Quick question

Right forum this time....

I was wondering what age Gared would be?

Since when a squire becomes a knight he would be 21 or around that age. Also, I wonder what the relationship between Gared, Rodrik and Asher was, were they close? Since i assume they are all around the same age.

I'm really like Gared (Don't think that's a good thing) I really want to know more about the guy and if he dies soon, there will be problems..


  • I would say early 20's most likely for his age. And if he grew up in Ironrath and was a squire to Lord Gregor, I would say Rodrik and Asher were probably like brothers to him, similar to how Theon was close to Robb and Jon Snow.

    I don't think Gared is gonna be one to die anytime soon. Not saying he won't die at all, just probably not soon :P

  • Yeah he is probably about 20-24 or something.

  • edited January 2015

    Probably 16-18 Since most young knights/lords where sent into battle at that age.
    (Robb Stark is 19 in the books and John Snow is 14)

  • Robb is 14 in the first book and 16 when he dies. Theon is 19 in the first book.

  • Even younger! Gared has to be below 20!

    Robb is 14 in the first book and 16 when he dies. Theon is 19 in the first book.

  • I would say around 18-19

  • 15 is my guess considering a lot of main characters in GoT are youngsters. (Joffrey, Daenerys, Robb Stark, Jon Snow etc.)

  • edited January 2015

    15-20. Probably not more than twenty. As many people said before, characters are a lot younger in the books. They made them older in the show probably because of the sex scenes (Daenerys was around 13 when Khal Drogo banged her).

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