Favorite Voice Actor
Whats your favorite voice actor? In my opinion Gavin Hammon (Kenny) is the best.
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Whats your favorite voice actor? In my opinion Gavin Hammon (Kenny) is the best.
Gavin is really good he really does a good job but I' am going with Dave Fenoy he is a guitar player. Gavin Hammon is a drummer there for I choose Dave Fenoy.
Dave Fenoy
Definitely my favorite was Trevor Hoffman for his performance as Ben.
Some honorable mentions would be Michael Ark as Arvo and Vitality in episode 5, Garvin Hammon as Kenny, Melissa Hutchinson as Clementine, Brian Bremer as Nick, Dave Fennoy as Lee, Vegas J. Jenkins as Russell and Owen Thomas as Omid and Troy.
Either Gavin Hammon, Dave Fennoy, or Michael Madsen, they were all fantastic.
Gavin Hammon.
Gavin Hammon, but Dave Fennoy is great too.
Melissa Hutchinson (Clementine)
She's AMAZING! ^^
Gavin and Melissa. They did a great job with Kenny & Clem and Beast & Beauty.
Dave Fennoy.
All of them
It would either have to be Dave Fennoy (Lee), Gavin Hammon (Kenny)
I have different reasons for both of them both being my favorites. Dave's voice acting was fucking amazing in season 1 and especially in episode 5, where he is saying his goodbyes to Clementine, the dark faded out voice is amazing in my opinion I love his voice and wish I could be as talented as Dave.
For Kenny in season 1 episode 3 is where his voice acting really comes into play, where he is trying to convince Katjaa that Duck can just go to sleep and wake up fine, or they can just give him something, the way his voice is so sad and we know why it is so sad but it makes the voice acting so much better. In season 2 episode 4 onwards is where I like Gavin's voice acting the most, after you go into the tent and Kenny's like "You know what it feels like to be beaten half to death? Peaceful it feels peaceful." That line onwards was probably the best voicing I have heard from Gavin, the bit on season 2 episode 5 where he is talking to Clem after "he needed to get some air" was my next favorite part from Kenny, when he says "I miss my boy, I miss him so much, didn't raise him like I should've." that line made me tear up just listening to it, and last but not least the part where Kenny is dying/leaving Wellington, the entire conversation between Clem and Kenny there was fucking superb in my opinion and I would be lying if I didn't tear up multiple times.
In the end i'm still in a tie between Dave and Gavin but i'm gonna go with Gavin. Sorry Dave
still love you though
Gavin Hammon ! The most incredible is that he doesn't really sound like Kenny when he speaks in interview, he kinda changes his voice especially for the character. Dave Fennoy and Michael Madsen are awesome too. And the actor who does Ben's voice is incredible too, he's just superb when he argues with Kenny after Crawford, if you saved him !
Honestly, they're all so incredible at their job.
gavin hammon (kenny), louisa mackintosh (sarah), and dave fennoy (lee). <<<all three are amazing!
---but honestly, all the actors in TWD are amazing. it's hard to pick just one.
All are fantastic, but if I had to pick it'd be Gavin, he gave some incredible performances.
Gavin Hammon and Dave Fennoy.
Tbh, I loved Nicki Rapp's work with Lilly.
Shay Moore, who voiced Rebecca.
Dave Fennoy (Lee) and Scott Porter (Luke)
Scott Porter ftw.
All of them, there hasn't been one voice I haven't liked.
Not a single one?
Not even--
Son of a....
Scott Porter As Luke.
Fennoy and Hammon of course, love their voices-
Like everyone else said, Gavin Hammon and Dave Fennoy, but also Nicole Vigil and Nicki Rapp.
Nicki Rapp
Dave fennoy and mellisa hatcinson
Dave Fennoy and Nicki Rapp
Dave Fennoy, Gavin Hammon, and Scott Porter. Michael Madsen did an excellent job too.
Jeremy Irons.
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James Earl Jones.
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Gavin Harmon.
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Either Nicki Rapp (Lilly) or Scott Porter (Luke). I really can't choose between the two.
Idk her name but Jane had a really nice voice