Your teaser for TellTale's The Walking Dead Season 3!
You are the new lead creative director for TellTale's The Walking Dead: Season 3. The time has come to release the first ever teaser for the new season. It can be through any medium and display whatever you want. The sky is the limit. What would you do?
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Never release a teaser and watch as riots erupt.
So you'll do the Drake move and just release the game unannounced...
No, a day before i'll release a 5 second vine and then release it unannounced.
We release an update for the game, adding a new episode, "Episode X". The episode slide is blank, only with a ? in the center of the screen.
It is not mentioned in patch notes or blog posts or has any formal announcements made about it. It simply pops up out of the blue one day.
People hit the forums and start buzzing like "anyone else get this update? apparently i have this new episode now? episode X?"
Then the people begin playing it
It's a short playable teaser for Season 3, and when you complete it, it is formally announced in-game
"The Walking Dead: Season Three
Coming November 2015"
After a few hours and people get to play it, it is announced and confirmed online, and we start releasing more teaser photos and a website for it, along with an actual teaser trailer.
Will you make them pay for episode X?
Oh, come on. You can do better than that. I was going for more of a full 2 months hype up of Minecraft and then a day before Minecraft hit, post a picture on Twitter of Clem's shadow. Then I would release the game that same day.
I'm joking about all of this. :P
Do you remember when Telltale was hyping Episode 5 and they told everyone about "A big announcement" and to look for it on their Twitter. It was like a 5 or 6 second Vine of Clem in the snow.
It'll be free for all players, just a random out-of-the-blue update for all platforms (I know this would be incredibly difficult, but hey, he said the sky's the limit)
Ah, well.
Why must there we a different website for it than this one? :P
I don't mean a different website entirely, I mean a landing page and all of that for it like they have now:
Yeah. I know. I was just playing along with the joke. lol But yeah, that Vine, while polarizing, did light up discussion about the episode.
That's what I thought, however saying a website for it could mean a different website entirely. I don't know why I am telling you this, I'm bored I guess. :P
Angry discussion. :P
Hype everybody up for an awesome announcement = Teaser trailer only shows a single patch of grass for one minute straight.
Hype everybody up about a decision involving tasty food like Waffles or Cookies = Ends up being a used kitty litter tray.
Release a 30 second video teaser showing Clem's hat being picked up with sound of baby's crying and it suddenly fades out and fades in
"The Walking Dead Season 3; A Telltale Game Series"
And everybody gonna be like
And this forum's gonna be like
Well, I might as well share one, right? Here is one if Clem is the protagonist of Season 3.
[An edited version of Caspian's "Hymn For The Greatest Generation" begins to play]
Camera focuses in on a city skyline. Camera then pans to a faded interstate sign showing I-85 and the barely readable words of Atlanta. Inset dialog between Clem and Lee when they first met.
Camera pans over an abandoned RV. More dialog, this time from Clem and Lee's conversation in the RV.
Camera focuses on a run down mansion. Insert dialog of Clem mentioning her parents.
Camera focuses on an abandoned town. Insert dialog from Lee's final words
[music intensifies]
Camera focuses on Gill's Pit Stop through trees. Walkers walk by. More Clem dialog.
Camera fly over of a river. As camera rises zooms out, you see the makings a cabin in the distance. Dialog between Pete or Luke with Clem is heard.
Camera zooms into a cabin. Sees human activity as someone drags Walter's body out. More dialog from Clem.
[music reaching climactic point]
Camera pans over a river to a old building with a broken deck. More words from Clementine (since episode 5 doesn't really have a memorable or visibly interesting place, episode 5 dialog can be spoken here).
[music passes climactic part, begins to wind down]
"Nobody who died is anyone's fault! We... we all wanted to be together, and it just went bad. But we owe it to them to try to make the best of this!"
During quote scene, camera shows a worn hat on the ground. It is revealed to be Clementine's hat. A hand comes into view as the hat is picked up. We see a dirty, more rugged version of Clem who is only a few months old than she was at the end of Season 2. A new outfit is also noticed.
[music begins to end]
Black title card. Words fade in. The Walking Dead: Season 3 Words fade out. New words fade in. Coming December 2015 Words fade out.
Shiieeettt... you gave me goosebumps by imagining this. I was thinking something like this but... yeah, you'd done better.
Trailer: "Expect it to be out in like 5 years."
Next Day: LEL SIKE releases it
The teaser starts by showing the Telltale and Skybound logos over a black screen. While this is happening, we hear a radio playing inside a vehicle with someone driving and humming along to it. The screen eventually fades into a camera shot on a road and we see Nate's truck drive by. Then the captions The Walking Dead: Season 3 coming soon appear as his truck disappears into the distance.
What's that? Make a Season 3 Teaser trailer?
I'm on it.
Clementine confirmed for season 3 and protagonist.
I'm just going along with this discussion, make up your own teaser. But I got you didn't I?
I can't say what I'd like to see in the trailer, but I know some dialogue that might be appropriate. Nick's speech just seems to encapsulate the pessimism of Robert Kirkman's world so well:
"Everyone I grew up with… it all happened to them. Now, it's gonna happen to us. We're all so fucked. This world is fucked. I mean, what's the point? We'll just march to some new place and somebody else will die. It's never gonna stop. And eventually, it'll be our turn."
That said, the teaser should also end on an angrier, more defiant note, making us ask ourselves if Clem's fate is really going to be as inevitable as Nick thinks. "I'm still not bitten". Goosebumps, man. Goosebumps.
Nah,maybe I can be foolish sometimes,but not fall for something like this.I just wanted a solid proof about it so I can truly believe you?
I think it’s much better if you used a more calm song instead of this loud one,it would be just too much for the fans to handle something like this.
goddamnit i misread the title:(.... i thought there was a teaser D,:
Good you're playing along, but this has not been confirmed.
black screen. rustling noise in the background.
TellTale logo fades in and out. SkyBound logo fades in and out
screen fades in on a highway. the sun is in the direction of the camera. figures emerge from over the horizon
Unknown Female Voice: (distressed) How far? How far do you go until you actually know where you are going? How long before you can logically piece together where your instincts are telling you to go?
camera switches to a closer view of the figures as they emerge from the sun's glare. we see that the figures are remaining members of the Howe's group. Tavia is front and center.
camera switched to Tavia's face
Tavia: How long can we go like this?
screen goes black
The Walking Dead: Season 3 - Coming Soon
This gif got me interested. What's the source of the video?
The walking dead title comes up and then fades into a crow flying through a cloudless sky over a forest, following the crow as it flies, it flies across a river and overhead of Howe's, passing over a herd of zombies nearby.
winter has passed and is now spring, so no snow
(Imagine flying behind the crow, but looking to the ground as it flies, like a 45 degree angle sort of thing). The crow flies over a highway and past the rest stop, coming out of the forest and flying over another herd of zombies in a meadow type place, heading back over a forest, and then finally landing on a windowsill of a small cabin.
The crow squawks and then the camera changes to looking at the crow at the window from inside the cabin, then a baby cries in the background to which we hear a voice say "Its okay little guy, we are gonna be okay." All the while the camera is focused on the crow, gradually zooming in, you can see inside the room, but you can't see who is speaking and you can't see where the baby is off screen. The baby settles down and you hear a door creak open. In the reflection of the crows eye, you can just see what appears to be a figure holding a baby when the crow flies off and then the screen fades to black with "The Walking dead season 3, coming soon" title displayed.
The sweet, calming sound of birds can be heard followed by the rustling of grass while the camera is on a fixed angle facing a tree on the distance.
The camera zooms in further—we slowly hear the soft hums from Clementine. Then we see her smile as she faces AJ that sleeps soundly on her lap; her arms draped protectively around the baby.
“Sleep, baby, sleep” Clementine begins as she hears AJ softly mewl within his deep slumber.
“Your father tends the sheep”
“Your mother shakes the dreamland tree”
“And from it fall sweet dreams for thee”
“Sleep, baby, sleep”
“Sleep, baby, sleep”
The whole calming event was short-lived, as Clementine begins a tense. A loud serenade of gunshots and walker groans can be heard.
Clementine stands up and takes her gun, “Where the heck is that coming from?” She exclaims.
She walks forward, slow and steady as the sounds came from down the hill, her eyes widens before the screen cuts black.
Black screen. TellTale logo and Skybound logo fade in and out in order. Ominous music begins to play. Singing birds and a breeze can be heard. Camera shows a forest. Two characters carrying bookbags appear.
Person 1: Where did he go? WHERE!?!?
Person 2: Dude... This is a waste of time. He didn't even take anything. He had nothing on him.
Person 1: Who walks around with no bags or supplies in the woods? He probably is some scout for that community of f*ers back there. Stingy, self-centered aholes...
Person 2: Let it go man! You know how groups and communities are nowadays. Besides, what if you're wrong? What if this person is a scavenger like us trying to survive and we're just pissing him off to kill us?
Person 1: ...Them I'll stab his a**, take his s***, and leave him for the walkers.
Person 2: ...Seriously?
A ground up view shows to two walking by. Ominous music builds.
Lee: [off camera] Clem, people don't always make sense.
Camera faces at an upward angle from the ground. As the two characters pass by, we see Clementine, alone, crouched on the inside of a tree where the trunk is split above them. She has on a baggy pair of Dickie that look to have been modified with tape and amateur stitching. She has on an oversized shirt where the sleeves are rolled up and the excess bottom were torn off. The scar on her forearm is large, dark, and clearly visible. Her hat is on backwards. She holds a long, sharp rod.
Clementine: [off camera] How come?
*Camera switches to a close up of Clementines face. A dark and hollow glare, reminiscent of Season 2, sit on her face. But this time, we see more pain in the eyes of Clementine... more than ever before.
Lee: 'Cause bad things happen to everyone. And it's hard to keep bein' yourself after they do.
black out. music stops. soft music comes in. logo fades in - "The Walking Dead: Season 3" - fades out
"Coming Soon" title card fades in and out
Last times card fades in - #PhoenixWillRise
Okay, I got a serious one.
A teaser where you hear Clementine softly singing a lullaby to A.J, and at first it seems to be about helping him to sleep, but really it's to stop him crying because they're hiding from a herd of walkers that are lurking around nearby.
Thought about it while listening to this lullaby from RE:Darkside Chronicles, like you could almost imagine Clemmy singing it...
Sleep my love as the trees above protect you from the dark. A great river will watch you as, you dream until dawn. Sleep my love, close your eyes and when you awaken, a new day will bring to you, a bright new world...
And there's this version too that sounds much clearer and less creepy. Damn I love these tracks T.T
Black screen
(Unknown voice) How many people have you lost?
28 <-- Rough estimate, I'm not exactly sure but it includes unknown characters.
That’s more than anyone has a right to lose.
Fades to the Cabin
“What happened to your parents?”
Fades to the Lodge
“I got lucky. Real lucky.”
Fades to Howe’s
“Killing one in order to save many is a part of survival.”
Fades to Parker’s Run
“You think because you’re a little girl you can just get people killed and no one will care?”
Fades to Observation Deck
“Remember that you can make it on your own.”
Fades to Power Station
"You just spend so much time tryin’ to stay alive that… you don’t get a chance to enjoy livin’.”
Fades to Rest Stop
Fades back to black screen
I know.
The Walking Dead Season 3
"What happened to your parents... if you don't mind me asking?'
Quick Flash of Ed and Diana as walkers
'This man found me and took care of me'
Quick flash of Lee and Clem hugging in the motor inn.
'We met up with other survivors and all tried to make but it didn't work'
Flashes of Carley, Carlos, Luke and Lee
Unidentified Female Voice-Sounds like you had it rough
Clem (now 13 and sporting a leather jacket)-I can manage.
Telltale Games and Skybound's Logo fades in
Alive Inside starts playing
Kenny-A lot of folks died to get us this far, we owe it to them to see this done.
Jane-Just remember if things start going south don't let them pull you down with them, you don't owe them anything.
The fight scene begins playing, Clem aims the gun at Kenny.
Fade to black
Fade in
Clem sitting at a campfire now 13 with a 2 year old AJ beside her and Kenny looking like this-
The camera spins and Kenny is replaced by Jane looking the same but with Carley length hair
Cut to clem slicing a whole group of walkers up without breaking a sweat
Clem staring at her shoulder wound and Kenny clenching a bloody crowbar
Jane going full Michonne and holding two cow-catchers on chains while walking towards an unseen danger
Female voice-You seem capable, I'll consider letting you in.
Clem-You should...Lilly
Cut to the female voice revealed to be Lilly now wearing a white jacket as opposed to her black one and sporting a Tyrion-like scar across her face.
The camera pans out revealing Wellington in all it's glory.
The Walking Dead-Season Three
Final shot of Clem atop a crane and a man hanging on begging for his life. 'Please, no more... please...'. Clem ignores and kicks the man off the crane.
Episode One-All Out War Coming Soon
Nice. This would be a cool first teaser, especially since it doesn't reveal anything at all. More like an announcement trailer for a convention.
... O_O
This... is a really good idea for me to make a video... Can I use this?