I think Clementine is autistic



  • Is that from an online quiz? Or did you get a proper diagnosis from a psychiatrist? Online personality quizzes aren't legitimate.

    peachflower posted: »

    it is kind of you to ask and i appreciate your consideration. i live in sweden and i was 14 when i was diagnosed, i'm 15 now. im a girl and

  • That's the special snowflake quiz. It's an online personality quiz, not a proper method for diagnosing autism. Only psychiatrists can properly diagnose people. That quiz is tantamount to a Cosmopolitan personality quiz. Virtually zero scientific value.

    okay now what does this mean

  • edited February 2015

    The internet is filled with weirdos - this very forum's full of irritating weirdos. Although I'm quoting verbatim the nonsensical, ultra-convoluted jargon that a few people on Tumblr use, I don't find it offensive. I'm not actually a wilting flower.

    Although you'd have to admit that:

    Becca is a heteroromantic bisexual trans boy.

    Clem is an intersex trans girl who is aromantic and gay.

    Sarah is a biromantic asexual cis girl.

    Makes zero sense to anyone outside that bubble.

    Lol. Too funny. Am I the only one who's sick of the special snowflake, everyone-gets-a trophy, I-need-a-BS-pseudoclinical-name-for-everything fad that's gripped our overly PC culture?

  • to quote Romeo and Juliet.

    "What's in a name? that which we call a rose
    By any other name would smell as sweet "

    We need to get away from labels IMO.

  • It seems like you want people to agree with your theory just because you're autistic.

    WOW really?

    I agree with his/her theory because how would i know. For all i know Clementine could have HIV, or Colon Cancer, or whatever, in the end it doesn't really matter what "label" Clementine is, she is still Clementine.

    We get it. You're autistic. It seems like you want people to agree with your theory just because you're autistic. You're not the only person

  • Good gravy! This kind of thing makes me want to throw my router and modem out the window and become one of those crazy survivalist people who live in bunkers. What happened to humanity? Where did we go wrong? Our grandparents and great-grandparents were mavericks who fought in WWII, built cars and airplanes, grew and canned their own food, and made their own clothes. People who got their hands dirty and had no time to invent a thousand different neuroses for themselves and their children. Excuse me while I go weep for my generation. If the proverbial poo ever hits the fan, we're screwed.

    Bokor posted: »

    The internet is filled with weirdos - this very forum's full of irritating weirdos. Although I'm quoting verbatim the nonsensical, ultra-co

  • You do realize that your pearl-clutching over-sensitivity makes you just as worthy of mockery? ;)

    Good gravy! This kind of thing makes me want to throw my router and modem out the window and become one of those crazy survivalist people wh

  • He needs some alone time.

    peachflower posted: »

    are you okay

  • are you okay

    Good gravy! This kind of thing makes me want to throw my router and modem out the window and become one of those crazy survivalist people wh

  • leatherwolf89 we're cool i know you mean well

    I wouldn't be yelling anything. But yeah, saying that all socially awkward characters are autistic doesn't seem right.

  • at least i'm not treating my opinion as a fact, it just makes me a bit frustrated that other people do. im not angry tho

    They also don't explicitly say that she has Hepatitis C, is part of the Japanese mafia, or that she had a pet unicorn. You're essentially as

  • ^ thank you

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    It seems like you want people to agree with your theory just because you're autistic. WOW really? I agree with his/her theory bec

  • yeah maybe you should i think it'd be good for you to have it checked out :)

    yet i still seem more autistic than you xD i dunno if I should get it checked tho

  • yeah, i know. but my autistic headcanon clementine is also sort of a coping machine...

    her walkie talkie and her hat are her comfort objects, she is quite gullible and does not now how to tell when ppl are lying [..]

  • im both lol

    Pride posted: »

    Nothing wrong with being artistic.

  • edited February 2015

    It doesn't matter, the point is that people try to make something out of nothing because reasons.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    She could be Autistic, i don't see why it matters.

  • did you read my original post? it says that i am professionally diagnosed

    also, yes, it's an online quiz

    Is that from an online quiz? Or did you get a proper diagnosis from a psychiatrist? Online personality quizzes aren't legitimate.

  • Sarah I can see has autism, but not Clementine.

  • i know a lot of people who think sarah is autistic, but im autistic and i honestly cant see it... no offense tho

    ralo229 posted: »

    Sarah I can see has autism, but not Clementine.

  • Yeah, we're cool. :)

    peachflower posted: »

    leatherwolf89 we're cool i know you mean well

  • How do you see Clem as autistic but not Sarah...

    peachflower posted: »

    i know a lot of people who think sarah is autistic, but im autistic and i honestly cant see it... no offense tho

  • yeah I'm not reading that

  • LMAO why not?

    casdow90 posted: »

    yeah I'm not reading that

  • edited February 2015

    because i'm autistic and i cant relate to sarah... i dont think she is autistic, i just think she has severe anxiety.

    edit: doesn't mean people cant see her as autistic tho, but personally i dont see it

    How do you see Clem as autistic but not Sarah...

  • :)

    Yeah, we're cool.

  • I think Clem got Down Syndrom..

  • There are scary parts of everywhere.

    Need I remind you of the thread posting pictures of Gavin Hammon, worshiping him as a god, which he himself found intensely uncomfortable?

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I don´t hate tumblr, actually. It´s a fun place for jokes and fandoms. Just a part of it is absolutely scary.

  • wtf that's nasty

    Flog61 posted: »

    There are scary parts of everywhere. Need I remind you of the thread posting pictures of Gavin Hammon, worshiping him as a god, which he himself found intensely uncomfortable?

  • I don't think I ever even clicked on that thread so I don't know what was going on there.

    Flog61 posted: »

    There are scary parts of everywhere. Need I remind you of the thread posting pictures of Gavin Hammon, worshiping him as a god, which he himself found intensely uncomfortable?

  • just in case anyone's curious, i found this

    Alt text

    its pretty damn accurate (for me at least)

  • edited March 2015


    edit: what? You dislike autistic ppl? ;)

  • edited February 2015

    Since I did talked to him a little (business wise) I thought it wouldn't be a good idea if I was playing along in it. It was funny and well... creepy (no offence Gavinists! Don't kill me! ._.). So I just stayed out of it. It would've made any possible future encounters extremely awkward.

    Flog61 posted: »

    There are scary parts of everywhere. Need I remind you of the thread posting pictures of Gavin Hammon, worshiping him as a god, which he himself found intensely uncomfortable?

  • Unfortunately a lot of people view the suggestion that someone might have any sort of autistic spectrum disorder as an insult... (i.e., as if you called someone retarded). However, people with Asperger's syndrome tend to have above average IQs; although they usually have impaired "interpersonal intelligence".

    peachflower posted: »

    maybe i expressed myself wrong not exactly "fun" but refreshing not all autistic people live miserable lives. a lot of them are able to function "normally" in society and grow up to be happy succesful people

  • If people want to relate with a character, i don't see the harm. Short replies today, vodka hangover is really bad.

    Lahkesis posted: »

    It doesn't matter, the point is that people try to make something out of nothing because reasons.

  • yeah i know what you mean, but people seeing "autistic" as an insult are sadly usually very ignorant people

    you're right. im an aspie but i've heard that i have good interpersonal skills but i guess it's different for everyone. autism comes in so many forms and shapes and it expresses itself in so many different symptoms and ways

    daveyd posted: »

    Unfortunately a lot of people view the suggestion that someone might have any sort of autistic spectrum disorder as an insult... (i.e., as

  • edited March 2015

    I must have assburgers, according to that list.

    peachflower posted: »

    just in case anyone's curious, i found this its pretty damn accurate (for me at least)

  • I'm just saying, people are quick to critisise tumblr as the home of all bad things, while ignoring the shit happening right under their nose.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I don't think I ever even clicked on that thread so I don't know what was going on there.

  • ...labels are pretty necessary scientifically.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    to quote Romeo and Juliet. "What's in a name? that which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet " We need to get away from labels IMO.

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