What house ?

edited January 2015 in Game Of Thrones

what house would you like to belong to?
My choice would be House Greyjoy


  • What is dead may never die.

  • What is dead may never die, but rises Again harder and stronger

    What is dead may never die.

  • Martell, but Tully by a close second. Dorne just seems more open about everything. I'm pretty sure they were the only ones who could survive the Targaryen's back in the day. Also everyone keeps talking about how awesome their whores and wine is, so the people are pretty happy. Their leader is a very smart man, and I love their motto.

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  • They're probably gonna be one of the Houses coming out on top at the end, too.

    Martell, but Tully by a close second. Dorne just seems more open about everything. I'm pretty sure they were the only ones who could survive

  • Starks

    But since they are pretty much done, I'd fight for Stannis Baratheon!

  • I agree. B]

    They're probably gonna be one of the Houses coming out on top at the end, too.

  • House Blackfyre founded by ser Daemon Blackfyre may the new and old gods Watch over his soul.

  • House Greyjoy is the only right answer

    Ironborn uber alles

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  • edited January 2015

    Come on, guys. We all know House Errol are coming out on top.

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  • Bolton or bust, I mean c'mon the house words are like, so simple yet so amazing.

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  • edited January 2015

    yes i agree with House Martell close second would be Starks.

    Martell, but Tully by a close second. Dorne just seems more open about everything. I'm pretty sure they were the only ones who could survive

  • Tarth. I'd watch the sea all day long :P

  • Fuck your Houses.

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    In all honesty though, it's hard to decide. So many good ones XD

  • Starks for sure

  • House Umber most defAlt text

  • edited January 2015

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    House Targaryen. They conquered most of westeros, and they have dragons. What more can you ask for? besides whores and good whine the martells already called those.

  • Spoilers for a dance with Dragons.

    Since house stark Is an obvious answer, I'm going to go with something less obvious, house Wull. They're little more than a northern mountain clan. So why would I want to be with them?

    Here's a quote from their lord when he's asked if he wants to die:

    I want to live forever in a land where summer lasts a thousand years. I want a castle in the clouds where I can look down over the world. I want to be six-and-twenty again. When I was six-and-twenty I could fight all day and fuck all night. What men want does not matter. Winter is almost upon us, boy. And winter is death. I would sooner my men die fighting for the Ned's little girl than alone and hungry in the snow, weeping tears that freeze upon their cheeks. No one sings songs of men who die like that. As for me, I am old. This will be my last winter. Let me bathe in Bolton blood before I die. I want to feel it spatter across my face when my axe bites deep into a Bolton skull. I want to lick it off my lips and die with the taste of it on my tongue.

  • edited January 2015

    not many wants house Targaryen? ;(
    I thought about going house starks, but since i'm a girl, i have to either marry some random guy, escape from him,
    and get strongly hit on(more like harrased)by some guy old enough to be my father, or go battle to battle dressed
    as a boy, and that's if not stabbed to death in my own wedding.
    So I'd go with Targaryen! Dragon lady is pretty, wise, merciful and sympathtic; which is not a value many house leaders have.

  • House Targaryen, but House Stark is a very close second

  • why the love for the Targaryens? most cases they were terrible kings and half the time they went mad from generations of incest.
    There's a saying in Westeros that every time a Targaryen is born the gods flip a coin(maddness and greatness two sides of the same coin) in the air and the world watches which side it will land..many of the kings known by "The Mad", "The Cruel", "The Unworthy", "The Unlikley" just to name a few

  • A minor house from the North.

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  • yeah that's true, but since every house (including starks) has "mad", "incest" and "creul", i'd like to put my faith in dragon lady. if her brother was alive and were to be king, i would've never chosen targaryens, but she seems kind and fair, and was chosen by dragons. And I liked that she showed mercy for many people.

    Upshaw posted: »

    why the love for the Targaryens? most cases they were terrible kings and half the time they went mad from generations of incest. There's a

  • House Stark if none of those unfortunate thing wouldn't have happened and everyone was still alive.

  • Aegon the Unlikely was a very good King. Just got a little lost trying bring back the dragons.

    Upshaw posted: »

    why the love for the Targaryens? most cases they were terrible kings and half the time they went mad from generations of incest. There's a

  • House Stark would be my choice.. Targaryens would be my second choice. Honorable Mentions: Dayne of Starfall, Manderly of White Harbor, Martells

  • House Blackwater <3

    Because who doesn't want to be of Bronn's house?

  • Am I the only one who likes the Lannisters? I mean they're wealthy, they're powerful, they're beautiful...

  • Maegor was suited for war not Peace and he was like Daemon Targaryens both a monster and a great man , Jaehaerys 1 Viserys 1 Aegon 3 Viserys 2 Daeron 2 Maekar 1 where all great or good kings ,their was several great and mad targaryens and some of them where both.

    Upshaw posted: »

    why the love for the Targaryens? most cases they were terrible kings and half the time they went mad from generations of incest. There's a

  • ... insest loving, power hungry, greedy, capricious, genocidal assholes?

    Am I the only one who likes the Lannisters? I mean they're wealthy, they're powerful, they're beautiful...

  • (Cersei & Jaime are the only case of incest I know about...)
    well, if you sided with them and belong to the more influential party... :3

    Michael7123 posted: »

    ... insest loving, power hungry, greedy, capricious, genocidal assholes?

  • They probably will treat you well. Ish.

    In the books it's clear that the only reason Tywin's vassals followed him was out of fear. People were willing to fight for Ned and Robb because they respected and admired their quality of character.

    (Cersei & Jaime are the only case of incest I know about...) well, if you sided with them and belong to the more influential party...

  • Every one of them besides Cersei.

    Am I the only one who likes the Lannisters? I mean they're wealthy, they're powerful, they're beautiful...

  • Tyrion and post-S2/book 2 Jaime are some of my favorite characters. Other than that, I hated Tywin but respected him at the same time, but Cersei? No. Can't wait for her to die.

    Oh, and Joffrey technically counts as well. Fuck the "King".

    Am I the only one who likes the Lannisters? I mean they're wealthy, they're powerful, they're beautiful...

  • Isn't Bronn technically a Stokeworth now? Or how does it work when a man without family name marries a highborn lady?

    House Blackwater Because who doesn't want to be of Bronn's house?

  • I think it's stated that he's House Blackwater or something like that

    Isn't Bronn technically a Stokeworth now? Or how does it work when a man without family name marries a highborn lady?

  • Oh, okay. I've heard the 'Ser Bronn of the Blackwater' but I didn't realize it's actually the name of his house now :D

    I think it's stated that he's House Blackwater or something like that

  • Ye :'D


    Oh, okay. I've heard the 'Ser Bronn of the Blackwater' but I didn't realize it's actually the name of his house now

  • I like wolves.

    But I would definitely belong with House Bolton.

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