When do you expect certain things to happen in the show?
With the group reaching Alexandria after Sunday's episodes, we can expect some great things to come up in the show. We're still a far way from Negan and others being introduced, but when do you think some characters or moments from the comic will be put in the show. My expectations for the show are:
Season 5B: Douglas Monroe, group becoming accustomed to new life in Alexandria, season ends with introduction of The Scavengers
Season 6A: The Scavengers attack, walkers attack Alexandria, Carl loses eye, mid-season finale introduces Jesus
Season 6B: The Hilltop, introduction of The Saviors, season finale brings in Negan
Season 7 (not confirmed yet): All Out War
When do you guys think characters like Jesus or Negan will finally be introduced in the show and list your own timelines for what future seasons of the show will do.
Season 5B - Scavengers attack and Rick becomes leader of Alexandria
Season 6A - Negan and the Saviors introduction (kill Daryl here)
Season 6B- Introduction of Jesus, the Hilltop (they will probably switch some events around from when they happen in the comics), and the Kingdom introduction
Season 7 - All Out War
Douglas was replaced with deanna i think
But I want Negan NOW!
The next episode will probably be "let's get accustom to the good life of Alexandria", but that could be too boring to watch so it may end with Rick being the dirty constable that he is and the leader "old what's his face" screaming about Alexandria's dark past.
The thing is, is it's hard to predict how things will go cause sometimes they'll skip plot points entirely and create their own story (which is a good thing sometimes). Season 6 has got to have The Saviors, but I wonder how they'll pull it off?
Rest of S5: Pete storyline, ends with D.C. Scavengers attacking, or at the very least with them approaching.
S6A: Scavengers, events of No Way Out storyline.
S6B: Jesus, introduction of Saviors, and beginning of Something To Fear storyline, Abraham's death and ends with Negan's first appearance with Glenn's death.
S7A: More things on Saviors, ends with Ezekiel's introduction.
S7B: March To War.
S8A & B: All-Out War Part 1 & 2.
Well too bad, like Telltale, AMC will make you wait.