MBTI types of season 1 & 2 characters

I wrote this ages ago and never thought to post it until just now. Granted some of these characters had limited character development so I typed them as best I could on the general vibe I got from their fictional presence.

Lee Everett - ISTJ

Clementine - INFJ

Shawn Greene - ISTP

Hershel Greene - INFJ

Kenny - ENFJ

Katjaa - ISFJ

Duck - ENTP

Carley - ESFP

Doug - INTP

Glenn - ENFP

Lilly - ESFP

Larry - ESTP

Mark - ESFJ

Ben - ISFP

Brenda St. John - ESFJ

Andrew St. John - ESTJ

Danny St. John - INTP

Chuck (Charles, if you're fancy) - INTP

Christa - ENTJ

Omid - ENTP

Molly - ESTP

Vernon - ENFP

Brie - ESFJ

The Stranger - INFJ

Vince - ISTP

Danny - ESFP

Justin - ENTP

Wyatt - INTJ

Eddie - ENFP

Nate - ESTP

Russell - INFP

Bonnie - ISFJ

Leland - ENTJ

Dee - ESFJ

Shel - INFP

Becca - ISFP

Stephanie - ESTP

Roman - ESTJ

Boyd - INFP

Clive - INTJ

Joyce - ESFJ

Michelle (she killed Omid) - ESFP

Luke - ESFP

Pete - ESTJ

Nick - ISFP

Carlos - INFJ

Sarah - INFP (HSP)

Alvin - ISTJ

Rebecca - ESFJ

Walter - ENFP

Sarita - INFP

Carver - ENTJ

Tavia - ESFP

Troy - ESTP

Reggie - ENTP

Mike - ENTJ

Jane - INFP

Arvo - ISFP

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