The Vent/Help Thread



  • We're honest with you. You don't deserve to be a second thought, forget about this chick, if she comes back to her then tell her that she's not in your equation and leave it there.

    I really appreciate it, you guys. You're all the best.

  • I appreciate it, man. Will do.

    We're honest with you. You don't deserve to be a second thought, forget about this chick, if she comes back to her then tell her that she's not in your equation and leave it there.

  • Don't get attached to people so much. If you'd contemplate suicide because of some failed relationship that didn't even last half a year then you are way too clingy (i'm not insulting you). Life isn't all about finding a soulmate, you can find happiness without one. Course finding one isn't bad either, just don't make it your top priority, that girl wasn't worth your time.

    I am so depressed right now my girlfriend called me asking if i would actually kill myself if she broke up with me i said no but shes talkin

  • edited August 2016

    Yeah why is it that consoles keep getting prioritized all of a sudden? I remember the days I would feel terrible that PC was getting so much better graphics and Content than my poor old Xbox. Now its like bizzaro world.

    Now I haven't played or watched any of the batman game yet and only the first episode is out so I can't give my opinion on that right now, b

  • PC still gets the much better graphics and content. It just gets it broken.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Yeah why is it that consoles keep getting prioritized all of a sudden? I remember the days I would feel terrible that PC was getting so much better graphics and Content than my poor old Xbox. Now its like bizzaro world.

  • edited August 2016

    I know. Still its becoming more and more clear that companies are making a HUGE push for next gen over pc. Sony and Microsoft keep releasing all the games they believe are going to be acclaimed as exclusives. Which so far has worked like gold for Sony with HUGE hits like Until Dawn and the immensely positive response for Detroit: Become Human.

    PC seems more and more like an afterthought. Rocksteady cared so little for Batman Arkham Knights PC release that they gave the programing over to WB Montreal. Microsoft cared so little about Quantum Break's release that they ignored even basic problems with it.

    I just think it's becoming a trend.

    PC still gets the much better graphics and content. It just gets it broken.

  • No offense to you, mate, but your girlfriend is a whore.

    Well, the abridged version of the story is pretty much a whole lot of me being lead on. What really got me was being told not to worry b

  • Not even my girlfriend. So none taken.

    No offense to you, mate, but your girlfriend is a whore.

  • I know what it's like to be on both ends of a clingy relationship and, let me tell you, it doesn't end well for anyone. I've been clingy, they've been clingy, we both wanted attention when neither of us could get it and it really wasn't fun.

    My advice to you would be to take a break from the relationship for a while. If it's gotten to the point where you believe you might actually end your life if a person leaves, it is time to reevaluate your relationship and decide whether or not it's best to even be in one right now. Take some time for yourself, get busy, find things that make you happy besides another person. Relationships should not be the glue that keeps your life from falling apart. Saying things like "if she leaves, I will probably kill myself"... have you any idea what that does to a person?

    Please don't rely on other people for your happiness. You'll be let down every time.

    I am so depressed right now my girlfriend called me asking if i would actually kill myself if she broke up with me i said no but shes talkin

  • Don't talk with her about break up, go with her on trips, picnic, cinema, restaurant and so on, often a relationship breaks because the feel of 'adventure' is missing or because things become too normal, a routine. She may still break up in the end but this way at least you can attempt to mend things.

    I am so depressed right now my girlfriend called me asking if i would actually kill myself if she broke up with me i said no but shes talkin

  • No relationship is worth losing your mind and life over, yeah it hurts but don't stay so torn up about it for too long, I'm assuming she wouldn't want that. Try to focus on yourself,friends,family and take this as a lesson to not be overtaken by your emotions and overestimate expectations.

    I am so depressed right now my girlfriend called me asking if i would actually kill myself if she broke up with me i said no but shes talkin

  • Lol whore?

    No offense to you, mate, but your girlfriend is a whore.

  • Look, she may or may not be your 'soulmate' or whatever, but there are like 7 billion people on this world and you haven't met like 99.9% of them.

    Get real man, you are young, you better not kill yourself at 20 (I guessed) because one girl wants to break up with you. It's a waste of free life. Tell her what you feel, tell her whatever you want to, don't hide shit, I beg you. No one has time for guessing what the other part thinks.

    She is probably guilty or whatsoever, but from guilt doesn't come love. I don't think you even love her (yes I said it). You've been with her like a month or two. If it doesn't work out, it's okay, there are plenty fish in the sea.

    I am so depressed right now my girlfriend called me asking if i would actually kill myself if she broke up with me i said no but shes talkin

  • Don't think you know the meaning of the word.

    No offense to you, mate, but your girlfriend is a whore.

  • Yes.

    Sounds like something a whore would do.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Lol whore?

  • I think you got to intense to fast, she asked if you would "actually" kill yourself if she breaks up with you which suggests its something you said before and you have mentioned on here that you wanted to get a flat together its way to much and potentially creepy I know when your young and in love it gets intense fast but try and back off a little be the cool guy and dont mention killing yourself thats emotional blackmail and NOT COOL BRO

    I am so depressed right now my girlfriend called me asking if i would actually kill myself if she broke up with me i said no but shes talkin

  • That's whoreible. ;) ;)

    On a serious note, AFAIK whores cheat and don't let you know you are the side bae, no?

    Yes. Sounds like something a whore would do.

  • Yes. Sounds like something a whore would do.

  • Im getting my driving lessons done and should have the test done in a couple of months as for money my new job earns over triple of what i was earning before

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    Well, don't kill yourself over her. She's not worth that. And she may come back around later, anyway. Just concentrate on establishing your independence. Make enough money to live on your own, and get that driving thing taken care of.

  • edited August 2016

    She broke up with me last night i was planning to have a real proper date by taking her to the cinema then to a nice restaurant guess thats not gonna happen

    joriandrake posted: »

    Don't talk with her about break up, go with her on trips, picnic, cinema, restaurant and so on, often a relationship breaks because the feel

  • I hope youre right

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Look, she may or may not be your 'soulmate' or whatever, but there are like 7 billion people on this world and you haven't met like 99.9% of

  • It hurts like hell

    No relationship is worth losing your mind and life over, yeah it hurts but don't stay so torn up about it for too long, I'm assuming she wou

  • Sorry to hear that, but don't rush trying a new girlfriend because it may end up only being done to forget this one, still, you could focus a bit more on hobbies you like, like movies or anime, go to meetings, conventions of people who like the same things you do, these should offer you a chance to meet girls who have more things in common with you and who you may be easier to talk with, plan things, and enjoy the same things.

    She broke up with me last night i was planning to have a real proper date by taking her to the cinema then to a nice restaurant guess thats not gonna happen

  • Fanfiction has gotten progressively worse over the years. I remember there was a time when I loved browsing Wattpad for new additions to my favorite fandoms, but now all I see is rubbish. It's honestly hilarious.

    There's this fanfic called "After" by Anna Todd, which is basically a One Direction/OC fic wherein the author's (completely Mary Sue and obnoxious) character pursues a relationship with Harry Styles. That in itself wouldn't bother me so much, except for the fact that it's becoming published and will eventually become a movie. Seriously?? I want to cry.

    Here's a snippet of the trash we're dealing with here:

    enter image description here

    Get ready for another Fifty Shades, guys.

  • What are Harry's thoughts? I have enough faith in humanity to think that no one will buy the book or watch the movie, but I could be wrong.

    NoGoingBack posted: »

    Fanfiction has gotten progressively worse over the years. I remember there was a time when I loved browsing Wattpad for new additions to my

  • Does mary sue mean its a projection of the author?

    NoGoingBack posted: »

    Fanfiction has gotten progressively worse over the years. I remember there was a time when I loved browsing Wattpad for new additions to my

  • 392 million people have already read it on Wattpad, lol. I don't know man, after Fifty Shades, my hope for literature is dying.

    What are Harry's thoughts?

    I actually don't know. But I found this article after a quick search:

    What are Harry's thoughts? I have enough faith in humanity to think that no one will buy the book or watch the movie, but I could be wrong.

  • It can, but it mostly means that the character has no visible flaws or faults. Like if a protagonist's only flaw is that "she cares just sooo much about other people" <-- Mary Sue.

    Does mary sue mean its a projection of the author?

  • edited August 2016

    Yeah pretty much. It's an idealized version of them, somebody who has unrealistic abilities and is so ideal that it's boring.

    Does mary sue mean its a projection of the author?

  • 392 million people have already read it

    I... can't...

    My bookshelf is crying.

    NoGoingBack posted: »

    392 million people have already read it on Wattpad, lol. I don't know man, after Fifty Shades, my hope for literature is dying. What a

  • I once (almost completed it) read a Taylor x Harry fanfiction. She had an evil twin. Good old times.

    NoGoingBack posted: »

    Fanfiction has gotten progressively worse over the years. I remember there was a time when I loved browsing Wattpad for new additions to my

  • Mary Sue == OP

    Does mary sue mean its a projection of the author?

  • I'm sure it does but don't try to beating yourself up over this. I'm assuming you're still pretty young a serious relationship shouldn't be a priority at the moment. Besides, there will always be someone else, just be patient and don't rush it.

    It hurts like hell

  • So my apparent ex girlfriend sent ne texts with kisses in and says she misses me I have no idea what the hell is going on right now enter image description here

  • Honestly, I say this with all due respect, I think she is a toxic person and you would be better off without her in your life. She seems to be an emotional toll on you. I used to be a wreck until I finally got rid of the toxic people in my life and now I've never been better. I'm not trying to control your life, but I think this is a good time for you to consider who is best to be in your life and who isn't.

    So my apparent ex girlfriend sent ne texts with kisses in and says she misses me I have no idea what the hell is going on right now

  • Maybe she feels guilty? A relationship built on guilt is bad news though.

    So my apparent ex girlfriend sent ne texts with kisses in and says she misses me I have no idea what the hell is going on right now

  • Its strange maybe we just need a break from each other for a while

    Maybe she feels guilty? A relationship built on guilt is bad news though.

  • Did you see where I said, "And she may come back around later, anyway" in my previous post? I wasn't just saying that. Everything you've said about what she's done so far points to her not being able to make firm decisions and live with them. It's up to you if you want someone like that in your life.

    So my apparent ex girlfriend sent ne texts with kisses in and says she misses me I have no idea what the hell is going on right now

  • I dont know what's going on right now its real confusing I just hope I get some clarity eventually I sent her a text saying that I thought she left me and she hasn't responded and now I've got a feeling she sent it to the wrong person but I don't know right now

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    Did you see where I said, "And she may come back around later, anyway" in my previous post? I wasn't just saying that. Everything you've s

  • edited August 2016

    Adjusting my sleep pattern is gonna be a bitch, especially when I have a 9AM class this coming semester.

    he said while being on the internet at three in the fuckin' morning

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