It would've been out-of-character for Luke to be in the final confrontation against Kenny. He's too nice a guy, Jane had that sass to her to be able to take Kenny on.
Heck I struggled with what to do with that final choice, it timed out on me and I was glad with the result I got. I think if it wasn't for that Lee flashback where I was reminded that good people do bad things, I would've shot Kenny.
Not really... the finale felt pretty mishandled, especially with how Telltale thought that Kenny vs Jane was somehow more of tearjerker than… more Kenny vs Luke, even though Luke was introduced from the very first episode of S2, and was one of the few members of the cabin group who wasn't a complete idiot. He was probably the most likable member of the group and so instead of being wasted in that drowning scene we should have had that ultimate build up to finally force Clem to choose between him or Kenny - but no, somehow its the recently introduced Jane whose a worthy alternate choice to Kenny.
It would have been much cooler to see two leaders like Kenny and Luke finally clash, that would have had far more impact than Kenny vs Jane.
I would like to discuss a few points with you. You mentioned at point 3 that there are less character development in the cast. I think Telltale should have made the new group smaller and tighter. It would have given room to character development and maintain the main story.
Carver should have lasted longer. Maybe not have the whole group captured in episode 2. Episode 3 would have been better as it could have lead up to episode 4 where they could have made a monumental cliffhanger ending.
Also, I think that Kenny shouldn't have come back. His presence take away a lot of screen-time from the new group. Maybe a cameo or something, but he shouldn't have taken all that space.
I personally love Season 2, but I can try and explain a few of the complaints:
* Shorter episodes: Much of Season 1's episodes were wel… morel over two hours, the exception being the final episode. In Season 2, Telltale decided to cut the episode lengths down to an hour and a half. You're paying the same price for shorter episodes, that's not exactly going to sit well with some people.
* Less hubs and exploration: A direct result of shorter episodes is that things are going to be cut so the main story can keep moving, and one of those things were hubs and the ability to explore. A common complaint of Episode 3 (one of my personal favorites but generally hated by many people) was that you are barely in control of Clementine and it causes the episode to kind of drag on and become boring because you aren't doing anything.
* Less character development: Unlike in Season 1, we didn't really get to talk to people as much in Season 2 and, therefore,… [view original content]
I don't think the number of characters they introdduced is a problem. In Season 1, the original group was Lee, Clem, Kenny, Duck, Katjaa, Lilly, Larry, and Carley/Doug. Season 2 main group was Pete, Luke, Nick, Carlos, Sarah, Rebecca, Alvin, and Clem. It's the same amount of characters, but yet some in Season 2 were underdeveloped (same can be said for Season 1 as well). Bringing in too many characters isn't really the problem, it's not being able to interact with them, which, as I stated, is a result of shorter episodes.
I would like to discuss a few points with you. You mentioned at point 3 that there are less character development in the cast. I think Tellt… moreale should have made the new group smaller and tighter. It would have given room to character development and maintain the main story.
Carver should have lasted longer. Maybe not have the whole group captured in episode 2. Episode 3 would have been better as it could have lead up to episode 4 where they could have made a monumental cliffhanger ending.
Also, I think that Kenny shouldn't have come back. His presence take away a lot of screen-time from the new group. Maybe a cameo or something, but he shouldn't have taken all that space.
Agreed, because each character would behave differently, but I still think there's some way they could've written Kenny and Luke clashing without no stupid baby hiding business needing to be involved. You could easily replace it with Luke trying to take Clem and the A.J away from Kenny because of Jane's similar beliefs of not believing Kenny to be in a sane mind or that finding Wellington won't work out. Luke declaring something like that would've gotten Kenny to go into papa wolf mode, hence a fight to defend his young getting taken away from him would've been another natural response by him. I think too the odds still would've been in both their favors if the game kept all that bonding time with Kenny up until that point still [and done right by Luke too by making him more interesting] because by that you would've believed the pair wanted to do right by the kids, and hence a clash like that would've made more sense.
For me sadly that final decision left me not caring, for reasons of the fight being so forced between two characters who I'm not even sure spoke to each other until that final episode. I reluctantly shot Kenny in an act of 'I guess I should save her, even if I don't agree with most the things she's talked about' and went with the Jane ending...because surviving on your own as an 11-year old with a baby is suicidal and stupid.
In all, the game ending with a fight like that felt generic. Why did it have to be a fight? Why couldn't it have been something clever like that dinner table decision?
It would've been out-of-character for Luke to be in the final confrontation against Kenny. He's too nice a guy, Jane had that sass to her to… more be able to take Kenny on.
Heck I struggled with what to do with that final choice, it timed out on me and I was glad with the result I got. I think if it wasn't for that Lee flashback where I was reminded that good people do bad things, I would've shot Kenny.
Luke and Kenny get into an argument between one another, which culminates in Luke making a remark that finally makes Kenny snap and pull a gun on him, and Luke pulls one on Kenny in retaliation
Now they're both stuck in a stand-off, pointing guns at one another and ready to shoot. You can choose to stop the conflict by shooting one in order to save the other, or choosing to do nothing, causing them to shoot and kill one another.
Alternatively, you can choose to do nothing and have fate decide for you: the game will randomly choose which character shoots first, and thus, who survives. Heads or tails.
There we go. Same basic idea of Kenny v Jane, allows for multiple endings (including being alone), and allows for a heartstring-tugging death between the two of them. It also comes at the benefit of being much more equally sided than Kenny v Jane, since the deck isn't stacked in favor of one character over the other.
Agreed, because each character would behave differently, but I still think there's some way they could've written Kenny and Luke clashing wi… morethout no stupid baby hiding business needing to be involved. You could easily replace it with Luke trying to take Clem and the A.J away from Kenny because of Jane's similar beliefs of not believing Kenny to be in a sane mind or that finding Wellington won't work out. Luke declaring something like that would've gotten Kenny to go into papa wolf mode, hence a fight to defend his young getting taken away from him would've been another natural response by him. I think too the odds still would've been in both their favors if the game kept all that bonding time with Kenny up until that point still [and done right by Luke too by making him more interesting] because by that you would've believed the pair wanted to do right by the kids, and hence a clash like that would've made more sense.
For me sadly that fin… [view original content]
Ok hear me out i dont hate season 2 i just think it had tons more potential its not bad its not good its middle ground mainly because the majority of the episodes were good while the minority of the episodes were bad so its not perfect its not trash its just plain middle ground zone for me
i thought that episode 1 and 2 were good episodes, episode 3 was alright but it just felt really rushed, episode 4 was boring, mostly filler, the ending of it was awesome, episode 5 was ok, disliked that no on clems side was killed, but episode 5 was decent, definitely was better than episodes 3 and 4.
I get what you mean. Playing as little girls in an M Rated Zombie Apocalypse game makes us feel weak. Child protagonists in general work when they're used correctly for example Jimmy Hopkins in Bully (a free roam, smash them up, funny game) worked for me
I get what you mean. Playing as little girls in an M Rated Zombie Apocalypse game makes us feel weak. Child protagonists in general work whe… moren they're used correctly for example Jimmy Hopkins in Bully (a free roam, smash them up, funny game) worked for me
I don't want to say really what i think because, petty much its been said before. What else is there to say. I feel like it was rewritten so they could reintroduce Kenny's Character to the storyline, and rehash Season 1 again. There were so many missed opportunities for character development, that were missed, Sarah, Nick, Arvo etc. IMO it was a disappointment, i probably would of preferred the original storyline without Kenny/Jane.
Me mostly because
1- Logic
2-Didn't get emotional or cry (only the boneshaking moment when Sarita is bit the music and slow motion was an amazing effect)
I find drawing relaxing. I really should do more of that since it's a skill I haven't worked on much over the years. I love doing digital art ^_^ takes a while but it's so darn easy to correct a mistake where on paper it's hell trying to get the eyes to be the saaaame. One always ends up looking bruised by how much I rub it out.
Not really... the finale felt pretty mishandled, especially with how Telltale thought that Kenny vs Jane was somehow more of tearjerker than… more Kenny vs Luke, even though Luke was introduced from the very first episode of S2, and was one of the few members of the cabin group who wasn't a complete idiot. He was probably the most likable member of the group and so instead of being wasted in that drowning scene we should have had that ultimate build up to finally force Clem to choose between him or Kenny - but no, somehow its the recently introduced Jane whose a worthy alternate choice to Kenny.
It would have been much cooler to see two leaders like Kenny and Luke finally clash, that would have had far more impact than Kenny vs Jane.
Yeah what he said, i'm sure you could do a quick search and find all the hate threads/ cross reference the points made. Some are extremely valid, some are not. I'm not going to go into it, because some people get really sensitive, when you start bashing S2 because they're blinded by fandom. For me, the biggest problem imo was a lack of direction.
They started in Episode 1 acting like Carlos was going to be the crazy Kenny role. Then in episode 2, they rewrote it, obviously and slapped Kenny in thirty seconds at the end. So now we have a character that i would say generally most people had a overall good opinion of Kenny after S1, but they decided to make him the "crazy PTSD GUY" who loses his mind , and has to be put down like a dog. So you take a character people like, and turn him into a character we hate by the end.
They take a character we like and transform him into a completely unlikeable guy. Then you think about all the possibilities of what could have been. This is just me, but personally the whole Kenny Vs Everyone theme, was in full force by episode 3. I wasn't interested in the arguing. In my mind, taking of care of Nick as requested by Uncle Pete would of been a more interesting storyline than what we got, or the relationship between Clementine and Sarah.
Missed Opportunity , after Missed Opportunity, and we got a S1 rehash.
because the writers couldn't or didn't want to challenge themselves into matching the quality of the game's predecessor while introducing new and more diverse characters and exploring more opportunities for a more exciting story direction.
Season 2 gained more detractors due to how it failed to live up to the hype, especially when it continues from the first season, which was c… moreritically acclaimed. The second season pales in comparison to the first in terms of writing, quality, content, and entertainment.
It was clear that unlike Season 1, there was a lack of passion and effort in creating Season 2, and it shows in the later episodes. Nothing new and exciting was incorporated into the story, and instead we were either given one-dimensional characters and plot, or a retelling of past plots for the sake of nostalgia.
The only positive note it that the original writers were not responsible for the mess that Season 2 had become, otherwise I would have been appalled by the idea of a universally acclaimed work that would eventually suffer from the 'sequelitis' syndrome, because they assumed that we would unquestionably love Season 2 just because it's a sequel to the critically a… [view original content]
I don't hate it. I actually really loved it. But I wish that we knew more about the cabin group characters. I really wanted to know more about those characters like for example what they did do before the apocalypse, how was life then, and how it changed their whole lives. Season 1 characters we knew how they were before and after the apocalypse and I wish we knew about the same for the cabin croup characters of Season 2. Still the other characters had good development and I still loved Season 2 for what it is.
They're probably either spoiled from S1, jumping on the "hate S2" bandwagon, being nostalgiatards or nitpicking like madmen for some reason. S2 is no where near as bad as they say. The only real bad thing I can find was that one or two characters got an 'undeserved' death, though I myself didn't notice that while playing. I actually enjoyed it more than S1. The complaints here are really ridiculously exaggerated. Potential this, lazy writing this, rushed this, undeserved that, reading all that so much really disappointed me. Not to mention it hasn't stopped to this date.
There's nothing wrong with you, the game is a classic. And every hate robot out there is going to play S3.
I feel as if I was being too hard on the second season when I first started on the forums. I wouldn't say it was a bad game on it's own but compared to the first season it did fall very flat for me in some areas. I first fell in love with interactive, dramatic, story based games ever since I played Heavy Rain and Indigo Prophecy. Then I cane across one of the best written pieces of fiction period when I played Season 1. I loved the characters and charm each one had (even the minor ones) and the interactions and relationships the player could have with those characters. The ending left me teary eyed and a die hard fan of any of what Telltale was going to release.
I bought the first episode of TWAU and was immediately intrigued with it's atmosphere, characters and a unique environment I was set in. I ended up really enjoying TWAU and it was one of my favorite games of that year (despite a subpar last episode imo)
Then I played TWD Season 2. I thought the first episode was ok despite a slow start and it being short and adored the second one to bits the remainder of the season felt blank, lacked human conflict or any sense of direction and didn't have ay reason to care for the characters. I felt the game just tried to remind me of the sad bits of Season 1 instead of building on anything of it's own
Season 2 just seemed to have less of an emotional punch as Season 1. And, to be honest, the core Season 1 Characters had far more depth and development.
1- the decisions didn't matter when it came to interacting with other characters or even with the story
2- Everyone was trying to make Kenny into the bad guy all season when he was one of the most sane.
3- they killed off luke when they should've killed off Jane
3a- Jane tried to make Kenny out to be Carver-esque when really she was the Carver-esque one
I think it was very good, just had big shoes to fill. There are some things better in S2. Like the music remember me at the end of episode 3, and other little things that i think was better. Also Sean Vanaman, the driving mind of TWD S1 and was responsible for letting Kenny Live quit Telltale to do his own projects. He was basically made the story.
loved the first 2 episodes, episode 3 was ok it just felt rushed and episode 4 was 90% filler, episode 5 was good but i hated the way the shootout ended up in episode 5, everyone had a gun aimed at someone and everyone on clems side lived? ok
loved the first 2 episodes, episode 3 was ok it just felt rushed and episode 4 was 90% filler, episode 5 was good but i hated the way the shootout ended up in episode 5, everyone had a gun aimed at someone and everyone on clems side lived? ok
I really liked Season 2, not as much as Season 1 but it was still pretty good and No Going Back is personally my favorite episode of TWD, with the second being obviously No Time Left.
None of the characters got any time to develop because there was no downtime. It was a rollercoaster. Thankfully, TellTale have learnt from this and GoT and TftB have a lot of hubs were you can talk to people and learn about them. TWDS1 was great because you cared about the characters, but in Season 2 you don't know enough about them to actually care.
The problem is they probably scrapped the whole last 3 episodes and we're making them on the way as they pushed episodes out. The first episode, I wanted to really like, but I lost omid and christa so fast (not really a bad thing, I was just emotional)
I really think them bringing back kenny could've been handled so much better. They almost had it, but they rushed it all after episode 2... Even though the first two episodes were pretty rushed.
loved the first 2 episodes, episode 3 was ok it just felt rushed and episode 4 was 90% filler, episode 5 was good but i hated the way the shootout ended up in episode 5, everyone had a gun aimed at someone and everyone on clems side lived? ok
I actually started hating season 2 when I thought about the game from a non kenny-fan perspective. There's just so many more forced things in this game than season 1 that it actually goes against the idea that everything you do effects the storyline.
And they force you to love Kenny.. It's pretty weak. I wouldn't be surprised if he survives to season 3, and ends up finding a boat
Season Two was...okay, but SuperClem...idk. I like her just fine, but the things she was doing made everyone else look incompetent. If she was 15 or older, then it'd be more believable, but not at 11. If they were set in stone about Lee dying, it should have been at the end of Season Two, and we should be playing as Clementine in her mid to late teens in Season 3, IMO.
It would've been out-of-character for Luke to be in the final confrontation against Kenny. He's too nice a guy, Jane had that sass to her to be able to take Kenny on.
Heck I struggled with what to do with that final choice, it timed out on me and I was glad with the result I got. I think if it wasn't for that Lee flashback where I was reminded that good people do bad things, I would've shot Kenny.
I would like to discuss a few points with you. You mentioned at point 3 that there are less character development in the cast. I think Telltale should have made the new group smaller and tighter. It would have given room to character development and maintain the main story.
Carver should have lasted longer. Maybe not have the whole group captured in episode 2. Episode 3 would have been better as it could have lead up to episode 4 where they could have made a monumental cliffhanger ending.
Also, I think that Kenny shouldn't have come back. His presence take away a lot of screen-time from the new group. Maybe a cameo or something, but he shouldn't have taken all that space.
I can never get tired of that gif. Thank you.
I don't think the number of characters they introdduced is a problem. In Season 1, the original group was Lee, Clem, Kenny, Duck, Katjaa, Lilly, Larry, and Carley/Doug. Season 2 main group was Pete, Luke, Nick, Carlos, Sarah, Rebecca, Alvin, and Clem. It's the same amount of characters, but yet some in Season 2 were underdeveloped (same can be said for Season 1 as well). Bringing in too many characters isn't really the problem, it's not being able to interact with them, which, as I stated, is a result of shorter episodes.
Agreed, because each character would behave differently, but I still think there's some way they could've written Kenny and Luke clashing without no stupid baby hiding business needing to be involved. You could easily replace it with Luke trying to take Clem and the A.J away from Kenny because of Jane's similar beliefs of not believing Kenny to be in a sane mind or that finding Wellington won't work out. Luke declaring something like that would've gotten Kenny to go into papa wolf mode, hence a fight to defend his young getting taken away from him would've been another natural response by him. I think too the odds still would've been in both their favors if the game kept all that bonding time with Kenny up until that point still [and done right by Luke too by making him more interesting] because by that you would've believed the pair wanted to do right by the kids, and hence a clash like that would've made more sense.
For me sadly that final decision left me not caring, for reasons of the fight being so forced between two characters who I'm not even sure spoke to each other until that final episode. I reluctantly shot Kenny in an act of 'I guess I should save her, even if I don't agree with most the things she's talked about' and went with the Jane ending...because surviving on your own as an 11-year old with a baby is suicidal and stupid.
In all, the game ending with a fight like that felt generic. Why did it have to be a fight? Why couldn't it have been something clever like that dinner table decision?
Luke and Kenny get into an argument between one another, which culminates in Luke making a remark that finally makes Kenny snap and pull a gun on him, and Luke pulls one on Kenny in retaliation
Now they're both stuck in a stand-off, pointing guns at one another and ready to shoot. You can choose to stop the conflict by shooting one in order to save the other, or choosing to do nothing, causing them to shoot and kill one another.
Alternatively, you can choose to do nothing and have fate decide for you: the game will randomly choose which character shoots first, and thus, who survives. Heads or tails.
There we go. Same basic idea of Kenny v Jane, allows for multiple endings (including being alone), and allows for a heartstring-tugging death between the two of them. It also comes at the benefit of being much more equally sided than Kenny v Jane, since the deck isn't stacked in favor of one character over the other.
Ok hear me out i dont hate season 2 i just think it had tons more potential its not bad its not good its middle ground mainly because the majority of the episodes were good while the minority of the episodes were bad so its not perfect its not trash its just plain middle ground zone for me
i thought that episode 1 and 2 were good episodes, episode 3 was alright but it just felt really rushed, episode 4 was boring, mostly filler, the ending of it was awesome, episode 5 was ok, disliked that no on clems side was killed, but episode 5 was decent, definitely was better than episodes 3 and 4.
Well it was a hard choice to make at first, but, I thought it was a tense scene and it was well done, in my opinion.
I get what you mean. Playing as little girls in an M Rated Zombie Apocalypse game makes us feel weak. Child protagonists in general work when they're used correctly for example Jimmy Hopkins in Bully (a free roam, smash them up, funny game) worked for me
Because it's inferior to the first season.
Jimmy Hopkins was freakin' Perfect. Bully was awesome.
I don't want to say really what i think because, petty much its been said before. What else is there to say. I feel like it was rewritten so they could reintroduce Kenny's Character to the storyline, and rehash Season 1 again. There were so many missed opportunities for character development, that were missed, Sarah, Nick, Arvo etc. IMO it was a disappointment, i probably would of preferred the original storyline without Kenny/Jane.
Me mostly because
1- Logic
2-Didn't get emotional or cry (only the boneshaking moment when Sarita is bit the music and slow motion was an amazing effect)
So yeah that's it
Thank you for the vote of confidence, or whatever, but I am a lowly neophyte, mediocre at best. ...But writing is relaxing, so I still do it. .-.
I find drawing relaxing. I really should do more of that since it's a skill I haven't worked on much over the years. I love doing digital art ^_^ takes a while but it's so darn easy to correct a mistake where on paper it's hell trying to get the eyes to be the saaaame. One always ends up looking bruised by how much I rub it out.
Kenny vs. Luke? ...they hardly ever interacted with each other (apart from that table scene) kenny had nothing against luke, however he hated Jane
Yeah what he said, i'm sure you could do a quick search and find all the hate threads/ cross reference the points made. Some are extremely valid, some are not. I'm not going to go into it, because some people get really sensitive, when you start bashing S2 because they're blinded by fandom. For me, the biggest problem imo was a lack of direction.
They started in Episode 1 acting like Carlos was going to be the crazy Kenny role. Then in episode 2, they rewrote it, obviously and slapped Kenny in thirty seconds at the end. So now we have a character that i would say generally most people had a overall good opinion of Kenny after S1, but they decided to make him the "crazy PTSD GUY" who loses his mind , and has to be put down like a dog. So you take a character people like, and turn him into a character we hate by the end.
They take a character we like and transform him into a completely unlikeable guy. Then you think about all the possibilities of what could have been. This is just me, but personally the whole Kenny Vs Everyone theme, was in full force by episode 3. I wasn't interested in the arguing. In my mind, taking of care of Nick as requested by Uncle Pete would of been a more interesting storyline than what we got, or the relationship between Clementine and Sarah.
Missed Opportunity , after Missed Opportunity, and we got a S1 rehash.
Because this is the Telltale forums. For the most part, we hate everything.
But they did do that with season 2.
I don't hate it. I actually really loved it. But I wish that we knew more about the cabin group characters. I really wanted to know more about those characters like for example what they did do before the apocalypse, how was life then, and how it changed their whole lives. Season 1 characters we knew how they were before and after the apocalypse and I wish we knew about the same for the cabin croup characters of Season 2. Still the other characters had good development and I still loved Season 2 for what it is.
Because sometimes people have different opinions than others.
Because it was bad.
They're probably either spoiled from S1, jumping on the "hate S2" bandwagon, being nostalgiatards or nitpicking like madmen for some reason. S2 is no where near as bad as they say. The only real bad thing I can find was that one or two characters got an 'undeserved' death, though I myself didn't notice that while playing. I actually enjoyed it more than S1. The complaints here are really ridiculously exaggerated. Potential this, lazy writing this, rushed this, undeserved that, reading all that so much really disappointed me. Not to mention it hasn't stopped to this date.
There's nothing wrong with you, the game is a classic. And every hate robot out there is going to play S3.
I feel as if I was being too hard on the second season when I first started on the forums. I wouldn't say it was a bad game on it's own but compared to the first season it did fall very flat for me in some areas. I first fell in love with interactive, dramatic, story based games ever since I played Heavy Rain and Indigo Prophecy. Then I cane across one of the best written pieces of fiction period when I played Season 1. I loved the characters and charm each one had (even the minor ones) and the interactions and relationships the player could have with those characters. The ending left me teary eyed and a die hard fan of any of what Telltale was going to release.
I bought the first episode of TWAU and was immediately intrigued with it's atmosphere, characters and a unique environment I was set in. I ended up really enjoying TWAU and it was one of my favorite games of that year (despite a subpar last episode imo)
Then I played TWD Season 2. I thought the first episode was ok despite a slow start and it being short and adored the second one to bits the remainder of the season felt blank, lacked human conflict or any sense of direction and didn't have ay reason to care for the characters. I felt the game just tried to remind me of the sad bits of Season 1 instead of building on anything of it's own
Season 2 just seemed to have less of an emotional punch as Season 1. And, to be honest, the core Season 1 Characters had far more depth and development.
Season 2 sucked because
1- the decisions didn't matter when it came to interacting with other characters or even with the story
2- Everyone was trying to make Kenny into the bad guy all season when he was one of the most sane.
3- they killed off luke when they should've killed off Jane
3a- Jane tried to make Kenny out to be Carver-esque when really she was the Carver-esque one
I think it was very good, just had big shoes to fill. There are some things better in S2. Like the music remember me at the end of episode 3, and other little things that i think was better. Also Sean Vanaman, the driving mind of TWD S1 and was responsible for letting Kenny Live quit Telltale to do his own projects. He was basically made the story.
loved the first 2 episodes, episode 3 was ok it just felt rushed and episode 4 was 90% filler, episode 5 was good but i hated the way the shootout ended up in episode 5, everyone had a gun aimed at someone and everyone on clems side lived? ok
Remember waiting for s2e5 and people like drew a map of where everyones positions were and stuff? All for nothing ahhhhhhhhhh
I really liked Season 2, not as much as Season 1 but it was still pretty good and No Going Back is personally my favorite episode of TWD, with the second being obviously No Time Left.
Maybe because it was kind of hmm you know...
None of the characters got any time to develop because there was no downtime. It was a rollercoaster. Thankfully, TellTale have learnt from this and GoT and TftB have a lot of hubs were you can talk to people and learn about them. TWDS1 was great because you cared about the characters, but in Season 2 you don't know enough about them to actually care.
haha i do, and then when episode 5 came out some of the peoples places were switched xD
The problem is they probably scrapped the whole last 3 episodes and we're making them on the way as they pushed episodes out. The first episode, I wanted to really like, but I lost omid and christa so fast (not really a bad thing, I was just emotional)
I really think them bringing back kenny could've been handled so much better. They almost had it, but they rushed it all after episode 2... Even though the first two episodes were pretty rushed.
I wanted more Pete!
I liked Season 2. It's far from flawless, but I still think it's good.
I actually started hating season 2 when I thought about the game from a non kenny-fan perspective. There's just so many more forced things in this game than season 1 that it actually goes against the idea that everything you do effects the storyline.
And they force you to love Kenny.. It's pretty weak. I wouldn't be surprised if he survives to season 3, and ends up finding a boat
Season Two was...okay, but SuperClem...idk. I like her just fine, but the things she was doing made everyone else look incompetent. If she was 15 or older, then it'd be more believable, but not at 11. If they were set in stone about Lee dying, it should have been at the end of Season Two, and we should be playing as Clementine in her mid to late teens in Season 3, IMO.