Episode Discussion 'Forget'
As the previous episodes, here's the discussion thread for the newest episode, 'Forget'. Comment while, you watch and after as we discuss this episode.
Last Week: The group was welcomed in Alexandria. Still unsure about it, they sleep together in the same house and are untrusting of the residents. After an incident on a supply run with the leader's son, Aidan, tensions rise between Rick's group and the Alexandrians.
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Sounds like they had an orgy or something lol.
But I think this episode will (for the most part) be
Hopefully Abraham will get some Lines this time.....I'm still not buying the fact that Glenn got into a fight last week but Abraham didn't.. and he didn't even say anything....Also where the hell was the Priest last time?
Sasha's shooting stuff in the woods.............. AND INTRO PLAYS
Is she about to commit suicide? Sasha I mean.
Doubt it.
They noticed the W.................................... And is it me or I don't like Michonne in a Cop Uniform? Well...I don't Michonne that much in general.....
AND Daryl caught Aaron following him....
Spencer confirmed?
Plus, I see horses and mills. Foreshadow much?
I guess Sasha is now the Andrea shot of this group.
Oh never mine then there she is. : )
Tobin.....That sounds familiar....I'm not an expert on the comics, I just know the basics so who's he again?
He's the leader of their construction crew.
I think that black guy was Heath.
HORSEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And at least Abraham got a line.........
Bye Buttons
Reference to the first season much?
In the comics we never did see what happened to Buttons.
Two actually.
"I don't know about this" and "Let me get a taste."
R.I.P Button. :' (
Oh Yeah...The Horse Rick was riding......Yeah.....
The Horse is still Alive! Oh Wait...Aaron just shot him.......................... Damn Walkers....... #RIP Button
I know that but Abaraham didn't get any last time soooooo I just said "a line"
PETE!!!! And why does he seem like a nice guy....I've been told he isn't but Why? Just Why? Ugh....
It's Pete
I want to see these pics too.
After the episode I'll show you pics why he's not nice.
I think you might have shown me already.....And I've heard what happens........ But still he was just presented as being so nice.
(Again, I just know the basics of the Comics but I don't know a lot of characters and specifics so I don't get it most of the time when a new character is introduced)
Damn I missed most of the episode, guess I will have to watch later. How is it? Any good?
Daryl's got a new bike it seems.
And he's gonna be a recruiter
FUCK YEAH, Abraham got a few MORE lines!
Damn Carol! WTF is wrong with you!? That's a new low for you, Why the hell would you threaten a kid like that?
You're threatening a little boy.
Still that was uncalled for xD
Dammit Sasha.
I FOUND IT FUNNY AS HELL! "And you'll get cookies. Lots of cookies." : )
Hmmm my favorite food is a tasty Bob-aque.
I don't know whether I should be afraid of Carol or love her even more.
I enjoyed it.
True,true... but still entertaining. Evil Laugh
What is this song?
so..................... was it any good?
Sounds familiar.....