Tbh, I have no idea how they are going to bring him back I agree that the Mel route seems a bit too obvious (though they could do it so that she fails at it first but then later succeeds). There has been some speculation also about him being resurrected by the Night's King, but I just don't see that happening. I don't know, I'll just let them surprise me because I have no idea - though Melisandre somehow resurrecting him seems like the most likely option... unless they won't bring him back at all. That would suck XD
Personally, I don't believe she can bring Jon back. I believe that Jon will come back, but it's been speculated so much that Melisandre will… more do it and I dunno so much. From the looks of the trailer, Davos and Melisandre are obvs protecting Snow's body and the Watch mutineers are wanting to burn the corpse. I think in the final bit where Davos draws Longclaw with those brothers around him, I might be slow but are those brothers siding with him to help defend Jon's body? Or else they're against him and Ghost is gonna rip some flesh up!
As for his resurrection, I always liked the idea of him joining the Others and somehow settling peace between the Others and men, though I imagine the only way will be through resurrection via r'hllor. Anyway, your thoughts?
Well there's always that possibility too. I think the thing to remember is that when people are resurrected they lose something as Durrandon or Thoros said after resurrecting the guy like 6-7 times.
Tbh, I have no idea how they are going to bring him back I agree that the Mel route seems a bit too obvious (though they could do it so tha… moret she fails at it first but then later succeeds). There has been some speculation also about him being resurrected by the Night's King, but I just don't see that happening. I don't know, I'll just let them surprise me because I have no idea - though Melisandre somehow resurrecting him seems like the most likely option... unless they won't bring him back at all. That would suck XD
”I agree with Jorrel and Ramsay, we need an open election.” Trystan said calmly. He could see some people around the table nodding and mumbling in agreement. The man who was opposed to him, Commander of Shadow Tower, Edric “Bloodstar” Dayne looked at him with cold, almost murderous, eyes. “At the same time I would like to say that I will personally not be a candidate.” He continued, turning his eyes away from the Dayne.
“So be it.” Jorrel said, sounding tired. “I assume we can have the first voting tomorrow morning.” People seemed to agree with the decision, even Dayne didn’t bother to argue anymore.
“Fascinating.” The foreign man on the other end of the table said with his strong accent. “I have seen quite many elections back in Volantis, but I never thought I’d see one in such a cold and isolated place. As I said, fascinating.” It was hard to tell if the man’s words were genuine or if he was just making fun of the situation.
“I heard you are here to do business with the Lord Commander.” Trystan said to the foreign man with his calm voice as other people around the table started to get up and leave the hall. “As you heard earlier, I am the First Steward. I’m sure you have grown tired of this place by now, so if you want to sell something to the Night’s Watch you can have a meeting with me instead of Jack Musgood.” A smile that was clearly fake appeared on the man’s face.
“That sounds good, Lord Trystan.” He said with a touch of mockery in his words. “My name is Eren Meratus, by the way. I’ll come see you tomorrow after the election.” Trystan nodded for an answer, and watched Eren leave the hall with his arrogant smile on. I can’t tell if that man is dangerous or just annoying.
Trystan opened the door to his small office, seeing Ser Arthor Obsydian sitting by his desk with a gaze full of pain. Trystan’s squire, Broken Hill, stood by the window, looking outside with boredom in his eyes.
“Everything alright here?” Trystan asked, making Ser Arthor turn his head towards him. Broken however kept staring out the window.
“My head… hurts.” Ser Arthor said with weak voice. Trystan sighed, it was frustrating to watch a man who had undoubtedly been a great warrior to be in such a weak state.
“Don’t worry, I’ll have someone bring you milk of the poppy just in a moment.” Trystan said with calming tone, and then he walked to Broken. “Broken, are you alright?”
“Why wouldn’t I be?” He asked with little interest in his voice. Trystan let out a quiet chuckle, putting his hand on Broken’s shoulder.
“Alright then, good to hear. But I have something to do now.” Trystan said with a small smile. “And… I’d actually like you to come with me. To learn.” Now Broken turned his eyes to Trystan, the look he gave him was confused.
“Learn what?” He asked, now clearly a bit more interested.
“About people, perhaps about leading.” Trystan said, purposely with a slightly mysterious tone. “We are going to meet the newest members of the Watch.” He said, and the interest disappeared from Broken’s eyes.
“What exactly am I going to learn from that?” He asked and turned his eyes away from Trystan.
“As I said, you’ll learn how to handle people, how to know them. Now come on, follow me.” With these words Trystan left the room, Broken walking after him. They walked down to the courtyard, passing Edric Dayne and his loyal rangers, Sawyer Glover and Ramsay Derran who were training with a bunch of other rangers, and finally Eren Meratus who was eyeing all this with his slave guard. Trystan had heard whispers of how the Volantene had two guards when he arrived but suddenly the other one had disappeared.
“So, where are these new recruits?” Broken asked, waking Trystan from his thoughts.
“Oh, they are in the common hall… I asked Jorrel to bring them there.” He answered, and Broken nodded subtly. Finally they arrived to the doors of the common hall, and walked in. Sitting by one of the tables Trystan saw four men. On the other side of the table were Jorrel and the recruiters Jorgan and Croll.
“I see you brought your squire.” Jorrel said with bored tone, looking at the new recruits.
“Indeed.” Trystan answered. “So, who are our new recruits?” He turned his eyes to Jorgan and Croll as he asked this.
“They can introduce themselves.” Jorgan grunted, and so Trystan turned to first one of them, a man with dark brown curly hair, blue eyes and bushy beard.
“I’m Bronn of House Forrester.” The man stated with calm but slightly depressed voice. This surprised Trystan, he had heard of Bronn Forrester – the man had after all been the heir to the lordship of Ironrath, and he was just a couple years younger than Trystan.
“I’m Trystan Oldstark.” Trystan could see from Bronn’s eyes that he recognized the name, and perhaps a bit of shame could be seen in his expression. “I am the First Steward, and this here is my squire Broken Hill. So, would you like to tell what got you up here?”
“Does that matter?” Bronn asked, keeping his stare on the table. “From what I’ve heard, our past is forgiven once we take the black.”
“That’s true.” Trystan answered calmly. “And I’m not here to judge you, I just want to know the men that are joining this brotherhood.” Bronn let out a sigh, but nodded in agreement.
“Alright then.” He said and raised his look. “As you probably know, I was the second heir to Ironrath, after my father. Not long ago I was still respected… It was my duty to lead our men to war and I was ready to do it. But then something happened… I was accused of poisoning my father.”
“And did you do it?” Trystan asked with genuine interest. The look Bronn gave him was surprised, as if he would have never expected this question.
“My memories of that day are… clouded.” He said, turning his eyes to the table again.
“Of course the fucker did it.” Jorgan said with frustrated tone. “His lord and grandfather, Lord Howar Forrester, has judged him guilty. Fucker probably thought his grandfather will die soon enough anyway, but his father had too much years left.” Trystan saw anger in the eyes of Bronn, but the man stayed silent. I’m not sure about this, but there’s nothing I can do to help him. Trystan sighed and turned to the next man. It was a pretty young boy who seemed nervous.
“And who are you?” Trystan asked with gentle tone.
“I… My name is Feather. Waters… Feather Waters.” The voice of the young boy was shaky and he kept his eyes away from Trystan.
“So, Feather, why are you here?” Trystan asked, and the boy gulped.
“I… Killed my father.” He said quickly, and Trystan could see tears coming to his eyes. It was clear that there was a tragic story behind this boy and why he had killed his father, so Trystan decided not to torment him anymore. Instead he nodded calmly and turned to the next man.
“I’m Rass.” The man stated bluntly, a frustrated look on his eyes. “And I’m here because I didn’t want to fight anymore… I abandoned my liege lord in the war at the Wolfswood. They caught me, chained me, and asked ‘death or Wall?’. And now I’m here.”
“If you desert us, you will only have one option left.” Croll said with mocking tone, which made Rass frown. Trystan smirked subtly and turned his head to the last man, or rather a skinny young boy, probably on his late teens.
“And you are?” He asked and the boy turned his gaze up slowly.
“The name is Garran Sharp.” He mumbled. Ironborn. Again, Trystan was surprised. It wasn’t often that Night’s Watch got recruits from the Iron Islands.
“I’m guessing you were sent here from the war.” Trystan said calmly, and the young man nodded.
“They killed most of us, but I asked to be sent here.” He said with gloomy tone. “It’s better to live than die.” Trystan nodded in agreement. After that he, Jorrel, Jorgan and Croll explained the recruits what kind of training they would have. It went on for couple of minutes, and Trystan could see despair, anger, hopelessness and frustration in the eyes of these recruits as they were told what their future would be like. In the end Trystan left Jorrel and the recruiters to take care of the men and left with Broken.
As they walked out of the hall Trystan turned to his squire.
“So, first question, do you think Bronn Forrester really murdered his father?” He asked and Broken gave him a confused look.
“Why are you asking me?” He asked quietly, and Trystan gave him a smile.
“I want to hear your thoughts, I want to teach you the best I can.” Trystan answered with friendly tone, and Broken let out a sigh.
“Well, yeah, I think he did it.” Broken said and shrugged. “If he hadn’t I’m sure he would have at least tried to tell us that.”
“He did say his memories of that day are clouded.” Trystan remarked. “He doesn’t have a memory of killing his father, which means someone most likely did something to him that day – possibly to make him seem to be guilty, even to himself.” Broken scratched his head. “This is of course just a theory, but you should learn to see beyond the surface.” Trystan spoke with calm and friendly words, trying not to be too preachy and annoying. “Second question.” He said. “What do you think about Feather Waters?”
“I think he killed his father… But only because his father had done something bad to him, maybe mistreated him or something.” Broken spoke with thoughtful words, and Trystan nodded to him with a proud smile on his face.
“That was what I was thinking too.” He said and looked at Broken. And he could see a rare small smile appeared on his squire’s face. That is truly a refreshing sight.
It was a cold and early morning, and all the brothers of Castle Black were stuffing themselves to the common hall. The election was about to begin, and two men had named themselves as candidates. Jorrel and Edric Dayne. A builder and a warrior. With Broken, Trystan found himself to one of the tables. The hall was packed but Trystan and his squire found a place to sit at.
“What happens now?” Broken asked quietly as they sat down and the hall was still full of noise from the brothers trying to find their place and talking to each other.
“Now we will hear two speeches, one for each candidate.” Trystan answered as the atmosphere of the hall slowly started to calm down. Jorgan had taken the role of the Maester and was standing at the platform on the other end of the hall. Two simple clay bowls were on the table in front of him.
“Alright!” Jorgan shouted with grim tone as he sat down. “Just get on with the fucking speeches!”
One of Edric Dayne’s rangers stood up, and now the hall was completely silent. As Trystan looked at this young man who was about to have his speech he could see a touch of nervousness in his eyes. Finally the man cleared his throat.
“Warrior – that is what Commander Dayne is.” He started, eyeing the audience and pointing towards Edric Dayne. “But not just warrior, also a leader. As Jack Musgood and George Rivers are gone, that is exactly what Castle Black needs. You should all keep in mind that when the mutiny happened the First Builder Jorrel was already here. Had he taken control? Had he taken leadership? No, he couldn’t keep this castle in control, because he is no leader.” These words caused a bit of murmur in the audience, but the hall calmed down quickly again. Trystan could see a wide grin on Dayne’s face, whereas Jorrel was clearly boiling with anger. “But that is all in the past now.” Dayne’s ranger continued. “And we can learn from our mistakes. Castle Black must never again be in a position where it has no clear leader. Edric Dayne has led Shadow Tower for years now, he has kept control there and he can do it here as well. He has also promised to find those traitors and execute each and every one of them. Commander Dayne is the leader you want, if you wish for order and justice to return to Castle Black.” The man ended his speech and people around Dayne started clapping and cheering, the clapping spread throughout the hall, but especially the men around Jorrel had cold and resentful looks on their faces. Then a builder who was sitting next to Jorrel stood up.
“What we just heard were fine and pretty words.” The man started with his deep voice. “But words are wind, nothing more. No doubt Dayne is a fine warrior, a fine ranger, but he and his men were not here that night. They do not know what they are talking about. None of us knew it would happen – we were all caught off guard. We had warriors here then, and they did their best. But now it is not fighting that we need, we need to rebuild the order in this castle. And who would fit better to that role than the First Builder? Jorrel knows every man in this castle, he is truly a brother to every man in this castle. For as long as the Lord Commander is absent, he is the best choice to lead us through these hard times.” The man sat down and people gave their applause again.
“You may cast your votes now.” Jorgan announced. “The bowl on the right is for Dayne, the left is for Jorrel.” Trystan sighed, he had not yet made his decision. To him it was just important that there was a leader, but deciding who it should be was harder. Then he heard Broken’s voice interrupting his thoughts.
“Who do you think I should vote?” His squire asked with unsure tone, as the men started to line up for the voting. That’s a good question.
Choice 1:[Vote Dayne][Vote Jorrel]
Choice 2:[Tell Broken who to vote][Tell Broken to make his own decision]
PS. About choice 2, option 1 - Trystan will tell Broken to vote whoever you choose Trystan himself to vote.
PPS. Sorry for taking so long - this ended up being longer part than usually, and as I said before my schedule last week and weekend was tight.
That was a hard one. I actually can understand Broken for being so indecisive here. Ultimately, I have to agree with one argument the ranger brought up, namely the one that Jorrel was at Castle Black during the mutiny and failed to prevent it. The counter argument that no one could have prevented it is a rather weak one for me. While the Lord Commander was there, no mutiny happened. What good does it bring if Jorrel knows every man in Castle Black, when he can't keep them in line? Both basically promised to return order and stability and I trust Dayne slightly more to actually go through with this promise.
[Tell Broken to make his own decision]
I think a squire should learn how to make his own decisions. Broken is not going to remain a squire forever and one day it will be required of him to make decisions like this all by himself. He's unsure about who to vote now, but he must learn how to be decisive. Now's an opportunity for him to step up a little bit. Both candidates are prefectly viable choices, so I don't think he can make a mistake here.
”I agree with Jorrel and Ramsay, we need an open election.” Trystan said calmly. He could see some people around the table noddin… moreg and mumbling in agreement. The man who was opposed to him, Commander of Shadow Tower, Edric “Bloodstar” Dayne looked at him with cold, almost murderous, eyes. “At the same time I would like to say that I will personally not be a candidate.” He continued, turning his eyes away from the Dayne.
“So be it.” Jorrel said, sounding tired. “I assume we can have the first voting tomorrow morning.” People seemed to agree with the decision, even Dayne didn’t bother to argue anymore.
“Fascinating.” The foreign man on the other end of the table said with his strong accent. “I have seen quite many elections back in Volantis, but I never thought I’d see one in such a cold and isolated place. As I said, fascinating.” It was hard to tell if the man’s words were genuine or if he was just making fun of the situation… [view original content]
Wow, this was a fantastic part! A lot of my characters xD. I really liked how Trystan's bond with Broken is growing stronger, it truly was a refreshing thing to see. As for the votes.
[Vote Jorrel]
For me, I agree this was a difficult decision, though I really don't like Dayne. Instantly when he showed those 'murderous looking eyes' to Trystan, I felt like he was no better than the men that had deserted the Watch. And bringing up that the brothers at Castle Black did a shit job keeping themselves in line? Agreed, more could have been done by Jorrel but everything was scarce. Hell, even the Maester was unaware until Robett spilled. Personally for me, I feel like Dayne becoming acting Lord Commander would be like Skyrnor becoming Magnar of the Thenn's, catistrophic. Aye, they think they are the suitable choice for the position in these troubling times, but those who have chosen to desert have deserted. I would personally like to see Edric out hunting down the deserters rather than ruling with an iron fist, but that's just me.
[Tell Broken to make his own decision]
I agree with Liquid on this one, Broken must learn to make his own decisions. I can see him becoming a great asset to the Watch once his squiring days are over, it really seemed like he was starting to get what Trystan was showing him after the introductions with the recruits.
”I agree with Jorrel and Ramsay, we need an open election.” Trystan said calmly. He could see some people around the table noddin… moreg and mumbling in agreement. The man who was opposed to him, Commander of Shadow Tower, Edric “Bloodstar” Dayne looked at him with cold, almost murderous, eyes. “At the same time I would like to say that I will personally not be a candidate.” He continued, turning his eyes away from the Dayne.
“So be it.” Jorrel said, sounding tired. “I assume we can have the first voting tomorrow morning.” People seemed to agree with the decision, even Dayne didn’t bother to argue anymore.
“Fascinating.” The foreign man on the other end of the table said with his strong accent. “I have seen quite many elections back in Volantis, but I never thought I’d see one in such a cold and isolated place. As I said, fascinating.” It was hard to tell if the man’s words were genuine or if he was just making fun of the situation… [view original content]
”I agree with Jorrel and Ramsay, we need an open election.” Trystan said calmly. He could see some people around the table noddin… moreg and mumbling in agreement. The man who was opposed to him, Commander of Shadow Tower, Edric “Bloodstar” Dayne looked at him with cold, almost murderous, eyes. “At the same time I would like to say that I will personally not be a candidate.” He continued, turning his eyes away from the Dayne.
“So be it.” Jorrel said, sounding tired. “I assume we can have the first voting tomorrow morning.” People seemed to agree with the decision, even Dayne didn’t bother to argue anymore.
“Fascinating.” The foreign man on the other end of the table said with his strong accent. “I have seen quite many elections back in Volantis, but I never thought I’d see one in such a cold and isolated place. As I said, fascinating.” It was hard to tell if the man’s words were genuine or if he was just making fun of the situation… [view original content]
So, I'm not closing the vote quite yet because I'd hope for a little more votes and the next part isn't ready yet anyway (btw it's Edric PoV). However, I thought I'd like to talk about something I've been thinking/planning. Now that we're getting closer to summer I have more time for writing so I've been thinking about starting another GoT story at some point. I have one idea that would take us from the northest part of Westeros to the southest - Dorne. The story would be about Nymeria the Warrior Princess and Mors Martell conquering/uniting Dorne.
What do you think about the idea? Would it be something you'd be interested to read? I'd definitely like to hear your opinion before I plan it further And ofc this doesn't mean I'd stop writing this story
It certainly would! I've recently decided to delve into Dorne just out of sheer interest, but to read an entire story revolving around that would be great! Of course, I'm still curious if you were going to continue Land of Hundred Princes, maybe you did and I just haven't checked the forum and all these months but it would be good to see that back. Though yeah, I'd be all down for a Dornish story! I'm honestly thinking about making one that would be in Essos, though I want to get a firm grip on The Invasion before I decide to start anything new.
So, I'm not closing the vote quite yet because I'd hope for a little more votes and the next part isn't ready yet anyway (btw it's Edric PoV… more). However, I thought I'd like to talk about something I've been thinking/planning. Now that we're getting closer to summer I have more time for writing so I've been thinking about starting another GoT story at some point. I have one idea that would take us from the northest part of Westeros to the southest - Dorne. The story would be about Nymeria the Warrior Princess and Mors Martell conquering/uniting Dorne.
What do you think about the idea? Would it be something you'd be interested to read? I'd definitely like to hear your opinion before I plan it further And ofc this doesn't mean I'd stop writing this story
I've kinda lost my grip to the 100 princes at this point. Also, there's the problem that it's hard to get people read story that already has so many parts to catch up. I mean, I know you guys would get right back on it but it'd be great to have a couple new readers as well
Anyway, great to hear that you at least would be interested in story about Nymeria's War. For now I'm not really sure yet how I'd actually do the story, since it was a war that lasted 9+ years.
It certainly would! I've recently decided to delve into Dorne just out of sheer interest, but to read an entire story revolving around that … morewould be great! Of course, I'm still curious if you were going to continue Land of Hundred Princes, maybe you did and I just haven't checked the forum and all these months but it would be good to see that back. Though yeah, I'd be all down for a Dornish story! I'm honestly thinking about making one that would be in Essos, though I want to get a firm grip on The Invasion before I decide to start anything new.
I was going to propose you do it like this story, but then I realised that you meant 9 years worth of fighting. Yeah, it'll be interesting how you pull it off but I'll definitely be interested nonetheless
I've kinda lost my grip to the 100 princes at this point. Also, there's the problem that it's hard to get people read story that already has… more so many parts to catch up. I mean, I know you guys would get right back on it but it'd be great to have a couple new readers as well
Anyway, great to hear that you at least would be interested in story about Nymeria's War. For now I'm not really sure yet how I'd actually do the story, since it was a war that lasted 9+ years.
Oh yes, this sounds like a very exciting idea for a story! Dorne has always been by far my favourite region in Westeros, despite the underwhelming representation in the series, so this is an idea I am very thrilled about. I'd definitely read it. Actually, I can't wait for it and I even have an idea for a character already
So, I'm not closing the vote quite yet because I'd hope for a little more votes and the next part isn't ready yet anyway (btw it's Edric PoV… more). However, I thought I'd like to talk about something I've been thinking/planning. Now that we're getting closer to summer I have more time for writing so I've been thinking about starting another GoT story at some point. I have one idea that would take us from the northest part of Westeros to the southest - Dorne. The story would be about Nymeria the Warrior Princess and Mors Martell conquering/uniting Dorne.
What do you think about the idea? Would it be something you'd be interested to read? I'd definitely like to hear your opinion before I plan it further And ofc this doesn't mean I'd stop writing this story
I was going to propose you do it like this story, but then I realised that you meant 9 years worth of fighting. Yeah, it'll be interesting how you pull it off but I'll definitely be interested nonetheless
That's very good to hear! My original idea was to make something with Dorne versus Reach, but as I went through the history of Dorne I thought that Nymeria's War is too awesome to not make a story about
I'll make the thread pretty soon, probably after I've written a prologue for it.
Oh yes, this sounds like a very exciting idea for a story! Dorne has always been by far my favourite region in Westeros, despite the underwh… moreelming representation in the series, so this is an idea I am very thrilled about. I'd definitely read it. Actually, I can't wait for it and I even have an idea for a character already
That's very good to hear! My original idea was to make something with Dorne versus Reach, but as I went through the history of Dorne I thou… moreght that Nymeria's War is too awesome to not make a story about
I'll make the thread pretty soon, probably after I've written a prologue for it.
Okay, looks like no more votes coming, so vote closed! And Trystan will vote Dayne. He will also tell Broken to make his own decision. We'll see later what is the outcome of these choices.
Anyway, as mentioned before, the next part is going to be Edric Mormont PoV - yes, he still exists It's going to be a short part, and I'm almost 100% sure it'll be ready tomorrow. And here's also a small recap for Edric:
All the way back in the first chapter Edric was on mission with Keran, Ramsay and Rambton. However, he acted recklessly and Keran sent him back to Castle Black with the injured Ramsay. Later however Lord Commander Jack Musgood decided to give Edric a second chance and took him to the rescue mission of Keran and Rambton - along with First Ranger George Rivers, Ser Jaremy Brownbarrow, Khort, Victor and Wulfric Ironsteed. They already found out that Keran was killed, but they are still looking for Rambton...
Edric Mormont’s face felt frozen from the cold wind. The view from top of the Fist of the First Men was beautiful, Edric had to admit that. He was glad his guard duty was now, rather than during the night. But it’s still fucking freezing. All he had seen so far had been a couple stags running in the distance. Edric took a glance back at their camp. Jack Musgood and George Rivers were sitting by the fire while everyone else looked to be on the comfort of the tents. Jolly Jack had been far from jolly recently. He hardly spoke, and he seemed perhaps too headstrong about this mission of finding Rambton. George Rivers of course was so loyal to Jack that he would follow him all the way to the Land of Always Winter. Khort had first been adamant that they should find Rambton and execute him, but now he apparently just wanted to return to Castle Black. Victor still believed that Rambton was loyal to Night’s Watch and that this was a rescue mission. Wulfric was more skeptic but he still wanted to find Rambton. Ser Jaremy however had been saying the longest that they should return to the Wall, but Jack Musgood ignored his counsel. Edric had not taken sides in any of this, but he had to admit this mission did seem hopeless.
Edric turned back to watch the view that opened beneath him. He started walking towards the northern side of the camp with lazy steps. They hadn’t even met many wildlings on their way – apparently there was a war raging on the northern Haunted Forest, which explained why many villages were abandoned and those that weren’t mainly had small children and elderly on them. As much as Edric hated the wildlings he would never stoop so low to terrorize that kind of people while their warriors were on the war. He knew Jack, George, Victor, Wulfric or Jaremy wouldn’t do that either, but he had a feeling that if Khort wasn’t under the watchful eye of Jolly Jack he’d probably murder all of the wildlings all the way to the babe’s on their cradles.
Edric was about to take a piss, but then he saw something in the distance. Two human figures moved towards west on the forest edge. They were too far for Edric to make out if they were some kind of warriors, if they were men or women, or even if they were adult or children. Edric turned around and ran quickly to the camp. Jolly Jack watched him running towards them with an intrigued look on his face.
“There are people!” Edric panted out. “On the forest, I saw them.” Now Jack stood up and stared Edric straight to his eyes.
“How many?” He asked strictly.
“I saw two.” Edric answered firmly, and Jack nodded. Ser Jaremy and Victor had scrambled out of the tent.
“Let’s go then.” Jack stated with heavy words, picking up his sword. Without a word, George Rivers stood up, ready to follow his leader.
“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Ser Jaremy asked, but no one answered.
“I’m coming with you.” Victor blurted with a decisive tone, backing out to the tent to get his gear. Jack and George had already mounted their horses.
“Come on, then Edric!” The Lord Commander yelled, making him sprint to his horse. All of the brothers now came out of the tents. Edric mounted his horse and watched Victor sprinting to his horse. Khort looked at all this with a confusion in his eyes, and Ser Jaremy looked almost angry. Wulfric Ironsteed was the last one to come out of the tent, and he too looked baffled.
“By the gods, this could be a trap!” Ser Jaremy shouted angrily, only receiving a cold glare from Jolly Jack.
“Let’s go!” Jolly Jack shouted once more and rode off, George following immediately after him. Victor gave one hesitant look to Ser Jaremy, but also decided to go after the Lord Commander.
“Edric, I know he is the Lord Commander, but you don’t have to follow him to grave.” Ser Jaremy said with heavy words. “He is acting recklessly, you don’t have to do that.”
Edric Mormont’s face felt frozen from the cold wind. The view from top of the Fist of the First Men was beautiful, Edric had to adm… moreit that. He was glad his guard duty was now, rather than during the night. But it’s still fucking freezing. All he had seen so far had been a couple stags running in the distance. Edric took a glance back at their camp. Jack Musgood and George Rivers were sitting by the fire while everyone else looked to be on the comfort of the tents. Jolly Jack had been far from jolly recently. He hardly spoke, and he seemed perhaps too headstrong about this mission of finding Rambton. George Rivers of course was so loyal to Jack that he would follow him all the way to the Land of Always Winter. Khort had first been adamant that they should find Rambton and execute him, but now he apparently just wanted to return to Castle Black. Victor still believed that Rambton was loyal to Night’s Watch and that this was a rescue mi… [view original content]
Edric Mormont’s face felt frozen from the cold wind. The view from top of the Fist of the First Men was beautiful, Edric had to adm… moreit that. He was glad his guard duty was now, rather than during the night. But it’s still fucking freezing. All he had seen so far had been a couple stags running in the distance. Edric took a glance back at their camp. Jack Musgood and George Rivers were sitting by the fire while everyone else looked to be on the comfort of the tents. Jolly Jack had been far from jolly recently. He hardly spoke, and he seemed perhaps too headstrong about this mission of finding Rambton. George Rivers of course was so loyal to Jack that he would follow him all the way to the Land of Always Winter. Khort had first been adamant that they should find Rambton and execute him, but now he apparently just wanted to return to Castle Black. Victor still believed that Rambton was loyal to Night’s Watch and that this was a rescue mi… [view original content]
Edric Mormont’s face felt frozen from the cold wind. The view from top of the Fist of the First Men was beautiful, Edric had to adm… moreit that. He was glad his guard duty was now, rather than during the night. But it’s still fucking freezing. All he had seen so far had been a couple stags running in the distance. Edric took a glance back at their camp. Jack Musgood and George Rivers were sitting by the fire while everyone else looked to be on the comfort of the tents. Jolly Jack had been far from jolly recently. He hardly spoke, and he seemed perhaps too headstrong about this mission of finding Rambton. George Rivers of course was so loyal to Jack that he would follow him all the way to the Land of Always Winter. Khort had first been adamant that they should find Rambton and execute him, but now he apparently just wanted to return to Castle Black. Victor still believed that Rambton was loyal to Night’s Watch and that this was a rescue mi… [view original content]
This was an interesting part, and I do wonder who those two human figures were. Perhaps the were nothing, though I still want to find out nonetheless. Though, I do feel that it could be a danger and that Ser Jaremy could be right. Mmm, honestly I'm undecided with this and I think that Ser Jaremy is right in a sense, though I don't like Khort, and sure as hell don't want Edric in the camp with him.
This was a great part, despite it being short. I'll go check out Nymeria's War now
Edric Mormont’s face felt frozen from the cold wind. The view from top of the Fist of the First Men was beautiful, Edric had to adm… moreit that. He was glad his guard duty was now, rather than during the night. But it’s still fucking freezing. All he had seen so far had been a couple stags running in the distance. Edric took a glance back at their camp. Jack Musgood and George Rivers were sitting by the fire while everyone else looked to be on the comfort of the tents. Jolly Jack had been far from jolly recently. He hardly spoke, and he seemed perhaps too headstrong about this mission of finding Rambton. George Rivers of course was so loyal to Jack that he would follow him all the way to the Land of Always Winter. Khort had first been adamant that they should find Rambton and execute him, but now he apparently just wanted to return to Castle Black. Victor still believed that Rambton was loyal to Night’s Watch and that this was a rescue mi… [view original content]
I'm curious about these two people Edric saw. Also, I think if it really is a trap, then Edric should go in particular, because he might be able to save the Lord Commander, George and Victor. And if he doesn't manage to save them, he might be able to warn the rest of his brothers. Staying in the camp sounds like a wasted opportunity for me.
Edric Mormont’s face felt frozen from the cold wind. The view from top of the Fist of the First Men was beautiful, Edric had to adm… moreit that. He was glad his guard duty was now, rather than during the night. But it’s still fucking freezing. All he had seen so far had been a couple stags running in the distance. Edric took a glance back at their camp. Jack Musgood and George Rivers were sitting by the fire while everyone else looked to be on the comfort of the tents. Jolly Jack had been far from jolly recently. He hardly spoke, and he seemed perhaps too headstrong about this mission of finding Rambton. George Rivers of course was so loyal to Jack that he would follow him all the way to the Land of Always Winter. Khort had first been adamant that they should find Rambton and execute him, but now he apparently just wanted to return to Castle Black. Victor still believed that Rambton was loyal to Night’s Watch and that this was a rescue mi… [view original content]
What if you connected the two stories? Like you sent characters back and forth between the two places. Maybe someone from Dorne would get sent to the the Wall. Or do they not do that? I'm a bit rusty on my knowledge of Game of Thrones. The Dornish are like both a separate nation and connected to Westeros, right? I don't think I've ever seen anyone from Dorne at the Wall.
So, I'm not closing the vote quite yet because I'd hope for a little more votes and the next part isn't ready yet anyway (btw it's Edric PoV… more). However, I thought I'd like to talk about something I've been thinking/planning. Now that we're getting closer to summer I have more time for writing so I've been thinking about starting another GoT story at some point. I have one idea that would take us from the northest part of Westeros to the southest - Dorne. The story would be about Nymeria the Warrior Princess and Mors Martell conquering/uniting Dorne.
What do you think about the idea? Would it be something you'd be interested to read? I'd definitely like to hear your opinion before I plan it further And ofc this doesn't mean I'd stop writing this story
What if you connected the two stories? Like you sent characters back and forth between the two places. Maybe someone from Dorne would get se… morent to the the Wall. Or do they not do that? I'm a bit rusty on my knowledge of Game of Thrones. The Dornish are like both a separate nation and connected to Westeros, right? I don't think I've ever seen anyone from Dorne at the Wall.
[Go with the Lord Commander]
I'm curious about these two people Edric saw. Also, I think if it really is a trap, then Edric should go in … moreparticular, because he might be able to save the Lord Commander, George and Victor. And if he doesn't manage to save them, he might be able to warn the rest of his brothers. Staying in the camp sounds like a wasted opportunity for me.
I mean, I suppose you kind of do when it comes to the Oldstark's and my story aha. It's kinda nice to drop easter eggs in all of your stories though haha
Okay, vote closed! And Edric will go with the Lord Commander. This has some consequences, though Edric is not the one that this choice affects the most to.
Next part most likely wont come out today, but I should get it done in a day or two. It'll be a Robett PoV - another one who we haven't seen in a while I'll post a recap later.
Robett sat in the common hall of Shadow Tower, quietly eating his stew. Last weeks had been quiet. Robett knew that he should be thankful that it was boring here rather than dangerous, but on these boring and long days his mind constantly traveled back to the mutiny at Castle Black. Tom had talked with him, tried to tell him to come to peace with the past. Robett was thankful of Tom’s support of course, but he wasn’t sure if that really helped him. Another thing that Robett still wasn’t sure about was his decision to kill Griff. Tom of course thought he shouldn’t have done that, but he didn’t really feel regret – even if he didn’t really feel any kind of satisfaction either.
Robett’s thoughts were interrupted when a man sat to his table, opposed to him. This hadn’t happened so far even once on his stay at the Shadow Tower, the only one who had really talked with Robett here was Tom – none of the Shadow Tower’s men had got to know him. Not that it bothers me.
The man who now sat opposed to him had a curly black hair, icy blue eyes, pale skin and a scar that ran through his left cheek. The man really looked like a warrior to Robett. Why in the world would he come to sit with me?
“Hello.” The young man started awkwardly. “My name is Drymyr.” He added and glanced around him.
“Oh.” Robett said, mouth full of stew. “I’m Robett.” He looked around him, stilled confused of what was going on. Drymyr scratched his head and let out a nervous little laugh.
“Sorry for disturbing you.” He said. “I’m just… curious of what exactly happened in Castle Black.” Robett’s expression changed, all the joy disappeared from his face. “I mean, if you can talk about it.” Drymyr added with haste.
“Assholes wanted to escape and killed a lot of loyal brothers, end of story.” Robbet replied and turned his gaze to the stew. For his surprise Drymyr didn’t leave the table.
“I understand it must be hard.” He said, this time with much more serious tone. “I hate traitors too. But I always thought… Why would they abandon their post? Did they want freedom?” Drymyr asked, some kind of fascination on his words.
“I guess a part of us all wants freedom.” Robett answered with grim tone, still keeping his eyes down.
“Especially if we were born free, destined for something.” Drymyr muttered quietly, almost whispering. Robett raised his gaze to the man and could see sadness in his eyes. I wonder who he is, where he came from. Robett remained silent, even if these questions bothered him. “I think there will be a war soon.” Drymyr said suddenly. Robett raised his eyebrow.
“There already is war, in the Wolfswood and Stony Shore.” He said and Drymyr chuckled.
“No, sweet boy, I meant a war here. The Free Folk will attack one day, it’s only a matter of time.” The man spoke with dry and grim tone, and he made it sound like the enemy was upon them right now. Robett gulped and turned his eyes away.
“It was nice talking with you.” He said awkwardly as he stood up. Drymyr nodded, now a bit more relaxed expression on his face.
“I could say the same… I don’t really have much friends here.” He said with a touch of sadness in his words. Robett couldn’t come up with an answer, but he nodded to the young man before he walked away from the table.
Robett took a deep breath of the fresh air as he stepped outside. His job here had so far been mostly cleaning, and that would be his task today as well. He saw Tom repairing the door of the food storage with couple other builders. Ser Lyonel Crakehall was training the rangers on the courtyard, and rangers from Castle Black, Kip and Laurence, were saddling their horses for the return. Robett let out a sigh and walked down the stairs. Then Laurence noticed him, and started to walk towards him.
“Hey, Robett!” He said with a smile on his face. Robett forced a small smile on his face.
“Hey.” He said tonelessly, as the ranger eyed him with interest. “I see you are going back to Castle Black.”
“Indeed.” He answered. “Now, I’m not sure if Jack has come back yet or not, but perhaps you should come with us.” This surprised Robett, he hadn’t really thought about travelling back, or working for the Lord Commander again.
“I guess, but I assume Jack would send a raven if he would have returned.” Robett said quietly, and Laurence shrugged.
“Perhaps, but I think you could be more useful in Castle Black anyway, help whoever is leading the place at the moment.” Laurence spoke with confidence in his words and put his hand on Robett’s shoulder. Can I go back to that place?
[Return to Castle Black][Stay in the Shadow Tower]
PS. Sorry for taking this long, and sorry for it being such a mini part. This one was a bit annoying to write, because there wasn't really anything for Robett to do, but I needed to have this choice. At least I got to introduce Drymyr! And that could be one thing for you to think in the choice too: staying in Shadow Tower would mean that Robett's storyline will revolve pretty much around this new character.
I see arguments for both sides and it could kinda go both ways. However, I like the Shadowtower and think there can be a promising storyline for Robett here, whereas, thanks to Trystan, we already have a PoV in Castle Black. So, story-wise, staying sounds slightly better in my opinion.
Robett sat in the common hall of Shadow Tower, quietly eating his stew. Last weeks had been quiet. Robett knew that he should be t… morehankful that it was boring here rather than dangerous, but on these boring and long days his mind constantly traveled back to the mutiny at Castle Black. Tom had talked with him, tried to tell him to come to peace with the past. Robett was thankful of Tom’s support of course, but he wasn’t sure if that really helped him. Another thing that Robett still wasn’t sure about was his decision to kill Griff. Tom of course thought he shouldn’t have done that, but he didn’t really feel regret – even if he didn’t really feel any kind of satisfaction either.
Robett’s thoughts were interrupted when a man sat to his table, opposed to him. This hadn’t happened so far even once on his stay at the Shadow Tower, the only one who had really talked with Robett here was Tom – none of the Shadow Tower’s men had got to know… [view original content]
Robett sat in the common hall of Shadow Tower, quietly eating his stew. Last weeks had been quiet. Robett knew that he should be t… morehankful that it was boring here rather than dangerous, but on these boring and long days his mind constantly traveled back to the mutiny at Castle Black. Tom had talked with him, tried to tell him to come to peace with the past. Robett was thankful of Tom’s support of course, but he wasn’t sure if that really helped him. Another thing that Robett still wasn’t sure about was his decision to kill Griff. Tom of course thought he shouldn’t have done that, but he didn’t really feel regret – even if he didn’t really feel any kind of satisfaction either.
Robett’s thoughts were interrupted when a man sat to his table, opposed to him. This hadn’t happened so far even once on his stay at the Shadow Tower, the only one who had really talked with Robett here was Tom – none of the Shadow Tower’s men had got to know… [view original content]
Robett sat in the common hall of Shadow Tower, quietly eating his stew. Last weeks had been quiet. Robett knew that he should be t… morehankful that it was boring here rather than dangerous, but on these boring and long days his mind constantly traveled back to the mutiny at Castle Black. Tom had talked with him, tried to tell him to come to peace with the past. Robett was thankful of Tom’s support of course, but he wasn’t sure if that really helped him. Another thing that Robett still wasn’t sure about was his decision to kill Griff. Tom of course thought he shouldn’t have done that, but he didn’t really feel regret – even if he didn’t really feel any kind of satisfaction either.
Robett’s thoughts were interrupted when a man sat to his table, opposed to him. This hadn’t happened so far even once on his stay at the Shadow Tower, the only one who had really talked with Robett here was Tom – none of the Shadow Tower’s men had got to know… [view original content]
Drymyr!!! My first character ever submitted is finally introduced! . Interesting that Robett didn't pick up on him saying Free folk rather than wildlings... Anyway, to the decision at hand. For pragmatic reasons I would say that it is better for Robett to stay at the Shdaow Tower. Mainly because we already have Trystan at Castle Black for now, and we don't need a second PoV there. Also, there is the emotional distress Robett could suffer by going back there, which I'm sure we don't want. Also, being biased of course, I want to see more of Drymyr. Just speculation though this might be a chance for Robett to find some friends among the rangers.
Robett sat in the common hall of Shadow Tower, quietly eating his stew. Last weeks had been quiet. Robett knew that he should be t… morehankful that it was boring here rather than dangerous, but on these boring and long days his mind constantly traveled back to the mutiny at Castle Black. Tom had talked with him, tried to tell him to come to peace with the past. Robett was thankful of Tom’s support of course, but he wasn’t sure if that really helped him. Another thing that Robett still wasn’t sure about was his decision to kill Griff. Tom of course thought he shouldn’t have done that, but he didn’t really feel regret – even if he didn’t really feel any kind of satisfaction either.
Robett’s thoughts were interrupted when a man sat to his table, opposed to him. This hadn’t happened so far even once on his stay at the Shadow Tower, the only one who had really talked with Robett here was Tom – none of the Shadow Tower’s men had got to know… [view original content]
Vote closed! Alright, so Robett will stay in the Shadow Tower.
In the next part we will return to the army of Fleshbearer, and Asger will be the PoV. We will finally see the anti-Fleshbearer meeting that both Asger and Rumak decided to take part in. I have quite many things under work atm, so I'd say I'll get this part probably ready during next week.
Tbh, I have no idea how they are going to bring him back
I agree that the Mel route seems a bit too obvious (though they could do it so that she fails at it first but then later succeeds). There has been some speculation also about him being resurrected by the Night's King, but I just don't see that happening. I don't know, I'll just let them surprise me because I have no idea - though Melisandre somehow resurrecting him seems like the most likely option... unless they won't bring him back at all. That would suck XD
Well there's always that possibility too. I think the thing to remember is that when people are resurrected they lose something as Durrandon or Thoros said after resurrecting the guy like 6-7 times.
”I agree with Jorrel and Ramsay, we need an open election.” Trystan said calmly. He could see some people around the table nodding and mumbling in agreement. The man who was opposed to him, Commander of Shadow Tower, Edric “Bloodstar” Dayne looked at him with cold, almost murderous, eyes. “At the same time I would like to say that I will personally not be a candidate.” He continued, turning his eyes away from the Dayne.
“So be it.” Jorrel said, sounding tired. “I assume we can have the first voting tomorrow morning.” People seemed to agree with the decision, even Dayne didn’t bother to argue anymore.
“Fascinating.” The foreign man on the other end of the table said with his strong accent. “I have seen quite many elections back in Volantis, but I never thought I’d see one in such a cold and isolated place. As I said, fascinating.” It was hard to tell if the man’s words were genuine or if he was just making fun of the situation.
“I heard you are here to do business with the Lord Commander.” Trystan said to the foreign man with his calm voice as other people around the table started to get up and leave the hall. “As you heard earlier, I am the First Steward. I’m sure you have grown tired of this place by now, so if you want to sell something to the Night’s Watch you can have a meeting with me instead of Jack Musgood.” A smile that was clearly fake appeared on the man’s face.
“That sounds good, Lord Trystan.” He said with a touch of mockery in his words. “My name is Eren Meratus, by the way. I’ll come see you tomorrow after the election.” Trystan nodded for an answer, and watched Eren leave the hall with his arrogant smile on. I can’t tell if that man is dangerous or just annoying.
Trystan opened the door to his small office, seeing Ser Arthor Obsydian sitting by his desk with a gaze full of pain. Trystan’s squire, Broken Hill, stood by the window, looking outside with boredom in his eyes.
“Everything alright here?” Trystan asked, making Ser Arthor turn his head towards him. Broken however kept staring out the window.
“My head… hurts.” Ser Arthor said with weak voice. Trystan sighed, it was frustrating to watch a man who had undoubtedly been a great warrior to be in such a weak state.
“Don’t worry, I’ll have someone bring you milk of the poppy just in a moment.” Trystan said with calming tone, and then he walked to Broken. “Broken, are you alright?”
“Why wouldn’t I be?” He asked with little interest in his voice. Trystan let out a quiet chuckle, putting his hand on Broken’s shoulder.
“Alright then, good to hear. But I have something to do now.” Trystan said with a small smile. “And… I’d actually like you to come with me. To learn.” Now Broken turned his eyes to Trystan, the look he gave him was confused.
“Learn what?” He asked, now clearly a bit more interested.
“About people, perhaps about leading.” Trystan said, purposely with a slightly mysterious tone. “We are going to meet the newest members of the Watch.” He said, and the interest disappeared from Broken’s eyes.
“What exactly am I going to learn from that?” He asked and turned his eyes away from Trystan.
“As I said, you’ll learn how to handle people, how to know them. Now come on, follow me.” With these words Trystan left the room, Broken walking after him. They walked down to the courtyard, passing Edric Dayne and his loyal rangers, Sawyer Glover and Ramsay Derran who were training with a bunch of other rangers, and finally Eren Meratus who was eyeing all this with his slave guard. Trystan had heard whispers of how the Volantene had two guards when he arrived but suddenly the other one had disappeared.
“So, where are these new recruits?” Broken asked, waking Trystan from his thoughts.
“Oh, they are in the common hall… I asked Jorrel to bring them there.” He answered, and Broken nodded subtly. Finally they arrived to the doors of the common hall, and walked in. Sitting by one of the tables Trystan saw four men. On the other side of the table were Jorrel and the recruiters Jorgan and Croll.
“I see you brought your squire.” Jorrel said with bored tone, looking at the new recruits.
“Indeed.” Trystan answered. “So, who are our new recruits?” He turned his eyes to Jorgan and Croll as he asked this.
“They can introduce themselves.” Jorgan grunted, and so Trystan turned to first one of them, a man with dark brown curly hair, blue eyes and bushy beard.
“I’m Bronn of House Forrester.” The man stated with calm but slightly depressed voice. This surprised Trystan, he had heard of Bronn Forrester – the man had after all been the heir to the lordship of Ironrath, and he was just a couple years younger than Trystan.
“I’m Trystan Oldstark.” Trystan could see from Bronn’s eyes that he recognized the name, and perhaps a bit of shame could be seen in his expression. “I am the First Steward, and this here is my squire Broken Hill. So, would you like to tell what got you up here?”
“Does that matter?” Bronn asked, keeping his stare on the table. “From what I’ve heard, our past is forgiven once we take the black.”
“That’s true.” Trystan answered calmly. “And I’m not here to judge you, I just want to know the men that are joining this brotherhood.” Bronn let out a sigh, but nodded in agreement.
“Alright then.” He said and raised his look. “As you probably know, I was the second heir to Ironrath, after my father. Not long ago I was still respected… It was my duty to lead our men to war and I was ready to do it. But then something happened… I was accused of poisoning my father.”
“And did you do it?” Trystan asked with genuine interest. The look Bronn gave him was surprised, as if he would have never expected this question.
“My memories of that day are… clouded.” He said, turning his eyes to the table again.
“Of course the fucker did it.” Jorgan said with frustrated tone. “His lord and grandfather, Lord Howar Forrester, has judged him guilty. Fucker probably thought his grandfather will die soon enough anyway, but his father had too much years left.” Trystan saw anger in the eyes of Bronn, but the man stayed silent. I’m not sure about this, but there’s nothing I can do to help him. Trystan sighed and turned to the next man. It was a pretty young boy who seemed nervous.
“And who are you?” Trystan asked with gentle tone.
“I… My name is Feather. Waters… Feather Waters.” The voice of the young boy was shaky and he kept his eyes away from Trystan.
“So, Feather, why are you here?” Trystan asked, and the boy gulped.
“I… Killed my father.” He said quickly, and Trystan could see tears coming to his eyes. It was clear that there was a tragic story behind this boy and why he had killed his father, so Trystan decided not to torment him anymore. Instead he nodded calmly and turned to the next man.
“I’m Rass.” The man stated bluntly, a frustrated look on his eyes. “And I’m here because I didn’t want to fight anymore… I abandoned my liege lord in the war at the Wolfswood. They caught me, chained me, and asked ‘death or Wall?’. And now I’m here.”
“If you desert us, you will only have one option left.” Croll said with mocking tone, which made Rass frown. Trystan smirked subtly and turned his head to the last man, or rather a skinny young boy, probably on his late teens.
“And you are?” He asked and the boy turned his gaze up slowly.
“The name is Garran Sharp.” He mumbled. Ironborn. Again, Trystan was surprised. It wasn’t often that Night’s Watch got recruits from the Iron Islands.
“I’m guessing you were sent here from the war.” Trystan said calmly, and the young man nodded.
“They killed most of us, but I asked to be sent here.” He said with gloomy tone. “It’s better to live than die.” Trystan nodded in agreement. After that he, Jorrel, Jorgan and Croll explained the recruits what kind of training they would have. It went on for couple of minutes, and Trystan could see despair, anger, hopelessness and frustration in the eyes of these recruits as they were told what their future would be like. In the end Trystan left Jorrel and the recruiters to take care of the men and left with Broken.
As they walked out of the hall Trystan turned to his squire.
“So, first question, do you think Bronn Forrester really murdered his father?” He asked and Broken gave him a confused look.
“Why are you asking me?” He asked quietly, and Trystan gave him a smile.
“I want to hear your thoughts, I want to teach you the best I can.” Trystan answered with friendly tone, and Broken let out a sigh.
“Well, yeah, I think he did it.” Broken said and shrugged. “If he hadn’t I’m sure he would have at least tried to tell us that.”
“He did say his memories of that day are clouded.” Trystan remarked. “He doesn’t have a memory of killing his father, which means someone most likely did something to him that day – possibly to make him seem to be guilty, even to himself.” Broken scratched his head. “This is of course just a theory, but you should learn to see beyond the surface.” Trystan spoke with calm and friendly words, trying not to be too preachy and annoying. “Second question.” He said. “What do you think about Feather Waters?”
“I think he killed his father… But only because his father had done something bad to him, maybe mistreated him or something.” Broken spoke with thoughtful words, and Trystan nodded to him with a proud smile on his face.
“That was what I was thinking too.” He said and looked at Broken. And he could see a rare small smile appeared on his squire’s face. That is truly a refreshing sight.
It was a cold and early morning, and all the brothers of Castle Black were stuffing themselves to the common hall. The election was about to begin, and two men had named themselves as candidates. Jorrel and Edric Dayne. A builder and a warrior. With Broken, Trystan found himself to one of the tables. The hall was packed but Trystan and his squire found a place to sit at.
“What happens now?” Broken asked quietly as they sat down and the hall was still full of noise from the brothers trying to find their place and talking to each other.
“Now we will hear two speeches, one for each candidate.” Trystan answered as the atmosphere of the hall slowly started to calm down. Jorgan had taken the role of the Maester and was standing at the platform on the other end of the hall. Two simple clay bowls were on the table in front of him.
“Alright!” Jorgan shouted with grim tone as he sat down. “Just get on with the fucking speeches!”
One of Edric Dayne’s rangers stood up, and now the hall was completely silent. As Trystan looked at this young man who was about to have his speech he could see a touch of nervousness in his eyes. Finally the man cleared his throat.
“Warrior – that is what Commander Dayne is.” He started, eyeing the audience and pointing towards Edric Dayne. “But not just warrior, also a leader. As Jack Musgood and George Rivers are gone, that is exactly what Castle Black needs. You should all keep in mind that when the mutiny happened the First Builder Jorrel was already here. Had he taken control? Had he taken leadership? No, he couldn’t keep this castle in control, because he is no leader.” These words caused a bit of murmur in the audience, but the hall calmed down quickly again. Trystan could see a wide grin on Dayne’s face, whereas Jorrel was clearly boiling with anger. “But that is all in the past now.” Dayne’s ranger continued. “And we can learn from our mistakes. Castle Black must never again be in a position where it has no clear leader. Edric Dayne has led Shadow Tower for years now, he has kept control there and he can do it here as well. He has also promised to find those traitors and execute each and every one of them. Commander Dayne is the leader you want, if you wish for order and justice to return to Castle Black.” The man ended his speech and people around Dayne started clapping and cheering, the clapping spread throughout the hall, but especially the men around Jorrel had cold and resentful looks on their faces. Then a builder who was sitting next to Jorrel stood up.
“What we just heard were fine and pretty words.” The man started with his deep voice. “But words are wind, nothing more. No doubt Dayne is a fine warrior, a fine ranger, but he and his men were not here that night. They do not know what they are talking about. None of us knew it would happen – we were all caught off guard. We had warriors here then, and they did their best. But now it is not fighting that we need, we need to rebuild the order in this castle. And who would fit better to that role than the First Builder? Jorrel knows every man in this castle, he is truly a brother to every man in this castle. For as long as the Lord Commander is absent, he is the best choice to lead us through these hard times.” The man sat down and people gave their applause again.
“You may cast your votes now.” Jorgan announced. “The bowl on the right is for Dayne, the left is for Jorrel.” Trystan sighed, he had not yet made his decision. To him it was just important that there was a leader, but deciding who it should be was harder. Then he heard Broken’s voice interrupting his thoughts.
“Who do you think I should vote?” His squire asked with unsure tone, as the men started to line up for the voting. That’s a good question.
Choice 1: [Vote Dayne] [Vote Jorrel]
Choice 2: [Tell Broken who to vote] [Tell Broken to make his own decision]
PS. About choice 2, option 1 - Trystan will tell Broken to vote whoever you choose Trystan himself to vote.
PPS. Sorry for taking so long - this ended up being longer part than usually, and as I said before my schedule last week and weekend was tight.
[Vote Dayne]
That was a hard one. I actually can understand Broken for being so indecisive here. Ultimately, I have to agree with one argument the ranger brought up, namely the one that Jorrel was at Castle Black during the mutiny and failed to prevent it. The counter argument that no one could have prevented it is a rather weak one for me. While the Lord Commander was there, no mutiny happened. What good does it bring if Jorrel knows every man in Castle Black, when he can't keep them in line? Both basically promised to return order and stability and I trust Dayne slightly more to actually go through with this promise.
[Tell Broken to make his own decision]
I think a squire should learn how to make his own decisions. Broken is not going to remain a squire forever and one day it will be required of him to make decisions like this all by himself. He's unsure about who to vote now, but he must learn how to be decisive. Now's an opportunity for him to step up a little bit. Both candidates are prefectly viable choices, so I don't think he can make a mistake here.
Wow, this was a fantastic part! A lot of my characters xD. I really liked how Trystan's bond with Broken is growing stronger, it truly was a refreshing thing to see. As for the votes.
[Vote Jorrel]
For me, I agree this was a difficult decision, though I really don't like Dayne. Instantly when he showed those 'murderous looking eyes' to Trystan, I felt like he was no better than the men that had deserted the Watch. And bringing up that the brothers at Castle Black did a shit job keeping themselves in line? Agreed, more could have been done by Jorrel but everything was scarce. Hell, even the Maester was unaware until Robett spilled. Personally for me, I feel like Dayne becoming acting Lord Commander would be like Skyrnor becoming Magnar of the Thenn's, catistrophic. Aye, they think they are the suitable choice for the position in these troubling times, but those who have chosen to desert have deserted. I would personally like to see Edric out hunting down the deserters rather than ruling with an iron fist, but that's just me.
[Tell Broken to make his own decision]
I agree with Liquid on this one, Broken must learn to make his own decisions. I can see him becoming a great asset to the Watch once his squiring days are over, it really seemed like he was starting to get what Trystan was showing him after the introductions with the recruits.
Anyway, great part! Enjoyed reading it immensely!
[Vote Dayne]
[Tell Broken to make his own decision]
So, I'm not closing the vote quite yet because I'd hope for a little more votes and the next part isn't ready yet anyway (btw it's Edric PoV). However, I thought I'd like to talk about something I've been thinking/planning. Now that we're getting closer to summer I have more time for writing so I've been thinking about starting another GoT story at some point. I have one idea that would take us from the northest part of Westeros to the southest - Dorne. The story would be about Nymeria the Warrior Princess and Mors Martell conquering/uniting Dorne.
What do you think about the idea? Would it be something you'd be interested to read? I'd definitely like to hear your opinion before I plan it further
And ofc this doesn't mean I'd stop writing this story 
It certainly would! I've recently decided to delve into Dorne just out of sheer interest, but to read an entire story revolving around that would be great! Of course, I'm still curious if you were going to continue Land of Hundred Princes, maybe you did and I just haven't checked the forum and all these months but it would be good to see that back. Though yeah, I'd be all down for a Dornish story! I'm honestly thinking about making one that would be in Essos, though I want to get a firm grip on The Invasion before I decide to start anything new.
I've kinda lost my grip to the 100 princes at this point. Also, there's the problem that it's hard to get people read story that already has so many parts to catch up. I mean, I know you guys would get right back on it but it'd be great to have a couple new readers as well
Anyway, great to hear that you at least would be interested in story about Nymeria's War. For now I'm not really sure yet how I'd actually do the story, since it was a war that lasted 9+ years.
I was going to propose you do it like this story, but then I realised that you meant 9 years worth of fighting. Yeah, it'll be interesting how you pull it off but I'll definitely be interested nonetheless
Oh yes, this sounds like a very exciting idea for a story! Dorne has always been by far my favourite region in Westeros, despite the underwhelming representation in the series, so this is an idea I am very thrilled about. I'd definitely read it. Actually, I can't wait for it and I even have an idea for a character already
I have couple ideas of how to do it, but I'll still have to think
That's very good to hear!
My original idea was to make something with Dorne versus Reach, but as I went through the history of Dorne I thought that Nymeria's War is too awesome to not make a story about 
I'll make the thread pretty soon, probably after I've written a prologue for it.
I'll definitely submit a few characters for it!
Okay, looks like no more votes coming, so vote closed! And Trystan will vote Dayne. He will also tell Broken to make his own decision. We'll see later what is the outcome of these choices.
Anyway, as mentioned before, the next part is going to be Edric Mormont PoV - yes, he still exists
It's going to be a short part, and I'm almost 100% sure it'll be ready tomorrow. And here's also a small recap for Edric:
All the way back in the first chapter Edric was on mission with Keran, Ramsay and Rambton. However, he acted recklessly and Keran sent him back to Castle Black with the injured Ramsay. Later however Lord Commander Jack Musgood decided to give Edric a second chance and took him to the rescue mission of Keran and Rambton - along with First Ranger George Rivers, Ser Jaremy Brownbarrow, Khort, Victor and Wulfric Ironsteed. They already found out that Keran was killed, but they are still looking for Rambton...
Edric Mormont’s face felt frozen from the cold wind. The view from top of the Fist of the First Men was beautiful, Edric had to admit that. He was glad his guard duty was now, rather than during the night. But it’s still fucking freezing. All he had seen so far had been a couple stags running in the distance. Edric took a glance back at their camp. Jack Musgood and George Rivers were sitting by the fire while everyone else looked to be on the comfort of the tents. Jolly Jack had been far from jolly recently. He hardly spoke, and he seemed perhaps too headstrong about this mission of finding Rambton. George Rivers of course was so loyal to Jack that he would follow him all the way to the Land of Always Winter. Khort had first been adamant that they should find Rambton and execute him, but now he apparently just wanted to return to Castle Black. Victor still believed that Rambton was loyal to Night’s Watch and that this was a rescue mission. Wulfric was more skeptic but he still wanted to find Rambton. Ser Jaremy however had been saying the longest that they should return to the Wall, but Jack Musgood ignored his counsel. Edric had not taken sides in any of this, but he had to admit this mission did seem hopeless.
Edric turned back to watch the view that opened beneath him. He started walking towards the northern side of the camp with lazy steps. They hadn’t even met many wildlings on their way – apparently there was a war raging on the northern Haunted Forest, which explained why many villages were abandoned and those that weren’t mainly had small children and elderly on them. As much as Edric hated the wildlings he would never stoop so low to terrorize that kind of people while their warriors were on the war. He knew Jack, George, Victor, Wulfric or Jaremy wouldn’t do that either, but he had a feeling that if Khort wasn’t under the watchful eye of Jolly Jack he’d probably murder all of the wildlings all the way to the babe’s on their cradles.
Edric was about to take a piss, but then he saw something in the distance. Two human figures moved towards west on the forest edge. They were too far for Edric to make out if they were some kind of warriors, if they were men or women, or even if they were adult or children. Edric turned around and ran quickly to the camp. Jolly Jack watched him running towards them with an intrigued look on his face.
“There are people!” Edric panted out. “On the forest, I saw them.” Now Jack stood up and stared Edric straight to his eyes.
“How many?” He asked strictly.
“I saw two.” Edric answered firmly, and Jack nodded. Ser Jaremy and Victor had scrambled out of the tent.
“Let’s go then.” Jack stated with heavy words, picking up his sword. Without a word, George Rivers stood up, ready to follow his leader.
“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Ser Jaremy asked, but no one answered.
“I’m coming with you.” Victor blurted with a decisive tone, backing out to the tent to get his gear. Jack and George had already mounted their horses.
“Come on, then Edric!” The Lord Commander yelled, making him sprint to his horse. All of the brothers now came out of the tents. Edric mounted his horse and watched Victor sprinting to his horse. Khort looked at all this with a confusion in his eyes, and Ser Jaremy looked almost angry. Wulfric Ironsteed was the last one to come out of the tent, and he too looked baffled.
“By the gods, this could be a trap!” Ser Jaremy shouted angrily, only receiving a cold glare from Jolly Jack.
“Let’s go!” Jolly Jack shouted once more and rode off, George following immediately after him. Victor gave one hesitant look to Ser Jaremy, but also decided to go after the Lord Commander.
“Edric, I know he is the Lord Commander, but you don’t have to follow him to grave.” Ser Jaremy said with heavy words. “He is acting recklessly, you don’t have to do that.”
[Go with the Lord Commander] [Stay in the camp]
Btw, if some of you have missed it, I just started a new story: Nymeria's War
[Go with the Lord Commander]
[Go with the Lord Commander]
[Go with the Lord Commander]
This was an interesting part, and I do wonder who those two human figures were. Perhaps the were nothing, though I still want to find out nonetheless. Though, I do feel that it could be a danger and that Ser Jaremy could be right. Mmm, honestly I'm undecided with this and I think that Ser Jaremy is right in a sense, though I don't like Khort, and sure as hell don't want Edric in the camp with him.
This was a great part, despite it being short. I'll go check out Nymeria's War now
[Go with the Lord Commander]
I'm curious about these two people Edric saw. Also, I think if it really is a trap, then Edric should go in particular, because he might be able to save the Lord Commander, George and Victor. And if he doesn't manage to save them, he might be able to warn the rest of his brothers. Staying in the camp sounds like a wasted opportunity for me.
What if you connected the two stories? Like you sent characters back and forth between the two places. Maybe someone from Dorne would get sent to the the Wall. Or do they not do that? I'm a bit rusty on my knowledge of Game of Thrones. The Dornish are like both a separate nation and connected to Westeros, right? I don't think I've ever seen anyone from Dorne at the Wall.
I would definitely do this, but the problem is that these stories are hundreds of years apart in the timeline. Otherwise great idea
I'm just worried he might piss himself if he doesn't get the chance to lubricate.
Haha, didn't even think about that xD
I mean, I suppose you kind of do when it comes to the Oldstark's and my story aha. It's kinda nice to drop easter eggs in all of your stories though haha
Okay, vote closed! And Edric will go with the Lord Commander. This has some consequences, though Edric is not the one that this choice affects the most to.
Next part most likely wont come out today, but I should get it done in a day or two. It'll be a Robett PoV - another one who we haven't seen in a while
I'll post a recap later.
Robett sat in the common hall of Shadow Tower, quietly eating his stew. Last weeks had been quiet. Robett knew that he should be thankful that it was boring here rather than dangerous, but on these boring and long days his mind constantly traveled back to the mutiny at Castle Black. Tom had talked with him, tried to tell him to come to peace with the past. Robett was thankful of Tom’s support of course, but he wasn’t sure if that really helped him. Another thing that Robett still wasn’t sure about was his decision to kill Griff. Tom of course thought he shouldn’t have done that, but he didn’t really feel regret – even if he didn’t really feel any kind of satisfaction either.
Robett’s thoughts were interrupted when a man sat to his table, opposed to him. This hadn’t happened so far even once on his stay at the Shadow Tower, the only one who had really talked with Robett here was Tom – none of the Shadow Tower’s men had got to know him. Not that it bothers me.
The man who now sat opposed to him had a curly black hair, icy blue eyes, pale skin and a scar that ran through his left cheek. The man really looked like a warrior to Robett. Why in the world would he come to sit with me?
“Hello.” The young man started awkwardly. “My name is Drymyr.” He added and glanced around him.
“Oh.” Robett said, mouth full of stew. “I’m Robett.” He looked around him, stilled confused of what was going on. Drymyr scratched his head and let out a nervous little laugh.
“Sorry for disturbing you.” He said. “I’m just… curious of what exactly happened in Castle Black.” Robett’s expression changed, all the joy disappeared from his face. “I mean, if you can talk about it.” Drymyr added with haste.
“Assholes wanted to escape and killed a lot of loyal brothers, end of story.” Robbet replied and turned his gaze to the stew. For his surprise Drymyr didn’t leave the table.
“I understand it must be hard.” He said, this time with much more serious tone. “I hate traitors too. But I always thought… Why would they abandon their post? Did they want freedom?” Drymyr asked, some kind of fascination on his words.
“I guess a part of us all wants freedom.” Robett answered with grim tone, still keeping his eyes down.
“Especially if we were born free, destined for something.” Drymyr muttered quietly, almost whispering. Robett raised his gaze to the man and could see sadness in his eyes. I wonder who he is, where he came from. Robett remained silent, even if these questions bothered him. “I think there will be a war soon.” Drymyr said suddenly. Robett raised his eyebrow.
“There already is war, in the Wolfswood and Stony Shore.” He said and Drymyr chuckled.
“No, sweet boy, I meant a war here. The Free Folk will attack one day, it’s only a matter of time.” The man spoke with dry and grim tone, and he made it sound like the enemy was upon them right now. Robett gulped and turned his eyes away.
“It was nice talking with you.” He said awkwardly as he stood up. Drymyr nodded, now a bit more relaxed expression on his face.
“I could say the same… I don’t really have much friends here.” He said with a touch of sadness in his words. Robett couldn’t come up with an answer, but he nodded to the young man before he walked away from the table.
Robett took a deep breath of the fresh air as he stepped outside. His job here had so far been mostly cleaning, and that would be his task today as well. He saw Tom repairing the door of the food storage with couple other builders. Ser Lyonel Crakehall was training the rangers on the courtyard, and rangers from Castle Black, Kip and Laurence, were saddling their horses for the return. Robett let out a sigh and walked down the stairs. Then Laurence noticed him, and started to walk towards him.
“Hey, Robett!” He said with a smile on his face. Robett forced a small smile on his face.
“Hey.” He said tonelessly, as the ranger eyed him with interest. “I see you are going back to Castle Black.”
“Indeed.” He answered. “Now, I’m not sure if Jack has come back yet or not, but perhaps you should come with us.” This surprised Robett, he hadn’t really thought about travelling back, or working for the Lord Commander again.
“I guess, but I assume Jack would send a raven if he would have returned.” Robett said quietly, and Laurence shrugged.
“Perhaps, but I think you could be more useful in Castle Black anyway, help whoever is leading the place at the moment.” Laurence spoke with confidence in his words and put his hand on Robett’s shoulder. Can I go back to that place?
[Return to Castle Black] [Stay in the Shadow Tower]
PS. Sorry for taking this long, and sorry for it being such a mini part. This one was a bit annoying to write, because there wasn't really anything for Robett to do, but I needed to have this choice. At least I got to introduce Drymyr! And that could be one thing for you to think in the choice too: staying in Shadow Tower would mean that Robett's storyline will revolve pretty much around this new character.
[Stay in the Shadow Tower]
I see arguments for both sides and it could kinda go both ways. However, I like the Shadowtower and think there can be a promising storyline for Robett here, whereas, thanks to Trystan, we already have a PoV in Castle Black. So, story-wise, staying sounds slightly better in my opinion.
[Stay in the Shadow Tower]
[Return to Castle Black]
[Stay in the Shadow Tower]
Drymyr!!! My first character ever submitted is finally introduced!
. Interesting that Robett didn't pick up on him saying Free folk rather than wildlings... Anyway, to the decision at hand. For pragmatic reasons I would say that it is better for Robett to stay at the Shdaow Tower. Mainly because we already have Trystan at Castle Black for now, and we don't need a second PoV there. Also, there is the emotional distress Robett could suffer by going back there, which I'm sure we don't want. Also, being biased of course, I want to see more of Drymyr. Just speculation though this might be a chance for Robett to find some friends among the rangers. 
Vote closed! Alright, so Robett will stay in the Shadow Tower.
In the next part we will return to the army of Fleshbearer, and Asger will be the PoV. We will finally see the anti-Fleshbearer meeting that both Asger and Rumak decided to take part in. I have quite many things under work atm, so I'd say I'll get this part probably ready during next week.