Ironwood Deal after Purple Wedding

Ok, so Tyrion and Mira's deal for the Forrester Ironwood is gonna blow up in their faces after Tyrion is imprisoned.

My feeling is that Cersei bears down on Mira, claiming she conspired with a traitor, referencing the Forresters previous allegiance with the "traitorous" Starks, and not to mention the other guard who saw Mira with Damien.

Margery will, depending on whether or not you forged the letter, either still offer some protection if you were loyal to her, or abandon you if you forged the letter/stole the seal/key.

After the deal blows up, the Whitehills maybe attempt to harvest all the Ironwood, and depending on whether or not you secured an alliance with the Glenmores, will either succeed with little resistance, or face opposition by the united Glenmore/Forrester clans.

I also have a sneaking suspicion Lady Forrester is gonna do something stupid, since she saw her own house fall, Gregor killed, Ryon kidnapped, Ethan killed, Rodrik crippled, Talia almost raped and then fed to dogs by Ramsey, and their greatest enemies the Whitehills are now taking what little capital they had left. And coupled with her "defeat the Whitehills if it means killing the babes in their beds" talk, I think shes gonna either try and kill Lord Whitehill, or kill someone like Gwyn or Gryff.

How do you guys think it'll play out?



  • edited February 2015

    I already said what was likely to happen. White hill claimed all of the Iron Wood without thinking of any dangers or problems that would face. As Ethan pointed out to Ramsay Whitehill's men are drunken, incompetent idiots who can barely handle half of what they have. They're never going to have enough to provide the Boltons at the rate they're at not to mention selling a great deal of that wood to Tyrion. White Hill just fucked himself and put him and all of his men on the chopping block. What do you think is going to happen when Roose Bolton hears of this deal with Tyrian when he and house Bolton don't get all the Ironwood they need? As well as White Hill disobeying him. White Hill may as well point a gun to his head and pull the trigger he and his army have just signed their death warrant with that shit

  • I'm suddenly feeling like asking for Margery's help in episode 1 wasn't the smartest decision. I'm probably going to need it in episode 3. Thankfully, I didn't take the seal or key, maybe I wont be completely screwed? nah, who am I kidding its the GOT's -_-

  • edited February 2015

    Lady Forrester is going to go insane at this point, however I think the Coal Boy will help Mira most likely escape King's Landing whilst Cersei will make her prove her loyalty by offering up something. The information she could offer to save herself is that Sera is a bastard or she could escape and flee to Ironrath.

    But Whitehill is going to die. They have taken the Ironwood and yet will squander their share, just like they did before. Gared will find the 'North Grove' and harvest the Ironwood back to Ironrath. Whitehill dies. Forrester survives. Iron from Ice.

  • Don't give them ideas...

    I think all of your predictions are great and will probably happen.

  • Oooh it didn't occur to me that the Sera Flowers thing could be used as a bargaining chip. I had been toying with the idea Sera would be persuaded by Cersei or whomever to turn on Mira in exchange for a "proper introduction" to a possible husband. But maybe it would be Mira who would tell Sera's secret in exchange for help. Definitely interesting!

    HarjKS posted: »

    Lady Forrester is going to go insane at this point, however I think the Coal Boy will help Mira most likely escape King's Landing whilst Cer

  • I didn't steal either as betraying the highest ranking person you befriend in the whole game would be just asking for the Forrester's to undergo the special 2-for-1 Flayed Alive-Head on Spike special. Yeah I'm also regretting asking for help before it became as dire as it is now, feel like I wasted it.

    I'm suddenly feeling like asking for Margery's help in episode 1 wasn't the smartest decision. I'm probably going to need it in episode 3. T

  • Those sound like some pretty good guesses. I don't read the books/watch the show, but from what I offhandedly know about the series, most if not all of that sounds very plausible.

  • Thanks man, although I hope Lady Forrester doesn't try to kill Lord Whitehill. Rodrik already promised he would kill Whitehill himself.

    Don't give them ideas... I think all of your predictions are great and will probably happen.

  • May I ask why not? The books, fair enough are daunting, but why haven't you watched the show? Is it you just never got into it or you just don't think you'll find it interesting? Either way, I highly recommend giving it a go.

    Those sound like some pretty good guesses. I don't read the books/watch the show, but from what I offhandedly know about the series, most if not all of that sounds very plausible.

  • I know what you mean, and consider TTG's that choice probably meant more then we originally though.It'll be interesting next episode to see if Margery will continue to support Mira or not;especially, if the player decided to betrayed Margery.

    I didn't steal either as betraying the highest ranking person you befriend in the whole game would be just asking for the Forrester's to und

  • I think Cersei is going to have Mira as her puppet after the wedding. Obviously she's going to know about her deal with Tyrion. So there's either punishment or, in my opinion the more likely scenario, blackmail. It's not long after the wedding that Tywin dies, and Cersei has free reign. Being affiliated with Margarey at that time is going to be horrible.

  • I think Cersei is going to give Mira the option to testify against Tyrion, and in return she will provide protection for her house against the Whitehills. Or we obviously choose the option to not do that, but I'm not sure how it will play out if you choose not to. Maybe Coal Boy will help her out of Kings Landing or something.

    I think the deal with the Glenmores is inevitable, and its going to happen one way or another by the time the all out war between the Forresters and Whitehill will happen. As for the Ironwood, its likely to be mostly gone by then, but I think thats where Gared comes with the North Grove and helps harvest the Ironwood again.

    As for Lady Forrester, I don't see anything good happening to her. Unlike Catelyn, she really wants the death of the people who helped murder her family. I don't think she'll go something as stupid as try to kill Lord Whitehill (though it isn't a bad theory), but yeah, its not gonna end well for her IMO.

    Sorry if these are really vague predictions, I just don't know whats gonna happen for sure and my mind keeps jumping around. Gonna replay the episode this weekend and see if I can come up with any better ones xD

  • Love the prediction and I bet it will go that way and I think that she will end up dying. I do have a feeling that with the key they going to make a sneeky move like they did in TWD when Nick wishes that he took the watch of Pete but because everyone thought they will get caught, hardly anyone took it. So maybe it will end up that you should"ve taken the key...idk haha

  • No dude these were great! I hadn't considered that we might be asked to testify against Tyrion! It makes sense and would force us to make some hard decisions, which is where telltale gets their jollies from. If we do, Tyrion might call Mira a lying whore and wish us all poisoned. Good times!

    And yea, I have a hard time seeing Lady Forrester getting out of this alive.

    I think Cersei is going to give Mira the option to testify against Tyrion, and in return she will provide protection for her house against t

  • Yea i see what you mean, grieving Cersei with no one to reign her in is gonna be awful. So its probably gonna be a cooperate with the Crown or the Boltons pay Ironrath a visit. Which would mean turning on Margery and Tyrion.

  • Definitely, and another responder brought up on this thread was the possibility Mira might be compelled by Cersei to turn on Margery and also Tyrion, by testifying in his trial. Which I think is a very valid possibility, and would force you to choose either friendship and loyalty or like Eleana Glenmore choose "practicality" and side with the people who could help your family.

    I know what you mean, and consider TTG's that choice probably meant more then we originally though.It'll be interesting next episode to see if Margery will continue to support Mira or not;especially, if the player decided to betrayed Margery.

  • Yes! but hopefully something more significant than a small cutscene like we had with Nick. Maybe if it all goes belly up, the key could be used to escape Kings Landing or a maybe a cell. Probably wrong about this as I feel Mira would probably be more useful politicking in KL than fighting in Ironrath. I do hope the decision on the key/seal comes up in a signicant way!

    gwendog posted: »

    Love the prediction and I bet it will go that way and I think that she will end up dying. I do have a feeling that with the key they going t

  • Couple of reasons, but mainly I just never get around to it really. I'm not normally much of a fantasy person too, so I guess that doesn't help. Still, though, Telltale's game is more consumable to me then watching a few episodes of the show.

    May I ask why not? The books, fair enough are daunting, but why haven't you watched the show? Is it you just never got into it or you just don't think you'll find it interesting? Either way, I highly recommend giving it a go.

  • Good theories.

    There is another thread on this board where someone put forth the theory that in response to the Whitehills seizing all the Ironwood, the Forresters may torch the entire grove. Given that there were comments about Ironwood being difficult (but not impossible) to burn, as well as the funeral pyres using Ironwood, he might be on to something. The Forrester knowledge on how to burn Ironwood may very well come into play. That would also factor in with this secret North Grove, because with the scorched earth tactics the Forresters would still be in possession of Ironwood while the Whitehills would not.

  • The Boltons gave the Whitehills half the ironwood and a lot of people gave their other half to the Glenmore's so technically Mira would have no ironwood to sell to Tyrion anyway?

  • edited February 2015

    Doesn't Rodrik promise half the Ironwood once the Whitehills are defeated? In theory that should leave the Forresters still in control of Ironwood for the time being. Of course Lord Whitehill throws a wrench into those works, by seizing all of it.

    If I heard that wrong however, the Forresters would still had some Ironwood even after the betrothal if not for Lord Whitehill. In that case Rodrik would be promising half of the Ironwood they currently control, which would leave his house in possession of 25% of their original Ironwood.

    Skozza89 posted: »

    The Boltons gave the Whitehills half the ironwood and a lot of people gave their other half to the Glenmore's so technically Mira would have no ironwood to sell to Tyrion anyway?

  • Ahh ill have to replay through that part, thats fair enough then if he says that, Thanks.

    Scaeva posted: »

    Doesn't Rodrik promise half the Ironwood once the Whitehills are defeated? In theory that should leave the Forresters still in control of Ir

  • I don't know - Tyrion may be going down, but Margaery will remain, if anything, more powerful than Cersei - Cersei will go bananas and lash out at anyone she can, but that won't include anyone under Margaery's personal aegis. Also, within the timeline of the show, Cersei doesn't start really taking it out on people until next season, once Tyrion escapes and Tywin is dead, and since the game is going to stick to that timeline, Mira isn't in super danger.

  • Me too, but what else could I do? My mother insisted...

    I'm suddenly feeling like asking for Margery's help in episode 1 wasn't the smartest decision. I'm probably going to need it in episode 3. T

  • Not happening. That never happend in the books or the show so that would be weird. The forresters should be hiding in the shadow not testify in a big trial. They wouldn't be a meaningsless family if they are part of every mager situation of a song of ice and fire.

    I think Cersei is going to give Mira the option to testify against Tyrion, and in return she will provide protection for her house against t

  • edited February 2015

    Its not like she's doing some major thing like killing Joffrey. Lots of people testified against Tyrion at the trial in both the show and books, so if Cersei learns that Mira was sometime seen talking to Tyrion, she might offer her the chance to testify against him for the safety of her house.

    Smellzfishy posted: »

    Not happening. That never happend in the books or the show so that would be weird. The forresters should be hiding in the shadow not testify

  • So then it would have to be Duncan Tuttle who does it then right? b\Because the only ones alive who know there is such a thing called the North Grove are Duncan and Gared, and Gared doesn't even know what it is. Why do you think the Forrester's would sign off on that plan given that for all they know the only Ironwood is in Ironrath? Wouldn't burning the Ironwood give them absolutely no capital with which to bargain with? Though I do agree the burning of the Ironwood comment is significant, so maybe episode 3 sets up a scenario where its a choice to burn it, that would make a really depressing ending, and seeing as how TT loves the 3rd episodes to be miserable, I could see something like that happening.

    Scaeva posted: »

    Good theories. There is another thread on this board where someone put forth the theory that in response to the Whitehills seizing all th

  • You might be right. But seeing as how Dany is already in Mereen, the Purple Wedding is very close. Probably in the next episode. You're right about Margary, the show and the books differ a little in how quickly Cersei becomes aware of Margary sinking her claws into Tommen and I get them confused.

    maimed_dan posted: »

    I don't know - Tyrion may be going down, but Margaery will remain, if anything, more powerful than Cersei - Cersei will go bananas and lash

  • Thats an awful plotline. First of all, Mira isn't selling Ironwood to Tyrion but the crown. It's a pretty easy accusation to refute.

    In the meantime, they cutoff both the Boltons and Whitehill from being able to sell the ironwood. If anything there is more a danger of an agent working on behalf of them being so pissed off to send an assassin (sound familiar?) or them starting a war (which I want because I don't want the Forresters to live in peace on their knees anyways).

    The only way I see a problem is if Tyrion demands something unreasonable as part of his favor but in this play-through I'm overpromising everywhere I can. If I have to smooth things over later on with my allies or lie in some cases (ie refuse Tyrion later) I'll deal with that on a later date. My first priority is to preserve House Forrester and deal with her enemies.

  • You hate episode 3? Episode 3 of what?

    Thats an awful plotline. First of all, Mira isn't selling Ironwood to Tyrion but the crown. It's a pretty easy accusation to refute. In t

  • Episode three of the first game of the walking dead. Stopped playing the entire series after Carly died.

    Clemenem posted: »

    You hate episode 3? Episode 3 of what?

  • Seriously? You're missing out bro, Around Every Corner and No Time Left were amazing...

    Also if you can't handle favorite character deaths, have fun playing the rest of Game of Thrones xD

  • I don't midn characters dieing but to telltale killed her in such a pointless stupid preventable way that it turned me off the series. It was clear the only reason why she was killed is they were too lazy to write two separate characters throughout the remaining episodes.

    I really didn't like the fact that Ethan dies regardless of my choices in episode one "he's a smart lord", "he's a brave lord" etc = lazy writing. I was glad Telltale was roasted on metacritic and other sites for that. With Ethan I really didn't like the character so it didn't bother me as much but his death was really poorly written.

    Seriously? You're missing out bro, Around Every Corner and No Time Left were amazing... Also if you can't handle favorite character deaths, have fun playing the rest of Game of Thrones xD

  • Telltale isn't BioWare though, they aren't a big or rich enough company to spend resources on making practically seperate episodes based on your choices. It does seem like they are listening to fans though and trying to make choices have a bigger impact.

    I don't midn characters dieing but to telltale killed her in such a pointless stupid preventable way that it turned me off the series. It wa

  • It isn't the fact that they die it's how they die.

    Ethan should have been put in a no-win situation where his only option was to sacrifice himself to save his family. Instead when saying nothing Ethan gets stabbed out of the blue in an totally unbelievable way. Also when trying to discuss it with the bastard he still killed.

    Telltale isn't BioWare though, they aren't a big or rich enough company to spend resources on making practically seperate episodes based on

  • I see your point, but nothing is easy to refute with Cersei. Post Purple Wedding she is hellbent on killing Tyrion and slandering his name with no evidence other than the testimonies she bribes others to give (Shay/ attempts this with Pod). Selling to the crown by way of a scheme with Tyrion whom she accuses of murder makes no difference where her character is concerned. She would see this as conspiring and doesn't particularly care for the northern handmaiden who is allied with Margery and whose House is in a Cold War with the Crown appointed Wardens of the North Boltons and their supporters the Whitehills. She would do it out of spite and because she can.

    But I do agree, first priority is to preserve House Forrester.

    Thats an awful plotline. First of all, Mira isn't selling Ironwood to Tyrion but the crown. It's a pretty easy accusation to refute. In t

  • I don't think Cersei can afford to do that. Tyrion is Master of Coin when he negotiates with Mira. As he said so himself in Episode 1: it's not only his prerogative to decide where he gets the ironwood from... it's his job! If word gets out that Cersei is having all Tyrion's dealings questioned, she'll anger just about every party that has ever done business with the Crown. Mira could easily refute any accusation of conspiracy by just pointing out Tyrion had at that time the authority to speak for the Crown, while she had the authority to speak for her House. It's a simple business transaction between House Forrester and the Crown.

  • I would like to see a spoiler warning here, actually. As it happens, I've just started playing TWD yesterday (to have something to kill the time while waiting for Episode 3 of GoT). I've only finished Episode 1 so far, so I'd hate to know beforehand who lives and who dies in the rest of the series. Thanks!

  • I thought it was believable, especially since we were dealing with Ramsay.

    It isn't the fact that they die it's how they die. Ethan should have been put in a no-win situation where his only option was to sacrific

  • I believe Mira will be forced to flee. Its purple wedding time, which means Stannis is almost at the wall, so that will make everything useless. I believe Forresters will side with Stannis against Boltons and consequently Whitehills. Which would, in Telltale fashion make all your deals and choices previously not matter at all.

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