Would You Want/Be OK with a 10 episode season?
So, the standard TT form is 5 episodes, however GOT is shaking it up with 6. What if Season 3 had 10 episodes would you be cool with that, really excited about that, or really pissed off?
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Definitely excited. The wait for S3 is killing me, to have 10 episodes to look forward to would be truly awesome.
i would be happy if there was a lot more episodes i would be excited for 10 episodes though more the better bring them
If they released two at a time, yeah. Or better yet, just five episodes that are really long.
It'd be awesome but I think it's not easy to keep a good storytelling with 10 fucking episodes.
If season 3 needed 10 episodes to tell the story then I would be happy
I wouldn't be looking forward to the wait time to the finale. Instead of doubling the amount of episodes I rather they double the playing time of each episode resulting in approximately 3 hour episodes each and that would be awesome, however we might have to unfortunately wait an extra month for the next new episode which would make the agonizing waits even worse.. I felt like pulling my hair out waiting on each Walking Dead season 2 episode since their Walking Dead series is the only one I care about the most. Kind of liked Wolf Among Us too but the wait for those episodes wasn't as painful as Walking Dead S2 for me.
Same deal with Game of Thrones and Borderlands, I mean I still play them both but don't really care about the waits, because its just not as interesting as following the story of Walking Dead and Clementine. If their 5 episode seasons take nearly a year to finish. Then I would assume the 10 episode season ends about 2 years down the road which would be super ridiculous. I mean their already ridiculous but they would graduate to super with that stunt.. plus I believe they're far too lazy to create a 10 episode anything..
Honestly... no. For one thing, I would feel like 1/4 of the episodes would just be fillers and another thing is that it could take like almost 2 years for the whole game to be complete. Thats an unnecessary amount of time that can distract Telltale from also making other games.
Telltale has proven they can tell an amazing story in a 5-6 episode season. They should just stick with that IMO
Ten episodes would kill Telltale, haha
Totally. I know it's not gonna happen, but it would be pretty cool.
Why would we need that?
As great as that sounds, I just don't think it would work in practice. It'd be a developmental nightmare to keep everything organized over the span of 10 episodes. Having choices build off one another, etc etc. Then would be the problem of how long the season runs for, taking well up to 2 years to actually finish, then the extensive amount of planning that would have to go into the entire season.
Then you'd have the problem of properly pacing it all out. Either all the episodes turn out good, or you run the risk of creating filler episodes, or sub-par episodes that aren't able to hold their weight. On a TV show, one bad/filler episode isn't a big problem, you only have to wait a week or so for the next one to hopefully pick up, but with Telltale, that means that people will have to sit around with that sour taste in their mouth for roughly 2 months, with no true assurance that the next one will amp it up enough.
thats too damn much
I don't know, it so much episodes to play. Let me put it this way - if Telltale will want to do 10 episode, they'll have story for 10 episodes and it'll be awesome, really awesome (like at least 90% season 1 awesome) then I'll be okay with that.
BUT - if it'll be boring, not good or whatever then I'd stick with 5-6 episodes form.
I think TellTale employees will begin to hallucinate after each episode.
No its gratuitous and would be too long. It would be too much for Telltale and it would end up not being as good
This would be my reaction:
I wouldn't mind at all. I think each season should take more than one day to beat...and if they had more episodes per season there would be more time to develop characters and certain deaths wouldn't have to feel forced...instead of cutting certain things out completely for time constraints they could take the time they needed to develop specific scenarios and subquests