Worms in the wound

edited January 2015 in Game Of Thrones

Ok. You saw it, I saw it, we all tried to forget about it immediately after and not to puke our lunch. But seriously, is putting worms in a wound a proper medical treatment used in middle ages?
I think I read somewhere that they used larvae because they eat out dead meat and leave the alive one alone, preventing infections, but i'm not sure it's real.

Also, we never actually SAW the maester take out the worms from the wound after he put them in. I know this shouldn't concern me, but I feel uncomfortable and also a little scared.


  • I actually happen to be eating lunch right now. Thanks.

    And of course he didn't take them out, as that would hinder the ability to heal the wound and fight infection. I imagine the cloth and herbs will come into play at some point in the immediate future.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    Maggot therapy was fairly common before modern medicine was invented, they still sometims use tham today as well as using leeches.



    I am not sure how common it was to stitch them into a wound but i guess that they will eventually suffocate.

  • They were maggots, not worms, and yes that is an effective medical treatment used not only in the middle ages, but also in certain circumstances today. And yes, maggots only eat dead tissue, so they are ideal for cleaning out a wound and preventing infection. You've just got to make sure you get them all out again once they've done the job.

  • edited January 2015

    Alt text

    They don't suffocate, they die naturally. If left in a wound too long they will start to reproduce, lay eggs and begin eating their way through the muscle, etc forming tunnel-like pathways similar to ants.

    OzzyUK posted: »

    Maggot therapy was fairly common before modern medicine was invented, they still sometims use tham today as well as using leeches. http:/

  • edited January 2015

    It's a middle-aged medicine, they also used a boiling wine, mildew bread, cobweb or charlock.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    If left in a wound too long they will start to reproduce, lay eggs and begin eating their way through the muscle, etc forming tunnel-like pathways similar to ants.

    That sounds......fun.

    They don't suffocate, they die naturally. If left in a wound too long they will start to reproduce, lay eggs and begin eating their way through the muscle, etc forming tunnel-like pathways similar to ants.

  • [Cries internally]

    They don't suffocate, they die naturally. If left in a wound too long they will start to reproduce, lay eggs and begin eating their way through the muscle, etc forming tunnel-like pathways similar to ants.

  • It didn't bother me. It's an effective method, so long as you get all of the maggots out.

  • maggots were often used in middle ages to heal such wounds even if it looks disgusting

  • I'm pretty sure maggots only live for a few days. Once they've eaten all the dead tissue, they starve to death or simply die of natural causes.

  • I wonder if we (the player) will get to take the maggots out of the wound? That would be next level interactive gaming right there. Or maybe Gared will just do it off screen.

  • I wonder if we (the player) will get to take the maggots out of the wound

    Considering we had to pop a bone back in place in TWAU, I wouldn't be surprised.

    DoubleJump posted: »

    I wonder if we (the player) will get to take the maggots out of the wound? That would be next level interactive gaming right there. Or maybe Gared will just do it off screen.

  • It didn't bother me that much. As strange as it looks, it was interesting to see a medieval form of medical treatment.

  • Yes they were oftenly used and are pretty effective actually ,they're still used in some places

  • They were used in the Middle Ages a form of treatment, and they are very effective. Some places still use them today

  • edited January 2015


  • Well you did pick up those medical items from the Maester so it is a definite possibility.

    I wonder if we (the player) will get to take the maggots out of the wound Considering we had to pop a bone back in place in TWAU, I wouldn't be surprised.

  • Oh jesus thats ALOT of maggots.

    Lee4ever posted: »


  • Internal screaming

    That's worse than I thought.

    They don't suffocate, they die naturally. If left in a wound too long they will start to reproduce, lay eggs and begin eating their way through the muscle, etc forming tunnel-like pathways similar to ants.

  • Arn't maggots larva? How can it reproduce?

    They don't suffocate, they die naturally. If left in a wound too long they will start to reproduce, lay eggs and begin eating their way through the muscle, etc forming tunnel-like pathways similar to ants.

  • They nourish on the infected flesh and eventually become flies. And then the flies have hot steamy insect sex.

    StrawHuman posted: »

    Arn't maggots larva? How can it reproduce?

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