The Vent/Help Thread



  • edited February 2016

    So how bout we drop this, it's just getting stupid at this point.

    Yeah, it really is- I was just trying to give advice and guess I was rude but because I don't want to hear that you hurt somebody you liked by accident, it somehow turned into pointless arguing about teen dating and how one of us is messed up apparently (good example of unhealthy arguing here). Sorry that I came off insulting and I didn't mean to hurt your feelings or anything.

    That sounds like a good idea for you guys, indeed. Let's do that.

    Yeah it does....Time to look at other stuff

    "Over reaction" is a broad term, which part was over reacting? Disagreeing with a part of your advice or saying what the hell for saying I s

  • Update: She cheated, we're over.

    To everyone who previously posted:

    @Saltlick123 @happylovelyperson2016 @bigdogg0821

  • I am so sorry Golden. :( How are you feeling?

    Update: She cheated, we're over. To everyone who previously posted: @Saltlick123 @happylovelyperson2016 @bigdogg0821

  • Sorry I came off rudely earlier and sorry to hear that :(

    Update: She cheated, we're over. To everyone who previously posted: @Saltlick123 @happylovelyperson2016 @bigdogg0821

  • Betrayed. Mostly fine though, she dumped me for a pot head trying to make me feel like it was my fault, she's now dating's been less than a day since we broke up.

    It's funny if nothing else, I'm better than the other guy in almost every single way, so she took a major downgrade.

    I am so sorry Golden. How are you feeling?

  • It's cool, you came off rude, it's true but I don't really care. There's no point in holding grudges over something that stupid.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Sorry I came off rudely earlier and sorry to hear that

  • Not going to lie to you, but females are complicated. A lot of us always pick the crummy dude and leave a good dude that cares about us. Always want to choose the bad boy (don't see what's so great about them). And if she comes running back to you, in my opinion, say no. You can find girls that you deserve and that care about you. I hope you find someone else. But don't go too fast. Make a friendship first and see if they are trustworthy and are capable of being the right one.

    Betrayed. Mostly fine though, she dumped me for a pot head trying to make me feel like it was my fault, she's now dating's been les

  • If she tries to come back to me, then I'm going to straight out deny her, she made her choice and she needs to live with it.

    Not going to lie to you, but females are complicated. A lot of us always pick the crummy dude and leave a good dude that cares about us. Alw

  • Good. She doesn't deserve you. You seem like a good dude.

    If she tries to come back to me, then I'm going to straight out deny her, she made her choice and she needs to live with it.

  • Well, you'll meet better people eventually and life goes on.

    It's cool, you came off rude, it's true but I don't really care. There's no point in holding grudges over something that stupid.

  • @Saltlick123

    I feel like I should tell you both that he's a manipulative sociopath that is just using her.

    Good. She doesn't deserve you. You seem like a good dude.

  • Believe it or not, my school just had to sit through a talk today about abusive relationships and using people so I've heard a lot of that stuff within the past 24 hours. Seems like she's made her choices though and if the guy's trash then I guess they're good for each other (It might be one thing to leave someone for somebody else but cheating is the big alarm that screams untrustworthy A-hole for me)

    But hey, I guess stuff just happens and now there's better stuff to do.

    @Saltlick123 I feel like I should tell you both that he's a manipulative sociopath that is just using her.

  • I just sent my last message to her, and all it had was a warning about him and good luck in the future.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Believe it or not, my school just had to sit through a talk today about abusive relationships and using people so I've heard a lot of that s

  • Well shit, that's low.

    Sorry to hear it, but you're probably better off.

    Update: She cheated, we're over. To everyone who previously posted: @Saltlick123 @happylovelyperson2016 @bigdogg0821

  • Agreed.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Well shit, that's low. Sorry to hear it, but you're probably better off.

  • I'm sorry to hear that Golden.

    You're a great guy, she doesn't deseve you and she'll eventually realize that. I hope you're doing well.

    Update: She cheated, we're over. To everyone who previously posted: @Saltlick123 @happylovelyperson2016 @bigdogg0821

  • Thank you, I appreciate the support. I am doing well, it bugs me still but that's to be expected.

    TheCatWolf posted: »

    I'm sorry to hear that Golden. You're a great guy, she doesn't deseve you and she'll eventually realize that. I hope you're doing well.

  • A positive and mature way to end a stressful and ridiculous situation.

    I just sent my last message to her, and all it had was a warning about him and good luck in the future.

  • Aww :(

    I can see you're a better person than what she chose you over with. I hope you find someone better.

    Update: She cheated, we're over. To everyone who previously posted: @Saltlick123 @happylovelyperson2016 @bigdogg0821

  • Bus driver today thought it would be funny to close the door on me just as I was getting out, nearly trapping me between the doors, all with a sneer on his face.

    And this was not long after we were being held up by a car accident that occurred very recently on the crossroad, with police and ambulances surveying the area to treat the wounded.

  • I'm so sorry to hear that she did this to you. Good fucking riddance I'd say, you're better off without her.

    Update: She cheated, we're over. To everyone who previously posted: @Saltlick123 @happylovelyperson2016 @bigdogg0821

  • Very mature, I respect that. I know I wouldn't have been able to handle something like this as well as you have.

    I just sent my last message to her, and all it had was a warning about him and good luck in the future.

  • I'm also going to inform people of it but i'm pretty done with it.

    Very mature, I respect that. I know I wouldn't have been able to handle something like this as well as you have.

  • Bitches be trippin' yo.

    Update: She cheated, we're over. To everyone who previously posted: @Saltlick123 @happylovelyperson2016 @bigdogg0821

  • Don't let anger and fear fuel you! Apathy is better.

    I'm really at a loss at the moment... I'm just about ready to give up on love and even relationships of any sort altogether. There's practic

  • God I hate tornado warnings.

  • edited February 2016

    enter link description here

    Cheats on you and it's somehow your fault wtf that's the true definition of a slut I read this earlier and got really upset idk people who do this really piss me off.

    Just take pride in knowing instead of sitting back and being with a cheater for longer wasting your life on someone like that you persuaded your suspicious-ions now you're free of her congrats I'm sorry to hear this but still happy u no longer have to deal with such a sneaky unloyal person.

    You deserve better

    Update: She cheated, we're over. To everyone who previously posted: @Saltlick123 @happylovelyperson2016 @bigdogg0821

  • Honestly, she made her choice, and it was a bad choice. Best part? People still defend her.

    Aww I can see you're a better person than what she chose you over with. I hope you find someone better.

  • Agreed, she made her choice and I'm okay with it.

    I'm so sorry to hear that she did this to you. Good fucking riddance I'd say, you're better off without her.

  • They do indeed, be tripping.

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    Bitches be trippin' yo.

  • It was bullshit, I knew it from the start. If I can thank anxiety for anything, it's giving me the ability to see beyond the layer of obvious.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    enter link description here Cheats on you and it's somehow your fault wtf that's the true definition of a slut I read this earlier and go

  • Thank you, though, i'm in high school and i'm still a teen so I'm still probably going to make a few off comments to him if I see him.

    A positive and mature way to end a stressful and ridiculous situation.

  • Cut all contact with her no doubt she try drag you back in somehow to feel less guilty. Don't be mean or anything she no doubt will look for sympathy off her friends and yours for her cheating by saying what you said or did so important to give her no ammo at this time and no ways to ruin any of your future relationships or friendships.

    She might even send her friends or your friends to ask u stuff about this situation without you knowing to spy on you and make you prove her right don't even gossip or speak of this situation let her actions speak alone.

    Say nothing, do nothing completely ignore her and move on don't let this girl in any way affect your life for now on good luck.

    It was bullshit, I knew it from the start. If I can thank anxiety for anything, it's giving me the ability to see beyond the layer of obvious.

  • Oh Mark, you doubt me. I already had the upper hand from the beginning.

    Any friends of his or hers I could tell about what happened, I did. She can't turn the tables at all anymore, neither of them can, and it's funny to me. They played their game and they thought they won, but when you play with a man who is half crazy, no one wins. I may have lost a relationship, but they have their reputation ruined. I'm okay with how it ended, and it's finally over for me.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Cut all contact with her no doubt she try drag you back in somehow to feel less guilty. Don't be mean or anything she no doubt will look for

  • Ayyyyy manatees are cool!! ;););):)

  • People still defend her.

    Lol, what? How come?

    Honestly, she made her choice, and it was a bad choice. Best part? People still defend her.

  • They're her friends I guess, they still say she didn't cheat but literally everything points against it.

    TheCatWolf posted: »

    People still defend her. Lol, what? How come?

  • edited February 2016

    I hate Fifty Shades , I hate Christian Grey , and I hate that the author is actually part of the Twilight Fandom. She's giving us all a bad name.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Searched for a person like an abusive person and found it this stupidity I'm speechless WHY THE F**K WOULD U WANT A PERSON like Christian

  • You know what else are cool? Bow ties.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Ayyyyy manatees are cool!! ;);):)

  • Lara is fat. Like, really fat. But she's still beautiful. She takes care of herself better than most people do.

    that's an oxymoron

    Love, doesn't, fucking exist.

    Maybe you just live in bumfuck nowhere where these average couples have 2 digit IQs

    I'm really at a loss at the moment... I'm just about ready to give up on love and even relationships of any sort altogether. There's practic

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