This choice is at the same time non-important and very important. What I mean is that it doesn't affect the course of the story, but it is a HUGE step in Robett's character development. Anyone can make up their own opinion is this a good or bad direction for him to develop to. And if you are wondering how can killing one man be so big thing for the development of a character you must remember that Robett is a young boy (15 years old) and never killed anyone before, and this isn't a self-defense kill but rather a gruesome execution of a man he holds grudge against. It will be emotional for Robett himself, and I can tell that Tom will surely be shocked of what he sees.
I haven't had time to write, like at all, because of coming exam next week. Anyway, the next part will be Asger, Skjorn or Maya - right now I'm leaning on Asger. And I'm happy to get back to the wildlings for a change, it was getting a little tiresome to write just NW characters
Asger walked through the wet battlefield that was still filled with blood – most of the bodies had been either burned or eaten. He had to admit this battle had been a great victory for Fleshbearer. Well, more like a butchery than a battle. Asger heard the bellowing voice of the Fleshbearer and saw people gathering around him. What is it now?
As Asger walked closer the people laughed at something Fleshbearer had said. Asger noticed that Fleshbearer was holding a head in his hands.
”But that is not all!” Fleshbearer screamed and raised up the head in his hand. ”Look at this!” He shouted with a terrorizing look on his eyes. ”This is the man the Thenns saw as their god! This is Magnar Krygorn!” The people around Asger started to laugh, but Asger saw no reason for it. Thenns will not forget this. One of the Thenns that were present cursed Fleshbearer in Old Tongue and was punched to the ground. ”And so I name myself the god and the king of the Thenns!” Fleshbearer roared after tossing the head to the ground, and the men cheered for him. Asger had to join the cheering – it was clear that everyone had to obey and please Fleshbearer. For now at least.
As Asger thought the show was over, Fleshbearer suddenly walked towards one of the Nightrunners with slow steps.
“So... It seems you finally woke up.” Fleshbearer spoke to this bearded man with terrifying tone in his words. “I heard you were the closest advisor of Raymun Redbeard. I'm still looking for that bastard... Perhaps you could help. But before that... Submit yourself to me, kneel in front of me and kiss my hand.” Fleshbearer commanded. Disgusting. Asger understood that Fleshbearer wanted to make his position clear for the Nightrunners and Thenns, but making a free man kneel was the lowest form of humiliation. Asger noticed the bearded Nightrunner glancing for the two heads Fleshbearer had tossed to the ground. There is no good choice for that man to make in this situation.
“King Fleshbearer.” The man started with raspy and weak voice. “You have beaten us, so I must submit to you. I can fight for you, I can hunt for you. But I will not kneel for you – I am a free man.” As the man had finished speaking, Fleshbearer delivered a hard punch on his stomach and pushed him to the ground.
“That will do.” Fleshbearer growled, gazing at the man that slumped to the ground in great agony. “Savage! Take this useless maggot with you.” And so The Savage walked to Fleshbearer with twisted smile on his thin face, taking this Nightrunner with him. As disgusting as this all was Asger had to chuckle for the sight.
“Amused?” Asger heard a familiar voice asking behind him, and as he turned he saw Armun the Barbarian in front of him.
“Good to see you, Barbarian.” Asger said with a small smile. “And good thing that wound doesn't seem to bother you.” Asger referred to the injury the Barbarian had suffered to his right arm in the battle.
“It's nothing.” Armun answered sternly. “Now come on, we have work to do.” Asger raised his eyebrows for this.
“We do?” He asked with slightly confused tone and the Barbarian nodded.
“Yes, we do. It's about the Thenns.” Asger could hear frustration in the Barbarian's words. “There is still around hundred of them here. If we want them to be a part of this army we need someone command them – and it needs to be one of them.” Asger let out a sigh as he heard this.
“This is stupidity.” He said and shook his head. “The Thenns cannot be part of this army, Fleshbearer just ate and shamed the fucking Magnar!”
“Well I'm not the one behind this idea so don't complain to me.” Armun answered with strong voice. “Just follow me.” Asger still felt there was no sense in this, but he knew he had to obey and so he nodded and followed the Barbarian.
The large tent had four Thenns who were tied and sat on the ground. There was an old and hairless man, a sad looking man probably on his late forties or early fifties, a tall and muscular man with black hair and well kept beard and lastly a huge bearded man with dark eyes and even darker bags under them.
“So... Are we here to choose a commander out of these men?” Asger asked and the Barbarian chuckled.
“Not impressed?” Armun asked with a sly smile on his face. “Well, me neither. And we are not only here to choose the commander for the fuckers... We are also here to decide which of these bastards can we keep alive.” The Barbarian turned his gaze to the Thenns and changed to the Old Tongue. “Let's start with you old man, who are you?”
“Raugan Varalaf.” The old man mumbled as an answer.
“And what was your opinion of Magnar Krygorn, Raugan Varalaf?” The Barbarian asked strictly. Raugan glanced quickly at the other Thenns with an unsure look in his eyes, but then he answered.
“He was... Fierce, and strong. But... He never listened closely enough the lords that supported him, the only one whose advises he seemed to care of was Skjorn the Scholar.” Raugan turned his look down after he had spoken.
“You say that because you wanted to join the Redbeard, you old fool!” The sad looking man shouted.
“Shut up, Grekorid!” The huge man bellowed. “You all should have joined Raymun, and not follow the coward's way that the Magnar gave you. I was the only one who deared to abandon Krygorn when I saw what a coward he was.”
“You are nothing but a traitor!” Grekorid answered to the huge man with anger and bitterness in his eyes. Asger noticed a smirk forming on the Barbarian's face. So this is his plan.
“Stop, you fools!” The black-haired one yelled. “This is what these bastards want. To make us fight with each other.” Armun walked quickly to the man and punched him to the face.
“What is your name?” He asked with chilling tone.
“Alex Deepstone.” The black-haired man answered, spitting blood out of his mouth. A smile came back to the Barbarian's face again.
“Well then, Alex Deepstone, do me a favor and shut your fucking mouth.” After these words Armun walked back to Asger and Deepstone stayed silent. Then the Barbarian turned his gaze to the huge man. “You said that the Thenn's should have joined Raymun Redbeard. Why?”
“Because Raymun wanted to attack the south, the crows.” The man answered with quiet but still strong voice.
“What is your name?” Armun asked.
“Barryn.” The man answered sternly, staring the Barbarian straight to the eyes.
“What would you say, Barryn, if I told you that Fleshbearer has the same goal.” Armun's words were sly and the smirk on his face told he was about to succeed in what he was trying to do.
“If Fleshbearer really can do that, then I am ready to follow him.” Barryn's words were hard, and Asger had to chuckle. I guess it is possible to make a Thenn follow someone who isn't one of them.
“Same goes for me.” Raugan said with tired tone.
“You damn traitors! May the Others take you! For all I know these fuckers may have eaten my son! MY SON! I will never follow Fleshbearer or any man of the Ice Rivers. Never.” Grekorid spoke, shaking of anger.
“So be it.” Armun said with a smile. “In that case you will be killed. And what about you, Alex Deepstone?” Grekorid had turned his gaze to the ground, clearly crying, and Alex turned his look to the Barbarian.
“Alright. I will follow your king.” Alex spoke, suddenly using the Common Tongue. “But I will not be the commander you are looking for. And I warn you: the Thenns will never forget.”
For a while the Barbarian just looked at Alex Deepstone, but then he tapped Asger on the shoulder and whispered to follow him. They walked out of the tent.
“So, Asger, I want your opinion. Which one should be the commander? Raugan or Barryn? And should I kill this Alex or not?” The Barbarian looked Asger into the eyes as he asked this.
“Does it really matter what I say?” Asger asked. “You will make the decision.”
“True, but I want to hear your opinion.”
Decision 1: [Recommend Raugan to command the Thenns] [Recommend Barryn]
Decision 2: [Alex should be killed] [Alex shouldn't be killed]
Asger walked through the wet battlefield that was still filled with blood – most of the bodies had been either burned or eaten. He … morehad to admit this battle had been a great victory for Fleshbearer. Well, more like a butchery than a battle. Asger heard the bellowing voice of the Fleshbearer and saw people gathering around him. What is it now?
As Asger walked closer the people laughed at something Fleshbearer had said. Asger noticed that Fleshbearer was holding a head in his hands.
”But that is not all!” Fleshbearer screamed and raised up the head in his hand. ”Look at this!” He shouted with a terrorizing look on his eyes. ”This is the man the Thenns saw as their god! This is Magnar Krygorn!” The people around Asger started to laugh, but Asger saw no reason for it. Thenns will not forget this. One of the Thenns that were present cursed Fleshbearer in Old Tongue and was punched to the ground. ”And so I name myself the god and the … [view original content]
Yes. First we will see a glimpse of them in the next Argus part and after that, well, we are going to see them again, but there will be a pretty long time with them doing stuff off-screen.
For me, it looks like Barryn is more likely to be loyal to Fleshbearer as long as he gets an opportunity to raid the south, and that's something I definitely don't want. Hopefully, Raugan will turn against that fucker later.
[Alex shouldn't be killed]
Alex is definitely not a fan of Fleshbearer, so perhaps he can be useful in defeating him
Asger walked through the wet battlefield that was still filled with blood – most of the bodies had been either burned or eaten. He … morehad to admit this battle had been a great victory for Fleshbearer. Well, more like a butchery than a battle. Asger heard the bellowing voice of the Fleshbearer and saw people gathering around him. What is it now?
As Asger walked closer the people laughed at something Fleshbearer had said. Asger noticed that Fleshbearer was holding a head in his hands.
”But that is not all!” Fleshbearer screamed and raised up the head in his hand. ”Look at this!” He shouted with a terrorizing look on his eyes. ”This is the man the Thenns saw as their god! This is Magnar Krygorn!” The people around Asger started to laugh, but Asger saw no reason for it. Thenns will not forget this. One of the Thenns that were present cursed Fleshbearer in Old Tongue and was punched to the ground. ”And so I name myself the god and the … [view original content]
[Recommend Barryn]. You know, there is one thing I hate about me. That one thing is in the Game of Thrones, I really like the sadistic and horrible people, cause they always seem to come out well in the end. The Bolton's, Ice River Clans, Lannisters (well not all Lannisters). I think the honour is not the big thing is this world, it's power. And that, is certainly what Fleashbearer has got. Now don't get me wrong, I hate the fucker just like everyone else. BUT, I feel that if this will be how game of thrones will be, he will come out in the end to fight in the south.
[Alex shouldn't be killed]. A Thenn is a Thenn I suppose. They hold honour as a value, and despite him not liking Fleashbearer, I feel he will still follow him until he can find an escape.
Haha, nothing wrong with liking characters like that Personally I Iove Roose Bolton as a character and he sure as hell is an asshole.
And you are right, Fleshbearer has used the situation masterfully (with help of the other Ice River clan leaders, such as The Savage) to get himself into power. However he still isn't the ideal King-beyond-the-Wall because unlike Raymun Redbeard he doesn't have the mind and charisma for uniting the clans - of course he again can use people to help in that, but then who's the king? Now, I wont spoil anything and the story can go to many directions of course, but when you think about it Fleshbearer really has made himself many enemies recently, hasn't he? Thenns, Nightrunners and Hornfoots. And the men of the Frozen Shore have always been enemies of the Ice-River clans.
[Recommend Barryn]. You know, there is one thing I hate about me. That one thing is in the Game of Thrones, I really like the sadistic and h… moreorrible people, cause they always seem to come out well in the end. The Bolton's, Ice River Clans, Lannisters (well not all Lannisters). I think the honour is not the big thing is this world, it's power. And that, is certainly what Fleashbearer has got. Now don't get me wrong, I hate the fucker just like everyone else. BUT, I feel that if this will be how game of thrones will be, he will come out in the end to fight in the south.
[Alex shouldn't be killed]. A Thenn is a Thenn I suppose. They hold honour as a value, and despite him not liking Fleashbearer, I feel he will still follow him until he can find an escape.
Haha, nothing wrong with liking characters like that Personally I Iove Roose Bolton as a character and he sure as hell is an asshole.
An… mored you are right, Fleshbearer has used the situation masterfully (with help of the other Ice River clan leaders, such as The Savage) to get himself into power. However he still isn't the ideal King-beyond-the-Wall because unlike Raymun Redbeard he doesn't have the mind and charisma for uniting the clans - of course he again can use people to help in that, but then who's the king? Now, I wont spoil anything and the story can go to many directions of course, but when you think about it Fleshbearer really has made himself many enemies recently, hasn't he? Thenns, Nightrunners and Hornfoots. And the men of the Frozen Shore have always been enemies of the Ice-River clans.
Asger walked through the wet battlefield that was still filled with blood – most of the bodies had been either burned or eaten. He … morehad to admit this battle had been a great victory for Fleshbearer. Well, more like a butchery than a battle. Asger heard the bellowing voice of the Fleshbearer and saw people gathering around him. What is it now?
As Asger walked closer the people laughed at something Fleshbearer had said. Asger noticed that Fleshbearer was holding a head in his hands.
”But that is not all!” Fleshbearer screamed and raised up the head in his hand. ”Look at this!” He shouted with a terrorizing look on his eyes. ”This is the man the Thenns saw as their god! This is Magnar Krygorn!” The people around Asger started to laugh, but Asger saw no reason for it. Thenns will not forget this. One of the Thenns that were present cursed Fleshbearer in Old Tongue and was punched to the ground. ”And so I name myself the god and the … [view original content]
[Recommend Raugan to command the Thenns] They will be probably a bit happier with him, but i don't know (I mean on Ice river clans)
[Alex shouldn't be killed] He is not even a born Thenn, he doesn't deserve to die like this, and he might be able to think of something, and he is my character and i want him alive
Asger walked through the wet battlefield that was still filled with blood – most of the bodies had been either burned or eaten. He … morehad to admit this battle had been a great victory for Fleshbearer. Well, more like a butchery than a battle. Asger heard the bellowing voice of the Fleshbearer and saw people gathering around him. What is it now?
As Asger walked closer the people laughed at something Fleshbearer had said. Asger noticed that Fleshbearer was holding a head in his hands.
”But that is not all!” Fleshbearer screamed and raised up the head in his hand. ”Look at this!” He shouted with a terrorizing look on his eyes. ”This is the man the Thenns saw as their god! This is Magnar Krygorn!” The people around Asger started to laugh, but Asger saw no reason for it. Thenns will not forget this. One of the Thenns that were present cursed Fleshbearer in Old Tongue and was punched to the ground. ”And so I name myself the god and the … [view original content]
[Recommend Barryn]
Barryn seem like he's not going to betray Fleshbearer , so it's perfect since my character is from the ice rivers
[Alex should be killed]
I wonder if we'll see brogg someday ? ,:)
Asger walked through the wet battlefield that was still filled with blood – most of the bodies had been either burned or eaten. He … morehad to admit this battle had been a great victory for Fleshbearer. Well, more like a butchery than a battle. Asger heard the bellowing voice of the Fleshbearer and saw people gathering around him. What is it now?
As Asger walked closer the people laughed at something Fleshbearer had said. Asger noticed that Fleshbearer was holding a head in his hands.
”But that is not all!” Fleshbearer screamed and raised up the head in his hand. ”Look at this!” He shouted with a terrorizing look on his eyes. ”This is the man the Thenns saw as their god! This is Magnar Krygorn!” The people around Asger started to laugh, but Asger saw no reason for it. Thenns will not forget this. One of the Thenns that were present cursed Fleshbearer in Old Tongue and was punched to the ground. ”And so I name myself the god and the … [view original content]
[Recommend Barryn]
Barryn seem like he's not going to betray Fleshbearer , so it's perfect since my character is from the ice rivers
[Alex should be killed]
I wonder if we'll see brogg someday ? ,:)
Vote closed! Asger will recommend Raugan as the commander of Thenns, and says that Alex shouldn't be killed.
One of these choices was an "actual" choice and Armun will go with what Asger recommends. About the other one however Armun has already made up his mind and is just playing with Asger - that choice will only effect on Armun's opinion about Asger. You'll see which one was the actual choice in the next Asger part
edit: Damn, Asger, Armun and Argus.... I'm bound to mess up with these names
Seriously, what exactly is your problem and why do you keep going on about it? You said exactly the same thing in this story a few months ago and just about a week ago in Stigz' story. Apparently all you do here in the forums nowadays is to insult fanfictions. Is it so hard for you to stay silent if you don't like something? All I see from you on here is hate against something other people like. That is hella dumb, if you ask me, and kinda pathetic as well. Just crawl back under your bridge and don't insult other people's works for literally no reason.
I see you have gone and made yourself quite popular since our last "talk". It's kind of disappointing, though I know everyone needs to find their fun, that you seem to think this is somewhat enjoyable. You are literally shitting on everyone's work for to simply get us to reply. You want us to grow angry and even perhaps give up on our stories altogether because you're the first and only who disagrees. Well here's some insight, we don't quit. For many months now, we have been writing fan fictions on these forums, attracted crowds who have come to love it. And within those past few months, you've been there twiddling your fingers thinking of the best way to criticize our work. Now that criticism isn't at all constructive, or even in the slight helpful. All you do is make yourself sound like a child in a 'grown-up's' world. Overall, where has this gotten you? Does that BANNED sign apply only here or for all of the forums? I would not be surprised if it was the latter... If you took the time to read this, thank you.
The wind in the Frostfangs was freezing. The last couple days they had walked a path that took them so high the snow was up to their knees. There certainly is no summer up here. Terry Snowflake led the group, then came Alexia, and lastly Maya. It had been a long and boring trip. First they had found Hornfoot villages almost every day, but the deeper to the mountains they traveled the fewer they found those villages. Now it had been four days without them seeing anyone else.
”See the lake there?” Terry asked with his shy voice, pointing at a lake in the distance, and Alexia and Maya nodded. ”There is a village there... I've been there once.”
”So what exactly are we supposed to find from this village?” Maya asked with a little frustrated tone, which made Alexia chuckle.
”Well, they know where Ivan Longbeard lives... At least so I've understood.” Terry answered with unsure words, making Maya roll her eyes. May the Others take him if we have traveled here for nothing.
”Alright, let's keep walking then.” Alexia said with her cheerful voice.
As they walked to the silent village only one young boy was there to welcome them. The boy was lean, his eyes were deep blue and his black hair was clean shaven from the sides. The boy looked at them with interest in his eyes. What caught Maya's attention was that this young man clearly wasn't a Hornfoot.
”We don't often have visitors... Why are you here?” The boy asked, a touch of concern in his words. Alexia put on her friendly smile. I guess I should leave the talking for her.
”We are sent here by Raymun Redbeard, to search for a man named Ivan Longbeard.” Alexia spoke with gentle and happy tone, which brought a subtle smile on the face of the boy.
”Oh... Well, I'm Dakvidih Halvor, my father is the leader of this clan – Arvid Halvor. He, and most of the clan, are on a hunt right now.” The boy's words were a bit more confident and trusting now. Alexia nodded to him.
”So, do you know about Ivan Longbeard?” Alexia asked and the boy nodded.
”Yes. Though I haven't seen him myself... He lives alone in the mountains, my father goes to see him now and then.” He spoke hastily. ”Why do you want to find him?”
”That's King Raymun's bussiness, not yours.” Maya answered sternly, making Dakvidih frown.
”King?” Dakvidih had a confused expression on his face.
”What my friend is trying to say is that we don't really know ourselves – Raymun Redbeard wants Ivan and our mission is to find him.” Alexia tried to explain, but the boy now had a distrustful look on his eyes.
”I'm not sure what are you trying, but I can tell that Ivan wont come with you.” Dakvidih said coldly, and Maya let out a sigh.
”Says the boy who has never even seen him.” She answered with mocking tone.
”Well I know enough about him!” Dakvidih snapped. ”He won't follow any kings.”
”Let's all calm down.” Terry spoke up suddenly. ”You probably don't remember me, Dak, but I have been here before.” Now Dakvidih's expression was confused again. ”It was eight years ago... I remember from then that everyone here had a respect for the Longbeard. Your father didn't talk much about him, but what he said made me think that Ivan Longbeard must be a great man.” As Terry finished Dakvidih nodded for him.
”That's right.” Dak said quietly and Terry smiled for him.
”We come with respect, towards this clan and the Longbeard.” Terry said with calm tone. For a while no one talked, until Dakvidih broke the silence.
”Alright then... You seem to be good people.” He said calmly, but then he turned his eyes to Maya and his expression turned more serious. ”You called this Raymun a king. King of what exactly?” Dak asked, giving a piercing stare for Maya. She took a deep breathe.I guess I have to give some kind of answer for the boy.
[Say King of the Free Folk][Say King of the Nightrunners and Hornfoots][Say that Raymun isn't really a king]
P.S. Sorry for such a short and boring part, but well, Maya is now brought back to the story. This took so long because I have been pretty busy, but don't worry I'll find time for writing this. And what comes to this choice, it's not a major one, but it's something
Also, some of you might have noticed that there haven't come new parts for my other story, and I'm sorry about that. I really can't find enough time to write two stories anymore with all this other shit that I have going on (mainly studying). So, sadly, The Land of Hundred Princes is put to rest - for now at least.
This part was good! I liked it. Overall, I'm going for Say King of the Nightrunners and Hornfoots. Mainly because that is the truth and that this Ivan Longbeard sounds like a very wise fellow. I would not want to say the King of the Free Folk for a couple of reasons. Free folk want to be just that... free. Also it is already an astounding achievement to have sided the Nightrunners with the Hornfoots, two sworn enemies for thousands of years. Anyway, that's just me. Look forward to seeing more of her! Best of luck with the studies, I now have to start mine!
The wind in the Frostfangs was freezing. The last couple days they had walked a path that took them so high the snow was up to their… more knees. There certainly is no summer up here. Terry Snowflake led the group, then came Alexia, and lastly Maya. It had been a long and boring trip. First they had found Hornfoot villages almost every day, but the deeper to the mountains they traveled the fewer they found those villages. Now it had been four days without them seeing anyone else.
”See the lake there?” Terry asked with his shy voice, pointing at a lake in the distance, and Alexia and Maya nodded. ”There is a village there... I've been there once.”
”So what exactly are we supposed to find from this village?” Maya asked with a little frustrated tone, which made Alexia chuckle.
”Well, they know where Ivan Longbeard lives... At least so I've understood.” Terry answered with unsure words, making Maya roll her eyes. May the Others take hi… [view original content]
Thanks! I'm glad you liked the part. Hopefully I'll at some point manage to also get some action for Maya, since she missed the battle of the last chapter :D And yeah, for what Maya knows Raymun being the King of Nightrunners and Hornfoots is the fact. However we know that the situation isn't that clear anymore after the attack of Fleshbearer.
This part was good! I liked it. Overall, I'm going for Say King of the Nightrunners and Hornfoots. Mainly because that is the truth and that… more this Ivan Longbeard sounds like a very wise fellow. I would not want to say the King of the Free Folk for a couple of reasons. Free folk want to be just that... free. Also it is already an astounding achievement to have sided the Nightrunners with the Hornfoots, two sworn enemies for thousands of years. Anyway, that's just me. Look forward to seeing more of her! Best of luck with the studies, I now have to start mine!
The wind in the Frostfangs was freezing. The last couple days they had walked a path that took them so high the snow was up to their… more knees. There certainly is no summer up here. Terry Snowflake led the group, then came Alexia, and lastly Maya. It had been a long and boring trip. First they had found Hornfoot villages almost every day, but the deeper to the mountains they traveled the fewer they found those villages. Now it had been four days without them seeing anyone else.
”See the lake there?” Terry asked with his shy voice, pointing at a lake in the distance, and Alexia and Maya nodded. ”There is a village there... I've been there once.”
”So what exactly are we supposed to find from this village?” Maya asked with a little frustrated tone, which made Alexia chuckle.
”Well, they know where Ivan Longbeard lives... At least so I've understood.” Terry answered with unsure words, making Maya roll her eyes. May the Others take hi… [view original content]
The wind in the Frostfangs was freezing. The last couple days they had walked a path that took them so high the snow was up to their… more knees. There certainly is no summer up here. Terry Snowflake led the group, then came Alexia, and lastly Maya. It had been a long and boring trip. First they had found Hornfoot villages almost every day, but the deeper to the mountains they traveled the fewer they found those villages. Now it had been four days without them seeing anyone else.
”See the lake there?” Terry asked with his shy voice, pointing at a lake in the distance, and Alexia and Maya nodded. ”There is a village there... I've been there once.”
”So what exactly are we supposed to find from this village?” Maya asked with a little frustrated tone, which made Alexia chuckle.
”Well, they know where Ivan Longbeard lives... At least so I've understood.” Terry answered with unsure words, making Maya roll her eyes. May the Others take hi… [view original content]
The wind in the Frostfangs was freezing. The last couple days they had walked a path that took them so high the snow was up to their… more knees. There certainly is no summer up here. Terry Snowflake led the group, then came Alexia, and lastly Maya. It had been a long and boring trip. First they had found Hornfoot villages almost every day, but the deeper to the mountains they traveled the fewer they found those villages. Now it had been four days without them seeing anyone else.
”See the lake there?” Terry asked with his shy voice, pointing at a lake in the distance, and Alexia and Maya nodded. ”There is a village there... I've been there once.”
”So what exactly are we supposed to find from this village?” Maya asked with a little frustrated tone, which made Alexia chuckle.
”Well, they know where Ivan Longbeard lives... At least so I've understood.” Terry answered with unsure words, making Maya roll her eyes. May the Others take hi… [view original content]
Objectively, Raymun is only the king of the Nightrunners and Hornfoots so far. He can call himself King of the Free Folk, but neither the Thenns, nor the Ice-River Clans, nor the Frozen-Shore Men are on his side and it would look arrogant to call him king of the Free Folk already.
By the way, regarding The Land of Hundred Princes, is it only temporarily cancelled? I enjoyed it a lot and it would be great to see it returning one day.
The wind in the Frostfangs was freezing. The last couple days they had walked a path that took them so high the snow was up to their… more knees. There certainly is no summer up here. Terry Snowflake led the group, then came Alexia, and lastly Maya. It had been a long and boring trip. First they had found Hornfoot villages almost every day, but the deeper to the mountains they traveled the fewer they found those villages. Now it had been four days without them seeing anyone else.
”See the lake there?” Terry asked with his shy voice, pointing at a lake in the distance, and Alexia and Maya nodded. ”There is a village there... I've been there once.”
”So what exactly are we supposed to find from this village?” Maya asked with a little frustrated tone, which made Alexia chuckle.
”Well, they know where Ivan Longbeard lives... At least so I've understood.” Terry answered with unsure words, making Maya roll her eyes. May the Others take hi… [view original content]
Well, yes, I could say it's temporarily cancelled, but then again it doesn't really look like I would have any more time for writing in a while. I'm not sure about the next year yet, but at least until Christmas I'll surely be too busy for two fanfics.
[Say King of the Nightrunners and Hornfoots]
Objectively, Raymun is only the king of the Nightrunners and Hornfoots so far. He can call h… moreimself King of the Free Folk, but neither the Thenns, nor the Ice-River Clans, nor the Frozen-Shore Men are on his side and it would look arrogant to call him king of the Free Folk already.
By the way, regarding The Land of Hundred Princes, is it only temporarily cancelled? I enjoyed it a lot and it would be great to see it returning one day.
No more votes coming, and this is clear already, so... Vote closed!
Maya will explain that Raymun Redbeard is King of the Nightrunners and Hornfoots. As I said this isn't a very major choice, but it does affect on Dakvidih's thoughts about these new friends of his.
The next part will come pretty soon, and it will be a Skjorn part. It's another quite short part, I can tell that already, but you will basically get to choose what kind of storyline will Skjorn have in this chapter.
No more votes coming, and this is clear already, so... Vote closed!
Maya will explain that Raymun Redbeard is King of the Nightrunners an… mored Hornfoots. As I said this isn't a very major choice, but it does affect on Dakvidih's thoughts about these new friends of his.
The next part will come pretty soon, and it will be a Skjorn part. It's another quite short part, I can tell that already, but you will basically get to choose what kind of storyline will Skjorn have in this chapter.
Skjorn sat on the cold ground, gazing distance. Dogga, Denyal Delen and a young Thenn named Gregory were with him. They had managed to escape the attack of the Fleshbearer and were now out of his reach, but none of them felt lucky or happy. Thousands of Thenns had fallen, and Gregory had discovered with his warging that Magnar Krygorn was dead. Eaten by a monster.
Denyal walked to Skjorn and sat next to him. Skjorn raised his look and saw the sad expression on the face of this young man.
”Skjorn... There was something I wanted to say.” Denyal said quietly, and Skjorn nodded for him to continue. ”I'm sorry about Magnar Krygorn... I know you were close with him. And I'm sorry that I was mad at you when you didn't recommend me. I realize now, I wasn't ready. Perhaps I'll never be.” Denyal spoke with words full of grief, and Skjorn patted him on the back.
”It's alright, Denyal. None of us is ever ready.” Skjorn spoke quietly and let out a tired and sad sigh.
”I can't stop thinking... What if my father is dead? What if those bastards ate him?” Tears were now running down the cheeks of Denyal.
”Man up!” Dogga yelled suddenly. ”I can't bear watching a grown man cry like a baby.”
”Shut up, Dogga.” Skjorn said with powerless words. ”We have all lost a lot, surely you can sympathize.”
”Sure, whatever. But if you ask me we should do something else than just cry.” Dogga's voice was full of frustration, and he turned away from them. Deep inside Skjorn shared the feeling – he didn't want to just give up and let Fleshbearer get away with what he had done. But what can we do?
”So... Will we return to the Vale?” Gregory asked with weak voice. Gregory was a boy at the age of seventeen, lean and athletic, smart and honest. Skjorn hadn't known the boy before, but for what he had seen Gregory was someone worth respecting.
”Yes, I think that is the wisest thing to do. I must go to the Magnar's Hall... And tell Sigira and Storg about their father.” Thinking about it already pained Skjorn. It felt wrong – he was alive while the great leader, Magnar Krygorn, was dead. Why?
”Are you serious?” Dogga asked with shocked and angry expression on his face. ”You are just going to crawl back to your vale and hide like cowards?”
”What do you expect us to do, you barefooted shit?” Denyal yelled, sweeping away his tears. Dogga let out a mocking laugh.
”What do I expect? I expect you to go after that bastard, and fucking murder him!” Dogga spoke furiously, clearly not thinking straight. ”That's what I'll do, I'll hunt this bastard of Ice Rivers down and put him to the ground.”
”And how exactly?” Skjorn asked with tired tone.
”I'd like to hear that too.” Denyal said with agitated tone. ”Fleshbearer has an army around him, if you didn't know.”
”I'll find a way.” Dogga answered with decisive tone. ”Besides, Scholar, you still have your poison, don't you?” The question made Skjorn gulp. It's true. Skjorn still had the Tears of Lys, but he had already tried that trick once with no luck, and this time the chances seemed even smaller.
”I don't think I'll ever get close enough to poison Fleshbearer.” Skjorn said, letting out a sigh. Dogga shook his head and then turned his stare to Skjorn.
”Well if you are such a coward then give the poison to me.” The young Hornfoot man said with a dark look in his eyes.
”No, I'm afraid I can't give something this valuable to you. It belongs to the Magnar of Thenns.” Skjorn answered with stern words and Dogga let out a mocking laugh.
”Who happens to be dead!” He shouted. ”At least I would put the poison to good use.”
”Krygorn's daughter and son live on, the poison is theirs, and until I meet them again it's mine.” Skjorn's voice was decisive.
”Then just come with me, damn it!” Dogga said stubbornly. ”We smuggle ourselves into their army and find a way to kill that bastard. With poison or with whatever we can.” Skjorn stayed silent. Perhaps Dogga is right – perhaps it would be the right thing to do.
”I'll follow you whatever you decide to do, Skjorn.” Denyal said with proud voice.
”I... I think you would be needed in the Vale, Skjorn. Princess Sigira and Storg, eh, Magnar Storg, need your help.” Gregory spoke quietly. Skjorn sighed and closed his eyes. What is the right thing to do?
[Go after Fleshbearer][Return to the Vale of Thenn]
Skjorn sat on the cold ground, gazing distance. Dogga, Denyal Delen and a young Thenn named Gregory were with him. They had manage… mored to escape the attack of the Fleshbearer and were now out of his reach, but none of them felt lucky or happy. Thousands of Thenns had fallen, and Gregory had discovered with his warging that Magnar Krygorn was dead. Eaten by a monster.
Denyal walked to Skjorn and sat next to him. Skjorn raised his look and saw the sad expression on the face of this young man.
”Skjorn... There was something I wanted to say.” Denyal said quietly, and Skjorn nodded for him to continue. ”I'm sorry about Magnar Krygorn... I know you were close with him. And I'm sorry that I was mad at you when you didn't recommend me. I realize now, I wasn't ready. Perhaps I'll never be.” Denyal spoke with words full of grief, and Skjorn patted him on the back.
”It's alright, Denyal. None of us is ever ready.” Skjorn spoke quietly an… [view original content]
As much as I'd like for Skjorn to go after Fleshbearer, I doubt he has much of a chance and I don't want to risk his life. However, I think he could do good in the Vale of Thenn, advising the new Magnar and perhaps preparing a strong offensive against Fleshbearer.
Skjorn sat on the cold ground, gazing distance. Dogga, Denyal Delen and a young Thenn named Gregory were with him. They had manage… mored to escape the attack of the Fleshbearer and were now out of his reach, but none of them felt lucky or happy. Thousands of Thenns had fallen, and Gregory had discovered with his warging that Magnar Krygorn was dead. Eaten by a monster.
Denyal walked to Skjorn and sat next to him. Skjorn raised his look and saw the sad expression on the face of this young man.
”Skjorn... There was something I wanted to say.” Denyal said quietly, and Skjorn nodded for him to continue. ”I'm sorry about Magnar Krygorn... I know you were close with him. And I'm sorry that I was mad at you when you didn't recommend me. I realize now, I wasn't ready. Perhaps I'll never be.” Denyal spoke with words full of grief, and Skjorn patted him on the back.
”It's alright, Denyal. None of us is ever ready.” Skjorn spoke quietly an… [view original content]
Skjorn sat on the cold ground, gazing distance. Dogga, Denyal Delen and a young Thenn named Gregory were with him. They had manage… mored to escape the attack of the Fleshbearer and were now out of his reach, but none of them felt lucky or happy. Thousands of Thenns had fallen, and Gregory had discovered with his warging that Magnar Krygorn was dead. Eaten by a monster.
Denyal walked to Skjorn and sat next to him. Skjorn raised his look and saw the sad expression on the face of this young man.
”Skjorn... There was something I wanted to say.” Denyal said quietly, and Skjorn nodded for him to continue. ”I'm sorry about Magnar Krygorn... I know you were close with him. And I'm sorry that I was mad at you when you didn't recommend me. I realize now, I wasn't ready. Perhaps I'll never be.” Denyal spoke with words full of grief, and Skjorn patted him on the back.
”It's alright, Denyal. None of us is ever ready.” Skjorn spoke quietly an… [view original content]
Skjorn sat on the cold ground, gazing distance. Dogga, Denyal Delen and a young Thenn named Gregory were with him. They had manage… mored to escape the attack of the Fleshbearer and were now out of his reach, but none of them felt lucky or happy. Thousands of Thenns had fallen, and Gregory had discovered with his warging that Magnar Krygorn was dead. Eaten by a monster.
Denyal walked to Skjorn and sat next to him. Skjorn raised his look and saw the sad expression on the face of this young man.
”Skjorn... There was something I wanted to say.” Denyal said quietly, and Skjorn nodded for him to continue. ”I'm sorry about Magnar Krygorn... I know you were close with him. And I'm sorry that I was mad at you when you didn't recommend me. I realize now, I wasn't ready. Perhaps I'll never be.” Denyal spoke with words full of grief, and Skjorn patted him on the back.
”It's alright, Denyal. None of us is ever ready.” Skjorn spoke quietly an… [view original content]
[Return to the Vale of Thenn] I agree with Liquid on that note. I personally don't think that a Hornfoot and Thenn are going to somehow smuggle themselves into a cannibalistic army to poison their king/magnar as he titles himself. Any how, that's just my opinion.
Skjorn sat on the cold ground, gazing distance. Dogga, Denyal Delen and a young Thenn named Gregory were with him. They had manage… mored to escape the attack of the Fleshbearer and were now out of his reach, but none of them felt lucky or happy. Thousands of Thenns had fallen, and Gregory had discovered with his warging that Magnar Krygorn was dead. Eaten by a monster.
Denyal walked to Skjorn and sat next to him. Skjorn raised his look and saw the sad expression on the face of this young man.
”Skjorn... There was something I wanted to say.” Denyal said quietly, and Skjorn nodded for him to continue. ”I'm sorry about Magnar Krygorn... I know you were close with him. And I'm sorry that I was mad at you when you didn't recommend me. I realize now, I wasn't ready. Perhaps I'll never be.” Denyal spoke with words full of grief, and Skjorn patted him on the back.
”It's alright, Denyal. None of us is ever ready.” Skjorn spoke quietly an… [view original content]
It's a tie, so one more vote needed... I wouldn't like to make this choice myself because it's a very important choice for the story. However if there wont come a vote soon I'll just have to "vote" myself.
Looks like no more votes coming, so, vote closed!
Robett will get his vengeance and kill Griff.
This choice is at the same time non-important and very important. What I mean is that it doesn't affect the course of the story, but it is a HUGE step in Robett's character development. Anyone can make up their own opinion is this a good or bad direction for him to develop to. And if you are wondering how can killing one man be so big thing for the development of a character you must remember that Robett is a young boy (15 years old) and never killed anyone before, and this isn't a self-defense kill but rather a gruesome execution of a man he holds grudge against. It will be emotional for Robett himself, and I can tell that Tom will surely be shocked of what he sees.
I haven't had time to write, like at all, because of coming exam next week. Anyway, the next part will be Asger, Skjorn or Maya - right now I'm leaning on Asger. And I'm happy to get back to the wildlings for a change, it was getting a little tiresome to write just NW characters
Asger walked through the wet battlefield that was still filled with blood – most of the bodies had been either burned or eaten. He had to admit this battle had been a great victory for Fleshbearer. Well, more like a butchery than a battle. Asger heard the bellowing voice of the Fleshbearer and saw people gathering around him. What is it now?
As Asger walked closer the people laughed at something Fleshbearer had said. Asger noticed that Fleshbearer was holding a head in his hands.
”But that is not all!” Fleshbearer screamed and raised up the head in his hand. ”Look at this!” He shouted with a terrorizing look on his eyes. ”This is the man the Thenns saw as their god! This is Magnar Krygorn!” The people around Asger started to laugh, but Asger saw no reason for it. Thenns will not forget this. One of the Thenns that were present cursed Fleshbearer in Old Tongue and was punched to the ground. ”And so I name myself the god and the king of the Thenns!” Fleshbearer roared after tossing the head to the ground, and the men cheered for him. Asger had to join the cheering – it was clear that everyone had to obey and please Fleshbearer. For now at least.
As Asger thought the show was over, Fleshbearer suddenly walked towards one of the Nightrunners with slow steps.
“So... It seems you finally woke up.” Fleshbearer spoke to this bearded man with terrifying tone in his words. “I heard you were the closest advisor of Raymun Redbeard. I'm still looking for that bastard... Perhaps you could help. But before that... Submit yourself to me, kneel in front of me and kiss my hand.” Fleshbearer commanded. Disgusting. Asger understood that Fleshbearer wanted to make his position clear for the Nightrunners and Thenns, but making a free man kneel was the lowest form of humiliation. Asger noticed the bearded Nightrunner glancing for the two heads Fleshbearer had tossed to the ground. There is no good choice for that man to make in this situation.
“King Fleshbearer.” The man started with raspy and weak voice. “You have beaten us, so I must submit to you. I can fight for you, I can hunt for you. But I will not kneel for you – I am a free man.” As the man had finished speaking, Fleshbearer delivered a hard punch on his stomach and pushed him to the ground.
“That will do.” Fleshbearer growled, gazing at the man that slumped to the ground in great agony. “Savage! Take this useless maggot with you.” And so The Savage walked to Fleshbearer with twisted smile on his thin face, taking this Nightrunner with him. As disgusting as this all was Asger had to chuckle for the sight.
“Amused?” Asger heard a familiar voice asking behind him, and as he turned he saw Armun the Barbarian in front of him.
“Good to see you, Barbarian.” Asger said with a small smile. “And good thing that wound doesn't seem to bother you.” Asger referred to the injury the Barbarian had suffered to his right arm in the battle.
“It's nothing.” Armun answered sternly. “Now come on, we have work to do.” Asger raised his eyebrows for this.
“We do?” He asked with slightly confused tone and the Barbarian nodded.
“Yes, we do. It's about the Thenns.” Asger could hear frustration in the Barbarian's words. “There is still around hundred of them here. If we want them to be a part of this army we need someone command them – and it needs to be one of them.” Asger let out a sigh as he heard this.
“This is stupidity.” He said and shook his head. “The Thenns cannot be part of this army, Fleshbearer just ate and shamed the fucking Magnar!”
“Well I'm not the one behind this idea so don't complain to me.” Armun answered with strong voice. “Just follow me.” Asger still felt there was no sense in this, but he knew he had to obey and so he nodded and followed the Barbarian.
The large tent had four Thenns who were tied and sat on the ground. There was an old and hairless man, a sad looking man probably on his late forties or early fifties, a tall and muscular man with black hair and well kept beard and lastly a huge bearded man with dark eyes and even darker bags under them.
“So... Are we here to choose a commander out of these men?” Asger asked and the Barbarian chuckled.
“Not impressed?” Armun asked with a sly smile on his face. “Well, me neither. And we are not only here to choose the commander for the fuckers... We are also here to decide which of these bastards can we keep alive.” The Barbarian turned his gaze to the Thenns and changed to the Old Tongue. “Let's start with you old man, who are you?”
“Raugan Varalaf.” The old man mumbled as an answer.
“And what was your opinion of Magnar Krygorn, Raugan Varalaf?” The Barbarian asked strictly. Raugan glanced quickly at the other Thenns with an unsure look in his eyes, but then he answered.
“He was... Fierce, and strong. But... He never listened closely enough the lords that supported him, the only one whose advises he seemed to care of was Skjorn the Scholar.” Raugan turned his look down after he had spoken.
“You say that because you wanted to join the Redbeard, you old fool!” The sad looking man shouted.
“Shut up, Grekorid!” The huge man bellowed. “You all should have joined Raymun, and not follow the coward's way that the Magnar gave you. I was the only one who deared to abandon Krygorn when I saw what a coward he was.”
“You are nothing but a traitor!” Grekorid answered to the huge man with anger and bitterness in his eyes. Asger noticed a smirk forming on the Barbarian's face. So this is his plan.
“Stop, you fools!” The black-haired one yelled. “This is what these bastards want. To make us fight with each other.” Armun walked quickly to the man and punched him to the face.
“What is your name?” He asked with chilling tone.
“Alex Deepstone.” The black-haired man answered, spitting blood out of his mouth. A smile came back to the Barbarian's face again.
“Well then, Alex Deepstone, do me a favor and shut your fucking mouth.” After these words Armun walked back to Asger and Deepstone stayed silent. Then the Barbarian turned his gaze to the huge man. “You said that the Thenn's should have joined Raymun Redbeard. Why?”
“Because Raymun wanted to attack the south, the crows.” The man answered with quiet but still strong voice.
“What is your name?” Armun asked.
“Barryn.” The man answered sternly, staring the Barbarian straight to the eyes.
“What would you say, Barryn, if I told you that Fleshbearer has the same goal.” Armun's words were sly and the smirk on his face told he was about to succeed in what he was trying to do.
“If Fleshbearer really can do that, then I am ready to follow him.” Barryn's words were hard, and Asger had to chuckle. I guess it is possible to make a Thenn follow someone who isn't one of them.
“Same goes for me.” Raugan said with tired tone.
“You damn traitors! May the Others take you! For all I know these fuckers may have eaten my son! MY SON! I will never follow Fleshbearer or any man of the Ice Rivers. Never.” Grekorid spoke, shaking of anger.
“So be it.” Armun said with a smile. “In that case you will be killed. And what about you, Alex Deepstone?” Grekorid had turned his gaze to the ground, clearly crying, and Alex turned his look to the Barbarian.
“Alright. I will follow your king.” Alex spoke, suddenly using the Common Tongue. “But I will not be the commander you are looking for. And I warn you: the Thenns will never forget.”
For a while the Barbarian just looked at Alex Deepstone, but then he tapped Asger on the shoulder and whispered to follow him. They walked out of the tent.
“So, Asger, I want your opinion. Which one should be the commander? Raugan or Barryn? And should I kill this Alex or not?” The Barbarian looked Asger into the eyes as he asked this.
“Does it really matter what I say?” Asger asked. “You will make the decision.”
“True, but I want to hear your opinion.”
Decision 1: [Recommend Raugan to command the Thenns] [Recommend Barryn]
Decision 2: [Alex should be killed] [Alex shouldn't be killed]
[Recommend Raugan to command the Thenns]
[Alex shouldn't be killed]
Are we going to see the skagosi lords again? Just asking.
Yes. First we will see a glimpse of them in the next Argus part and after that, well, we are going to see them again, but there will be a pretty long time with them doing stuff off-screen.
[Recommend Raugan to command the Thenns]
For me, it looks like Barryn is more likely to be loyal to Fleshbearer as long as he gets an opportunity to raid the south, and that's something I definitely don't want. Hopefully, Raugan will turn against that fucker later.
[Alex shouldn't be killed]
Alex is definitely not a fan of Fleshbearer, so perhaps he can be useful in defeating him
[Recommend Barryn]. You know, there is one thing I hate about me. That one thing is in the Game of Thrones, I really like the sadistic and horrible people, cause they always seem to come out well in the end. The Bolton's, Ice River Clans, Lannisters (well not all Lannisters). I think the honour is not the big thing is this world, it's power. And that, is certainly what Fleashbearer has got. Now don't get me wrong, I hate the fucker just like everyone else. BUT, I feel that if this will be how game of thrones will be, he will come out in the end to fight in the south.
[Alex shouldn't be killed]. A Thenn is a Thenn I suppose. They hold honour as a value, and despite him not liking Fleashbearer, I feel he will still follow him until he can find an escape.
Haha, nothing wrong with liking characters like that
Personally I Iove Roose Bolton as a character and he sure as hell is an asshole.
And you are right, Fleshbearer has used the situation masterfully (with help of the other Ice River clan leaders, such as The Savage) to get himself into power. However he still isn't the ideal King-beyond-the-Wall because unlike Raymun Redbeard he doesn't have the mind and charisma for uniting the clans - of course he again can use people to help in that, but then who's the king? Now, I wont spoil anything and the story can go to many directions of course, but when you think about it Fleshbearer really has made himself many enemies recently, hasn't he?
Thenns, Nightrunners and Hornfoots. And the men of the Frozen Shore have always been enemies of the Ice-River clans.
Indeed he has. Let's hope we get some Greymyst action
[Recommend Raugan to command the Thenns]
[Alex shouldn't be killed]
[Recommend Raughan to command the Thenns]
[Alex shouldn't be killed]
[Recommend Raugan to command the Thenns] They will be probably a bit happier with him, but i don't know (I mean on Ice river clans)
[Alex shouldn't be killed] He is not even a born Thenn, he doesn't deserve to die like this, and he might be able to think of something, and he is my character and i want him alive
[Recommend Barryn]
Barryn seem like he's not going to betray Fleshbearer , so it's perfect since my character is from the ice rivers
[Alex should be killed]
I wonder if we'll see brogg someday ? ,:)
We'll see Brogg, patience my friend
[Recommend Raugan to command the Thenns]
[Alex shouldn't be killed
Vote closed! Asger will recommend Raugan as the commander of Thenns, and says that Alex shouldn't be killed.
One of these choices was an "actual" choice and Armun will go with what Asger recommends. About the other one however Armun has already made up his mind and is just playing with Asger - that choice will only effect on Armun's opinion about Asger. You'll see which one was the actual choice in the next Asger part
edit: Damn, Asger, Armun and Argus.... I'm bound to mess up with these names
Why are you still here we already know you think this is shit.
Hey you made your point clear the last time, so if you again have nothing intelligent to say just leave
Seriously, what exactly is your problem and why do you keep going on about it? You said exactly the same thing in this story a few months ago and just about a week ago in Stigz' story. Apparently all you do here in the forums nowadays is to insult fanfictions. Is it so hard for you to stay silent if you don't like something? All I see from you on here is hate against something other people like. That is hella dumb, if you ask me, and kinda pathetic as well. Just crawl back under your bridge and don't insult other people's works for literally no reason.
Hello Rhaeygar,
I see you have gone and made yourself quite popular since our last "talk". It's kind of disappointing, though I know everyone needs to find their fun, that you seem to think this is somewhat enjoyable. You are literally shitting on everyone's work for to simply get us to reply. You want us to grow angry and even perhaps give up on our stories altogether because you're the first and only who disagrees. Well here's some insight, we don't quit. For many months now, we have been writing fan fictions on these forums, attracted crowds who have come to love it. And within those past few months, you've been there twiddling your fingers thinking of the best way to criticize our work. Now that criticism isn't at all constructive, or even in the slight helpful. All you do is make yourself sound like a child in a 'grown-up's' world. Overall, where has this gotten you? Does that BANNED sign apply only here or for all of the forums? I would not be surprised if it was the latter... If you took the time to read this, thank you.
The wind in the Frostfangs was freezing. The last couple days they had walked a path that took them so high the snow was up to their knees. There certainly is no summer up here. Terry Snowflake led the group, then came Alexia, and lastly Maya. It had been a long and boring trip. First they had found Hornfoot villages almost every day, but the deeper to the mountains they traveled the fewer they found those villages. Now it had been four days without them seeing anyone else.
”See the lake there?” Terry asked with his shy voice, pointing at a lake in the distance, and Alexia and Maya nodded. ”There is a village there... I've been there once.”
”So what exactly are we supposed to find from this village?” Maya asked with a little frustrated tone, which made Alexia chuckle.
”Well, they know where Ivan Longbeard lives... At least so I've understood.” Terry answered with unsure words, making Maya roll her eyes. May the Others take him if we have traveled here for nothing.
”Alright, let's keep walking then.” Alexia said with her cheerful voice.
As they walked to the silent village only one young boy was there to welcome them. The boy was lean, his eyes were deep blue and his black hair was clean shaven from the sides. The boy looked at them with interest in his eyes. What caught Maya's attention was that this young man clearly wasn't a Hornfoot.
”We don't often have visitors... Why are you here?” The boy asked, a touch of concern in his words. Alexia put on her friendly smile. I guess I should leave the talking for her.
”We are sent here by Raymun Redbeard, to search for a man named Ivan Longbeard.” Alexia spoke with gentle and happy tone, which brought a subtle smile on the face of the boy.
”Oh... Well, I'm Dakvidih Halvor, my father is the leader of this clan – Arvid Halvor. He, and most of the clan, are on a hunt right now.” The boy's words were a bit more confident and trusting now. Alexia nodded to him.
”So, do you know about Ivan Longbeard?” Alexia asked and the boy nodded.
”Yes. Though I haven't seen him myself... He lives alone in the mountains, my father goes to see him now and then.” He spoke hastily. ”Why do you want to find him?”
”That's King Raymun's bussiness, not yours.” Maya answered sternly, making Dakvidih frown.
”King?” Dakvidih had a confused expression on his face.
”What my friend is trying to say is that we don't really know ourselves – Raymun Redbeard wants Ivan and our mission is to find him.” Alexia tried to explain, but the boy now had a distrustful look on his eyes.
”I'm not sure what are you trying, but I can tell that Ivan wont come with you.” Dakvidih said coldly, and Maya let out a sigh.
”Says the boy who has never even seen him.” She answered with mocking tone.
”Well I know enough about him!” Dakvidih snapped. ”He won't follow any kings.”
”Let's all calm down.” Terry spoke up suddenly. ”You probably don't remember me, Dak, but I have been here before.” Now Dakvidih's expression was confused again. ”It was eight years ago... I remember from then that everyone here had a respect for the Longbeard. Your father didn't talk much about him, but what he said made me think that Ivan Longbeard must be a great man.” As Terry finished Dakvidih nodded for him.
”That's right.” Dak said quietly and Terry smiled for him.
”We come with respect, towards this clan and the Longbeard.” Terry said with calm tone. For a while no one talked, until Dakvidih broke the silence.
”Alright then... You seem to be good people.” He said calmly, but then he turned his eyes to Maya and his expression turned more serious. ”You called this Raymun a king. King of what exactly?” Dak asked, giving a piercing stare for Maya. She took a deep breathe.I guess I have to give some kind of answer for the boy.
[Say King of the Free Folk] [Say King of the Nightrunners and Hornfoots] [Say that Raymun isn't really a king]
P.S. Sorry for such a short and boring part, but well, Maya is now brought back to the story. This took so long because I have been pretty busy, but don't worry I'll find time for writing this. And what comes to this choice, it's not a major one, but it's something
Also, some of you might have noticed that there haven't come new parts for my other story, and I'm sorry about that. I really can't find enough time to write two stories anymore with all this other shit that I have going on (mainly studying). So, sadly, The Land of Hundred Princes is put to rest - for now at least.
This part was good! I liked it. Overall, I'm going for Say King of the Nightrunners and Hornfoots. Mainly because that is the truth and that this Ivan Longbeard sounds like a very wise fellow. I would not want to say the King of the Free Folk for a couple of reasons. Free folk want to be just that... free. Also it is already an astounding achievement to have sided the Nightrunners with the Hornfoots, two sworn enemies for thousands of years. Anyway, that's just me. Look forward to seeing more of her! Best of luck with the studies, I now have to start mine!
And best of luck for your studies as well! :)
[Say King of the Nightrunners and Hornfoots]
Say King of the Nightrunners and Hornfoots
[Say King of the Nightrunners and Hornfoots]
Objectively, Raymun is only the king of the Nightrunners and Hornfoots so far. He can call himself King of the Free Folk, but neither the Thenns, nor the Ice-River Clans, nor the Frozen-Shore Men are on his side and it would look arrogant to call him king of the Free Folk already.
By the way, regarding The Land of Hundred Princes, is it only temporarily cancelled? I enjoyed it a lot and it would be great to see it returning one day.
No more votes coming, and this is clear already, so... Vote closed!
Maya will explain that Raymun Redbeard is King of the Nightrunners and Hornfoots. As I said this isn't a very major choice, but it does affect on Dakvidih's thoughts about these new friends of his.
The next part will come pretty soon, and it will be a Skjorn part. It's another quite short part, I can tell that already, but you will basically get to choose what kind of storyline will Skjorn have in this chapter.
Exciting! Looking forward to it. I love those kinds of choices
Skjorn sat on the cold ground, gazing distance. Dogga, Denyal Delen and a young Thenn named Gregory were with him. They had managed to escape the attack of the Fleshbearer and were now out of his reach, but none of them felt lucky or happy. Thousands of Thenns had fallen, and Gregory had discovered with his warging that Magnar Krygorn was dead. Eaten by a monster.
Denyal walked to Skjorn and sat next to him. Skjorn raised his look and saw the sad expression on the face of this young man.
”Skjorn... There was something I wanted to say.” Denyal said quietly, and Skjorn nodded for him to continue. ”I'm sorry about Magnar Krygorn... I know you were close with him. And I'm sorry that I was mad at you when you didn't recommend me. I realize now, I wasn't ready. Perhaps I'll never be.” Denyal spoke with words full of grief, and Skjorn patted him on the back.
”It's alright, Denyal. None of us is ever ready.” Skjorn spoke quietly and let out a tired and sad sigh.
”I can't stop thinking... What if my father is dead? What if those bastards ate him?” Tears were now running down the cheeks of Denyal.
”Man up!” Dogga yelled suddenly. ”I can't bear watching a grown man cry like a baby.”
”Shut up, Dogga.” Skjorn said with powerless words. ”We have all lost a lot, surely you can sympathize.”
”Sure, whatever. But if you ask me we should do something else than just cry.” Dogga's voice was full of frustration, and he turned away from them. Deep inside Skjorn shared the feeling – he didn't want to just give up and let Fleshbearer get away with what he had done. But what can we do?
”So... Will we return to the Vale?” Gregory asked with weak voice. Gregory was a boy at the age of seventeen, lean and athletic, smart and honest. Skjorn hadn't known the boy before, but for what he had seen Gregory was someone worth respecting.
”Yes, I think that is the wisest thing to do. I must go to the Magnar's Hall... And tell Sigira and Storg about their father.” Thinking about it already pained Skjorn. It felt wrong – he was alive while the great leader, Magnar Krygorn, was dead. Why?
”Are you serious?” Dogga asked with shocked and angry expression on his face. ”You are just going to crawl back to your vale and hide like cowards?”
”What do you expect us to do, you barefooted shit?” Denyal yelled, sweeping away his tears. Dogga let out a mocking laugh.
”What do I expect? I expect you to go after that bastard, and fucking murder him!” Dogga spoke furiously, clearly not thinking straight. ”That's what I'll do, I'll hunt this bastard of Ice Rivers down and put him to the ground.”
”And how exactly?” Skjorn asked with tired tone.
”I'd like to hear that too.” Denyal said with agitated tone. ”Fleshbearer has an army around him, if you didn't know.”
”I'll find a way.” Dogga answered with decisive tone. ”Besides, Scholar, you still have your poison, don't you?” The question made Skjorn gulp. It's true. Skjorn still had the Tears of Lys, but he had already tried that trick once with no luck, and this time the chances seemed even smaller.
”I don't think I'll ever get close enough to poison Fleshbearer.” Skjorn said, letting out a sigh. Dogga shook his head and then turned his stare to Skjorn.
”Well if you are such a coward then give the poison to me.” The young Hornfoot man said with a dark look in his eyes.
”No, I'm afraid I can't give something this valuable to you. It belongs to the Magnar of Thenns.” Skjorn answered with stern words and Dogga let out a mocking laugh.
”Who happens to be dead!” He shouted. ”At least I would put the poison to good use.”
”Krygorn's daughter and son live on, the poison is theirs, and until I meet them again it's mine.” Skjorn's voice was decisive.
”Then just come with me, damn it!” Dogga said stubbornly. ”We smuggle ourselves into their army and find a way to kill that bastard. With poison or with whatever we can.” Skjorn stayed silent. Perhaps Dogga is right – perhaps it would be the right thing to do.
”I'll follow you whatever you decide to do, Skjorn.” Denyal said with proud voice.
”I... I think you would be needed in the Vale, Skjorn. Princess Sigira and Storg, eh, Magnar Storg, need your help.” Gregory spoke quietly. Skjorn sighed and closed his eyes. What is the right thing to do?
[Go after Fleshbearer] [Return to the Vale of Thenn]
[Go after Fleshbearer]
[Return to the Vale of Thenn]
As much as I'd like for Skjorn to go after Fleshbearer, I doubt he has much of a chance and I don't want to risk his life. However, I think he could do good in the Vale of Thenn, advising the new Magnar and perhaps preparing a strong offensive against Fleshbearer.
[Return to the Vale of Thenn]
[Go after Fleshbearer]
[Return to the Vale of Thenn] I agree with Liquid on that note. I personally don't think that a Hornfoot and Thenn are going to somehow smuggle themselves into a cannibalistic army to poison their king/magnar as he titles himself. Any how, that's just my opinion.
[Go after Fleshbearer]
It's a tie, so one more vote needed... I wouldn't like to make this choice myself because it's a very important choice for the story. However if there wont come a vote soon I'll just have to "vote" myself.