What do You Guys Think of Daenerys Targaryen?

I think she's awesome, but she's gonna get screwed over. Saving all of those slaves is gonna whip her in the butt.


  • edited March 2015

    who doesn't like her? she's a total badass.


    the book is called "A Song of Fire and Ice". most people think she's the fire and jon snow is the ice :P I personally think she has a good chance of being the one on the iron throne in the end.

  • who doesn't like her?

    Lots of people.

    jules_v_g posted: »

    who doesn't like her? she's a total badass. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvGd5hq5ghw the book is called "A Song of Fire and Ice". m

  • i have yet to meet anyone who doesn't like her. why would they, anywho? she hasn't done anything wrong.

    who doesn't like her? Lots of people.

  • Lots of people hate her because they find her to be a bitch and a slut and tons of other things. I'm surprised you haven't met anyone else who doesn't like her, the Game of Thrones fandom is pretty split 50/50 on whether or not they like her.

    jules_v_g posted: »

    i have yet to meet anyone who doesn't like her. why would they, anywho? she hasn't done anything wrong.

  • that she's obsessed with dragon...s.

  • I think she's a great character with a good heart but an awful leader. If she listened to her advisors more and wasn't so hot headed occasionally she'd be a great Queen IMO

  • Lots of people hate her because they find her to be a bitch and a slut

    Alt text

    Lots of people hate her because they find her to be a bitch and a slut and tons of other things. I'm surprised you haven't met anyone else who doesn't like her, the Game of Thrones fandom is pretty split 50/50 on whether or not they like her.

  • Its true, I'm not lying. Look up some other Game of Thrones forums and communities in general and you will see that calling her a bitch is one of the nicest things some people say about her.

    jules_v_g posted: »

    Lots of people hate her because they find her to be a bitch and a slut

  • da f is wrong with people

    Its true, I'm not lying. Look up some other Game of Thrones forums and communities in general and you will see that calling her a bitch is one of the nicest things some people say about her.

  • It seems like people dislike her because they find her pretentious and she makes awful decisions, but I can't really say personally since I don't dislike her.

    jules_v_g posted: »

    i have yet to meet anyone who doesn't like her. why would they, anywho? she hasn't done anything wrong.

  • She is one of my favorite characters, but I feel as though she is slowly slipping into the Targaryen Madness

  • edited February 2015

    The bannerwoman of SJWs everywhere.

    She's a pretentious airhead and a horrible leader. I'd sooner see Ramsay Bolton on the throne than her. At least he's the entertaining kind of crazy.

  • edited February 2015

    I hate her


    "Long term advisor who's helped me for years GET OUT"

    "Killing people is bad lets kill more!"

    "OMG my husbands raped and tortured this people lets try and make friends. See people all yo have to do is be nice and people. WAIT WHAT ARE YOU DOING"

    "Hmmm my city's in chaos cause of my dragons I can't be bothered to train, what should I do oh I know fuck a sellsword!"

    "These people killed people every one must now die!"

    She's obnoxious, a poor leader and one of those characters we are clearly meant to like but she just annoys people. Her story also stagnates along with being compleley apart from any other characters.

    I actually liked her to begin with in the books but she just gets worse and worse, I like pretty much every character in the series even most of the villans as villainous characters. My only hope is that this has been a long set up for her to be the main antagonist (game of throns style so we can understand her), A crazy targareyan with dragons

  • Did you read the books, Snookie? She is a fantastic leader! Enduring that kind of hardship forged her into what she is now. Her only faults are her idealism and believe that she can save all slaves. She doesn't have experience. Don't forget how YOUNG she is. In the books she was only 13 when we first "meet" her, if I remember right. So now she is like what? 14 or 15.

    The bannerwoman of SJWs everywhere. She's a pretentious airhead and a horrible leader. I'd sooner see Ramsay Bolton on the throne than her. At least he's the entertaining kind of crazy.

  • edited February 2015

    Daenerys is a good character but first off she is set in a shitty position in Essos and has a shitty situation ahead of herself as its getting more and more difficult of ruling Mereen. Odds are she is either going to be consumed by Targaryen madness as Shadow said earlier or she will die. as a result of either 2 of those events even that little shit Ludd Whitehill would have a better chance at the iron throne as everybody in Westeros most likely doesn't want to see something like the Mad King reappear.

  • Her biggest problem is that while she can conquer territory she doesn't know how to hold onto it. She doesn't have the proper mentality for good governance.

  • I think things are going too well for her, something bad will happen to her.

  • She is the awesome.

    Best female hero in fantasy literature.

  • Have to say that I can't stand Dany either. She's trying to be all about "doing the right thing" and to see how "badass" she can make herself seem. Arrogant child imo. Fact is, she's destabilizing an entire continent and not rebuilding the infrastructure she destroyed. She has no understanding of ruling of city, let alone all 7 kingdoms. Maybe she could rule the Iron Throne in a decade or two.

  • When she was roaming from one city-state to another city-state demanding help with no leverage, and even promised to give up one of her dragons, I thought she was just too naive to play the game of thrones. So when she backstabbed the slave master and massacred all the masters with her slave army, I was pleasantly surprised. Because that is a proper player instead of a silly girl demanding her birthright from a bunch of highly intelligent businessmen.

  • I really hope that by the end of the series her name would be Daenerys Blackfyre (very unlikely but could be super cool)..

    There is another Targaryen who's the one true king in my opinion.

  • Nothing , coz she actually is a really unfit ruler .

    Is she a good person ? yes .

    Does she deserve the throne by birthright ? no(Targaryans are no longer in any kind of power) .

    Is she a clever person ? no .

    Has she actually achieved something on her own ? honestly , no , not so much . Almost everything has been handed to her(even her dragon eggs were gifts) . Others win the wars FOR her without her having any significant role .

    Is she prepared for duties of a ruler ? no way ! She's just a naive kid trying to act all grown up . She rules with her emotions instead of her mind . She actually believes that her father wasn't a bad person as they say ! She dares to call Ned Stark(and Starks in general) "dogs" while her own father murdered Ned's father and brother in such a monstrous way .

    jules_v_g posted: »

    da f is wrong with people

  • She is a teenage girl who sees herself as a god. Needless to say not my favorite character.

  • As I've said elsewhere, my final judgement of the character will depend a lot on whether or not GRRM is intentionally setting us up to like her less and less, or whether he's simply doing it by accident.

    If she ultimately ends up as a tragic character who wants to do good but is so arrogant, impulsive and short-sighted that she just constantly makes things worse, I'll judge her in retrospect as one of the most interesting characters in the series, another example of GRRM screwing with our expectations.

    If she's meant to be a character we still like and want to see win, and she'll eventually become a messianic figure who saves everybody with her dragons, then she just straight-out sucks. I hope GRRM has better judgement than that.

  • I agree with pretty much all this

    As I've said elsewhere, my final judgement of the character will depend a lot on whether or not GRRM is intentionally setting us up to like

  • She's alright. There are good intentions which is nice to see in such a brutal universe, but she's clearly inexperienced and she does screw up quite a bit.
    She does seem to have a bit of a hero complex which I do find irritating at times. But I still like her for now.

  • I'm getting into ADWD and I'm liking her more, now that she's really learning what being a ruler means, the decisions and compromises (and her resistance to compromise in certain areas). She still has a ways to go, and she's not my favorite character by several, but she's growing on me.

  • Ramsay Bolton on the Iron Throne....

    That's something that needs to happen.

    The bannerwoman of SJWs everywhere. She's a pretentious airhead and a horrible leader. I'd sooner see Ramsay Bolton on the throne than her. At least he's the entertaining kind of crazy.

  • Viserys is the true king. XD

    Who are you referring to? I have no idea lol.

    Upshaw posted: »

    I really hope that by the end of the series her name would be Daenerys Blackfyre (very unlikely but could be super cool).. There is another Targaryen who's the one true king in my opinion.

  • Who are you referring to? I have no idea lol.

    They mean Jon Snow.

    Viserys is the true king. XD Who are you referring to? I have no idea lol.

  • Wait, what?

    Is Jon Snow???

    I don't even know. Can you explain?

    Who are you referring to? I have no idea lol. They mean Jon Snow.

  • edited March 2015

    One of the most popular theories in the fandom is that Jon Snow is actually the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark. There's a lot of set up for it.

    Might be why it's called 'A Song of Ice and Fire' in the first place.

    Wait, what? Is Jon Snow??? I don't even know. Can you explain?

  • edited March 2015

    I belive in the theory that R+L=J too but I actually meant the Young Griff (at lest I hope he is real)

    One of the most popular theories in the fandom is that Jon Snow is actually the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark. There's a lot of set up for it. Might be why it's called 'A Song of Ice and Fire' in the first place.

  • i have only ever heard people saying that jon snow is the song of ice and fire, not deanerys. but i guess that you have to know the theory of R+L=J to argue that this is true.

    jules_v_g posted: »

    who doesn't like her? she's a total badass. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvGd5hq5ghw the book is called "A Song of Fire and Ice". m

  • birthright has nothing to with whether you or your family have power or not.

    Arrowtic posted: »

    Nothing , coz she actually is a really unfit ruler . Is she a good person ? yes . Does she deserve the throne by birthright ? no(Targa

  • You have to admire her for trying to become a better ruler. People often see her flaws more than her desire to genuinely want people under her rule to live well and comfortable.

    Bluebirdo posted: »

    I'm getting into ADWD and I'm liking her more, now that she's really learning what being a ruler means, the decisions and compromises (and h

  • A bitch and a slut?

    Two gendered insults? How unpredictable.

    Lots of people hate her because they find her to be a bitch and a slut and tons of other things. I'm surprised you haven't met anyone else who doesn't like her, the Game of Thrones fandom is pretty split 50/50 on whether or not they like her.

  • I never said that about her, its what other people say.

    Flog61 posted: »

    A bitch and a slut? Two gendered insults? How unpredictable.

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