Was Lord Whitehill's death foreshadowed?

So in episode 2, obviously Rodrick has the option to say Im going to kill that man. But also, while you are talking to him, based on what you can say, Whitehill can respond and say, "What are you going to do? Bludgeon me to death with a walking stick?"

So do you think this is foreshadowing his death? Will Rodrick kill Whitehill with his walking stick?


  • I hope so, I hate that guy with a burning passion.

  • edited February 2015

    I think it's a bit too obvious for it to be exactly that, but you a lot of things seem to be foreshadowed in this game.

    I'm thinking maybe Rodrik does kill him, but not using his walking stick. Maybe he ends him with the Forrester Greatsword or something. Gared must have had to bring it back to Ironrath for plot purposes.

    Also it's probably worth noting that if we kill Ludd, his firstborn son just swoops in to take his place. Kill him, and the second does. Then the third, then Gryff.

  • That would be freaking AMAZING.

  • That would be beyond epic!

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