TWD SE2 kind of...disappointing?
Anyone else feel like TWD SE2 was kind of a let down? At least compared to the first season, I mean the first one had a way better story and more likable and cooler characters (at least in my opinion) and I couldn't wait for the second season to come out and now that has and I finished it I don't feel like I'll play it over and over like I did with TWD SE1-cuz it was just that good. idk maybe I just didn't get into this one, I felt the story to be quite boring tbh and the first two episodes took forever to get into it only starts to get interesting at least in the 4th episode! Makes me wonder if the THIRD upcoming season will even be worth it..and it makes me worry for TWAU season 2 (if there is one) I don't want it to suck
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Sometimes that opinion feels like the majority on this forum, so you're not the only one.
I loved Season 2, while the writing was better in Season 1, I still enjoy Season 2 just as much as Season 1. Season 2 had it's flaws, no doubt, but the good far outweighs the bad. I still thought the writing was great, as was the story, I enjoyed playing as Clementine more than Lee, and the multiple endings gives Season 3 a lot of potential.
But still, it's understandable why you feel that way. I think the biggest problem with Season 2 was not so much the writers, but shorter episodes. When you look at Season 1, most of the episodes were 2 and a half hours long, because that's what the writers thought they needed to get the job done. Longer episodes lead to more hubs, which lead to more development and choices. In Season 2, Telltale restricted the lengths of the episodes to an hour and a half. When you do this, things are bound to get cut from the story, and some of those things were hubs and potential storylines (Mike was supposed to be one of the bandits in the woods that attacked Christa, but due to time restraints, it was cut). Really, it doesn't matter who writes the episodes, if the writers aren't given the tools they need to make it the best it can possibly be, expect a decrease in quality.
You haven't been on the forums much have you? :P
I liked Season 2 alot, not as much as Season 1, but as a sequel it did a good job. My only real gripe was that I wished determinate characters didnt just become, "oh look, its that guy, I remember him, oh now hes dead."
its that obvious? xP lol
i see u agree c:
I get the impression that s2 was a sort of supply and demand type thing people begged for a second series so it was made to meet demand. It would have been better if each series was based around different unconnected groups with totally different stories. I think with all the love for clem she will continue to be the pc which is a shame realy because im not sure there is much juice left in her character.
Agreed. i like clem a lot but i think its time for her to pass the torch and focus on a new main character. (maybe AJ?)
Completly new characters would be good people on the otherside of the country no connection at all. It would be intresting to see the russians backstory I thought they seemed out of place like they were militia or something but alot of people probably wouldnt want to be in a group of neo nazis
Season Two was definitely a let down for me. The entire game felt very artificial and our choices felt more useless than they did in the first season. But I'm not going list every reason why because that would require me to write an entire novel.
Oh wow, you are new.