The Identity of The Coal Boy

After playing through the first episode of The Game of Thrones one question has stuck out for me, the identity of the coal boy in Kings landing It seems to be the general consensus here that the Coal boy is one of Vary's "Little birds" who, for the unaware are a group of young children that act as informants under the employ of Vary's. This was the first thing to jump into my head, and seems like the logical conclusion. It was only later in the episode that I remembered something that seems to heavily disagree with this theory.

From "A Wiki of Ice and Fire"
Little Birds:
"It is Illyrio who provides Varys with his new spies, called little birds in King's Landing. It is hinted that the children who become little birds have their tongues cut out, as to prevent secrets from getting out. The birds are provided to Varys in those conditions"

A Game of Thrones: Chapter 32 synopsis:
"The torchbearer claims that, even with his skill, he cannot keep control much longer, but does agree to do what he can, saying he requires more gold and 50 more “birds.” The forked beard responds that 50 is a lot, given that they are so young to know their letters. He suggests that if they could keep their tongues it would be easier, but the torchbearer replies that the risk is too great."

From the above two passages, it's pretty heavily hinted that the little birds have their tongues removed before being employed by Vary's. If this is true it would impossible for the Coal Boy to be one of Vary's little birds, as he can quite clearly speak. So did Telltale simply ignore or forget this bit of information, or is the Coal Boy under the employ of someone other then Vary's? (Littlefinger perhaps?)


  • Varys wasn't the only one using spies and informers, Kings Landing was one big nest of them all. Coal Boy might be working for Littlefinger, Cersei, or even Margaery.

  • edited February 2015

    I would enjoy seeing that, as that would be a perspective we haven't seen in either the books or the show. It would be neat to see how that world runs.

  • in the game files coal boy's model is called little bird so yea he works for varys

  • Even if we find out his name. I shall call him Bob.

  • I know it's mentioned somewhere that his name is Tom.

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    Even if we find out his name. I shall call him Bob.

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