What were your choices in the Walking Dead Season 2? Please comment below :)
Q. Did you save Christa, or leave Christa?
A. I saved Christa. 83.8% (More Players)
Q. Did you kill the dog, or spare the dog?
A. I killed the dog. 81.6% (More Players)
Q. Did you accept Nick’s apology, or reject it?
A. I accepted Nick’s apology. 89.9% (More Players)
Q. Did you give water to the dying man who tried to kill Christa, or leave him?
A. I left the dying man behind and did not give him water. 33.3% (Less Players)
Q. Did you save Nick, or Pete?
A. I saved Pete. 56.8% (More Players)
Q. Did you take the blame for Sarah’s photo, or lied?
A. I lied to Sarah and did not take the blame. 60.5% (More Players)
Q. Who did you sit with at dinner, Luke, or Kenny?
A. I sat with Kenny. 67.8% (More Players)
Q. Did you tell the truth to Walter about Matthew, or lie?
A. I told the truth about Matthew. 74.9% (More Players)
Q. Did you persuade Walter into forgiving Nick, or not?
A. I persuaded Walter into forgiving Nick. 84.3 (More Players)
Q. Did you leave to find Kenny, or surrender?
A. I left to find Kenny. 76.9 (More Players)
Q. Did you help Sarah with her work, or not?
A. I helped Sarah with her work. 80.2% (More Players)
Q. Did you tell Bonnie about Luke?
A. I told Bonnie about Luke. 51% (More Players)
Q. Did you admit to steal the walkie talkie, or try to hide it?
A. I tried to admit I stole. 42.2% (Less Players)
Q. Did you watch Kenny kill Carver, or leave?
A. I watched Kenny kill Carver. 68.3% (More Players)
Q. Did you cut off Sarita’s arm, or kill the walker?
A. I cut off Sarita’s arm. 82.7% (More Players)
Q. Did you leave Sarah at the trailer park to die, or save her?
A. I left Sarah at the trailer park to die. 20.7% (Less Players)
Q. Did you rob Arvo, or leave him alone?
A. I robbed Arvo. 44% (Less Players)
Q. Did you crawl through the ticket booth, or chicken out?
A. I crawled through the ticket booth. 86% (More Players)
Q. Did you hold the baby, or refuse?
A. I held the baby. 92.9% (More Players)
Q. Did you shoot Rebecca, or shout for help?
A. I shot Rebecca. 62.2% (More Players)
Q. Did you protect the baby, or go for Luke?
A. I protected the baby. 84.2% (More Players)
Q. Did you ask to leave with Mike, or refuse?
A. I refused. 98% (More Players)
Q. Did you shoot Kenny, or leave Jane to die?
A. I shot Kenny. 52.8% (More Players)
Q. In the end, were you alone, with Jane and the family, with Jane, with Kenny, or at Wellington?
Episode 1
---- I saved christa
---- I killed the dog
---- I accepted Nick's apology
----- I gave water to the dying man
---- I saved Nick
Episode 2
---- I took the blame for the photo
---- I sat with Kenny
---- I told the truth about Matt
---- I persuaded to save Nick
---- I surrendered to Carver (on my original playthru)
Episode 3
---- I helped Sarah (on my original playthru)
--- I didn't tell bonnie about Luke
--- I tried to tell the truth about the talkie
--- I watched kenny kill carver
--- I hacked and axed Sarita
Episode 4
---- I slapped some sense into Sarah( on my original playthru)
--- I didn't steal from Arvo (on my original playthru)
---- I let that bitch crawl thru
--- I held Aj
--- I shot Becky
Episode 5
---- I got Aj
--- I didn't ask to leave with Mike
--- I covered Luke
---- I let kenny kill jane
---- I was with Kenny and Aj
Episode 1
I saved Christa
I killed the dog.
I accepted Nick’s apology.
Didn't give the dying man water
Episode 2
I took the blame for Sarah
I sat with Kenny
I told the truth about Matthew.
Walter forgave Nick
I left to find Kenny.
Episode 3
I helped Sarah with her work.
I told Bonnie about Luke.
I attempted to admit I stole
I watched Kenny kill Carver.
I cut Sarita’s arm off
Episode 4
I saved Sarah
I left shitbird 2.0 alone thinking that if we left him alone he would spare us in the future......
I crawled through the ticket booth.
I held the baby.
I shot Rebecca.
Episode 5
I protected the baby.
Didn't ask to go with Mike.
Let Kenny Kill Jane
Decided to stick with Kenny (Because I doubt Wellington will work out)
Episode 1
I tried to help Christa.
I killed the dog.
I accepted Nick's apology.
I refused to give him water.
I went with Pete.
Episode 2
I took the blame for the photo.
I sat with Kenny.
I told Walter the truth.
I convinced Walter to forgive Nick.
I went to go look for Luke and Kenny.
Episode 3
I helped Sarah with her chores.
I didn't tell Bonnie about Luke.
I tried to hide the theft.
I stayed to watch Carver die.
I cut off Sarita's arm.
Episode 4
I got Sarah to leave the trailer park.
I refused to steal from Arvo.
I crawled through the ticket booth.
I held the baby.
I called for help.
Episode 5
I went to go help AJ.
I went to go help Luke.
I refused to go with Mike.
I let Kenny kill Jane.
I decided to stay with Kenny.
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 1
I tried to help Christa
I killed Sam
I accepted Nick apology
I gave the dying man water (regret it later because i couldn´t give water to Pete)
I saved Pete
Episode 2
I said that Carlos told me to distract Sarah (lol , i refused the take the photo XD)
I sat with Kenny
I told Walter the truth
I convinced Walter that Nick was a good man
I went to look for Luke and Kenny
Episode 3
I helped Sarah
I told Bonnie about Luke
I tried to hide the theft
I stayed to watch Carver die
I cut off Sarita´s arm.
Episode 4
I got Sarah out of the Trailer Park
I didn´t steal from Arvo
I crawled through the ticket booth
I held the baby
I shot Rebecca
Episode 5
I protected AJ
I tried to help Luke
I didn´t ask to leave with him
I shoot Kenny
I ended up alone with AJ
Episode 1
Helped Christa
Killed Sam
I accepted Nick's apology
Refused to give water
Episode 2
Took the Blame
Sat with Kenny
Told Walter the truth
I told Walter that Nick was a good guy
I went to look for Kenny
Episode 3
Helped Sarah
Told Bonnie
I tried to say I took it
I didn't stay to watch(I didn't want Clem to see murder on purpose)
I cut Sarita's arm off
Episode 4
I saved Sarah
Didn't take from Arvo
I went through the booth
I held the baby
Shot Rebecca
Episode 5
Got AJ
Helped Luke
I didn't ask to leave with them
I let Kenny stab Jane
Stayed with Kenny
Well this list took forever to write
EP. 1
Did you try to save Christa? A. Yes
Did you kill the dog? A. Yes.
Did you accept Nick’s apology? A. Yes.
Did you give water to the dying man? A. Yes (in an attempt to learn of Christas whereabouts)
Did you save Nick, or Pete? A. I saved Pete.
EP. 2
Did you take the blame for Sarah’s photo? A. I blamed someone else.
Who did you sit with at dinner, Luke, or Kenny? A. I sat with Kenny.
Did you tell the truth to Walter about Matthew? A. Yes, but first suggested Nick not too (before Walter found out on his own).
Nicks Fate? A. I let Walter make up his own mind (apparently an unpopular choice to let a grown man make his own decision, only 17% of other players did this)
Left to find Kenny? A. I stayed to help Carlos
EP. 3
Did you help Sarah with her chores? A. Yes
Did you tell Bonnie about Luke? A. No
Did you admit to steal the walkie talkie, or try to hide it? A. I tried to speak up.
Did you watch Kenny kill Carver, or leave? A. I watched Kenny kill Carver.
Did you cut off Sarita’s arm, or kill the walker? A. I cut off Sarita’s arm (and followed by axing her face... in a panic)
EP. 4
Did you leave Sarah at the trailer park to die, or save her? A. I saved Sarah.
Did you rob Arvo, or leave him alone? A. I robbed Arvo. (Didn't trust him. Obviously no person in his shape could survive alone)
Did you crawl through the ticket booth, or chicken out? A. I let bonnie reach through (felt like Clementine was tired of people looking at her to do every single thing.)
Did you hold the baby, or refuse? A. I held the baby
Did you shoot Rebecca, or shout for help? A. I shot Rebecca.
EP. 5
Did you protect the baby, or go for Luke? A. I protected the baby.
Went to help luke? A. No (at his request. I liked Lukes character and the buddy nature he shared with Clementine. Luke was kinda like the Clementine to Lee, but for Clementine. Clementines Clementine.)
Asked to leave with Mike? A. No
Did you shoot Kenny, or look away? A. I shot Kenny (stayed neutral most of the fight, yelled at Kenny once, pushed Jane once, let the wire go all the way down until I decided to shoot Kenny.)
In the end? A. I was alone with AJ (Jane manipulated Clementine in an attempt to show how unstable Kenny was, it resulted in Clementine being the trigger for the closet thing to family she has left, so I left Jane even though she was a good survival mentor to Clementine.)
I made my choices mostly by catering to the type of person Clementine is. Initially an innocent kid, now growing up in a zombie apocalypse and being cared for by Lee has evolved Clementine as you could tell by a lot of her dialogue options. Didn't steal from the stranger last season, but that was before I realized it's every group for them self. Playing the episodes consecutively I think you can feel a stronger character connection than if you wait for episodes.
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
All That Remains
Helped Christa
Euthanized Sam
Extra-Became Friends with Sarah
Accepted Nick's apology
Gave the man water
Saved Nick
A House Divided
Took the blame
Sat with Lord Kenny, Savoir of Boats and Urbans.
Told Walter the Truth
Convinced Walter to Forgive Nick
Extra-Saved Alvin
Stayed to help Carlos
In Harm's Way
Helped Sarah
Told Bonnie about Luke
Tried to speak up
Didn't watch Kenny kill Carver
Didn't chop Sarita's arm off
Amid The Ruins
Saved Sarah
Didn't Steal from Arvo
Crawled through the Ticket Window
Held AJ
Didn't shoot Rebecca
No Going Back
Ran to AJ
Went back for Luke
Didn't ask to leave with Mike
Didn't Shoot Kenny
With Kenny and AJ
All That Remains
Tried to help Christa
Killed the dog (because only a mega-dick would leave the dog to die)
Accepted Nick's apology
Went with Pete
A House Divided
Took the blame for Sarah's photo (even though I didn't even take the picture myself in my playthrough)
Sat with Kenny
Told Walter the truth
Convinced him to forgive Nick
Surrendered (escalating a hostage situation is a bad idea)
In Harm's Way
Helped Sarah with her chores
Told Bonnie about Luke
Tried to admit to stealing the walkie
Stayed to watch
Cut off Sarita's arm
Amid The Ruins
Saved Sarah at the trailer park
Didn't rob Arvo
Let Bonnie reach through the ticket booth
Held the baby
Didn't shoot Rebecca
No Going Back
Went for AJ
Tried to help Luke
Didn't ask to leave with Mike
Didn't shoot Kenny
With AJ in Wellington
Episode 1: I left Christa, killed the dog, accepted Nick's apology, kept water(you can give to Pete in next episode), and went to Pete.
Episode 2: I took the blame for the photo, sat with Kenny, told Walter the truth, persuaded Walter into forgiving Nick, and surrendered to help Carlos.
Episode 3: I helped Sarah, told Bonnie about Luke, tried to admit having the radio, didn't watch Carver get killed, and didn't cut off Sarita's hand.
Episode 4: I saved Sarah, didn't rob Arvo, let Bonnie stick her arm through the booth, held the baby, and remained silent when Rebecca turned.
Episode 5: I went after the baby, asked to leave with Mike, let Kenny kill Jane, and stayed at Wellington.
I will also add reasons to my choices
Saved Christa (Being a friend and fellow survivor. Plus despite her bitterness, she's still a good person)
Killed the dog (Couldn't let it suffer)
I accepted Nick's apology (Once he opened up and admitting "being a dick" he earned my respect. I wasn't fond of Ben from Season 1 but Nick I felt was different, better even, more redeemable)
Kept the bottled water (I have no idea if Christa was dead or not, but he and his buddies were the ones whom done the deal. Plus even my compassion has it's limits)
Saved Pete (Despite being bit, I felt I owed him, saving Clem's life and all.)
Is it possible to do neither, taking the blame or not. Didn't feel that important
Sat with Kenny (old friends and all)
Told Walter the truth (No lies with me, only truth unless otherwise)
I convinced Walter to forgive Nick (Nick was a good guy, just impulsive sometimes plus I hoped he would learn and develop)
First I went to look for Kenny but I restarted that part and chose to surrender (there were three of them armed with AK-47's, plus with Carlos getting pummeled, I felt it was the best course of action)
Helped Sarah (Felt I needed too. Sarah maybe a burden at times but like Nick I had taken solace in seeing the both of them redeemable)
Bonnie I wasn't sure about so I kept it to myself (Wasn't 100% she would agree with escaping)
Kept the walkie talkie hidden (The plan to bust out was paramount. No way I was staying there under Carver's tyrannical rule)
Stayed and watched Kenny bash Carver's head in (I wanted to see the monster die, he deserved it. It was for the good of all)
This one I spoiled myself on a walkthrough. Given the situation, I killed the walker that bit Sarita for I couldn't risk it.
Saved Sarah (After losing Nick (boy that was a buzz kill), I wanted Sarah to survive as well and learn, once again I was proven wrong and wished otherwise later in the game)
Didn't steal (I'm not sure if Arvo was right about his sister being sick, but from Ep 1, I will not become a thief unless it is necessary)
Chose to fit through the booth (Initiative, man)
Held the baby (Nuff said)
Killed the walker Rebecca (to protect her child. Again, nuff said)
EPISODE 5 NO GOING BACK (My fav of this season, with A House Divided in at close second, followed by In Harm's Way)
Went for the baby (The little one in the middle of a crossfire. Had to take the chance)
Tried to help Luke (Lost so many, I would not allow one more. But of course fate said otherwise. At least he saved Clem, one last time)
Didn't ask to leave with Mike
This choice of Kenny and Jane is by far the HARDEST in both seasons of the game. Sure I read what would happen, but it still made me uneasy. Throughout the level, I continued to weigh pros and cons in my head about these two. Then, the final showdown commenced. And finally, I yelled "NO" and shot Kenny. I chose to tell him he would be with his family "You were always...good for a smile". Gets me every time. When finding AJ alive and well, i made an uneasy amends with Jane (NEVER ALONE, NEVER AGAIN) and thus we returned to Howe's.
Abandoned but still had the fortifications plus the greenhouse was still working. Then, when the family asked for my help, I let them come in. Were they being honest or lying, I don't know but I'm not planning on giving up on humanity, not while there are still good people out there. And I feel proud with this final choice for Clementine "Maybe we can start something here, Jane" and I hope that it will be possible.
These are my choices and I'm sticking by them.
Episode 1
I saved Christa
I killed the dog
I accepted Nick's apology
I gave the dying man water (in my sec playthrough I did not)
I saved pete(Sec playthrough Nick)
Episode 2
I took the blame
I sat with Luke not really thinking about it much(sec playthrough I sat with Kenny)
I told the truth
Walter didn't forgive Nick
I gave up and went down with Rebecca
Episode 3
I helped Sarah
i told Bonnie about Luke(sec playthrough i did not)
I didn't say anything
I watched Kenny kill Carver although in my second playthrough I didn't watch because I didn't want Clem to see that shit.
I cut Sarita's arm(in my sec playthrough I didn't)
Episode 4
I saved Sarah
I stole his stuff (sec playthrough I didn't cause we didn't use that stuff anyway except for the pain killers)
I crawled (sec playthrough I let Bonny risk her life not an 11 year old girl)
I held the baby
I shot Rebecca
Episode 5
I protected the baby(Duh)
I covered Luke(Going near him would have been illogical)
Didn't ask to go with Mike
Let Kenny kill Jane
Killed Kenny and went alone with the baby through a herd of walkers.(In my second playthrough I didn't kill Kenny and stayed in Wellington because Kenny was done anyway.)
All That Remains:
I saved Christa
Killed the dog
Accepted Nick's apology
Gave water to the dying man
Saved Nick
A House Divided:
Took the blame for Sarah's photo
Sat with Luke
Lied to Walter
Let Walter decide on his own
Stayed to help Carlos
In Harm's Way:
Helped Sarah
Kept the truth from Bonnie
Tried to speak up
Watched Kenny kill Carver
Chopped off Sarita's arm
Amid the Ruins:
Saved Sarah
Stole from Arvo
Let Bonnie go through the ticket window
Held AJ
Shot Rebecca
No Going Back:
Ran to AJ
Covered Luke
Asked to leave with Mike
Shot Kenny
Alone with AJ