The 58th Annual Hunger Games: An Interactive fan fiction



  • [Stay on look out]

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Troy: District 7 For the next several hours, Alara and I switch from steady jogging to walking to put as much distance from us and the tr

  • [Stay on look out]

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Troy: District 7 For the next several hours, Alara and I switch from steady jogging to walking to put as much distance from us and the tr

  • [Stay on lookout]

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Troy: District 7 For the next several hours, Alara and I switch from steady jogging to walking to put as much distance from us and the tr

  • Forget about the song that I post for Connor

    Here come the new one...

  • edited March 2015

    Starting day two! :D


    TWD_25 posted: »

    Starting day two!

  • edited March 2015

    Harvest: District 9

    Day 2

    The cold wet ground greets me with open arms. Wet dew sits on the forest floor. To be honest, I’m surprised someone didn’t kill me in the middle of the night. I attempted to scale a tree last night but fell.

    The odds aren’t in my favor, not with that three in or training, not with my forgettable impressions. Being from district nine doesn’t help either, where there’s only a handful of victors.

    I’m on my way back to the Cornucopia, just in the outskirts of the woods, because I can’t leave with nothing. Horrific visions of the slaughter flood my brain, Omri had died before

    Obviously the careers have cleared all the good stuff. Weapons are all but gone. But there are some items, some the careers deemed useless. Just outside the Cornucopia there’s a rope, some plastic, a canteen and a half eaten apple. It’s a shame they’re so wasteful. Careers would be the victor every year if their idiocy and arrogance didn’t cloud their vision. That apple looks good, my stomachs been growling all morning, my lips are parched from the cool dry air. I’m hungry but I won’t dare to waste it today unless I find some edible plants.

    I guess this is what it’s come to. I think to myself, a half eaten, likely rotten apple is what I'm risking my life for, as well as other valuables. Without hesitation I sprint off into the Cornucopia for the first time, I grab them as they come. The plastic, a canteen, the rope all that’s left is the apple. But my plans are discredited when I suddenly hear voices. Instinctively, I redirect my destination to inside the Cornucopia, not without grabbing the apple though.

    “I think I saw her come this way” A sharp whisper comes out from a girl with dark brown hair and sharp eyes. I know these voices, I’ve been watching them. It’s the careers! Who else would be hunting like a pack of hungry wolves? I crawl myself back to the very back of the horn where the shade covers me to it’s fullest potential, I’m not safer this way, not at all. I’ll be trapped in this tiny little corner if they see me.

    “Spread the perimeter, we’re not letting nine get away.” My heart drops, It’s the seductive and beautiful girl from one with the classically good looks. I’ve seen her with a mace, I’d hate to be her next victim.

    Several minutes pass, the careers break from the Cornucopia but I don’t dare run, they’re in range. They’re faster than me and that boy from four can probably hit me with his spear.

    Satina, I hear someone call the girl from district one. Ugh, just like district one people. Name your child after a fabric, although her name has an added a to the end. Anyways, someone calls Satina over. She’s not pleased.

    “What do you mean she’s gone!” She snaps. “Go! Go for the woods!”

    I try my best to act calm for the cameras most definitely filming me right now. I teasingly take a bite of my apple and smile, the Capitol will love this little gimmick. I’m glad the careers don’t have the common sense to check in.

    I’ll study there strengths, there weaknesses. From one day I can conclude the tributes from one and two are all buddy-buddy but aren’t especially keen of the pair from four. That’s good, let them break from the inside instead of the out. That makes it a thousand times easier for me. From day two it’s safe to assume most are idiots. I mean, who wouldn’t check inside the Cornucopia?

    I make a plan to make a plan. I’ll run for it, the woods may or may not be the best idea, it’s large, it keeps you hidden, but it’s career infested. Meanwhile, there new base could be set up somewhere near, possibly empty from that goose chase. New supplies, a weapon. I just need to be fast enough.

    [Try to find the careers new base] [Hide in the woods]

    I hate writing short parts. This was as much as I could do, sorry for the length. :(

  • No problem at all it was great thanks

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Harvest: District 9 Day 2 The cold wet ground greets me with open arms. Wet dew sits on the forest floor. To be honest, I’m surprised

  • edited March 2015

    [Hide in the woods]

    To be honest, both options sound horribly dangerous. If the woods are career-infested, chances are the career base is slightly better. But the careers in the base will specifically target her if she tries to steal anything. I don't want her to die, so I think this could be safer for her.

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Harvest: District 9 Day 2 The cold wet ground greets me with open arms. Wet dew sits on the forest floor. To be honest, I’m surprised

  • ahsheydneh :c idkkkkk

    [Hide in woods]

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Harvest: District 9 Day 2 The cold wet ground greets me with open arms. Wet dew sits on the forest floor. To be honest, I’m surprised

  • [Hide in the woods]

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Harvest: District 9 Day 2 The cold wet ground greets me with open arms. Wet dew sits on the forest floor. To be honest, I’m surprised

  • [Hide in the woods] go for high ground!

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Harvest: District 9 Day 2 The cold wet ground greets me with open arms. Wet dew sits on the forest floor. To be honest, I’m surprised

  • edited March 2015

    Who's your favorite POV so far? This doesn't mean favorite character but who's point of view is most exciting to watch. I can't say mine but I'll say this for Harvest, she was surprisingly fun to write. Also, I've narrowed down the victors to six, there'll be six multiple endings, you just have to choose wisely. >:D

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Harvest: District 9 Day 2 The cold wet ground greets me with open arms. Wet dew sits on the forest floor. To be honest, I’m surprised

  • edited March 2015

    While she is not my favourite character, I go with Emily here. Seeing how she just tricks everyone, including me and seeing how completely oblivious all the dumb careers are regarding her true intelligence and skills is very satisfying. After every PoV of her's, I like her a little bit more and she is easily my favourite career already and probably among my 5 favourite characters

    And even though I hate his guts and wish for his early and bloody death, the occasional Connor PoV has been fun to read, simply because I enjoy an occasional villain PoV and because I love to wish for him to fail epically. It's fun rooting for his death and it's even more fun seeing his unfounded arrogance, these are probably the only good things I can say about him.

    Also, I've narrowed down the victors to six, there'll be six multiple endings, you just have to choose wisely. >:D

    I would find it quite hilarious if Cain, the master of puzzles, is the victor in one of these possible endings, simply because I'm still a bit amazed he survived the bloodbath and because I really can't see him as a victor XD

    Though my early guess for these possible victors would be Satina, Emily, Sasha, Alara, Cheyenne and Durian. If Cheyenne and Durian can't win because of canonic reasons, my replacement guesses would be Troy and Harvest

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Who's your favorite POV so far? This doesn't mean favorite character but who's point of view is most exciting to watch. I can't say mine but

  • [Hide in the woods]

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Harvest: District 9 Day 2 The cold wet ground greets me with open arms. Wet dew sits on the forest floor. To be honest, I’m surprised

  • [Try to find the careers new base] I am gonna be that guy :P

    Awesome Chapter!!

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Harvest: District 9 Day 2 The cold wet ground greets me with open arms. Wet dew sits on the forest floor. To be honest, I’m surprised

  • edited March 2015

    My favorites point´s of view are Clayton , Harvest , Durian , Emily and Connor. Clayton because he is cool , Harvest because she is kinda the "everyone is stupid except for me" , Connor because death is cool , Emily because fuck the careers abd Durian because Durian :P

    Who do i want to win at least one of the six endings? Durian (obvious) , Cain , Clayton , Emily , Alara and Harvest. If staying cannon , then put Zelos instead of Durian

    Who do i think would be the winners of each one? Emily , Connor , Alara , Satina , Ash or Troy.

    PS: Also , District one isn´t the only one to put those kind of names to people. For example , In district 6 people can be named Ford

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Who's your favorite POV so far? This doesn't mean favorite character but who's point of view is most exciting to watch. I can't say mine but

  • Also , after the end , could you tell us who could have won the other endings?

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Who's your favorite POV so far? This doesn't mean favorite character but who's point of view is most exciting to watch. I can't say mine but

  • I would like to see more from Connor perspective, of course is one from my favorite characters but I hope he will do something soon also Sasha is fading what isn't good and I want more of Alara.

    It's a cool idea to having more endings but I am scare my/ours choice will kill Sasha.

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Who's your favorite POV so far? This doesn't mean favorite character but who's point of view is most exciting to watch. I can't say mine but

  • [Hide in the Woods]

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Harvest: District 9 Day 2 The cold wet ground greets me with open arms. Wet dew sits on the forest floor. To be honest, I’m surprised

  • [Hide in the woods]

    Great part

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Harvest: District 9 Day 2 The cold wet ground greets me with open arms. Wet dew sits on the forest floor. To be honest, I’m surprised

  • I like Emily's POV, she reminds me or Mira. Idk why.

    For the six multiple endings I'm hoping it's Cheyenne Alara Cain Zelos Troy or Emily but it'll probably be Emily Troy Alara Satina Ash or Harvest.

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Who's your favorite POV so far? This doesn't mean favorite character but who's point of view is most exciting to watch. I can't say mine but

  • [Hide in the woods]

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Harvest: District 9 Day 2 The cold wet ground greets me with open arms. Wet dew sits on the forest floor. To be honest, I’m surprised

  • Starting part two of day two!


    TWD_25 posted: »

    Starting part two of day two!

  • [Hide in the woods]

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Harvest: District 9 Day 2 The cold wet ground greets me with open arms. Wet dew sits on the forest floor. To be honest, I’m surprised

  • I like Emily's POV the best because her view on things are really interesting tbh. Plus, she reminds me of Johanna Mason :D one of my favourite characters from the hunger games trilogy c:

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Who's your favorite POV so far? This doesn't mean favorite character but who's point of view is most exciting to watch. I can't say mine but

  • WOOO!

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Starting part two of day two!

  • Sorry guys, I haven't had time to write. Next part will be up sometime later today.

  • Someone is going to die u.u

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Sorry guys, I haven't had time to write. Next part will be up sometime later today.

  • Cool.

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Sorry guys, I haven't had time to write. Next part will be up sometime later today.

  • Starting part two!

  • :D

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Starting part two!

  • :P

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Starting part two!

  • Cool

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Starting part two!

  • Behold supers reaction of joy

    supersagig posted: »


  • .............................................

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Starting part two!

  • Sorry for the wait guys! A family member of line showed up unexpectedly yesterday, and I passed out. I've been writing for about 4 hours and it's almost done.

  • edited April 2015

    Colton: District 12

    DAY 2

    Anger. I guess that one word could describe my life this week. My pool of ally’s had been cut in half. Two people I knew were dead, of course I should be angry. Angry at the Games, that stupid escort who reaped my name, and most of all, the Capitol, who forced us here for their entertainment.

    Unfortunately this anger’s been taken out on Durian. Not punching or hitting but just the bitter things I do. We’re both tired, both angered. The only good thing to happen to us was this knife we took the girl from two. But we’ve hardly spoken, or said anything to eachother.

    “My mentor Soya won her games by hiding. Maybe that’s just what we need to do.” Durian finally breaks the silence. It’s a great plan… if Durian was alone. I’m a stocky guy, I'd stick out like a fish out of water. “That’s not going to happen.” I tell him. Durian doesn’t question it. Or atleast doesn’t bother to say anything.

    “We can’t hide, we need water. Fast.” My eyes are locked in the distance. I don’t even bother to look back at him. Our main goal is to find water. All that delicious food in the Capitol has kept us going since yesterday. But the lack of water in my body was something I never even considered. At best, we'll make it five days without it.

    “I’m not that thirsty.” He assures me. His voice is weak and hoarse, maybe from the tears shed from his district partner.

    “Cool weather like this will do that to you. Just because you’re not thirsty doesn’t mean you’re not dehydrated.” I’ve tried to refrain from saying the bitter things. It’s not like he would know, if I remember from school then eleven’s in the south.

    “I’m sorry, I didn’t know.” Durian softly says. “Are we still friends?”

    “I’m not here to make friends with you, Durian. I’m here to win.” I tell him in a tone harsher than intended. As of lately I’ve been taking out all my stress on Durian, he doesn’t deserve it but do any of us? I’m not even sure if the Careers love the Games. Who am I kidding of course they do.

    All I can think is that if Lilly wasn’t killed in the bloodbath she’d surely be killed by the Gamemakers at one point or another. They definitely wouldn’t want to have a contestant, let alone a victor with so much hatred over the Capitol win. Just what would it be? Acidic rain? Muttations? Fireballs? Likely it'd be something gruesome, the Capitol hates anyone that makes them look stupid.

    “How could they?” I find myself thinking aloud. “They killed off the two youngest tributes in the bloodbath Durian!” I say in a sharp whisper. “Who knows what they’re capable of?”

    “Not everybody. I’m still here. I didn’t see the girl from ten in the sky and she’s only twelve.” Right he is. Sometimes I forget I’m talking to a thirteen year old boy. It’s not because of his appearance. Dark skin paired with a wide set of brown eyes, bony arms and a short stature makes him look even younger than thirteen.

    “Can I take a look at that knife in your pocket?” My hand reaches out. Durian reluctantly hands it over. “Be careful.” He whispers. The knife is a fine one with a long sharp tip, and serrated near the handle.

    “You got that girl from two good.” I pat Durian on the back, his face eases. This opens the door for crafting weapons. It won’t be that good, I have the hands of a butcher’s son. Not the delicate touch of a crafter There’s a long narrow branch about a yard long perched against one of the trees. This, this’ll be perfect.

    I don’t dare stop moving to craft this makeshift weapon. Light is dimming and I need to be closeAfter dozens of strikes with the knife and hours of whittling the branch I manage to make something that resembles a spear. The tip is rather dull, but I’m hoping it can pierce through the parkas, which are rather thin and a painfully bright blue color.

    The ground makes a sharp downward slope, I cautiously make my way down. Helping Durian out as well

    “I think I saw a lake behind the Cornucopia. It was in the meadow.” Durian mentions.

    “We can’t do that. Anything near the Cornucopia is career territory.” Besides that, we’re already a day and a half away from the Cornucopia, we’ll be dead before we could even reach it.

    “There’s a rabbit.” Durian says as the sun slowly starts to fade in the treeline. “There’s bound to be some water if there’s a rabbit.”

    “We have to move then! We’re going to die if you don’t move.” I snap. I have no clue how to survive out here on my own. They didn’t exactly have a 'find a drinkable source of water station' in training. I’m wishing Lilly was alive, she told me on the train she sneaked out past the fences every night. She could've really helped.

    "I'm too tired, we've been walking all day." Durian's falls to the ground on his back. He's gasping for air. Nightfall will quickly be approaching. I know what’ll happen, dehydration has already set in, if we wait till’ morning it may be too late. We’ll be alive, but too weak to keep moving.

    [Let Durian rest while you search for water] [Stay with Durian]

    Sorry for the slow part, I'm trying not to play the best scenes out until later in the games. :/

  • [Let Durian rest while you search for water] kill 2 birds with 1 stone

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Colton: District 12 DAY 2 Anger. I guess that one word could describe my life this week. My pool of ally’s had been cut in half. Two p

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