Skjorn sat on the cold ground, gazing distance. Dogga, Denyal Delen and a young Thenn named Gregory were with him. They had manage… mored to escape the attack of the Fleshbearer and were now out of his reach, but none of them felt lucky or happy. Thousands of Thenns had fallen, and Gregory had discovered with his warging that Magnar Krygorn was dead. Eaten by a monster.
Denyal walked to Skjorn and sat next to him. Skjorn raised his look and saw the sad expression on the face of this young man.
”Skjorn... There was something I wanted to say.” Denyal said quietly, and Skjorn nodded for him to continue. ”I'm sorry about Magnar Krygorn... I know you were close with him. And I'm sorry that I was mad at you when you didn't recommend me. I realize now, I wasn't ready. Perhaps I'll never be.” Denyal spoke with words full of grief, and Skjorn patted him on the back.
”It's alright, Denyal. None of us is ever ready.” Skjorn spoke quietly an… [view original content]
I agree with the statements that were mentioned above and I say [Return to the Vale of Thenn] Glad I have a chance to vote after some time, I always missed it
As I have said this was a very important choice - not only for Skjorn but for many other characters as well. And what can I say... Well, in the long run this was probably the better option.
Talking about the Vale of Thenn, the next part will be a Lenlie PoV.
Btw, if the story feels a little slow atm, I can agree that's true and I'm sorry. However, this chapter will be huge (much longer than chapter 2 was) so it needs its build up.
Thanks to @Danielson2811 and @Kennyslosteye the tie has been broken, so vote closed!
Skjorn will return to the Vale of Thenn.
As I hav… moree said this was a very important choice - not only for Skjorn but for many other characters as well. And what can I say... Well, in the long run this was probably the better option.
Talking about the Vale of Thenn, the next part will be a Lenlie PoV.
Btw, if the story feels a little slow atm, I can agree that's true and I'm sorry. However, this chapter will be huge (much longer than chapter 2 was) so it needs its build up.
Lenlie stared straight into the pale grey eyes of Skyrnor, who sat on his chair with a cold smile on his face, waiting for Lenlie's answer.
”I serve Princess Sigira.” Lenlie said with a decisive tone. ”If it wasn't for her I'd be dead. I owe my life to her.” Lenlie could see that Skyrnor was surprised by her answer.
”Well, looks like you have found yourself a passionate follower, cousin.” Skyrnor said to Sigira who was slightly blushing.
”I... I'm thankful Lenlie, but you don't owe me anything.” She said quietly, clearly as surprised as Skyrnor. I am a little surprised myself.
”I hope you accept me as your... follower.” Lenlie said and looked Sigira, who nodded to her with a kind look on her eyes.
”Of course, Lenlie.” She answered with gentle tone. For a couple of seconds it was silent, until Gorgar let out a little laugh.
”So... This was emotional. Is there something we should do now? Or shall we just stand here?” He spoke with carefree tone and Sigira shot a glare at him.
”Oh shut up, Gorgar.” She said and then turned her attention to Skyrnor. ”So, cousin, where is Storg?”
”He is outside, playing with that Varalaf kid.” He answered with little interest in his voice.
”Okay, then. I guess I'll go see him, since that was what I was sent here for anyway.” Sigira said with bored tone and let out a sigh.
”Yes, that's probably a good idea, but I would like to discuss with you later, Sigira – privately.” Skyrnor spoke with a stern look on his face and Sigira gave him a subtle nod, even if her expression was a little confused.
And so Sigira, Lenlie and Gorgar left the room, leaving Skyrnor and Yrma behind.
As they walked to the yard of the Magnar's Hall, Lenlie took a deep breath of the fresh air. She saw two boy sparring with sticks, screaming furiously as they attacked each other. The slightly taller one had a bit more simple clothing, whereas the smaller one had a beautiful black fur cloak, stylized tunic and a bronze helmet with horns.
”The one with the helmet is my brother.” Sigira said, her lips forming a warm smile. ”As much as I would have liked to march to war beside my father... I have to admit I missed that boy.” Lenlie nodded to her. I wish I had a family like this. For Lenlie the closest thing to a family had always been her clan, but all that was history now. I serve Princess Sigira.
”Storg!” Sigira yelled. The boy with the helmet turned his head, and the taller one used his opportunity and smacked Storg to the back of the head with his stick. Storg dropped his stick and his face turned red. For a second it looked like the son of Magnar Krygorn was about to cry, but then he jumped towards the other boy with rage in his eyes. Storg tackled the tall boy to the ground and delivered a punch to his face. Fierce little guy.
”Storg! Calm down!” Sigira yelled, but Gorgar tapped her on the shoulder.
”I'll take care of this.” He said with a grin on his face and quickly walked to the boys. Gorgar grabbed Storg and pulled him away from the tall boy. After Gorgar had said something to him, Storg walked to Sigira with a sullen expression on his face.
”Looks like you broke the nose of the Varalaf kid.” Sigira said shook her head. Storg sighed and took his helmet off. The hair of this eight year old boys was wavy, long and dark brown, his eyes were pale grey and he had a stern look on them.
”His name is Sverik.” Storg said with whiny voice and Sigira rolled her eyes.
”Yes, but he is from the Varalaf family, and I can't remember the name of every damn brat.” Sigira answered with her lazy tone.
”Who is she?” Storg asked as he had turned his eyes to Lenlie.
”She is Lenlie... My friend.” Sigira answered with unsure words. ”So, little guy, how have you been?”
”Bored. I wish I could already go to wars.” The answer made both Sigira and Lenlie chuckle.
”There will be plenty of time for you to go to wars when you grow up. You should just... enjoy being a kid, for as long as it lasts.” Sigira spoke with gentle tone, but Storg didn't look to be convinced by her words. Gorgar walked to them with his jolly face.
”Alright, Storg, Sverik said he is sorry about that cheap shot to the back of your head.” Gorgar spoke with amusement in his words, like he was holding back a laugh. ”I guess you could go and say you are sorry about breaking his nose.” Storg let out a sigh and walked to the other boy without saying a word.
”Skyrnor wanted to talk with me about something.” Sigira said with serious tone as they watched the boys apologizing each other and shaking hands. ”I guess I should go and see what he has in his mind. Gorgar, look after the boys. Lenlie... You can be with them if you wish... Or I guess you could go... Look around.” Lenlie answered to Sigira's words with a gentle smile and a nod. And so Sigira turned away and walked back to the Magnar's Hall.
”So, wanna spend some time with me and the boys?” Gorgar asked with a friendly tone.
[Spend time with Gorgar and the kids.][Go look around]
So, clearly this was more of a 'slice of life' style part (introducing Storg was really why this part was needed). The choice isn't very important, but it affects on how Gorgar feels about Lenlie - and it could also affect on how Lenlie feels about Gorgar
Lenlie stared straight into the pale grey eyes of Skyrnor, who sat on his chair with a cold smile on his face, waiting for Lenlie'… mores answer.
”I serve Princess Sigira.” Lenlie said with a decisive tone. ”If it wasn't for her I'd be dead. I owe my life to her.” Lenlie could see that Skyrnor was surprised by her answer.
”Well, looks like you have found yourself a passionate follower, cousin.” Skyrnor said to Sigira who was slightly blushing.
”I... I'm thankful Lenlie, but you don't owe me anything.” She said quietly, clearly as surprised as Skyrnor. I am a little surprised myself.
”I hope you accept me as your... follower.” Lenlie said and looked Sigira, who nodded to her with a kind look on her eyes.
”Of course, Lenlie.” She answered with gentle tone. For a couple of seconds it was silent, until Gorgar let out a little laugh.
”So... This was emotional. Is there something we should do now? Or shall we just stand here?”… [view original content]
Lenlie stared straight into the pale grey eyes of Skyrnor, who sat on his chair with a cold smile on his face, waiting for Lenlie'… mores answer.
”I serve Princess Sigira.” Lenlie said with a decisive tone. ”If it wasn't for her I'd be dead. I owe my life to her.” Lenlie could see that Skyrnor was surprised by her answer.
”Well, looks like you have found yourself a passionate follower, cousin.” Skyrnor said to Sigira who was slightly blushing.
”I... I'm thankful Lenlie, but you don't owe me anything.” She said quietly, clearly as surprised as Skyrnor. I am a little surprised myself.
”I hope you accept me as your... follower.” Lenlie said and looked Sigira, who nodded to her with a kind look on her eyes.
”Of course, Lenlie.” She answered with gentle tone. For a couple of seconds it was silent, until Gorgar let out a little laugh.
”So... This was emotional. Is there something we should do now? Or shall we just stand here?”… [view original content]
10/10 [Spend time with Gorgar... And the kids]. I don't think the kiddies want to be anywhere near when Gorgar and Lenlie's ship sets sail ;P
Though on a more serious note, I am curious what Skyrnor has to say to Sigira. Perhaps he has received word of the Magnar's death? I don't know if they have ravens beyond the Wall but it is possible. Though part of me does not think it has anything to do with that considering Skyrnor's bored tone. I'd wage it has something to do with the giants as we have not heard much from them. In which case, I need to talk with you about giants @WildlingKing
Lenlie stared straight into the pale grey eyes of Skyrnor, who sat on his chair with a cold smile on his face, waiting for Lenlie'… mores answer.
”I serve Princess Sigira.” Lenlie said with a decisive tone. ”If it wasn't for her I'd be dead. I owe my life to her.” Lenlie could see that Skyrnor was surprised by her answer.
”Well, looks like you have found yourself a passionate follower, cousin.” Skyrnor said to Sigira who was slightly blushing.
”I... I'm thankful Lenlie, but you don't owe me anything.” She said quietly, clearly as surprised as Skyrnor. I am a little surprised myself.
”I hope you accept me as your... follower.” Lenlie said and looked Sigira, who nodded to her with a kind look on her eyes.
”Of course, Lenlie.” She answered with gentle tone. For a couple of seconds it was silent, until Gorgar let out a little laugh.
”So... This was emotional. Is there something we should do now? Or shall we just stand here?”… [view original content]
No ravens, and no this isn't about Krygorn. Aaand it's not really any kind of information or message from somewhere... Skyrnor just wants to make some things clear so to say.
10/10 [Spend time with Gorgar... And the kids]. I don't think the kiddies want to be anywhere near when Gorgar and Lenlie's ship sets sail ;… moreP
Though on a more serious note, I am curious what Skyrnor has to say to Sigira. Perhaps he has received word of the Magnar's death? I don't know if they have ravens beyond the Wall but it is possible. Though part of me does not think it has anything to do with that considering Skyrnor's bored tone. I'd wage it has something to do with the giants as we have not heard much from them. In which case, I need to talk with you about giants @WildlingKing
Lenlie stared straight into the pale grey eyes of Skyrnor, who sat on his chair with a cold smile on his face, waiting for Lenlie'… mores answer.
”I serve Princess Sigira.” Lenlie said with a decisive tone. ”If it wasn't for her I'd be dead. I owe my life to her.” Lenlie could see that Skyrnor was surprised by her answer.
”Well, looks like you have found yourself a passionate follower, cousin.” Skyrnor said to Sigira who was slightly blushing.
”I... I'm thankful Lenlie, but you don't owe me anything.” She said quietly, clearly as surprised as Skyrnor. I am a little surprised myself.
”I hope you accept me as your... follower.” Lenlie said and looked Sigira, who nodded to her with a kind look on her eyes.
”Of course, Lenlie.” She answered with gentle tone. For a couple of seconds it was silent, until Gorgar let out a little laugh.
”So... This was emotional. Is there something we should do now? Or shall we just stand here?”… [view original content]
Probably the smallest amount of votes ever, but eh, I guess this one is clear. Vote closed. And Lenlie will spend some time with Gorgar and the kids.
If someone wonders what the other choice would have done: Well, Lenlie would have wandered around the Magnar's Hall for a while and then bumped into Yrma, who doesn't really respect Lenlie - to put it lightly.
Next part would be Robett, I'll probably post it at some point....
Looking forward to it! The amount of time that has been spent sutdying rather than writing has been crazy for me, though I guess it is paying off. I resat my mid-year Chemistry exam (which I got an E in) and I got a B as a result today so not bad I guess.
As for Robett, I'm really interested to see where his story goes now that he has killed a man. How will this change him emotionally and mentally? Will this make him stronger or break him further, oh the questions that will be answered in due time... XD
Probably the smallest amount of votes ever, but eh, I guess this one is clear. Vote closed. And Lenlie will spend some time with Gorgar and … morethe kids.
If someone wonders what the other choice would have done: Well, Lenlie would have wandered around the Magnar's Hall for a while and then bumped into Yrma, who doesn't really respect Lenlie - to put it lightly.
Next part would be Robett, I'll probably post it at some point....
We'll see, Robett's development can still go to many directions. His storyline in this chapter wont be the most action-packed, not for a while at least, but he does get his share of developing as character and bonding with new characters.
Looking forward to it! The amount of time that has been spent sutdying rather than writing has been crazy for me, though I guess it is payin… moreg off. I resat my mid-year Chemistry exam (which I got an E in) and I got a B as a result today so not bad I guess.
As for Robett, I'm really interested to see where his story goes now that he has killed a man. How will this change him emotionally and mentally? Will this make him stronger or break him further, oh the questions that will be answered in due time... XD
Robett clenched to his dagger. He took a deep breath. And another. And another. Griff stared at him with his dark eyes, but Robett didn't feel fear – only anger. Griff couldn't do anything, his hands were tied, and Edric Dayne and Ser Lyonel Crakehall were holding him down. The other four rangers stood behind them, some of them looked amused, others just bored, but Robett didn't care about them. I have to kill this monster. He took a step closer.
”You don't have to do it, Robett.” He heard Tom's deep voice saying behind him, but he ignored it. I have to do this. For Maester Jon. For Cruz. For myself. As Robett took the last step he saw it – the fear in the eyes of Griff. And then he screamed and plunged his dagger into the throat of this traitor and murderer. Slowly the fear and panic disappeared and only empty gaze remained in the eyes of Griff the Blacksmith.
Robett stepped backwards, looking at the blood draining from Griff's neck, and for a moment he felt satisfaction. I killed the monster. Then he felt something else. It wasn't grief or shame, but it was something – a feeling of emptiness. Is this it? Dayne and Crakehall let the body of Griff fall down, and as Robett looked to the violet eyes of Edric Dayne he saw something familiar in them. They reminded him of Eren Meratus, and the look the Volantene had when he had killed his slave guard.
”Your first kill?” Edric asked calmly, and Robett nodded. ”Well, now you know how it feels. Get used to it, because it most likely wont be your last.”
Two days had passed since they had left Icemark. Ser Lyonel Crakehall had been escorting Robett and Tom towards the Shadow Tower, and the journey had been quiet. Tom had talked with Robett a couple times, but Robett hadn't felt very social and Tom seemed to be somehow distant when he talked to him. He is shocked that I did it. Robett himself wasn't shocked, at least he didn't feel like it. He had almost expected to see nightmares or feel guilt, but it hadn't happened. The only thing Robett felt was disappointment. He had killed the monster, he had got his vengeance, but nothing had changed. The memory of the bloody night in Castle Black had not disappeared, Cruz and Maester Jon were still dead, and probably tens of traitors were still on the loose – including Devyn. Killing Griff was not enough.
”We should be at the Shadow Tower in less than an hour.” Ser Lyonel said with toneless words and Tom grunted something unintelligible for an answer. Lyonel Crakehall was a ranger on his late thirties. He was a muscular and tall man, he had a round face with rough features, short black hair, green eyes, and several scars on his face. Ser Lyonel hadn't talked much to them, mainly just informed where they were and how long it would take them to reach Shadow Tower. Right now Robett didn't care about making friends, but even if he did he probably wouldn't have had the courage to talk to this huge man – even if Ser Lyonel hadn't given any reason to fear him.
As they moved towards their destination in silence Robett started to think what would it be like in the Shadow Tower. What will I do there? Questions filled his mind, but he wasn't positive about getting happy answers for them. And then they could finally see the Shadow Tower in front of them. The Shadow Tower stood on a hill of solid rock, the mountains rising behind it. It was a dark fort with one massive tower. Well, massive compared to most of the towers at the forts of the Wall.
”Here we are.” Ser Lyonel said with grim tone, looking at the tower.
”Thank you for escorting us, Ser Lyonel.” Tom said quietly, as they walked to the gates and inside the fort.
Robett looked around him at the courtyard, seeing a group of black brothers – probably rangers – sparring, some walking to the common hall, others to the tower.
”We'll see tomorrow something for both of you to do, but now you can rest.” Ser Lyonel said. ”Oh, and there should be food at the common hall.” After these words Ser Lyonel walked away. Tom turned his look to Robett.
”Robett... Before eating, I think we should talk.” He said calmly, but there was a hint of concern in his eyes.
”Why?” Robett asked coldly and Tom let out a sigh.
”Because I think it would be good for you.” He answered, and now the concern could be heard in his voice.
Robett clenched to his dagger. He took a deep breath. And another. And another. Griff stared at him with his dark eyes, but Robett… more didn't feel fear – only anger. Griff couldn't do anything, his hands were tied, and Edric Dayne and Ser Lyonel Crakehall were holding him down. The other four rangers stood behind them, some of them looked amused, others just bored, but Robett didn't care about them. I have to kill this monster. He took a step closer.
”You don't have to do it, Robett.” He heard Tom's deep voice saying behind him, but he ignored it. I have to do this. For Maester Jon. For Cruz. For myself. As Robett took the last step he saw it – the fear in the eyes of Griff. And then he screamed and plunged his dagger into the throat of this traitor and murderer. Slowly the fear and panic disappeared and only empty gaze remained in the eyes of Griff the Blacksmith.
Robett stepped backwards, looking at the blood draining from Griff… [view original content]
Well, this might indeed be good for Robett. I don't think there is a real drawback to this and perhaps it will be good for him. Talking about how he feels after his first kill can't be a bad idea, right?
Robett clenched to his dagger. He took a deep breath. And another. And another. Griff stared at him with his dark eyes, but Robett… more didn't feel fear – only anger. Griff couldn't do anything, his hands were tied, and Edric Dayne and Ser Lyonel Crakehall were holding him down. The other four rangers stood behind them, some of them looked amused, others just bored, but Robett didn't care about them. I have to kill this monster. He took a step closer.
”You don't have to do it, Robett.” He heard Tom's deep voice saying behind him, but he ignored it. I have to do this. For Maester Jon. For Cruz. For myself. As Robett took the last step he saw it – the fear in the eyes of Griff. And then he screamed and plunged his dagger into the throat of this traitor and murderer. Slowly the fear and panic disappeared and only empty gaze remained in the eyes of Griff the Blacksmith.
Robett stepped backwards, looking at the blood draining from Griff… [view original content]
Robett clenched to his dagger. He took a deep breath. And another. And another. Griff stared at him with his dark eyes, but Robett… more didn't feel fear – only anger. Griff couldn't do anything, his hands were tied, and Edric Dayne and Ser Lyonel Crakehall were holding him down. The other four rangers stood behind them, some of them looked amused, others just bored, but Robett didn't care about them. I have to kill this monster. He took a step closer.
”You don't have to do it, Robett.” He heard Tom's deep voice saying behind him, but he ignored it. I have to do this. For Maester Jon. For Cruz. For myself. As Robett took the last step he saw it – the fear in the eyes of Griff. And then he screamed and plunged his dagger into the throat of this traitor and murderer. Slowly the fear and panic disappeared and only empty gaze remained in the eyes of Griff the Blacksmith.
Robett stepped backwards, looking at the blood draining from Griff… [view original content]
[Talk with Tom] I agree with Liquid on that node. Also holding feelings inside for a long time can drag him down a lot, ending badly for him. I don't see any harm in him talking with Tom.
Robett clenched to his dagger. He took a deep breath. And another. And another. Griff stared at him with his dark eyes, but Robett… more didn't feel fear – only anger. Griff couldn't do anything, his hands were tied, and Edric Dayne and Ser Lyonel Crakehall were holding him down. The other four rangers stood behind them, some of them looked amused, others just bored, but Robett didn't care about them. I have to kill this monster. He took a step closer.
”You don't have to do it, Robett.” He heard Tom's deep voice saying behind him, but he ignored it. I have to do this. For Maester Jon. For Cruz. For myself. As Robett took the last step he saw it – the fear in the eyes of Griff. And then he screamed and plunged his dagger into the throat of this traitor and murderer. Slowly the fear and panic disappeared and only empty gaze remained in the eyes of Griff the Blacksmith.
Robett stepped backwards, looking at the blood draining from Griff… [view original content]
Robett clenched to his dagger. He took a deep breath. And another. And another. Griff stared at him with his dark eyes, but Robett… more didn't feel fear – only anger. Griff couldn't do anything, his hands were tied, and Edric Dayne and Ser Lyonel Crakehall were holding him down. The other four rangers stood behind them, some of them looked amused, others just bored, but Robett didn't care about them. I have to kill this monster. He took a step closer.
”You don't have to do it, Robett.” He heard Tom's deep voice saying behind him, but he ignored it. I have to do this. For Maester Jon. For Cruz. For myself. As Robett took the last step he saw it – the fear in the eyes of Griff. And then he screamed and plunged his dagger into the throat of this traitor and murderer. Slowly the fear and panic disappeared and only empty gaze remained in the eyes of Griff the Blacksmith.
Robett stepped backwards, looking at the blood draining from Griff… [view original content]
I took a little break from writing this, so I haven't even started the next part yet. Also, the next part - which is Argus PoV - should be pretty long so it might take a while before it's done.
Okay, vote closed, and Robett will talk with Tom.
I took a little break from writing this, so I haven't even started the next part yet. Also, the next part - which is Argus PoV - should be pretty long so it might take a while before it's done.
Hey, are you occupied with school/uni and can you give us rough expectation when will you be able to continue this story? Because I really love this story so far and I'm hyped up for the new Greyjoy's rebelion storyline
Believe it or not I was just about to come and make a small announcement about the story since it clearly is taking me sweet time to get the next part out.
And the next part has actually been under work all this time, my progress with it has just been extremely slow. I have no intention to stop writing this story, right now my studies are just very hectic as you guessed. It's not really that I wouldn't have any time for writing, it's just that when I finally get free time from studying I don't have much inspiration or motivation to put in to writing, I just want to do something a little more relaxing, watch or play something and turn off my brains
However, the Argus part that is coming next is about 50% done, and it's possible that I could get it done during this week (btw, after Argus part the Greyjoy storyline kicks in). The whole November is pretty full in my schedule, but in December I may be able to write with the same pace I did earlier.
Hey, are you occupied with school/uni and can you give us rough expectation when will you be able to continue this story? Because I really love this story so far and I'm hyped up for the new Greyjoy's rebelion storyline
Same with me @Wildlingking. Studying for the exams that happen in 2 weeks has slowed everything down to a near halt, which is a bit annoying but these things happen. For me, I'm not stressed if the next part comes out tomorrow or in a weeks time (possibly because I'm preoccupied). I'll still wait and read it as all of us have, we'll be here to support your great story when you return!
Believe it or not I was just about to come and make a small announcement about the story since it clearly is taking me sweet time to get the… more next part out.
And the next part has actually been under work all this time, my progress with it has just been extremely slow. I have no intention to stop writing this story, right now my studies are just very hectic as you guessed. It's not really that I wouldn't have any time for writing, it's just that when I finally get free time from studying I don't have much inspiration or motivation to put in to writing, I just want to do something a little more relaxing, watch or play something and turn off my brains
However, the Argus part that is coming next is about 50% done, and it's possible that I could get it done during this week (btw, after Argus part the Greyjoy storyline kicks in). The whole November is pretty full in my schedule, but in December I may be able to write with the same pace I did earlier.
Whoa! It's been a looooooong time since I last got a part here, but now it's time to do it again! I'm sorry for this break, as I've said I had a very hectic phase on my studying. And you know, when you lose that flow it's hard to get back to it! However, I'm pretty sure I can now continue to write these parts at least with reasonably quick pace. We'll see. This Argus part was originally meant to be longer, but I found a good place where I could put a choice in so I decided to cut the part there so we can finally move on
The Great Hall of Winterfell waited silently. Argus raised his look to Beron Stark, he had made his decision.
”We would like to wait for Lord Bolton to arrive, so we can march to Wolfswood with his army. If that pleases you, my Lord.” Argus spoke with decisive words and Beron Stark smiled to him on the platform.
”You probably know that I'm not really the Lord of House Stark.” Beron said calmly. ”I am the acting Lord of Winterfell now, but my father Brandon is still the head of this house, and my brother Rodwell is the heir. And my father has commanded me to send more forces to help them, so if I denied you to march to Wolfswood I'd be going against my lord's will. So yes, Argus Keding, you and your companions may march with Lord Bolton. However, I must warn you once again – Wolfswood is not a pleasant place these days, if the letters I have received from there tell anything.”
”I understand, Lord Beron.” Argus said with humble tone.
”Good.” Beron answered softly. ”You may make your contracts tomorrow with Lord Brandon Icestark, he'll be waiting you here by noon.”
”Thank you, my Lord.” Argus said and bowed.
”I should be the one thanking you, valiant young man of the Vale, for supporting us in this war. We'll see at the meeting when Bolton arrives.” Beron had a subtle smile on his face as he spoke. Argus and his companions bowed once more and then they left the Great Hall.
As Argus stepped out of the Great Hall he noticed that the yard was full of people – Stark men and Skagosi. Now I'm in service of the Starks... Never expected this to happen. He glanced quickly at Alistair who walked next to him. The young man of the North had a dreaming look on his eyes and his lips formed a wide grin. Argus let out a sigh and raised his eyes towards the sky. A lonely owl flew over the Winterfell.
After walking silently through the Winter Town they finally arrived back to the Smoking Log and Argus turned to look at his companions. Only there was just one companion standing behind him.
”Alistair, where did Emilio go?” Argus asked with serious tone and the only answer he got was a confused expression on Alistair's face. ”Did you hear me?”
”How should I know?” Alistair snapped with defensive tone. ”He was right next to me... Well, at least when we walked out of the Great Hall. What does it matter anyway? Maybe he knows a girl somewhere in here and wanted to spend some time.”
”Well I hope he comes back before morning, we make our contracts tomorrow.” Argus said quietly and Alistair shrugged.
”I don't really care if he doesn't come.” Alistair answered with lazy tone. ”He was pretty annoying yesterday, he didn't show any respect towards me.” Argus raised his eyebrows, but decided not to say anything to that. Instead he opened the door to the tavern and walked in, Alistair following behind him. The tavern was more crowded than it had been yesterday, and in the morning. With bored and tired looks on their faces Argus and Alistair made their way to one of the tables. They were both quiet for several minutes. The barmaid brought them ale, and quietly they started to drink it.
“Alistair.” Argus said finally. “Is everything okay? You are… quieter than usually.” Alistair turned his dreamy look slowly to Argus.
“What? Oh… I’m just… thinking.” Alistair answered and Argus had to chuckle.
“Thinking what? Pretty girls and mountains of gold?” Argus asked with a grin on his face, making Alistair shot a glare at him.
“No! It’s just… I’ve never been to war before.” The concerned tone on Alistair’s words surprised Argus. This is new. Until now Alistair had acted as he couldn’t wait to get to the battlefield.
“Isn’t it what you wanted?” Argus asked, and Alistair shrugged for an answer.
“Well… I guess. But, you know, I don’t dream of killing people, I never have… I just want to be respected.” Alistair muttered and turned his look to the table. “And I know that the only way to do it is to fight… And kill.”
“You know Alistair, I’ve never really been to war either.” Argus said with gentle words. “We are on the same situation here.” This made Alistair frown and give an annoyed look at Argus.
“Same situation? You’ve been trained for this, I haven’t.” Alistair’s words had a depressed tone and he drank down the rest of his ale.
“Oh, cheer up!” Argus wasn’t sure if it was right to encourage Alistair, but they had become friends. And I surely need one if I'm going to war. “Alistair the Bloodsword!” He added with a small grin, managing to make Alistair chuckle.
“Are you mocking me?” Alistair asked in a joking manner. “Please tell me if you have a better nickname in your mind.” Before Argus could answer a young woman walked next to their table. They both turned their heads to this beautiful dark haired lady. Argus remembered her, she was the same foreign girl that had been on the tavern yesterday. And she truly was a stunner. She had purple eyes, tanned skin and her green-and-blue tunic highlighted her curves. As Argus shyly looked into the eyes of this strange woman he saw an empty look. Quickly the young lady turned her smile on.
“The skinny boy left with you earlier. Where did he go?” The woman asked and Argus heard Alistair let out a disappointed sigh.
“Oh… Emilio… I don’t know, he came with us to the Great Hall, but I’m not sure where did he go after that.” Argus answered with an unsure tone and scratched his head. “Is there something I can help you with, lady…?”
“Oh, my name is Ella.” She answered and now Argus noticed a slight foreign accent on her voice. “And I’m not really a lady.” She added with a smile.
“Oh, trust me,” Alistair said, trying to lower his voice “You are more beautiful than any noble lady I’ve ever seen.” Argus shot a glare at Alistair but Ella let out a giggle.
“Have you seen many noble ladies, mister…?” Ella asked with a smirk on her face.
“His name is Alistair.” Argus said with a bit more serious tone than he intended to. “And I’m Argus Keding. And I doubt my friend has seen many noble ladies.” He turned his look to Alistair who was frowning.
“And what do you know of it?” He snapped and Argus shook his head.
“Boys, boys. No need to argue.” Ella said gently with her smooth voice, making both Argus and Alistair blush. For a moment they were all silent. Ella was already about to turn away, but then Argus remembered something.
“Hey! Ella! You didn’t answer to my question yet!” Argus said and Ella turned back to them with a questioning look on her face. “I mean… Can I… Or we help you with something? I mean, we could give a message to Emilio… Or something.” Ella chuckled to Argus’ stuttering and leaned her head towards her left shoulder as she looked at them.
“Well, boys, can you tell me what do you know about Emilio? Do you know what he is planning to do?” As Ella asked this her voice turned slightly more serious. Argus gulped as the beautiful purple eyes stared at him.
[Tell that Emilio is marching to war with you][Say that you know nothing about Emilio]
Whoa! It's been a looooooong time since I last got a part here, but now it's time to do it again! I'm sorry for this break, as I've said I … morehad a very hectic phase on my studying. And you know, when you lose that flow it's hard to get back to it! However, I'm pretty sure I can now continue to write these parts at least with reasonably quick pace. We'll see. This Argus part was originally meant to be longer, but I found a good place where I could put a choice in so I decided to cut the part there so we can finally move on
The Great Hall of Winterfell waited silently. Argus raised his look to Beron Stark, he had made his decision.
”We would like to wait for Lord Bolton to arrive, so we can march to Wolfswood with his army. If that pleases you, my Lord.” Argus spoke with decisive words and Beron Stark smiled to him on the platform.
”You probably know that I'm not really the Lord of House Stark.” Beron said calmly. ”I am t… [view original content]
Tell her that Emilio is marching to war with you. Great to see you back in action bud! I have my science exam tomorrow and then geography after that, but after then I should be able to start up. Coming to which, I need to ask you a question about a submit of yours
As for the choice... We know little about this Ella lady, though it's the same situation with Emilio (unless I've missed something). I get this feeling that Ella has a hidden priority which she hides with her beauty, though I don't know. This could be a danger for Emilio, which could be a danger for Argus. Though I may be over exaggerating, they could just be distant cousins :P I don't see much harm in telling her the truth this once...
You are right about Emilio: we know little to nothing about him as it is now. Apparently he is from Riverlands and he said he is ready to fight under Argus' command. After spending a night drinking with A&A he came with them to face Beron in the Great Hall, and then disappeared.
And about the submit, you can send pm and I'll answer
Tell her that Emilio is marching to war with you. Great to see you back in action bud! I have my science exam tomorrow and then geography af… moreter that, but after then I should be able to start up. Coming to which, I need to ask you a question about a submit of yours
As for the choice... We know little about this Ella lady, though it's the same situation with Emilio (unless I've missed something). I get this feeling that Ella has a hidden priority which she hides with her beauty, though I don't know. This could be a danger for Emilio, which could be a danger for Argus. Though I may be over exaggerating, they could just be distant cousins :P I don't see much harm in telling her the truth this once...
Whoa! It's been a looooooong time since I last got a part here, but now it's time to do it again! I'm sorry for this break, as I've said I … morehad a very hectic phase on my studying. And you know, when you lose that flow it's hard to get back to it! However, I'm pretty sure I can now continue to write these parts at least with reasonably quick pace. We'll see. This Argus part was originally meant to be longer, but I found a good place where I could put a choice in so I decided to cut the part there so we can finally move on
The Great Hall of Winterfell waited silently. Argus raised his look to Beron Stark, he had made his decision.
”We would like to wait for Lord Bolton to arrive, so we can march to Wolfswood with his army. If that pleases you, my Lord.” Argus spoke with decisive words and Beron Stark smiled to him on the platform.
”You probably know that I'm not really the Lord of House Stark.” Beron said calmly. ”I am t… [view original content]
Whoa! It's been a looooooong time since I last got a part here, but now it's time to do it again! I'm sorry for this break, as I've said I … morehad a very hectic phase on my studying. And you know, when you lose that flow it's hard to get back to it! However, I'm pretty sure I can now continue to write these parts at least with reasonably quick pace. We'll see. This Argus part was originally meant to be longer, but I found a good place where I could put a choice in so I decided to cut the part there so we can finally move on
The Great Hall of Winterfell waited silently. Argus raised his look to Beron Stark, he had made his decision.
”We would like to wait for Lord Bolton to arrive, so we can march to Wolfswood with his army. If that pleases you, my Lord.” Argus spoke with decisive words and Beron Stark smiled to him on the platform.
”You probably know that I'm not really the Lord of House Stark.” Beron said calmly. ”I am t… [view original content]
Vote closed! And Argus will tell to Ella that Emilio is marching to war with him. So now the story is back! This part was a slower one, but as you can probably guess Argus's storyline is building up towards the war.
And I have great news! I have two small parts ready for you and I'm going to post them right after I've posted this They are both new PoVs, however the other one of them will be a one-off PoV and will have just this one part (at least as a PoV).
P.S. Thanks for all of you still reading and voting after this long break!!
A pale man on his early thirties, with dark eyes and dark hair that was shaved from the sides, woke up on his bed. He heard talking from the next room. Leona and Seamus. Matthias wanted to turn around and fall asleep again, but he knew he had to get up – he would have to go fishing today.
Matthias opened the door to the main room of their small house. His sister Leona, along with her husband Seamus, were eating bread and the last salted fish they had left. Seamus doesn’t deserve any of that food. Matthias kept his cool as he looked at the young couple with his dark eyes.
“So, you’re going for fish today, right?” Leona asked with gentle tone. Leona was twenty-three, a woman on her best age. Matthias would look after his sister as long as he could, but he knew that if he would die the poor excuse for a man that Leona had chosen for his husband could never protect her or look after her.
“Aye.” Matthias grunted for an answer and took a piece of the bread. He casted one dark look on Seamus and walked out of the house.
It wasn't raining but dark clouds filled the sky. The Storm God is ready to attack. Matthias turned his look towards the small village they lived in, and the first thing his eyes found was the burned down ruins of an old tavern. That was the thing Matthias would always see, it held dark memories. It’s my childhood, summarized into a pile of rocks. Matthias sighed as he took the nets and started walking towards the small market square. Thirty-one years ago Matthias had born into this tiny village on the Island of Pyke, he had grown up learning what true hunger is, he had been beaten up by his father more times than he could count and he had seen his home burn down to the ground when he was seven years old. After that Matthias had ran away with his mother. They traveled through the Reach and sailed to Essos. They had to steal and beg on the streets just to stay alive. And during those times his mother got pregnant. On the eight nameday of Matthias his mother gave birth to Leona – a little baby girl who would grow up to be a brave and stubborn woman. Back then Matthias had been happy, but it meant hard times. Not long after that their mother died and Matthias had to grow up to take care of himself and Leona – even if he was still just a kid.
Matthias shook these thoughts off his head. After his childhood he had done many things, things that many would regret, but Matthias saw no reason for it. He had seen death and worse in Essos, but after he had returned to Iron Islands and seen the burned tavern of his childhood… it was hard to face those memories every time he stepped out the door.
Matthias arrived to the market square and saw the old man, Jarg, waiting for him.
“Are you ready, Jarg?” He asked with sullen tone, but the grey old man just gave him an awkward look and shrugged.
“You see, Matt… These men came for you… And for some others too, I guess.” Jarg glanced nervously around him as he spoke. Before Matthias could ask anything he saw the men that Jarg obviously was talking about. Three men with Greyjoy tabards – one of them on horseback. The one on horse was a young lad, skinny, blue-eyed, and he had a dark curly hair.
“Are you Matthias?” The young man on horseback asked with cold tone. Matthias looked the boy straight into the eyes. Scared little boy, acts to be more than he is.
“Aye, and who are you?” Matthias’ deep voice was threatening and a small smirk appeared on the face of the young man.
“I am Yeron Greyjoy, nephew of King Dagon Greyjoy.” The boy answered with voice full of pride. Matthias let out a small chuckle.
“Well congratulations to you, Yeron. Do you need an executioner, or what business do you have with me?” Matthias started to feel impatient, and he could see that Yeron was taken aback by his words.
“I don’t know if you can’t see, peasant, but I have two armed men with me. You are alone and without weapons. So, start showing some more respect unless you want me to kill you and dump your body to the sea.” Yeron spoke with harsh words and his two men unsheathed their swords. Matthias let out a grim little laugh.
“Boy, back in Meereen's fighting pits I slaughtered an armed man size of a bear with my bare hands. And years haven’t made me weaker.” Matthias lowered his voice with the last words and he could see the young Greyjoy gulp. “But please, go ahead tell me what you are here for.”
“We are raising more men for the war. I was especially tasked to get you.” The boy spoke with monotone words and Matthias' lips formed a joyless smile.
“So King Dagon wants me to fight for him?” Matthias stared the boy straight into the eyes and gave him a dark grin.
“Well… There is word that… That you are a good fighter.” Yeron answered with unsure words, turning his eyes away.
“I am.” Matthias grunted. “And if the king wants then I’ll fight.” Yeron nodded to him hastily and gasped some air before speaking again.
“But we also want more men from this village… You don’t happen to know anyone?” Yeron asked and Matthias sighed. Perhaps he could tell them about Seamus. That young man had done nothing in his life but fished – and he wasn’t very good even on that. It was time for him to see war, or else he wouldn’t be worthy of Leona. I should tell them to take Seamus… But Leona sure wouldn’t like that.
[Tell Yeron about Seamus][Don't tell Yeron about Seamus]
Melinda sat at the doorway of their cottage. The wind of the Haunted Forest was blowing gently as she looked at her sons, Geren and Tormund, sparring with their sticks. They are warriors, just like their father. Geren was already fourteen and Tormund would soon be twelve. Until now Melinda had been the one to take care of those boys, teach them, and play with them. But it wouldn’t be long before they would join their father and march to wars. The thought of that saddened Melinda, even if she had always known that day would come. Both of the boys had green eyes. Geren had the red hair of his father. Kissed by fire. Tormund had got Melinda’s brown hair.
“You are too easy opponent!” Geren yelled as he had made Tormund yield again.
“How would you like to try me?” Melinda asked jokingly, but Geren just showed his tongue to her. Melinda chuckled. He is still a child.
“Or how about me?” A voice came from behind one of the trees. It was Konnor, a young warrior who was loyal to Melinda’s husband.
“Yes!” Geren yelled with a wide grin on his face. “I wanna fight you!” Konnor started laughing.
“Oh, you’ll be a fine warrior one day, Geren. I think I’ll let you just train with your brother though.” He spoke with carefree tone.
“Yeah right, damn coward!” Geren yelled and now both Konnor and Melinda started laughing. Then Melinda heard something, a step from the woods. And again.
“Are we interrupting something?” A young man in black cloak asked. He was pointing at them with longbow. Soon more crows walked closer to them. Some of them had unsheathed their swords, some not. There were seven of them in total. Seven fuckers from the Seven Kingdoms. One of the men walked closer to Konnor and Melinda, the boys walked back inside the cottage.
“What is it you want, crow? What are you doing here?” Melinda asked with strict tone. The man didn’t smile, his expression was cold, without a hint of emotion.
“My name is Jack Musgood, I am the Lord Commander of Night’s Watch.” The man said quietly.
“I asked… What are you doing here?” Melinda stared to the cold eyes of the crow, who let out a sigh.
“We are looking for a man named Rambton Snow. He used to be one of use. Ever heard of him?” The crow asked, trying to sound polite. Konnor took out his axe and the young man with the longbow immediately shot an arrow right in front of him, and then took another arrow from his quiver and draw it.
“Drop that axe.” The young man said calmly. Konnor gave an angry look at the archer, but dropped his axe.
“I ask again.” The Lord Commander said with calm and serious tone. “Do you know anything about Rambton Snow?”
“No.” Melinda answered with all the power in that one word, shaking of anger. “And now, leave.”
“Or what, wildling bitch?” One of the crows behind the Lord Commander yelled. Melinda took a deep breath.
“Or you die.” She said quietly, with cold and strong tone. A small joyless smile appeared on the face of the Lord Commander.
“Just one more question, lady.” He said smoothly. “What is happening here? With this King-beyond-the-Wall. Has he been victorious? How many clans has he united?”
“Leave!” Melinda shouted and clenched her fists. The Lord Commander raised his hands up calmly and nodded.
“We will. Thank you lady, and have a good day.” He said and signalized for his men to back out. And slowly the crows left. Melinda felt her heart beating wildly as they stood there in silence.
“Should I track them?” Konnor asked. “Perhaps we could set them a trap.”
“No need.” Melinda answered quietly, almost whispering. She turned around and walked inside the cottage. Geren and Tormund were immediately asking what just happened.
“We’ll talk about it later.” Melinda said with gentle words. “Now go outside with Konnor.” The boys followed her order reluctantly, and then she walked to the bedroom. Her husband was laying on the bed, his wounded leg tied up.
“What is it, my love?” The man with a beard red as flames asked with a concerned look on his eyes.
“Nothing, my king.” Melinda answered quietly and laid down next to him with tears in her eyes.
[Tell Yeron about Seamus] It's our first chapter with this characters and I don't really know what I want, so I'll just go with what it seems like it is the choice Matthias would want to pick.
A pale man on his early thirties, with dark eyes and dark hair that was shaved from the sides, woke up on his bed. He heard talk… moreing from the next room. Leona and Seamus. Matthias wanted to turn around and fall asleep again, but he knew he had to get up – he would have to go fishing today.
Matthias opened the door to the main room of their small house. His sister Leona, along with her husband Seamus, were eating bread and the last salted fish they had left. Seamus doesn’t deserve any of that food. Matthias kept his cool as he looked at the young couple with his dark eyes.
“So, you’re going for fish today, right?” Leona asked with gentle tone. Leona was twenty-three, a woman on her best age. Matthias would look after his sister as long as he could, but he knew that if he would die the poor excuse for a man that Leona had chosen for his husband could never protect her or look after her.
“Aye.” Matthias grunted for an answer … [view original content]
[Tell Yeron about Seamus]. I don't really know where this will take us in the relationship with Matthias and his sister, but as API said we barely know these characters. Matthias strikes me as a man who doesn't put up with shit, and Seamus is starting to piss Matthias off from the looks of things. I see potential harm to Seamus and the relationship Matthias has with his sister, but also Seamus needs to man up as this is game of thrones and Matthias could easily die leaving both of them to pay the iron price. Anyway, I'm just jumping to conclusions :P
As for the second part, excellent! Good to see Raymun somewhat back, even if he is wounded. I like now that we know he has a family, especially two younger boys. Hopefully they'll play a major role in the years to come when Raymun takes his army of wildlings south. KING KING KING!
[Don't tell Yeron about Seamus] I kinda swim against the tide here, but isn't it a huge dickmove from Matthias if he forces his sister's husband to war?
These were two very interesting PoV's. I think it was clear that Raymun was still alive, but it was still good to see him. When the story started, I did not really like him, mostly because my sympathies are with the Thenns of course, but he quickly grew on me, especially now that it looks like Fleshbearer's treachery maybe opened up a way for the Thenns to peacefully submit to Raymun.
A pale man on his early thirties, with dark eyes and dark hair that was shaved from the sides, woke up on his bed. He heard talk… moreing from the next room. Leona and Seamus. Matthias wanted to turn around and fall asleep again, but he knew he had to get up – he would have to go fishing today.
Matthias opened the door to the main room of their small house. His sister Leona, along with her husband Seamus, were eating bread and the last salted fish they had left. Seamus doesn’t deserve any of that food. Matthias kept his cool as he looked at the young couple with his dark eyes.
“So, you’re going for fish today, right?” Leona asked with gentle tone. Leona was twenty-three, a woman on her best age. Matthias would look after his sister as long as he could, but he knew that if he would die the poor excuse for a man that Leona had chosen for his husband could never protect her or look after her.
“Aye.” Matthias grunted for an answer … [view original content]
I enjoyed these parts a lot but the decision is hard to make for me.... I'm indecisive person and that doesn't make any easier but I think I'll go with [Tell Yeron about Seamus]. I think there is a bigger chance Matthias would do that, because he is kind of amoral person and has low empathy so he wouldn't see it as that bad... I guess. Anyway I'm going to add myself to group of people that are happy to see that Raymun back.
Return to the vale
I agree with the statements that were mentioned above and I say [Return to the Vale of Thenn] Glad I have a chance to vote after some time, I always missed it
Thanks to @Danielson2811 and @Kennyslosteye the tie has been broken, so vote closed!
Skjorn will return to the Vale of Thenn.
As I have said this was a very important choice - not only for Skjorn but for many other characters as well. And what can I say... Well, in the long run this was probably the better option.
Talking about the Vale of Thenn, the next part will be a Lenlie PoV.
Btw, if the story feels a little slow atm, I can agree that's true and I'm sorry. However, this chapter will be huge (much longer than chapter 2 was) so it needs its build up.
No problem, I completely understand how slow it can be to try and get these things moving XD - Yay Lenlie, more Thenns!
Lenlie stared straight into the pale grey eyes of Skyrnor, who sat on his chair with a cold smile on his face, waiting for Lenlie's answer.
”I serve Princess Sigira.” Lenlie said with a decisive tone. ”If it wasn't for her I'd be dead. I owe my life to her.” Lenlie could see that Skyrnor was surprised by her answer.
”Well, looks like you have found yourself a passionate follower, cousin.” Skyrnor said to Sigira who was slightly blushing.
”I... I'm thankful Lenlie, but you don't owe me anything.” She said quietly, clearly as surprised as Skyrnor. I am a little surprised myself.
”I hope you accept me as your... follower.” Lenlie said and looked Sigira, who nodded to her with a kind look on her eyes.
”Of course, Lenlie.” She answered with gentle tone. For a couple of seconds it was silent, until Gorgar let out a little laugh.
”So... This was emotional. Is there something we should do now? Or shall we just stand here?” He spoke with carefree tone and Sigira shot a glare at him.
”Oh shut up, Gorgar.” She said and then turned her attention to Skyrnor. ”So, cousin, where is Storg?”
”He is outside, playing with that Varalaf kid.” He answered with little interest in his voice.
”Okay, then. I guess I'll go see him, since that was what I was sent here for anyway.” Sigira said with bored tone and let out a sigh.
”Yes, that's probably a good idea, but I would like to discuss with you later, Sigira – privately.” Skyrnor spoke with a stern look on his face and Sigira gave him a subtle nod, even if her expression was a little confused.
And so Sigira, Lenlie and Gorgar left the room, leaving Skyrnor and Yrma behind.
As they walked to the yard of the Magnar's Hall, Lenlie took a deep breath of the fresh air. She saw two boy sparring with sticks, screaming furiously as they attacked each other. The slightly taller one had a bit more simple clothing, whereas the smaller one had a beautiful black fur cloak, stylized tunic and a bronze helmet with horns.
”The one with the helmet is my brother.” Sigira said, her lips forming a warm smile. ”As much as I would have liked to march to war beside my father... I have to admit I missed that boy.” Lenlie nodded to her. I wish I had a family like this. For Lenlie the closest thing to a family had always been her clan, but all that was history now. I serve Princess Sigira.
”Storg!” Sigira yelled. The boy with the helmet turned his head, and the taller one used his opportunity and smacked Storg to the back of the head with his stick. Storg dropped his stick and his face turned red. For a second it looked like the son of Magnar Krygorn was about to cry, but then he jumped towards the other boy with rage in his eyes. Storg tackled the tall boy to the ground and delivered a punch to his face. Fierce little guy.
”Storg! Calm down!” Sigira yelled, but Gorgar tapped her on the shoulder.
”I'll take care of this.” He said with a grin on his face and quickly walked to the boys. Gorgar grabbed Storg and pulled him away from the tall boy. After Gorgar had said something to him, Storg walked to Sigira with a sullen expression on his face.
”Looks like you broke the nose of the Varalaf kid.” Sigira said shook her head. Storg sighed and took his helmet off. The hair of this eight year old boys was wavy, long and dark brown, his eyes were pale grey and he had a stern look on them.
”His name is Sverik.” Storg said with whiny voice and Sigira rolled her eyes.
”Yes, but he is from the Varalaf family, and I can't remember the name of every damn brat.” Sigira answered with her lazy tone.
”Who is she?” Storg asked as he had turned his eyes to Lenlie.
”She is Lenlie... My friend.” Sigira answered with unsure words. ”So, little guy, how have you been?”
”Bored. I wish I could already go to wars.” The answer made both Sigira and Lenlie chuckle.
”There will be plenty of time for you to go to wars when you grow up. You should just... enjoy being a kid, for as long as it lasts.” Sigira spoke with gentle tone, but Storg didn't look to be convinced by her words. Gorgar walked to them with his jolly face.
”Alright, Storg, Sverik said he is sorry about that cheap shot to the back of your head.” Gorgar spoke with amusement in his words, like he was holding back a laugh. ”I guess you could go and say you are sorry about breaking his nose.” Storg let out a sigh and walked to the other boy without saying a word.
”Skyrnor wanted to talk with me about something.” Sigira said with serious tone as they watched the boys apologizing each other and shaking hands. ”I guess I should go and see what he has in his mind. Gorgar, look after the boys. Lenlie... You can be with them if you wish... Or I guess you could go... Look around.” Lenlie answered to Sigira's words with a gentle smile and a nod. And so Sigira turned away and walked back to the Magnar's Hall.
”So, wanna spend some time with me and the boys?” Gorgar asked with a friendly tone.
[Spend time with Gorgar and the kids.] [Go look around]
So, clearly this was more of a 'slice of life' style part (introducing Storg was really why this part was needed). The choice isn't very important, but it affects on how Gorgar feels about Lenlie - and it could also affect on how Lenlie feels about Gorgar
[Spend time with Gorgar and the kids.]
Lets make Gorlie happen
[Spend time with Gorgar and the kids.]
I liked that part a lot, I'm a big fan of these slice of life parts, they're always a welcome contrast to the more action-packed parts
10/10 [Spend time with Gorgar... And the kids]. I don't think the kiddies want to be anywhere near when Gorgar and Lenlie's ship sets sail ;P
Though on a more serious note, I am curious what Skyrnor has to say to Sigira. Perhaps he has received word of the Magnar's death? I don't know if they have ravens beyond the Wall but it is possible. Though part of me does not think it has anything to do with that considering Skyrnor's bored tone. I'd wage it has something to do with the giants as we have not heard much from them. In which case, I need to talk with you about giants @WildlingKing
No ravens, and no this isn't about Krygorn. Aaand it's not really any kind of information or message from somewhere... Skyrnor just wants to make some things clear so to say.
[Spend time with Gorgar and the kids.]
Probably the smallest amount of votes ever, but eh, I guess this one is clear. Vote closed. And Lenlie will spend some time with Gorgar and the kids.
If someone wonders what the other choice would have done: Well, Lenlie would have wandered around the Magnar's Hall for a while and then bumped into Yrma, who doesn't really respect Lenlie - to put it lightly.
Next part would be Robett, I'll probably post it at some point....
Looking forward to it! The amount of time that has been spent sutdying rather than writing has been crazy for me, though I guess it is paying off. I resat my mid-year Chemistry exam (which I got an E in) and I got a B as a result today so not bad I guess.
As for Robett, I'm really interested to see where his story goes now that he has killed a man. How will this change him emotionally and mentally? Will this make him stronger or break him further, oh the questions that will be answered in due time... XD
We'll see, Robett's development can still go to many directions. His storyline in this chapter wont be the most action-packed, not for a while at least, but he does get his share of developing as character and bonding with new characters.
And congrats for improving your grades, man!
Robett clenched to his dagger. He took a deep breath. And another. And another. Griff stared at him with his dark eyes, but Robett didn't feel fear – only anger. Griff couldn't do anything, his hands were tied, and Edric Dayne and Ser Lyonel Crakehall were holding him down. The other four rangers stood behind them, some of them looked amused, others just bored, but Robett didn't care about them. I have to kill this monster. He took a step closer.
”You don't have to do it, Robett.” He heard Tom's deep voice saying behind him, but he ignored it. I have to do this. For Maester Jon. For Cruz. For myself. As Robett took the last step he saw it – the fear in the eyes of Griff. And then he screamed and plunged his dagger into the throat of this traitor and murderer. Slowly the fear and panic disappeared and only empty gaze remained in the eyes of Griff the Blacksmith.
Robett stepped backwards, looking at the blood draining from Griff's neck, and for a moment he felt satisfaction. I killed the monster. Then he felt something else. It wasn't grief or shame, but it was something – a feeling of emptiness. Is this it? Dayne and Crakehall let the body of Griff fall down, and as Robett looked to the violet eyes of Edric Dayne he saw something familiar in them. They reminded him of Eren Meratus, and the look the Volantene had when he had killed his slave guard.
”Your first kill?” Edric asked calmly, and Robett nodded. ”Well, now you know how it feels. Get used to it, because it most likely wont be your last.”
Two days had passed since they had left Icemark. Ser Lyonel Crakehall had been escorting Robett and Tom towards the Shadow Tower, and the journey had been quiet. Tom had talked with Robett a couple times, but Robett hadn't felt very social and Tom seemed to be somehow distant when he talked to him. He is shocked that I did it. Robett himself wasn't shocked, at least he didn't feel like it. He had almost expected to see nightmares or feel guilt, but it hadn't happened. The only thing Robett felt was disappointment. He had killed the monster, he had got his vengeance, but nothing had changed. The memory of the bloody night in Castle Black had not disappeared, Cruz and Maester Jon were still dead, and probably tens of traitors were still on the loose – including Devyn. Killing Griff was not enough.
”We should be at the Shadow Tower in less than an hour.” Ser Lyonel said with toneless words and Tom grunted something unintelligible for an answer. Lyonel Crakehall was a ranger on his late thirties. He was a muscular and tall man, he had a round face with rough features, short black hair, green eyes, and several scars on his face. Ser Lyonel hadn't talked much to them, mainly just informed where they were and how long it would take them to reach Shadow Tower. Right now Robett didn't care about making friends, but even if he did he probably wouldn't have had the courage to talk to this huge man – even if Ser Lyonel hadn't given any reason to fear him.
As they moved towards their destination in silence Robett started to think what would it be like in the Shadow Tower. What will I do there? Questions filled his mind, but he wasn't positive about getting happy answers for them. And then they could finally see the Shadow Tower in front of them. The Shadow Tower stood on a hill of solid rock, the mountains rising behind it. It was a dark fort with one massive tower. Well, massive compared to most of the towers at the forts of the Wall.
”Here we are.” Ser Lyonel said with grim tone, looking at the tower.
”Thank you for escorting us, Ser Lyonel.” Tom said quietly, as they walked to the gates and inside the fort.
Robett looked around him at the courtyard, seeing a group of black brothers – probably rangers – sparring, some walking to the common hall, others to the tower.
”We'll see tomorrow something for both of you to do, but now you can rest.” Ser Lyonel said. ”Oh, and there should be food at the common hall.” After these words Ser Lyonel walked away. Tom turned his look to Robett.
”Robett... Before eating, I think we should talk.” He said calmly, but there was a hint of concern in his eyes.
”Why?” Robett asked coldly and Tom let out a sigh.
”Because I think it would be good for you.” He answered, and now the concern could be heard in his voice.
[Talk with Tom] [Ignore Tom]
[Talk with Tom]
[Talk with Tom]
Well, this might indeed be good for Robett. I don't think there is a real drawback to this and perhaps it will be good for him. Talking about how he feels after his first kill can't be a bad idea, right?
[Talk with Tom]
[Talk with Tom] I agree with Liquid on that node. Also holding feelings inside for a long time can drag him down a lot, ending badly for him. I don't see any harm in him talking with Tom.
[Talk with Tom]
[Ignore Tom]
Okay, vote closed, and Robett will talk with Tom.
I took a little break from writing this, so I haven't even started the next part yet. Also, the next part - which is Argus PoV - should be pretty long so it might take a while before it's done.
Hey, are you occupied with school/uni and can you give us rough expectation when will you be able to continue this story? Because I really love this story so far and I'm hyped up for the new Greyjoy's rebelion storyline
Believe it or not I was just about to come and make a small announcement about the story since it clearly is taking me sweet time to get the next part out.
And the next part has actually been under work all this time, my progress with it has just been extremely slow. I have no intention to stop writing this story, right now my studies are just very hectic as you guessed. It's not really that I wouldn't have any time for writing, it's just that when I finally get free time from studying I don't have much inspiration or motivation to put in to writing, I just want to do something a little more relaxing, watch or play something and turn off my brains
However, the Argus part that is coming next is about 50% done, and it's possible that I could get it done during this week (btw, after Argus part the Greyjoy storyline kicks in). The whole November is pretty full in my schedule, but in December I may be able to write with the same pace I did earlier.
Same with me @Wildlingking. Studying for the exams that happen in 2 weeks has slowed everything down to a near halt, which is a bit annoying but these things happen. For me, I'm not stressed if the next part comes out tomorrow or in a weeks time (possibly because I'm preoccupied). I'll still wait and read it as all of us have, we'll be here to support your great story when you return!
May December rain with fan fictions!
Whoa! It's been a looooooong time since I last got a part here, but now it's time to do it again!
I'm sorry for this break, as I've said I had a very hectic phase on my studying. And you know, when you lose that flow it's hard to get back to it! However, I'm pretty sure I can now continue to write these parts at least with reasonably quick pace. We'll see. This Argus part was originally meant to be longer, but I found a good place where I could put a choice in so I decided to cut the part there so we can finally move on 
The Great Hall of Winterfell waited silently. Argus raised his look to Beron Stark, he had made his decision.
”We would like to wait for Lord Bolton to arrive, so we can march to Wolfswood with his army. If that pleases you, my Lord.” Argus spoke with decisive words and Beron Stark smiled to him on the platform.
”You probably know that I'm not really the Lord of House Stark.” Beron said calmly. ”I am the acting Lord of Winterfell now, but my father Brandon is still the head of this house, and my brother Rodwell is the heir. And my father has commanded me to send more forces to help them, so if I denied you to march to Wolfswood I'd be going against my lord's will. So yes, Argus Keding, you and your companions may march with Lord Bolton. However, I must warn you once again – Wolfswood is not a pleasant place these days, if the letters I have received from there tell anything.”
”I understand, Lord Beron.” Argus said with humble tone.
”Good.” Beron answered softly. ”You may make your contracts tomorrow with Lord Brandon Icestark, he'll be waiting you here by noon.”
”Thank you, my Lord.” Argus said and bowed.
”I should be the one thanking you, valiant young man of the Vale, for supporting us in this war. We'll see at the meeting when Bolton arrives.” Beron had a subtle smile on his face as he spoke. Argus and his companions bowed once more and then they left the Great Hall.
As Argus stepped out of the Great Hall he noticed that the yard was full of people – Stark men and Skagosi. Now I'm in service of the Starks... Never expected this to happen. He glanced quickly at Alistair who walked next to him. The young man of the North had a dreaming look on his eyes and his lips formed a wide grin. Argus let out a sigh and raised his eyes towards the sky. A lonely owl flew over the Winterfell.
After walking silently through the Winter Town they finally arrived back to the Smoking Log and Argus turned to look at his companions. Only there was just one companion standing behind him.
”Alistair, where did Emilio go?” Argus asked with serious tone and the only answer he got was a confused expression on Alistair's face. ”Did you hear me?”
”How should I know?” Alistair snapped with defensive tone. ”He was right next to me... Well, at least when we walked out of the Great Hall. What does it matter anyway? Maybe he knows a girl somewhere in here and wanted to spend some time.”
”Well I hope he comes back before morning, we make our contracts tomorrow.” Argus said quietly and Alistair shrugged.
”I don't really care if he doesn't come.” Alistair answered with lazy tone. ”He was pretty annoying yesterday, he didn't show any respect towards me.” Argus raised his eyebrows, but decided not to say anything to that. Instead he opened the door to the tavern and walked in, Alistair following behind him. The tavern was more crowded than it had been yesterday, and in the morning. With bored and tired looks on their faces Argus and Alistair made their way to one of the tables. They were both quiet for several minutes. The barmaid brought them ale, and quietly they started to drink it.
“Alistair.” Argus said finally. “Is everything okay? You are… quieter than usually.” Alistair turned his dreamy look slowly to Argus.
“What? Oh… I’m just… thinking.” Alistair answered and Argus had to chuckle.
“Thinking what? Pretty girls and mountains of gold?” Argus asked with a grin on his face, making Alistair shot a glare at him.
“No! It’s just… I’ve never been to war before.” The concerned tone on Alistair’s words surprised Argus. This is new. Until now Alistair had acted as he couldn’t wait to get to the battlefield.
“Isn’t it what you wanted?” Argus asked, and Alistair shrugged for an answer.
“Well… I guess. But, you know, I don’t dream of killing people, I never have… I just want to be respected.” Alistair muttered and turned his look to the table. “And I know that the only way to do it is to fight… And kill.”
“You know Alistair, I’ve never really been to war either.” Argus said with gentle words. “We are on the same situation here.” This made Alistair frown and give an annoyed look at Argus.
“Same situation? You’ve been trained for this, I haven’t.” Alistair’s words had a depressed tone and he drank down the rest of his ale.
“Oh, cheer up!” Argus wasn’t sure if it was right to encourage Alistair, but they had become friends. And I surely need one if I'm going to war. “Alistair the Bloodsword!” He added with a small grin, managing to make Alistair chuckle.
“Are you mocking me?” Alistair asked in a joking manner. “Please tell me if you have a better nickname in your mind.” Before Argus could answer a young woman walked next to their table. They both turned their heads to this beautiful dark haired lady. Argus remembered her, she was the same foreign girl that had been on the tavern yesterday. And she truly was a stunner. She had purple eyes, tanned skin and her green-and-blue tunic highlighted her curves. As Argus shyly looked into the eyes of this strange woman he saw an empty look. Quickly the young lady turned her smile on.
“The skinny boy left with you earlier. Where did he go?” The woman asked and Argus heard Alistair let out a disappointed sigh.
“Oh… Emilio… I don’t know, he came with us to the Great Hall, but I’m not sure where did he go after that.” Argus answered with an unsure tone and scratched his head. “Is there something I can help you with, lady…?”
“Oh, my name is Ella.” She answered and now Argus noticed a slight foreign accent on her voice. “And I’m not really a lady.” She added with a smile.
“Oh, trust me,” Alistair said, trying to lower his voice “You are more beautiful than any noble lady I’ve ever seen.” Argus shot a glare at Alistair but Ella let out a giggle.
“Have you seen many noble ladies, mister…?” Ella asked with a smirk on her face.
“His name is Alistair.” Argus said with a bit more serious tone than he intended to. “And I’m Argus Keding. And I doubt my friend has seen many noble ladies.” He turned his look to Alistair who was frowning.
“And what do you know of it?” He snapped and Argus shook his head.
“Boys, boys. No need to argue.” Ella said gently with her smooth voice, making both Argus and Alistair blush. For a moment they were all silent. Ella was already about to turn away, but then Argus remembered something.
“Hey! Ella! You didn’t answer to my question yet!” Argus said and Ella turned back to them with a questioning look on her face. “I mean… Can I… Or we help you with something? I mean, we could give a message to Emilio… Or something.” Ella chuckled to Argus’ stuttering and leaned her head towards her left shoulder as she looked at them.
“Well, boys, can you tell me what do you know about Emilio? Do you know what he is planning to do?” As Ella asked this her voice turned slightly more serious. Argus gulped as the beautiful purple eyes stared at him.
[Tell that Emilio is marching to war with you] [Say that you know nothing about Emilio]
[Tell that Emilio is marching to war with you]
Great to see you back
[Say that you know nothing about Emilio]
Tell her that Emilio is marching to war with you. Great to see you back in action bud! I have my science exam tomorrow and then geography after that, but after then I should be able to start up. Coming to which, I need to ask you a question about a submit of yours
As for the choice... We know little about this Ella lady, though it's the same situation with Emilio (unless I've missed something). I get this feeling that Ella has a hidden priority which she hides with her beauty, though I don't know. This could be a danger for Emilio, which could be a danger for Argus. Though I may be over exaggerating, they could just be distant cousins :P I don't see much harm in telling her the truth this once...
You are right about Emilio: we know little to nothing about him as it is now. Apparently he is from Riverlands and he said he is ready to fight under Argus' command. After spending a night drinking with A&A he came with them to face Beron in the Great Hall, and then disappeared.
And about the submit, you can send pm and I'll answer
[Tell that Emilio is marching to war with you]
[Tell that Emilio is marching to war with you]
It is great that this story is back! It was a nice part, I'm starting to get really excited for Argus' storyline
[Tell that Emilio is marching to war with you]
Vote closed! And Argus will tell to Ella that Emilio is marching to war with him. So now the story is back! This part was a slower one, but as you can probably guess Argus's storyline is building up towards the war.
And I have great news! I have two small parts ready for you and I'm going to post them right after I've posted this
They are both new PoVs, however the other one of them will be a one-off PoV and will have just this one part (at least as a PoV).
P.S. Thanks for all of you still reading and voting after this long break!!
A pale man on his early thirties, with dark eyes and dark hair that was shaved from the sides, woke up on his bed. He heard talking from the next room. Leona and Seamus. Matthias wanted to turn around and fall asleep again, but he knew he had to get up – he would have to go fishing today.
Matthias opened the door to the main room of their small house. His sister Leona, along with her husband Seamus, were eating bread and the last salted fish they had left. Seamus doesn’t deserve any of that food. Matthias kept his cool as he looked at the young couple with his dark eyes.
“So, you’re going for fish today, right?” Leona asked with gentle tone. Leona was twenty-three, a woman on her best age. Matthias would look after his sister as long as he could, but he knew that if he would die the poor excuse for a man that Leona had chosen for his husband could never protect her or look after her.
“Aye.” Matthias grunted for an answer and took a piece of the bread. He casted one dark look on Seamus and walked out of the house.
It wasn't raining but dark clouds filled the sky. The Storm God is ready to attack. Matthias turned his look towards the small village they lived in, and the first thing his eyes found was the burned down ruins of an old tavern. That was the thing Matthias would always see, it held dark memories. It’s my childhood, summarized into a pile of rocks. Matthias sighed as he took the nets and started walking towards the small market square. Thirty-one years ago Matthias had born into this tiny village on the Island of Pyke, he had grown up learning what true hunger is, he had been beaten up by his father more times than he could count and he had seen his home burn down to the ground when he was seven years old. After that Matthias had ran away with his mother. They traveled through the Reach and sailed to Essos. They had to steal and beg on the streets just to stay alive. And during those times his mother got pregnant. On the eight nameday of Matthias his mother gave birth to Leona – a little baby girl who would grow up to be a brave and stubborn woman. Back then Matthias had been happy, but it meant hard times. Not long after that their mother died and Matthias had to grow up to take care of himself and Leona – even if he was still just a kid.
Matthias shook these thoughts off his head. After his childhood he had done many things, things that many would regret, but Matthias saw no reason for it. He had seen death and worse in Essos, but after he had returned to Iron Islands and seen the burned tavern of his childhood… it was hard to face those memories every time he stepped out the door.
Matthias arrived to the market square and saw the old man, Jarg, waiting for him.
“Are you ready, Jarg?” He asked with sullen tone, but the grey old man just gave him an awkward look and shrugged.
“You see, Matt… These men came for you… And for some others too, I guess.” Jarg glanced nervously around him as he spoke. Before Matthias could ask anything he saw the men that Jarg obviously was talking about. Three men with Greyjoy tabards – one of them on horseback. The one on horse was a young lad, skinny, blue-eyed, and he had a dark curly hair.
“Are you Matthias?” The young man on horseback asked with cold tone. Matthias looked the boy straight into the eyes. Scared little boy, acts to be more than he is.
“Aye, and who are you?” Matthias’ deep voice was threatening and a small smirk appeared on the face of the young man.
“I am Yeron Greyjoy, nephew of King Dagon Greyjoy.” The boy answered with voice full of pride. Matthias let out a small chuckle.
“Well congratulations to you, Yeron. Do you need an executioner, or what business do you have with me?” Matthias started to feel impatient, and he could see that Yeron was taken aback by his words.
“I don’t know if you can’t see, peasant, but I have two armed men with me. You are alone and without weapons. So, start showing some more respect unless you want me to kill you and dump your body to the sea.” Yeron spoke with harsh words and his two men unsheathed their swords. Matthias let out a grim little laugh.
“Boy, back in Meereen's fighting pits I slaughtered an armed man size of a bear with my bare hands. And years haven’t made me weaker.” Matthias lowered his voice with the last words and he could see the young Greyjoy gulp. “But please, go ahead tell me what you are here for.”
“We are raising more men for the war. I was especially tasked to get you.” The boy spoke with monotone words and Matthias' lips formed a joyless smile.
“So King Dagon wants me to fight for him?” Matthias stared the boy straight into the eyes and gave him a dark grin.
“Well… There is word that… That you are a good fighter.” Yeron answered with unsure words, turning his eyes away.
“I am.” Matthias grunted. “And if the king wants then I’ll fight.” Yeron nodded to him hastily and gasped some air before speaking again.
“But we also want more men from this village… You don’t happen to know anyone?” Yeron asked and Matthias sighed. Perhaps he could tell them about Seamus. That young man had done nothing in his life but fished – and he wasn’t very good even on that. It was time for him to see war, or else he wouldn’t be worthy of Leona. I should tell them to take Seamus… But Leona sure wouldn’t like that.
[Tell Yeron about Seamus] [Don't tell Yeron about Seamus]
Melinda sat at the doorway of their cottage. The wind of the Haunted Forest was blowing gently as she looked at her sons, Geren and Tormund, sparring with their sticks. They are warriors, just like their father. Geren was already fourteen and Tormund would soon be twelve. Until now Melinda had been the one to take care of those boys, teach them, and play with them. But it wouldn’t be long before they would join their father and march to wars. The thought of that saddened Melinda, even if she had always known that day would come. Both of the boys had green eyes. Geren had the red hair of his father. Kissed by fire. Tormund had got Melinda’s brown hair.
“You are too easy opponent!” Geren yelled as he had made Tormund yield again.
“How would you like to try me?” Melinda asked jokingly, but Geren just showed his tongue to her. Melinda chuckled. He is still a child.
“Or how about me?” A voice came from behind one of the trees. It was Konnor, a young warrior who was loyal to Melinda’s husband.
“Yes!” Geren yelled with a wide grin on his face. “I wanna fight you!” Konnor started laughing.
“Oh, you’ll be a fine warrior one day, Geren. I think I’ll let you just train with your brother though.” He spoke with carefree tone.
“Yeah right, damn coward!” Geren yelled and now both Konnor and Melinda started laughing. Then Melinda heard something, a step from the woods. And again.
“Are we interrupting something?” A young man in black cloak asked. He was pointing at them with longbow. Soon more crows walked closer to them. Some of them had unsheathed their swords, some not. There were seven of them in total. Seven fuckers from the Seven Kingdoms. One of the men walked closer to Konnor and Melinda, the boys walked back inside the cottage.
“What is it you want, crow? What are you doing here?” Melinda asked with strict tone. The man didn’t smile, his expression was cold, without a hint of emotion.
“My name is Jack Musgood, I am the Lord Commander of Night’s Watch.” The man said quietly.
“I asked… What are you doing here?” Melinda stared to the cold eyes of the crow, who let out a sigh.
“We are looking for a man named Rambton Snow. He used to be one of use. Ever heard of him?” The crow asked, trying to sound polite. Konnor took out his axe and the young man with the longbow immediately shot an arrow right in front of him, and then took another arrow from his quiver and draw it.
“Drop that axe.” The young man said calmly. Konnor gave an angry look at the archer, but dropped his axe.
“I ask again.” The Lord Commander said with calm and serious tone. “Do you know anything about Rambton Snow?”
“No.” Melinda answered with all the power in that one word, shaking of anger. “And now, leave.”
“Or what, wildling bitch?” One of the crows behind the Lord Commander yelled. Melinda took a deep breath.
“Or you die.” She said quietly, with cold and strong tone. A small joyless smile appeared on the face of the Lord Commander.
“Just one more question, lady.” He said smoothly. “What is happening here? With this King-beyond-the-Wall. Has he been victorious? How many clans has he united?”
“Leave!” Melinda shouted and clenched her fists. The Lord Commander raised his hands up calmly and nodded.
“We will. Thank you lady, and have a good day.” He said and signalized for his men to back out. And slowly the crows left. Melinda felt her heart beating wildly as they stood there in silence.
“Should I track them?” Konnor asked. “Perhaps we could set them a trap.”
“No need.” Melinda answered quietly, almost whispering. She turned around and walked inside the cottage. Geren and Tormund were immediately asking what just happened.
“We’ll talk about it later.” Melinda said with gentle words. “Now go outside with Konnor.” The boys followed her order reluctantly, and then she walked to the bedroom. Her husband was laying on the bed, his wounded leg tied up.
“What is it, my love?” The man with a beard red as flames asked with a concerned look on his eyes.
“Nothing, my king.” Melinda answered quietly and laid down next to him with tears in her eyes.
No decision
[Tell Yeron about Seamus] It's our first chapter with this characters and I don't really know what I want, so I'll just go with what it seems like it is the choice Matthias would want to pick.
[Tell Yeron about Seamus]
[Tell Yeron about Seamus]. I don't really know where this will take us in the relationship with Matthias and his sister, but as API said we barely know these characters. Matthias strikes me as a man who doesn't put up with shit, and Seamus is starting to piss Matthias off from the looks of things. I see potential harm to Seamus and the relationship Matthias has with his sister, but also Seamus needs to man up as this is game of thrones and Matthias could easily die leaving both of them to pay the iron price. Anyway, I'm just jumping to conclusions :P
As for the second part, excellent! Good to see Raymun somewhat back, even if he is wounded. I like now that we know he has a family, especially two younger boys. Hopefully they'll play a major role in the years to come when Raymun takes his army of wildlings south. KING KING KING!
[Don't tell Yeron about Seamus] I kinda swim against the tide here, but isn't it a huge dickmove from Matthias if he forces his sister's husband to war?
These were two very interesting PoV's. I think it was clear that Raymun was still alive, but it was still good to see him. When the story started, I did not really like him, mostly because my sympathies are with the Thenns of course, but he quickly grew on me, especially now that it looks like Fleshbearer's treachery maybe opened up a way for the Thenns to peacefully submit to Raymun.
I enjoyed these parts a lot but the decision is hard to make for me.... I'm indecisive person and that doesn't make any easier but I think I'll go with [Tell Yeron about Seamus]. I think there is a bigger chance Matthias would do that, because he is kind of amoral person and has low empathy so he wouldn't see it as that bad... I guess.
Anyway I'm going to add myself to group of people that are happy to see that Raymun back.