How Did You React To Your Favourite Characters Death?
No matter how long it's been, I always remember my first reaction to characters death's. But when it was your favourite character, how did you react?
My favourite character was Luke. Therefore when he died I reacted in a strange way, I normally wouldn't care too much or feel the death but with Luke, it was different.
I knew he was going to fall in, that was predictable. I couldn't have gasped louder when I saw the cracked ice all around him. I started to get worried, saying Clementine should go over or shoot the walkers. When I covered him, Jane said 'It's too late' to which I replied. 'It's not too late!' multiple times until the ice cracked. I then shouted 'Get Him' another few times before seeing his dead body. I quit the game by accident because I was in so much shock. I thought the help option would save him. It got to the point where he was being dragged down and I repeated 'Luke don't die!' several times. When he did die I searched on my phone if there was a way to save him but couldn't because my hands were shaking, a lot.
So, that was my reaction to my favourite characters death. What's yours? And if you have a video of your reaction that would be even better.
Since my favorite character is Clementine, I have no reaction (yet, hopefully I never will have one).
But for my 2nd and 3rd favorite characters (Lee and Kenny), I was in tears for both. Now I saved Kenny in my original game, but after I was done and I watched his death, damn that was tough. But Lee's will always take the cake as the saddest and most emotional death in the game.
When Lee died
Well... Clem ain't dead yet.
So that gif up there? That was me during Lee's death.
And that was me while the credits were rolling. Wasn't pleasant.
Nick first's death:
Nick's second death:
Sarah's first death:
Sarah's second death:
Luke's death:
Ben Paul:
Wow, what an emotional end to my favorite characters in any fiction, it was built up, he had his emotional moments and he improved upon a broken man in his last moments. It made me cry.
Wow, that is just freaking insulting, they did nothing and he had no impact. continues on a long rant which spawns several book series a successful 18 season television show, a multi-billion dollar movie empire and inspires the creation of several new countries, etc.
[pre-orders book series] =D
When Lee and Kenny died
For Season One I teared up pretty bad when Lee died, I've never felt that way before for a game character to die and me just about to burst into tears over it.
Season Two, it was Nick who was my favorite. When he died (Ep4) me and my friends were just sitting there stunned how stupid his death was. I didn't feel anything aside from shame cause Telltale ruined his character. (We then started shitting on Amid the Ruins and we weren't the only ones.)
When Lee died, I couldn't get that damn lump out my throat for a few minutes, and I think someone was cutting onions nearby or something <_<
Then... When Arvo shot Clem... No words... Just action
Fuck you Arvo ...Piece of shit.
agreed with both!

Carley: I remember not even thinking that Carley would die. I thought her and Doug were untouchable. When she got shot, I dint scream or anything. I dropped my controller out of shock. The batteries fell out everywhere(How ironic), and I than proceeded to scream fuck you. Telltale many times.
Why did you reply to me instead of just regularly post a comment?
So much cry.
Knew it was coming, still cried like a baby.
God, hers messed me up for a while because it left me with the feeling that it was my fault. That I just picked a wrong dialouge option or that there was just something I could've done to prevent it.
I've only seen gifs of her getting stabbed, and I always scroll past really fast so I don't have to see it. It's so fucking brutal.
Me too!
For some reason it wouldn't let me.
Sarah's sticks out to me the most. 'wtf' is the only way to describe my first reaction. After I had saved her, and then I see her die the way she did at the deck and I just felt like a stunned, empty shell. But not in a good way. In a shit way. Because I thought she'd get a chance to do something and learn to be stronger like they seemed to be hinting at and that was brutally snatched from me. In a real shit way.
But first season? Carley. Three heart-attacks in a row.
...I shit you not.
Carley was the most shocking death for me. I was completely blindsided by that. I had to replay it a couple times to makes sure I couldn't have saved her. Carley was my favorite character, besides Lee and Clem. Her death was the most senseless and unjustified to me. Carley's murder definitely sticks out the most for me.
I pretty much refused to believe that Pete was dead. From the moment he was bitten I had myself convinced that he'd somehow survive because I didn't want him to die. Even when he didn't cut off his leg, and the infection had clearly spread throughout his entire body and he was making his last request, I just couldn't grasp that he was dying. I did everything I could to get him to follow me out of that truck, so he could see Nick again and maybe, after seeing those two get closure, I could finally accept what was happening to Pete.
Then the walkers attacked and he saved Clem's life. Even though there was no possible way for him to be alive, through the whole scene at the cabin I didn't care about Sarah, or Carver scouting the place, all I could think was "I have to get back to Pete and make sure he's okay." You can guess what happened as soon as the group found him again. It fucking wrecked me.
I only started to cheer up again when Kenny appeared.
Ben was a nice guy, but I wanted to let him fall the his death in Crawford. I saved him, but two of the big problems they had were because of Ben. The motel getting attacked by bandits...Ben's fault...he went and made a deal with the bandits, something that affected his entire group and put everyone's life in danger-without consulting it with anyone...especially after it's Lee's group who decides to take him in against their better judgement. This decision ultimately got Carley killed because Ben tried to lie about it when he got caught. And he straight up lies thru his teeth to Lee if you ask Ben about the deal while you're at the train....and he's the one who removes the ax holding the door shut at Crawford. Ben was an interesting character, but a complete fuck up and I wouldn't want to travel with him because he can't help but cause shit to hit the fan.
Nick T_T
Obligatory Lee Gif:
Fake Kenny Death
Sarah Death
Clem getting Shot/Mike and Bonnie are asshats
Real Kenny Death
Lee and Carley...
Sarah's death killed me. She was the character I wanted to survive the most, and they gave her a shitty uneccesary death.
Pretty much the same way as @Kateis when Luke died. When I saw him swimming back up after saving Clem I thought "okay good let's get out of here" and then bam, asshole walker grabs Luke and it's super effective! At least he saved Clementine before going, I'll remember him for that.
Lee's death emotionally compromised me and made everything else from that point forward hurt even more
But in a weird way, I'm actually kind of grateful for that
I'm a lot more confident in expressing my emotions now, and now I've become that guy that'll cry at about any sad moment in a movie/show/game/etc, which is kind of both a blessing and a curse
To be fair, I really can't choose a single favorite character, it's just one big tie for that honor. Lee, Kenny and Ben all got deaths that got the waterworks going, though.
I LOVE GLEE! (unrelated)
Lee's Death
Kenny's Death
Sarah's Death
since i can't do anything to protect her
Jane's Death
Luke's Death
Ah that's cool! I've only seen a couple of episodes since I don't really watch much TV but from what I've seen I think it looks good:)
Lee is my favorite video game character ever. I thought he'd survive until the end... His death made me cry for weeks everytime I thought about him and it still does...
Duck's death through me off guard. I thought he had plot armour just because he was a kid, and as soon as they said he was bitten, I was surprised. While Duck could be annoying (It's a saltlick!), I thought He was the happiest guy around! He had that spirit which you could never find anymore in a world like that. Which is why it tore me up when he was sitting by that tree, with a face full of fear and sadness. The spirit was gone. After I shot him (I could't let Kenny shoot him, he was his dad!) I was a mess.
Katjaa surprised me too. She seemed like such a nice person, and the fact that a person who had never ever had suicidal thoughts in her life would go ahead and do something like that, was shocking! What seemed like the perfect family was teared to shreds.
Well we don't know that she wasn't ever suicidal. She may have been better at hiding her dismay. She did have to keep her morale up for Duck's sake. And once he was gone she didn't want to cope with the new harsh way of life. Duck was her beacon of hope
It was Lee easily, he was my favorite character in season 1 apart from Clementine obviously but she hasn't died, and never will! TELLTALE.
Anyways, when he died I cried so much as any other normal human being with emotions would at the game. But I did a bit more than cry, I went through depression over his death because I loved Lee so much and to see him die and there was nothing I could do about it. I was the worst ever.
Apart from Lee it would have been Kenny, in the first season when he got lost I cried because i loved Kenny as well, then in the second season (I obviously saved him.) when I knew he could die and I watched it, I cried again, emotionals run high =with The Walking Dead Game for me.
[Lee gets bit] NOOOOOOO! WHERE'S THE CUT OFF ARM OPTION?! [Gets option next episode] Yep, don't care what's happened to determinant characters so far, my Lee's gonna live! [Looks worse throughout the episode] It's totally flue season. Christa even said she had a cold. We're good! [Continues sarcastic denial comments throughout episode.] [Lee passes out] It's been a long day of fighting off thatcold, eh Lee? [Gets trapped with Clem] Crap... [Gets those last words in while concluding I have to shoot Lee] Not going to cry. You can't make me! [Clem shoots Lee] Stares at screen while the accurate song plays having ate my own words
Telltale will never kill Clem, OR ELSE.
I was an emotional wreck during Lee's last scene. I pretended it hadn't happened when he got bit, in the back of my head I knew he was going to die.
When Lee laid slumped down against the radiator I knew it was the end of the road. I went through a denial faze all the way through the preview of season 2 episode 2 preview. I sincerely wanted him to come back. Like a week before season two episode 2 was released, after all the theories I knew Lee was truly dead. But at least some good came out of it in my own personal opinion, Clementine became a more strengthened survivor because of it, so in the end I was overall very happy with his end. He finished his overall goal teach Clementine how to be a survivor.