
Lee is not dead :( Clementine missed his head and after she left somebody came and cured Lee obviously

I was just making fun of some of those people out there



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    He's dead.

  • Is this one of those "Not Dead" theory ripoff posts haha?

    Nick is not dead... They were cosplayers.

    Or... Nick's being resides in his hat. Whoever places it on will instantly become Nick.

  • edited March 2015

    think of this same theory but with duck.

    "Duck's not dead, Lee/Kenny missed at the last second! Oh, and he wasn't bit either! He just had the flu!"

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    see what i mean? xD?

  • When Luke drowns/ gets pulled down by walker, a pod of magical lake/river dolphins saved him...

  • Ben confirmed for season 3.

    He's gonna come back with facial hair. "I got lucky... real lucky".

  • Why dont you guys just start your own "lee lives fan fiction thread" where you can discuss theories amongst yourselfs and stop trying to convince everyone to go along with your idea.

    The majority will never believe this theory its a fruitless task trying to convince us.its totally illogical

  • edited March 2015

    We're ripping them off...

    Why dont you guys just start your own "lee lives fan fiction thread" where you can discuss theories amongst yourselfs and stop trying to con

  • Travis isn't dead.

    His dad was special forces.
    He knows what he's doing...

  • Spoiler

    Larry not dead!

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  • edited March 2015

    Either he's Superman or I'm Elvis.

  • I'd almost pay to see that!

    Ben confirmed for season 3. He's gonna come back with facial hair. "I got lucky... real lucky".

  • "Thank You! Thank you very much!"

    Either he's Superman or I'm Elvis.

  • When Luke drowns/ gets pulled down by walker, a pod of magical lake/river dolphins saved him...

  • Spoiler

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    "He's not dead! His good looks fought off the walker and he made it back to the surface in time!"

  • edited March 2015

    Oh so it's not the magical dolphin pod...?

    Must've got my facts wrong.

    Also the second vid. Luke face at 12 seconds cracked me up!

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    Oh please... Genie will save him: Come on Westernized Aladdin! You can make it! Or you know, maybe the moon: Telltale did you just watch this movie and go 'hey let's drop Luke in a lake, it looks so pretty' because darn you all

  • edited March 2015

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    Carver definitely is not dead. Let's face it guys, Kenny ruined his face, but maybe he's still alive!!! I mean, we did not wait to see if he was gonna wake up, maybe he was just pretending? Or just passed out? xD

  • Terribly sorry to tell you this but Lee is dead. Although at the time it was sad but just think he left a powerful legacy in a small eleven-year old girl.

  • This is true season 2 ending.


    TheCatWolf posted: »

    Carver definitely is not dead. Let's face it guys, Kenny ruined his face, but maybe he's still alive!!! I mean, we did not wait to see if he was gonna wake up, maybe he was just pretending? Or just passed out? xD

  • Lee is protoplasm now...

    But the protoplasm will fuse together and form another Lee in time for season 3.

    (You're aware we're joking right?)

    noblue22 posted: »

    Terribly sorry to tell you this but Lee is dead. Although at the time it was sad but just think he left a powerful legacy in a small eleven-year old girl.

  • edited March 2015

    You Shut Your Mouth! I can confirm the kill! I was there.... And why are you showing a photo of my ass to everyone? Did you ever think about that? Next time you THINK about what you're posting because you just Insulted my kind and it's killing credibility....

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  • facepalm
    I read the first line and thought it was another one of those threads again. lol

    Lee is protoplasm now... But the protoplasm will fuse together and form another Lee in time for season 3. (You're aware we're joking right?)

  • Yeah haha. I almost did too, but then I realised what was going on here.
    I was like, yep... I'm down with this.

    noblue22 posted: »

    facepalm I read the first line and thought it was another one of those threads again. lol

  • lol, agreed!

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    I'd almost pay to see that!

  • Considering the trajectory of the angle that Clementine shot him at even if she did stutter to the side she still would have shot him in the head


    This is true season 2 ending. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_bLnomq1Fs

  • They say it like blueblerries.

    TheCatWolf posted: »


  • sorry Mr. Saltlick123 didnt know that was your behind....again my apologies.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    You Shut Your Mouth! I can confirm the kill! I was there.... And why are you showing a photo of my ass to everyone? Did you ever think about

  • Lol can someone make a video of Kenny beating Carver with the crowbar, and then after it's over, just splice in Omid's line "You ruined that dude's face."

    TheCatWolf posted: »

    Carver definitely is not dead. Let's face it guys, Kenny ruined his face, but maybe he's still alive!!! I mean, we did not wait to see if he was gonna wake up, maybe he was just pretending? Or just passed out? xD

  • edited March 2015

    didnt know

    You didn't know? Huh? You're telling me that you DIDN'T KNOW! You just think that because you're an ignorant user that you can just post a picture of my ass and insult my killing credibility!? THAT'S NOT HOW IT WORKS!

    I'll see you in Mod Court....

    sorry Mr. Saltlick123 didnt know that was your behind....again my apologies.

  • Nick fury's dead

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    Saltlick123 posted: »

    didnt know You didn't know? Huh? You're telling me that you DIDN'T KNOW! You just think that because you're an ignorant user that yo

  • By the end of this.............This will be you..........

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    Mark my words...........I'll either bring this to mod court, Saltlick you, or take a pic of YOUR ass and show it on these Forums....Mark My Words MUHAHAHAHAHA

  • Pete is a shaven Dumbledore... he is, wait.

  • Carlos isn't dead... those bites, could have been anything 0_0

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    Saltlick123 posted: »

    By the end of this.............This will be you.......... Mark my words...........I'll either bring this to mod court, Saltlick you, or take a pic of YOUR ass and show it on these Forums....Mark My Words MUHAHAHAHAHA

  • is this for real? lee is never ever coming back. just like the last episode of season 5. NO GOING BACK!

  • Lee is love.
    Lee is life.
    Lee beats death.
    With a knife.

    (Should probably note the description...)

    Mercyva posted: »

    is this for real? lee is never ever coming back. just like the last episode of season 5. NO GOING BACK!

  • Luke is not dead either, he's just chillin' with the walkers...


    seriously? can't you be anymore specific? comics, tv series, game season 1/2 ?

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