The Vent/Help Thread



  • edited September 2017


  • thanks!

    Clord posted: »

    To be honest, for fourteen year old they seem pretty mature.

  • @WarpSpeed , @xSensus, @Megami_Kizukanai and @Clord thank you guys. I'm feeling very down lately and your words really make this seem less terrible. I know I'm overly emotional and make a big fuss out of everything but that's also part of my problem. If I wasn't so emotional this would hurt less. But I think I will somehow manage to get out of this. Thank you :)

  • I think I stop with therapy

  • Don’t listen to those kids. Those are the types of kids who will get no where in life if they keep acting like immature shitheads. It’s great you play violin! It’s great you draw! It’s great you write! All of those hobbies will get you far in life!

    Like what @WarpSpeed said, being 14 is not the best years of anybody’s life. In fact, those were the one of the worst years of my life, and I just turned 18! You still got a full life ahead of you.

    Don’t let people get to you. Live your life to the fullest! You deserve to life.

    I feel like everybody hates me, and I don't even know why. My school is organizing a exchange travel and I casually commented I was consider

  • Thank you :)

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    Don’t listen to those kids. Those are the types of kids who will get no where in life if they keep acting like immature shitheads. It’s grea

  • Want to talk about it?

    joshua007 posted: »

    I think I stop with therapy

  • I find my therapist boring as fuck and I don't need one anyore all I hope is I die somewhere in 2019

    Want to talk about it?

  • Same thing happened to me at your age

    I was very sucidal I wanted to die my parents divorced moved me from big town with lots of friends everyone loved me

    To isolated farm city where everyone hated me just because I was from the city constant being bullied I just wanted to be liked tried to appease people by being nicer only got worse

    Learned important lesson not all people are good there are plenty of bad

    People earn your friendship and respect as much as you earn there's

    If to nice without boundaries people will test you by abusing you more

    Like baby touching hot pan he learns not touch if it burns

    Most important day my life as make or break kill myself or fix this

    I knew if killed myself all bullies will laugh and everyone will forget me in week.

    So decided going live my life like I want to live it no more Mr nice guy. These dudes don't deserve my friendship. Instead of taking the pain and targeting myself I will target those who caused it.

    Went in next day threw few punches and said worse stuff back to anyone who said bad stuff to me and suddenly everyone got really nice and friendly

    Even last year my ex cheated on me so I dumped her so she got lots dudes in class after me calling me names and trying fight me gave me flashbacks to my childhood they regretted that.

    I beat the crap out of everyone of them suddenly they are nicer to me then her

    Moral of story

    You got to stand up for yourself and what you believe in.

    Your pain is not their rejection but fact you didn't do anything back that's why they say anything no consequence

    I'm not saying violence as you are a girl won't have power

    BUT SAY SOMETHING BAD BACK and always remain as calm as possible when saying it it will drive them crazy and you feel so much better and they see you as no pushover

    You are highly intelligent they are jealous use that to ur advantage

    I know there is warrior in there time to wake it up

    I feel like everybody hates me, and I don't even know why. My school is organizing a exchange travel and I casually commented I was consider

  • Don't you still have long life left and many awesome times and adventure's ahead

    At times looks bleak then couple months later we find something that inspires us and we never been as happy mine was sport

    joshua007 posted: »

    I think I stop with therapy

  • No, no. Please, don't die. Today I has some problems with my therapist so I understand (she sees my age before my personality, saying that I can't be happy until I do things people of my age do like going to parties or not talking about politics and those are things I just can't do and would only make me more stressed and miserable and claims that i can't be happy while being myself si I have to change to fit with other teenagers) but please, don't die. I know things are hard and i'm sorry you're going through this but you only live once. If your life ends, there will be nothing else. You will never be happy if you die, you will never fulfill your dreams. And there is no one like you in the whole universe. If you die, the universe will be uncomplete. You can't die, you will do great things some day I'm sure, even if this great thing is something like getting up from bed and feel alive. The universe needs you. Don't give up, please. You're unique and special. If you hate your therapist, remember they're humans too and make mistakes. Not everything they say is true. They give advice but they can be wrong.

    joshua007 posted: »

    I find my therapist boring as fuck and I don't need one anyore all I hope is I die somewhere in 2019

  • Wow, this was very inspirational! Thank you! Yeah, I will have to fight back... it's hard though. I'm glad things got better for you and I hope you're okay now. I wouldn't say this is bulling, in my case. These are some bitches being bitchy. You got the bad shit, though. At least it's over now :)

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Same thing happened to me at your age I was very sucidal I wanted to die my parents divorced moved me from big town with lots of friends

  • edited September 2017

    No I feel fantastic very happy with my life and achievements so far these lessons helped me achieve great things.

    You also will achieve great things just stick at it then one day the pieces of puzzle will fit

    Good luck

    enter image description here

    Wow, this was very inspirational! Thank you! Yeah, I will have to fight back... it's hard though. I'm glad things got better for you and I h

  • My mother alwasy says that one gets what they give

    No offence to your mother but that is bullshit. Do you really think war orphans and rape victims are getting what they give? I know you dont.

    Dont worry 14 is a shitty age to be and school years are rarely the best years of peoples lives. You will get through it, it will be over before you know it :)

    I feel like everybody hates me, and I don't even know why. My school is organizing a exchange travel and I casually commented I was consider

  • I agree.

    Clord posted: »

    To be honest, for fourteen year old they seem pretty mature.

  • Thank you. And yeah, my mother is a pretty charismatic person so all she gets is good people around her so it's understanding if she believes she earned it. And she did! She means it in a sense of relationship with other people, not the Law Of Attraction with the Stars Aligning and the Horned God and that Moon Godess Lilith wated it to happen. I'm also kinda bitchy so I could try to be nicer but thank you :)

    My mother alwasy says that one gets what they give No offence to your mother but that is bullshit. Do you really think war orphans

  • edited September 2017


    Second: Eh I have depression since I was 7 and tried to kill myself multiple times in 2016 and well I quite because I suck at it and feel less depressed... But damn I suck at suicide

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Don't you still have long life left and many awesome times and adventure's ahead At times looks bleak then couple months later we find something that inspires us and we never been as happy mine was sport

  • Does anybody else ever get the feeling that they’re not good enough for the people they’re around? Like you don’t deserve friends because you’re absolutely worthless?

    Yeah, that’s kind of where I am right now.

    I feel like I’m sick in a loop of being worthless or being hated because I try too hard. I feel like I don’t deserve my friends because they’re so much nicer than me.

    Once I knew this girl who was just really mean to me. She pointed out the flaws that I didn’t like about myself and I never really noticed that she was right until this year. She would make fun of me because I was too pale or because I looked anorexic or because I was too vulgar and I never thought her words got to me until I realized that I’m not happy with who I am because I’m rude, vulgar, obnoxious, and I feel like I suffocate people sometimes...

  • Even famous people frequently don't feel good enough. We are usually our own harshest critics.

    If you think your personality could use improvement, that is something you can work on. It's a balancing act, though. You need to think about what you're doing enough to change what your habits have become (like not using vulgarities when it's inappropriate), but not so much that you bash yourself when you mess up. You just try again, and eventually, your habits change, and you wind up as a better version of yourself.

    Don't worry about deserving your friendships. Your friends obviously think you do, or they wouldn't be there.

    Does anybody else ever get the feeling that they’re not good enough for the people they’re around? Like you don’t deserve friends because yo

  • edited September 2017


  • Hey I know this is a few days old but I just felt like I'd add my two cents. Even though I don't really know you, I will say that people who treat others like shit will not go very far in life. Reading about your story is very moving and I'd like to tell you that you are worth it and you deserve to live. It's easier said than done, but don't let what those jackasses say get to you, instead let your heart and mind fill with all the positive responses you've received since you posted this. I do hope things get better, and feel free to message me at any time if you'd like someone to talk to. :)

    I feel like everybody hates me, and I don't even know why. My school is organizing a exchange travel and I casually commented I was consider

  • There's always a reason to live, man. Even if sometimes you don't see it. What today didn't give is something tomorrow could. Keep open spirits for the future because we only get one shot at life. No reason at all to go throwing it away. We were put on the Earth to live the best possible life we can have. Keep your head up, man and feel free to shoot me a message if you need someone to talk to. :)

    joshua007 posted: »

    I find my therapist boring as fuck and I don't need one anyore all I hope is I die somewhere in 2019

  • Not everyone is made for this world

    BroKenny posted: »

    There's always a reason to live, man. Even if sometimes you don't see it. What today didn't give is something tomorrow could. Keep open spir

  • Thank you :)

    BroKenny posted: »

    Hey I know this is a few days old but I just felt like I'd add my two cents. Even though I don't really know you, I will say that people who

  • edited September 2017

    Don’t let people pull you down, if anyone makes fun of you or try to make you feel bad, report them or ignore them, don’t let what she say make you do anything bad to yourself, it will only give the person their satisfaction. It is also nice to have friends that are nice to you, don’t think that you don’t deserve them, You’re lucky to have any real friends. I have had fake friends and I hated it, they made fun of me, calling me “alien” because Im from a different country, and they made wierd noises that somehow are supposed to mimic me. This really hurt my feelings. I’m glad they went to a different high school so I don’t have to see them again. Don’t ever feel like you’re worthless.

    Does anybody else ever get the feeling that they’re not good enough for the people they’re around? Like you don’t deserve friends because yo

  • Everyone's life has different hardships and the world can be cruel and great at times but everyone's life has a purpose. Your life has a purpose, even when it doesn't seem like it.

    joshua007 posted: »

    Not everyone is made for this world

  • Thanks bro I hope you ok things will get better I hope you fail Everytime as you have lot to contribute to this world your nice person

    joshua007 posted: »

    First: ALL PRAISE THE ALMIGHTY MARKD!!! Second: Eh I have depression since I was 7 and tried to kill myself multiple times in 2016 and well I quite because I suck at it and feel less depressed... But damn I suck at suicide

  • Sometimes girls tease because they have a crush on you

    Also could be projection where person puts their deepest insecurities onto others so bet you she was all the things she said

    I personally don't get that feeling I feel like everyone deserves good friendships.

    But important lesson I learned that you will learn is, no matter how hard you can't change who you are, you going have to accept your faults and do the best you can do no one is perfect either so they shouldn't expect not everyone deserves your time and friendship unless they treat you with respect.


    People sense insecuritie never put anyone on a pedestal

    Believe in yourself and others will too

    How can you expect anyone to think your awesome unless you do?

    No one is better then you they earn your respect

    Does anybody else ever get the feeling that they’re not good enough for the people they’re around? Like you don’t deserve friends because yo

  • If I’m being honest, this girl is doing it just to spite me, that much I know.

    When we went to the same church, I was closer with a lot of people she wanted to be close to automatically because I was nicer than she was and I always made sure to look my best. There is definitely no crush, since she’s engaged and pregnant, I really just think she liked pushing me around because she knew I’d take it.

    You’re definitely right and the other people who’ve responded are right as well, I need to stop allowing myself to be pushed around if I want something to change.

    I thank you and the others who’ve responded, you’re all very wonderful people.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Sometimes girls tease because they have a crush on you Also could be projection where person puts their deepest insecurities onto others

  • edited September 2017

    Lmao trust me when I say that 14 years old is definitely not supposed to be one of the best years of your life. Your life hasn't even started yet. Hell, MINE hasn't even started yet!

    I feel like everybody hates me, and I don't even know why. My school is organizing a exchange travel and I casually commented I was consider

  • Aah thanks

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Thanks bro I hope you ok things will get better I hope you fail Everytime as you have lot to contribute to this world your nice person

  • edited October 2017

    So I work for a rock band all a rodie. It's an original band that plays all original songs. The band is about to take off.

    If you know anything about rodies, especially those who are employed by rock bands, then you know most of them look like rode warriors - long hair, unkempt beards, and many of them are on drugs.

    Now personally speaking, I don't ddo drugs. I do have long hair, which I've been growing out for a year and a half, and I also have a beard, which I have had ever since I was 20 years old.

    My hair does need a little trimming, but my beard I keep very well groomed. And I always strive to dress in a professional manner. I don't wear torn or dirty blue jeans or dirty shirts, and I never ever drink while on the job.

    In short I'm more clean cut than most of the rodies out there. And yet my boss wants me to cut my hair and shave my beard. I don't get it!

    The drummer has a beard and ponytail, both which he keeps well trimmed, and yet I'm the one who is required to clip my hair and shave.

    If push came to shove, I'd reluctantly cut my hair if necessary, but I will NOT shave my beard. I've had my beard for YEARS, it's become a part of who I am. If I didn't have it, I wouldn't feel like myself.

    And as I already stated, I keep it meticulously groomed, so I don't understand, especially given the nature of my job why my boss wants me to get rid of it?

    Now I know there are those of you who are gonna be thinking: "Better to be clean shaven and have a job, than to be bearded and unemployed, or worse."

    And I appreciate that and agree with that in and of itself. However given the nature of my job and the enviroment I work in, it doesn't make any sense.

    He has been very careful with the band's image, and I appreciate and respect that. But when the drummer has a beard and ponytail, and when most rodies look like road warriors, and who are on drugs, and I try to look well groomed and don't participate in drug use, that's where I've got a big problem.

    So how can I keep my beard, and hopefully my hair as well, without sacrificing my job?

  • Just ask him about it dude.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    So I work for a rock band all a rodie. It's an original band that plays all original songs. The band is about to take off. If you know an

  • Beard will grow back, but wallet won't fill itself.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    So I work for a rock band all a rodie. It's an original band that plays all original songs. The band is about to take off. If you know an

  • I don't think you can compare yourself to band members, but you should be able to compare yourself to other roadies. If others look worse than you, politely ask if there's a way you can improve your appearance acceptably while keeping your beard. What would they do if someone had a religious reason for keeping a beard?

    If they won't budge, though, then you'll just have to choose between the job and the beard.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    So I work for a rock band all a rodie. It's an original band that plays all original songs. The band is about to take off. If you know an

  • You’re worth something to us :)

    I feel like everybody hates me, and I don't even know why. My school is organizing a exchange travel and I casually commented I was consider

  • God I need therapy. I legit think I’m going insane most of the time and say the most fucked up shit :flushed:

  • This comment is probably too late and you've probably moved on by now and be like "omg why are people still commenting on this lmao wtf?", but... I'll post it anyway.

    That's actually really awful the way that your classmates treat you.
    If they can't actually come up with a valid reason to not wanna be around you, and all they cay say is "fuck off!" and call you names (which... is really unintelligent and immature), then the problem is with them, not you.

    Self-worth shouldn't be measured by how many friends you have.
    Is there anyone that you're close to at all, like a family member? A Brother/Sister? A Grandfather/Grandmother? An Uncle/Aunt? Errm... a cat? :)
    People make such a fuss about having friends that it can sometimes make us forget the importance of other relationships too.

    It can be really frustrating when people tell you who you are and act like they know you (I get that from some people too...), sometimes it can get to a point where you don't even trust yourself, but no one can know you better than yourself, even if sometimes, you are not sure yourself.

    Sometimes we can treat ourselves unfairly.
    If there were someone else going through exactly what you are going through right now, would you think that they were a horrible person? Would you think that they didn't deserve to live?

    This are supposed to be the best years of my life painting graffitti and looking for anymal skulls in the forest with friends to decorate our houses

    Holy shit! I didn't know that's what 14 year olds were suppose to do! XD
    But if this year doesn't turn out to be the best, then try again next year.
    Try not to worry about it too much, you have plenty of time left.

    For what it's worth, I think you're one of the more decent, nicer people on these forums.

    I feel like everybody hates me, and I don't even know why. My school is organizing a exchange travel and I casually commented I was consider

  • ...Like what? If you don't mind my asking.

    Melton23 posted: »

    God I need therapy. I legit think I’m going insane most of the time and say the most fucked up shit

  • The problem is, if you wait until you're 40 to go look for animal skulls in the forest to decorate your house, people think you're a lunatic.

    This comment is probably too late and you've probably moved on by now and be like "omg why are people still commenting on this lmao wtf?", b

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