Writing a new story and need your help
Hello everyone! I have been writing stories for awhile and i finaly decided that I'll post the next story i write on fictionpress.com or fanfiction.com depends on where i'll take this story. It will be set at Medieval times, with a storyline i still figure out, but it will be inspired by Game of Thrones, or even set in Westros, again, depends on where i'll take the story. To challenge myself i want to ask for your help. I want you to send me Your characters so we all will have the chance to have fun with the story
Not all the characters subbmited will be introduced but I'll try my best
Thank you
I still don't have all the details but I have decided that the story will not take place in Westros. It will be a fantasy story. There is magic in this world. There are mages, but they are hunted down by the 'Silver Warriors' (Who also protect the lands from 'The Shadowglades', more info on that later) There will be 3 main kingdoms (at least for now) and a rebelion about to break in one of them. Another kingdom will be more liberate than the others and is having political issues with the third kingdom over religion (the thinrd kingdom is very religious, again more info about it later)
When You write a Character feel free to mention where you'd like them there to be, or if they want to join the rebels, the silver warriors and so on
I'm also currently working on the prologue.
I want to thank all the people who sent their character so far, thank you!
If someone has any question about a detail from the story essential so you could create a character feel free to pd me
Alright everyone! I've put a lot of effort into this, and i hope you'll like it I know it's a bit short but i promise the actual chapter will be much longer. I have published the story on FictionPress it is called "Heirs of Dusk". They noted it can take 4-8 hours for the story to be up and on the search engine so when it's up i'll share a link
Update: Click Here to read the prologue!
The link was broken but i fixed it
I'll rly appreciate Your help guys
let me give you a tip
about life
It's...interesting, to say the least.
But I'd rather post a character if I know what universe the story takes place in. It'll be easier that way
Well good luck! sent my character
oh wait you wanted writing tips sorry
use good grammar and stuff
and uh
develop characters and make us LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE them
I will make characters later i am on the cellphone now!!!
Can i make an non-existing House?
How fantastic or grounded in reallity will this story be? So i know how to make my character
Cool Stuff
I have uploaded some info about the story
Yes you can
It is a fantasy story
First of, nice idea so far, you should figure out names for the kingdoms tho but it's ok it's still in development so
How many characters can i send?
Thanks! And yeah i will in time, i just want to get a clear idea in my head of their world before thinking of names
You can send as many characters as you like! Btw i like your character
Thanks, and cool i send another one ^^
I will probably post a character soon since I have no ideas for it right now.
Good luck.
Is that that another way to say "Fuck bitches get money?"
Hey everyone just wanted to say thank you all i realy appreciate and like all the characters you submitted so far! I'll defenatly be able to write with them
Okay, submitted a character. This'll be interesting.
Any idea when it could be complete. BTW it sounds really awesome.
Just submitted
and could you give us an update maybe?
I haven't been on here lately thanks to a paper i have to submit, sorry for that, it has and still delays my writing. I Have written half prologue so far.
I want to say thank you to everyone for your great character! when i first made this discussion i was unaware of how creative you all are! So far I've been submitted houses, ancient orders, Knights, Lords, nobles, farmers, mages, believers and many more! All creative and complex character with rich background! So again thank you all, I hope to end the prologue soon, keep writing those great character
Hopefully soon and thanks. I saw your character, will defiantly have a place in the story
I have made progress with the prologue, I know exactly what to write in it and I have a clearer idea in my head for the story, I'll update soon
I have sent you a pd about your character
So is your character
It's ok :]
You got me hyped man I rly wanna read it already
Already submitted one,I hope "she" can be introduced soon.
I have updated the info! Prologue soon!
I just wanted to note that the prologue takes place 500 years before the story itself. Hope you guys gonna like it i'm so excited
Yay! can't wait to read it!
Btw, did you already use characters submitted to you?
Why don't you post the story here since it takes so long to upload?
yes i have!
It's very simple, it takes long to upload sure, but it is more organized and comfortable to use (and read). So yeah it takes few hours, but I believe it's worth it
Ha, found it!
Wow it was uploaded sooner than i thought! I'll put the link above thanks for finding it
Actually i went over it again and made few changes but now it's ready so thanks again
Well i've read it. I wonder where you gonna take it
Btw the woman\messenger called him Jeran Silver? Like the Silver Warriors? i got so many questions on my mind lol i really got into it i think like, what Maenys said, is this the reason mages are hunted? is it like a biblical prophecy? (like what you wrote in the summery?) and the four are like, four mages like him or four evils like him? damn so many questions ><
I liked the way you write, it was too short, but you said you'll make longer chapters so it's cool