The Governor or Negan?
The two major antagonists of the comics and soon to be show, who is your favorite?
Mine is the Governor because I absolutely love Made To Suffer and his appearance in the show. Negan is fun too though.
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I personally I like the Governor more but I think Negan's still kewl.
Definitely Negan. How can you not love someone as calm and polite as this:
Negan is 100000x better than The Governor ever was as the main villain (who was still good).
I say this because when the comics finish, Negan will be remembered more by fans and possibly more than any other character (his popularity is insane). Not to mention Negan is WAY more entertaining to read, has a better visual design, and is just plain awesome as a character for me subjectively.
Negan>The Governor(TV)>The Governor(Comic) imo
That seems like this scene in the King's Speech
IDK I like them both Governor is more evil but Negan is brutal... I'll flip a coin and the winner is ........
Thats not even a sentence. Just whaat??
Well, The Governor DID do more damage to Rick personally, as he was the reason Lori and Judith were killed, as well as taking his hand and destroying The Prison along with being the main reason a large portion of the Prison survivors were killed. (The Governor killed a few, and his group killed the rest). But, Negan is definitely the better villain. He's more intimidating, he's hilarious, and has a wicked cool bat (Lucille). I myself enjoyed Negan more, but we can't deny that The Governor will ALWAYS have a lasting effect and will ALWAYS be remembered as the man who was responsible for taking HALF of Ricks family.
Negan is quite possibly the best comic character. All of my previous favorites have been dead for a long ass time, or they have had a serious dip in their quality as of late, and have become very tiresome to read (CARL). The Governor was not only flat, boringly insane, and insanely boring, but he also had the disadvantage of being a part of the Prison arc, which has to be my absolutely least favorite arc of the comic.
The Governor in the TV show vs Negan in the TV show, though? I have no idea. AMC is seriously going to castrate Negan. Lucille is too brutal, he can't cuss in the way that made him so weirdly entertaining to watch, and all he'll have to go off of is charisma. Good fucking luck finding an actor that charismatic. The show is seriously fucked where Negan is concerned. The Governor in the TV show, however, was fucking awesome. He was human, and a cool ass character. More than can be said for comic Governor.
I love Negan too much....#freenegan.
The governor was good but Negan? You can't deny his humour.
Sadly, I doubt AMC is gonna allow cursing of that level. As much as wish not.
AMC needs to grow some fucking balls. They allowed Breaking Bad to say stuff like that, they even showed some women topless in a couple of episodes. Let's not forget in the first season they had Merle using the N-word. When they do bring in Negan, since it's such a huge part of his personality, they HAVE to get him to curse, maybe not as much, but something at least.
Imagine what AMC is going to do to this amazing line of dialogue. "Mother-Screwing Dick Suck Pussy Screwing Screw Screwity Screw Screwer Screwing Screw Screwers!"
If they do that, they might as well not even include Negan at all.
Oh god that would be bad. Only time will tell.
Its not really AMC in general. AMC is allowed to say "fuck" twice a season (I think only under special cases some more), and Mad Men had nudity/sexual content if what I've heard is right. They've just not been bringing that stuff to Walking Dead yet and I'm surprised. It will probably change when Negan comes.
Negan is one of those villains you hate to love, whereas comic Governor was just a fucking asshole who deserved a death 10x more painful than the one he had.
TV show Governor is one of my favorite characters though.
i like negan more, to bad he wont be in the show soon.
I hope so.
To be fair, I think it would be possible to make Negan work without the word fuck. Of course, it wouldn't be easy, but practically every other swear is fair-game for them.
They have enough words to work with to make something creative and memorable. Maybe not as much as Negan's infamous use of the word fuck, but they could very well make TV Negan his own unique character with his own unique and memorable vernacular.
negan in every way
They could, but I think a lot of fans are looking forward to a similar Negan from the comics, who pretty much says whatever the fuck he wants. And since he says "fuck" or a variation of "fuck" more times than any other word (his total count so far is 253 uses of "fucking" and 107 uses of "fuck"), it would be a noticeable absence if he can't say it.