Sorry if i ask,but i want to create something like this,how did you do it? What program did you use to make other people send you their characters? Thanks for the answer.
No problem, I use the Google Forms for the character submission, here's a link for you to make one (hopefully it works):
The sun had risen a while ago and the army of Hornfoots was moving again. Slower than it should move. Rumak walked beside his King, Raymun Redbeard. Raymun’s face was serious as he kept his look on the path in front of them.
“So, those men that you sent after Ariyana and her company, they haven’t returned yet?” Rumak asked casually.
“No, but I’m sure they’ll find them… I just hope they can keep themselves from killing each other. Hornfoots and Nightrunners… That will never be a stable alliance.” Raymun spoke with a pensive voice. “There are still many in this army who consider me as their king but still hate the Nightrunners. And I can assure you that there are just as many Nightrunners who hate Hornfoots.” These words reminded Rumak of Maya and apparently the King guessed what Rumak was thinking. “I’m sorry about Maya… I know she is like a daughter to you. But I’m sure she’ll be fine… And perhaps it is better that she left with Alexia and Terry.”
“Yes… She is like a daughter to me, my own Miracle. And yet she pointed her blade against me… I could see the rage in her eyes.” Rumak saw the moment in his eyes again. I hope we both survive long enough to meet again, I want to say I’m sorry.
“She has learned that rage from you, Rumak. Maya is a true warrior just like you, and it’s only to be expected that she is a little hotheaded too.” Raymun said with a small friendly smile.
“I guess that’s true.” Rumak answered with a chuckle. “Well, how about you? You probably haven’t heard anything about your family?” Raymun’s face turned a little more serious after Rumak’s question.
“No, I haven’t. But I trust my sons take good care of their mother. And what comes to my brother… He has his own mission to fulfill.” Raymun looked a little unsure as he spoke those last words.
“I’m sure Germun will succeed in his mission.” Rumak said trying to hearten his king, but Raymun just let out a sigh.
“It’s better to never fully trust my brother.” The King said with a weary tone and Rumak gave him a little laugh. “I wasn’t joking, Rumak.” Raymun remarked, but he had a small smile on his face now. For a while they were both silent, listening to the talking, laughing and shouting of the thousands of Hornfoots around them.
“We should arrive to a village called North Hill before the sundown.” Raymun said calmly and looked at the clear sky. “I only hope we could move faster, I have a constant feeling of being chased.”
“You mean the Thenns? Do you think they are already after us?” Rumak could see that there was concern in the eyes of his King.
“If I know anything about Magnar Krygorn it is that he wants me dead as soon as possible. And he probably sees this as an opportunity, my forces are split in two and if he would caught us before we could unite with the Nightrunner army…” Raymun didn’t have to finish his sentence, his expression told enough.
“Well, the Nightrunner army is over two thousand men, and now we have over two thousand Hornfoots as well. How much do you think Magnar could gather?” Rumak asked, not being sure if he wanted to know the answer.
“The Thenns are very discipline towards their Magnar. It wouldn’t take him long to gather an army of three or four thousand. And I’m sure he is after the giants as well. And who knows, maybe even the clans of the Ice Rivers.” Raymun spoke quietly, with all the seriousness in his voice.
“Well… All we can do is to try our best and give the fuckers a fight.” Rumak grunted and Raymun nodded silently.
The sun had started to set as the army had reached the village called North Hill and the Hornfoots were building the camp around it. As the name said the village indeed was on top of a hill. Rumak looked at the small and run-down houses on this small barren hill. The village had apparently been abandoned at the time Harg the Scarface had brought Raymun to the valley near the Frostfangs. Rumak saw Raymun chatting with the Thenn named Barryn by the door of the largest house. He shouldn’t trust that Thenn so much.
As Rumak let himself relax and closed his eyes for a moment he got surprised by something growling at him right behind his back. He turned around and saw a shadowcat. Ariyana’s shadowcat. As he raised his head he saw Ariyana herself approaching with a small smile on her face.
“Looks like Thunder already found you.” The young woman said with playful tone.
“So… Where are the others?” Rumak asked while stroking the beast gently.
“You mean the ones Raymun sent after us?” Ariyana had a haunting look on her eyes and Rumak could do nothing but to nod at her. “We didn’t really need an escort to find here. Anyway Skadol, Hrenhild, Lynessa, Rambton and the Hornfoots you sent are coming, they should be here by the sundown.”
“Is this Rambton one of the Harron’s men? Don’t remember ever hearing of him.” Rumak said and looked at Thunder walking around Ariyana with dragging steps.
“Oh, Rambton, he is a new one. He and some other crow sneaked around close to our camp, holding a young girl as a hostage.” Ariyana explained with a lazy tone. “I sent Thunder after them, and some others went after them too… Anyway, they were caught. One of them chose judgment, Rambton chose freedom.”
“A crow, aye?” Rumak scratched his beard. “Hopefully he isn’t as arrogant as most of them.”
“Oh, trust me. He is a pain in the ass.” Ariyana rolled her eyes. “Anyway, I guess I should send Thunder away before he comes… To avoid the mess.”
“Alright, I don’t want to hear anymore.” Rumak said rising his hands up and Ariyana chuckled.
As he watched Ariyana and her shadowcat walking away, Rumak’s mind returned to the war that was coming, to the dangers that awaited. Whatever happens I’ll stand by Raymun Redbeard, my King.
The sun had risen a while ago and the army of Hornfoots was moving again. Slower than it should move. Rumak walked beside his King,… more Raymun Redbeard. Raymun’s face was serious as he kept his look on the path in front of them.
“So, those men that you sent after Ariyana and her company, they haven’t returned yet?” Rumak asked casually.
“No, but I’m sure they’ll find them… I just hope they can keep themselves from killing each other. Hornfoots and Nightrunners… That will never be a stable alliance.” Raymun spoke with a pensive voice. “There are still many in this army who consider me as their king but still hate the Nightrunners. And I can assure you that there are just as many Nightrunners who hate Hornfoots.” These words reminded Rumak of Maya and apparently the King guessed what Rumak was thinking. “I’m sorry about Maya… I know she is like a daughter to you. But I’m sure she’ll be fine… And perhaps it is better that she left wit… [view original content]
Great first part! I like Maya and Rumak already and look forward for their story.
[Go after the Hornfoots AND ask Rumak to come with you]… more
I don't think the king has planned to get captured. I mean, nobody could plan this, right? I also think that this is the more interesting option story-wise.
Yeah I can draw him, it's definitely a little different from the usual characters However I'll probably wait until he is introduced in the story - Which should be a little later in this chapter.
Alright cool! I'm still quite early on in the first chapter so don't rush of I'm giving off that impression haha. Can't wait to see it when it's done and good work so far!
Yeah I can draw him, it's definitely a little different from the usual characters However I'll probably wait until he is introduced in the story - Which should be a little later in this chapter.
Maester Jon looked at Robett with wisdom brought by years in his eyes. The chamber of the Maester was silent, only the small noises of the flames in the fireplace could be heard. Maester and Robett were the only ones at the room, sitting on the opposite sides of the Maester’s desk. Even Jon’s personal stewards, Cruz and Dom, were absent. After thinking about it for some time Robett had decided he had to tell about what Devyn had said at the common hall, and Maester Jon should be someone who would understand. The Maester took a deep breath and cleared his throat.
“Devyn, from the kennels and… Marsh, one of the builders, was it?” The Maester’s voice was calm and warm as a summer wind.
“Yes… It was them.” Robett answered awkwardly. Devyn and Marsh had always been the worst kind of people at Castle Black, but now Robett wasn’t so sure anymore if this matter was really so serious. He started to feel like an idiot, panicking because of couple words some asshole said. Why did I come here, this is stupid.
“If I’m being honest with you, I have to say I have been quite concerned myself these past few days.” Maester Jon said with a tired sigh. “This is one of the reasons I didn’t like Jack leaving like this and even taking George Rivers with him… They’re the ones who keep the order here, not me or Jorrel.”
“So… What… What should we do now?” Robett asked quietly. The Maester looked at him like he had forgotten for a while that Robett was there.
“Oh, you don’t have to worry about that, Robett. Now that there is a reason to expect something might happen, I’ll take care of the situation.” Jon spoke with a friendly smile on his face. “It’s getting late, we should both probably go to sleep now.” Robett nodded shyly as he scrambled up from his chair. “Good night, Robett.” Jon said with his friendly tone and again Robett just nodded.
It was getting dark as Robett walked out of the Maester’s quarters to the empty and cold yard. As he turned his look from the Wall to the Lord Commander’s Tower he saw something weird. The Volantene merchant was standing in the corner of the yard and it looked like he was talking, but there wasn’t anyone else. What in the Seven Hells? Robett started to sneak closer, he had been a pickpocket after all, and he was good at this. As he came closer he saw that owl was sitting on the fence and… The Volantene is talking to an owl? Robett took a few steps closer and started to recognize words.
“You … damn boy…” Robett took another step closer to hear more. “Doing things right … a way to get in … steal it!” After these words the owl’s eyes turned to Robett and it made a loud screech which made the Volantene turn his head. Robett had nowhere to hide, the foreigner had a furious look on his face and he took out his Valyrian steel sword.
“Who dears to eavesdrop Eren Meratus?” The man had pointed his sword right at Robett who could do nothing but rise his hands up while the owl flied away behind the Volantene. “Well, boy, what did you hear?” The man asked, his foreign accent oozing from the words.
“Not… Not much. Something about stealing… I was a pickpocket myself, I don’t mind some stealing.” Robett explained hastily, his heart beating faster than ever. “I just hope you… You don’t steal anything from the Night’s Watch.” For Robett’s surprise Eren started to laugh with a slightly mocking tone.
“This shithole has nothing worth stealing.” He said as his purple eyes turned to look at Robett again. “Where do you sleep, boy?” Eren lowered his sword now.
“Me? I… I sleep at the Lord Commander’s Tower, the first floor.” Robett’s hands were shaking as he spoke. For a while Eren looked at him with a doubtful face, but then he seemed to remember something.
“Yes… You were the commander’s steward, now I remember.” He put his sword back into its sheath as he spoke. “Listen, boy, one of my… eh, friends is going to watch over you for a while… Just to make sure you are not going to talk about what you just heard… To anyone.” The Volantene had an intimidating tone on his last words.
“I… I won’t tell anyone, I promise.” Robett tried to say, but Eren Meratus didn’t care.
“Now, boy, follow me.” Eren’s words left no room for questions and so Robett followed the man - to the King’s Tower. By the door of the tower stood the other one of Eren’s slave guards. Eren spoke to the guard in High Valyria and when he was done the guard nodded and started to walk.
“You follow him, boy.” Eren said before stepping inside the King’s Tower. What have I gotten myself into? Without having anything else he could do Robett took a couple quick steps to catch up with the guard.
“Do you have a name?” Robett tried to ask, but the slave stayed silent. And so they walk in silence through the cold and dark yard.
As they arrived to the Lord Commander’s Tower the guard escorted Robett to his room. And as Robett laid down to his bed the guard closed the door, but stayed inside, standing in front of the door. While Robett tried to sleep he could only think about how this slave guard was standing just couple feet away from him, and he kept thinking about what he had heard Eren talking. Why was he talking to an owl? Why did I have to eavesdrop him? These questions ran through Robett’s mind for hours before he could finally fall asleep.
As Robett opened his eyes it took him a while to remember what had happened last night. And then he saw the guard… Sleeping at the floor. What the hells do I do now? He stood up and quietly changed his clothes. As he walked to the door the guard was still sleeping. Does Eren still want this guard to watch over me? Should I wake him up? Robett sighed and looked at the guard, and then at the door.
[Go to breakfast without the guard] [Wake up the guard]
Maester Jon looked at Robett with wisdom brought by years in his eyes. The chamber of the Maester was silent, only the small noise… mores of the flames in the fireplace could be heard. Maester and Robett were the only ones at the room, sitting on the opposite sides of the Maester’s desk. Even Jon’s personal stewards, Cruz and Dom, were absent. After thinking about it for some time Robett had decided he had to tell about what Devyn had said at the common hall, and Maester Jon should be someone who would understand. The Maester took a deep breath and cleared his throat.
“Devyn, from the kennels and… Marsh, one of the builders, was it?” The Maester’s voice was calm and warm as a summer wind.
“Yes… It was them.” Robett answered awkwardly. Devyn and Marsh had always been the worst kind of people at Castle Black, but now Robett wasn’t so sure anymore if this matter was really so serious. He started to feel like an idiot, panicking because… [view original content]
Maester Jon looked at Robett with wisdom brought by years in his eyes. The chamber of the Maester was silent, only the small noise… mores of the flames in the fireplace could be heard. Maester and Robett were the only ones at the room, sitting on the opposite sides of the Maester’s desk. Even Jon’s personal stewards, Cruz and Dom, were absent. After thinking about it for some time Robett had decided he had to tell about what Devyn had said at the common hall, and Maester Jon should be someone who would understand. The Maester took a deep breath and cleared his throat.
“Devyn, from the kennels and… Marsh, one of the builders, was it?” The Maester’s voice was calm and warm as a summer wind.
“Yes… It was them.” Robett answered awkwardly. Devyn and Marsh had always been the worst kind of people at Castle Black, but now Robett wasn’t so sure anymore if this matter was really so serious. He started to feel like an idiot, panicking because… [view original content]
Maester Jon looked at Robett with wisdom brought by years in his eyes. The chamber of the Maester was silent, only the small noise… mores of the flames in the fireplace could be heard. Maester and Robett were the only ones at the room, sitting on the opposite sides of the Maester’s desk. Even Jon’s personal stewards, Cruz and Dom, were absent. After thinking about it for some time Robett had decided he had to tell about what Devyn had said at the common hall, and Maester Jon should be someone who would understand. The Maester took a deep breath and cleared his throat.
“Devyn, from the kennels and… Marsh, one of the builders, was it?” The Maester’s voice was calm and warm as a summer wind.
“Yes… It was them.” Robett answered awkwardly. Devyn and Marsh had always been the worst kind of people at Castle Black, but now Robett wasn’t so sure anymore if this matter was really so serious. He started to feel like an idiot, panicking because… [view original content]
Okay, this one is clear, vote closed! Robett makes up his mind and sneaks to the breakfast without the guard.
I actually have to say I am a little surprised by this voting... But you just gave me a neat scene to write Anyway, next part will come later today, its not finished yet but I'm pretty sure I'll get it done today. I might also do some drawings today
I know this may be asking too much as I've already requested one character be drawn but if you could fit it in, could you perhaps draw Griff? I found him interesting to create and I would be very interested to see how you see him. That would be awesome if you could fit it in Thanks!
P.S. I submitted a character to Land of Hundred Princes. Hope you like her!
Yeah, I'll draw Griff. I have four characters right now that I'm planning to draw, including Tun and Griff, and I'm planning to draw two of them today. However, like with Tun I probably wont publish Griff before he is intorduced in the story - which should be soon since there is a storyline on the Wall going on where he fits perfectly
Oh, and thanks for submitting to my other story, you are the first one to submit a female character there
I know this may be asking too much as I've already requested one character be drawn but if you could fit it in, could you perhaps draw Griff… more? I found him interesting to create and I would be very interested to see how you see him. That would be awesome if you could fit it in Thanks!
P.S. I submitted a character to Land of Hundred Princes. Hope you like her!
Yeah, I'll draw Griff. I have four characters right now that I'm planning to draw, including Tun and Griff, and I'm planning to draw two of … morethem today. However, like with Tun I probably wont publish Griff before he is intorduced in the story - which should be soon since there is a storyline on the Wall going on where he fits perfectly
Oh, and thanks for submitting to my other story, you are the first one to submit a female character there
It was a clear and almost windless day at one of the most southern villages of the Ice-River clans. Asger stood next to the other villagers as they watched the huge army marching closer from the distance. If they were here to kill us they would have already started screaming their war cries. Women were sending their children in to the houses as the army came closer and closer. Finally the army was so close that Asger could recognize some of the faces. That’s Fleshbearer. Fleshbearer was feared clan leader, but he could never have this big forces unless he had united with several other leaders. And then Asger saw another clan leader, The Savage. Less than a year ago Asger had fought in a battle against The Savage’s clan. That man is rotten to the core.
“We have come to invite you to the most glorious war you sorry lot have ever seen!” Fleshbearer roared as the army stopped about sixty feet away from the villagers. Armun the Barbarian, a glorious warrior and the leader of the village stepped forward.
“I have seen quite many wars, Fleshbearer. Some of them I have fought against you, some against the men of the Frozen Shore, some against Hornfoots. What makes this war more glorious than those?” The Barbarian asked and spat on the ground.
“You want to know what makes this war glorious, fat Barbarian?” Fleshbearer’s mocking tone made Armun frown, but he stayed silent. “In this war we get to defeat a king! We get to feast with the flesh of a king!”
“Oh, you are talking about the king of the Nightrunners. Why would I give two shits about him?” The Barbarian asked, spreading out his hands. Asger agreed with the Barbarian, it was the Frozen Shore’s clans they should be fighting against.
“He doesn’t only claim to be the king of the Nightrunners, but the king of the whole Free Folk. He claims to be your king, Barbarian.” Fleshbearer was now walking closer to the villagers. “And I can promise you all, we will have more flesh to fuck and eat than ever before!” As the Barbarian stayed silent Fleshbearer changed his tone to more intimidating one. “Or I could burn this whole fucking village down! I already have more than thousand men behind me.” Armun’s mind clearly boiled from anger, but he calmed himself down quickly.
“Alright… Whoever are the leaders of this wretched army, I want to have a meeting with you all tonight. If I’m going to join this army I will do it as a commander of my own men, not as your slave.” The Barbarian spoke with voice that was as hard as a rock.
“So be it, my army will build a camp around your village and we will come to this meeting of yours at the sundown.” Fleshbearer said with a wicked smile on his face. As Fleshbearer walked back to his men and the army scattered around to build their camp, the villagers started to walk back to their houses. Asger tried to look as strong as he could as he saw Armun approaching him. Armun the Barbarian was a legendary warrior who had clashed swords with the warriors of many clans and also with the lordlings of the Bear Island. The Barbarian was on his late thirties, two years older than Asger.
“Asger, I want you to come to the meeting… You deserve a place on the table when decisions are made.” The Barbarian looked Asger in the eyes with a stern expression on his round face. For a while Asger wasn’t sure what to say. Why would he want me to the meeting?
“Do you think it’s wise? This war seems like stupidity to me.” Asger kept his voice low as he spoke.
“Do you think I have a fucking option here?” Anger flashed in the Barbarian’s green eyes. As he calmed down he continued. “Sure, Fleshbearer might run into a war without having a hope for victory, but if he has managed to get The Savage to join his army… The Savage is more cunning than Fleshbearer, which means that this war indeed can be won or that he plans to rebel against Fleshbearer.” A small and cold smile appeared on the Barbarian’s face. “And I’m happy with both options.” After those words Armun was about to turn and leave, but Asger grabbed him from the shoulder.
“Why do you want me to join the meeting?” Asger asked strictly, making the Barbarian shrug.
“The people of this village respect you. You would know that if you ever spent time with them.” With these words the Barbarian left, leaving Asger there to watch as the camp was slowly built around the village.
“Thenns? Fucking Thenns?” Barbarian had disbelief in his words and he looked almost like he was about to laugh at Fleshbearer.
“It’s a temporary alliance.” The Savage said calmly with his dark and twisted voice that sent shivers down Asger’s spine.
“Don’t tell me you don’t have the balls for it, Barbarian!” Fleshbearer roared, making the other clan leaders break into laugh.
“Fuck you, Fleshbearer! The balls for what exactly? To lick Magnar’s boots, aye?” Anger flashed in Fleshbearer’s face as Armun spoke. “Because that’s what you seem to be doing, serving Magnar Krygorn. Earlier you said this Raymun claims to be my king, well, is Krygorn your king then? Or your god?” Fleshbearer stood up in a boost of rage and the other clan leaders had to stop him from attacking the Barbarian.
“Calm down, both of you.” The Savage’s words quieted the whole room. “Magnar is not our leader, neither is Raymun Redbeard. We make our own path, and we make that path with the blood of our enemies.” These words made most of the people in the room cheer, but Asger and Barbarian stayed silent.
“It was not long ago you fought against us… Killed many of our people.” Asger spoke, for the first time on this meeting, making The Savage look into his eyes with his wicked gaze. The Savage was a scary creature to look at, the eyes were full of darkness, his pale face was clean shaven and the greasy brown hair rested on his face.
“I have fought against most of the clan leaders here… Or those who were the leaders of their clans before them. I’m sure I killed many of your people, raped them, ate them. If you want to hold grudge over that you have all the right for it.” Asger had to turn his look away from The Savage.
“We are ready to leave the past behind us.” The Barbarian said, giving a stern look first to The Savage and then to Asger. “But I still have my questions… Have you considered what happens when the clans of the Frozen Shore hear of this?”
“Leave half your men here, to protect the village. Men of the Frozen Shore are weak cunts.” Fleshbearer said, making the men laugh again.
“I suppose that’s what I have to do.” Armun the Barbarian had a concerned look on his face as he spoke these words of agreement. A large grin appeared on Fleshbearer’s face as he congratulated Barbarian for making the right choice. And so the clan leaders started drinking.
The morning was already getting close as the last of the leaders left the Meeting Hall of the village. Asger hadn’t drank much as he didn’t trust these men at all. The Barbarian had also kept himself from getting too drunk and as they were the last persons on the hall he came to Asger with a serious look on his face.
“This is not a command, but I’m offering you something.” He said with gloomy voice.
“Can’t be a very good offer, judging by your voice.” Asger said, making the Barbarian chuckle.
“You are a good man, Asger. My offer to you is that when I leave to this damned war you would stay here and take the leadership of this village.” Armun looked Asger to the eyes. “You are the right man to lead these people if the the Men of the Frozen Shore attack. But I understand if you want to march to the war, and I won’t take that away from you. It’s your decision, just tell me in the morning.” The Barbarian gave Asger one more smile before he left him to think about the options he had.
It was a clear and almost windless day at one of the most southern villages of the Ice-River clans. Asger stood next to the other v… moreillagers as they watched the huge army marching closer from the distance. If they were here to kill us they would have already started screaming their war cries. Women were sending their children in to the houses as the army came closer and closer. Finally the army was so close that Asger could recognize some of the faces. That’s Fleshbearer. Fleshbearer was feared clan leader, but he could never have this big forces unless he had united with several other leaders. And then Asger saw another clan leader, The Savage. Less than a year ago Asger had fought in a battle against The Savage’s clan. That man is rotten to the core.
“We have come to invite you to the most glorious war you sorry lot have ever seen!” Fleshbearer roared as the army stopped about sixty feet away from the villagers. Armun the Barbari… [view original content]
It was a clear and almost windless day at one of the most southern villages of the Ice-River clans. Asger stood next to the other v… moreillagers as they watched the huge army marching closer from the distance. If they were here to kill us they would have already started screaming their war cries. Women were sending their children in to the houses as the army came closer and closer. Finally the army was so close that Asger could recognize some of the faces. That’s Fleshbearer. Fleshbearer was feared clan leader, but he could never have this big forces unless he had united with several other leaders. And then Asger saw another clan leader, The Savage. Less than a year ago Asger had fought in a battle against The Savage’s clan. That man is rotten to the core.
“We have come to invite you to the most glorious war you sorry lot have ever seen!” Fleshbearer roared as the army stopped about sixty feet away from the villagers. Armun the Barbari… [view original content]
[Leave to war]
Damn it, I got unfollowed some time after the the Rumak part. But I'm back now and I'm going to submit a character for your new story as well
It was a clear and almost windless day at one of the most southern villages of the Ice-River clans. Asger stood next to the other v… moreillagers as they watched the huge army marching closer from the distance. If they were here to kill us they would have already started screaming their war cries. Women were sending their children in to the houses as the army came closer and closer. Finally the army was so close that Asger could recognize some of the faces. That’s Fleshbearer. Fleshbearer was feared clan leader, but he could never have this big forces unless he had united with several other leaders. And then Asger saw another clan leader, The Savage. Less than a year ago Asger had fought in a battle against The Savage’s clan. That man is rotten to the core.
“We have come to invite you to the most glorious war you sorry lot have ever seen!” Fleshbearer roared as the army stopped about sixty feet away from the villagers. Armun the Barbari… [view original content]
Yeah, there definitely are many great stories on this forum, I'm happy if you find the time and enjoy to read this one! And much thanks for the character submission as well!
Are you still putting the story into the google docs or just the comments? I'm up to Rumak in chapter 2, which fir me is the end of the doc, and I'm just curious where I need to go to find the next part thanks
It was a clear and almost windless day at one of the most southern villages of the Ice-River clans. Asger stood next to the other v… moreillagers as they watched the huge army marching closer from the distance. If they were here to kill us they would have already started screaming their war cries. Women were sending their children in to the houses as the army came closer and closer. Finally the army was so close that Asger could recognize some of the faces. That’s Fleshbearer. Fleshbearer was feared clan leader, but he could never have this big forces unless he had united with several other leaders. And then Asger saw another clan leader, The Savage. Less than a year ago Asger had fought in a battle against The Savage’s clan. That man is rotten to the core.
“We have come to invite you to the most glorious war you sorry lot have ever seen!” Fleshbearer roared as the army stopped about sixty feet away from the villagers. Armun the Barbari… [view original content]
Oh, yes I put it in docs I just sometimes forget to put the part there after the voting - There has been just one Robett and now one Asger part after Rumak.
Are you still putting the story into the google docs or just the comments? I'm up to Rumak in chapter 2, which fir me is the end of the doc, and I'm just curious where I need to go to find the next part thanks
Yeah, there definitely are many great stories on this forum, I'm happy if you find the time and enjoy to read this one! And much thanks for the character submission as well!
It was a clear and almost windless day at one of the most southern villages of the Ice-River clans. Asger stood next to the other v… moreillagers as they watched the huge army marching closer from the distance. If they were here to kill us they would have already started screaming their war cries. Women were sending their children in to the houses as the army came closer and closer. Finally the army was so close that Asger could recognize some of the faces. That’s Fleshbearer. Fleshbearer was feared clan leader, but he could never have this big forces unless he had united with several other leaders. And then Asger saw another clan leader, The Savage. Less than a year ago Asger had fought in a battle against The Savage’s clan. That man is rotten to the core.
“We have come to invite you to the most glorious war you sorry lot have ever seen!” Fleshbearer roared as the army stopped about sixty feet away from the villagers. Armun the Barbari… [view original content]
Well shit, looks like we got a tie, and the one who submitted Asger hasn't voted. Okay, we'll just go with the option that got the first vote. So, vote closed! Asger will go to war.
I have started the next part - which is Skjorn PoV - and I might get it done today, no promises though. I'll probably do some drawing too today
Oh, and one more thing - there have recently been submitted couple characters whose backstory, occupation etc. is clearly set to the timeline of the show/books so I must remind that this fanfiction takes place ~90 years before the events of the show and the books. I've had some of these kind of submissions before that I have been able to bend them to this timeline, but when the whole motive of the character is revolved around White Walkers (who haven't woken up yet from their thousands of years slumber) or fighting for Robb Stark it's hard to do that. So please remember this when you submit
Woah, it's been ages since I was here and now I finally caught up with the story again and I feel bad for not voting for such a long time I currently live in a place without the internet so it's a little bit harder to keep up but I'm so happy the story continues. You did incredible job as always and now living with no internet will be even harder :DD
Hats off, mate
Thanks, buddy! Personally I'd probably go nuts living without internet, so hats off for you too Anyway I'm thankful you are still a reader, try to keep up with the story whenever you can!
Woah, it's been ages since I was here and now I finally caught up with the story again and I feel bad for not voting for such a long time I… more currently live in a place without the internet so it's a little bit harder to keep up but I'm so happy the story continues. You did incredible job as always and now living with no internet will be even harder :DD
Hats off, mate
No problem, I use the Google Forms for the character submission, here's a link for you to make one (hopefully it works):
it doesn't work
Well perhaps it's better if you just google it (Google forms). Oh, and tell if you make a story and I'll gladly submit a character!
The sun had risen a while ago and the army of Hornfoots was moving again. Slower than it should move. Rumak walked beside his King, Raymun Redbeard. Raymun’s face was serious as he kept his look on the path in front of them.
“So, those men that you sent after Ariyana and her company, they haven’t returned yet?” Rumak asked casually.
“No, but I’m sure they’ll find them… I just hope they can keep themselves from killing each other. Hornfoots and Nightrunners… That will never be a stable alliance.” Raymun spoke with a pensive voice. “There are still many in this army who consider me as their king but still hate the Nightrunners. And I can assure you that there are just as many Nightrunners who hate Hornfoots.” These words reminded Rumak of Maya and apparently the King guessed what Rumak was thinking. “I’m sorry about Maya… I know she is like a daughter to you. But I’m sure she’ll be fine… And perhaps it is better that she left with Alexia and Terry.”
“Yes… She is like a daughter to me, my own Miracle. And yet she pointed her blade against me… I could see the rage in her eyes.” Rumak saw the moment in his eyes again. I hope we both survive long enough to meet again, I want to say I’m sorry.
“She has learned that rage from you, Rumak. Maya is a true warrior just like you, and it’s only to be expected that she is a little hotheaded too.” Raymun said with a small friendly smile.
“I guess that’s true.” Rumak answered with a chuckle. “Well, how about you? You probably haven’t heard anything about your family?” Raymun’s face turned a little more serious after Rumak’s question.
“No, I haven’t. But I trust my sons take good care of their mother. And what comes to my brother… He has his own mission to fulfill.” Raymun looked a little unsure as he spoke those last words.
“I’m sure Germun will succeed in his mission.” Rumak said trying to hearten his king, but Raymun just let out a sigh.
“It’s better to never fully trust my brother.” The King said with a weary tone and Rumak gave him a little laugh. “I wasn’t joking, Rumak.” Raymun remarked, but he had a small smile on his face now. For a while they were both silent, listening to the talking, laughing and shouting of the thousands of Hornfoots around them.
“We should arrive to a village called North Hill before the sundown.” Raymun said calmly and looked at the clear sky. “I only hope we could move faster, I have a constant feeling of being chased.”
“You mean the Thenns? Do you think they are already after us?” Rumak could see that there was concern in the eyes of his King.
“If I know anything about Magnar Krygorn it is that he wants me dead as soon as possible. And he probably sees this as an opportunity, my forces are split in two and if he would caught us before we could unite with the Nightrunner army…” Raymun didn’t have to finish his sentence, his expression told enough.
“Well, the Nightrunner army is over two thousand men, and now we have over two thousand Hornfoots as well. How much do you think Magnar could gather?” Rumak asked, not being sure if he wanted to know the answer.
“The Thenns are very discipline towards their Magnar. It wouldn’t take him long to gather an army of three or four thousand. And I’m sure he is after the giants as well. And who knows, maybe even the clans of the Ice Rivers.” Raymun spoke quietly, with all the seriousness in his voice.
“Well… All we can do is to try our best and give the fuckers a fight.” Rumak grunted and Raymun nodded silently.
The sun had started to set as the army had reached the village called North Hill and the Hornfoots were building the camp around it. As the name said the village indeed was on top of a hill. Rumak looked at the small and run-down houses on this small barren hill. The village had apparently been abandoned at the time Harg the Scarface had brought Raymun to the valley near the Frostfangs. Rumak saw Raymun chatting with the Thenn named Barryn by the door of the largest house. He shouldn’t trust that Thenn so much.
As Rumak let himself relax and closed his eyes for a moment he got surprised by something growling at him right behind his back. He turned around and saw a shadowcat. Ariyana’s shadowcat. As he raised his head he saw Ariyana herself approaching with a small smile on her face.
“Looks like Thunder already found you.” The young woman said with playful tone.
“So… Where are the others?” Rumak asked while stroking the beast gently.
“You mean the ones Raymun sent after us?” Ariyana had a haunting look on her eyes and Rumak could do nothing but to nod at her. “We didn’t really need an escort to find here. Anyway Skadol, Hrenhild, Lynessa, Rambton and the Hornfoots you sent are coming, they should be here by the sundown.”
“Is this Rambton one of the Harron’s men? Don’t remember ever hearing of him.” Rumak said and looked at Thunder walking around Ariyana with dragging steps.
“Oh, Rambton, he is a new one. He and some other crow sneaked around close to our camp, holding a young girl as a hostage.” Ariyana explained with a lazy tone. “I sent Thunder after them, and some others went after them too… Anyway, they were caught. One of them chose judgment, Rambton chose freedom.”
“A crow, aye?” Rumak scratched his beard. “Hopefully he isn’t as arrogant as most of them.”
“Oh, trust me. He is a pain in the ass.” Ariyana rolled her eyes. “Anyway, I guess I should send Thunder away before he comes… To avoid the mess.”
“Alright, I don’t want to hear anymore.” Rumak said rising his hands up and Ariyana chuckled.
As he watched Ariyana and her shadowcat walking away, Rumak’s mind returned to the war that was coming, to the dangers that awaited. Whatever happens I’ll stand by Raymun Redbeard, my King.
No decision this time
Sorry for no choice this time, but I didn't want to make a meaningless decision. Don't worry though there will be choices to make in the future
This is so cool
If you get some free time to do some drawing, I'd deeply love to see tun the tall
only if you get the time 
Yeah I can draw him, it's definitely a little different from the usual characters
However I'll probably wait until he is introduced in the story - Which should be a little later in this chapter.
Alright cool! I'm still quite early on in the first chapter so don't rush of I'm giving off that impression haha. Can't wait to see it when it's done and good work so far!
Maester Jon looked at Robett with wisdom brought by years in his eyes. The chamber of the Maester was silent, only the small noises of the flames in the fireplace could be heard. Maester and Robett were the only ones at the room, sitting on the opposite sides of the Maester’s desk. Even Jon’s personal stewards, Cruz and Dom, were absent. After thinking about it for some time Robett had decided he had to tell about what Devyn had said at the common hall, and Maester Jon should be someone who would understand. The Maester took a deep breath and cleared his throat.
“Devyn, from the kennels and… Marsh, one of the builders, was it?” The Maester’s voice was calm and warm as a summer wind.
“Yes… It was them.” Robett answered awkwardly. Devyn and Marsh had always been the worst kind of people at Castle Black, but now Robett wasn’t so sure anymore if this matter was really so serious. He started to feel like an idiot, panicking because of couple words some asshole said. Why did I come here, this is stupid.
“If I’m being honest with you, I have to say I have been quite concerned myself these past few days.” Maester Jon said with a tired sigh. “This is one of the reasons I didn’t like Jack leaving like this and even taking George Rivers with him… They’re the ones who keep the order here, not me or Jorrel.”
“So… What… What should we do now?” Robett asked quietly. The Maester looked at him like he had forgotten for a while that Robett was there.
“Oh, you don’t have to worry about that, Robett. Now that there is a reason to expect something might happen, I’ll take care of the situation.” Jon spoke with a friendly smile on his face. “It’s getting late, we should both probably go to sleep now.” Robett nodded shyly as he scrambled up from his chair. “Good night, Robett.” Jon said with his friendly tone and again Robett just nodded.
It was getting dark as Robett walked out of the Maester’s quarters to the empty and cold yard. As he turned his look from the Wall to the Lord Commander’s Tower he saw something weird. The Volantene merchant was standing in the corner of the yard and it looked like he was talking, but there wasn’t anyone else. What in the Seven Hells? Robett started to sneak closer, he had been a pickpocket after all, and he was good at this. As he came closer he saw that owl was sitting on the fence and… The Volantene is talking to an owl? Robett took a few steps closer and started to recognize words.
“You … damn boy…” Robett took another step closer to hear more. “Doing things right … a way to get in … steal it!” After these words the owl’s eyes turned to Robett and it made a loud screech which made the Volantene turn his head. Robett had nowhere to hide, the foreigner had a furious look on his face and he took out his Valyrian steel sword.
“Who dears to eavesdrop Eren Meratus?” The man had pointed his sword right at Robett who could do nothing but rise his hands up while the owl flied away behind the Volantene. “Well, boy, what did you hear?” The man asked, his foreign accent oozing from the words.
“Not… Not much. Something about stealing… I was a pickpocket myself, I don’t mind some stealing.” Robett explained hastily, his heart beating faster than ever. “I just hope you… You don’t steal anything from the Night’s Watch.” For Robett’s surprise Eren started to laugh with a slightly mocking tone.
“This shithole has nothing worth stealing.” He said as his purple eyes turned to look at Robett again. “Where do you sleep, boy?” Eren lowered his sword now.
“Me? I… I sleep at the Lord Commander’s Tower, the first floor.” Robett’s hands were shaking as he spoke. For a while Eren looked at him with a doubtful face, but then he seemed to remember something.
“Yes… You were the commander’s steward, now I remember.” He put his sword back into its sheath as he spoke. “Listen, boy, one of my… eh, friends is going to watch over you for a while… Just to make sure you are not going to talk about what you just heard… To anyone.” The Volantene had an intimidating tone on his last words.
“I… I won’t tell anyone, I promise.” Robett tried to say, but Eren Meratus didn’t care.
“Now, boy, follow me.” Eren’s words left no room for questions and so Robett followed the man - to the King’s Tower. By the door of the tower stood the other one of Eren’s slave guards. Eren spoke to the guard in High Valyria and when he was done the guard nodded and started to walk.
“You follow him, boy.” Eren said before stepping inside the King’s Tower. What have I gotten myself into? Without having anything else he could do Robett took a couple quick steps to catch up with the guard.
“Do you have a name?” Robett tried to ask, but the slave stayed silent. And so they walk in silence through the cold and dark yard.
As they arrived to the Lord Commander’s Tower the guard escorted Robett to his room. And as Robett laid down to his bed the guard closed the door, but stayed inside, standing in front of the door. While Robett tried to sleep he could only think about how this slave guard was standing just couple feet away from him, and he kept thinking about what he had heard Eren talking. Why was he talking to an owl? Why did I have to eavesdrop him? These questions ran through Robett’s mind for hours before he could finally fall asleep.
As Robett opened his eyes it took him a while to remember what had happened last night. And then he saw the guard… Sleeping at the floor. What the hells do I do now? He stood up and quietly changed his clothes. As he walked to the door the guard was still sleeping. Does Eren still want this guard to watch over me? Should I wake him up? Robett sighed and looked at the guard, and then at the door.
[Go to breakfast without the guard] [Wake up the guard]
[Go to breakfast without the guard]
[Go to breakfast without the guard]
[Go to breakfast without the guard]
Lol no.
Yay I caught up
[Go to breakfast without the guard]
[Go to breakfast without the guard]
[Wake up the guard]
[Go to breakfast without the guard]
Okay, this one is clear, vote closed! Robett makes up his mind and sneaks to the breakfast without the guard.
I actually have to say I am a little surprised by this voting... But you just gave me a neat scene to write
Anyway, next part will come later today, its not finished yet but I'm pretty sure I'll get it done today. I might also do some drawings today 
Oh, and if you enjoy this story at all then you could also check out my new project, its GoT-related as well. Okay, I'll just give the link and you can read for yourselves:
I know this may be asking too much as I've already requested one character be drawn but if you could fit it in, could you perhaps draw Griff? I found him interesting to create and I would be very interested to see how you see him. That would be awesome if you could fit it in
P.S. I submitted a character to Land of Hundred Princes. Hope you like her!
Yeah, I'll draw Griff. I have four characters right now that I'm planning to draw, including Tun and Griff, and I'm planning to draw two of them today. However, like with Tun I probably wont publish Griff before he is intorduced in the story - which should be soon since there is a storyline on the Wall going on where he fits perfectly
Oh, and thanks for submitting to my other story, you are the first one to submit a female character there
An absolute pleasure to contribute
I'm really enjoying your work and really hope you keep going with it! Oh and I hope you like her haha 
She's great!
It was a clear and almost windless day at one of the most southern villages of the Ice-River clans. Asger stood next to the other villagers as they watched the huge army marching closer from the distance. If they were here to kill us they would have already started screaming their war cries. Women were sending their children in to the houses as the army came closer and closer. Finally the army was so close that Asger could recognize some of the faces. That’s Fleshbearer. Fleshbearer was feared clan leader, but he could never have this big forces unless he had united with several other leaders. And then Asger saw another clan leader, The Savage. Less than a year ago Asger had fought in a battle against The Savage’s clan. That man is rotten to the core.
“We have come to invite you to the most glorious war you sorry lot have ever seen!” Fleshbearer roared as the army stopped about sixty feet away from the villagers. Armun the Barbarian, a glorious warrior and the leader of the village stepped forward.
“I have seen quite many wars, Fleshbearer. Some of them I have fought against you, some against the men of the Frozen Shore, some against Hornfoots. What makes this war more glorious than those?” The Barbarian asked and spat on the ground.
“You want to know what makes this war glorious, fat Barbarian?” Fleshbearer’s mocking tone made Armun frown, but he stayed silent. “In this war we get to defeat a king! We get to feast with the flesh of a king!”
“Oh, you are talking about the king of the Nightrunners. Why would I give two shits about him?” The Barbarian asked, spreading out his hands. Asger agreed with the Barbarian, it was the Frozen Shore’s clans they should be fighting against.
“He doesn’t only claim to be the king of the Nightrunners, but the king of the whole Free Folk. He claims to be your king, Barbarian.” Fleshbearer was now walking closer to the villagers. “And I can promise you all, we will have more flesh to fuck and eat than ever before!” As the Barbarian stayed silent Fleshbearer changed his tone to more intimidating one. “Or I could burn this whole fucking village down! I already have more than thousand men behind me.” Armun’s mind clearly boiled from anger, but he calmed himself down quickly.
“Alright… Whoever are the leaders of this wretched army, I want to have a meeting with you all tonight. If I’m going to join this army I will do it as a commander of my own men, not as your slave.” The Barbarian spoke with voice that was as hard as a rock.
“So be it, my army will build a camp around your village and we will come to this meeting of yours at the sundown.” Fleshbearer said with a wicked smile on his face. As Fleshbearer walked back to his men and the army scattered around to build their camp, the villagers started to walk back to their houses. Asger tried to look as strong as he could as he saw Armun approaching him. Armun the Barbarian was a legendary warrior who had clashed swords with the warriors of many clans and also with the lordlings of the Bear Island. The Barbarian was on his late thirties, two years older than Asger.
“Asger, I want you to come to the meeting… You deserve a place on the table when decisions are made.” The Barbarian looked Asger in the eyes with a stern expression on his round face. For a while Asger wasn’t sure what to say. Why would he want me to the meeting?
“Do you think it’s wise? This war seems like stupidity to me.” Asger kept his voice low as he spoke.
“Do you think I have a fucking option here?” Anger flashed in the Barbarian’s green eyes. As he calmed down he continued. “Sure, Fleshbearer might run into a war without having a hope for victory, but if he has managed to get The Savage to join his army… The Savage is more cunning than Fleshbearer, which means that this war indeed can be won or that he plans to rebel against Fleshbearer.” A small and cold smile appeared on the Barbarian’s face. “And I’m happy with both options.” After those words Armun was about to turn and leave, but Asger grabbed him from the shoulder.
“Why do you want me to join the meeting?” Asger asked strictly, making the Barbarian shrug.
“The people of this village respect you. You would know that if you ever spent time with them.” With these words the Barbarian left, leaving Asger there to watch as the camp was slowly built around the village.
“Thenns? Fucking Thenns?” Barbarian had disbelief in his words and he looked almost like he was about to laugh at Fleshbearer.
“It’s a temporary alliance.” The Savage said calmly with his dark and twisted voice that sent shivers down Asger’s spine.
“Don’t tell me you don’t have the balls for it, Barbarian!” Fleshbearer roared, making the other clan leaders break into laugh.
“Fuck you, Fleshbearer! The balls for what exactly? To lick Magnar’s boots, aye?” Anger flashed in Fleshbearer’s face as Armun spoke. “Because that’s what you seem to be doing, serving Magnar Krygorn. Earlier you said this Raymun claims to be my king, well, is Krygorn your king then? Or your god?” Fleshbearer stood up in a boost of rage and the other clan leaders had to stop him from attacking the Barbarian.
“Calm down, both of you.” The Savage’s words quieted the whole room. “Magnar is not our leader, neither is Raymun Redbeard. We make our own path, and we make that path with the blood of our enemies.” These words made most of the people in the room cheer, but Asger and Barbarian stayed silent.
“It was not long ago you fought against us… Killed many of our people.” Asger spoke, for the first time on this meeting, making The Savage look into his eyes with his wicked gaze. The Savage was a scary creature to look at, the eyes were full of darkness, his pale face was clean shaven and the greasy brown hair rested on his face.
“I have fought against most of the clan leaders here… Or those who were the leaders of their clans before them. I’m sure I killed many of your people, raped them, ate them. If you want to hold grudge over that you have all the right for it.” Asger had to turn his look away from The Savage.
“We are ready to leave the past behind us.” The Barbarian said, giving a stern look first to The Savage and then to Asger. “But I still have my questions… Have you considered what happens when the clans of the Frozen Shore hear of this?”
“Leave half your men here, to protect the village. Men of the Frozen Shore are weak cunts.” Fleshbearer said, making the men laugh again.
“I suppose that’s what I have to do.” Armun the Barbarian had a concerned look on his face as he spoke these words of agreement. A large grin appeared on Fleshbearer’s face as he congratulated Barbarian for making the right choice. And so the clan leaders started drinking.
The morning was already getting close as the last of the leaders left the Meeting Hall of the village. Asger hadn’t drank much as he didn’t trust these men at all. The Barbarian had also kept himself from getting too drunk and as they were the last persons on the hall he came to Asger with a serious look on his face.
“This is not a command, but I’m offering you something.” He said with gloomy voice.
“Can’t be a very good offer, judging by your voice.” Asger said, making the Barbarian chuckle.
“You are a good man, Asger. My offer to you is that when I leave to this damned war you would stay here and take the leadership of this village.” Armun looked Asger to the eyes. “You are the right man to lead these people if the the Men of the Frozen Shore attack. But I understand if you want to march to the war, and I won’t take that away from you. It’s your decision, just tell me in the morning.” The Barbarian gave Asger one more smile before he left him to think about the options he had.
[Leave to war] [Lead the village]
[Leave to war]
Damn it, I got unfollowed some time after the the Rumak part. But I'm back now and I'm going to submit a character for your new story as well
[Lead the Village]
[leave to war]
[Lead the village] So many stories going on and that is awesome.I submitted a character for you and I hope you like them!
Yeah, there definitely are many great stories on this forum, I'm happy if you find the time and enjoy to read this one!
And much thanks for the character submission as well!
Are you still putting the story into the google docs or just the comments? I'm up to Rumak in chapter 2, which fir me is the end of the doc, and I'm just curious where I need to go to find the next part
[Leave to war]
Oh, yes I put it in docs I just sometimes forget to put the part there after the voting - There has been just one Robett and now one Asger part after Rumak.
[Leave to war]
I am certanly sure I will enjoy the story and I can't wait for my character to be introduced!
[Lead the village]
[Lead the village]
Well shit, looks like we got a tie, and the one who submitted Asger hasn't voted. Okay, we'll just go with the option that got the first vote. So, vote closed! Asger will go to war.
I have started the next part - which is Skjorn PoV - and I might get it done today, no promises though. I'll probably do some drawing too today
Oh, and one more thing - there have recently been submitted couple characters whose backstory, occupation etc. is clearly set to the timeline of the show/books so I must remind that this fanfiction takes place ~90 years before the events of the show and the books. I've had some of these kind of submissions before that I have been able to bend them to this timeline, but when the whole motive of the character is revolved around White Walkers (who haven't woken up yet from their thousands of years slumber) or fighting for Robb Stark it's hard to do that. So please remember this when you submit
Woah, it's been ages since I was here and now I finally caught up with the story again and I feel bad for not voting for such a long time
I currently live in a place without the internet so it's a little bit harder to keep up but I'm so happy the story continues.
You did incredible job as always and now living with no internet will be even harder :DD 
Hats off, mate
Thanks, buddy!
Personally I'd probably go nuts living without internet, so hats off for you too
Anyway I'm thankful you are still a reader, try to keep up with the story whenever you can!