Should you play the game before watching the show?

In my opinion, no, you shouldn't play this game BEFORE WATCHING THE TV SHOW.

The game itself is quiet good actually, but it does not do a good job of introducing the characters from the show to the player. You need to watch the show until season 4, that will take you about 40 hours of your time, but I think every minute spent on the show is worth it! I'm positively sure you will meet more and more characters from the show in the game that will play have a role.
What do you think? Did you buy the game after or before the show?


  • I bought the game before the show.Then I watched the show and then I played the game. I was on winter break anyway and I don't regret a minute in those 40 hours.

  • I bought the game before the show but I was just starting AFFC at the time so I pretty much still understood everything ((like @Charlie65, I binged watched all four seasons during winter break and don't regret any of it :P).

    I'd also recommend watching the show before the game, but if you have absolutely no way of watching the show, you can still play the game and understand most of it.

  • I played the game before I watched the show still absolutely loved episode 1. Just finished season 4 of the show last week, for me it didn't make a difference but I can see how it would for others :p

  • It makes more sense and you know everyone and then you can REALLY think about the choices in the game right?

    Charlieh65 posted: »

    I bought the game before the show.Then I watched the show and then I played the game. I was on winter break anyway and I don't regret a minute in those 40 hours.

  • Me as well. I didn't know ANYONE from the show, like who is Cerci and who's Joeffery, more importantly were the Starks really traitors or not? All of my questions came to answer when I watched the show and then play the game, I found a much easier time understanding the characters and how the game works now!

    Green613 posted: »

    I played the game before I watched the show still absolutely loved episode 1. Just finished season 4 of the show last week, for me it didn't make a difference but I can see how it would for others

  • I played the game before the show. Then I after I went to watch the show, it really hit me that I made all the bad decisions, so I had to go back and replay the first episode. Everything made so much more sense after I watched the show, and I'm just happy I went back and replayed it cause I got the real experience. Also if you play before watching the show there is a major spoiler from season 3 right at the beginning of the game.

  • I played the game without knowing anything, then watched the Show then replayed it. I was like this Joffrey king guy sounds nice.

    I was wrong.

  • There are some serious spoilers, even in just the first episode. I would strongly suggest watching the show BEFORE playing the game.

  • I'm with most of the people here.

    I did watch Season 1 of the show recently though, and I'm loving it so far.

  • I only watched the first six to eight episodes of Season 1 and read up on a fan wiki entry of one of the villains in this episode prior to playing, and I had a good gist of what was going on. Still, though, I'd say it strongly helps to watch as much of the show as you can, considering the game's first episode starts in the middle of a huge spoiler from Season 3 of the TV show.

  • Same here tbh xD

    I played the game without knowing anything, then watched the Show then replayed it. I was like this Joffrey king guy sounds nice. I was wrong.

  • Exactly! Thank you! It is obvious that the game is made for the fans of GoT series, but I don't think it was constructed well introducing the show to noobies that knew nothing of the series to begin with. But it sure made me go out there and watch the show ALOT!

    I only watched the first six to eight episodes of Season 1 and read up on a fan wiki entry of one of the villains in this episode prior to p

  • I watched up to season 3 then played the game and then finished season 4. Thats what i would recommend if u really wanted to play the game as early as possible while catching up and not being spoiled

  • Definitely watch the show first, since the game takes place at the end of Season 3

  • you probably should since it is clear telltale made it with the got fans in mind first but you don't 100% need to

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