All Song Lyrics
This discussion concerns the lyrics of all songs within the Game of Thrones game, their meaning and significance. So far, three songs have been released in the game: "The Trout and the Towers", which is played in the opening scene of episode one, The Ballad of the Forresters (known also as Talia's Ballad), which is found at the end of episode two and "Northward Ho!" which is played during the fifth episode.
The Trout and the Towers
- The trout, the trout, the trout in the towers,
- The wolves dropped the fish ‘n’ they all ran away.
- The trout, he flopped on for hours and hours,
- And spawned a Walder Frey!
- Another Walder Frey!
- Two weddings, two beddings,
- Brought on by beheadings,
- A night in me cups for me!
- Two weddings, two beddings,
- Brought on by beheadings,
- Yet all ends happily!
- All ends happily!
- The stag, the stag, the stag in the garden,
- His crown is a gift from the wildest boar.
- When roses are bloomin' and antlers are hardened
- The stag growls “hear me roar!”
- A lion’s fearsome roar!
- Two weddings, two beddings,
- Brought on by beheadings,
- A night in me cups for me!
- Two weddings, two beddings,
- Brought on by beheadings,
- Yet all ends happily!
- All ends happily!
Interpretation - minor A Song of Ice and Fire spoilers/HBO TV series spoilers
- The trout, the trout, the trout in the towers,
The sigil of House Tully is a silver trout. The song appears to refer to Lord Edmure Tully. The "towers" to the twins and House Frey, with particular focus to a female Frey.
- The wolves dropped the fish 'n' they all ran away.
- The trout, he flopped on for hours and hours,
The "wolves" refers to House Stark.
This part of the song is clever in that it has dual meaning. When someone drops a fish they flop as they are not in water: water keeps fish puffed up but when they are out with water they panic and "deflate". This links into the second meaning which is that Edmure cannot "perform" with the female Frey. "Flop" can mean being loose. This could mean that the Starks let Edmure "fall" and make a fool of himself by being unable to conceive/perform. In response to this, nobody helped Edmure but instead "all ran away" - perhaps? (I think I'm missing something here).
In A Game of Thrones (book) Tom Sevenstrings is said to have made a song about a "floppy fish": this was presumably about Edmure who was too drunk to perform. Tom has previously had trouble with House Tully...
Further to this, the song also foreshadows the Red Wedding. Robb Stark (the Starks) "dropped" his uncle (fish) at the Frey's in his place to be betrothed to Walder Frey's daughter. "they all ran away" may refer to the former followers of the Stark's and Tully's: following the Red Wedding they fled and did not re-form to pursue the Frey's/Bolton's.
- And spawned a Walder Frey!
- Another Walder Frey!
This refers to Edmure impregnating his wife, Roslin Frey, before and during the Red Wedding. She gave birth to a child who was presumably a boy who she named Walder Frey.
- Two weddings, two beddings
- Brought on by beheadings,
The only possible interpretation I can take from this given the context is that it is the marriage of Lord Eddard Stark and Lady Catelyn Tully and the marriage of Lord Jon Arryn and Lady Lysa Tully which took place during the same ceremony at Riverrun. This was caused by Robert's Rebellion which, obviously, involved blood, death and beheadings. This makes the most sense for me as Edmure Tully and the Stark family would both be in attendence at this event, fitting in with the rest of the song.
It could also be reflecting the two planned weddings and beddings on behalf of the Stark's: Robb Stark's proposed engagement which did not come to pass and the wedding/bedding of his uncle, Edmure, to Roslin Frey.
- A night in me cups for me!
Could either refer to the measurement of a woman's parts, cups of some sort of alcohol or (most likely) it could mean hands.
- Yet all ends happily!
- All ends happily!
This is quite dark, sinister and possibly sarcastic in my opinion. I believe that this could be referring to the "happy" outcome of the Red Wedding from the perspective of House Frey, Bolton and the enemies of House Tully (which the piece is written in). Or, it could be referring to the marriage of Catelyn to Eddard/Lysa to Jon (this was not a happy marriage: Lysa poisoned Jon which caused the War of the Five Kings, killing thousands including Robb Stark and the majority of his host at the Red Wedding). It is already established in the song that people have died ("beheadings") just for these two weddings to take place: it therefore is not a happily-ever-after/fairy-tale ending.
- The stag, the stag, the stag in the garden,
- His crown is a gift from the wildest boar.
This part of the song refers to Renly Baratheon, the stag (which is the sigil of House Baratheon) representing Renly, the Garden representing the Reach. The Reach is compared to flowery images such as roses (the sigil of House Tyrell, who are the lords of the Reach) and gardens (Highgarden being the seat of House Tyrell), derived from the region's famed fertility and the legend of Garth the Gardener. House Tyrell initially supported Renly Baratheon's claim to the Iron Throne before his death, making him the Baratheon brother (or the 'Stag') in the Reach (or the 'Garden'). His claim to the throne was gifted to him by the death of Robert Baratheon, his elder brother, who died at the hands of a wild boar.
- When roses are bloomin' and antlers are hardened
- The stag growls “hear me roar!”
- A lion’s fearsome roar!
This relates to the conflict between Renly and Stannis at Storm's End: the two stags (the two Baratheon brothers) are clashing antlers to win/retain the allegiance of the rose, House Tyrell, who flourishes upon Renly's death with the marriage of Margaery Tyrell to Joffrey Baratheon. Joffrey, unknown to the realm at large, is the incestuous child of Cersei and Jaime Lannister. House Lannister's words are "Hear Me Roar!" I think this is underlying the fact that the stag "growling" is actually a Lion (the sigil of House Lannister) "roaring" - Joffrey - who is choosing the words of the Lannister's over the Baratheon's (and is actually a Lannister pretending to be a Baratheon).
More importantly, I think this is included in the song as it parallels the Tully/Stark "two weddings two beddings": this time it is the weddings of Margaery Tyrell with Renly and Joffrey, brought on within the context of "beheadings" (war).
And "All ends happily!": everybody dies!
The Ballad of the Forresters (Talia's Ballad)
The lyrics of the song change slightly dependent on what your choice was for Ethan's final line of dialogue after Ramsey claims Talia as his own. Below are 5 variations of the song.
[Grab Talia]
Can be found here. Lyrics can be found in the description (no subtitles available on screen):
- From ice, from ice, we Forresters born,
- To ice we all return.
- Father, brother I've sworn, I've sworn,
- To guard this rest you've earned.
- I'd bare my neck to Ilyn Payne,
- And swim the Shivering Sea.
- Paint Slaver's Bay in crimson rains,
- To bring Ethan back to me.
- Snow grabbed me from my mother's grasp,
- To claim me as his prize.
- Ethan freed me from Ramsey's clasp,
- The rival lords locked eyes, the rival lords locked eyes.
- Fight on, fight on, Ethan the Brave,
- Old Gods bare steel with you.
- Our lord, my twin, a hero's grave.
- So iron grows anew,
- Still iron grows anew
Let her go!
Can be found here. Lyrics can be obtain on screen through subtitles and are also found in the description:
- From ice, from ice, we Forresters born,
- To ice we all return.
- Father, brother I've sworn, I've sworn,
- To guard this rest you've earned.
- I'd bare my neck to Ilyn Payne,
- And swim the Shivering Sea.
- Paint Slaver's Bay in crimson rains,
- To bring Ethan back to me.
- His final words, faced with the sword,
- Chilled Ramsey to the bone.
- You will not have her, I am Lord,
- And I protect my own!
- Fight on, fight on, Ethan the Brave,
- Old Gods bare steel with you.
- Our lord, my twin, a hero's grave.
- So iron grows anew,
- Still iron grows anew
Take me instead.
Can be found here. Lyrics can be obtain on screen through subtitles (they are not found in the description):
- From ice, from ice, we Forresters born,
- To ice we all return.
- Father, brother I've sworn, I've sworn,
- To guard this rest you've earned.
- I'd bare my neck to Ilyn Payne,
- And swim the Shivering Sea.
- Paint Slaver's Bay in crimson rains,
- To bring Ethan back to me.
- His final words, faced with the sword,
- Cut short the bastards breath,
- Take me as hostage oh my lord!
- He saved us all from death.
- Fight on, fight on, Ethan the Brave,
- Old Gods bare steel with you.
- Our lord, my twin, a hero's' grave.
- So iron grows anew,
- Still iron grows anew.
Can be found here with lyrics on screen:
- From ice, from ice, we Forresters born,
- To ice we all return,
- Father, brother we mourn, we mourn,
- These family trees we've burned.
- I'd bare my neck to Ilyn Payne
- And swim the Shivering Sea.
- Paint Slaver's Bay in crimson rains,
- To bring Ethan back to me.
- When Ramsey claimed me for his ward,
- Ethan spurred the tyrant,
- My brother's clam defied our lord,
- Ethan strong and silent.
- Watch on, watch on,
- Ethan the wise,
- Old Gods be one with you.
- Our Lord, my kin and an old soul dies.
- So iron grows anew,
- Still iron grows anew.
Credits - Extended
Can be found here. Lyrics can be obtain on screen through subtitles and are also found in the description:
- From ice, from ice, we Forresters born,
- To ice we all return.
- [Father, brother, I've sworn, I've sworn,
- To guard this rest you've earned.] - Section changes based on how you save Talia. The lyrics of the Ballads above have the same lyrics in this section of this Ballad as they did when Talia sings.
- May kings and queens melt down their crowns.
- A pyre on Aegon's hill.
- In floods of gold, I pray they drown,
- For all the blood they spilled.
- Mance, sound the horn of winters past
- Call starving giants forth.
- Urge cannibals to break their fast,
- On wardens of the North.
- Eastern mages empty the veins,
- Of beasts across the sea.
- Paint Slaver's Bay in crimson rains,
- To bring Ethan back to me.
- [His final words, faced with the sword
- Chilled Ramsay to the bone
- You will not have her, I am Lord
- And I protect my own!
- Fight on, fight on, Ethan the Brave,
- Old gods bear steel with you.
- Our lord, my twin, a hero's grave.] - Section changes based on how you save Talia. The lyrics of the Ballads above have the same lyrics in this section of this Ballad as they did when Talia sings.
- So iron grows anew.
- Still iron grows anew.
Side note - TV/Future episode spoilers
I've noticed that the lyrics of the credits song reflect what is to come in the series. Here's my interpretation:
A pyre on Aegon's hill
King Joffrey's death.
Alternative description: 'In a flood of gold, I pray they drown': Fall of Viserys and the Targaryens from power.
Mance, sound the horn of winters past
The start of winter and Mance Rayder sounding the horn for the Wildings' to attack the wall.
- Call starving giants forth.
- Urge cannibals to break their fast,
- On wardens of the North.
Continues image of wildlings attacking. The 'giants' serve Mance. She's urging clan Thenn who serve Mance to "break their fast" (end a period of not eating (people)) by eating the Boltons.
- Eastern mages empty the veins,
- Of beasts across the sea
Bloodmages from the east (Essos) are renowned for their dark spells to heal people from death. Maegi brought Drogo, Daenerys former husband, back to life through blood magic. To perform blood magic they require 'blood for blood', as blood is found in veins they "empty" the veins of one thing and use it on another. 'Beasts' may refer to Daenerys dragons, her baby or the empty shell that was left of Drogo and Daenerys for allowing dark magic to be used on him (as it was an inhumane and selfish act).
The practice is generally frowned upon, with this immagery clearly showing the lengths that Talia would go just to bring Ethan back - she would be willing to go to a blood mage to bring him back to life. This could perhaps be foreshadowing that Ethan will be resurrected through blood magic (maybe even with the sacrifice of Talia's life)?
Paint Slaver's Bay in crimson rains
Slaver's Bay will be turned red through all the blood ('crimson rains') spilled through Daenerys conquest. Talia would be willing to do this just to bring Ethan back. It could also be suggesting that she will use the blood of the war along slavery's bay to bring Ethan back.
To bring Ethan back to me
Perhaps a reference that Asher will find an army and return to Westeros to 'bring Ethan back' by getting revenge?
What this means?
I am hoping that the final extended Ballad is a foreshadow of what is to come. The structured order of the Ballad reflects this. The second, third and fourth quartets of the Ballad each refer to a different event which takes place in the main HBO TV series. I believe that this is a chronological order of how these events will occur from now (the first quartet which refers to the 1st and 2nd episodes which mourn the deaths of Ethan and Lord Gregor).
Perhaps it also suggests that "things are only just starting" and that these events will help to carry the Forrester story forward until it reaches it's climax. Also, note how the quartet after the fourth changes dependent on your actions - this could suggest that the 6th and final episode of the series will depend on your actions across episodes 1-5 (with particular focus to episodes 3, 4 and 5?)
To put it simply, I believe that episode 3 will be:
- May kings and queens melt down their crowns.
- A pyre on Aegon's hill.
- In floods of gold, I pray they drown,
- For all the blood they spilled.
The Purple Wedding.
Episode 4:
- Mance, sound the horn of winters past
- Call starving giants forth.
- Urge cannibals to break their fast,
- On wardens of the North.
Wilding attack on wall.
Episode 5:
- Eastern mages empty the veins,
- Of beasts across the sea.
- Paint Slaver's Bay in crimson rains,
- To bring Ethan back to me.
Daenerys liberation of Meereen.
Episode 6:
This one will depend on your choices perhaps?
Maybe I am over-thinking, but isn't it a little coincidental that Mira is at King's Landing (where the Purple Wedding takes place, and is suggested to be attending it in episodes 1, 2 and the preview for 3), that Gared is at the Wall and that Asher is heading to Meereen?
Northward Ho!
Can be found here. (No lyrics):
- We'll fight for the Forresters, fight for the good!
- Hey, ho, Northward Ho!
- We'll fight for their riches and ironwood!
- Hey, ho, Northward Ho!
- Hey, ho, Northward Ho!
- Hey, ho, Northward Ho!
I found it funny how if you take the coward's way and say nothing when Ramsay grabs her, she proclaims Ethan as the wise one, rather than being brave. Guess she has to defend her brother in death (even if you play him as incompetent).
Me too. For that one she seems to be "holding back" by saying they are mourning the family tree rather than the 'guarding the rest you've earned'. It's the only one which she doesn't call his grave a 'hero's grave' too and only calls him her kin (relative) rather than twin.
It's definitely Ilyn Payne ! Here are my interpretations of what she's referencing.. (though very literal and not that interesting, I admit)
May kings and queens melt down their crowns.
A pyre on Aegon's hill.
In floods of gold, I pray they drown
Eastern mages empty the veins,
Of beasts across the sea.
Thanks, I've added what you've suggested in. Also please read the comment below for another possible interpretation, yet this contains some spoilers from the A Song of Ice and Fire books.
Mance Ryder sounding the Horn of Winter to resurrect the Giants and start Winter.
This could be a reference to Maggy's prophecy to Cersei Lannister...
'Crowns' can refer to literal crowns or their golden Lannister hair. Also, note the link that "gold" is emphasised in both passages and the obvious link between shroud and pyre... 'Drowning' is also mentioned in both the Ballad and the prophecy, yet this is likely coincidental.
Thanks for the lyrics, now I have the song in my head for ever.
You're welcome!
What's you're favourite version ? I think I like the extended version as it has alot of meaning behind it, but I love how the song changes dependent on your previous choices.
My choices version
"His final words, faced with the sword
Chilled Ramsey to the bone.
You will not have her, I am Lord
And I protect my own!
Fight on, fight on, Ethan the Brave"
Oh, mine was
I'm just glad I didn't chose "...", Talia's lyrics seem slightly more resentful towards Ethan "the Wise".
Thats was my little sister version.
my favorite part 1:48 - 1:51 "I'm going to kill that man."
Alt text
Great stuff! and people say our choices don't matter. To bad anyone doing just one play through or not bothering to investigate further will never find out this song has variations.
Decided to add some additional foreshadowing of what her Ballad means. Thoughts on this?
Great that that version has subtitles!
Thank you!
Cool stuff. :-)
All that Ethan saved Talia or Ethan chilled Ramsey to the bone is BS. Snow was doing whatever he wanted in Ironrath. Leaving Talia alone was his choice.
The outcome (Ethan's death) was the same for all 4 dialogue choices but each choice changed Talia's Ballad lyrics slightly (as you can see above). I'm not disputing the fact that Ethan's 'decision' was pretty limited in that scene - but telltale never really suggested that it was a decision...
Does anyone know why Talia says different lines when Ethan choses to "take me instead"??
In some accounts she sings:
In others it's:
Edit: Fixed I just got a bit mixed up.
I think it depends on what dialogue you chose in episode 1, @ArthurV posted the lyrics in this thread and the parts you are talking about are for the "Ethan the Wise" song.
Talia is a little girl mourning her brother.. I think we can cut her some slack if she chooses to paint him in a heroic light.
Oh yeah, sorry I got a little mixed up there! I already had it right, it's just I was going to add a link to that song and couldn't find the song with matching lyrics.
Actually, I picked keeping silent instead of the dullard's way (I wanted to play meek and manipulable to lull Ramsay into a sense of security: not endanger Talia) and Ramsay STILL STABBED ME, because he didn't want a "wise lord who would cause trouble". Not gonna lie, pretty fucking surprised by that, seemed bit forced and out of the blue.
So yeah, it was Ramsay who proclaimed it first; Talia just repeats whatever he says.
It may just be my imagination, but I could swear that I hear the steam message sound at 0:36.
I especially like it when the song reached "So iron grows anew. Still iron grows anew.", the camera slowly pans toward Rodrik's face and he ended the episode with the determined look.
Almost like a symbol that Rodrik's iron will has grown stronger than ever
The Crimson Rains is all about Blood magic, which while is forbidden and looked down on, that's how far Talia will go to bring Ethan back.
I forgot I mentioned that!
I'll be sure to add in the rest of what you've said, thanks!
I always wondered what would happen if you chose the silent option. I thought it would be a lot more awkward later since they claim he saved them... but apparently they still think so judging from the lyrics..
Talia does seem to "hold back" if you do chose the silent version.
For example:
... variant
other variant
In the silent version Talia appears to mourn "these family trees we've burned" rather than her brother: suggesting that she is mourning the reduced size of the family rather than the actual death of Ethan. "Guard this rest you've earned" paints Ethan in a more positive light as she suggests that Ethan deserves to finally rest (this doesn't mean she's glad he's dead, but rather that she is glad that he no longer needs to live with the burden of being lord of the house).
A more important point is:
... variant
Other variant
In the silent version she refers to Ethan as her kin as opposed to her twin - as both of these words rhyme it is clearly no accident. 'Kin' refers to a member of the family, this phrase is typically used when referring to distant relatives whose relation to you may be unclear whilst 'twin' is a far more intimate relationship. This is used to emphasise that she no longer regards him as close to her and thinks of him as more of a member of her family who she isn't considerably close to as opposed to her twin.
Furthermore, by using "an old soul dies" rather than "a hero's grave" the ballad establishes that Talia's thoughts are more with her father in the silent version. She does not suggest that Ethan was heroic by being silent, and so instead mourns her fathers wisdom. This again, subtly, shows that she appears to care less for Ethan in the silent version.
I think this is partly influenced on the promise you are able to make to Talia as Ethan in episode 1. If you remain silent whilst she's taken captive then you've acted as a "lord" rather than as her brother, as a result, the lyrics of the ballad reflect this more so than the personal relationship of Ethan and Talia. If you chose to 'save' Talia through any of the other three dialogue choices then she will remember you as her brother instead - this is again reflected through her lyrics.
I feel like "Ethan the Brave" is a more respectable title than "the Wise". By being remembered as "the Brave" it demonstrates that he has saved Talia's life in a totally selfless way. By being known as Ethan "the Wise" he is being remembered for his cowardice of being silent in order to save himself (and arguably House Forrester, which is again reflected by the "family tree" section of the silent ballad lyrics)...
Oh, you're right, there is actually a more distant feel to the silent one
do you know if it changes what Talia says about Ethan in the preview to episode 2? She says "He saved my life, he saved all of us", or something like that.
I'm really not sure but episode previews aren't much to go on, for example the preview for episode 2 turned out to be significantly different to the episode itself. eg. a scene is shown where Tyrion talks to Mira about her decision to side with Margaery Tyrell/Cersei Lannister in the throne room, yet this is not actually in episode 2.
I got same here, "Take me instead". Thanks for the Lyrics.
You're welcome
This song is really good, it just made the whole scene perfect. Game of Thrones show is known for its excellent music, I hope the game can continue that trend with more songs like this.
Yeah me too, I'll be sure to post the lyrics for more if they do come out
The bawdy wedding song "The Trout in the Towers" at the start of episode 1 was also written exclusively for the game. :-)
Oh thanks! I'll include the lyrics for the trout and the towers as part of this article
Does Talia's Ballad have an official name?
I'm not really sure about the meaning of Trout and the Towers and whether it's just a generic song on Walder Frey/Tullies/Starks on a rebellion or whether it actually has some symbolic meaning through phrases such as "two weddings, two beddings, Brought on by beheadings" and "the wolves dropped the fish in..." - any ideas?
The official title in the credits is "The Ballad of the Forresters" but I guess everyone just calls it "Talia's Song" which is cool by me!
"The Trout in the Towers" is a... naughty song. I'll leave the rest to you to figure out.
His final words, faced with the sword,
Cut short the bastards breath,
Take me as hostage oh my lord!
He saved us all from death.
Fight on, fight on, Ethan the Brave...
Oh I see. So not allowed in the forums then ?