What was the point of the DLC Characters in S2

IMO they should of just wrote the whole DLC about Bonnie, at least then it would make some sense.
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IMO they should of just wrote the whole DLC about Bonnie, at least then it would make some sense.
I definitely think that they had a bigger plan for the 400 Days characters, but something happened and major parts of the story were changed and the 400 Days characters roles were, as a result, lessened.
I feel like they did plan on having them have a bigger part, but in the end story changes were made and they just didn't fit.
Did you at least have fun when you played it (first time around)?
Pointless Exposition
That line reminded me of the Nostalgia Critic when he reviewed The Last Airbender.
They were DLC relevant thats it
I think there could have been a plan or something but it got thrown out soooo
There was no point. They may have had a purpose at one point, but considering that their appearances excluding Bonnie is determinant, they were probably just in there for DLC only, even though apparently they were supposed to have a bigger role? Or so Telltale claimed...? idk.
Well something happened considering Eddie is right on ep 4's title card
They probably had a bigger purpose but it was cut
Extra content because people asked for it?
203 was very weak imo
I didn't like Season 2 in general, only 204 and 205 I found to be pretty good in hindsight.
But 203 was my least favourite Episode of a mediocre Season, simply because of it's wasted potential. For example, in the first Episode, Carver was built up as an uber villain who shoots people for the hell of it. I really didn't like that picture, and so I was glad that in 202, Carver was pretty intense and not so 'predictable evil'.
Then 203 came around.
A guy cuts some branches wrong --> Die, you worthless piece of shit!
Young girl talks to a friend --> Hit your daughter, Carlos, and hard, or Troy will do it with his AK47!
Alvin is back --> Let's beat him to death!
Guy steals Walkie Talkie --> Rape his face with it!
It is a complete 180, which sadly happened constantly in all of Season 2.
Also, it was fairly obvious that Telltale cut the DLC characters, at least for me. I would say they had a more important role at first, but then Telltale had the idea with the Russians, and they replaced Eddie's (?) group (since he is in the 204 slide).
I was just disappointed by that Episode, also the way Telltale handled deaths. Did we really need Carver, Troy, Carlos and determinant Alvin in one Episode? Seems too much to me.
Am i the only person that wonders what the original story was?
Well of course, however it should still build a story, that is what story driven games do, is they build and build the story, higher, and higher until it either topples over, or becomes a skyscraper.
I think lots of people do, myself included
To keep people busy and not wait for the walking dead season 2?