What will Clementine do if you let the game generate your decisions for episode 1 in season 2?
I have already played episode one several times, but then I had to delete it before I got around to buy the rest. Now that I downloaded the game again, and have gotten the rest of the episodes, I'm wondering if I could skip playing the first one again? What will happen; what choices will be generated for me?
From experience I've noticed that the the choices the game makes for you are the same each time, for example it always chose to save Dough instead of Carly. Which is why I think that someone should know this!
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She doesn't shoot lee thats all I remember
If you skip the episode then it will generate randomized choices for whatever you skipped.
But I'm wondering what these randomized choices are. It seems to me that they are the same to everyone, so maybe someone else that have done this knows? Or maybe the telltale people know?
No they're definitely not the same. They're randomized. Every time you skip an episode it will give you a different set of choices. :P
Are you sure? Because each time I've skipped (in season 1), the choices that were made were the same. I've also noticed that it's this way for the Game of Thrones game as well..:S
Hmmm. I thought I was pretty sure about this, but maybe i'm wrong, I'll check it right now. :]
I can verify this, as I was messing with this choice system (trying to get characters dead in a save, but didn't want to go back and replay it) I kept restarting the episode till I got it this way. That being said I only verified this through the "previously on TWD" scenes, other than that, it is impossible to do a check on what the choices it generated till you actually play it and notice the differences from a previous play-through. Hope this helps!
I had s1 and s2 on different consoles when I started s2 it generated choices and my choices and my bf's were the same so I dont think it is random or that would be one hell of a coincidence
Let me know!
You might wanna edit out your post with that spoiler
OP hasn't finished the game yet I don't think.
As in the generated choices were different every time?
That's my impression too. In that case one could decide whether or not to play a episode all over again.
No I haven't...But it's ok, I didn't even understand what that spoiler meant so it's no biggie
I mean't in season two
Alright I just tried it and yes. They are randomized, so if you want to get your set choices you should just play the episode over again
Honestly in my opinion it doesn't realy matter what choices you make the outcome will be the same anyway ther is choice but its superficial to the point its more of an illusion. There will be the odd bit of dialogue thats different a remark or a facial expression but nothing worth worrying about there is only one story line
Thanks for bothering!

I guess I'll just play it again.
I like having one save that is "perfect";where the main character is nice and does everything right, so in order to ensure that I'll do this one more time
Yes and no. I restarted the episode multiple times, because I got the same results over and over again (if I recall correctly I did this 3 times). Then eventually it worked out in my favor. This is randomly generated as in one choice may have been the same from a previous restart but another choice will be different or they could be both the same or both different. Essentially it's like gambling at a slot machine.
Thank you guys for clearing this up for me! ; )