will clem ever have a drink?

clem has not yet drunk anything. will she be alive next season or is she okay right now? im worried
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clem has not yet drunk anything. will she be alive next season or is she okay right now? im worried
She drank some wine in No Going Back.
Juice Boxes save lives.
She can in A House Divided if you save Nick and in No Going Back if you want her to.
She can drink with Nick if you go with him instead of Pete, and in No Going Back she has the chance to both drink and smoke. I don't see why everyone is so excited about a kid getting to drink, but whatever.
We just wanna play Bad Parent Simulator, that's all
Included with what these fine people in this topic have said, she also got to drink pure, cold, delicious water from the many times in season 2 when she almost drowned.
She's just holding out for some Banang is all.
LOL CPS took my Clementine Sadface
She already did!
They shit, piss, brush their theeth, clean theirselves, drink, eat, but not on camera.
well sometimes.
It was rum.
What im wondering is when clem is gunna smoke some weed
She already had a drink and smoke some stuff! Of course, it's only determinant so my Clementine didn't had.
I would give her a nice refreshing drink of
I would pay to see her reaction xD
Imagine Clementine smoking for the first time, the paranoid scratchies she'd get from thinking zombies are going to get her.
We should kickstarter this game, and sell it as a joke game on Steam for ten bucks. We would make a million dollars.
I hope I don't get hate for this but I'd actually pay to see that.