to enter Wellington, but with no success.
After a year of failed attempts, Bret moved his family 30 miles west, where they took up residency in an old abandoned log cabin.
One day, while out hunting with his oldest son, Bret came across Kenny and Clementine by a creek.
After some discussion, Kenny and Clementine agreed to go with Bret and his son, and have been staying with them for the past 6 months.
I'm unoriginal, what else can I do?
Henry Townbleed
Age 28
Hair: Like Rambo LOL
Hair Color Black as Night
Beard: Hell No
Weight: 201.8
Build: Average
Personality: He can emotionally compartmentalize things extremely well because he was abused physically, mentally, and tortured as a child. It split his personality right down the middle. One person he refers to as "the bad man." A personality, that is extremely mean, nasty, racist, sexist, everything vile thing you can think of. He grew up as a child living in a world of pain. All the hate he felt growing up, sprouted like a seed, and grew into what created the "the bad man." The badman has zero compassion or empathy. The bad man may be a lot of bad things, but he wouldn't let someone hurt a child.
Then there is the other side that is in control most of the time which is Stan. Stan is Henry's good side. It keeps him straight and level, he believes in god. He lives with the guilt of all the things that his other side has done, but he has no control over it. Stan is the side that is altruistic,
he wants to help people, and be free of the bad man forever. Stan doesn't want to hurt anyone, he wants to make people happy.
Henry struggles with his duality personality disorder, it pretty much made him a outsider, he never received any formal treatment for his disorder. So he suffers in life. His struggles in life, lead him to a life of drinking and abuse of prescription drugs. He has an addictive personality. He runs into Clementine as she is walking in the snow, Aj/Kenny/Jane are all dead in this scenario, the bad man is in control, but luckily for Clementine, the bad man has a soft spot for kids. He offers clementine a ride to get out of the snow.
Me too
I love all these AMAZING ideas
My character's name is Jenny Shablin
She is 32, with blonde hair and blue eyes. She is originally from Beverly Hills, Ca. Her dad, a Hollywood executive taught her how to shoot, fish and sail. Her mom, Brandi taught her the "fashionable life". Jenny moved easily between these two groups. And when the apocalypse happened, she was on a vacation with her boyfriend Herb in Las Vegas. When it happened,there were no phones, no ATM's worked, and everyone in the casino thought they would be alright. Little by little, people were picked off, panicked, and died. Jenny and Herb survived, and eventually made it out. They escaped into the desert together. Outside of Las Vegas, in Red Rock canyon that's where they meet Clementine. Jenny's become the stronger one of the pair, Able to hunt, able to kill walkers, and able to "keep her chin up" in the worst situations. Her ability to survive is what is deceiving......a beautiful girl who is a Tomboy at heart. She and Clementine become good friends.
Meh, I don't think there's any original characters in media so... Good Job!
Mine Would Be Elizabeth Marie Walker She Would Be The Female Georges St-Pierre Of The Group With Dark Brown Hair & Hazel Eyes Who Likes Street-Racing Cars When The Zombies Strikes! She Would Make Them Tapout Her Gear Would Be Hardcore Country & LOL She Would Fall In Love With Daryl Cause She Thinks He Is Hot.....LOL
My character name is Bethany Rachael Miller, she has dirty blonde hair,
she meets Clementine in a walker filled hotel and saves Clementine,
she is 16years old, one green eye one blue, she wears a green tank
top, ripped blue jeans, she works best alone or with very few people,
wears a red winter hat, doesn't tell her back story, she is obviously
female, she is from Ohio, very strong, can't tell anyone that she loves them
because she doesn't want to get conected to them and then they die, doesn't go looking for love.
A few here lol
Name: Mr. Fright
Backstory: Mr. Fright is the leader of a group called The Red Followers. His real name is unknown and his age is difficult to determine due to him suffering being a Harlequin. He has 13 wives all no older than 16. He has spawned 19 children between infants and 4 year olds all in which he has used as slaves or walker bait. Other than that he has 50 or more guards protecting the stronghold. His strong hold consists of a blocked down part of town which is called Gouranga. It's pretty isolated despite a bridge in which he has two men stand guard.
Name: Alex Evans.
Gender: Male.
Age: Sixteen.
Hair:: Short black hair.
Eye colour: Brown.
Weapons and gear: Alex uses a handgun and a metal baseball bat. He carries a backback and wears a black cap and a red hoodie.
Personality: Alex is a light hearted guy often using sarcastic humor and he is very angry he has a bad temper and because of this he has a hard time letting things go and never backs down from a fight. Alex is compasionate and truly cares about people and always tries to help them. Alex is brutally honest never afraid to tell people what he thinks. Alex is a very moral person feeling that no matter what you should always do the right think and never kill another human being no matter how much they deserve it. Alex doesn't believe in giving up and doesn't have a lot of respect for people who do give up Alex believes that no matter how hard it is you always stand back up.
Bio: Alex went to a highschool in Georgia he was a transfer student from Australia he lived with his mother, older sister and his two older brothers Alex is the youngest. Alex's father was in the military and died before Alex was born. Alex was a good student in school he played on the baseball team he loved it.
Backstory: Two days into the outbreak Alex was on the school bus headed home with his best friend and girlfriend the bus crashed as a large group of walkers ran through the street his girlfriend died and he barely escaped with his friend. Alex managed to find his family and they tried to survive together with his friend. Two months in Alex's mother and sister had died and it was just Alex, his brothers and his friend now. The group thought they finally caught a break when they joined up with another group however a member of this group went insane and gained a love for hunting he butchered his group and Alex's friend then hunted Alex and his brothers for weeks until one day the group was walking across rooftops in a city waiting a couple of nights for their pursuer to pass them and inevitably lose their trail. The next morning they decided to move on they went across a platform but Alex had fallen off the edge of it and got stuck his brother caught him but there was too much weight the platform was coming loose and about to fall. Alex's brother had to make the hard decision he said "I'm sorry" and dropped Alex, Alex survived but lost his brothers. For almost a year Alex survived on his own before finding Clementine's group up North.
Personality as years go by: As the outbreak continues Alex is slowly becoming insane and more aggressive he gets used to pain and even enjoys it this bothers Alex but he refuses to give up so he continues surviving and trying to regain his sanity. Alex grows a bad habit of scratching his head intensely as dark thoughts enter his mind. Alex grows distrustful and paranoid when it comes to other survivors. Alex decides that he needs to kill dangerous people to protect himself and those he cares about but he always closes his eyes as he pulls the trigger.
Name: Deacon Frost
Gender: male
Age: 34
Height: 6ft 2
Hair: shaved brown hair, survival beard
Weapons: anything he can get his hands on, like close quarters but can easily dispatch walkers and humans alike at range
Personality: can be distrustful in the beginning and is willing to kill a stranger for making a wrong move around the ones who he cares for. Honourable, brave, honest, believes in survival of the fittest and will never have slack in the group. Deep down he is kind hearted but rarely shows anyone.
Back story
Deacon grew up in Australia, military being the family background he sighed up on his 18th birthday. He met his wife in Atlanta during time off and settled down in rural Georgia. During his 4th tour overseas the outbreak occurred and managed to secure a way back home. He made it back to his wife and 10 year old daughter and was able to get them to the Atlanta safe zone, unfortunately the outbreak reached them and deacon was forced to fight his way out of the safe zone. When he was blocked off by a herd he told his wife and daughter to hide in a abandoned bus while he drew their attention so that could give them safe passage.
As he ran he came across a military convoy and was told that the city is to be fire bombed in 15 mins and they needed to go, he tried to run back and grab his family but was held back by the soldiers until finally one knocked him out.
When he awoke, he awoke on a hill overlooking the destruction of Atlanta City, he lost everything that day and fell into a deep depression. In the middle of the night he grabbed clothing and weapons and set out on his own.
Moving from place to place The weeks turned to months and months turned to years. isolation took its toll on deacon as he did everything and anything to survive in the new world causing him to fall further and further into a survival state until one day he was ambushed by a group of 20 bandits that beat him near to death and left him with burns to his face, chest and arms, shotgun wound to the stomach, knife through his appendix and a bullet through the left eye.
The charleston survivors found him stumbling towards the gate but collapsed mere metres from the gate where clementine helped him inside. By a miracle he survived but left with scars from the attack.
During his time in recovery he forged a father daughter relationship with clem. Deacon now believes he can atone for his sins by protecting the settlers of charleston but most of all, that he is able to protect clementine.
Years of warfare taught deacon to make the hard decisions and how to live with them, during the isolation he killed innocent people for food and has even killed people for coming to close to his camp. During a week long standoff with a group of bandits he used a bow and shot them with arrows tipped with infected blood until eventually their numbers dwindled. Losing his humanity so that he may survive was a cost that deacon was willing to pay.
Well im not the best when it comes to stuff like this, but ill give it a shot. Just have mercy on me. :P
Personality: Jason is helpful and always kind to people he meets. He loves to help people whenever they have need of something and will do it. He is mostly nice all the time and most time will never show signs of anger towards someone. But when it comes to his family and friends, he would fight and kill and do whatever it takes to keep them save. To Jason, family is all that matters. Friends is all the matters. He would risk his life, chop off heads, just do whatever it takes to ensure their safety.
Got no time for a backstory at this time. Plus it wouldn't be that great anyway. Ill do it when i have time.
Name: Octavia Skyes
Hair:long, always in a ponytail
Hair color:brown
Height: 5ft 5'
Background: Octavia lived in Missouri before the world ended. Her father abused her mother and she often stepped in to help her mom defend herself, but it mostly resulted in severe injuries. She ran away at age 14 with a few supplies in a backpack, including but not limited to, a knife or two. When the world turned into a zombie infected planet, she survived by being merciless and started killing many people to loot them. She then ran into a group of seemingly nice people, for a few months they all survived together, but one night she woke up to someone screaming. She grabbed her machete( that she got from someone she had killed). She found that a group of people were murdering her group. She ran to there aid, but she was to late. They had killed everyone in her camp, including her new best friend, Alex. She avenged her group by killing everyone and taking their things. She found two axes and which are now her primary weapons, (one in each hand). She wandered around aimlessly for a while until she came across the group in the game.(Aj,Kenny,Jane and Clementine)
Personality:She is ruthless and closed off. she has an extremely bad temper. While she doesn't care much for people,she meets a group and her friend Alex. She opens up a bit more and she is actually caring underneath her brutality. She is very observant and is always watching for new threats. once her group dies she doesn't become completely closed off, but enough to make some people weary of her. Once she meets the new group of people(Aj,Jane, And Clementine) she is quite which leads the group to not trust her, but when she continues to save their lives by making some of the hard choices they open up to her and become a kind of family.
Skills: hunting,tracking,shooting, hand to hand combat, axe wielding, dealing with bad people, and just surviving in general.
Appearance: cargo pants, combat boots, army jacket (brown with pockets for bullets), and camouflage t-shirt a bandana wrapped around her mouth(To keep blood out), and mud over her eyes(across her face, looks like a bandit). hair in a ponytail.
Name: Connor Paliton
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Personality traits: Sad, caring about the group, caring for Clementine over everyone else
How your character meets Clementine: In backstory
What they look like: Black hair, a little like Nick, Blue eyes, Green inspiration shirt, jeans or shorts
Weapon: Hatchet, Pistol
Backstory: Connor wasn't a normal teen, his parents died in a car crash, leaving him and his siblings, two brothers and a sister, and then the outbreak occurred and they survived in the house. They boarded up the windows and rationed the food, but it got worse, his sister locked herself in her room, thinking Connor was bitten, and she starved to death, and then his older brother hung himself due to depression. His starved sister came back, banging on the door, and his brother came back too, and he learned that it's not the bite that turns them. He got the hatchet from the basement and the gun and he had to put his sister down, he used the hatchet, but when he went to do the same to his brother, he dropped the hatchet and had to use the gun. The sound from the gunshot drew walkers in and they broke in, biting his last brother, and they ran away, and they got to the park, where they climbed different trees and his brother died from the bite and turned. Conner fell into depression, too, and was going to find a place away from everyone when he saw Clementine in the camp when she killed/left the dog. He tried to catch up to her, thinking she wasn't going to make it on her own, and he eventually caught up to her after Matthew was shot and fell off the bridge. He didn't see what happened and never knew of it unless he is told by Clem, after seeing Clem getting bitten by a walker, he becomes overprotective of her and backs up what she says, thinking she knows what's best. He tries not to stray too far from Clementine and is usually very sad looking when and if Clem asks to be alone.
Name: Sebastian
Gender: Male
Hair: Black, Long
Ethnicity: Hispanic
Sebastian is at first seen as an ally and helps Clementine and company escape Carver's and helps Rebecca through the herd. He earns the trust of Clementine and most of the group, forming a brother sister bond. He leads the group to Parker's Run, having knowledge of the location. He at first tends to Rebecca and helps Clementine search for supplies. Later on a group of bandits attack the group. Clementine comes across a mutilated and decapitated Rebecca at the hands of him (who at that point she'd thought to be a friend) he lines them up suggesting to kill them all and take their stuff. The bandits make off with the groups belongings but Clementine's group escape
Name: Gloria
Gender: Female
Age: 29
Appearance: Short, straight black hair. Wears sunglasses, a green bandana, black boots, blue jeans, and a fur/leather coat over blue/white flannel shirt. She always walks around with a scoped hunting rifle.
Personality: Strong willed and friendly. Sometimes gets quiet and withdrawn.
Biography: She is a guard at Wellington who watches the main gate at night. She is also Edith's best friend. She lost her entire family in the apocalypse.
Didn't Edith tell Kenny and Clem to come back after a couple of months because there will be a place reserved for them?
Django "Big Dog" Barker, an ex basketball star who survived the ZA and was a member of the group that started Wellington
Age: 31
Bio: Django was a superstar in the NBA who separated from his family shortly before the ZA began. At first, his only goal was to reunite with them but over time his group convinced him to try to move on. They started a settlement named Wellington and although the community came to thrive, Django still hoped that one day his family would walk through those doors.
Over the years that followed the original members of Django group either left or died, and with those deaths so did his dream of one day seeing his family again. As the last founding member of Wellington left he became the settlements leader, and although he was compassionate (ordering the guards to give supplies to anyone that was turned away) he was also distant, never interacting with anyone personally except when necessary. He was determined to build Wellington into what his friends had originally forseen, a safe haven and beacon for humanity, but Django felt as if everything he did was a waste, as there were still people dying every day outside Welligton.
However, that mindset changed when the little girl with the Diamondbacks hat walked through those doors with a baby in her arms. It was as if the light had shone in on her, and Django realised that what he was doing was making a difference. He may not be able to stop what goes on outside Wellington, but with all his power he can do all he can to make sure that Clementine, AJ and the rest of his people are as safe as possible.
Relationship with Clem: As Clem and AJ were the first children to enter Wellington with no adult accompanying them, Django took it upon himself to keep them safe. He gave Clem duties to fulfil to keep herself busy through the days and when that's done she can hang out with him or her other friends.
(Goddamn that was longer than I thought.)
Chester Miles
Age: 36
Physcal description: Mix of Caucasian and Asian, messy short black hair, slim but near athletic, tall, burn scars along the entire right arm and part of torso, puncture wounds around cranium.
Personality: Serious abandonment issues, tendency to lash out to criticism, gentle when calm, very persistent and determined in his goals, unstable, vengeful and merciless to those who harmed him and those he cares for.
Story: Chester was a mechanic and a family man who was soon divorced and lost the right to have his kids. One day in his workplace an accident occured, he was caught on fire by spilled gasoline and a dropped cigar. He moved in panic and hit a shelf which caused all the tools to land on him, when he fell he landed on some screws that punctured his skull. He was in induced coma and later awoken to the aftermath of the apocalypse. He survived on his own for much of the apocalypse, occasionally joining groups until he found his entire family dead. As such, he went mad.
To replace his family, he would collect children and women to try to close off his wounds. He treated them all like his own family, yet they would fear them. He would never kill them however much criticism, if close to it he would cut himself to stop himself. However for those who brought harm to him and his new family, he would show no mercy.
I was like, "I'll just draw someone and see what happens. Apparently a 'Rick Grimes' type guy is what my own character is haha!"
Here you can see why I gave up drawing. omg its bad
Bad? This is the best I can possibly do:
Best art I've ever seen in my entire life.
Easily a 10/10.
Couldn't have done it any better myself. Me approves!