A pale man on his early thirties, with dark eyes and dark hair that was shaved from the sides, woke up on his bed. He heard talk… moreing from the next room. Leona and Seamus. Matthias wanted to turn around and fall asleep again, but he knew he had to get up – he would have to go fishing today.
Matthias opened the door to the main room of their small house. His sister Leona, along with her husband Seamus, were eating bread and the last salted fish they had left. Seamus doesn’t deserve any of that food. Matthias kept his cool as he looked at the young couple with his dark eyes.
“So, you’re going for fish today, right?” Leona asked with gentle tone. Leona was twenty-three, a woman on her best age. Matthias would look after his sister as long as he could, but he knew that if he would die the poor excuse for a man that Leona had chosen for his husband could never protect her or look after her.
“Aye.” Matthias grunted for an answer … [view original content]
And Matthias will tell Yeron about Seamus. Liquid was the only one to vote against this and what he said is totally true: this is kind of a dick move from Matt. Not only towards Seamus but also towards his sister However, as Danielson (who is the creator of this great character!) said this is not at all out of character for Matthias. And I can say this is also the more interesting choice. If Matt would have not told about Seamus, then Seamus would have stayed as a tertiary character, this will give him a role of a secondary character in Matt's story.
I'm also glad you liked that little bonus-part with Raymun's family The meaning of it was mostly to update Raymun's situation, show his family, and also show that Jolly Jack and his rangers are still looking for Rambton. We'll have the first Rambton part of this chapter pretty soon btw.
Next part will be an Asger PoV, and it should be finished during the weekend.
If you don't remember what was Asger's situation then here's a small re-cap: When we first saw him he decided to leave from his home with Fleshbearer's army. As we know Fleshbearer was victorious and we saw Asger in one of the post-battle parts. He watched Fleshbearer tossing around heads (Harron and Krygorn) and tormenting Rumak. After that his clan leader Armun the Barbarian took him to solve a problem: who should they choose to lead the ~100 Thenns who are still around. Also there was a question of who should they keep alive. There was Grekorid Delen who swore to never follow Fleshbearer (Armun said he will be killed), then there was Barryn who said he is ready to follow Fleshbearer if he can lead them to raid the south, then there was Raugan Varalaf who was also submissive (his opinion was that Krygorn should have joined Raymun) and lastly Alex Deepstone who said (in Common Tongue) he is ready to follow Fleshbearer but he wont be the commander of the Thenns. Armun asked Asger's opinions and you voted that Alex Deepstone should be kept alive and that Raugan should be chosen as the commander.
“What do you say, Asger?” Armun asked impatiently. Asger cleared his throat and opened his eyes to look at the leader of his clan.
“My opinion is that we should keep this Deepstone alive.” Asger said quietly. He tried to see the Barbarian’s reaction to this, but Armun kept his face calm and didn’t give a hint on how he felt.
“Why?” He asked calmly and Asger let out a sigh. He felt slightly stressed giving advises to such a great warrior. I would rather just follow his orders.
“He seems to be a reasonable fellow. And I’m pretty sure he is not originally a Thenn. Could be a Nightrunner but I actually think he is from south of the Wall. The more knowledge we have about south the better.” Asger felt nervous as he stopped talking, but then he saw a small smile on the Barbarian’s face.
“I think you are right, Asger.” He said with thoughtful tone. “And how about the commander? Which one do you think is the right one?” The tone on Armun’s words changed, it was more serious now. Asger grasped for some air.
“Raugan.” He answered shortly, with all the strength in his voice. The look on Armun’s face was baffled.
“What the fuck, Asger?” The Barbarian growled and shook his head. “Do you really think that weak old man is the right man to lead these Thenns?” Asger gulped, but quickly gathered himself together.
“He is easy to control.” Asger insisted. “And Barryn has switched sides two times already, he could do it again.” Armun started to laugh, but it sure wasn’t a warm laughter and sent shivers down Asger’s spine.
“I can’t fucking believe what I’m hearing!” Armun the Barbarian’s voice was strong and it forced Asger to back down a little.
“You wanted my opinion, Barbarian.” Asger answered defensively as his Clan Leader casted a dark glare on him.
“And it sure was a shit opinion.” After saying these severe words Armun turned around and walked back to the tent. Asger let out a quiet curse and shook his head, but loyally followed his leader.
The tent was silent. All four tied up Thenns looked at them, some of them calmly, others with rage or darkness in their eyes. Without saying a word the Barbarian took out his hatchet, walked to Grekorid Delen, and before the Thenn lord could even let out a scream the hatchet was buried deep into his skull. Raugan Varalaf looked at the sight in terror. Alex Deepstone sighed and closed his eyes. Barryn didn’t even bother to look. Armun teared the hatchet off Grekorid’s head and the lifeless body slumped to the ground. Then the Barbarian walked to Barryn with a dark grin on his face.
“It seems to me you are a true warrior, Barryn.” Armun said coldly. “You shall be the commander of the Thenns in Fleshbearer’s army. Make sure you get them under your control.” Barryn nodded silently, the everlasting dark gaze on his eyes. Then Armun opened his ties.
“Barryn, we’ll take these two to the rest of the Thenns.” Armun said, referring to Raugan and Alex. “It’s time to go through every single one of them and see who deserves to live.” Barryn nodded again and grabbed Alex from the arm, pulling him up. Armun took Raugan and then turned his eyes to Asger.
“And you, go inform Fleshbearer about what happened here.” Armun said with commanding tone. Without waiting for any kind of answer the Barbarian left the tent, dragging Raugan with him. Barryn followed with Alex Deepstone. Asger was left to the silent tent alone and he looked at the body of Grekorid Delen, his split head was a gruesome sight. I guess that’s the price for being loyal to your own.
Couple days had passed after Barryn being chosen as the commander of Thenns. The army was moving again, but very slowly. There were many injured and some of the Nightrunners, Hornfoots and Thenns were still kept as prisoners rather than part of the army. Armun and Barryn had executed about twenty Thenns and there were only seventy-five of them left.
The army moved towards south. Asger had no idea what exactly was Fleshbearer’s plan. He had been in the meetings of the war council but it was clear that all the real planning happened between Fleshbearer and the Savage. Asger had not talked much – actually almost at all – with Armun lately but apparently even he didn’t know much about the plans of Fleshbearer and the Savage. Those two bastards want to control everything and everyone.
The sundown was getting closer so the army stopped and started to build a camp. They had moved west, closer to Frostfangs.Perhaps Fleshbearer plans on following the river down south. Asger noticed Armun ordering his clansmen on building the camp. He let out a sigh. Advising on making Raugan the commander of Thenns has clearly lowered his opinion on me.
“Asger, was it?” He heard a calm voice saying behind him. He turned around and saw Alex Deepstone.
“Yes, what is it?” Asger asked sternly and Deepstone gave him a small smile.
“You recommended on keeping me alive, right?” He asked and after a small moment of doubt Asger decided to nod in agreement. “Well I have to say I’m thankful of that.” Alex said with genuine tone.
“Is there something else?” Asger’s tone was cold, he wasn’t sure what to think of this surprising thankfulness. For a moment there was an unsure look on Alex’ face, but then he spoke up.
“I’ve been looking around these past few days… And I can see that Fleshbearer controls his men with fear.” Alex looked Asger to the eyes as he said this.
“I suppose.” Asger glanced around him as he answered. “But he is also a strong man… At the Ice Rivers strength is the most respected feature.” Asger wasn't really sure why he even bothered to defend Fleshbearer, he knew that man was rotten to the core.
“I could say the same about the Vale of Thenn.” Alex answered. “But there are many kinds of strength. Fleshbearer has a strength to terrorize the weak. A real king needs the strength to unite everyone, the strong and the weak.” Asger chuckled and shook his head to this.
“A beautiful thought, Thenn, but I don’t see why are you telling this to me?” Asger said with amusement in his voice, making Alex’ lips form a small grin.
“Would you like to come to a small meeting with me and couple friends I’ve made? We are talking about our beloved king Fleshbearer - about his future to be precise.”
[Go to the meeting][Stay out of it][Stay out of it and tell Armun about this]
Asger closed his eyes to think.
“What do you say, Asger?” Armun asked impatiently. Asger cleared his throat and opened his eyes … moreto look at the leader of his clan.
“My opinion is that we should keep this Deepstone alive.” Asger said quietly. He tried to see the Barbarian’s reaction to this, but Armun kept his face calm and didn’t give a hint on how he felt.
“Why?” He asked calmly and Asger let out a sigh. He felt slightly stressed giving advises to such a great warrior. I would rather just follow his orders.
“He seems to be a reasonable fellow. And I’m pretty sure he is not originally a Thenn. Could be a Nightrunner but I actually think he is from south of the Wall. The more knowledge we have about south the better.” Asger felt nervous as he stopped talking, but then he saw a small smile on the Barbarian’s face.
“I think you are right, Asger.” He said with thoughtful tone. “And how about the commander? Which one do you … [view original content]
This sounds like a very good opportunity to weaken Fleshbearer's position. Maybe Asger can be convinced to turn against Fleshbearer in the future. After all, he is not really a fan of him to begin with.
Asger closed his eyes to think.
“What do you say, Asger?” Armun asked impatiently. Asger cleared his throat and opened his eyes … moreto look at the leader of his clan.
“My opinion is that we should keep this Deepstone alive.” Asger said quietly. He tried to see the Barbarian’s reaction to this, but Armun kept his face calm and didn’t give a hint on how he felt.
“Why?” He asked calmly and Asger let out a sigh. He felt slightly stressed giving advises to such a great warrior. I would rather just follow his orders.
“He seems to be a reasonable fellow. And I’m pretty sure he is not originally a Thenn. Could be a Nightrunner but I actually think he is from south of the Wall. The more knowledge we have about south the better.” Asger felt nervous as he stopped talking, but then he saw a small smile on the Barbarian’s face.
“I think you are right, Asger.” He said with thoughtful tone. “And how about the commander? Which one do you … [view original content]
Asger closed his eyes to think.
“What do you say, Asger?” Armun asked impatiently. Asger cleared his throat and opened his eyes … moreto look at the leader of his clan.
“My opinion is that we should keep this Deepstone alive.” Asger said quietly. He tried to see the Barbarian’s reaction to this, but Armun kept his face calm and didn’t give a hint on how he felt.
“Why?” He asked calmly and Asger let out a sigh. He felt slightly stressed giving advises to such a great warrior. I would rather just follow his orders.
“He seems to be a reasonable fellow. And I’m pretty sure he is not originally a Thenn. Could be a Nightrunner but I actually think he is from south of the Wall. The more knowledge we have about south the better.” Asger felt nervous as he stopped talking, but then he saw a small smile on the Barbarian’s face.
“I think you are right, Asger.” He said with thoughtful tone. “And how about the commander? Which one do you … [view original content]
[Go to the meeting] We've decided to keep him alive, and one of our choices has weakened our position with Armun. I think choosing to be Armun's lackey really doesn't show that he is of the Ice Rivers, as strength is a value in their clans. So I'd say he should stick with his decision, not make Armun think he can have control over Asger because of his choices.
Asger closed his eyes to think.
“What do you say, Asger?” Armun asked impatiently. Asger cleared his throat and opened his eyes … moreto look at the leader of his clan.
“My opinion is that we should keep this Deepstone alive.” Asger said quietly. He tried to see the Barbarian’s reaction to this, but Armun kept his face calm and didn’t give a hint on how he felt.
“Why?” He asked calmly and Asger let out a sigh. He felt slightly stressed giving advises to such a great warrior. I would rather just follow his orders.
“He seems to be a reasonable fellow. And I’m pretty sure he is not originally a Thenn. Could be a Nightrunner but I actually think he is from south of the Wall. The more knowledge we have about south the better.” Asger felt nervous as he stopped talking, but then he saw a small smile on the Barbarian’s face.
“I think you are right, Asger.” He said with thoughtful tone. “And how about the commander? Which one do you … [view original content]
I guess I could give a little more time to vote but it wouldn't change the outcome, so, vote closed!
Asger will go to the meeting that Alex Deepstone is inviting him to, hmmm, interesting. Anyway, not really a big surprise that this option won - of course people will choose the option that hints towards taking Fleshbearer down I can say however that there are risks in this for Asger.
Stigz said that going to Armun would have made Asger look kinda weak and I can say he is right: that choice wouldn't have led to Armun saying "good boy" and liking Asger again, rather his opinion of Asger would have gone even lower.
The option of simply staying out of it would have probably been the safest for Asger but it would have also been the most boring so I'm glad you chose this one
I'm not 100% sure yet, but I think the next part will be Rambton PoV since I already started writing it. Could be I change my mind and write another PoV (Federico, Trystan or Maya perhaps) before Rambton, but we'll see. Whatever I choose to write, it'll probably be ready somewhere around Wednesday or Thursday.
P.S. I have lately been thinking that whenever I'm ready with this story (because it's clear I have no time to write two stories at the same time) I could start an interactive True Crime -genre story to the Forum Games -section What do you think about the idea? If I am going to start a new interactive story after this one I'm pretty sure I wont do a GoT story, simply because it would be refreshing to write something else.
I guess I could give a little more time to vote but it wouldn't change the outcome, so, vote closed!
Asger will go to the meeting that Al… moreex Deepstone is inviting him to, hmmm, interesting. Anyway, not really a big surprise that this option won - of course people will choose the option that hints towards taking Fleshbearer down I can say however that there are risks in this for Asger.
Stigz said that going to Armun would have made Asger look kinda weak and I can say he is right: that choice wouldn't have led to Armun saying "good boy" and liking Asger again, rather his opinion of Asger would have gone even lower.
The option of simply staying out of it would have probably been the safest for Asger but it would have also been the most boring so I'm glad you chose this one
I'm not 100% sure yet, but I think the next part will be Rambton PoV since I already started writing it. Could be I change my mind and write another PoV (Federico… [view original content]
Yeah, I have to think about it. Let's say that if I get inspired again I might continue it. It was meant as a side project that I would've written along this but as I said it came clear I have no time for two stories But, we'll have to see.
Yeah, I have to think about it. Let's say that if I get inspired again I might continue it. It was meant as a side project that I would've written along this but as I said it came clear I have no time for two stories But, we'll have to see.
This sounds like an interesting idea! If you decide to make it, I'm definitely going to follow it. Have to agree with TheAPlegends though, I also wouldn't mind reading more about the 100 princes Though I also can understand your reasons for not continuing it. But this new idea sounds interesting for sure!
I guess I could give a little more time to vote but it wouldn't change the outcome, so, vote closed!
Asger will go to the meeting that Al… moreex Deepstone is inviting him to, hmmm, interesting. Anyway, not really a big surprise that this option won - of course people will choose the option that hints towards taking Fleshbearer down I can say however that there are risks in this for Asger.
Stigz said that going to Armun would have made Asger look kinda weak and I can say he is right: that choice wouldn't have led to Armun saying "good boy" and liking Asger again, rather his opinion of Asger would have gone even lower.
The option of simply staying out of it would have probably been the safest for Asger but it would have also been the most boring so I'm glad you chose this one
I'm not 100% sure yet, but I think the next part will be Rambton PoV since I already started writing it. Could be I change my mind and write another PoV (Federico… [view original content]
Rambton Snow sat on a rock, looking at the abandoned village. At least it had been abandoned a few days ago before people running away from Fleshbearer had arrived. Rambton was hungry. That was almost the only thing he could think of. For so many he had just been on the run, hardly eating anything. And it was cold. There were ten Hornfoots and twelve Nightrunners on the village, and they had very little food to share. Couple of the Hornfoots were skilled hunters but even they had got almost nothing.
Rambton’s mind returned again to the rainy night, the battle between King Raymun and Magnar Krygorn that Fleshbearer had used, surprising them all. He remembered Hrenhild saving him and then dying. And he remembered Skadol’s face full of rage as he attacked him in the darkness. Rambton did not regret killing Skadol. He deserved it, he thought, clenching his fist. Rambton raised his eye and saw Jay Snow walking towards him. Jay was the only one here he could really call a friend, but Rambton wasn’t really sure what to think about him. Sure he used to be a brother of the Night’s Watch, but he felt like a man who was always supposed to be a wildling – unpredictable, undisciplined. A savage.
“What are ya planning to do now?” Jay asked and Rambton looked at him with a bit confused look on his face. “I mean… Where will you go?” Rambton thought about it, but he had no answer, so he shrugged.
“I don’t think I am a man of the Night’s Watch anymore.” He said with sullen tone and Jay chuckled.
“Oh really?” He said sarcastically. “I’ve also heard that bears shit in the forest! Can you believe that?” Rambton couldn’t help but let out a small laugh. “I think I have an idea, Rambton.” Jay said with mysterious tone on his voice. “But wait, I’ll go talk to Daritus first.”
“Daritus? The hunter?” Rambton asked casually and Jay nodded.
“He is also a warg by the way.” The young and pale man said with a grin on his face and quickly ran towards one of the small cottages. As Rambton watched Jay go he let out a sigh. I wonder what kind of crazy idea he got now…
Rambton walked closer to the cottages. He looked at the people who were laying around in the cold ground, some of them were injured and all of them were in hunger. One of the Nightrunners, a tall young girl named Nikita walked back to the village from the forest. Nikita was the only person besides Jay that Rambton had even talked with in this village. She was a lonely girl and so Rambton had tried to get to know to her, but he hadn’t got much else than her name out of her.
“Did you see something in the forest, Nikita?” Rambton asked gently and Nikita looked at him shyly, almost like she was afraid of him. Must be because of the scars.
“My hawk saw.” She answered with her high pitched voice. “The Ice River army… It’s not moving towards us, it’s going southwest.” As Rambton heard this he smiled to the girl, but her expression remained shy and sullen.
“Well that’s good news, I guess.” Rambton said, but he could put hardly any joy into his tired voice. Nikita nodded hastily and walked away. Rambton sighed, and once again he felt the pain of hunger in his stomach. At least I’m still alive. I’ve been surviving all this time, this is no time to give up. But as Rambton looked around him, he knew some of this people had given up. Many of them were old, and now wounded by this war. Maybe I should just head back to Castle Black.
“Rambton!” Jay’s yelling caught him off guard. “Now, listen, I have a great idea.” Jay said and pointed to Daritus, who was a tall man on his early twenties. The look on Daritus’ face wasn’t nearly as enthusiastic as Jay’s but he gave a small smile to Rambton.
“So… What’s the idea?” Rambton asked awkwardly.
“Daritus knows a man from the Frozen Shore, a man who takes people to south of the Wall.” Jay said, and now his smile was more subtle. “I know that’s what you want Rambton, and I want to help you out.”
“I have met this man only twice, so I can’t guarantee…” Daritus started, but Jay cut him off.
“Don’t worry about it!” He said cheerfully. “Now, Rambton, I could come with you… Not to the Seven Kingdoms, hells no, but to the Frozen Shore. That would be a nice adventure, aye?” Rambton was baffled. This seemed actually a pretty good idea. It had its questionable parts, like would they ever find the man, but Jay was right about one thing. I want away from here.
[Go to the Frozen Shore][Go to Castle Black][Stay in the village]
P.S. Sorry, this took a little longer than I thought. It was hard to write because starting this new phase in Rambton's story was kinda boring thing to do Rambton's story in the future will surely be interesting again, but I needed a part where you get to choose in what direction will he go from here - hopefully it wasn't too painfully boring to read
Maybe it's worth a try. Staying in the village does not sound like a good idea and going back to Castle Black would probably mean his death as a deserter. Rambton said it himself, it sounds like a pretty good idea to go to the Fozen Shore.
Rambton Snow sat on a rock, looking at the abandoned village. At least it had been abandoned a few days ago before people running… more away from Fleshbearer had arrived. Rambton was hungry. That was almost the only thing he could think of. For so many he had just been on the run, hardly eating anything. And it was cold. There were ten Hornfoots and twelve Nightrunners on the village, and they had very little food to share. Couple of the Hornfoots were skilled hunters but even they had got almost nothing.
Rambton’s mind returned again to the rainy night, the battle between King Raymun and Magnar Krygorn that Fleshbearer had used, surprising them all. He remembered Hrenhild saving him and then dying. And he remembered Skadol’s face full of rage as he attacked him in the darkness. Rambton did not regret killing Skadol. He deserved it, he thought, clenching his fist. Rambton raised his eye and saw Jay Snow walking towards him. Jay was the… [view original content]
Rambton Snow sat on a rock, looking at the abandoned village. At least it had been abandoned a few days ago before people running… more away from Fleshbearer had arrived. Rambton was hungry. That was almost the only thing he could think of. For so many he had just been on the run, hardly eating anything. And it was cold. There were ten Hornfoots and twelve Nightrunners on the village, and they had very little food to share. Couple of the Hornfoots were skilled hunters but even they had got almost nothing.
Rambton’s mind returned again to the rainy night, the battle between King Raymun and Magnar Krygorn that Fleshbearer had used, surprising them all. He remembered Hrenhild saving him and then dying. And he remembered Skadol’s face full of rage as he attacked him in the darkness. Rambton did not regret killing Skadol. He deserved it, he thought, clenching his fist. Rambton raised his eye and saw Jay Snow walking towards him. Jay was the… [view original content]
As for the choices, well... Staying in the village will get him nowhere, and likely kill him if he doesn't find food so I don't see this as a solid option. Also they are sitting ducks in the case of any of the Ice River Clans by accidentally stumbling onto them. As for going to Castle Black, I can see this possibly working out for him, not that I can see Rambton wanting to be back at the Wall for the rest of his life (again) though. I mean, if he pulled off a bullshit story of him being captured and a prisoner and blah blah blah then I can see Musgood taking him back. Anyway, going to the Frozen Shore (for me) seems like the best option for Rambton. Now I know I'm bias, and I indeed have many characters from the Frozen Shore that I would love to see, but I think that Rambton would take his chances to get himself as far away from the North as he can. Sure this plan may not actually work, but it's still an idea and a whole new story ahead of him!
Rambton Snow sat on a rock, looking at the abandoned village. At least it had been abandoned a few days ago before people running… more away from Fleshbearer had arrived. Rambton was hungry. That was almost the only thing he could think of. For so many he had just been on the run, hardly eating anything. And it was cold. There were ten Hornfoots and twelve Nightrunners on the village, and they had very little food to share. Couple of the Hornfoots were skilled hunters but even they had got almost nothing.
Rambton’s mind returned again to the rainy night, the battle between King Raymun and Magnar Krygorn that Fleshbearer had used, surprising them all. He remembered Hrenhild saving him and then dying. And he remembered Skadol’s face full of rage as he attacked him in the darkness. Rambton did not regret killing Skadol. He deserved it, he thought, clenching his fist. Rambton raised his eye and saw Jay Snow walking towards him. Jay was the… [view original content]
Frozen Shore will be featured in this chapter even if Rambton never gets there, so you don't have to worry about that Anyway, thanks again for reading and voting!
Not a boring read at all! I enjoyed it
As for the choices, well... Staying in the village will get him nowhere, and likely kill him if h… moree doesn't find food so I don't see this as a solid option. Also they are sitting ducks in the case of any of the Ice River Clans by accidentally stumbling onto them. As for going to Castle Black, I can see this possibly working out for him, not that I can see Rambton wanting to be back at the Wall for the rest of his life (again) though. I mean, if he pulled off a bullshit story of him being captured and a prisoner and blah blah blah then I can see Musgood taking him back. Anyway, going to the Frozen Shore (for me) seems like the best option for Rambton. Now I know I'm bias, and I indeed have many characters from the Frozen Shore that I would love to see, but I think that Rambton would take his chances to get himself as far away from the North as he can. Sure this plan may not actually work, but it's still an idea and a whole new story ahead of him!
So... [Go to the Frozen Shore]
Will always read, and nearly always try to vote. Speaking of votes I am receiving very little but I guess I'll have to go with it. I'll be doing a Davios part so I hope you could read it
Frozen Shore will be featured in this chapter even if Rambton never gets there, so you don't have to worry about that Anyway, thanks again for reading and voting!
Rambton Snow sat on a rock, looking at the abandoned village. At least it had been abandoned a few days ago before people running… more away from Fleshbearer had arrived. Rambton was hungry. That was almost the only thing he could think of. For so many he had just been on the run, hardly eating anything. And it was cold. There were ten Hornfoots and twelve Nightrunners on the village, and they had very little food to share. Couple of the Hornfoots were skilled hunters but even they had got almost nothing.
Rambton’s mind returned again to the rainy night, the battle between King Raymun and Magnar Krygorn that Fleshbearer had used, surprising them all. He remembered Hrenhild saving him and then dying. And he remembered Skadol’s face full of rage as he attacked him in the darkness. Rambton did not regret killing Skadol. He deserved it, he thought, clenching his fist. Rambton raised his eye and saw Jay Snow walking towards him. Jay was the… [view original content]
Checked out and noticed there was a part I had missed :O You haven't closed the voting for it though so I guess I can still vote? Though it seemed that the result was already clear Anyway, I'll go read it and the new Davios part!
Will always read, and nearly always try to vote. Speaking of votes I am receiving very little but I guess I'll have to go with it. I'll be doing a Davios part so I hope you could read it
Rambton will agree to Jay's idea and travel to the Frozen Shore. At least he will try, we'll see if it works out...
The next part will come at some point this week, depending on when I have time to write, and it will be Trystan PoV. If you don't remember who Trystan is, I'll remind you: He is the First Steward of the Night's Watch. In his latest part, which also was his first, he was at Eastwatch-by-the-sea. However, as he heard the news of the mutiny he decided to head to Castle Black with his squire Broken Hill and a disabled soldier, Ser Arthor Obsydian, he is taking care of. This new part of his will be located to Castle Black.
No more votes coming it seems, so vote closed!
Rambton will agree to Jay's idea and travel to the Frozen Shore. At least he will try, we'… morell see if it works out...
The next part will come at some point this week, depending on when I have time to write, and it will be Trystan PoV. If you don't remember who Trystan is, I'll remind you: He is the First Steward of the Night's Watch. In his latest part, which also was his first, he was at Eastwatch-by-the-sea. However, as he heard the news of the mutiny he decided to head to Castle Black with his squire Broken Hill and a disabled soldier, Ser Arthor Obsydian, he is taking care of. This new part of his will be located to Castle Black.
Trystan Oldstark stood at the yard of Castle Black and watched as men walked into the Shield Hall. There would be a meeting. When Trystan had arrived to Castle Black the atmosphere had been haunting. Brothers were being buried, everywhere was silent, and not a single smile could be seen. It’s time to take this situation under control. Trystan wasn’t sure what could he do, but he was a brother of the Night’s Watch, and it was his duty to make sure life would go on here.
Trystan turned his look to his squire, Broken Hill, who stood silently beside him. The young man had the usual sullen look on his light green eyes. Sad boy, I wish I had more time for him. Trystan also wished he had time for Ser Arthor Obsydian – that man needed and deserved help. A warrior who had fought for the North and injured himself on the Stony Shore, fighting the Ironborn. All this made Trystan think of home. The fort of his house, the Ol’Tower, was on the Stony Shore, and the last news Trystan had heard was that it was taken over by the Ironborn. Trystan thought about his family, hoping they were all safe. Night’s Watch is my family now, I shouldn’t think about Ol’Tower. Trystan sighed and put his hand on Broken’s shoulder.
“There is no need for you to come to the meeting, Broken.” Trystan said with calm tone. “Go look after Ser Arthor.” Broken gave Trystan a slightly frustrated look, but he nodded nonetheless, and walked away without a word. Trystan looked as Broken walked towards the Commander’s Keep with lazy steps. Slowly he turned his eyes to the Shield Hall again.
With the help of his ironwood cane Trystan walked to the doors and entered the hall that had walls of dark stone. And those walls were decorated by the colorful shields of all the knights in the Watch. Trystan turned his look to the table that had been chosen for this meeting. A dozen men sat by it, grim looks on their faces. Trystan sat down, next to Jorrel the First Builder. Opposing him on the other side of the table was Edric Dayne, the Commander of Shadow Tower. He had received the letter from Maester Jon and rode to Castle Black with several rangers, three of them sat around him on the table. Trystan also saw Ramsay Derran on the table, even if he looked like he should be on the bed rather than on this meeting. Then there were Jorgan and Croll, Sawyer Glover and Howard McDonald. Lastly there was also a mysterious foreign man on the other end of the table, dressed to red tunic. Trystan had only seen that man quickly the day he had arrived, and he had been told he was some kind of merchant who was waiting for Jack to return. But why is he in this meeting? And as he looked at the man Trystan saw something he had not seen in a while: a smile. It wasn’t in anyway a warm smile, but full of cold scorn and amusement. Apparently we are just a big joke to him. Finally Jorrel cleared his throat.
“You all know why we are here.” He started calmly, a touch of bitterness in his voice. “I don’t need to remind you what happened, but I will say that all those sons of whores who were part of it must be found, and punished.” Trystan could only imagine what had it been like here, in middle of all that bloodshed. He could hear the anger in Jorrel’s words, and he didn’t blame the man for it.
“We have men after them.” Sawyer remarked with tired voice. “Both the Umbers and Starks are being informed.”
“We also sent ravens from Eastwatch, just in case.” Trystan said and Jorrel mumbled in approval. “We sent one to Karhold and Dreadfort as well, even if this will most likely not be their concern.”
“I’d say it’s the Starks’ and Umbers’ job to take care of this.” Jorgan muttered. “At this point the traitors are already on their lands.” A moment of silence followed those words, until the Commander of Shadow Tower spoke.
“Are you sure about that, old man?” Edric Dayne asked and a hint of smile flashed on his face. “The North is in war, I wouldn’t count on the Starks, or even Umbers, having time to clean up this shit.” Jorgan let out a grim little laugh.
“Well this shit is already on their lands. And if they can’t find those traitors then I’m afraid they’ll get away.” Jorgan said and shrugged.
“And that is why we must send men to find those bastards.” Edric answered strictly. Jorgan let out a sigh and shook his head. Trystan wasn’t sure what to think about this. Sure, it was important that the deserters would be found and punished, but at the same time they needed to concentrate on making sure that Castle Black was back in order. And then there is the threat of the wildlings.
“I must agree with Dayne.” Jorrel said with a serious tone. “We must send rangers after them.”
“And who gives that command?” Ramsay Derran asked suddenly with his raspy voice and everyone turned their eyes to him. It was a good question, and Trystan had thought about it too. Who leads us?
“What do you mean?” Edric asked with cold, almost frustrated tone. Ramsay shook his head and let out a chuckle.
“What I mean is that Jolly Jack is still north of the Wall, and George Rivers with him. The Lord Commander and the First Ranger are not here. I would just like to know who of you actually is in command here now?” Again Ramsay’s words were followed by a tense silence.
“Perhaps we should just wait for the Lord Commander to come back.” Howard finally said with his hard voice. This was also what Trystan had thought of, but they all knew what could happen if they just waited…
“And what if he doesn’t come back?” Edric’s words were dark and for a while no one seemed to know what to answer. Trystan let out a tired sigh and spoke up.
“We must choose someone to lead while Jack Musgood is away.” He said calmly, looking at the men around him to the eyes. He saw agreeing nods, skeptic looks and Croll even openly shook his head.
“Are you saying we should elect a new Lord Commander, Oldstark?” He asked with aggressive tone. Trystan understood the aggression, choosing a new Lord Commander without knowing the faith of the current one would sure be bold.
“No, Croll, we are not throwing Jack off from his post. However, we do need a temporary solution.” Trystan explained, but the man still didn’t look convinced.
“I agree with Oldstark.” Edric Dayne said quietly, and Jorrel let out a sarcastic laugh.
“Oh, of course you do, Bloodstar. It’s because you want to take Jack’s place as the Lord Commander, isn’t it?” He spoke with agitation in his words and Trystan could see that Dayne was angered.
“Shut your mouth, builder.” He said with threatening voice. “This place should be led by a warrior.” Suddenly Ramsay Derran slammed his fist to the table, cutting off the bickering. Trystan looked at the one-armed man and he had to admire the sight. This man had almost been killed in the hands of the traitors, and there he was, full of fury and determination.
“I was here in that bloody night!” He shouted with strength in his voice, strength that commanded to listen. “I fought against those bastards the best I could, and by all the gods I did not survive that night just to hear you bicker and scheme!” For a moment everyone was silent, and Ramsay continued. “I want order back here, and I want those traitors punished, but if we need a temporary commander here then it should be decided by an open election. That is how the Night’s Watch works.”
“Wouldn’t it be wiser to just choose the leader here and now, instead of going through an election?” Edric asked with bored tone. “We have the First Builder, the First Steward and the Commander of Shadow Tower here – clearly the commander should be one of us. We should choose the temporary commander now, in this meeting.” Trystan could see what Edric was thinking – if it would be an open election, Dayne might not get much votes here in Castle Black.
“No.” Jorrel answered dryly. “Ramsay is right, we should have an election with every man on this castle – that way the right man gets chosen.” And Jorrel knows he is well liked among the men, especially the builders.
“So, Commander of Shadow Tower says no to election, First Builder says yes.” Sawyer Glover spoke with smooth voice, and Trystan already knew where this was going before Sawyer spoke up again. “What says the First Steward?”
Choice 1:[Commander should be chosen in an open election][Commander should be chosen in the meeting]
Choice 2:[Name yourself as candidate][Don't name yourself as candidate]
For Choice 1: I say that the 'Filling in Lord Commander' should be chosen in an open election. After all, as Jorrel said this is how the Night's Watch does things - it is only fair to let the actual Night's Watch have a say on who their acting Lord Commander should be.
As for Choice 2: Uhhh, this is a hard one. I'd love to see a Jon Snow thing happen for Trystan but we all know how that ended out... I'm personally not wanting to put him down for a candidate, not that I don't think that he isn't worthy for the role, but it is a large responsibility and makes him a target to the two that did not get that position (Jorrel and Edrick). It also means that Trystan may be able to keep closer ties with one of the two, rather than having both of them dislike him (if he did get the position). So I'm going to say Don't name yourself as candidate, Broken and Ser Arthor need him at this point and I don't want him to be a target to the already broken Watch. Of course this is all bias to my character
Great part! I'm really looking forward to the next part (and the part where we get to see Last Hearth)
Trystan Oldstark stood at the yard of Castle Black and watched as men walked into the Shield Hall. There would be a meeting. When… more Trystan had arrived to Castle Black the atmosphere had been haunting. Brothers were being buried, everywhere was silent, and not a single smile could be seen. It’s time to take this situation under control. Trystan wasn’t sure what could he do, but he was a brother of the Night’s Watch, and it was his duty to make sure life would go on here.
Trystan turned his look to his squire, Broken Hill, who stood silently beside him. The young man had the usual sullen look on his light green eyes. Sad boy, I wish I had more time for him. Trystan also wished he had time for Ser Arthor Obsydian – that man needed and deserved help. A warrior who had fought for the North and injured himself on the Stony Shore, fighting the Ironborn. All this made Trystan think of home. The fort of his house, the Ol’Tower, was on the… [view original content]
I fully agree with what Stigz said. The Commander should definitely be chosen in an open election, that is out of question for me. After all, that is how it has always been done in the Night's Watch and it just feels right to give the men a say in it. Choosing him in an open election means that the victor has the support of a majority of brothers and if they don't get a say in it, they could be disappointed and unhappy with the temporary Lord Commander. They already had one mutiny and they can't risk another one just because the brothers might not accept the temporary Lord Commander. While I would like for Trystan to become a nominee and maybe eventually even the victor of this election, Stigz brought up a fair point why he should rather not name himself as a candidate and I'm just going to agree with him.
Trystan Oldstark stood at the yard of Castle Black and watched as men walked into the Shield Hall. There would be a meeting. When… more Trystan had arrived to Castle Black the atmosphere had been haunting. Brothers were being buried, everywhere was silent, and not a single smile could be seen. It’s time to take this situation under control. Trystan wasn’t sure what could he do, but he was a brother of the Night’s Watch, and it was his duty to make sure life would go on here.
Trystan turned his look to his squire, Broken Hill, who stood silently beside him. The young man had the usual sullen look on his light green eyes. Sad boy, I wish I had more time for him. Trystan also wished he had time for Ser Arthor Obsydian – that man needed and deserved help. A warrior who had fought for the North and injured himself on the Stony Shore, fighting the Ironborn. All this made Trystan think of home. The fort of his house, the Ol’Tower, was on the… [view original content]
Trystan Oldstark stood at the yard of Castle Black and watched as men walked into the Shield Hall. There would be a meeting. When… more Trystan had arrived to Castle Black the atmosphere had been haunting. Brothers were being buried, everywhere was silent, and not a single smile could be seen. It’s time to take this situation under control. Trystan wasn’t sure what could he do, but he was a brother of the Night’s Watch, and it was his duty to make sure life would go on here.
Trystan turned his look to his squire, Broken Hill, who stood silently beside him. The young man had the usual sullen look on his light green eyes. Sad boy, I wish I had more time for him. Trystan also wished he had time for Ser Arthor Obsydian – that man needed and deserved help. A warrior who had fought for the North and injured himself on the Stony Shore, fighting the Ironborn. All this made Trystan think of home. The fort of his house, the Ol’Tower, was on the… [view original content]
Trystan Oldstark stood at the yard of Castle Black and watched as men walked into the Shield Hall. There would be a meeting. When… more Trystan had arrived to Castle Black the atmosphere had been haunting. Brothers were being buried, everywhere was silent, and not a single smile could be seen. It’s time to take this situation under control. Trystan wasn’t sure what could he do, but he was a brother of the Night’s Watch, and it was his duty to make sure life would go on here.
Trystan turned his look to his squire, Broken Hill, who stood silently beside him. The young man had the usual sullen look on his light green eyes. Sad boy, I wish I had more time for him. Trystan also wished he had time for Ser Arthor Obsydian – that man needed and deserved help. A warrior who had fought for the North and injured himself on the Stony Shore, fighting the Ironborn. All this made Trystan think of home. The fort of his house, the Ol’Tower, was on the… [view original content]
It was midday and Federico Reed could see the end of the path that they were riding, he could see the Last Hearth. It was on a hill, rising above the forest like a giant. It was partly timber and partly stone, a simple castle. It wasn’t nearly as grand or beautiful as Winterfell, but here, surrounded by these dark woods, it looked powerful. Federico looked at Gareth, who didn’t look that impressed.
“Gods, what an ugly castle.” He said and let out a chuckle. Federico found it quite funny that Gareth, a lowborn, wasn’t impressed while he, a highborn, saw the beauty of this simple fort.
“Well, it’s better than Castle Black.” Federico remarked and Gareth shrugged lazily.
“Only barely.” He said with an amused tone, and Federico had to let out a small laugh. Finally they arrived to the gate and the guards looked at them from the wall.
“Brothers of Night’s Watch.” One of the guards stated with gloomy tone on his voice. “What are you here for?”
“We have news from Castle Black!” Federico yelled. The guard looked at them suspiciously but finally nodded.
“Open the gate!” Was shouted and the gate stared to open creakingly, and they could see to the muddy yard of the Last Hearth. They rode in and were guided to the stables. As they had tied their horses an old man with short white beard and balding hair walked to them. Half of the man’s teeth had fell off and he had a grim expression on his wrinkled face. Doesn’t feel like a warm welcome.
“I believe you want to talk to Lord Osric, aye?” The old man asked with his rough voice and they both nodded. Federico had never met Osric, or any other Umber, but the reputation of this house made him a bit cautious. The Umbers are hard and strong men, and definitely shouldn't be angered.
“We have bad news from Castle Black.” Federico stated and a small grin was formed to the face of the man. Federico didn’t understand what was so funny, but he kept his calm.
“Follow me.” He said with quiet words. The man turned around and started walking, so Federico and Gareth followed. The courtyard was silent, only few guards could be seen. And as they came closer to the main keep the door was slammed open and a tall and bearded old man in a fur cloak walked out, dragging a smaller man with him. The smaller man had a black gear, he was slightly plump and his hair and stubble beard were very dark brown – and his face had a few fresh bruises.
“Mul Strad.” Gareth stated with monotone voice, as the larger man tossed Mul to the mud.
“You are in the presence of Osric Umber, the Lord of the Last Hearth.” The old man who had escorted them said. Osric pressed his right foot on Mul’s back, preventing him from standing up, and turned his eyes to Federico and Gareth, who both gave him a small bow.
“I’ve been waiting for you.” Osric grunted. “I received a raven from Eastwatch this morning, so I know what has happened.” Federico glanced quickly at Gareth, hoping they weren’t in trouble, but Gareth looked to be calm and sure.
“I see you have found one of the deserters.” Gareth said, looking at Mul who tried to squirm under Osric’s foot. “May I ask, why haven’t you killed him, my Lord?”
“He was found from a small tavern nearby, couple days ago.” Osric spoke with a bloodthirsty grin on his face. “Piss drunk, of course. He claimed to be a recruiter and that he had lost his permit of absence while drinking. If it was for me I would have already executed him, but my wife said we should ask the Night’s Watch first. When the raven about the mutiny came I knew this bastard had been lying to me all the time.” Osric moved his foot off and as Mul tried to crawl away Lord Umber put him down with a severe kick to the stomach, making the man howl in agony.
“Yes, he has been lying.” Gareth said with cold tone, and Osric nodded to him with a decisive look in his green eyes.
“Then he will be executed.” Lord Osric said strictly. “Guards! Take this man to the kennels, he will spend his last hours among the dogs.” The guards followed Osric’s order and picked up Mul from the mud. As they finally got him to stand up, he pleadingly looked Federico straight into the eyes.
“Please…” He muttered with powerless and desperate voice, but Federico turned his eyes away. He is a traitor, a murderer, he deserves this. Quickly Mul was dragged away and Federico shifted his attention back to Lord Osric.
“I’ll be happy to take the head of that whoreson.” Osric muttered with loathe in his voice and shook his head. “You two however, you are welcome to Last Hearth.” He said and let out a deep laughter. “Come, let’s go inside, I’m sure you have come here for a reason.”
They were in a small, warm and comfortable room. The flames were burning in the fireplace, a small window brought in the sunlight, there was a tapestry of a warrior killing a giant on the wall and they sat around a small round table. Osric poured himself some liquor.
“Are you two thirsty?” He asked. Gareth nodded and Federico shook his head. Osric let out a quiet little laugh and poured the liquor for Gareth. Gareth and Osric both took a small sip of their drinks. “So, brothers of the Watch, what are your names?”
“I’m Gareth Oaketh.” Gareth answered. “A ranger.” Osric nodded subtly and turned his eyes to Federico.
“I’m Federico of House Reed, also a ranger.” He said, and it felt weird to introduce himself as part of House Reed again. That all is in the past.
“Reed?” Osric spoke with deep and calm voice, and a grin appeared on his face. “Now that you said it, I can tell that you are a crannogman.” Federico wondered was that a positive or negative thing for the Umber, but he didn’t feel like asking.
“As you might guess, we are here because of the mutiny.” Gareth said with serious tone and Osric grunted in agreement. “For what we know there are still dozens of traitors on the run, and many of them are most likely on your lands, my Lord.”
“My lands are vast and wild.” Osric stated with gloomy tone and sighed. “But that might also be an advantage.”
“What do you mean?” Federico asked. He couldn’t see what advantage could there possibly be – it would be extremely hard to find the traitors.
“The travel will be slow and hard for the deserters, and most of them don’t know these lands.” Osric explained. “Sooner or later they look for villages or inns and there aren’t many of them in my lands – I’m sure we’ll find many of these bastards drinking ale and thinking they are safe. Of course having you with us will help since you recognize the men even if they have changed their clothes. You are here to help, right?”
“Of course.” Gareth answered and Federico also nodded in agreement.
“The sad thing is, I don’t have much men to give to this mission. My son Harmond rode to the war against the Ironborn with almost all the forces we could muster. However, I have some good men here that can help you hunt down the deserters.” As Osric finished speaking he poured more liquor for himself. “I’ll give you comfortable quarters to sleep in tonight. Tomorrow the hunt begins.” He stated with strength in his voice, and drank down the liquor with one gulp.
'and so the hunt begins' where have I heard that from? Hunger games? I don't know haha. Anyway, that's besides the point, great part! It has me eager to see the next Federico part . We've had 3 NW brothers in a row (traitors and not so), curious once we'll see the Vale again
It was midday and Federico Reed could see the end of the path that they were riding, he could see the Last Hearth. It was on a h… moreill, rising above the forest like a giant. It was partly timber and partly stone, a simple castle. It wasn’t nearly as grand or beautiful as Winterfell, but here, surrounded by these dark woods, it looked powerful. Federico looked at Gareth, who didn’t look that impressed.
“Gods, what an ugly castle.” He said and let out a chuckle. Federico found it quite funny that Gareth, a lowborn, wasn’t impressed while he, a highborn, saw the beauty of this simple fort.
“Well, it’s better than Castle Black.” Federico remarked and Gareth shrugged lazily.
“Only barely.” He said with an amused tone, and Federico had to let out a small laugh. Finally they arrived to the gate and the guards looked at them from the wall.
“Brothers of Night’s Watch.” One of the guards stated with gloomy tone on his voice. “What … [view original content]
Yeah, the next one wont be NW, that's sure, but I haven't really decided yet who will it be. Maya, Lenlie, Argus, Matthias, Rumak - one of them most likely. It's getting harder and harder to choose
'and so the hunt begins' where have I heard that from? Hunger games? I don't know haha. Anyway, that's besides the point, great part! It has… more me eager to see the next Federico part . We've had 3 NW brothers in a row (traitors and not so), curious once we'll see the Vale again
[Tell Yeron about Seamus]
[Tell Yeron about Seamus]
Okay, this is pretty clear so vote closed!
And Matthias will tell Yeron about Seamus. Liquid was the only one to vote against this and what he said is totally true: this is kind of a dick move from Matt. Not only towards Seamus but also towards his sister
However, as Danielson (who is the creator of this great character!) said this is not at all out of character for Matthias. And I can say this is also the more interesting choice. If Matt would have not told about Seamus, then Seamus would have stayed as a tertiary character, this will give him a role of a secondary character in Matt's story.
I'm also glad you liked that little bonus-part with Raymun's family
The meaning of it was mostly to update Raymun's situation, show his family, and also show that Jolly Jack and his rangers are still looking for Rambton. We'll have the first Rambton part of this chapter pretty soon btw.
Next part will be an Asger PoV, and it should be finished during the weekend.
If you don't remember what was Asger's situation then here's a small re-cap: When we first saw him he decided to leave from his home with Fleshbearer's army. As we know Fleshbearer was victorious and we saw Asger in one of the post-battle parts. He watched Fleshbearer tossing around heads (Harron and Krygorn) and tormenting Rumak. After that his clan leader Armun the Barbarian took him to solve a problem: who should they choose to lead the ~100 Thenns who are still around. Also there was a question of who should they keep alive. There was Grekorid Delen who swore to never follow Fleshbearer (Armun said he will be killed), then there was Barryn who said he is ready to follow Fleshbearer if he can lead them to raid the south, then there was Raugan Varalaf who was also submissive (his opinion was that Krygorn should have joined Raymun) and lastly Alex Deepstone who said (in Common Tongue) he is ready to follow Fleshbearer but he wont be the commander of the Thenns. Armun asked Asger's opinions and you voted that Alex Deepstone should be kept alive and that Raugan should be chosen as the commander.
[Don't tell Yeron about Seamus]
Damn it! I missed the vote.
Asger closed his eyes to think.
“What do you say, Asger?” Armun asked impatiently. Asger cleared his throat and opened his eyes to look at the leader of his clan.
“My opinion is that we should keep this Deepstone alive.” Asger said quietly. He tried to see the Barbarian’s reaction to this, but Armun kept his face calm and didn’t give a hint on how he felt.
“Why?” He asked calmly and Asger let out a sigh. He felt slightly stressed giving advises to such a great warrior. I would rather just follow his orders.
“He seems to be a reasonable fellow. And I’m pretty sure he is not originally a Thenn. Could be a Nightrunner but I actually think he is from south of the Wall. The more knowledge we have about south the better.” Asger felt nervous as he stopped talking, but then he saw a small smile on the Barbarian’s face.
“I think you are right, Asger.” He said with thoughtful tone. “And how about the commander? Which one do you think is the right one?” The tone on Armun’s words changed, it was more serious now. Asger grasped for some air.
“Raugan.” He answered shortly, with all the strength in his voice. The look on Armun’s face was baffled.
“What the fuck, Asger?” The Barbarian growled and shook his head. “Do you really think that weak old man is the right man to lead these Thenns?” Asger gulped, but quickly gathered himself together.
“He is easy to control.” Asger insisted. “And Barryn has switched sides two times already, he could do it again.” Armun started to laugh, but it sure wasn’t a warm laughter and sent shivers down Asger’s spine.
“I can’t fucking believe what I’m hearing!” Armun the Barbarian’s voice was strong and it forced Asger to back down a little.
“You wanted my opinion, Barbarian.” Asger answered defensively as his Clan Leader casted a dark glare on him.
“And it sure was a shit opinion.” After saying these severe words Armun turned around and walked back to the tent. Asger let out a quiet curse and shook his head, but loyally followed his leader.
The tent was silent. All four tied up Thenns looked at them, some of them calmly, others with rage or darkness in their eyes. Without saying a word the Barbarian took out his hatchet, walked to Grekorid Delen, and before the Thenn lord could even let out a scream the hatchet was buried deep into his skull. Raugan Varalaf looked at the sight in terror. Alex Deepstone sighed and closed his eyes. Barryn didn’t even bother to look. Armun teared the hatchet off Grekorid’s head and the lifeless body slumped to the ground. Then the Barbarian walked to Barryn with a dark grin on his face.
“It seems to me you are a true warrior, Barryn.” Armun said coldly. “You shall be the commander of the Thenns in Fleshbearer’s army. Make sure you get them under your control.” Barryn nodded silently, the everlasting dark gaze on his eyes. Then Armun opened his ties.
“Barryn, we’ll take these two to the rest of the Thenns.” Armun said, referring to Raugan and Alex. “It’s time to go through every single one of them and see who deserves to live.” Barryn nodded again and grabbed Alex from the arm, pulling him up. Armun took Raugan and then turned his eyes to Asger.
“And you, go inform Fleshbearer about what happened here.” Armun said with commanding tone. Without waiting for any kind of answer the Barbarian left the tent, dragging Raugan with him. Barryn followed with Alex Deepstone. Asger was left to the silent tent alone and he looked at the body of Grekorid Delen, his split head was a gruesome sight. I guess that’s the price for being loyal to your own.
Couple days had passed after Barryn being chosen as the commander of Thenns. The army was moving again, but very slowly. There were many injured and some of the Nightrunners, Hornfoots and Thenns were still kept as prisoners rather than part of the army. Armun and Barryn had executed about twenty Thenns and there were only seventy-five of them left.
The army moved towards south. Asger had no idea what exactly was Fleshbearer’s plan. He had been in the meetings of the war council but it was clear that all the real planning happened between Fleshbearer and the Savage. Asger had not talked much – actually almost at all – with Armun lately but apparently even he didn’t know much about the plans of Fleshbearer and the Savage. Those two bastards want to control everything and everyone.
The sundown was getting closer so the army stopped and started to build a camp. They had moved west, closer to Frostfangs.Perhaps Fleshbearer plans on following the river down south. Asger noticed Armun ordering his clansmen on building the camp. He let out a sigh. Advising on making Raugan the commander of Thenns has clearly lowered his opinion on me.
“Asger, was it?” He heard a calm voice saying behind him. He turned around and saw Alex Deepstone.
“Yes, what is it?” Asger asked sternly and Deepstone gave him a small smile.
“You recommended on keeping me alive, right?” He asked and after a small moment of doubt Asger decided to nod in agreement. “Well I have to say I’m thankful of that.” Alex said with genuine tone.
“Is there something else?” Asger’s tone was cold, he wasn’t sure what to think of this surprising thankfulness. For a moment there was an unsure look on Alex’ face, but then he spoke up.
“I’ve been looking around these past few days… And I can see that Fleshbearer controls his men with fear.” Alex looked Asger to the eyes as he said this.
“I suppose.” Asger glanced around him as he answered. “But he is also a strong man… At the Ice Rivers strength is the most respected feature.” Asger wasn't really sure why he even bothered to defend Fleshbearer, he knew that man was rotten to the core.
“I could say the same about the Vale of Thenn.” Alex answered. “But there are many kinds of strength. Fleshbearer has a strength to terrorize the weak. A real king needs the strength to unite everyone, the strong and the weak.” Asger chuckled and shook his head to this.
“A beautiful thought, Thenn, but I don’t see why are you telling this to me?” Asger said with amusement in his voice, making Alex’ lips form a small grin.
“Would you like to come to a small meeting with me and couple friends I’ve made? We are talking about our beloved king Fleshbearer - about his future to be precise.”
[Go to the meeting] [Stay out of it] [Stay out of it and tell Armun about this]
[Go to the meeting] This is very complicated situation, but after all, I'll be on side of the Thenns, I hate Ice River clans and I hate Fleshbearer.
[Go to the meeting]
This sounds like a very good opportunity to weaken Fleshbearer's position. Maybe Asger can be convinced to turn against Fleshbearer in the future. After all, he is not really a fan of him to begin with.
[Go to the meeting]
[Go to the meeting] We've decided to keep him alive, and one of our choices has weakened our position with Armun. I think choosing to be Armun's lackey really doesn't show that he is of the Ice Rivers, as strength is a value in their clans. So I'd say he should stick with his decision, not make Armun think he can have control over Asger because of his choices.
[Go to the meeting]
[Go to the meeting]
I guess I could give a little more time to vote but it wouldn't change the outcome, so, vote closed!
Asger will go to the meeting that Alex Deepstone is inviting him to, hmmm, interesting. Anyway, not really a big surprise that this option won - of course people will choose the option that hints towards taking Fleshbearer down
I can say however that there are risks in this for Asger.
Stigz said that going to Armun would have made Asger look kinda weak and I can say he is right: that choice wouldn't have led to Armun saying "good boy" and liking Asger again, rather his opinion of Asger would have gone even lower.
The option of simply staying out of it would have probably been the safest for Asger but it would have also been the most boring so I'm glad you chose this one
I'm not 100% sure yet, but I think the next part will be Rambton PoV since I already started writing it. Could be I change my mind and write another PoV (Federico, Trystan or Maya perhaps) before Rambton, but we'll see. Whatever I choose to write, it'll probably be ready somewhere around Wednesday or Thursday.
P.S. I have lately been thinking that whenever I'm ready with this story (because it's clear I have no time to write two stories at the same time) I could start an interactive True Crime -genre story to the Forum Games -section
What do you think about the idea? If I am going to start a new interactive story after this one I'm pretty sure I wont do a GoT story, simply because it would be refreshing to write something else.
Sounds interesting! I'm all in for that
Good to hear!
Of course this story is not very close to ending yet so that's somewhere in the future, but I'll be planning it 
And what about "Lands od 100 princes"? It was really good story as well
Yeah, I have to think about it. Let's say that if I get inspired again I might continue it. It was meant as a side project that I would've written along this but as I said it came clear I have no time for two stories
But, we'll have to see.
Ok, it was very good story but if you don't have time and inspiration, It's reasonable that you can't continue it, no problems
This sounds like an interesting idea! If you decide to make it, I'm definitely going to follow it. Have to agree with TheAPlegends though, I also wouldn't mind reading more about the 100 princes
Though I also can understand your reasons for not continuing it. But this new idea sounds interesting for sure!
Rambton Snow sat on a rock, looking at the abandoned village. At least it had been abandoned a few days ago before people running away from Fleshbearer had arrived. Rambton was hungry. That was almost the only thing he could think of. For so many he had just been on the run, hardly eating anything. And it was cold. There were ten Hornfoots and twelve Nightrunners on the village, and they had very little food to share. Couple of the Hornfoots were skilled hunters but even they had got almost nothing.
Rambton’s mind returned again to the rainy night, the battle between King Raymun and Magnar Krygorn that Fleshbearer had used, surprising them all. He remembered Hrenhild saving him and then dying. And he remembered Skadol’s face full of rage as he attacked him in the darkness. Rambton did not regret killing Skadol. He deserved it, he thought, clenching his fist. Rambton raised his eye and saw Jay Snow walking towards him. Jay was the only one here he could really call a friend, but Rambton wasn’t really sure what to think about him. Sure he used to be a brother of the Night’s Watch, but he felt like a man who was always supposed to be a wildling – unpredictable, undisciplined. A savage.
“What are ya planning to do now?” Jay asked and Rambton looked at him with a bit confused look on his face. “I mean… Where will you go?” Rambton thought about it, but he had no answer, so he shrugged.
“I don’t think I am a man of the Night’s Watch anymore.” He said with sullen tone and Jay chuckled.
“Oh really?” He said sarcastically. “I’ve also heard that bears shit in the forest! Can you believe that?” Rambton couldn’t help but let out a small laugh. “I think I have an idea, Rambton.” Jay said with mysterious tone on his voice. “But wait, I’ll go talk to Daritus first.”
“Daritus? The hunter?” Rambton asked casually and Jay nodded.
“He is also a warg by the way.” The young and pale man said with a grin on his face and quickly ran towards one of the small cottages. As Rambton watched Jay go he let out a sigh. I wonder what kind of crazy idea he got now…
Rambton walked closer to the cottages. He looked at the people who were laying around in the cold ground, some of them were injured and all of them were in hunger. One of the Nightrunners, a tall young girl named Nikita walked back to the village from the forest. Nikita was the only person besides Jay that Rambton had even talked with in this village. She was a lonely girl and so Rambton had tried to get to know to her, but he hadn’t got much else than her name out of her.
“Did you see something in the forest, Nikita?” Rambton asked gently and Nikita looked at him shyly, almost like she was afraid of him. Must be because of the scars.
“My hawk saw.” She answered with her high pitched voice. “The Ice River army… It’s not moving towards us, it’s going southwest.” As Rambton heard this he smiled to the girl, but her expression remained shy and sullen.
“Well that’s good news, I guess.” Rambton said, but he could put hardly any joy into his tired voice. Nikita nodded hastily and walked away. Rambton sighed, and once again he felt the pain of hunger in his stomach. At least I’m still alive. I’ve been surviving all this time, this is no time to give up. But as Rambton looked around him, he knew some of this people had given up. Many of them were old, and now wounded by this war. Maybe I should just head back to Castle Black.
“Rambton!” Jay’s yelling caught him off guard. “Now, listen, I have a great idea.” Jay said and pointed to Daritus, who was a tall man on his early twenties. The look on Daritus’ face wasn’t nearly as enthusiastic as Jay’s but he gave a small smile to Rambton.
“So… What’s the idea?” Rambton asked awkwardly.
“Daritus knows a man from the Frozen Shore, a man who takes people to south of the Wall.” Jay said, and now his smile was more subtle. “I know that’s what you want Rambton, and I want to help you out.”
“I have met this man only twice, so I can’t guarantee…” Daritus started, but Jay cut him off.
“Don’t worry about it!” He said cheerfully. “Now, Rambton, I could come with you… Not to the Seven Kingdoms, hells no, but to the Frozen Shore. That would be a nice adventure, aye?” Rambton was baffled. This seemed actually a pretty good idea. It had its questionable parts, like would they ever find the man, but Jay was right about one thing. I want away from here.
[Go to the Frozen Shore] [Go to Castle Black] [Stay in the village]
P.S. Sorry, this took a little longer than I thought. It was hard to write because starting this new phase in Rambton's story was kinda boring thing to do
Rambton's story in the future will surely be interesting again, but I needed a part where you get to choose in what direction will he go from here - hopefully it wasn't too painfully boring to read 
[Go to the Frozen Shore]
Maybe it's worth a try. Staying in the village does not sound like a good idea and going back to Castle Black would probably mean his death as a deserter. Rambton said it himself, it sounds like a pretty good idea to go to the Fozen Shore.
[Go to the Frozen Shore] Idk, lets just try it I guess.
Not a boring read at all! I enjoyed it
As for the choices, well... Staying in the village will get him nowhere, and likely kill him if he doesn't find food so I don't see this as a solid option. Also they are sitting ducks in the case of any of the Ice River Clans by accidentally stumbling onto them. As for going to Castle Black, I can see this possibly working out for him, not that I can see Rambton wanting to be back at the Wall for the rest of his life (again) though. I mean, if he pulled off a bullshit story of him being captured and a prisoner and blah blah blah then I can see Musgood taking him back. Anyway, going to the Frozen Shore (for me) seems like the best option for Rambton. Now I know I'm bias, and I indeed have many characters from the Frozen Shore that I would love to see, but I think that Rambton would take his chances to get himself as far away from the North as he can. Sure this plan may not actually work, but it's still an idea and a whole new story ahead of him!
So... [Go to the Frozen Shore]
Frozen Shore will be featured in this chapter even if Rambton never gets there, so you don't have to worry about that
Anyway, thanks again for reading and voting!
[Go to the Frozen Shore]
Will always read, and nearly always try to vote. Speaking of votes I am receiving very little but I guess I'll have to go with it. I'll be doing a Davios part so I hope you could read it
[Go to the Frozen Shore]
Checked out and noticed there was a part I had missed :O You haven't closed the voting for it though so I guess I can still vote? Though it seemed that the result was already clear
Anyway, I'll go read it and the new Davios part!
No more votes coming it seems, so vote closed!
Rambton will agree to Jay's idea and travel to the Frozen Shore. At least he will try, we'll see if it works out...
The next part will come at some point this week, depending on when I have time to write, and it will be Trystan PoV. If you don't remember who Trystan is, I'll remind you: He is the First Steward of the Night's Watch. In his latest part, which also was his first, he was at Eastwatch-by-the-sea. However, as he heard the news of the mutiny he decided to head to Castle Black with his squire Broken Hill and a disabled soldier, Ser Arthor Obsydian, he is taking care of. This new part of his will be located to Castle Black.
YAY, all my characters
Trystan Oldstark stood at the yard of Castle Black and watched as men walked into the Shield Hall. There would be a meeting. When Trystan had arrived to Castle Black the atmosphere had been haunting. Brothers were being buried, everywhere was silent, and not a single smile could be seen. It’s time to take this situation under control. Trystan wasn’t sure what could he do, but he was a brother of the Night’s Watch, and it was his duty to make sure life would go on here.
Trystan turned his look to his squire, Broken Hill, who stood silently beside him. The young man had the usual sullen look on his light green eyes. Sad boy, I wish I had more time for him. Trystan also wished he had time for Ser Arthor Obsydian – that man needed and deserved help. A warrior who had fought for the North and injured himself on the Stony Shore, fighting the Ironborn. All this made Trystan think of home. The fort of his house, the Ol’Tower, was on the Stony Shore, and the last news Trystan had heard was that it was taken over by the Ironborn. Trystan thought about his family, hoping they were all safe. Night’s Watch is my family now, I shouldn’t think about Ol’Tower. Trystan sighed and put his hand on Broken’s shoulder.
“There is no need for you to come to the meeting, Broken.” Trystan said with calm tone. “Go look after Ser Arthor.” Broken gave Trystan a slightly frustrated look, but he nodded nonetheless, and walked away without a word. Trystan looked as Broken walked towards the Commander’s Keep with lazy steps. Slowly he turned his eyes to the Shield Hall again.
With the help of his ironwood cane Trystan walked to the doors and entered the hall that had walls of dark stone. And those walls were decorated by the colorful shields of all the knights in the Watch. Trystan turned his look to the table that had been chosen for this meeting. A dozen men sat by it, grim looks on their faces. Trystan sat down, next to Jorrel the First Builder. Opposing him on the other side of the table was Edric Dayne, the Commander of Shadow Tower. He had received the letter from Maester Jon and rode to Castle Black with several rangers, three of them sat around him on the table. Trystan also saw Ramsay Derran on the table, even if he looked like he should be on the bed rather than on this meeting. Then there were Jorgan and Croll, Sawyer Glover and Howard McDonald. Lastly there was also a mysterious foreign man on the other end of the table, dressed to red tunic. Trystan had only seen that man quickly the day he had arrived, and he had been told he was some kind of merchant who was waiting for Jack to return. But why is he in this meeting? And as he looked at the man Trystan saw something he had not seen in a while: a smile. It wasn’t in anyway a warm smile, but full of cold scorn and amusement. Apparently we are just a big joke to him. Finally Jorrel cleared his throat.
“You all know why we are here.” He started calmly, a touch of bitterness in his voice. “I don’t need to remind you what happened, but I will say that all those sons of whores who were part of it must be found, and punished.” Trystan could only imagine what had it been like here, in middle of all that bloodshed. He could hear the anger in Jorrel’s words, and he didn’t blame the man for it.
“We have men after them.” Sawyer remarked with tired voice. “Both the Umbers and Starks are being informed.”
“We also sent ravens from Eastwatch, just in case.” Trystan said and Jorrel mumbled in approval. “We sent one to Karhold and Dreadfort as well, even if this will most likely not be their concern.”
“I’d say it’s the Starks’ and Umbers’ job to take care of this.” Jorgan muttered. “At this point the traitors are already on their lands.” A moment of silence followed those words, until the Commander of Shadow Tower spoke.
“Are you sure about that, old man?” Edric Dayne asked and a hint of smile flashed on his face. “The North is in war, I wouldn’t count on the Starks, or even Umbers, having time to clean up this shit.” Jorgan let out a grim little laugh.
“Well this shit is already on their lands. And if they can’t find those traitors then I’m afraid they’ll get away.” Jorgan said and shrugged.
“And that is why we must send men to find those bastards.” Edric answered strictly. Jorgan let out a sigh and shook his head. Trystan wasn’t sure what to think about this. Sure, it was important that the deserters would be found and punished, but at the same time they needed to concentrate on making sure that Castle Black was back in order. And then there is the threat of the wildlings.
“I must agree with Dayne.” Jorrel said with a serious tone. “We must send rangers after them.”
“And who gives that command?” Ramsay Derran asked suddenly with his raspy voice and everyone turned their eyes to him. It was a good question, and Trystan had thought about it too. Who leads us?
“What do you mean?” Edric asked with cold, almost frustrated tone. Ramsay shook his head and let out a chuckle.
“What I mean is that Jolly Jack is still north of the Wall, and George Rivers with him. The Lord Commander and the First Ranger are not here. I would just like to know who of you actually is in command here now?” Again Ramsay’s words were followed by a tense silence.
“Perhaps we should just wait for the Lord Commander to come back.” Howard finally said with his hard voice. This was also what Trystan had thought of, but they all knew what could happen if they just waited…
“And what if he doesn’t come back?” Edric’s words were dark and for a while no one seemed to know what to answer. Trystan let out a tired sigh and spoke up.
“We must choose someone to lead while Jack Musgood is away.” He said calmly, looking at the men around him to the eyes. He saw agreeing nods, skeptic looks and Croll even openly shook his head.
“Are you saying we should elect a new Lord Commander, Oldstark?” He asked with aggressive tone. Trystan understood the aggression, choosing a new Lord Commander without knowing the faith of the current one would sure be bold.
“No, Croll, we are not throwing Jack off from his post. However, we do need a temporary solution.” Trystan explained, but the man still didn’t look convinced.
“I agree with Oldstark.” Edric Dayne said quietly, and Jorrel let out a sarcastic laugh.
“Oh, of course you do, Bloodstar. It’s because you want to take Jack’s place as the Lord Commander, isn’t it?” He spoke with agitation in his words and Trystan could see that Dayne was angered.
“Shut your mouth, builder.” He said with threatening voice. “This place should be led by a warrior.” Suddenly Ramsay Derran slammed his fist to the table, cutting off the bickering. Trystan looked at the one-armed man and he had to admire the sight. This man had almost been killed in the hands of the traitors, and there he was, full of fury and determination.
“I was here in that bloody night!” He shouted with strength in his voice, strength that commanded to listen. “I fought against those bastards the best I could, and by all the gods I did not survive that night just to hear you bicker and scheme!” For a moment everyone was silent, and Ramsay continued. “I want order back here, and I want those traitors punished, but if we need a temporary commander here then it should be decided by an open election. That is how the Night’s Watch works.”
“Wouldn’t it be wiser to just choose the leader here and now, instead of going through an election?” Edric asked with bored tone. “We have the First Builder, the First Steward and the Commander of Shadow Tower here – clearly the commander should be one of us. We should choose the temporary commander now, in this meeting.” Trystan could see what Edric was thinking – if it would be an open election, Dayne might not get much votes here in Castle Black.
“No.” Jorrel answered dryly. “Ramsay is right, we should have an election with every man on this castle – that way the right man gets chosen.” And Jorrel knows he is well liked among the men, especially the builders.
“So, Commander of Shadow Tower says no to election, First Builder says yes.” Sawyer Glover spoke with smooth voice, and Trystan already knew where this was going before Sawyer spoke up again. “What says the First Steward?”
Choice 1: [Commander should be chosen in an open election] [Commander should be chosen in the meeting]
Choice 2: [Name yourself as candidate] [Don't name yourself as candidate]
Fantastic part, I enjoyed every minute of it!
For Choice 1: I say that the 'Filling in Lord Commander' should be chosen in an open election. After all, as Jorrel said this is how the Night's Watch does things - it is only fair to let the actual Night's Watch have a say on who their acting Lord Commander should be.
As for Choice 2: Uhhh, this is a hard one. I'd love to see a Jon Snow thing happen for Trystan but we all know how that ended out... I'm personally not wanting to put him down for a candidate, not that I don't think that he isn't worthy for the role, but it is a large responsibility and makes him a target to the two that did not get that position (Jorrel and Edrick). It also means that Trystan may be able to keep closer ties with one of the two, rather than having both of them dislike him (if he did get the position). So I'm going to say Don't name yourself as candidate, Broken and Ser Arthor need him at this point and I don't want him to be a target to the already broken Watch. Of course this is all bias to my character
Great part! I'm really looking forward to the next part
(and the part where we get to see Last Hearth)
[Commander should be chosen in an open election]
[Don't name yourself as candidate]
I fully agree with what Stigz said. The Commander should definitely be chosen in an open election, that is out of question for me. After all, that is how it has always been done in the Night's Watch and it just feels right to give the men a say in it. Choosing him in an open election means that the victor has the support of a majority of brothers and if they don't get a say in it, they could be disappointed and unhappy with the temporary Lord Commander. They already had one mutiny and they can't risk another one just because the brothers might not accept the temporary Lord Commander. While I would like for Trystan to become a nominee and maybe eventually even the victor of this election, Stigz brought up a fair point why he should rather not name himself as a candidate and I'm just going to agree with him.
[Commander should be chosen in an open election]
[Name yourself as candidate]
**[Commander should be chosen in an open election] **
[Don't name yourself as candidate]
[Commander should be chosen in an open election]
[Don't name yourself as candidate]
Okay, this one is clear, so vote closed!
Trystan will favor an open election and he will not name himself as candidate for the job. Alright, we'll see some Night's Watch politics then
The next part is a Federico PoV, and I'll post it right away.
It was midday and Federico Reed could see the end of the path that they were riding, he could see the Last Hearth. It was on a hill, rising above the forest like a giant. It was partly timber and partly stone, a simple castle. It wasn’t nearly as grand or beautiful as Winterfell, but here, surrounded by these dark woods, it looked powerful. Federico looked at Gareth, who didn’t look that impressed.
“Gods, what an ugly castle.” He said and let out a chuckle. Federico found it quite funny that Gareth, a lowborn, wasn’t impressed while he, a highborn, saw the beauty of this simple fort.
“Well, it’s better than Castle Black.” Federico remarked and Gareth shrugged lazily.
“Only barely.” He said with an amused tone, and Federico had to let out a small laugh. Finally they arrived to the gate and the guards looked at them from the wall.
“Brothers of Night’s Watch.” One of the guards stated with gloomy tone on his voice. “What are you here for?”
“We have news from Castle Black!” Federico yelled. The guard looked at them suspiciously but finally nodded.
“Open the gate!” Was shouted and the gate stared to open creakingly, and they could see to the muddy yard of the Last Hearth. They rode in and were guided to the stables. As they had tied their horses an old man with short white beard and balding hair walked to them. Half of the man’s teeth had fell off and he had a grim expression on his wrinkled face. Doesn’t feel like a warm welcome.
“I believe you want to talk to Lord Osric, aye?” The old man asked with his rough voice and they both nodded. Federico had never met Osric, or any other Umber, but the reputation of this house made him a bit cautious. The Umbers are hard and strong men, and definitely shouldn't be angered.
“We have bad news from Castle Black.” Federico stated and a small grin was formed to the face of the man. Federico didn’t understand what was so funny, but he kept his calm.
“Follow me.” He said with quiet words. The man turned around and started walking, so Federico and Gareth followed. The courtyard was silent, only few guards could be seen. And as they came closer to the main keep the door was slammed open and a tall and bearded old man in a fur cloak walked out, dragging a smaller man with him. The smaller man had a black gear, he was slightly plump and his hair and stubble beard were very dark brown – and his face had a few fresh bruises.
“Mul Strad.” Gareth stated with monotone voice, as the larger man tossed Mul to the mud.
“You are in the presence of Osric Umber, the Lord of the Last Hearth.” The old man who had escorted them said. Osric pressed his right foot on Mul’s back, preventing him from standing up, and turned his eyes to Federico and Gareth, who both gave him a small bow.
“I’ve been waiting for you.” Osric grunted. “I received a raven from Eastwatch this morning, so I know what has happened.” Federico glanced quickly at Gareth, hoping they weren’t in trouble, but Gareth looked to be calm and sure.
“I see you have found one of the deserters.” Gareth said, looking at Mul who tried to squirm under Osric’s foot. “May I ask, why haven’t you killed him, my Lord?”
“He was found from a small tavern nearby, couple days ago.” Osric spoke with a bloodthirsty grin on his face. “Piss drunk, of course. He claimed to be a recruiter and that he had lost his permit of absence while drinking. If it was for me I would have already executed him, but my wife said we should ask the Night’s Watch first. When the raven about the mutiny came I knew this bastard had been lying to me all the time.” Osric moved his foot off and as Mul tried to crawl away Lord Umber put him down with a severe kick to the stomach, making the man howl in agony.
“Yes, he has been lying.” Gareth said with cold tone, and Osric nodded to him with a decisive look in his green eyes.
“Then he will be executed.” Lord Osric said strictly. “Guards! Take this man to the kennels, he will spend his last hours among the dogs.” The guards followed Osric’s order and picked up Mul from the mud. As they finally got him to stand up, he pleadingly looked Federico straight into the eyes.
“Please…” He muttered with powerless and desperate voice, but Federico turned his eyes away. He is a traitor, a murderer, he deserves this. Quickly Mul was dragged away and Federico shifted his attention back to Lord Osric.
“I’ll be happy to take the head of that whoreson.” Osric muttered with loathe in his voice and shook his head. “You two however, you are welcome to Last Hearth.” He said and let out a deep laughter. “Come, let’s go inside, I’m sure you have come here for a reason.”
They were in a small, warm and comfortable room. The flames were burning in the fireplace, a small window brought in the sunlight, there was a tapestry of a warrior killing a giant on the wall and they sat around a small round table. Osric poured himself some liquor.
“Are you two thirsty?” He asked. Gareth nodded and Federico shook his head. Osric let out a quiet little laugh and poured the liquor for Gareth. Gareth and Osric both took a small sip of their drinks. “So, brothers of the Watch, what are your names?”
“I’m Gareth Oaketh.” Gareth answered. “A ranger.” Osric nodded subtly and turned his eyes to Federico.
“I’m Federico of House Reed, also a ranger.” He said, and it felt weird to introduce himself as part of House Reed again. That all is in the past.
“Reed?” Osric spoke with deep and calm voice, and a grin appeared on his face. “Now that you said it, I can tell that you are a crannogman.” Federico wondered was that a positive or negative thing for the Umber, but he didn’t feel like asking.
“As you might guess, we are here because of the mutiny.” Gareth said with serious tone and Osric grunted in agreement. “For what we know there are still dozens of traitors on the run, and many of them are most likely on your lands, my Lord.”
“My lands are vast and wild.” Osric stated with gloomy tone and sighed. “But that might also be an advantage.”
“What do you mean?” Federico asked. He couldn’t see what advantage could there possibly be – it would be extremely hard to find the traitors.
“The travel will be slow and hard for the deserters, and most of them don’t know these lands.” Osric explained. “Sooner or later they look for villages or inns and there aren’t many of them in my lands – I’m sure we’ll find many of these bastards drinking ale and thinking they are safe. Of course having you with us will help since you recognize the men even if they have changed their clothes. You are here to help, right?”
“Of course.” Gareth answered and Federico also nodded in agreement.
“The sad thing is, I don’t have much men to give to this mission. My son Harmond rode to the war against the Ironborn with almost all the forces we could muster. However, I have some good men here that can help you hunt down the deserters.” As Osric finished speaking he poured more liquor for himself. “I’ll give you comfortable quarters to sleep in tonight. Tomorrow the hunt begins.” He stated with strength in his voice, and drank down the liquor with one gulp.
No decision.
'and so the hunt begins' where have I heard that from? Hunger games? I don't know haha. Anyway, that's besides the point, great part! It has me eager to see the next Federico part
. We've had 3 NW brothers in a row (traitors and not so), curious once we'll see the Vale again 
Yeah, the next one wont be NW, that's sure, but I haven't really decided yet who will it be. Maya, Lenlie, Argus, Matthias, Rumak - one of them most likely. It's getting harder and harder to choose