Did Anyone Else Tear Up When...

Daenerys locked up her dragons?


  • I didn't really, I guess it didn't really bother me because it was necessary

  • edited March 2015

    I thought this was going to ask when Talia sung in Lost Lords but I think a tear shook loose

  • It didn't really bother me

  • Jorah Mormont and Barristan Selmy are the only people part of her story I can stand, so no, I did not tear up.

  • I knew it was coming, but i did feel bad for the dragons. As for Daenerys, it seems like everything she does just makes me want to strangle her. This was one of those times, the dragons are really one of the only advantages she had. And they are a part of her. She claims the title Breaker of Chains and then locks up her own children, just for being what they are. One of the biggest hypocrites in ASOIAF iMO.

  • The only part of Daenerys' story that could ever make me tear up is seeing Daenerys exile Jorah.

    He looked so crushed. ;_;

  • I only tear up when I yawn. I am dead inside.

  • I laughed at the fact they finally stopped making dany perfect in the show, its not as bad as tyrion but pretty close

  • I don't hate Daenerys, but that scene didn't hit me.

    What did hit me was the parting scene with Jaime and Tyrion.

  • I hate Daenerys and her fucking dragons, She becomes a really close minded mean bitch as the way i see it.

  • And it was really toned down compared to that part in the books. That one chapter was a really major factor behind both characters in the following books, it's kind of a shame to me they left so much out in the show.

    I don't hate Daenerys, but that scene didn't hit me. What did hit me was the parting scene with Jaime and Tyrion.

  • Nope. I like Dany as a character and person but she is the worst decision maker ever. Locking up her dragons is just part of a long list of dumb mistakes she has made, so at that point I was just used to it.

  • The only thing that I don't like about show Tyrion is that Peter Dinklage is far too good looking for what Tyrion in the books is supposed to look like. Otherwise, they captured his character pretty well (but toned down his brutality).

    I laughed at the fact they finally stopped making dany perfect in the show, its not as bad as tyrion but pretty close

  • I was disappointed that they left that Huge underlying motivation for both brothers out of the show. And yet still left that 'don't say that word again' line from Tyrion to Tywin in. Makes no sense without the whole Tysha factor behind it. Not to mention that Tyrion spends the whole next book reflecting on her, Jaime, Tywin, and where whores go.

    And it was really toned down compared to that part in the books. That one chapter was a really major factor behind both characters in the following books, it's kind of a shame to me they left so much out in the show.

  • Plus Jamie being stuck on 'Fucking Lancel and osmund kettleblack and Moonboy for all i know' was a big part of Jamie's chapters after that so the show is either going in a different direction or will get there another way. Not necissarily a bad thing though.

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    I was disappointed that they left that Huge underlying motivation for both brothers out of the show. And yet still left that 'don't say that

  • I forgot about Jaimes reiterations about Lancel and Moonboy...thanks for the reminder. I heard that the show is sending Jaime to Dorne, so i guess we will see.

    Plus Jamie being stuck on 'Fucking Lancel and osmund kettleblack and Moonboy for all i know' was a big part of Jamie's chapters after that s

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