Episode Discussion 'Them' ***** CHARACTER REVEALED
So, in preparation for the new episode, I've created this thread like last week. The beauty is that you can comment while watching and experience it with your fellow forumers right now.
BEWARE: Spoilers are in thy mist.
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Thank you, I almost forgot.
Very werid with the frogs.
The sun looks gorgeous in some of the shots
Kewl, I'm going between the episode now and SNL 40.
Oh fuck, those dogs scared me.
Thanks Sasha.
I hate Sasha.
I love how you said 'Thanks Sasha' then 'I hate Sasha' right after that. XD
Everyone is being too damn negative and mean.
Why did she have to tell Noah he won't make it. I mean...He won't...But keep the moral up!
At least she saved them.
Great, Daryl's become emo.
He'll be fine.
They ate Doge.
Good eats.
Doge tastes like lobster 10/10.
I guess that was a tornado???
Whatever it was, it sure has a good walker kill count.
Holy shit new guy!
What the fuck?
He's a comic character.
A very important comic character.
Comics right?:0.
I know that.
I know who he is but that music box was what made me confused.
Alexandria Confirmed
I'm so confused on where this show is trying to go. As far as the story line goes... basically nothing has been accomplished over the last two episodes in my opinion.
This episode ending is plot enducing though.
And you know what that means : DDDDDDD
While I enjoyed last week's episode immensely and is one of my favorites, this episode is, without a doubt, the worst episode of TWD I have seen. I know a lot doesn't happen sometimes and there are filler episodes, but this one takes the cake as the worst one I have seen to date. However, Rick uttering the line, "We are the walking dead," and Aaron being introduced were great, up next, Alexandria.
Yeah, I really don't know anything about the guy, but at least it looks like he may bring some direction I guess. The last two episodes of wandering around being depressed has been pretty pointless, and massive overkill in my opinion. Not to mention killing off an important character "just because".
Hopefully things start to pick up with this guy, whoever he is.
I do agree this episode was stale.
I literally was when I saw the character, 'Is that Aaron?' and then he says his name and I was like 'Holy crap.'
I actually thought Rick just said 'We are the dead.' Might have been my hearing, still understood the reference.
He will bring lots of stuff to the table.
By the way, if you watched Talking Dead where Kirkman mentions gay characters and he tells about an important gay character being introduced later this season, this is the guy.
I'm 99% sure he said walking dead.
This episode was not good.I found myself wanting all the characters besides Rick to die, they all pissed me off. Also the walkers just happened to give up trying to get in? And then they all saw fit to go to sleep without keeping watch?
He did.
Lol my hearing then.
Sounds good to me. Kind of wish the show would have just started off at that point.
I'm the exact opposite. I feel that last week's episode was one of the worst they've ever done and this one was great.
I would assume that the storm somehow dealt with them.