I wake up and roll over forgetting where I was for a second but then I quickly remembered.. The Fucking Hunger Games.
Ever since i walked in on Susie crying and cheered her up we've been close, shes like my little sister.. we arent allies though as far as i know. She's never brought it up and nor have i.
I watch some Television as I see the sun creep in through the Capitol's abstract skyscrapers..
The Capitol is so weird, everything about it is weird, the customs especially.. they eat so formally. In District 3 we eat whatever we can get.. After I finish watching Television i get up and have a shower which is in my room, the water is nice and warm. I get out and dry myself off and get my clothes on, Breakfast isn't until an hour.. my clock reads 6:02am. I'm not tired though, i slept so well from Training I think I did a pretty good job. I lay on my bed and just think, the last few days have been so damn busy and bizarre.. sometimes its nice to lay back and just do nothing.
"AHHH!!!" A Scream yells from another room
"Susie?!" I exclaim and dash out my room and run down the long wooden hallway.
I open her door and Susie is laying on her bed covered in sweat..
"Sorry Nero" Susie cries "I had a nightmare"
"It's okay" I say kindly "I was up anyways.. what was the dream about?"
I sit on her bed next to her.
"The District 2 guy.." She says slowly "He was chasing me through the woods.. then right when I thought I got away from him I turned around and..."
Susie bursted into tears
"It's not far off though, is it?" She cries "He probably will kill me.."
"You just have to try" I say supporting her "Thats all you can do Susie, all 24 of us are scared.. we all think we are going to die"
Susie looks down...
"You know the nursery rhyme?" She asks me
I nod, instantly knowing the one she's talking about. It's the most popular one is District 3, everyone knows it.. it's like our national anthem.
"Want to sing it with me?" She says nicely "It always makes me feel better.."
"Sure" I say kindly
Susie looks at me and wipes a tear off her face, then she pulls her hair back into a tight ponytail.
Susie clears her throat.
"Over the hill" She sings
"Cross th' sky" I sing back and she hums
"That is where my cresent body lies" She sings weakly
"And baby don't cry" I sing back and she smiles "The sky won't fly by"
"Over the hill" She sings again "Cross th' sky"
"That is whereee my body liiess" I sing louder "No baby dont cryyy, you'll feel better on the other side!"
"Where the life inside your soul.." She sings "Has gone away..."
"You're pretty good" I say cutting her off
"Thanks" She says nicely "Nero, can you promise me something?"
"What is it?" I ask
"I'm not stupid" Susie says eyeing me "I know you dont want to be allies with me... but can you atleast try to keep me safe in the Bloodbath...please just try?"
What should Nero say?
[I'll try] [I can't]
I put on my tribute uniform for the last days on Training, me and Unk are the first ones in the Training Center but for some odd reason the District 10 boy is there too. We look around and see the room is different.. theres tape that goes along the floor now, looks like something you would use to control lines.
"Welcome" Linda says to us "Today will be a lot different."
"How so?" I asked
"Unlike Yesterday you will go through the same Training as every other Tribute for the first portion of the day, after lunch you can do whatever you want" Linda says to us
Dammit! I think Now i have to wait in a line for each Tribute to do the same course..
An elevator stops and the District 2's and 6's get out, 5 seconds later another elevator stops and the District 1's and 11's arrive. Within fifteen minutes all 24 tributes are here.. some look like they're ready to do business.
"How are you feeling?" Unk asks me
"About what?" I ask him back
"You know.." He trails off
"About my mother and sister dying?" I hiss at him "I'm doing fantastic"
Unk walks away, I feel bad but i've had enough people ask me about them.. my Stylist, Mentor, Escort, even a fucking Trainer. It doesnt even matter to me, i'll probably be with them in a few days anyways..
"Hello" Linda says to the crowd "Today will be alot different"
"All 24 of you will be doing the same 3 courses before lunch" Linda says
"After lunch your free to do what we want" She remarks, most people look annoyed by this.. we need time to train.
"Now" Linda says to the crowd "We are starting with Throwing Knife training.. theres 3 moving targets.. you must try to hit the critical areas of the body.. now. Who wants to go first!"
I could say I want to go first, that would make me look super badass and brave.. but if I fail everyone might laugh at me. Is it a risk i'm willing to take?
[I'll try] Poor Susie + he can always ditch her if he doesn't want to keep her safe after the bloodbath.
[Stay silent] If she's too good careers will hunt her down, and im kind of rooting for Jeanie to win if my character dies.
Btw I was just wondering if it's only going to be like every characters POV for the trainings/games or is it only going to be the characters you fully introduced in the reapings
Nero D3
I wake up and roll over forgetting where I was for a second but then I quickly remembered.. The Fucking Hunger G… moreames.
Ever since i walked in on Susie crying and cheered her up we've been close, shes like my little sister.. we arent allies though as far as i know. She's never brought it up and nor have i.
I watch some Television as I see the sun creep in through the Capitol's abstract skyscrapers..
The Capitol is so weird, everything about it is weird, the customs especially.. they eat so formally. In District 3 we eat whatever we can get.. After I finish watching Television i get up and have a shower which is in my room, the water is nice and warm. I get out and dry myself off and get my clothes on, Breakfast isn't until an hour.. my clock reads 6:02am. I'm not tired though, i slept so well from Training I think I did a pretty good job. I lay on my bed and just think, the last few days have been so damn bu… [view original content]
I've been training so hard, the Top 10 list is back again.. this time about ten of us crowd it.
* Soon
*… more Zach
* Furry
* Carley
* Nero
* Hope
* Lun
* Shelly
* Zelda
* Atlas
Dammit! I cant believe it, I tried so fucking hard to make it. I have little experience with weapons because i'm from District 8 but I really tried.. I throw a grey axe and it lands right into the targets head.
Yes! I did it, take that District 7's!
"Training will be closing in 5!" Linda yells to us "You will have one more day to train, then you will be privately train in front of the Gamemakers. Then you'll be interviewed and the next day the games will start"
I need to get in as much as possible in these 5 minutes, everyone else seems to do this too. I see the District 9 female throwing knives and striking the targets heart and head directly. I see the District 3 male shoot an arrow and it hits the… [view original content]
Nero D3
I wake up and roll over forgetting where I was for a second but then I quickly remembered.. The Fucking Hunger G… moreames.
Ever since i walked in on Susie crying and cheered her up we've been close, shes like my little sister.. we arent allies though as far as i know. She's never brought it up and nor have i.
I watch some Television as I see the sun creep in through the Capitol's abstract skyscrapers..
The Capitol is so weird, everything about it is weird, the customs especially.. they eat so formally. In District 3 we eat whatever we can get.. After I finish watching Television i get up and have a shower which is in my room, the water is nice and warm. I get out and dry myself off and get my clothes on, Breakfast isn't until an hour.. my clock reads 6:02am. I'm not tired though, i slept so well from Training I think I did a pretty good job. I lay on my bed and just think, the last few days have been so damn bu… [view original content]
Nero D3
I wake up and roll over forgetting where I was for a second but then I quickly remembered.. The Fucking Hunger G… moreames.
Ever since i walked in on Susie crying and cheered her up we've been close, shes like my little sister.. we arent allies though as far as i know. She's never brought it up and nor have i.
I watch some Television as I see the sun creep in through the Capitol's abstract skyscrapers..
The Capitol is so weird, everything about it is weird, the customs especially.. they eat so formally. In District 3 we eat whatever we can get.. After I finish watching Television i get up and have a shower which is in my room, the water is nice and warm. I get out and dry myself off and get my clothes on, Breakfast isn't until an hour.. my clock reads 6:02am. I'm not tired though, i slept so well from Training I think I did a pretty good job. I lay on my bed and just think, the last few days have been so damn bu… [view original content]
I've been training so hard, the Top 10 list is back again.. this time about ten of us crowd it.
* Soon
*… more Zach
* Furry
* Carley
* Nero
* Hope
* Lun
* Shelly
* Zelda
* Atlas
Dammit! I cant believe it, I tried so fucking hard to make it. I have little experience with weapons because i'm from District 8 but I really tried.. I throw a grey axe and it lands right into the targets head.
Yes! I did it, take that District 7's!
"Training will be closing in 5!" Linda yells to us "You will have one more day to train, then you will be privately train in front of the Gamemakers. Then you'll be interviewed and the next day the games will start"
I need to get in as much as possible in these 5 minutes, everyone else seems to do this too. I see the District 9 female throwing knives and striking the targets heart and head directly. I see the District 3 male shoot an arrow and it hits the… [view original content]
Even though I can totally see Nero dying in the bloodbath trying to protect her... I have to say he is nicer than I thought, but I kinda like it! And I'll be damned if I value the life of my own character over poor Susie's!
[Go first]
If she makes it and looks super badass, that's cool for her. If she fails and everyone laughs at her, everyone would be quicker to underestimate her in the games, which is also cool for her.
I guess I should start pushing one character with my votes, but I find myself unable to do so. I just like them all... Damn, the bloodbath will devastate me. The only one's I won't root for are the career's!
Nero D3
I wake up and roll over forgetting where I was for a second but then I quickly remembered.. The Fucking Hunger G… moreames.
Ever since i walked in on Susie crying and cheered her up we've been close, shes like my little sister.. we arent allies though as far as i know. She's never brought it up and nor have i.
I watch some Television as I see the sun creep in through the Capitol's abstract skyscrapers..
The Capitol is so weird, everything about it is weird, the customs especially.. they eat so formally. In District 3 we eat whatever we can get.. After I finish watching Television i get up and have a shower which is in my room, the water is nice and warm. I get out and dry myself off and get my clothes on, Breakfast isn't until an hour.. my clock reads 6:02am. I'm not tired though, i slept so well from Training I think I did a pretty good job. I lay on my bed and just think, the last few days have been so damn bu… [view original content]
[I'll try]
Even though I can totally see Nero dying in the bloodbath trying to protect her... I have to say he is nicer than I thought, b… moreut I kinda like it! And I'll be damned if I value the life of my own character over poor Susie's!
[Go first]
If she makes it and looks super badass, that's cool for her. If she fails and everyone laughs at her, everyone would be quicker to underestimate her in the games, which is also cool for her.
I guess I should start pushing one character with my votes, but I find myself unable to do so. I just like them all... Damn, the bloodbath will devastate me. The only one's I won't root for are the career's!
Nero D3
I wake up and roll over forgetting where I was for a second but then I quickly remembered.. The Fucking Hunger G… moreames.
Ever since i walked in on Susie crying and cheered her up we've been close, shes like my little sister.. we arent allies though as far as i know. She's never brought it up and nor have i.
I watch some Television as I see the sun creep in through the Capitol's abstract skyscrapers..
The Capitol is so weird, everything about it is weird, the customs especially.. they eat so formally. In District 3 we eat whatever we can get.. After I finish watching Television i get up and have a shower which is in my room, the water is nice and warm. I get out and dry myself off and get my clothes on, Breakfast isn't until an hour.. my clock reads 6:02am. I'm not tired though, i slept so well from Training I think I did a pretty good job. I lay on my bed and just think, the last few days have been so damn bu… [view original content]
Nero D3
I wake up and roll over forgetting where I was for a second but then I quickly remembered.. The Fucking Hunger G… moreames.
Ever since i walked in on Susie crying and cheered her up we've been close, shes like my little sister.. we arent allies though as far as i know. She's never brought it up and nor have i.
I watch some Television as I see the sun creep in through the Capitol's abstract skyscrapers..
The Capitol is so weird, everything about it is weird, the customs especially.. they eat so formally. In District 3 we eat whatever we can get.. After I finish watching Television i get up and have a shower which is in my room, the water is nice and warm. I get out and dry myself off and get my clothes on, Breakfast isn't until an hour.. my clock reads 6:02am. I'm not tired though, i slept so well from Training I think I did a pretty good job. I lay on my bed and just think, the last few days have been so damn bu… [view original content]
[I'll try] Poor Susie + he can always ditch her if he doesn't want to keep her safe after the bloodbath.
[Stay silent] If she's too good… more careers will hunt her down, and im kind of rooting for Jeanie to win if my character dies.
Btw I was just wondering if it's only going to be like every characters POV for the trainings/games or is it only going to be the characters you fully introduced in the reapings
Nero D3
I wake up and roll over forgetting where I was for a second but then I quickly remembered.. The Fucking Hunger G… moreames.
Ever since i walked in on Susie crying and cheered her up we've been close, shes like my little sister.. we arent allies though as far as i know. She's never brought it up and nor have i.
I watch some Television as I see the sun creep in through the Capitol's abstract skyscrapers..
The Capitol is so weird, everything about it is weird, the customs especially.. they eat so formally. In District 3 we eat whatever we can get.. After I finish watching Television i get up and have a shower which is in my room, the water is nice and warm. I get out and dry myself off and get my clothes on, Breakfast isn't until an hour.. my clock reads 6:02am. I'm not tired though, i slept so well from Training I think I did a pretty good job. I lay on my bed and just think, the last few days have been so damn bu… [view original content]
Who needs allies, they're just a waste of time... I'll be better off on my own when the games start. We all line up for the throwing knife practice, the girl from 8 goes first. She misses 2 of the 3 targets and some of the Careers snicker..
"Not a threat" I mumble to myself
The boy from 2 goes next and does a okay job, but the girl from 2 hits every target directly...
I see my District partner go and hit 2 of the 3 directly also... its pretty scary honestly. I'm okay at throwing knives, they're the weapon im best at.. i've been training with them for the past day and have gotten a lot better. I'm only 15 so I don't think my chances at winning these games are all that high. I miss my parents, they're the only reason I want to win.. but i'll have to go through hell to get there.
"Thomas" A trainer says to me "Go"
"What?" I ask him
"Go" He urges "You're up next"
Understanding him I pick up the throwing knives..
"Flick the wrist" I remind myself, a buzzer rings and the targets begin to move.
I throw the first one and it completely misses the target..
Fuck! I totally screwed up.
I throw the second one and watch it glide through the air and hit the stomach of the target!
A smile arises on my face as I throw the third which hits the targets temple. I see four of the Careers eyeing me and look down.. hopefully they know not to mess with me.
Hope walks up to me
"Good job" She says mutually
"Thanks" I reply kindly
"The careers might actually like you" Hope jokes
"What?" I say "They don't like you?"
"Yeah they sorta hate me" Hope exclaims "I made fun of the boy from 2 when he fell over"
"Smart" I say jokingly
The last tribute finishes the Throwing knives.
"OKAY!" Linda yells at us "It's time for climbing"
Theres a 60 foot jungle gym in the next room, we have climb on these ropes and sway back and fourth and can tip over. It looks super nerve racking..
Hope walks away and I go towards the line..i'm going second right after the Boy from 7..
A buzzer rings and he goes, he instantly climbs up the rope and the Careers cheer him on. He almost tips the rope over and one point but manages to balance himself on the rope. He finishes in about 45 seconds.. fuck thats really good.
A buzzer rings and its my turn I slowly climb up the black rope.. at first it feel secure.. but as i climb higher the rope gets more loose. I get to the part where I have to climb over the rope bridge.. I begin and it tops to the left slightly. I look down... i'm about fifteen to twenty feet from the ground..I rop tips dramatically to the right and I panic moving my body to the left. The whole rope flips over and i'm hanging on the bottom of the rope.
Holy fuck, holy fuck. What do i do? I'm intelligent i just need to think.. okay.... I need to use my upper body strength to flip the rope back the other way...
"Come on Thomas!" Hope yells in encouragement "You can do it!"
I suddenly feel my uniform begin to rip... oh fuck! I knew I took a size too small!. If I don't fall my whole Uniform will rip off and all the tributes will get to see every part of my body.. but if i fall ill look weak.
Should Thomas fall?
[Fall] [Hang on]
I'm the last person in line for climbing training so I cant see anything up there. Some of these tributes are just so tall.. I have no allies in these games. I talk to Santiago and we've became friends after I threaten to punch my escort on the train. But we are not allies, theres a big difference between friends and allies.. trust me. The fact we cant do free time before lunch is so stupid... we only have two days to train and 1/4 of the time will be wasted on this shit.
The girls in front of me are non stop gossiping.
"Oh my god did she tell you yet?" The girl from 4 squeals
"Tell me what! Tell me what!" The girl from 7 askes
"Okay, okay" The girl from 6 says softly
"So I talk to Atlas last night" Girl from 6 said
"And what did he say!" The girl from 7 anticipated
"He said he likes you!' The girl from 6 says excitedly
The girl from 7 blushed and The girl from 4 laughed.
"Ylenia has a cruuush!" The girl from 4 sings
"Do not!" The girl from 7 protests.
God... this is giving me a headache.. they are acting like we arent going to all die in 10 days.
"That is so cute" The girl from 4 says
"Where is he now?" Ylenia asks the girl from 6.
The girl from 6 shrugs.
They keep talking excitedly when the girl from 6 notices me looking at her, I quickly look away.
"Excuse me?" The girl from 6 says to me sort of rudely "Do have something to say to me?"
Fuck, I should have never listened to them.. what a rude thing to do. But i can be a total bitch to them if i want to, theres nothing holding me back now.
Who needs allies, they're just a waste of time... I'll be better off on my own when the games start. We all l… moreine up for the throwing knife practice, the girl from 8 goes first. She misses 2 of the 3 targets and some of the Careers snicker..
"Not a threat" I mumble to myself
The boy from 2 goes next and does a okay job, but the girl from 2 hits every target directly...
I see my District partner go and hit 2 of the 3 directly also... its pretty scary honestly. I'm okay at throwing knives, they're the weapon im best at.. i've been training with them for the past day and have gotten a lot better. I'm only 15 so I don't think my chances at winning these games are all that high. I miss my parents, they're the only reason I want to win.. but i'll have to go through hell to get there.
"Thomas" A trainer says to me "Go"
"What?" I ask him
"Go" He urges "You're up next"
Understanding him I pick up the … [view original content]
Who needs allies, they're just a waste of time... I'll be better off on my own when the games start. We all l… moreine up for the throwing knife practice, the girl from 8 goes first. She misses 2 of the 3 targets and some of the Careers snicker..
"Not a threat" I mumble to myself
The boy from 2 goes next and does a okay job, but the girl from 2 hits every target directly...
I see my District partner go and hit 2 of the 3 directly also... its pretty scary honestly. I'm okay at throwing knives, they're the weapon im best at.. i've been training with them for the past day and have gotten a lot better. I'm only 15 so I don't think my chances at winning these games are all that high. I miss my parents, they're the only reason I want to win.. but i'll have to go through hell to get there.
"Thomas" A trainer says to me "Go"
"What?" I ask him
"Go" He urges "You're up next"
Understanding him I pick up the … [view original content]
Who needs allies, they're just a waste of time... I'll be better off on my own when the games start. We all l… moreine up for the throwing knife practice, the girl from 8 goes first. She misses 2 of the 3 targets and some of the Careers snicker..
"Not a threat" I mumble to myself
The boy from 2 goes next and does a okay job, but the girl from 2 hits every target directly...
I see my District partner go and hit 2 of the 3 directly also... its pretty scary honestly. I'm okay at throwing knives, they're the weapon im best at.. i've been training with them for the past day and have gotten a lot better. I'm only 15 so I don't think my chances at winning these games are all that high. I miss my parents, they're the only reason I want to win.. but i'll have to go through hell to get there.
"Thomas" A trainer says to me "Go"
"What?" I ask him
"Go" He urges "You're up next"
Understanding him I pick up the … [view original content]
Who needs allies, they're just a waste of time... I'll be better off on my own when the games start. We all l… moreine up for the throwing knife practice, the girl from 8 goes first. She misses 2 of the 3 targets and some of the Careers snicker..
"Not a threat" I mumble to myself
The boy from 2 goes next and does a okay job, but the girl from 2 hits every target directly...
I see my District partner go and hit 2 of the 3 directly also... its pretty scary honestly. I'm okay at throwing knives, they're the weapon im best at.. i've been training with them for the past day and have gotten a lot better. I'm only 15 so I don't think my chances at winning these games are all that high. I miss my parents, they're the only reason I want to win.. but i'll have to go through hell to get there.
"Thomas" A trainer says to me "Go"
"What?" I ask him
"Go" He urges "You're up next"
Understanding him I pick up the … [view original content]
Who needs allies, they're just a waste of time... I'll be better off on my own when the games start. We all l… moreine up for the throwing knife practice, the girl from 8 goes first. She misses 2 of the 3 targets and some of the Careers snicker..
"Not a threat" I mumble to myself
The boy from 2 goes next and does a okay job, but the girl from 2 hits every target directly...
I see my District partner go and hit 2 of the 3 directly also... its pretty scary honestly. I'm okay at throwing knives, they're the weapon im best at.. i've been training with them for the past day and have gotten a lot better. I'm only 15 so I don't think my chances at winning these games are all that high. I miss my parents, they're the only reason I want to win.. but i'll have to go through hell to get there.
"Thomas" A trainer says to me "Go"
"What?" I ask him
"Go" He urges "You're up next"
Understanding him I pick up the … [view original content]
Who needs allies, they're just a waste of time... I'll be better off on my own when the games start. We all l… moreine up for the throwing knife practice, the girl from 8 goes first. She misses 2 of the 3 targets and some of the Careers snicker..
"Not a threat" I mumble to myself
The boy from 2 goes next and does a okay job, but the girl from 2 hits every target directly...
I see my District partner go and hit 2 of the 3 directly also... its pretty scary honestly. I'm okay at throwing knives, they're the weapon im best at.. i've been training with them for the past day and have gotten a lot better. I'm only 15 so I don't think my chances at winning these games are all that high. I miss my parents, they're the only reason I want to win.. but i'll have to go through hell to get there.
"Thomas" A trainer says to me "Go"
"What?" I ask him
"Go" He urges "You're up next"
Understanding him I pick up the … [view original content]
Who needs allies, they're just a waste of time... I'll be better off on my own when the games start. We all l… moreine up for the throwing knife practice, the girl from 8 goes first. She misses 2 of the 3 targets and some of the Careers snicker..
"Not a threat" I mumble to myself
The boy from 2 goes next and does a okay job, but the girl from 2 hits every target directly...
I see my District partner go and hit 2 of the 3 directly also... its pretty scary honestly. I'm okay at throwing knives, they're the weapon im best at.. i've been training with them for the past day and have gotten a lot better. I'm only 15 so I don't think my chances at winning these games are all that high. I miss my parents, they're the only reason I want to win.. but i'll have to go through hell to get there.
"Thomas" A trainer says to me "Go"
"What?" I ask him
"Go" He urges "You're up next"
Understanding him I pick up the … [view original content]
Who needs allies, they're just a waste of time... I'll be better off on my own when the games start. We all l… moreine up for the throwing knife practice, the girl from 8 goes first. She misses 2 of the 3 targets and some of the Careers snicker..
"Not a threat" I mumble to myself
The boy from 2 goes next and does a okay job, but the girl from 2 hits every target directly...
I see my District partner go and hit 2 of the 3 directly also... its pretty scary honestly. I'm okay at throwing knives, they're the weapon im best at.. i've been training with them for the past day and have gotten a lot better. I'm only 15 so I don't think my chances at winning these games are all that high. I miss my parents, they're the only reason I want to win.. but i'll have to go through hell to get there.
"Thomas" A trainer says to me "Go"
"What?" I ask him
"Go" He urges "You're up next"
Understanding him I pick up the … [view original content]
Who needs allies, they're just a waste of time... I'll be better off on my own when the games start. We all l… moreine up for the throwing knife practice, the girl from 8 goes first. She misses 2 of the 3 targets and some of the Careers snicker..
"Not a threat" I mumble to myself
The boy from 2 goes next and does a okay job, but the girl from 2 hits every target directly...
I see my District partner go and hit 2 of the 3 directly also... its pretty scary honestly. I'm okay at throwing knives, they're the weapon im best at.. i've been training with them for the past day and have gotten a lot better. I'm only 15 so I don't think my chances at winning these games are all that high. I miss my parents, they're the only reason I want to win.. but i'll have to go through hell to get there.
"Thomas" A trainer says to me "Go"
"What?" I ask him
"Go" He urges "You're up next"
Understanding him I pick up the … [view original content]
Who needs allies, they're just a waste of time... I'll be better off on my own when the games start. We all l… moreine up for the throwing knife practice, the girl from 8 goes first. She misses 2 of the 3 targets and some of the Careers snicker..
"Not a threat" I mumble to myself
The boy from 2 goes next and does a okay job, but the girl from 2 hits every target directly...
I see my District partner go and hit 2 of the 3 directly also... its pretty scary honestly. I'm okay at throwing knives, they're the weapon im best at.. i've been training with them for the past day and have gotten a lot better. I'm only 15 so I don't think my chances at winning these games are all that high. I miss my parents, they're the only reason I want to win.. but i'll have to go through hell to get there.
"Thomas" A trainer says to me "Go"
"What?" I ask him
"Go" He urges "You're up next"
Understanding him I pick up the … [view original content]
Who needs allies, they're just a waste of time... I'll be better off on my own when the games start. We all l… moreine up for the throwing knife practice, the girl from 8 goes first. She misses 2 of the 3 targets and some of the Careers snicker..
"Not a threat" I mumble to myself
The boy from 2 goes next and does a okay job, but the girl from 2 hits every target directly...
I see my District partner go and hit 2 of the 3 directly also... its pretty scary honestly. I'm okay at throwing knives, they're the weapon im best at.. i've been training with them for the past day and have gotten a lot better. I'm only 15 so I don't think my chances at winning these games are all that high. I miss my parents, they're the only reason I want to win.. but i'll have to go through hell to get there.
"Thomas" A trainer says to me "Go"
"What?" I ask him
"Go" He urges "You're up next"
Understanding him I pick up the … [view original content]
Athena is already allies with someone so I cant ally with her...I'm waiting in line thinking about who to possibly ally with.
Suddenly the boy from 9's uniform rips open and you can see his entire body.. man thats embarrassing. All the careers laugh and in fact nearly everyone laughs, even I snicker a bit. He manages to pull himself up and finish the rope climbing though, Trainers take him away to get a new uniform.
I do the climbing in about two minutes which isn't that bad..
I check out the top ten list afterwards
Wow... not surprised I haven't made it nor will I ever make it.. I look down at my dark uniform with my District number on it. It's so boring and plain, its literally just a Black sweater with red stripes.
"Okay!" Linda says "One more course! Sword training!"
We all walk over to sword training, some people talk to one another but overall its pretty quiet. I go fourth in line and the buzzer rings, the District 1 female goes first.
I take a deep breathe, sword training isnt really my type of thing. I'm 14 and for some reason I get the feeling swords are more for the older Tributes.
The District 1 female jumps on top of her first target and literally beheads it, the Careers cheer her on.
"Go Zelda!" The District 2 female yells
"Argh!" Zelda yelps, as she dives her long shiny sword into the targets chest, it goes straight through.
My stomach tightens when i see this, chances are she is going to kill at least one person... I wonder who she'll behead.
The District 5 female is up next and does a pretty good job, I hear the District 4, 6 and 7 girls gossiping about her.
A few minutes pass and I know its my turn next, i'm pretty nervous.. I grab the smallest sword and hold it tightly taking a deep breathe I swing the sword and it crushes into the upper leg.
I smile, its not a critical hit but it's not bad.
I stab the next target in the stomach hoping it would go straight through but it only goes in four inches, the target's inside are supposed to mock the real insides of a human.
I get off the sword practicing area and go to where everyone who has finished is standing around talking, theres only four others here and two are Careers. I walk down and then turn to see the District 11 boy is there.. maybe i could ask to ally with someone here. Theres the District 1 boy and girl... wonder how that'd turn out...theres the District 5 girl the District 8 boy and the District 11 boy.. he looks my age.
"Lunch!" Linda yells and the five of us walk to the Cafeteria, we grab trays of stir fry and sit at Table one. These dumb motherfuckers.. they think i'm stupid..I guess my plan is going good so far since everyone is falling for it. By day three every other Career will be dead... expect for me. I sit beside Soon and work my magic.
"Did you like training?" Soon asks me
"Yeah" I say rubbing my foot on his leg below the table "It was fun"
"I liked the Climbing" Furry says smiling, Furry thinks he's a fucking career.. yeah right.
"You did good!" Zach says nicely too him
"Yeah man" Soon agrees "Good job"
"Thanks" Furry says, and resumes eating.
"So who should we kill first?" I ask breaking the silence
"What?" Soon says in confusion
"Like in the Bloodbath" I say explaining myself "Should we kill the threats or the weaklings first?"
"Threats" Says Zach while he eats
"I agree" Zelda says kindly
"Who?" I ask them
"District 6 guy?" Soon asks
I nod "Yeah he's a threat"
"We should aim for him" Zach says in agreement
"What about District 7 girl?" I say, I only say this because I know it'll get to Furry.
Furry's eyes widen at this and he looks at me, he opens his mouth but nothing comes out. I wonder who I should say we should kill next..
Athena is already allies with someone so I cant ally with her...I'm waiting in line thinking about who to poss… moreibly ally with.
Suddenly the boy from 9's uniform rips open and you can see his entire body.. man thats embarrassing. All the careers laugh and in fact nearly everyone laughs, even I snicker a bit. He manages to pull himself up and finish the rope climbing though, Trainers take him away to get a new uniform.
I do the climbing in about two minutes which isn't that bad..
I check out the top ten list afterwards
* Carley
* Zach
* Furry
* Hope
* Soon
* Thomas
* Zelda
* Nero
* Atlas
* Shelly
Wow... not surprised I haven't made it nor will I ever make it.. I look down at my dark uniform with my District number on it. It's so boring and plain, its literally just a Black sweater with red stripes.
"Okay!" Linda says "One more course! Sword training!"
We all walk … [view original content]
Athena is already allies with someone so I cant ally with her...I'm waiting in line thinking about who to poss… moreibly ally with.
Suddenly the boy from 9's uniform rips open and you can see his entire body.. man thats embarrassing. All the careers laugh and in fact nearly everyone laughs, even I snicker a bit. He manages to pull himself up and finish the rope climbing though, Trainers take him away to get a new uniform.
I do the climbing in about two minutes which isn't that bad..
I check out the top ten list afterwards
* Carley
* Zach
* Furry
* Hope
* Soon
* Thomas
* Zelda
* Nero
* Atlas
* Shelly
Wow... not surprised I haven't made it nor will I ever make it.. I look down at my dark uniform with my District number on it. It's so boring and plain, its literally just a Black sweater with red stripes.
"Okay!" Linda says "One more course! Sword training!"
We all walk … [view original content]
Athena is already allies with someone so I cant ally with her...I'm waiting in line thinking about who to poss… moreibly ally with.
Suddenly the boy from 9's uniform rips open and you can see his entire body.. man thats embarrassing. All the careers laugh and in fact nearly everyone laughs, even I snicker a bit. He manages to pull himself up and finish the rope climbing though, Trainers take him away to get a new uniform.
I do the climbing in about two minutes which isn't that bad..
I check out the top ten list afterwards
* Carley
* Zach
* Furry
* Hope
* Soon
* Thomas
* Zelda
* Nero
* Atlas
* Shelly
Wow... not surprised I haven't made it nor will I ever make it.. I look down at my dark uniform with my District number on it. It's so boring and plain, its literally just a Black sweater with red stripes.
"Okay!" Linda says "One more course! Sword training!"
We all walk … [view original content]
Athena is already allies with someone so I cant ally with her...I'm waiting in line thinking about who to poss… moreibly ally with.
Suddenly the boy from 9's uniform rips open and you can see his entire body.. man thats embarrassing. All the careers laugh and in fact nearly everyone laughs, even I snicker a bit. He manages to pull himself up and finish the rope climbing though, Trainers take him away to get a new uniform.
I do the climbing in about two minutes which isn't that bad..
I check out the top ten list afterwards
* Carley
* Zach
* Furry
* Hope
* Soon
* Thomas
* Zelda
* Nero
* Atlas
* Shelly
Wow... not surprised I haven't made it nor will I ever make it.. I look down at my dark uniform with my District number on it. It's so boring and plain, its literally just a Black sweater with red stripes.
"Okay!" Linda says "One more course! Sword training!"
We all walk … [view original content]
Athena is already allies with someone so I cant ally with her...I'm waiting in line thinking about who to poss… moreibly ally with.
Suddenly the boy from 9's uniform rips open and you can see his entire body.. man thats embarrassing. All the careers laugh and in fact nearly everyone laughs, even I snicker a bit. He manages to pull himself up and finish the rope climbing though, Trainers take him away to get a new uniform.
I do the climbing in about two minutes which isn't that bad..
I check out the top ten list afterwards
* Carley
* Zach
* Furry
* Hope
* Soon
* Thomas
* Zelda
* Nero
* Atlas
* Shelly
Wow... not surprised I haven't made it nor will I ever make it.. I look down at my dark uniform with my District number on it. It's so boring and plain, its literally just a Black sweater with red stripes.
"Okay!" Linda says "One more course! Sword training!"
We all walk … [view original content]
Athena is already allies with someone so I cant ally with her...I'm waiting in line thinking about who to poss… moreibly ally with.
Suddenly the boy from 9's uniform rips open and you can see his entire body.. man thats embarrassing. All the careers laugh and in fact nearly everyone laughs, even I snicker a bit. He manages to pull himself up and finish the rope climbing though, Trainers take him away to get a new uniform.
I do the climbing in about two minutes which isn't that bad..
I check out the top ten list afterwards
* Carley
* Zach
* Furry
* Hope
* Soon
* Thomas
* Zelda
* Nero
* Atlas
* Shelly
Wow... not surprised I haven't made it nor will I ever make it.. I look down at my dark uniform with my District number on it. It's so boring and plain, its literally just a Black sweater with red stripes.
"Okay!" Linda says "One more course! Sword training!"
We all walk … [view original content]
Athena is already allies with someone so I cant ally with her...I'm waiting in line thinking about who to poss… moreibly ally with.
Suddenly the boy from 9's uniform rips open and you can see his entire body.. man thats embarrassing. All the careers laugh and in fact nearly everyone laughs, even I snicker a bit. He manages to pull himself up and finish the rope climbing though, Trainers take him away to get a new uniform.
I do the climbing in about two minutes which isn't that bad..
I check out the top ten list afterwards
* Carley
* Zach
* Furry
* Hope
* Soon
* Thomas
* Zelda
* Nero
* Atlas
* Shelly
Wow... not surprised I haven't made it nor will I ever make it.. I look down at my dark uniform with my District number on it. It's so boring and plain, its literally just a Black sweater with red stripes.
"Okay!" Linda says "One more course! Sword training!"
We all walk … [view original content]
Nero D3
I wake up and roll over forgetting where I was for a second but then I quickly remembered.. The Fucking Hunger Games.
Ever since i walked in on Susie crying and cheered her up we've been close, shes like my little sister.. we arent allies though as far as i know. She's never brought it up and nor have i.
I watch some Television as I see the sun creep in through the Capitol's abstract skyscrapers..
The Capitol is so weird, everything about it is weird, the customs especially.. they eat so formally. In District 3 we eat whatever we can get.. After I finish watching Television i get up and have a shower which is in my room, the water is nice and warm. I get out and dry myself off and get my clothes on, Breakfast isn't until an hour.. my clock reads 6:02am. I'm not tired though, i slept so well from Training I think I did a pretty good job. I lay on my bed and just think, the last few days have been so damn busy and bizarre.. sometimes its nice to lay back and just do nothing.
"AHHH!!!" A Scream yells from another room
"Susie?!" I exclaim and dash out my room and run down the long wooden hallway.
I open her door and Susie is laying on her bed covered in sweat..
"Sorry Nero" Susie cries "I had a nightmare"
"It's okay" I say kindly "I was up anyways.. what was the dream about?"
I sit on her bed next to her.
"The District 2 guy.." She says slowly "He was chasing me through the woods.. then right when I thought I got away from him I turned around and..."
Susie bursted into tears
"It's not far off though, is it?" She cries "He probably will kill me.."
"You just have to try" I say supporting her "Thats all you can do Susie, all 24 of us are scared.. we all think we are going to die"
Susie looks down...
"You know the nursery rhyme?" She asks me
I nod, instantly knowing the one she's talking about. It's the most popular one is District 3, everyone knows it.. it's like our national anthem.
"Want to sing it with me?" She says nicely "It always makes me feel better.."
"Sure" I say kindly
Susie looks at me and wipes a tear off her face, then she pulls her hair back into a tight ponytail.
Susie clears her throat.
"Over the hill" She sings
"Cross th' sky" I sing back and she hums
"That is where my cresent body lies" She sings weakly
"And baby don't cry" I sing back and she smiles "The sky won't fly by"
"Over the hill" She sings again "Cross th' sky"
"That is whereee my body liiess" I sing louder "No baby dont cryyy, you'll feel better on the other side!"
"Where the life inside your soul.." She sings "Has gone away..."
"You're pretty good" I say cutting her off
"Thanks" She says nicely "Nero, can you promise me something?"
"What is it?" I ask
"I'm not stupid" Susie says eyeing me "I know you dont want to be allies with me... but can you atleast try to keep me safe in the Bloodbath...please just try?"
What should Nero say?
[I'll try] [I can't]
I put on my tribute uniform for the last days on Training, me and Unk are the first ones in the Training Center but for some odd reason the District 10 boy is there too. We look around and see the room is different.. theres tape that goes along the floor now, looks like something you would use to control lines.
"Welcome" Linda says to us "Today will be a lot different."
"How so?" I asked
"Unlike Yesterday you will go through the same Training as every other Tribute for the first portion of the day, after lunch you can do whatever you want" Linda says to us
Dammit! I think Now i have to wait in a line for each Tribute to do the same course..
An elevator stops and the District 2's and 6's get out, 5 seconds later another elevator stops and the District 1's and 11's arrive. Within fifteen minutes all 24 tributes are here.. some look like they're ready to do business.
"How are you feeling?" Unk asks me
"About what?" I ask him back
"You know.." He trails off
"About my mother and sister dying?" I hiss at him "I'm doing fantastic"
Unk walks away, I feel bad but i've had enough people ask me about them.. my Stylist, Mentor, Escort, even a fucking Trainer. It doesnt even matter to me, i'll probably be with them in a few days anyways..
"Hello" Linda says to the crowd "Today will be alot different"
"All 24 of you will be doing the same 3 courses before lunch" Linda says
"After lunch your free to do what we want" She remarks, most people look annoyed by this.. we need time to train.
"Now" Linda says to the crowd "We are starting with Throwing Knife training.. theres 3 moving targets.. you must try to hit the critical areas of the body.. now. Who wants to go first!"
I could say I want to go first, that would make me look super badass and brave.. but if I fail everyone might laugh at me. Is it a risk i'm willing to take?
Should Jeanie go first?
[Go first] [Stay silent]
[I'll try] Poor Susie
+ he can always ditch her if he doesn't want to keep her safe after the bloodbath.
[Stay silent] If she's too good careers will hunt her down, and im kind of rooting for Jeanie to win if my character dies.
Btw I was just wondering if it's only going to be like every characters POV for the trainings/games or is it only going to be the characters you fully introduced in the reapings
[I can't]
[Go first]
[I'll Try]
[Stay silent]
great chapter!
[Yes] What could possibly go wrong when they soon have to bash each other's heads in for the sake of entertainment? Oh wait...
[I'll try]
Even though I can totally see Nero dying in the bloodbath trying to protect her... I have to say he is nicer than I thought, but I kinda like it! And I'll be damned if I value the life of my own character over poor Susie's!
[Go first]
If she makes it and looks super badass, that's cool for her. If she fails and everyone laughs at her, everyone would be quicker to underestimate her in the games, which is also cool for her.
I guess I should start pushing one character with my votes, but I find myself unable to do so. I just like them all... Damn, the bloodbath will devastate me. The only one's I won't root for are the career's!
[I'll try.] Oh god, I'm scared for poor Susie
[Go first.]
[I'll try]
[Go first]
Awesome Chapter!!!
[I'll try]
[Go first]
Every character.
[I'll try]
[Go first]
Starting Part 8
Who needs allies, they're just a waste of time... I'll be better off on my own when the games start. We all line up for the throwing knife practice, the girl from 8 goes first. She misses 2 of the 3 targets and some of the Careers snicker..
"Not a threat" I mumble to myself
The boy from 2 goes next and does a okay job, but the girl from 2 hits every target directly...
I see my District partner go and hit 2 of the 3 directly also... its pretty scary honestly. I'm okay at throwing knives, they're the weapon im best at.. i've been training with them for the past day and have gotten a lot better. I'm only 15 so I don't think my chances at winning these games are all that high. I miss my parents, they're the only reason I want to win.. but i'll have to go through hell to get there.
"Thomas" A trainer says to me "Go"
"What?" I ask him
"Go" He urges "You're up next"
Understanding him I pick up the throwing knives..
"Flick the wrist" I remind myself, a buzzer rings and the targets begin to move.
I throw the first one and it completely misses the target..
Fuck! I totally screwed up.
I throw the second one and watch it glide through the air and hit the stomach of the target!
A smile arises on my face as I throw the third which hits the targets temple. I see four of the Careers eyeing me and look down.. hopefully they know not to mess with me.
Hope walks up to me
"Good job" She says mutually
"Thanks" I reply kindly
"The careers might actually like you" Hope jokes
"What?" I say "They don't like you?"
"Yeah they sorta hate me" Hope exclaims "I made fun of the boy from 2 when he fell over"
"Smart" I say jokingly
The last tribute finishes the Throwing knives.
"OKAY!" Linda yells at us "It's time for climbing"
Theres a 60 foot jungle gym in the next room, we have climb on these ropes and sway back and fourth and can tip over. It looks super nerve racking..
Hope walks away and I go towards the line..i'm going second right after the Boy from 7..
A buzzer rings and he goes, he instantly climbs up the rope and the Careers cheer him on. He almost tips the rope over and one point but manages to balance himself on the rope. He finishes in about 45 seconds.. fuck thats really good.
A buzzer rings and its my turn I slowly climb up the black rope.. at first it feel secure.. but as i climb higher the rope gets more loose. I get to the part where I have to climb over the rope bridge.. I begin and it tops to the left slightly. I look down... i'm about fifteen to twenty feet from the ground..I rop tips dramatically to the right and I panic moving my body to the left. The whole rope flips over and i'm hanging on the bottom of the rope.
Holy fuck, holy fuck. What do i do? I'm intelligent i just need to think.. okay.... I need to use my upper body strength to flip the rope back the other way...
"Come on Thomas!" Hope yells in encouragement "You can do it!"
I suddenly feel my uniform begin to rip... oh fuck! I knew I took a size too small!. If I don't fall my whole Uniform will rip off and all the tributes will get to see every part of my body.. but if i fall ill look weak.
Should Thomas fall?
[Fall] [Hang on]
I'm the last person in line for climbing training so I cant see anything up there. Some of these tributes are just so tall.. I have no allies in these games. I talk to Santiago and we've became friends after I threaten to punch my escort on the train. But we are not allies, theres a big difference between friends and allies.. trust me. The fact we cant do free time before lunch is so stupid... we only have two days to train and 1/4 of the time will be wasted on this shit.
The girls in front of me are non stop gossiping.
"Oh my god did she tell you yet?" The girl from 4 squeals
"Tell me what! Tell me what!" The girl from 7 askes
"Okay, okay" The girl from 6 says softly
"So I talk to Atlas last night" Girl from 6 said
"And what did he say!" The girl from 7 anticipated
"He said he likes you!' The girl from 6 says excitedly
The girl from 7 blushed and The girl from 4 laughed.
"Ylenia has a cruuush!" The girl from 4 sings
"Do not!" The girl from 7 protests.
God... this is giving me a headache.. they are acting like we arent going to all die in 10 days.
"That is so cute" The girl from 4 says
"Where is he now?" Ylenia asks the girl from 6.
The girl from 6 shrugs.
They keep talking excitedly when the girl from 6 notices me looking at her, I quickly look away.
"Excuse me?" The girl from 6 says to me sort of rudely "Do have something to say to me?"
Fuck, I should have never listened to them.. what a rude thing to do. But i can be a total bitch to them if i want to, theres nothing holding me back now.
How should Lun reply?
[Be nice] [Be rude]
Finished planning out the bloodbath and all i can say is... I got a little teary eyed just writing it out.
[Hang on.]
[Be rude.]
[Fall] [Be rude]
[Hang on.]
[Be rude.]
[Hang on]
[Be rude]
Oh no
[Hang on]
[Be rude]
Awesome chapter!
[Hang on]
[Be nice]
Great chapter!
Not ready... So not ready.
[Hang on]
[Be nice]
[Be rude]
Oh god, it's probably going to crush me emotionally... I got the bad feeling Nero is going to die for Susie...
[Hang on]
[Be rude]
Starting Part 8
[Hang on]
[Be rude] - it's Lun's nature
[Hang on]
[Be rude]
Awesome Chapter!!!
Athena is already allies with someone so I cant ally with her...I'm waiting in line thinking about who to possibly ally with.
Suddenly the boy from 9's uniform rips open and you can see his entire body.. man thats embarrassing. All the careers laugh and in fact nearly everyone laughs, even I snicker a bit. He manages to pull himself up and finish the rope climbing though, Trainers take him away to get a new uniform.
I do the climbing in about two minutes which isn't that bad..
I check out the top ten list afterwards
Wow... not surprised I haven't made it nor will I ever make it.. I look down at my dark uniform with my District number on it. It's so boring and plain, its literally just a Black sweater with red stripes.
"Okay!" Linda says "One more course! Sword training!"
We all walk over to sword training, some people talk to one another but overall its pretty quiet. I go fourth in line and the buzzer rings, the District 1 female goes first.
I take a deep breathe, sword training isnt really my type of thing. I'm 14 and for some reason I get the feeling swords are more for the older Tributes.
The District 1 female jumps on top of her first target and literally beheads it, the Careers cheer her on.
"Go Zelda!" The District 2 female yells
"Argh!" Zelda yelps, as she dives her long shiny sword into the targets chest, it goes straight through.
My stomach tightens when i see this, chances are she is going to kill at least one person... I wonder who she'll behead.
The District 5 female is up next and does a pretty good job, I hear the District 4, 6 and 7 girls gossiping about her.
A few minutes pass and I know its my turn next, i'm pretty nervous.. I grab the smallest sword and hold it tightly taking a deep breathe I swing the sword and it crushes into the upper leg.
I smile, its not a critical hit but it's not bad.
I stab the next target in the stomach hoping it would go straight through but it only goes in four inches, the target's inside are supposed to mock the real insides of a human.
I get off the sword practicing area and go to where everyone who has finished is standing around talking, theres only four others here and two are Careers. I walk down and then turn to see the District 11 boy is there.. maybe i could ask to ally with someone here. Theres the District 1 boy and girl... wonder how that'd turn out...theres the District 5 girl the District 8 boy and the District 11 boy.. he looks my age.
Who should John ask to ally?
[District 1's] [District 5 female] [District 8 boy] [District 11 boy] [Nobody]
"Lunch!" Linda yells and the five of us walk to the Cafeteria, we grab trays of stir fry and sit at Table one. These dumb motherfuckers.. they think i'm stupid..I guess my plan is going good so far since everyone is falling for it. By day three every other Career will be dead... expect for me. I sit beside Soon and work my magic.
"Did you like training?" Soon asks me
"Yeah" I say rubbing my foot on his leg below the table "It was fun"
"I liked the Climbing" Furry says smiling, Furry thinks he's a fucking career.. yeah right.
"You did good!" Zach says nicely too him
"Yeah man" Soon agrees "Good job"
"Thanks" Furry says, and resumes eating.
"So who should we kill first?" I ask breaking the silence
"What?" Soon says in confusion
"Like in the Bloodbath" I say explaining myself "Should we kill the threats or the weaklings first?"
"Threats" Says Zach while he eats
"I agree" Zelda says kindly
"Who?" I ask them
"District 6 guy?" Soon asks
I nod "Yeah he's a threat"
"We should aim for him" Zach says in agreement
"What about District 7 girl?" I say, I only say this because I know it'll get to Furry.
Furry's eyes widen at this and he looks at me, he opens his mouth but nothing comes out. I wonder who I should say we should kill next..
Should should Carley suggest targeting?
[District 9 female] [District 5 female] [District 3 male] [District 4 female]
[District 11 boy] My Sagig!!! Please vote for this everyone!!!
[District 9 female] Sorry Hope
Awesome Chapter!!!
[District 1's]
[District 5 female.] God Carley is so arrogant. I hope someone stabs her. DONT VOTE DISTRICT 4 FEMALE. PLEASE.
[District 11 boy]
[District 5 female]
[District 11 boy]
[District 5 female] Sorry Lun...
I'm literally shaking. This is so intense and it's not even the games yet..
[District 11 boy]
[District 5 female]
[District 11 boy]
[District 4 female]
[District 1's]
[District 5 Female]
Awesome chapter!